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`black side INFOSEC processing, to destinations onei-
`ther the red or black sidesof the radio. For destinations
`on the black side of the radio, the router must send the
`messagesthrough the INFOSEC 8.
`[0011] A multiple-input, multiple-output
`system capable for use in the JTRS software radio is
`shownin Fig. 2 in which the INFOSEC unit 15 forms a
`boundary betweenred and black environments. On the
`black side of the system the INFOSEC interfaces with
`input/output channels 1 through N. Similarly, on the red
`side of the system the INFOSEC interfaces with corre-
`sponding input/output channels 1 through N that con-
`nect to a router 16. The router 16 is coupled to a plurality
`of users, here, user 1 through user M. In such an envi-
`ronment the data streams maybeatdifferent security/
`compartmentlevelsif it is a governmentinformation sys- [0017]Astill further object of the invention is to obtain
`tem, or the data steams maybelongto different commu-
`routing information from a routerthat is not certified to
`nities of interestif in a commercial environment.
`handle information of multiple levels of security without
`sending confidential information to the router.
`[0018] The aforesaid objects are achieved individual-
`ly and in combination, andit is not intended that the in-
`vention be construed as requiring two or more of the ob-
`jects to be combined unless expressly required by the
`claims attached hereto.
`EP 1 283 630 A2
`It is highly desirable to use standard commer-
`cial software for the router becauseof the rapid techno-
`logical advances and routing evolution occurring in the
`commercial sector. However, commercial routing soft-
`ware doesnot undergothe rigorous and extensivetest-
`ing required to certify it as trusted and therefore a com-
`mercial router has nolevel oftrust. Yet, there is a strong-
`ly felt need to develop an approachthat uses commer-
`cial routing techniques and software in an MLS environ-
`ment and guarantees that data from one security level
`will not get released to users or networksata different
`level without following the safeguards specified by the
`information system's security policy.
`[0014] Therefore, in light of the above, and for other
`reasonsthat will become apparent whenthe invention
`is fully described, an object of the invention is to use a
`router that has not been certified to process data of mul-
`tiple security levels, to provide routing information for a
`messagecontaining confidential data.
`[0015] A further object of the invention is to use rout-
`ing information from an untrusted router to route confi-
`dential data without sending that data to the router.
`[0016] Yet another object of the invention is to gener-
`ate a transmission frame by combining routing informa-
`tion from a dummy messagesentto a router, with con-
`fidential information to be transported using the trans-
`mission frame.
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`[0019] A method in accordance with the invention
`routes a data messagecontaining confidential informa-
`tion, by substituting dummy informationfor the confiden-
`tial information in the message. The message is sent
`with the dummy information to a router for adding routing
`information to the message, and the confidential infor-
`mation is elsewhere substituted for the dummyinforma-
`tion in the messagecontaining the routing information.
`[0020] A trusted guard apparatus, accordingtothein-
`vention, sends a data messageto a router, in which the
`data messagehasinformation classified at a first secu-
`rity level. The apparatus includes a source authentica-
`tion unit configured to receive the data message con-
`taining the information classified at the first security lev-
`el, and to add to the data message source information
`concerning the source of the data message. The appa-
`ratus also includes a data integrity unit coupled to the
`source authentication unit and configured to transform
`the information classified at the first security level to in-
`[0009] The INFOSEC unit 8 connectsto the black CSI
`on the black side of the software radio, and to the red
`CSI on the red side of the radio, and forms a boundary
`between the red and black environments. Connected to
`the black CSI are an antenna I/O interface unit 10 for
`sending and receiving RF signals, RF units 11, modems
`12, and various other black side processes 13. Also, a
`userinterface 14 can be connected to the black CSI as
`shownin Fig. 1. The black CSI allows various types of
`COTSfunctional entity interface units to be used in the
`softwareradio, such as various types of commercial mo-
`dems, for example.
`[0010] The internetworking unit 7 includes a routerfor
`routing messages, received from the user interfaces on
`the red side of the radio or received over the air after
`[0012] The router 16 receivesdata, either from a user
`or from one of the channels, and routesit to the appro-
`priate destination. For example, user 1 may send a mes-
`sage addressedto a destination reached using channel
`N. The router 16, using routing tables and routing algo-
`rithm software, receives the message from user 1 and
`based on the address determines a route over which to
`send the message. This entails attaching routing infor-
`mation to the message and outputting the message over
`the channel the router determines services the chosen
`route. The router 16, through the useofits routing tables
`and algorithms, determines that the messageis to be
`output on channel N, for example. Accordingly, the rout-
`er outputs the message on channel N with the added
`routing information attached to the message. Similarly,
`when the router receives a message on oneof the N
`channels, it examines the routing information in the re-
`ceived message, determines the user or channel to
`which to send the message, and outputs the message
`to that user or channel. Because the router 16 receives
`data streams that maybeat different security/compart-
`ment levels (government system) or may belongto dif-
`ferent communities of interest (commercial system), the
`router in Fig. 2 must be tested to ensure it can be trusted
`with those data streams.







`EP 1 283 630 A2
`Preferred embodiments according to the
`present invention are described below with reference to
`the above drawings, in whichlike reference numerals
`designate like components.
