`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`Mill N il I
`(43) International Publication Date
`30 September 2004 (30.09.2004)
`(10) International Publication N u m b er
`WO 2004/082619 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`(21) International Application Number:
`(74) Agents: HIRD, Steven et a l; Swanson & Bratschun LLC,
`1745 Shea Center Drive, Suite 330, Highlands Ranch, CO
`80129 (US).
`(22) International Filing Date: 16 March 2004 (16.03.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`17 March 2003 (17.03.2003)
`(71) Applicants
`except US):
`(for all de.signate.d States
`[US/US]; 2525 28th
`Street, Boulder, CO 80301 (US). ASH STEVENS INC
`[US/US]; 5861 John C Lodge Freeway, Detroit, MI 48202
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only):
`mitru [RO/US]; 2828 Grant Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
`(US). BLUMBERGS, Peter [US/US]; 4105 Springer,
`Royal Oak, MI 48073 (US). SILVEY, Gary, L. [US/US];
`10139 Switzer Circle, Overland Park, KS 66212 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise
`indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, IP, KB,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, I T, I Z, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise
`indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), Euro(cid:173)
`pean (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, El, FR,
`GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`[Continued on next page]
`Fignre 1.
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`(57) Abstract: The invention provides novel polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic crystalline forms of 5-azacytidine, along with
`methods for preparing said forms, wherein 5-azacythidine is represented by the formula (I). The invention also includes pharmaceu(cid:173)
`tical compositions comprising said forms.
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0001


`WO 2 0 0 4 / 0 8 2 6 19 A2
`I lllllll II11 111 III III III II III lllll III I II Mill 111 III llll 111 llll
`— without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0002


`WO 2004/082619
`The invention relates to the isolation of crystalline polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic
`forms of 5-azacytidine (also known as azacitidine and 4-amino-l-P-D-ribofuranosyl-S-triazin-
`2(lH)-one). 5-azacytidine may be used in the treatment of disease, including the treatment of
`myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
`Polymorphs exist as two or more crystalline phases that have different arrangements
`and/or different conformations of the molecule in a crystal lattice. When a solvent molecule(s)
`is contained within the crystal lattice the resulting crystal is called a pseudopolymorph, or
`solvate. If the solvent molecule(s) within the crystal structure is a water molecule, then the
`pseudopolymorph/solvate is called a hydrate. The polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic solids
`display different physical properties, including those due to packing, and various
`thermodynamic, spectroscopic, interfacial and mechanical properties (See H. Brittain,
`Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1999, pp. 1-2).
`Polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic forms of the drag substance (also known as the "active
`pharmaceutical ingredient" (API)), as administered by itself or formulated as a drug product
`(also known as the final or finished dosage form, or as the pharmaceutical composition) are
`25 well known and may affect, for example, the solubility, stability, flowability, fractability, and
`compressibility of drug substances and the safety and efficacy of drug products, (see, e.g.,
`Knapmari, K Modem Drug Discoveries, March 2000: 53).
`5-azacytidine (also known as azacitidine and 4-amino-l-P-D-ribofuranosyl-l,3,5-triazm-
`2(1/0-0116; Nation Service Center designation NSC-102816; CAS Registry Number 320-67-2)
`has undergone NCI-sponsored clinical trials for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes
`(MDS). See Komblith et a!., J. Clin. Oncol. 20(10): 2441-2452 (2002) and Silverman et al, J.
`Clin. Oncol. 20(10): 2429-2440 (2002). 5-azacytidine may be defined as having a formula of
`C8H12N4O5, a molecular weight of 244.20 and a structure of:
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0003


`WO 2004/082619
`The polymorphic form of 5-azacytidine drug substance and drug product has never been
`characterized. It is an object of the present invention to characterize the polymorphic forms of
`It has been unexpectedly found that 5-azacytidine exists in at least eight different
`polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic crystalline forms (Forms I-VIII), in addition to an
`amorphous form. Form I is a polymorph found in prior art retained samples of 5-azacytidine
`drug substance. Form II is a polymorph found in some prior art retained samples of the 5-
`azacytidine drug substance; in those samples, Form II is always found in mixed phase with
`Form I. Form III is a hydrate, and is formed when prior art retained and current samples of the
`drug product are reconstituted with water to form a "slurry" prior to administration to the
`patient. Form VI is found in prior art retained samples of the 5-azacytidine drug product,
`either substantially free of other polymorphs, or in mixed phase with Form I.
`The invention provides novel crystalline forms referred to as Form IV, Form V, Form VII
`and Form VIII. Forms I-VIII each have characteristic X-ray power diffraction (XRPD)
`patterns and are easily distinguished from one another using XRPD.
`Also included in the present invention are methods for robustly and reproducibly
`synthesizing 5-azacytidine drug substance substantially as Form IV, Form V, or Form VIII.
`25 Also provided are methods for robustly and reproducibly synthesizing a Form I/VII mixed
`phase. The invention also provides pharmaceutical compositions comprising the various
`forms of 5-azacytidine together with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients,
`diluents, or carriers.
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0004


