Downloaded from by guest on 05 October 2021
`and Reduces
`in Sickle
`of Subcutaneous
`and Oral
`By G.J. Dover, S. Charache,
`S.H. Boyer, G. Vogelsang,
`and M. Moyer
`to four
`of 5-azacytidine
`and 30 days.
`1 00,
`of 5-aza
`in all patients,
`a two-
`not observed
`or after
`in those
`48 hours.
`5-aza was
`in 35-day
`of every
`a week.
`No marrow
`F reticulocyte
`a week
`F reticulo-
`for more
`In the
`days, Hb levels
`to 1 1 to 12 and 9 g/dl,
`and MCH
`by 25%,
`and lysate
`HbF levels
`at 1 2% and 20%.
`and G’y/A7
`in both
`for more
`1 00 days.
`0 1985
`by Grune
`& Stratton,
`in several
`of our
`I 00
`( i ) a rapid
`we observed:
`in the
`(F reticulocytes),
`of marrow
`in the
`of vaso-occlusive
`the mechanism
`by which
`of HbF
`but which
`F reticulocyte
`to minimal
`of HbF
`F reticulocyte
`20% and
`50%. We
`in order
`or baboons9
`in conjunction
`a cytidine
`to chronic
`A (i.P.)
`D (Mi.)
`B (D.P.),
`C (W.T.),
`for 500 days.
`A was
`to noncompliance
`C was
`for 200 days.
`D discontinued
`he elected
`to undergo
`hip replacement
`ing aseptic
`of both
`All patients
`by The
`for complica-
`23 years
`B was
`at day 30
`for preexist-
`on Clinical
`of 5-aza.
`a week.
`by Dns
`the National
`of 5-aza
`and THU
`by The
`for new drugs
`100 mg
`as a slurry.
`and the
`of F reticulocytes
`cell were
`of mature
`F cells)
`a mouse
`in our
`levels were measured
`by alkali
`and G’y/A-y
`Dr Walter
`RBC indices
`to measure
`P. Davignon
`filed with
`the Food
`in 4 mL
`cell counter
`by an electronic
`were measured
`in K3EDTA.
`by Dr C. Noguchi,
`the mean
`of Medicine,
`of Pediatrics,
`the Howard
`by National
`a grant
`Cell Anemia.
`to Dr G.J. Dover,
`of Medicine,
`MD 21205.
`e /985
`by Grune
`& Stratton,
`720 Rutland
`Blood, Vol 66, No3(September),
`pp 527-532
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1031-0001


`Downloaded from by guest on 05 October 2021
`1 . Average
`F Reticulocyte
`and Oral
`to Various

`± 2.7
`± 3.5 (1.3)
`16.8 ± 7.4 (1.0)

`± 0.8

`1.2 (0.5)
`± 7.3 (1.0)
`17.8 ± 5.6 (0.9)
`± 8.7 (1.1)


`1 SD percentage
`of F reticulocytes.
`F reticulocyte
`II, 2 mg/kg/every
`I, 2 mg/kg/d
`days per week
`III. 2 mg/kg/d
`days per week
`IV, 2 mg/kg/d
`V. 0.2 mg/kg/d
`2 doses
`+ 200 mg THU (P0)
`five weeks.
`five weeks
`five weeks
`on an
`in patient
`A was
`by Dr
`E. Beutlen.’8
`levels were measured
`in The
`kins Hospital
`were measured
`a standard
`by Dr M. Crookston.
`levels20 were measured
`in peripheral
`blood mononuclear
`on Percoll.2’
`by restriction
`of peripheral
`by Dr
`S. Antonanakis.22
`1 indicates
`of F reticulocytes
`in percentage
`A (5)
`in three
`2 mg/kg/d
`a single
`a decrease
`in reticulocyte
`I .5 x
`F reticulocyte
`on F reticulocyte
`C given
`a week
`1 .
`in four
`F reticulocyte
`for patient
`D (see Results).
`all patients
`2 mg/kg/d
`of 5-aza.
`to days
`of administration
`days. Data on patients A, B, and C have
`been previously
`A and
`± 0.8%,
`1.0% and
`C (pretreatment
`in patient
`by decreased
`to pretherapy
`In subject
`to those
`IV) were
`F reticulocyte


