Volume 12 Number 12 1984
`Nucleic Acids Research
`Chemical synthesis of 5-azacytidine nucleotides and preparation of tRNAs containing 5-azacytidine
`in its 3'-terminus
`Wojciech S.Zielinski* and Mathias Sprinzl
`Department of Biochemistry, University of Bayreuth, PO Box 3008, D-8580 Bayreuth, FRG
`Received 2 May 1984; Revised and Accepted 1 June 1984
`5-azacytidine-5'-triphosphate prepared from 5-azacytidine by
`chemical phosphorylation is a substrate for AMP(CMP)tRNA nucleo-
`tidyl transferase from yeast.
`tRNAsPhe from yeast containing 5-
`azac tidine in their 3'-fermini were prepared enzymatically.
`tRNA he_cpn CpA and tRNA
`-n Cpn°cpa can be aminoacylated by
`phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase from yeast and they are active in the
`poly(U)-dependent synthesis of poly(Phe) on E. coli ribosomes.
`The decomposition of 5-azacytidine via hydrolysis of the tri-
`azine ring is significantly accelerated by a phosphate group on
`the 5'-position of the nucleotide. After the incorporation of 5-
`azacytidine-5'-phosphate into a polynucleotide chain the rate of
`hydrolysis of the triazine ring decreases considerably.
`5-Azacytidine (1)
`is an analogue of cytidine containing an
`additional nitrogen heteroatom in the position 5 of the pyrimi-
`dine ring (2). As a potent inhibitor of the cell growth this drug
`exhibits pronounced antibacterial activity (3) and is used clini-
`cally in the treatment of leukemia (4). Recently it was reported
`that 5 -azacytidine is able to deblock inactive genes (5-8) pro-
`bably by the inhibition of the methylation of cytosine at speci-
`fic sites of the DNA.
`Inhibition of protein synthesis is probably the main target
`accounting for the strong cytotoxic activity of 5-azacytidine.
`Since this effect can be suppressed by actinomycin it was sugge-
`sted that the incorporation of the analogue into RNA is crucial
`for inhibition (9,10). It was later demonstrated that 5-azacyti-
`dine incorporation into mammalian tRNAs causes an inactivation of
`tRNA cytosine-5-methyltransferase leading to a marked reduction
`of S-methylcytidine content in tRNAs
`5-Azacytidine is unstable and it undergoes a rapid hydro-
`© IRL Press Limited, Oxford, England.
`CE LG FE N FE 2 4 31


`Nucleic Acids Research
`lytic degradation of its triazine ring at neutral pH (12). Once
`the analogue is incorporated into the polynucleotide chain such
`degradation could cause changes in RNA structure and account for
`inhibitory effects during the protein biosynthesis.
`In order to investigate the stability of 5-azacytidine
`-containing RNA we chemically synthesized 5-azacytidine-5'-tri-
`phosphate, and incorporated this nucleotide analogue into the 3'-
`end of tRNAby aATP(CTP)
`tRNA nucleotidyl transferase-catalysed
`In extension of our previous investigations with tRNA
`molecules having a modified 3'-terminus (13) we studied the acti-
`vity of 5-azacytidine-containing tRNAs
`in in vitro protein bio-
`?*®_apcpcpa anda tRNA’? ©_apcpc were isolated from yeast
`bulk tRNA (Boehringer, Mannheim Germany)
`(14). The shortened
`tRNA??? _anc as well as erwa’??_g were prepared as descri-
`bed previously (15). The aminoacylation capacity of tRNA
`tRNA nucleotidyl transferase, ATP
`in the presence of ATP(CTP)
`and CTP was 1250 pmol
`th4o] phenylalanine / A,,. unit tRNA. ATP
`(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase (E.C.
`from baker's
`yeast of a specific acitvity of 44 000 units/mg protein (16) was
`a gift of Dr. Hans Sternbach, Géttingen. Phenylalanyl-tRNA syn-
`thetase (E.C.
`from baker's yeast had a specific acti-
`vity of 1820 units/mg protein (17). 5-azacytidine was a product
`of Fluka AG (Buchs, Switzerland).
`(+4clphenylalanine 57 Ci/mol
`and [(“*elpnenylalanine
`521 Ci/mol were obtained from Amersham
`(Braunschweig, Germany). Trimethylphosphate was purified
`by distillation from sodium under reduced pressure. Dimethylform-
`amide was distilled from calcium hydride and stored over ah
`molecular sieves.
`315, nmr proton-decoupled spectra were recorded
`on a Bruker-Spectra-Spin spectrometer at 81 MHz,
`in aqueous so-
`lutions containing 0.1 M EDTA, pH 7.0, and 75 % D,0. Negative
`chemical shift values are assigned for compound absorbing at
`higher field than 85 $% H,P0, external standard. UV-spectra and
`the kinetics of the hydrolysis of 5-azacytidine and its deriva-
`tives were recorded with a Beckman DU-8 spectrophotometer.


