Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`I, Rachel J, Watters, am a librarian, and the Head of Resource Sharing for the
`General Library System, Memorial Library, located at 728 State Street, Madison,
`Wisconsin, 53706. Part of my job responsibilities include oversight of Wisconsin
`TechSearch (“WTS”), an interlibrary loan department at the University of Wisconsin-
`| have workedasa librarian at the University of Wisconsin library system
`since 1998, starting as a graduate student employee in the Kurt F. Wendt Engineering
`Library and WTS, then as a librarian in Interlibrary Loan at Memorial Library.
`I began
`professional employment at WTS in 2002 and became WTSDirector in 2011.
`In 2019,
`] became of Head of Resource Sharing for UW-Madison’s General Library System.
`have a master’s degree in Library and Information Studies from the University of
`Wisconsin-Madison. Through the course of my studies and employment, [ have
`become well informed about the operations of the University of Wisconsin library
`system, which follows standard library practices.
`This Declaration relates to the dates of receipt and availability of the following:
`Wolf, S. (1995). Silicon Processingfor the VLSI Era, Volume 3:
`The submicron MOSFET, Sunset Beach, CA: Lattice Press.
`Standard operating procedures for materials at the University of Wisconsin-
`Madison Libraries, When a volume was received by the Library, it would be checked
`in, addedto library holdings records, and made available to readers as soonafterits
`arrival as possible. The procedure normally took a few days or at most 2 to 3 weeks.
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 1
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 1


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`Exhibit A to this Declarationis a true and accurate copy ofthe front and back
`covers, front matter, and back inside cover of the Silicon Processingfor the VLSI Era.
`Volume 3: The submicron MOSFET(1995) publication, which includes a stamp onthe
`inside back cover showingthat this book is the property of the Kurt F. Wendt Library at
`the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`Attached as Exhibit B is the cataloging system record of the University of
`Wisconsin-MadisonLibraries for its copy of the Silicon Processingfor the VLSI Era.
`Volume 3: The submicron MOSFET(1995) publication. As shown in the “Receiving
`date” field of this Exhibit, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries ownedthis
`book and hadit cataloged in the system as of February 2, 2002.
`Membersofthe interested public could locate the Silicon Processingfor the VLSI
`Era. Volume 3: The submicron MOSFET(1995) publication after it was cataloged by
`searching the publiclibrary catalog or requesting a search through WTS. The search
`could be done bytitle, author, and/or subject key words. Membersofthe interested
`public could access the publication by locating it on the library’s shelves or requestingit
`from WTS.
`[ declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledgeare true and that
`all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further that
`these statements were made with the knowledgethat willful false statements andthe like
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 2
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 2


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18
`of the United States Code.
`Date: October 25, 2022
`Memorial Library
`728 State Street
`Madison, Wisconsin 53706
`J. Watters
`Head of Resource Sharing
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 3
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 3


`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 4


`for the VLSI Era
`Volume3 - The Submicron MOSFET
`Silicon Processing
`Page 5
`Dell Ex.1013
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 5


`Dell Ex. 1013
`e VLSI Er
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 6


`Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
`California State University, Long Beach
`Long Beach, California
`Sunset Beach, California
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 7
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 7


`This publication is based on sources and informationbelievedto be reliable, but the
`authors and Lattice Press disclaim any warranty or liability based on orrelating to the
`contents ofthis publication.
`Published by:
`Latlice Press,
`Post Office Box 340
`Sunset Beach, California 90742, U.S.A.
`Cover design by Roy Montibon, Visionary Art Resources, Inc., Los Angeles, CA.
`Copyright © 1995 by Lattice Press.
`All rights reserved. Nopart ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
`or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
`informationstorage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher,
`exceptfor the inclusion of brief quotations in a review,
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Wolf, Stanley
`Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era
`Volume 3: The Submicron MOSFET
`Includes Index
`1. Integratedcircuits-Very large scale
`integration, 2. Silicon.
`I, Title
`ISBN 0-961672-5-3
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 8
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 8


` ege6lSS990684
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 9
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 9


`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 10


`10/25/22, 10:10 AM
`Physical Item Editor
`Manage Patron Services
`| Scan In Items
`| Monitor Requests & Item Processes
`| Receiving Items
`| Manage In Process Items
`| Printouts Queue
`| Shipping Items
`Silicon processing for the VLSI era / Stanley Wolf, Richard N. Tauber. Wolf, Stanley, 1943- Lattice Press, Sunse
` K
`t Beach, Calif. : c1986- [0961672153 (v. 3)]
`Holdings ID
`Item ID
`Process type
`Steenbock Library: Steenbock Stacks; TK7874 W635 1986 1
`View all holdings
`View all items
`Browse shelf listing
`Item not in place
`General Information
`Copy ID(cid:632)
`Material type(cid:632)
`Item policy(cid:632)
`general (book)
`Is magnetic(cid:632)
`PO Line(cid:632)
`Issue date(cid:632)
`Receiving date(cid:632)
`Expected receiving date(cid:632)
`Enumeration A(cid:632)
`Enumeration B(cid:632)
`Chronology I(cid:632)
`Chronology J(cid:632)
`Replacement cost(cid:632)
`Receiving operator(cid:632)
`Physical condition(cid:632)
`Process type(cid:632)
`Inventory Information
`Inventory number
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 11