`[0025] When dealing with data processed by untrust-
`ed software between a source and a destination, it is
`necessary to prove at the destination point that the
`source information is accurate (source authentication)
`andthat the data has not been modified (data integrity).
`If source authentication and data integrity are provided
`at the source and destination by trusted software and/
`or hardwareentities, referred to here as trusted guards,
`then the untrusted router cannot interfere undetected
`with that information that is sent from the source to the
`destination and the trusted entities can enforce the com-
`puting system's security policy.
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram showing a trusted
`guard A 17 coupledwith users 1 through M and coupled
`to ports 1 through M of the router 16. Another trusted
`guard B 18 is coupled to channels 1 through N of the
`router 16 and to the INFOSEC 15. Trusted guard B can
`be included aspart of the INFOSEC 15.
`[0027] Ablock diagram of trusted guard A is shownin
`Fig. 4. The trusted guard of Fig. 4 includes a labeling
`unit 19, a secure hashing algorithm (SHA)unit 20, a dig-
`ital signature (DSS) unit 21 and a signature application
`unit 22. To provide source authentication the trusted
`guard's labeling unit 19 receives user data and source
`information and uses that information to attach a label
`to the data at its source. The label can include informa-
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`tion about the source, such as, for example, a channel
`number, a security level, a packet number, the length of
`the packet and/or a time-of-day label. Further, if assur-
`ance requirementssodictate, the trusted guard can add
`other information to the data such as a packet number,
`a time stamp or a unique identifier such as an identifier
`cryptographically generated by a trusted guard. The
`trusted guards areinitialized by the INFOSEC, prefera-
`bly at the time of powering on the trusted guards. For
`example, the INFOSEC can initialize the trusted guards
`to operate at a specific security level depending on the
`guard's certification. The information provided by the la-
`beling unit can be setatinitialization. The SHA unit 20
`can be usedto reduce the amountof data by applying
`a hashalgorithm to the labeled data and thereby reduce
`the computational complexity of the digital signature
`evaluation. Hashing can be usedto reduce the complex-
`ity of using digital signatures, although it need not be
`used to practice the invention. The trusted guard can
`use well-known techniques to provide data integrity
`when sending data between trusted guards, such as by
`applying a digital signature to the labeled data. For ex-
`ample, a digital signature can be a number computed
`from the data being signed. An example ofa digital sig-
`nature is a check-sum computed from the data andla-
`bel. Generally, however, a cryptographic procedure is
`clude information for determining the integrity of the in-
`formation classified at the first security level. It also in-
`cludesa data substitution unit coupled to the source au-
`thentication unit and configured to generate a dummy
`data messageby substituting dummydata for the infor-
`mation classified at the first security level, and output-
`ting the dummy data messageto the router.
`[0021] A transmission frame for delivering confiden-
`tial data to a destination node, according to the inven-
`tion, includes a dummy datafield containing dummy da-
`ta, classified at a first security level, substituted for con-
`fidential data classified at a second security level differ-
`ent from the first security level. The transmission frame
`also includes a message headerfield containing infor-
`mation identifying the destination node, and a routing
`field containing routing information for use in routing the
`transmission frame to the destination node.
`[0022] The above andstill further objects, features
`and advantagesof the invention will become apparent
`upon consideration of the following descriptions and de-
`scriptive figures of specific embodiments thereof. While
`these descriptions go into specific details of the inven-
`tion, it should be understoodthat variations may and do
`exist and would be apparentto those skilled in the art
`based onthe descriptions herein.
`Fig. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an architecture
`of a software radio.
`Fig. 2 is a block diagram of a portion of a computing
`system, suchasthe software radio of Fig. 1, using
`a router and an INFOSEC.
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram of a computing system us-
`ing an untrusted router in combination with an IN-
`FOSECanda trusted guard unit.
`Fig. 4 is a diagram showing a detailed view of a
`trusted guard unit A.
`Fig. 5 is a flowchart illustrating a process of routing
`data according to the invention.
`Fig. 6 is a block diagram of a computing system us-
`ing an untrusted router, a trusted guard unit and
`showing data flows according to certain aspects of
`the invention.
`Fig. 7 is a detailed view of a trusted guard with a
`dummy message generator.
`Fig. 8 is a detailed view of a trusted guard unit that
`combines routing information from an untrusted
`router with signed data from another trusted guard
`Figs. 9A-D are diagramsof data packets at various
`stagesof a routing process according to aspects of
`the invention.
`Fig. 10A-G are diagrams illustrating various data
`flows in a software radio.


`EP 1 283 630 A2
`pends to the dummy messagerouting information spec-
`ifying such a route (26). The router sends the dummy
`messagewith the routing information to trusted guard B
`where the data is diverted (27). Trusted guard B then
`replaces the dummydata in the message to which the
`routing information is appended with the data from the
`data source (28). Trusted guard B then sendsthe recon-
`structed message according to the routing information
`supplied by the router (29). In this manner, a router 16
`with untrusted software is used to supply routing infor-
`mation without the untrusted router receiving data from
`the data source.
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