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` Procedia Engineering 174 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1314
`13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016
`DPI & DFI: a Malicious Behavior Detection Method Combining
`Deep Packet Inspection and Deep Flow Inspection
`Yu-tong Guo&, Yang Gao&, Yan Wang*, Meng-yuan Qin, Yu-jie Pu, Zeng Wang, Dan-
`dan Liu, Xiang-jun Chen, Tian-feng Gao, Ting-ting Lv, Zhong-chuan Fu
`Department of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institue of Technology, Harbin 150001, P.R. China
`A malicious behavior detection approach which combines both the DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) and DFI (Deep Flow Inspection)
`is proposed, namely DPI & DFI. For the DPI & DFI method an outlier data mining method is employed. The fine-grained DPI is
`suitable for plaintext traffic, while DFI is a complementary for encrypted or emerging traffic. The collaborative detection
`approach includes three phases: DPI detection, DFI detection & comparison, and feedback. In present work, the C4.5 data-
`mining decision tree is adopted as classifier. The KDD Cup’99 benchmark is used and representative attack categories such as
`Probing, DOS, R2L (Remote to User) and U2R (User to Root) are evaluated. In-depth analysis demonstrates that the U2R and
`R2L attack categories lead to lower detection rate, and in particular the attack types contribute most are put forward. In future
`work, some other types of classifiers suitable to R2L and U2R attack categories should be investigated.
`© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
`© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
`Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management.
`Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management
`Keywords: DPI; DFI; Probing; DOS; R2L; U2R
`1. Introduction
`The malicious behavior detection is of vital importance to internet security. The following attack categories such
`as Probing, DOS (Denial Of Service), R2L (Remote to User) and U2R (User to Root) remain a serious threat to
`internet. Malicious behavior detection is generally classified into two levels: packet level and flow level, for which
`DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) and DFI (Deep Flow Detection) are representatives. DPI is a fine-grained detection
`& Authors contribute equally to this work and should be considered as co-first authors.
`* Corresponding author. Tel.:13009871730, 15124585561
`E-mail address:,
`1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
`Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management
`doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.276
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` Yu-tong Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1314
`approach, by resolving headers and sometimes the payload of protocols, the fingerprints of application-layer content
`of network packets are recognized. It is very suitable for unencrypted traffic and known protocols. However the low
`detection rate and high false positive made it unaffordable [1]. DFI is a coarse-grained approach aiming at
`macroscopic traffic behavior with a statistical or AI analysis, which is very effective for the encrypted traffic and
`unknown protocols [2]. In recent years, the fine-grained DPI is coupled with a coarse-grained flow level DFI
`analysis, and a classifier is employed to overcome the low detection rate of DPI [3]. In this paper, a malicious
`behavior detection method namely DPI & DFI is proposed, which combines the fine-grained DPI with a coarse-
`grained DFI, and an outlier data mining analysis is conducted to overcome the false positives of DPI. The proposed
`approach includes three phases: DPI detection, DFI detection & comparison, and a feedback. The efficacy of the
`proposed method and the underlying factors that cause false positive detections are investigated in great details.
`2. The Proposed Method
`2.1. Framework
`The proposed DPI & DFI collaborative detection approach is depicted in Fig. 1. It includes three phases: Phase I
`DPI detection, phase II DFI detection & comparison, phase III feedback and DPI restarts.
`Phase I. DPI detection.
`In this phase, A fine-grained packet level inspection, e.g. DPI, is conducted. By resolving the protocol headers,
`fingerprints of application-layer content of network packets are recognized, e.g. the IP address, port number, the
`name of application protocol and etc. The DPI is effective for unencrypted traffic and known protocols. After that a
`result is accquired.
`Phase II. DFI detection & Comparison.
`DPI is not suitable for the encrypted traffic and unknown protocols, besides the high false-positive detection rate
`is unfordable. Accordingly, in this work it is coupled with a coarse-grained DFI engine and a data-mining analysis is
`employed. In this work, an outlier data mining method is adopted for deep flow inspection. The data-mining
`includes the following processes, e.g. mapping symbolic attributes to numeric attributes, dataset fragmentation,
`feature reduction, and data-mining, etc. In fact, the coarse-grained DFI and the data minging classifier are not only
`effective for encrypted traffic and unknown protocols, but also aiming at false-positive detections of DPI [4].
`Phase III. Feedback
`When an encrypted traffic and an unknown protocol is resolved, the detection result of DFI is the final result.
`Otherwise, a comparison is made for DFI and DPI deteciton. When the fingerprints of DFI detection is the same
`with that of the DPI, the final result is accauired. Otherwise, a false-positive sample is signaled and a feedback is
`forwarded to the Phase I and the DPI is restarted.
