`(11) Publication number:
`(11) Numéro de publication:
`EP 1 934 879 AO
`Internationale Anmeldung verdffentlicht durch die
`Weltorganisation fur geistiges Eigentum unter der Nummer:
`WO 2007/033321 (art. 153 des EPU).
`International application published by the World
`Intellectual Property Organisation under number:
`WO 2007/033321 (art. 153 of the EPC).
`Demande internationale publiée par Organisation
`Mondiale de la Propriété sous le numéro:
`WO 2007/033321 (art. 153 de la CBE).
`APPLE 1016
`APPLE 1016
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization (4%
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`22 March 2007 (22.03.2007)
`International Patent Classification:
`GOGF 21/00 (2006.01)
`GO6F 9/445 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`13 September 2006 (13.09.2006)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`14 September 2005 (14.09.2005)
`22 December 2005 (22.12.2005)
`22 December2005 (22.12.2005)
`Applicants (for all designated States except US): SAN-
`DISK CORPORATION [US/US]; 601 McCarthy Blvd.,
`Milpitas, California 95035 (US). DISCRETIX TECH-
`NOLOGIES LTD. [ILAL]; 45 Hamelacha St., Etgarim
`Bldg. Industrial Zone, P.o. Box 8718, 42502 Netanya (IL).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HOLTZMAN,
`Michael [IL/US]; 7602 Barnhart Place, Cupertino, Cali-
`fornia 95014 (US). BAR-EL, Hagai [ITAT.]; Drayan 4,
`76574 Rehovot (IL). GREENSPAN, Ronen [ILAL]; 2
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007/033321 A2
`Sigalit St., Kiryat Yam (IL). SHAPIRO, Rony[IL/IL]; 5
`Glicksberg St., Tel Aviv (IL).
`Agents: PARSONS, Gerald,P. et al.; Parsons, Hsue & de
`Runtz LLP, 595 Market Street, Suite 1900, San Francisco,
`California 94105 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
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`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`[Continued on next page]
`DEVICE 1008
`(57) Abstract: A device with mass storage capability that uses a readily available non secure memoryfor the mass storage but has
`firmware (and hardware) that provides security against unauthorized copying of data. This is true even thoughthe firmwareitself is
`> stored in the non secure mass storage memory, and therefore potentially vulnerable to hacking. An indication of the authenticity of
`©} the firmware mustbepresent beforeit will be executed by the device. This protects the device contents from unauthorized duplication
`or tampering. Additional functionality can be addedto the device with additional firmware applications, and the authenticity of those
`additional applications will also be verified before they will be executed. This further prevents unauthorized copying or tampering
`of secure content through any mechanismsthat may be unscrupulously introduced. Any data within the mass storage memory may
`also be encrypted.
`WO 2007/033321 A2
`— without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`Fortwo-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`WO 2007/033321
`[0001] The present application is generally related to the operation of flash based
`mass storage devices, and in particular those with copy protection of secure content.
`[0002] Flash based mass storage devices are used to store very large amounts of
`content, such as pictures and music or software programs. Examples of these mass
`storage devices include memorycards, universal serial bus (“USB”) flash drives, flash
`based music and/or video players, and other portable computing devices that rely on
`flash for the mass storage of contentorfiles.
`[0003] User files are frequently updated and modified. This is particularly the case
`when dealing with photos, music, and documents. Flash memory has a limited
`numberof read/write cycles, and a great deal of research and development has gone
`into distributing the cycles among the flash memory cells in order to maximize the
`lifespan andreliability of the devices. For instance, wear leveling techniques such as
`those taught in U.S. Patent No. 6,230,233 entitled “Wear Leveling Techniques For
`Flash EEPROM Systems” to Lofgrenet al., U.S. Patent No. 5,268,870 entitled “Flash
`EEPROM System and Intelligent Programming and Erasing Methods Therefore” to
`Harari, PCT Publication No. WO2004040578A2 entitled “Wear Leveling In Non-
`Volatile Storage Systems” to Chang et al. and U.S. Patent Publication No.
`20040083335A1, entitled “Automated Wear Leveling In Non-Volatile Storage
`Systems” to Gonzalez et al., which are hereby incorporated by this reference in their
`entireties, are commonly implemented in these devices. These techniques generally
`involve changing the logical/physical mapping so that physical
`locations of the
`memoryare used roughly the same amount.