`the mean
`I caused
`2 mg/kg/d
`of 5-aza
`in F reticulocyte
`or divided
`(2 mg/kg/d)
`to 2
`no food was
`dose was
`2 mg/kg/d,
`of WBC,
`1 5
`dose. When
`0.2 mg/kg/d
`V, Table
`1) F reticulo-
`to those
`2 mg/kg/d)
`1 .5 to 2 mg/kg
`in two
`of periph-
`in a suppression
`to 3 1% and
`33% of
`blood WBC
`in patients
`A and
`to 85% to 100% of pretherapy
`7 cytidine
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1031-0002




`Tab Ic 2. Hematologic
`to Various
`D oses
`of 5-Azacytidine
`for Patients
`A and C
`HbF (%)
`F Cells
`1 1.9

`± 0.8
`± 0.6
`± 0.7
`± 0.3
`± 0.7
`± O.5t
`± 0.3
`± 4.0(4.3)
`± 9.1
`± 6.4
`± 5.2
`± 7.6
`± 4.1
`± 2.8
`± 5.5
`± 0.7

`± 0.2
`± 0.8

`± 0.7
`± 0.1
`± 0.6

`± 5.7
`± 3.5
`± 2.8
`± 5.8
`± 2.7

`± 3.9
`I I
`the mean
`1 for doses
`of 5-aza.
`1 05/j.(cid:1)L.
`A had 46% HbA,
`and patient
`C had
`56% HbA due to previous
`2 summarizes
`Downloaded from by guest on 05 October 2021
`the mean MCV
`and MCH
`In patient
`(1 14
`the most
`(1 16 ± 4 Fl
`I pg)

`A and C had
`B,2 and
`as measured
`A and
`C only)
`C (Fig
`in reticulocytes
`of 5-aza
`(2 mg/kg/d)
`A (data
`a similar
`of dosage
`I , oral
`V) when
`F reticulocyte
`20% and
`F cell
`from 65% to 83%,
`4% and
`(4% to
`to drug
`46% normal
`of dense
`by Fabry
`C. However,
`et al24) was
`in patient
`C during
`0 through
`3. HbF 1ev els and Erythro
`s on Pa tients
`A and C
`F Cells
`0 5
`A were
`on patient
`Fla) and on patient
`C by phthalate
`by Coulter
`to return
`A over
`of F cells.
`of F cells
`of HbF,
`C on
`to pretreatment
`to pretreatment
`in both
`A and
`of Patient
`C even
`i 1 .5 g/dL
`he was
`D left
`(see Materials
`and Methods)
`a second
`of 5-aza.
`(2 mg/kg/d
`+ 200 mg THU),
`in patients
`A and
`C were
`to allow
`in a higher
`of SC
`A, negligible
`in the
`of HbF/F
`F reticulocyte
`F cell
`of HbF/F
`37% in patient
`A (from
`to 10.4
`103% in
`C (from
`1 1.2
`3). No
`cell were
`in the
`B and D
`we were
`A and
`C demonstrated
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1031-0003