`Nucleic Acids Research
`Ion exchange thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and thin-layer
`electrophoresis were performed on Polygram Cel 300 PEI/UV 5c,
`precoated sheets and precoated TLC plates Cel 300-10/UV
`from Macherey-Nagel, Dttren, Germany). For
`ion-exchange TLC the
`following systems were used: solvent A,
`1 M LiCl; solvent B, 1.5
`M LiCl; buffer C,
`1 M NaOAc pH 6.0. Thin layer electrophoresis
`was run in 0.1 M citrate buffer pH 5.6 at 23 V/cm.
`The poly(U)-dependent translation assay on E.coli ribosomes
`(18) was described previously (19). The hydrolysis of tRNA with
`ribonuclease Ty and the conditions for HPLC separation of the
`digestion products were described in (20).
`All evaporations were done below 20°C in vacuum using a
`rotary evaporator equipped with a dry-ice condenser. The molar
`extinction coefficient for phosphorylated 5-azacytidine deriva-
`tives was assumed to be the same as determined for 5-azacytidine,
`foes = 2,56 x 103 at pH 1
`(0.1 M HCl),
`fogs = 6.56 x 10? at pH
`7.6 (50 mM TRIS°*HC1).
`Aminoacylation of tRNA species was performed in a reaction
`mixture (O.1 ml) containing 150 mM TRIS*HCl,
`pH 7.5, 100 mM KCl,
`50 mM MgCl., 2.5 mM ATP, 2.5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.02 mM tt4e]-
`phenylalanine, specific acitivity 57 Ci/mol, 0.2 A
`units tRNA
`and 5
`ig phenylanlanyl-tRNA synthetase (17).
`Incorporation of 5-azacytidine into tRNA ©_a and tRNA
`ApC was accomplished as described previously (15). The reaction
`mixture (0.5 ml) contained
`150 mM TRIS*HC1, pH 9.0, 150 mM KCl,
`15 mM MgCl,
`1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol,
`2 mM n°CTP, 10-20 A560
`units of shortened tRNA and 0.2 mg/ml ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl
`tranferase. After incubation for 4 h at room temperature,
`the pH
`was adjusted to 5.0 by addition of 2 M sodium acetate pH 4.0.
`The reaction mixture was diluted with 0.6 ml water and the solu-
`tion was applied onto a column of Sephadex A 25 (0.8 x 5 cm)
`equilibrated with 20 mM sodium acetate,
`pH 5.2. The column was
`washed with 400 mM NaCl
`in 20 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.2 (50 ml)
`and finally with 1.0 M NaCl
`in the same buffer. The high salt
`portion of the eluant contained the modified tRNA. It was iso-
`lated by desalting on a Biogel P 2 column (15) and concentrated
`by evaporation.