`Phase II
`Deep Flow
`Deep Flow
`classififf er
`final results
`Network Traffic
`encrypted traffic
`unknown protocols
`unencrypted traffic
`known protocols
`Deep Packet
`Deep Packet
`Phase I
`Phase III
`Fig. 1. The overall framework of DPI & DFI
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` Yu-tong Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1314
`2.2. Experimental Setup
`Intrusion detection mainly focuses on four attack categories, including DOS (Denial Of Service), probing, U2R
`( User2Root) and R2L (Remote2Local) attacks. Owing to the nature of IDS, DoS attack category accounts for the
`major of the attacks. Denial of Service (Dos) is the primary attack category for which an attacker tries to prevent
`legitimate users from using a service. DOS includes the following attack types: apache, back, land, mailbomb,
`neptune, pod, processtable, smurf, teardrop, and udpstorm, etc.
`Probing is one of the attack categories that an attacker tries to gain information about the target, typical attack
`types are ipsweep, mscan, nmap, portsweep, saint, and satan attack, etc.
`R2L (Remote to Local) is the attack category that an attacker does not have an account of the victim, hence he
`tries to gain a privilege. The representative attack types include ftp_write, guess_password, imap, multihop, named,
`phf, sendmail, snmpgetattack, snmpguess, warezmaster, worm, xlock, xsnoop, and httptunnel etc.
`U2R (User to Root) is the attack category that an attacker uses normal user account to gain a super-user privilege
`by taking the measures such as password sniffing, dictionary attacking, and social engineering etc. The typical
`attack types for U2R include: buffer_overflow, loadmodule, perl, rootkit, ps, sqlattack, and xterm etc.
`KDD Cup ’99 is adopted to evaluate the proposed method in this work. KDD Cup’99 is a representative
`benchmark in the field of intrusion detection system. There are altogether thirty-three attack types in KDD Cup’99.
`KDD has three kinds of datasets, e.g. “10% KDD”, “Whole KDD” and “Corrected KDD”. “Corrected KDD” dataset
`contains fourteen additional attack types with different distributions rather than the “10% KDD” and “Whole KDD”
`dataset [5].
`In this work, the “10% KDD” dataset is adopted as training set, e.g. kddcup.data_10_percent.gz file, while “KDD
`Corrected” is used for testing set. The KDD Cup’99 data set includes a set of records of connections, while each
`connection consists of a set of packets flowing from a specific source IP to a target IP for a specified protocol in a
`short time interval. The training set and testing set are made up of both normal connections and attack connections.
`Normal connections are composed of various protocols such as TCP, UDP, ICMP and etc., besides different kinds
`of services should be included as well, e.g. FTP, Telnet, and etc. Different attack types are randomly synthesized
`into normal connection streams according to a probability. The detailed distribution of the training and testing set for
`four attack categories are described in Table.1.
` Table 1. Distribution of Training Set and Testing Set.
`Attack Types
`Training Set
`Testing Set
`(corrected KDD)
`2.3. Experimental Method
`There are altogether forty-one features for the KDD Cup’99. The features are grouped into four categories: basic
`features, content features, time-based traffic features, and host-based traffic features. The name and corresponding
`number (#) for each feature is listed in Table.2.
`The basic features are resolved by packet headers without the need of inspecting the content of the payload. In
`contrast, content features are acquired by inspecting the contents of payload in TCP packets, e.g. the number of
`failed login attempts, the knowledge of domain information and etc. Time-based traffic features describe the
`properties in a two second temporal window, e.g. the number of connections to the same host, etc. The Host-based
`traffic features are used to depict the attacks in an estimated window over the number of connections instead of in a
`time interval, e.g. in number of destination host services count. In present work, a preliminary feature reduction
`experiment is conducted and the features adopted are listed in Table.3.
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` Yu-tong Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1314
` Table 2. Description of Features of KDD CUP‘99 Benchmark.
`Name of Features (# of Features)
`Basic Features
`Content Features
`Duration(1), Protocol_type(2), Service(3), Flag(4), Src_bytes(5),
`Dst_bytes(6), Land(7), Wrong_fragment(8), Urgent(9)
`Hot(10), Num_failed_logins(11), Logged_in(12), Num_compromised(13),
`Root_shell(14), Su_attempted(15), Num_root(16), Num_file_creations(17),
`Num_shells(18), Num_access_files(19), Num_outbound_cmds(20),
`Is_hot_login(21), Is_guest_login(22)
`Time Based
`Traffic Features
`Count(23), Srv_count(24), error_rate(25), Srv_error_rate(26),
`Rerror_rate(27), Srv_rerror_rate(28), Same_srv_rate(29), Diff_srv_rate(30),
`Host-Based Traffic
`Dst_host_count(32), Dst_host_srv_count(33), Dst_host_same_srv_rate(34),
`Dst_host_diff_srv_rate(35), Dst_host_same_src_port_rate(36),
`Dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate(37), Dst_host_error_rate(38),
`Dst_host_srv_error_rate(39), Dst_host_rerror_rate(40),
` Table 3. Features Selected
`Features Selected (# )
`C4.5 Decision
`Duration (1), Protocol_type(2), Service(3), Src_bytes(4), Dst_bytes(5),
`Num_failed_logins(11), Logged_in(12), Root_shell(14), Num_root(16),
`Num_file_creations(17), Num_shells(18), Num_access_files(19),
`Num_outbound_cmds(20), Count(23), Serror_rate(25), Srv_rerror_rate(28),
`Same_srv_rate(29), Dest_host_srv_count(33),
`Dest_host_same_src_port_rate(36), Dest_host_rerror_rate(40)
`In this work, the evaluation includes the following steps, including preprocessing, profiling, detection, threshold
`adjustment, and statistics. In the preprocessing step, the symbolic valued attributes of a feature are mapped into
`numeric valued attributes.