`WO 2004/082619
`Figure I presents the X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) pattern of 5-azacytidine, Form I,
`labeled with the most prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 2 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, mixed phase Form I and Form II,
`labeled with the most prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 3 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, Form III, labeled with the most
`prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 4 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, Form IV, labeled with the most
`prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 5 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, Form V, labeled with the most
`prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 6 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, Form VI, labeled with the most
`prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 7 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, mixed phase Form I and Form VII,
`labeled with the most prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`Figure 8 presents the XRPD pattern of 5-azacytidine, Form VIII, labeled with the most
`prominent 29 angles (Cu Ka radiation).
`- 3-
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0005


`WO 2004/082619
`5-azacytidine Crystalline Forms I-VIII
`It has been discovered that 5-azacytidine exists in at least eight different polymorphic and
`pseudopolymorphic crystalline forms, and also in an amorphous form.
`Form I
`A single sample of the 5-azacytidine drug substance was synthesized from 5-azacytosine
`and 1,2,3,5,-Tetra-O-acetyl-P-D-ribofuranose according to the prior art method provided in
`Example 1. The last step of this method is a recrystallization of the crude synthesis product
`from a DMSO/methanol co-solvent system. Specifically, the crude synthesis product is
`dissolved in DMSO (preheated to about 90oC), and then methanol is added to the DMSO
`solution. The co-solvent mixture is equilibrated at approximately -20oC to allow 5-azacytidine
`crystal formation. The product is collected by vacuum filtration and allowed to air dry.
`The X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD; see Example 5) pattern of the resulting 5-
`azacytidine is shown in Figure 1 along with some of the 20 values. Table 1 provides the most
`prominent 20 angles, d-spacing and relative intensities for this material, which is designated as
`Form I.
`29 Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0006


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 1: 5-azacytidine Form I - the most prominent 28 angles, d-spacing and relative
`intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`Thermal analysis of Form I indicates that this form of 5-azacytidine is anhydrous. See
`Example 6.
`Form II
`Retained samples of the drug substance previously used to the formulate the drug product
`in the NCI-sponsored Cancer and Leukaemia Group B (CALGB) investigations (Phase 2 trial
`8291 and Phase 3 trial 9221) for the treatment of MDS (Investigational New Drag (IND)
`7574) were also analyzed by XRPD. The retained drug substance samples comprised either
`Form I, or a mixed phase of Form I and another polymorph: Form II. See Example 5.
`The XRPD powder pattern of mixed phase Forms I and II is shown in Figure 2 along with
`some of the 20 values. Peaks distinctive to Form II are observed at 13.5, 17.6 and 22.3 0 20.
`Table 2 provides the most prominent 26 angles, d-spacing and relative intensities for this
`mixed phase.
`26 Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0007


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 2: 5-azacytidine, Mixed Phase Forms I and II - the most prominent 29 angles, d-
`spacing and relative intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`These results indicate that the prior art 5-azacytidine synthesis procedures for the drug
`substance produce either Form I substantially free of other forms, or a Form I/II mixed phase
`/. e. a solid material in which 5-azacytidine is present in a mixed phase of both Form I and
`Form II.
`Thermal analysis of mixed phase Form I/II is presented in Example 6.
`Form III
`An additional crystalline form of 5-azacytidine, designated Form III, is found in slurries of
`5-azacytidine. See Example 8. Moreover, it has been found that all forms of 5-azacytidine
`(including the 5-azacytidine in the prior art drug product) convert to Form III in water. See
`Example 8. Thus, reconstitution of the drug product used in the aforementioned NCI trials
`would have led to the formation of a saturated solution (or "slurry") in which the remaining
`solid 5-azacytidine was Form III. The XRPD powder pattern of Form III is shown in Figure 3
`along with some of the 29 values. Table 3 provides the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing
`and relative intensities for this crystalline material. The XRPD powder pattern for Form III is
`distinctly different from that of all of the other forms of 5-azacytidine.
`29 Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0008