`Nucleic Acids Research
`Preparation of 5-azacytidine-5'-monophosphate
`To a stirred suspension of 5-azacytidine (112 mg, 0.5 mmol)
`in trimethylphosphate (2 ml), phosphorus oxychloride (70 ul, 0.75
`mmol) was added at o°c. The mixture was stirred with exclusion of
`atmospheric moisture at o°c for 4 h. The resulting clear solution
`was added dropwise to 25 ml stirred ice-cold 0.1 M triethylammo-
`nium bicarbonate buffer pH 7.6. After 45 min the pH of the mix-
`ture was adjusted to about 5 by addition of the same buffer and
`solvents were removed by evaporation. The residue was dissolved -
`in water
`(2 ml) and applied on the AG 50 Wx2
`(BioRad, Miinchen,
`ion exchanger
`(100-200 mesh) column (1.8 x 27 cm)
`in H*
`form. The column was washed with water and the UV-absorbing frac-
`tions of the eluate were collected. The appropriate fractions
`were pooled. After addition of an equimolar amount of triethyl-
`the solution was evaporated. The residue was dissolved in
`(1 ml) and freeze-dried.
`The homogeneous product had R,-values
`of 0.63 (solvent A), 0.80 (solvent B), and 0.47 (buffer C) on TLC.
`Electrophoretic mobility was equal
`to CMP. UV-spectrum:
`255 and 241 nn, Anin = 231 and 224 nm in 0.1 M HCl, and 50 mM
`(pH 7.6) respectively.
`ratio = 1.22 in 0.1 M
`(pH 7.6), respectively.
`HCl, and 0.78 in 50 mM TRIS-HCl
`= + 2.312 ppm.
`Preparation of 5-azacytidine-5'-triphosphate
`Triethylammonium salt of n°CMP (0.215 mmol) was dissolved in
`85 % aqueous dimethylformamide and n-tributylamine (0.43 mmol)
`was added. The resulting clear solution was evaporated, and the
`residue dried by repeated coevaporation with dry dimethylform-
`amide (6 x 4 ml). The final residue was dissolved in dimethylform-
`amide (3 ml) and carbonyldiimidazole (0.32 mmol, 52 mg) was added
`with stirring. After 40 min at room temperature the solution was
`cooled in ice and tetrakistributylammonium pyrophosphate (0.6
`in dimethylformamide was added dropwise with vigorous stir-
`ring. After 2 h at room temperature,
`the reaction mixture was
`cooled in ice,
`treated with 30 wl methanol and after 15 min eva-
`(5 ml) and applied
`porated. The residue was dissolved in water
`ion-exchange column
`Onto a Dowex 1 x 4
`(200-400 mesh,
`(1.x 12 cm). The column was eluted with a linear gradient of am-


`Nucleic Acids Research
`monium formate (50 mM - 1.0 M, pH 4.2, 600 ml) and fractions con-
`taining the product were pooled, concentrated and desalted ona
`Sephadex G-10 column (2 x 54 cm). UV-spectrum in 100 mM HCl:
`cae 254, Amine 238;
`ratio = 0.71; E554/"270 ratio =
`2.74. Electrophoretic mobility was equal
`to CTP. Rr values: 0.16
`(solvent A), 0.25 (solvent B); ai, mr (o in ppm):
`-10.04 (Po),
`-21.36 (P
`d -8.67 (P_);
`= I
`= 19.7 Hz.
`(Pg) an Tae=Te,y(Py?
`Synthesis and stability of 5-azacytidine nucleotides
`In order to avoid decomposition of the unstable triazine
`ring during the synthesis of S-azacytidine-5'-monophosphate and
`5-azacytidine-5'-triphosphate the common phosphorylation proce-
`dures (21,22) had to be modified. The reactions and purification
`steps were performed in the shortest possible time, and extreme
`PH conditions were avoided. The average yield for the phosphory-
`lation of S-azacytidine to 5-azacytidine-5'-monophosphate in
`several experiments was about 70 %. The yield of the triphosphate
`synthesis was only about 20 %, and could not be improved by va-
`riation of the reaction time or of the stoichiometry of the reac-
`ting components. Since no further UV-absorbing by-products were
`detected in the reaction mixture, we assume that the low yield of
`triphosphate reflects a high reactivity of the triazine ring of
`the S-azacytidine with nucleophiles leading to decomposition of
`the base and loss of UV-absorption.
`The 5-azacytidine-5'~-triphosphate was characterized by its
`34, nmr spectrum, UV-absorbance and chromatographic properties.
`It contained about
`% unidentified impurities and could be
`stored for several weeks in lyophilized form at -20°C without de-
`composition. As compared to the enzymatic phosphorylation of 5-
`azacytidine, which was utilized previously (23)
`the chemical syn-
`thesis of 5-azacytidine-nucleotides is convenient especially for
`a large scale preparation of the compound.
`In aqueous solutions 5-azacytidine decomposes rapidly. The
`kinetics of the decomposition suggests that a nucleophilic attack
`of a hydroxyl
`ion on the position 6 of the triazine ring followed
`by an opening of the ring and the formation of a UV-absorbing
`aldehyde intermediate takes place during this reaction (12). This