`WO 2007/033321
`[0004] In addition, as the usage of flash based mass storage devicesis proliferating,
`the numberofdifferent things that can be done with them is also increasing.
`[0005] Therefore, there exists a need for a new device operating system architecture
`that provides flexibility to store and run a wide range of firmware that can be updated
`and changed to accommodate the range of increasing functionality.
`In addition to
`being flexible, this architecture must provide a highly secure and reliable environment
`for both firmware and content. As is always the case, all of this should be done for
`the lowest possible cost, using standard components wheneverpossible.
`[0006] The present invention allows a device to be both secure in operation and
`flexible in terms of functionality. This means functionality can be tailored to users’
`desires and added over time all
`the while maintaining a high level of security.
`Therefore the device can be used to store confidential and limited access information
`such astransactional data and copyrighted artistic works.
`[0007] The present invention also allows for the device to boot quickly andreliably
`while still providing for reliable long term data storage through the use of wear
`leveling techniques where appropriate.
`[0008] Firmware that is not authentic, and that may potentially compromise the
`security of the device will not be executed. An indication of the authenticity is
`verified before execution.
`In a preferred embodiment, multiple different levels of
`such indications are provided and are associated with the particular controller of the
`device that created the indications.
`In this preferred embodiment, one or more of the
`levels of indications can be verified. Without the properly associated
`indication the firmware will not be executed.
`[0009] Another aspect of the present invention is that this security is achieved despite
`the fact that the device utilizes readily available memory without built in security for
`the massstorage of the data, including the firmware.
`WO 2007/033321
`[0010] FIG. 1A is a schematic diagram of secure device 100A, an embodimentof the
`present invention.
`[0011] FIG. 1B is a schematic diagram of secure device 100B, an embodimentof the
`present invention.
`[0012] FIG. 2 is a diagramillustrating various pieces of firmware in a portion of
`memory space 108.
`[0013] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram illustrating software structure and hardware
`access according an embodimentof the present invention.
`[0014] FIG. 4 is a flowchartillustrating some steps of firmwareintegrity verification.
`[0015] FIG. 5 is a flowchartof operation of an embodimentof the present invention.
`[0016] FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating integrity checking of physically stored data
`such as the firmware 200.
`[0017] FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating integrity checking of logically stored data
`such as user files and the application firmware 202A,B,...X.
`[0018] Devices incorporating flash memory for mass storage purposes must store
`large amounts of content that is written and read relatively often. For instance, digital
`photo and music libraries are regularly updated by users of such devices. With the
`increase of protected content and the desire to protect content generally, such devices
`must also provide robust security to prevent unauthorized copying of such “secure” or
`protected content.
`At the same time, security should not come at
`the cost of
`flexibility. The present invention provides for a device that allows functionality to be
`added over time, while maintaining a high level of security. This flexibility is
`WO 2007/033321
`in a world where devices are expected to provide ever
`[0019] A secure device is one that protects the contents of the device from
`unauthorized copying or alteration. Secure content includes any contentordata that it
`is desirable to safeguard from unauthorized copying or tampering.
`In addition to
`billing, transaction and other traditionally confidential personal information, artistic
`content must also be secured from access and copying by those other than the owner
`or other authorized persons.
`[0020] Depending onthe architecture of the device, a hacker may try to gain access to
`the content via data buses, or by directly accessing the mass storage memory.
`some prior devices, directly accessing the memory storage unit was difficult as the
`memory storage unit was often protected by placing it an environment that was
`logistically hard to access. For instance, Smart Cards utilized programmable read
`only memories (PROMS)that incorporated a small amount of non volatile memory
`that was made secure in part by physically isolating it from access.
`it is desirable to utilize unsecure mass storage memory, that is,
`[0021] However,
`among other things, more standardized, readily available, and/or economical. An
`unsecure memoryor storage unit is one where authorization is not required in order to
`gain (read/write) access to the (encrypted or unencrypted) data stored therein, or one
`where there are no built in protection mechanisms that prevent copying of the stored
`data. While this memory may be packaged in a multi functional package with other
`non-memory components such as a processor,
`is commonly in the form of a
`dedicated memory package with one or more memory chips.