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 3: 5-azacytidine5 Form III - the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and relative
`intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`Thermal analysis and proton (1H) NMR spectroscopy indicate that Form III is a
`pseudopolymorphic form of 5-azacytidine, specifically a monohydrate. See Examples 6-7.
`Form IV
`Form IV is a novel crystalline form of 5-azacytidine. Form IV was recovered by slow
`recrystallization from a DMSO/toluene co-solvent system (see Example 2) or by fast
`recrystallization from the DMSO/chloroform co-solvent system (see Example 3). The XRPD
`powder pattern of Form IV is shown in Figure 4 along with some of the 29 values. Table 4
`provides the most prominent 20 angles, d-spacing and relative intensities for this crystalline
`material. The XRPD powder pattern for Form IV is distinctly different from that of any other
`20 Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0009


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 4: 5-azacytidme Form IV - the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and relative
`intensities (Cu Kcc radiation)
`Thermal analysis of Form IV is presented in Example 6.
`Form V
`Form V is a novel crystalline form of 5-azacytidine. Form V was recovered by fast
`recrystallization of 5-azacytidine from a DMSO/toluene co-solvent system (see Example 3).
`The XRPD powder pattern of Form V is shown in Figure 5 along with some of the 20 values.
`Table 5 provides the most prominent 20 angles, d-spacing and relative intensities for this
`crystalline material. The XRPD powder pattern for Form V is distinctly different from that of
`any other form.
`26 Angle Q
`d-spacing (A)
`- 8-
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0010


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 5: 5-azacytidine Form V - the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and relative
`intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`Thermal analysis indicates that Form V is a solvate. See Example 6.
`Form VI
`The drug product used in the aforementioned NCI investigation was typically prepared by
`lypohilizing a solution of 5-azacytidine and mannitol (1:1 w/w). The resultant drug product
`comprised 100 mg of 5-azacytidine and 100 mg mannitol as a lyophilized cake in a vial and
`was administered by subcutaneous injection as an aqueous suspension ("slurry"). XRPD
`analysis of retained samples of the drug product used in the NCI investigation revealed the
`existence of another polymorph, Form VI. The retained drug product samples comprised
`either Form VI alone, or a Form I/VI mixed phase. Table 6 provides the most prominent 20
`angles, d-spacing and relative intensities for Form VI.
`20 Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0011


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 6: 5-azacytidine Form VI - the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and relative
`intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`Thermal analysis and proton (1H) NMR spectroscopy of Form VI is presented in Examples
`Form VII
`Form VII is a novel crystalline form of 5-azacytidine. Form VII was produced by fast
`recrystallization from a DMSO/methanol co-solvent system (see Example 3). Form VII was
`always isolated by this recrystallization method as a mixed phase with Form I. The XRPD
`powder pattern of mixed phase Forms I and VII is shown in Figure 7 along with some of the
`29 values and the Form VII distinctive peaks indicated with asterisks. Table 7 provides the
`most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and relative intensities for this mixed phase. Form VII
`exhibits distinctive peaks at 5.8, 11.5, 12.8, 22.4 and 26.6 0 29 in addition to peaks displayed
`in the Form I XRPD powder pattern. The XRPD pattern for mixed phase Forms I and VII is
`distinctly different from that of any other form.
`29 Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0012


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 7: 5-azacytidine, mixed Forms I and VII - the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing
`and relative intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`Thermal analysis of Form VII is presented in Example 6.
`Form VIII
`Form VIII is a novel crystalline form of S-azacytidine. Form VIII was recovered by
`recrystallizing 5-azacytidine Form I from a N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) single solvent
`system (see Example 4). The XRPD powder pattern of Form VIII is shown in Figure 8 along
`with some of the 29 values. Table 8 provides the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and
`relative intensities for this material. The XRPD pattern for Form VIII is distinctly different
`from that of any other form.
`29Angle (0)
`d-spacing (A)
`11 -
`Relative Intensity
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0013