`10/25/22, 10:10 AM
`Physical Item Editor
`Inventory date(cid:632)
`Inventory price(cid:632)
`Location Information
`Permanent location(cid:632)
`Steenbock Library: Steenbock Stacks (stk)
`Item call number type(cid:632)
`Item call number(cid:632)
`Source (Subfield 2)(cid:632)
`Storage location ID(cid:632)
`Temporary Location Information
`Item is in temporary location(cid:632)
`Temporary location(cid:632)
`Temporary call number type(cid:632)
`Temporary call number(cid:632)
`Temporary source (Subfield 2)(cid:632)
`Temporary item policy(cid:632)
`Due back date(cid:632)
`Retention Information
`Committed to Retain(cid:632)
`Retention Reason(cid:632)
`Retention Note(cid:632)
` © Ex Libris, Part of Clarivate, (cid:632) 2022 | Terms of Use
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 12


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`!, Rachel J, Watters, ama librarian, and the Head of Resource Sharing forthe
`General Library System, Memorial Library, located at 728 State Street, Madison,
`Wisconsin, 53706. Part of my job responsibilities include oversight of Wisconsin
`TechSearch (“WTS”), aninterlibrary loan department at the University of Wisconsin-
`| have workedasa librarian at the University of Wisconsin library system
`since 1998, starting as a graduate student employee in the Kurt F. Wendt Engineering
`Library and WTS,then as a librarian in Interlibrary Loan at Memorial Library.
`I began
`professional employment at WTS in 2002 and became WTSDirector in 2011.
`In 2019,
`I became of Head of Resource Sharing for UW-Madison’s General Library System.
`have a master’s degree in Library and Information Studies from the University of
`Wisconsin-Madison, Through the course of my studies and employment, I have
`become well informed about the operations of the University of Wisconsin library
`system, which follows standard library practices.
`This Declaration relates to the dates of receipt and availability of the following:
`Wolf, Stanley and Tauber, Richard N. (2002). Silicon Processing
`for the VLSI Era. Volume 4: Deep-submicron process technology.
`Sunset Beach, CA: Lattice Press.
`Standard operating
`procedures for materials at the University of Wisconsin-
`Madison Libraries, When an issue was received by the Library, it would be checkedin,
`stamped with the date of receipt, added to library holdings records, and made available
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 13
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 13


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`to readers as soon afterits arrival as possible. The procedure normally took a few days
`or at most 2 to 3 weeks.
`Exhibit A to this Declaration is a true and accurate copy of the front matter ofthe
`Silicon Processingfor the VLSI Era. Volume 4: Deep-submicron process technology
`(2002) publication, which includes a stamp onthetitle page showingthat this bookis
`the property of the General Library System at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`Exhibit A also includes a true and accurate copy of a front matter verso page with
`library date stamp ofSilicon Processingfor the VLSI Era. Volume 4: Deep-submicron
`process technology (2002), from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Library
`collection. Based on this information, the date stamp on the front matter verso page
`indicates Silicon Processingfor the VLSI Era. Volume 4: Deep-submicron process
`technology(2002) was received by the General Library System, University of
`Wisconsin-Madison Libraries on November 26, 2002.
`Based on the information in Exhibit A,it is clear that the volume wasreceived by
`the library on or before November 26, 2002, catalogued and available to library patrons
`within a few days or at most 2 to 3 weeks after November 26, 2002.
`Membersof the interested public could locate the Silicon Processingfor the VLSI
`Era. Volume 4: Deep-submicron process technology(2002) publicationafter it was
`cataloged by searching the public library catalog or requesting a search through WTS.
`The search could be donebytitle, author, and/or subject key words. Members of the
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 14
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 14


`Declaration of Rachel J, Watters on Authentication of Publication
`interested public could access the publication by locating it on the library’s shelves or
`requesting it from WTS.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledgearetrue and that
`all statements made oninformation and belief are believed to be true; and furtherthat
`these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like
`so madeare punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18
`of the United States Code.
` Date: October 21, 2022
`J. Watters
`of Resource Sharing
`Memorial Library
`728 State Street
`Madison, Wisconsin 53706
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 15
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 15


`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 16


`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 17


`(AMIN srr
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 18
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 18


`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 19
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 19


`Sunset Beach, California
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 20
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 20