`3. Evaluations
`In this work, the C4.5 Decision tree classifier is adopted for deep flow inspection. Experimental result shows that
`with the DPI & DFI method the detection rate is improved, and false postive and detection failure rate is decreased.
`However, the overall detection rate is unaffordable with only 46% and 49% for DPI and DPI & DFI respectively.
`An in-depth analysis is made, and the experimental results are listed in Table.4. The detection rate of DPI & DFI
`reaches 72.1%, 92.4% for Probing and DOS catogories, while it is only of 3.5% and 6.5% for the U2R and R2L
`attack categories. This demonstrates that it is the U2R and R2L attack categories that lead to low detection rate.
`The following factor contributes the reason. The DoS and Probe attack categories exhibit a continuous attributes
`of connections in a short time interval. R2L (Remote to Local) is the attack category that an attacker does not have
`an account of the victim and thus he tries to gain priority.
` Table 4. Detection Efficacy of C4.5 Decision Tree
`Attack Categories
`Overall PPC (Percent of Correct
`Classification) (%)
`False Positive (%)
`Failure Rate (%)
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` Yu-tong Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1314
` Table 5. False Positive Analysis of R2L Attack Category (% of Scattered Attack Patterns)
`Attack Type
`Number of Connections
`Continues Patters
`Scattered Patterns
`The typical attack types of R2L include: ftp_write, guess_password, imap, multihop, named, phf, sendmail,
`snmpgetattack, snmpguess, warezmaster, worm, xlock, xsnoop, and httptunne. This means that the attacks R2L are
`intermingled into data packets of normal traffic flows. This makes its traffic exhibit a scattering pattern, thus the
`samples in both the training set and testing set manifest a deviating behavior which leads to a high false positive. As
`the U2R attack category is in a similar way with R2L, its explanation of R2L is omitted.
`Taking the R2L attack category as an example, a breakdown of scattered attack pattern is illustrated in Table.5. In
`this work, the percent only accounts for the size of records greater than 1,000 connections. Analysis reveals that for
`R2L attack category the following attack types attributes most to false positives, including guess_passwd,
`snmpgetattack, snmpguess, warezclient, and warezmaster. The work shows that the outlier data mining classifier is
`not suitable for the R2L and U2R attack categories, and some other type of classifier should be investigated in our
`furture work[6][7].
`4. Conclusions
`In this paper, a malicious behavior detection approach combining DPI and DFI, namely DPI & DFI is
`investigated. The fine-grained DPI is suitable for plaintext traffic, while DFI is suitable for the encrypted and
`unknown traffic. In this work, an outlier data mining method is employed to overcome the false-positives of DPI.
`The collaborative detection approach includes three phases: Phase I DPI detection, phase II DFI detection &
`comparison, phase III feedback and DPI restarts. Experimental results show that the detection rate is improved and
`the false positive is reduced. An in-depth analysis is made, demonstrating that it is the U2R and R2L attack category
`that lead to load detection rate. Taking the R2L as an example, the following attack types contributes most,
`including guess_passwd, snmpgetattack, snmpguess, warezclient, and warezmaster. Some other type of classifier
`suitable to the U2R and R2L attack categories should be investigated in the future.
`[1] nDPI. 2015
`[2] M Alsabah, K Bauer, I Goldberg. Enhancing Tor's performance using real-time traffic classification. ACM Conference on Computer &
`Communications Security, 2012:73-84.
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` Yu-tong Guo et al. / Procedia Engineering 174 ( 2017 ) 1309 – 1314
`[3] PG Jeya, M Ravichandran, CS Ravichandran. Efficient Classifier for R2L and U2R Attacks. “International Journal of Computer
`Applications”. 2012. 45 (21)
`[4] Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber “Data mining concepts and techniques” Morgan Kaufmann publishers .an imprint of Elsevier. ISBN 978-
`1-55860-901-3. Indian reprint ISBN 978-81-312- 0535-8.
`[5] KDD Cup 1999 Intrusion Detection Dataset. [Online]. Available: databases/kddcup99/kddcup99.html.
`[6] S. Revathi 1 Dr. A. Malathi, Detecting User-To-Root (U2R) Attacks Based on Various Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal
`of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. April 2014. 3 (4).
`[7] S Paliwal , R Gupta. Denial-of-Service, Probing & Remote to User (R2L) Attack Detection using Genetic Algorithm. “International Journal
`of Computer Applications”. 2012. 60 (19): 57-62
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