`WO 2004/082619
`Table 8: 5-azacytidine, Form VIII - the most prominent 29 angles, d-spacing and relative
`intensities (Cu Ka radiation)
`Amorphous 5-azacytidine
`Amorphous 5-azacytidine may be recovered from equilibrium saturated solutions of 5-
`azacytidine in propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol and DMSO. See Example 8.
`Pharmaceutical Formulations
`For the most effective administration of drug substance of the present invention, it is
`preferred to prepare a pharmaceutical formulation (also known as the "drug product")
`preferably in unit dose form, comprising one or more of the 5-azacytidine forms of the present
`invention and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, diluent, or excipient.
`Such pharmaceutical formulation may, without being limited by the teachings set forth
`herein, include a solid form of the present invention which is blended with at least one
`pharmaceutically acceptable excipient, diluted by an excipient or enclosed within such a
`carrier that can be in the form of a capsule, sachet, tablet, buccal, lozenge, paper, or other
`container. When the excipient serves as a diluent, it may be a solid, semi-solid, or liquid
`material which acts as a vehicle, carrier, or medium for the 5-azacytidine polymorph(s). Thus,
`the formulations can be in the form of tablets, pills, powders, elixirs, suspensions, emulsions,
`solutions, syrups, capsules (such as, for example, soft and hard gelatin capsules),
`suppositories, sterile injectable solutions, and sterile packaged powders.
`Examples of suitable excipients include, but are not limited to, starches, gum arable,
`calcium silicate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, cellulose, water, syrup, and
`methyl cellulose. The formulations can additionally include lubricating agents such as, for
`example, talc, magnesium stearate and mineral oil; wetting agents; emulsifying and
`suspending agents; preserving agents such as methyl- and propyl- hydroxybenzoates;
`sweetening agents; or flavoring agents. Polyols, buffers, and inert fillers may also be used.
`Examples of polyols include, but are not limited to: mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, sucrose,
`maltose, glucose, lactose, dextrose, and the like. Suitable buffers encompass, but are not
`limited to, phosphate, citrate, tartrate, succinate, and the like. Other inert fillers which may be
`- 1 2-
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0014


`WO 2004/082619
`used encompass those which are known in the art and are useful in the manufacture of various
`dosage forms. If desired, the solid pharmaceutical compositions may include other
`components such as bulling agents and/or granulating agents, and the like. The compositions
`of the invention can be formulated so as to provide quick, sustained, controlled, or delayed
`release of the drug substance after administration to the patient by employing procedures well
`known in the art.
`In certain embodiments of the invention, the 5-azacytidine forms(s) may be made into the
`form of dosage units for oral administration. The 5-azacytidine forms(s) may be mixed with a
`solid, pulverant carrier such as, for example, lactose, saccharose, sorbitol, mannitol, starch,
`amylopectin, cellulose derivatives or gelatin, as well as with an antifriction agent such as for
`example, magnesium stearate, calcium stearate, and polyethylene glycol waxes. The mixture is
`then pressed into tablets or filled into capsules. If coated tablets, capsules, or pulvules are
`desired, such tablets, capsules, or pulvules may be coated with a concentrated solution of
`sugar, which may contain gum arable, gelatin, talc, titanium dioxide, or with a lacquer
`dissolved in the volatile organic solvent or mixture of solvents. To this coating, various dyes
`20 may be added in order to distinguish among tablets with different active compounds or with
`different amounts of the active compound present.
`Soft gelatin capsules may be prepared in which capsules contain a mixture of the 5-
`azacytidine form(s) and vegetable oil or non-aqueous, water miscible materials such as, for
`example, polyethylene glycol and the like. Hard gelatin capsules may contain granules or
`powder of the 5-azacytidine polymorph in combination with a solid, pulverulent carrier, such
`as, for example, lactose, saccharose, sorbitol, mannitol, potato starch, corn starch,
`amylopectin, cellulose derivatives, or gelatin.
`Tablets for oral use are typically prepared in the following manner, although other
`techniques may be employed. The solid substances are gently ground or sieved to a desired
`particle size, and a binding agent is homogenized and suspended in a suitable solvent. The 5-
`azacytidine form(s) and auxiliary agents are mixed with the binding agent solution. The
`resulting mixture is moistened to form a uniform suspension. The moistening typically causes
`the particles to aggregate slightly, and the resulting mass is gently pressed through a stainless
`steel sieve having a desired size. The layers of the mixture are then dried in controlled drying
`units for a pre-determined length of time to achieve a desired particle size and consistency.
`The granules of the dried mixture are gently sieved to remove any powder. To this mixture,
`- 1 3-
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0015