`Nucleic Acids Research
`time [h]
`Figure i: UV-monitored
`decomposition of 5-azacytidine
`and its derivatives at 24°C. The
`compounds were transferred from
`a cooled stock solutions to
`quartz cells containing 50 mM
`TRIS-HCl, pH 7.56. The absorbance
`was measured at 245 nm.
`(—) 5-
`(---) 5-azacytidine-
`(---) 5-
`is manifested by a transient increase of the absorbance at 245 nm
`(fig. 1). The aldehyde is then decomposed to non UV-absorbing pro-
`ducts, guanidine and ribose. Measuring the decay of UV-absorbance
`at 245 nm curves similar to those obtained for the free nucleoside
`(12) were observed in the case of n° CMP and n°-CTP. By increasing
`the pH from 7.6 to 8.5 the rate of decomposition is accelerated
`about three-fold. From the part of the curve reflecting the se-
`cond, slow reaction, first order rate constants were calculated.
`The introduction of the phosphate group into 5'-position of the
`5-azacytidine increases the rate of decomposition. This effect is
`Table i First order rate constants and half ee of the decompo-
`sition of 5-azacytidine and its derivatives a),
`rate constant
`half time [h]
`without Mg?
`15 mM Mg?
`15 mM Mg?
`a) Determined in 50 mM TRIS-HCL, pH 7.6 at 24°c. by monitoring the
`decay of UV-absorbance at 245 nm. The values were calculated for
`the second, slow reaction.


`Nucleic Acids Research
`more pronounced in the case of the 5-azacytidine-5'-triphosphate,
`which is more labile than the 5-azacytidine-5'-monophosphate.
`Whereas the Mg-* has no effect on the stability of 5-azacytidine
`or 5-azacytidine-5'-monophosphate,
`the rate of decomposition of
`the 5-azacytidine-5'-triphosphate decreases considerably upon
`addition of 15 mM magnesium ions.
`Synthesis and activity of 5-azacytidine-cortaining tRNAs
`ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase recognizes 5-azacyti-
`dine-5'-triphosphate as a substrate and incorporates this modi-
`fied nucleotide into the 3'-end of tRNA. Starting from trnarhe_
`APCl, 6x tRNATPCa in the presence of ATP and n-CTP, respec-
`tive tRNAs containing one or two S-azacytidine residues in the
`3'-terminus can be prepared by this reaction. No differences in
`the rate or extent of incorporation of n°CMP as compared to the
`natural cytidine nucleotide were observed.
`In order to identify the n°c residues incorporated into the
`polynucleotide chain,
`the modified trnarhe species,
`Cpn°cpa and trna’"*-apepn°cpa were digested by RNase T, and the
`formed oligonucleotides were analyzed by HPLC (20). This analy-
`tical approach, however, did not provide clear results. Due to
`the lability of 5-azacytidine-containing oligonucleotides, se-
`veral peaks which are not present in the chromatograms of the
`T, digest of native trnaPhe appeared in the chromatograms Geri.
`ved from the modified species. Most probably the expected CpApn
`Cpn-cpa and CpApcpn° cpa Oligonucleotides decomposed during the
`incubation with the nuclease. The oligonucleotides CPAGH or
`CPAPOH originating from the 3'-end of T, ribonuclease digested
`trna? “HAs or tRNA’"°-apc.,, respectively, could not be found
`in the chromatograms. This demonstrates that the expected
`incorporation of 5-azacytidine into the shortened tRNAs took
`More direct evidence showing the incorporation of n CMP
`into the 3'-terminus of tRNA ° was obtained by enzymatic amino-
`acylation of shortened tRNAs in the presence of ATP(CTP)tRNA nu-
`cleotidyl transferase. The aminoacylation of tRNA
`takes place only in the presence of the CCA end-
`regenerating enzyme and is dependent on the presence of CTP.
`n CTP can substitute the natural substrate in these reactions.


`Nucleic Acids Research
` ;
`Table 2 Enzymatic aminoacylation of native and modified tRNAs
`in the presence of ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase 3).