`[0022] Typically, a device or system incorporating mass storage flash memory
`utilizes a processor to control the data storage and retrieval operations of the memory.
`Such a processor is part of a controller and is often referred to as a controller. A
`controller executes software instructions to control the device. The software that runs
`and controls the hardware of a device is often referred to as firmware. The firmware
`is typically executed from random access memory (RAM)after having been copied
`from some other memory where it is normally stored. Shadowing or copying to RAM
`WO 2007/033321
`is slower and not
`is advantageous because although flash is easily updated it
`inherently executable because it does not have random access capability, and because
`read only memoryis not easily updated.
`[0023] In the case where some amountof security is to be provided in the firmware,
`there must be some mechanism to prevent execution of the other than the proper
`firmware that has the requisite security mechanisms. This is especially true when the
`firmware is stored in an unsecure memory. As mentioned above, it is the firmware
`that controls the operation of the device, and thereforeit is not a simple matter to have
`the firmware essentially protect itself. Nor is it a simple matter to protect execution
`of compromised or unauthentic firmware when such firmware is stored in an
`otherwise unsecure memory package.
`invention provides for a secure system with mass storage
`[0024] The present
`capability even though it uses unsecure memory for
`the mass storage unit.
`Furthermore, it creates a secure system where the firmware for running the secure
`systemis stored in the unsecure memory.
`In orderto be able to store the firmware in
`the unsecure mass storage memory,
`the present invention employs a system that
`prevents execution of inauthentic firmware.
`[0025] Reference will now be made to preferred embodiments depicted in the figures.
`FIG. 1A illustrates secure device (“SD”) 100A, an embodiment of the present
`invention. SD 100A comprises a secure controller 104 and unsecure memory 108.
`[0026] Memory 108 is preferably flash type memory and is used for mass storage
`purposes. This means that the memory is used for general purpose storage of user
`files, such as audio, video, and picture files, among other things.
`It is a principal
`memory storage unit of device 108 and can be used to store any type offile a user
`wishesto store in it. It is designed to allow a user to frequently update and access his
`library of files. A mass storage memoryis generally larger than other randomaccess
`memory (“RAM”) and read only memory (“ROM”) that SD 100A may also comprise
`(not shown) in this and other embodiments. Also, as a general file storage device, a
`mass storage memoryis distinct from code storage devices that are designed to store
`comparatively small amounts of operating code that are infrequently updated. A
`WO 2007/033321
`ROM or flash memory may be used as a code Storage device, but it should be
`understood that a code storage deviceis different in purpose and generally in size than
`a mass storage device.
`[0027] SD 100A also comprises a data or memory bus 106 and a host bus 102. SD
`100A may be a complete electronic device such as a digital camera or music player,
`cellular telephone etc. It may also have the formfactorof a memory card or universal
`serial bus (“USB”) drive designed to be used in conjunction with any type of
`processor controlled electronic device.
`For simplicity in describing SD100A and the
`other embodiments depicted in the figures, the embodiments mayoften be referred to
`as a memory card, but it should be understood that such reference is to a preferred
`embodimentand should notlimit the scope of the present invention which is defined
`by the appended claims. Currently, the preferred form factor for a memory card in
`which the present invention is especially useful is the well known Secure Digital
`(“SD”) Card.
`[0028] Data and commands are communicated to and from SD100A via host bus 102.
`The host, which is not shown, may be a personal computer or other electronic device.
`Secure controller 104 controls the read and write Operations to and from unsecure
`memory 108 via memory bus 106. In doingso,it also limits access to the contents of
`the unsecure memory 108. As mentioned above, the firmware that runs the device is
`stored in unsecure memory 108. This firmware, which will be described in more
`detail later with regard to FIGS. 2-7, in conjunction with controller 104, provides the
`security that makes device 100A a secure device. Therefore, it is essential that the
`firmware that is executed by secure controller 104 is authentic, or the security of the
`system could be compromised.
`[0029] Ensuring the authenticity of the firmware is much more difficult when it is in
`an unsecure memory. However, given that the unsecure memory LO8 is used for mass
`storage purposes, it is quite large and is easily updated. Therefore, it makes sense to
`use the capacity of the unsecure memoryto store the firmware. This may eliminate or
`a least reduce the size of a code storage device dedicated to Storing the firmware.