`WO 2004/082619
`disintegrating, anti-friction, and anti-adhesive agents are added. Finally, the mixture is pressed
`into tablets using a machine with the appropriate punches and dies to obtain the desired tablet
`In the event that the above formulations are to be used for parenteral administration, such a
`formulation typicalty comprises sterile, aqueous and non-aqueous injection solutions
`comprising one or more 5-azacytidine forms for which preparations are preferably isotonic
`with the blood of the intended recipient. These preparations may contain anti-oxidants,
`buffers, bacteriostats, and solute; which render the formulation isotonic with the blood of the
`intended recipient. Aqueous and non-aqueous suspensions may include suspending agents and
`thickening agents. The formulations may be present in unit-dose or multi-dose containers, for
`example, sealed ampules and vials. Extemporaneous injection solutions and suspensions may
`be prepared from sterile powders, granules, and tablets of the kind previously described.
`Liquid preparations for oral administration are prepared in the form of solutions, syrups, or
`suspensions with the latter two forms containing, for example, 5-azacytidine polymorph(s),
`sugar, and a mixture of ethanol, water, glycerol, and propylene glycol. If desired, such liquid
`preparations contain coloring agents, flavoring agents, and saccharin. Thickening agents such
`as carboxymethylcellulose may also be used.
`As such, the pharmaceutical formulations of the present invention are preferably prepared
`in a unit dosage form, each dosage unit containing from about 5 mg to about 200 mg, more
`usually about 100 mg of the 5-azacytidine form(s). In liquid form, dosage unit contains from
`about 5 to about 200 mg, more usually about 100 mg of the 5-azacytidine form(s). The term
`"unit dosage form" refers to physically discrete units suitable as unitary dosages for human
`subjects/patients or other mammals, each unit containing a predetermined quantity of the 5-
`azacytidine polymorph calculated to produce the desired therapeutic effect, in association with
`preferably, at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, diluent, or excipient.
`The following examples are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not to be
`construed as limiting the scope of the claims in any way.
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0016


`WO 2004/082619
`5 Examples
`Example 1: Prior Art Procedure for Synthesis of 5-azacytidine Drug Substance
`Using commercially available 5-azacytosine (1) and 1,2,3,5-Tetra-O- p-acetyl-
`ribofuranose (2) (RTA), 5-azacytidine (3) may be synthesized according to the pathway
`(NH2)2S04, Heat
`H O'
`" N'
`(1) SnCl4,CH3CN
`(2) NaOCHs, CH3OH
`H I
`I H
`H I
`I H
`The crude synthesis product is dissolved in DMSO (preheated to about 90oC), and then
`methanol is added to the DMSO solution. The co-solvent mixture is equilibrated at
`approximately -20oC to allow 5-azacytidine crystal formation. The product is collected by
`vacuum filtration and allowed to air dry.
`Example 2: Slow Recrystallization from DMSO/toluene
`Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used as the primary solvent to solubilize Form I of 5-
`azacytidine and toluene was used as the co-solvent as follows. Approximately 250 mg of 5-
`azacytidine was dissolved with approximately 5 mL of DMSO, preheated to approximately 90
`0C, in separate 100-mL beakers. The solids were allowed to dissolve to a clear solution.
`Approximately 45 mL of toluene, preheated to approximately 50 0C, was added to the solution
`and the resultant solution was mixed. The solution was covered and allowed to equilibrate at
`ambient conditions. The product was collected by vacuum filtration as white crystals using a
`Buchner funnel. The collected product was allowed to air dry.
`Example 3: Fast Recrystallization from DMSO/methanoi DMSO/toluene, and
`- 1 5-
`Apotex v. Cellgene - IPR2023-00512
`Petitioner Apotex Exhibit 1004-0017


`WO 2004/082619
`Approximately 250 mg of 5-azacytidine was dissolved with approximately 5 mL of
`DMSO as the primary solvent, preheated to approximately 90 0C, in separate 100-ml beakers.
`The solids were allowed to dissolve to a clear solution. Approximately 45 mL of the selected
`co-solvent (methanol, toluene, or chloroform), preheated to approximately 50 0C, was added
`to the solution and the resultant solution was mixed. The solution was covered and placed in a
`freezer to equilibrate at approximately -20oC to allow crystal formation. Solutions were
`removed from the freezer after crystal formation.
`The product from the methanol and toluene solutions was collected by vacuum filtration
`using a Buchner funnel. The resulting white crystalline product was allowed to air dry.
`The chloroform product was too fine to be collected by vacuum filtration. Most of the
`solvent was carefully decanted from the chloroform solution and the solvent from the resultant
`slurry was allowed to evaporate at ambient temperature to dryness. The chloroform solution
`evaporated to a white product. Note that fast recrystallization using the DMSO/methanol co-
`solvent system has typically been used to prepare 5-azacytidine drug substance in the prior art
`(see the last step of the procedure provided in Example 1).

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