`Aminoacylation [%]>)
`CTP or n CTP with
`~ ab)
`-ApCpn Cpa
`a) 0.2 mg/ml ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase from yeast and
`2.5 mM ATP were always present in the aminoacylation mixture, 2.5
`mM CTP or n°CTP were added to the aminoacylation assay as indica-
`ted. b) 100 % corresponds to 1250 pmol Phe/Ay¢5 unit tRNA.
`and trnaPP®_apc
`Almost complete aminoacylation of tRNA
`with ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase and n CTP present in
`the aminoacylation mixture, demonstrates the formation of tRNA =.
`ApCpn Cpa and trna??°_apn°cpn cpa. These modified tRNA species
`could also be prepared in preparative scale in a reaction mixture
`Phe acp, n-CTP and ATP(CTP) tRNA
`nucleotidyl transferase. They were aminoacylated to the same ex-
`tent as the native trna?®®_cpcpa in a phenylalanyl-tRNA synthe-
`tase-catalyzed reaction. The yield of aminoacylation could not be
`containing the shortened tRNAs
`improved by the presence of ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase
`and CTP in the aminoacylation mixture (table 2),
`indicating that
`the particular positions of the 3'-terminus are completely occu-
`pied by n° CMP residues.
`The rate of hydrolytic decomposition of 5-azacytidine, which
`Table 3 Effect of incubation of native and modified tRNAs he in
`50 mM TRIS-HCL pH 7.6 on their aminoacylation capacity.

`4 days
`20 C;
`9 days
`38 C;
`4 days
`% of remaining activity
`-ApCpn CpA


`Nucleic Acids Research

`z 2
`Figure 2: Poly(U) dependent synthesis
`of poly(Phe) on E. coli ribosomes.
`Experimental conditions are given
`under Materials and Methods.
`tRNAPHE_cocpa but without poly(U).
`time [min ]
`takes place with a half-time of about 8 h at 24°C (s.fig. 1) was
`compared with the rate of deactivation of 5-azacytidine-contai-
`ning tRNAs under identical conditions. For this purpose,
`the ef-
`fect of prolonged incubation at pH 7.6 on the aminoacylation ca-
`pacity of the modified tRNAs was measured. The results summarized
`in the table 3 demonstrate that a prolonged incubation of suena5
`ApCpn°Cpa at room temperature and pH 7.6 does not
`impair its ami-
`noacylation activity. This tRNA is as stable as the native trnaP he
`-~CpCpA. If both cytidines, 75 as well as 74, are replaced by 5-aza-
`cytidine a significantly higher loss of aminoacylation activity
`was observed upon incubation. Similar results were obtained when
`the incubation was performed at pH 7.6 and 38°C. Thus the presence
`of two neighbouring 5-azacytidines in the polynucleotides facili-
`tates the deactivation process. However, even in the unfavourable
`case of the double-modified trna’"*_apn°cpn°-cpa the rate of de-
`activation is about 25 times lower than the rate of hydrolytic
`decomposition of n°CMP.
`Poly(U)-dependent synthesis of poly(Phe) with 5-azacytidine-
`containing Phe-tRNas’@¢ was tested in an in vitro system derived
`from E. coli. The results shown in fig.
`2 demonstrate an inhibi-
`tion of the poly(Phe) synthesis, which is dependent on the pre-
`sence of the S-azacytidine in the 3'-end of trnal he, The inhibi-
`tion is higher when both Co, and Co. are replaced by S-azacyti-
`dine as compared to Phe-tRNaA’ Pe in which only the position 75 is
`occupied by the analogue. Since the amount of the aminoacylated
`tRNAs as determined by their precipitation in cold aqueous tri-
`the observed
`chloroacetic acid was the same in all three assays,
`differences reflect the inhibition of the interaction of Phe-
`a 5