`Alternatively it reduces the need for such storage within the controller. This cost
`saving is important in a competitive market. There are 3 main paths to the contents
`WO 2007/033321
`reading thecontents of the memory 108 directly; monitoring
`stored in memory 108:
`the signals on bus 102; and monitoring the signals on bus 106. Even thoughany orall
`of the information in the unsecure memory 108 or on buses 102 and 106 may be in an
`encrypted format,
`there is always the danger that the encryption key(s) could be
`If the firmware were to be compromised and replaced with another
`firmware that
`lacked the security features of the authentic firmware, and then
`executed by the system, restricted or limited access files and private data on the mass
`storage memorycould be copied or tampered with. For example, a user’s banking or
`social security information could be copied or altered without authorization, with
`obvious negative ramifications.
`In another example, copyrighted or otherwise
`protected content could also be copied without authorization.
`management schemes could be thwarted. As another example, cryptographic codes or
`user passwords could also be compromised.
`Secure controller 104 comprises
`[0030] FIG. 1B illustrates secure device 100B.
`cryptographic engine 110, one or more encryption keys 112 stored in a non volatile
`memory of controller 104, and an indication 114 of the device operating state that is
`also stored in a non volatile memory of controller 104. In certain embodiments of the
`invention, numerousstates or life cycle phases are entered and passed through during
`the life of the card. Depending on the phase, logic in the card enables or disables the
`encryption engine, controls access to hardware (before and after card assembly) and
`software testing mechanisms, and controls key generation.
`These phases not only
`allow both the hardware and software of the card to be thoroughly tested before and
`after manufacture, but also makeit virtually impossible to access the encrypted keys
`and thus the encrypted content when the card is in a secure phase, the operating phase
`that the card is in whenit is shipped to the user. For more information onthe states or
`life cycle phases please refer
`to an application having attorney docket No.
`SNDK.383US3 “Secure Memory Card With Life Cycle Phases” to Micky Holtzman
`et al., which is hereby incorporated by this reference in its entirety.
`[0031] The cryptographic engine 110 is hardware based and can encrypt and/or
`decrypt data as it passes through secure controller 104. For example, data encrypted
`with a first encryption algorithm as it arrives at the controller from host bus 102 can
`WO 2007/033321
`be decrypted and then encrypted with a secondalgorithm before it is sent to flash
`memory 108 via data bus 106. Of course, data encrypted in memory 108 can be
`decrypted by engine 110 and passed in a decryptedstate over host bus 102 although it
`is preferably in an encrypted format as it passes over host bust 102 so as to avoid
`potential unauthorized copying of the data.
`[0032] The cryptographic engine 110, also referred to as encryption engine 110, may
`comprise numerous sub engines and is capable of utilizing numerous encryption
`standards and algorithms.
`Examples of the various encryption techniques and
`algorithms include: Message Authentication Codes (“MACs”), Data Encryption
`Standard (“DES”), Triple DES, Advanced Encryption Standard (“AES”), RSA and
`Diffie-Helman that are often used in a Public Key Infrastructure (“PKI”), and other
`hash based encryption such as SHA-1 and MD5. The encryption engine may use
`other currently available algorithms and techniques and others yet to be developed or
`well accepted, and the aforementionedlist is only meant to provide some examples.
`[0033] A Message Authentication Code is a hash computed from a message and some
`secret data. It is difficult to forge without knowing the secret data. The MACis
`computed using an algorithm based on the DES or AES ciphers, which use a secret
`key. The secret key 112, or one or more keys derived from the secret key are stored
`in controller 104, and therefore the hash or message authentication code created by
`the controller is associated with that controller, and cannot be duplicated by another
`controller. Therefore hash values from a particular controller are associated with the
`controller and can act as a type of signature of the controller and device, because the
`signature is unique and cannot be duplicated.