`Downloaded from by guest on 05 October 2021
`Painful Crisis in Patients
`of Vaso-occlusive
`Table 4. Frequency
`A and C Treated
`and Oral
`in crisis
`as defined
`in Materials
`and Methods.
`IV or SC
`Fig 2.
`in F reticulocytes,
`C. Note
`the proportion
`of dense cells (MCHC <37 g/dl)
`in patient
`that suppression
`in total
`(2 mg/kg/d
`days) with
`of F
`day 35. The numbers
`in the top panel
`to the percentage
`cells present
`on the corresponding
`days. Regimen
`Ill was
`days 0 through
`35, and regimen
`V was given on days 140 through
`be meaningless.
`of HbF
`20% in
`C) were
`(8% to
`10% in
`18% to
`of G”y globin
`C (normal
`A and
`53% in
`low G’y
`G’y level.
`to have
`a high
`in patient
`A (I
`in patient
`C (normal
`(1 / 1 28).
`1 or Gower
`no embryonic
`in either
`as 0.03%.
`in number
`in the
`I 30 days
`A (see
`4). During
`73% in
`in patient
`1 75
`C responded
`(1 5 of 200
`30 of
`no clearcut
`in HbF
`two major
`is unknown,
`of 5-aza27;
`of HbF,
`F reticulocyte
`a rapid
`of our
`no decline
`in total
`F reticulo-
`D failed
`to show
`F reticulocyte
`in the
`of Health
`by Ley
`the National
`in F
`in most
`to pro-
`D exhibited
`the National
`of Health
`in these
`to doses
`of 5-aza
`. 10)
`to note
`on any
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1031-0004


`Downloaded from by guest on 05 October 2021
`A and
`C did
`in patients
`F reticu-
`in erythroid
`of marrow
`of HbF/F
`the MCV,
`a major
`of HbS
`of HbS
`A previous
`is associated
`in those
`in MCHC
`A and
`by Nogu-
`of 5-aza/THU.
`to disappear
`the MCHC
`new ones
`as old
`It appears,
`in these
`to either
`a decreased
`of dense
`A second
`in anemia
`in HbF/F
`a decrease
`F cell
`A and C the
`in both
`in the MCH
`pg and
`8 pg.
`in HbF/F
`in A and
`the MCH
`of F cells
`A (22%
`C (i6%
`0 to
`in HbF
`in patient
`F cell
`in C)
`0 to
`in our
`in anemia
`in both
`in patient
`A and
`C had
`F cell
`C even
`A had
`in either
`is more
`F cell
`in 55
`of F reticulocytes
`it might
`F reticulocyte
`F reticulocyte
`if any,
`of F reticulocyte,
`F cell
`of drug
`to reduce
`is not
`in any
`of HbF,
`F reticulocyte
`a defin-
`in 55
`of 55
`in a
`to increase
`in animals,’#{176}
`in animals31”2
`a manner
`1 . Taylor
`Mol Biol
`2. DeSimone
`PA: Mechanisms
`of 5-azacytidine
`Proc NatI Acad
`3. Tonrealba-de
`Sci USA 79:4428,
`Ron AT,
`in anemic
`T, Knapp
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1031-0005


`WH, Kazazian
`in juvenile
`N, Drake
`JC, Evans WH:
`from normal
`P: A new density
`19. Dover GJ, Boyen
`A: Changing
`DC, Coleman
`20. Chabner
`of cytidine
`i Clin
`21. Vettore
`L, Dc Matteis
`22. Antonarakis
`HH: Origin
`Dover Gi, Kazazian
`NatI Acad
`Sci USA 81:853,
`M: Magnitude
`J, Usman
`23. DeSimone
`J, Heller
`P, Amaseo
`in baboons
`to acute
`I 980
`is controlled
`by genetic
`J Clin
`Fabry ME,
`L, Lawrence
`C, Nagel
`RL: An
`in sickle
`of high-density
`red cells. Blood
`25. Gilman
`iG, Huisman
`high G-’y levels
`in HbF
`in the
`E, Lozzio
`G, Webben
`BB, Reese
`AL, Mayson
`of embryonic
`line K-562 with
`Am i Hematol
`27. Humphnies
`RK, Dover G, Young
`NS, Moore
`JG, Charache
`5, Nienhuis
`to increase
`i Clin
`28. Noguchi
`of sickle
`los G: Simultaneous
`in single
`L, Chen
`T, Halfpap
`cell markers
`L, Hill
`R, Dow
`in Stama-
`in patients
`G, Nienhuis
`W (eds):
`in Development
`New York,
`p 443
`and Differentiation.
`Linch DC, Beardsley
`GP, McIntyre
`Letvin NL,

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