`Nucleic Acids Research
` 5
`trna’?®_apcpn°cpa and Phe-tRNa?
`BS aon cpa CpA with the components
`of the ribosomal elongation system, and are not related to the
`extent of aminoacylation of the tRNAs.
`In control experiments the
`tRNAT?®_a_, and tRNA’"®-apc. were regenerated in the presence of
`the native substrates CTP and ATP and subsequently aminoacylated.
`These Phe-tRNa’7e species showed identical kinetics of poly(Phe)
`synthesis as native trna’©_cpcpa. Thus the inhibition of poly(Phe)
`synthesis in the case of 5-azacytidine-containing tRNAs is due
`only to the presence of this cytidine analogue in the CCA-end.
`In the present work S5-azacytidine-5'-monophosphate and 5-
`azacytidine-5'-triphosphate were synthesized and the rates of
`their decomposition in aqueous solution were measured. An increase
`in the rate of decomposition of both nucleotides as compared to
`the unphosphorylated 5-azacytidine was observed. The introduction
`of the phosphate group into the 5'-position of 5-azacytidine pro-
`bably facilitates the nucleophilic attack of water on the carbon
`6 atom of the heterocyclic ring presumably by the intramolecular
`involvement of the phosphate as a general base catalyst. This
`suggestion is compatible with the fact,
`that the enhancement of
`the rate of hydrolysis is more pronounced in the case of 5-azacy-
`tidine-5'-triphosphate as compared to 5-azacytidine-5'-monophos-
`phate. Moreover,
`the binding of Mg”* to triphosphate and a par-
`tial neutralization of the phosphate ion via a bidentate uy"
`complex reverses the hydrolysis-stimulation effect of the 6,yY-
`phosphate groups. No such Mg?*-effect is observed in the case of
`the monophosphate.
`Based on several investigations of the chemical modification
`of the CCA-end of tRNA (13,24,25) it can be assumed that a hydro-
`lytic decomposition of the 5-azacytidine in the 3'-end of tRNA
`would lead to complete loss of its aminoacylation activity. Sur-
`prisingly, under conditions under which the n° CMP monomer rapidly
`the tRNA containing S-azacytidine in the position 75
`is as stable as the native trna?™©_apcpcpa. Most probably the
`structural elements discussed above, which are facilitating the
`hydrolytic decomposition of the triazine ring in the free nucleo-
`if S5-azacytidine is
`tide, are not existing, or less prominent,


`Nucleic Acids Research
`incorporated into the polynucleotide chain. Moreover, it was re-
`ported that stacking interactions inhibit the addition of
`bisulphite on the 5,6 double bond-of the cytidine ring (26,27).
`Since the residues Coy and Coe of trnaPhe from yeast reacted
`with 240- and 180-times, respectively, more slowly with bisul-
`phite as cytidine-5'-monophosphate (13) it was suggested,
`the 3'-end of tRNA possess an ordered, stacked structure. It is
`that 5-azacytidine in positions 74 and 75 of the trnaPhe
`is also protected by stacking interactions. Such stabilization,
`however, does not
`take place in shorter oligonucleotides. This
`can be concluded from our observation that the CpApn°Cpn cpa and
`CpApCpn°Cpa oligonucleotides which should be formed by T,-ribonu-
`clease degradation of 5-azacytidine-containing tRNAs are decon-
`posed rapidly at neutral pH and cannot be identified by HPLC.
`As one possibility to explain the cytotoxicity of 5-azacyti-
`dine, it was suggested,
`that the incorporation of 5-azacytidine
`into the 3'-end of tRNA may lead to deactivation of the tRNAS and
`to a general inhibition of the protein biosynthesis (3).
`In the
`present work we could demonstrate,
`that incorporation of 5-azacy-
`tidine into tRNA can indeed take place by the reaction catalyzed
`by ATP(CTP)tRNA nucleotidyl transferase. We could, however, also
`show that the incorporation of this modified nucleotide does not
`lead to inhibition of the aminoacylation of tRNA or to a strong
`inhibition of protein synthesis. Synthesis of polyphenylalanine
`on poly(U)-programmed E. coli 70 S ribosomes is only slightly
`slower with modified tRNAs. The consequences of this inhibitory
`effect of 5-azacytidine incorporation into tRNA under in vivo con-
`ditions may be, however, signifficant. Recent experimental data
`that the rate of protein biosynthesis and the accuracy
`of the translation are related (28). A drug leading even to
`slight inhibition of the rate of protein biosynthesis may cause
`in vivo a formation of abnormal proteins.
`This work was supported by a short-term FEBS fellowship to
`W.Z. We
`thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Fonds der
`Chemischen Industrie for financial support.
`*Present address: The Salk Institute, PO Box 85 800, San Diego, CA 92138, USA


`Nucleic Acids Research
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`5'-monophosphate, and 5-azacytidine-5'-triphosphate, respec-
`tRNAPhe-apcpcpa = tRNAPhE = native phenylalanine tRNA
`from yeast;
`tRNAPhe-apCpn°cCpA and tRNAPhe-apn5cCpn5cpaA are
`tRnaPhe analogues,
`in which the C75 or both the C74 and C75,
`respectively, are replaced by S-azacytidine.
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