`[0034] Although the aforementioned standards and various other algorithms and/or
`standards are well knownto those skilled in cryptography, the following publications
`are informative and are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties: RFC 3566
`- The AES-XCBC-MAC-96 Algorithm and Its Use With IPsec by Sheila Frankel,
`NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology,
`820 West Diamond Ave,
`‘ available
`of Message
`Performance Comparison
`Authentication Code (MAC) Algorithms for the Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC) by
`WO 2007/033321
`Janaka Deepakumara, Howard M. Heys and R. Venkatesan, Electrical and Computer
`Engineering, Memorial University: of Newfoundland,
`St. John's, NL, Canada,
`A1B3S7 available at http://www.engr.mun.ca/~howard/PAPERS/necec_2003b.pdf;
`and Comments to NIST concerning AES Modes of Operations: A Suggestion for
`Handling Arbitrary-Length Messages with the CBC MAC by John Black, University
`of Nevada, Reno, Phillip Rogaway, University of California at Davis, available at
`[0035] FIG. 2 is an illustration of the memory space of the flash memory 108 that
`includes firmware 200 that runs devices 100A or 100B. The system firmware 200
`comprises a boot loader (BLR) portion 200a that resides in flash memory 108 and is
`preferably not changeable, and system firmware 200b that resides in flash memory
`108 and can be changed from time to time if necessary. The size of system firmware
`200 is larger than the RAM moduleit is executed from, so the system firmware is
`divided into smaller portions referred to as overlays. Each overlay preferably has its
`ownhash value and within system firmware 200 is a table 200c of those hash values.
`Table 200c is not loaded as part of system firmware 200b, but the pre-stored values
`are compared with calculated values as will be discussed in more detail below. Any
`hash value can be used, but MAC or SHA-1 values are currently preferable.
`Generally, SHA-1 digests may alternatively be used in place of MACvalues, and vice
`versa. The advantage of using MAC values is that they are associated with the
`hardware and the key of the hardware that created them. While SHA-1 values can be
`created for a given data set simply based upon the data itself, MAC values cannot be
`recreated without the key, and thus provide for more robust security. Specifically,
`because key 104 (or a key derived therefrom) stored in the non volatile memory of
`encryption engine 110 must be used to create the MAC values, another processor
`cannot be utilized to recreate the MAC values. For example, a hacker cannot use
`another processor outside of the system to duplicate the firmware and the associated
`[0036] As a further security precaution, the hash values themselves can be encrypted
`one or more times.
`In the example of MAC values, a MACentry that protects the
`WO 2007/033321
`MACtable 200c2 is created so even if a hacker finds a way to switch or alter the
`firmware and recalculate the appropriate MACs, heis still facing a problem because
`he must calculate the MAC of MACs (or MAC of SHA-1s). Furthermore, in one
`embodiment the MAC of MACsis again encrypted and stored in another (different)
`memory field, for example the non volatile memory of encryption engine 110 or the
`controller 104. This multi-level distributed hierarchy ensures that the signatures
`cannot be forged, or rather, that a forged signature will not be accepted as authentic.
`As anillustration,
`if one were to access the flash memory 108 and replace the
`firmware and table 200c, the system would then check onelevel up the hierarchy and
`see if the MACoftable 200cindicates that table 200c has not been tampered with. If
`the stored MAC ofthe table does not match the calculated MAC,this indicates a
`problem with the authenticity. However, if the MAC of table 200c has also been
`altered to match the replaced table 200c, then the system would verify the signature in
`error. This error is avoided by storing a copy of the MAC of table 200C in another
`(inaccessible) memory, and comparing the copy in the other (inaccessible) memory
`with the value in the flash memory 108. If the values do not match, this indicates an
`authenticity problem. Although only a few levels were illustrated, this multi-level
`distributed structure may have numerouslevels and incorporate numerous different
`memories depending on the size and complexity of the firmware to be protected.
`[0037] This multi-level distributed hierarchy employed in conjunction with the
`overlay structure of
`the firmware also results in a very efficient and rapid
`authentication process. Dividing the firmware into overlays and signing each overlay
`greatly speeds up the overall authentication process. This is because it is much faster
`to verify the signature of a smaller amountof code. In order to calculate a hash value,
`all of the data for which the hash is to be calculated must be read..The larger the
`portion of firmware to be read, the longer it will take to calculate the signature, and
`then verify that the signature is authentic. Calculating the signature for a large
`amount of data is potentially very time consuming and inefficient.
`[0038] Also stored within the flash memory are various firmware applications
`202A...X%, shown as APP FW 1, 2 ...X, and, of course, user files Mot shown).
`applications may be
`for various
`WO 2007/033321
`applications will vary from one
`configurations. The number and type of these
`to another. The firmware applications are also preferably divided into
`overlays if the applications are larger than the RAM module. A map of the
`application firmware overlays 201A indicates the location in memory of the various
`overlays. A table of hash values (SHA-! digests or MAC values etc...) 201B for the
`various firmware applications, encrypted with a secret key, which may be secret key
`104 or a key derived from secret key 104, is also stored in the flash memory. A
`firmware application is akin to other applications that run on a base system, e.g. a
`word processing application in the Windows® environment
`running on the
`Windows® operating system.
`[0039] As discussed in the background, flash memory cells have a limited lifetime
`and the cells degrade with each read and write operation. Therefore data in the flash
`memoryis generally moved from timeto time in order to distribute the read and write
`operations evenly amongthe cells and distribute the “wear” evenly amongst thecells.
`This wearleveling, along with all read/write operations, is controlled by the firmware
`200, and in particular by the system firmware 200B.
`In order to be able to easily
`move data, the data is logically stored. This means that a logical address is mapped to
`a physical address, and that while the logical address remains the same, it can be
`mapped to a different physical address. Again, this logical to physical mapping is |
`carried out by the system firmware.
`[0040] It presents some difficulty if the firmware is in charge of movingitself. This
`is especially true when the firmware is responsible for copy protection of the data in
`the flash memory, and should therefore preferably be verified as authentic before
`execution. Also, while it is true that the system firmware may be updated from time
`to time, it will be written very infrequently when compared with other data stored in
`the flash memory 108. Therefore, the firmware 200, including the boot loader 200a is
`physically (without logical mapping) written to and read from flash memory 108.
`[0041] The application firmware provides additional functionality not present in the
`system firmware, and may be loaded into the device at any time.
`It is unknown how
`much application firmware may be loadedinto the device, and when each application
`may be loaded. Therefore space within the physical partition is not allocated and the
`WO 2007/033321
`application firmwareis stored in the logical partition 214 and logically addressed like
`any otheruser files and data in the flash memory 108.
`[0042] FIG.3 illustrates the functional structure of the software of the device and how
`it accesses the mass storage memory 108. As mentioned before,
`ihe preferred
`embodiments comprise flash type memory for mass storage memory 108 and for
`simplicity, during this description of the preferred embodiments the terms may be
`used interchangeably.
`The portion of the software that is concerned with flash
`memory operations is referred to generally as the back end, while the portion of the
`software that involves the applications and the user interface is known asthe front
`end. Firmware applications 202A, 202B...202X run on top of firmware 200 which
`includes system firmware 200B. Although the BLR 200ais a separate component of
`firmware 200, the BLR bootstraps the system firmware and may in essence generally
`be thought of as part of system firmware 200. The system firmware 200 has physical
`sector address routines or block 206 andlogical/physical mapper or mapping routines
`208. The mass storage memory 108is partitioned into physical storage area 212 and
`logical storage area 214.
`Physical/logical partition 216 is used to illustrate the
`division or partitioning of the mass storage memory 108 into areas 212 and 214. Each
`of areas 212 and 216 can be further partitioned into smaller areas, and it is common in
`the art to use the term partitions to refer to these smaller areas also. The physical
`sector access routines or functional block 206 controls reading and writing in the
`physical area or partition 212, and the logical/physical mapper block controls reading
`and writing in the logical storage area 214.
`is stored in physical area
`[0043] Firmware 200, including system firmware 200B,
`212. Application firmware 202A...X is stored in logical area 214 wherethe userfiles
`are also stored. The application firmware and all other data in logical area 214 is
`moved around from time to time by the wear leveling routines of the system
`[0044] The authenticity of all of the firmware is preferably checked before it is
`executed. This is done because, as discussed earlier, the mass storage memory 108
`does not have its own built in protection mechanisms. The flowchart of FIG. 4
`applies to any piece of firmware, including application firmware.
`In step 304, the
`WO 2007/033321
`firmware is signed. This is typically done at the time of loading of the firmware, but a
`signed record can be updated by overwriting the record with a new one. The
`signature comprises one or more hash values of at least a portion of the firmware.
`The hash values are preferably of the MAC variety, because, as discussed earlier, a
`MACvalue is created with a key use