`This publication is based on sources and information believed to be reliable, but the
`authors and Lattice Press disclaim any warranty orliability based on or relating tothe
`contents of this publication,
`Published by:
`Post Office Box 340
`Sunset Beach, California 90742, U.S.A.
`Cover design by: S.C. Ross Wolf.
`Copyright © 2002 by Lattice Press.
`All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
`or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
`information Storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher,
`exceptfor the inclusion of brief quotationsin a review,
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Wolf, Stanley
`Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era
`Volume 4: Deep-Submicron Process Technology
`Includes Index
`1. Integrated circuits-Very large scale
`integration, 2, Silicon.
`I, Title
`ISBN 0-9616721-7-X
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 21
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 21


`Chap. 2 - 300-MM SILICON WAFERS
`Retrograde-Wells; Super-Steep Retrograde Channel Doping;
`Drain Engineering; Punchthrough-Control Implants
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 22
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 22


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`I, Rachel J. Watters, ama librarian, and the Head of Resource Sharing for the
`General Library System, Memorial Library, located at 728 State Street, Madison,
`Wisconsin, 53706. Part of my job responsibilities include oversight of Wisconsin
`TechSearch (“WTS”), an interlibrary loan departmentat the University of Wisconsin-
`I have worked as a librarian at the University of Wisconsin library system
`since 1998, starting as a graduate student employee in the Kurt F, Wendt Engineering
`Library and WTS, then asalibrarian in Interlibrary Loan at Memorial Library. | began
`professional employment at WTS in 2002 and became WTS Director in 2011.
`In 2019,
`I became of Head of Resource Sharing for UW-Madison’s General Library System.
`have a master’s degree in Library and Information Studies from the University of
`Wisconsin-Madison. Through the course of my studies and employment, | have
`become well informed about the operations of the University of Wisconsin library
`system, which follows standard library practices.
`This Declaration relates to the dates of receipt and availability of the following:
`Streetman, Ben G. and Banerjee, Sanjay. (2000). Solid State
`Electronic Devices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
`rocedures for materials at the University of Wisconsin-
`Madison Libraries. When a book wasreceived by the Library, it would be checked in,
`addedto library holdings records, and made available to readers as soonafterits arrival
`as possible. The procedure normally took a few days or at most 2 to 3 weeks.
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 23
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 23


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`Exhibit A to this Declaration is true and accurate copy ofthe front matter of the
`Solid State Electronic Devices (2000) publication, which includes a stamp on the verso
`page showingthat this bookis the property of the General Library System at the
`University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`Attached as Exhibit B is the cataloging system record of the University of
`Wisconsin-Madison Libraries for its copy of the So/id State Electronic Devices (2000)
`publication. As shown in the “Receiving date”field of this Exhibit, the University of
`Wisconsin-Madison Libraries ownedthis book and had it cataloged in the system as of
`January 22, 2004.
`Membersofthe interested public could locate the Solid State Electronic Devices
`(2000) publication after it was cataloged by searching the public library catalog or
`requesting a search through WTS. The search could be donebytitle, author, and/or
`subject key words. Membersof the interested public could access the publication by
`locating it on the library’s shelves or requesting it from WTS.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledgeare true and that
`all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and furtherthat
`these statements were madewith the knowledgethat willful false statements and the like
`so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18
`of the United States Code.
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 24
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 24


`Declaration of Rachel J. Watters on Authentication of Publication
`Date: October 14, 2022
`Memorial Library
`728 State Street
`Madison, Wisconsin 53706
` J. Watters
`of Resource Sharing
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 25
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 25


`Page 26
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 26


`Page 27
`Prentice Hall Series in Solid State Physical Electronics, Nick Holonyak, Jr., Series Editor
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 27


`i j
` etl=<=)-_ _—sal—=—“——|ee|—dl ie
`ye laanlo
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 28


`incorporates the basics of semiconductor materials and conduction processesin solids
`needed to understandp-n junctions, bipolar and metal oxide semiconductor (MOS)
`transistors, optoelectronic and other devices.
`greatly expanded and updated discussion of device fabrication processes and CMOSintegrated
`circuit technology, along with new data in the Appendices, provides a useful understanding
`of how semiconductor devices are made.
`extensive discussion of circuit and other application examples to provide students with feedback
`aboutthe practical relevanceof the tea
`completely updated discussion af MOSdevices, both in the underlying theory as well as
`discussion of short channel, high field and hot carrier effects in scaled MOSFETs, recognizing
`the current preponderance of CMOS.
`updated, consolidated treatment of optoelectronic devices, including sources such as blue
`GaN-based LEDs and semiconductor vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, as well as detectors
`such as avalanche and resonant-cavity photodiodes.
`includesa listing of the key equations for semiconductor devices onthe inside covers of the book,
`arranged thematically to help students digest the concepts.
`about 200 problems and current references which extend conceptsin the text.
`Page 29
`Te is the fifth edition of the most widely used introductory book on semiggug
`physics, devices and technology. Previous editions have beentranslated
`and Polish. The book was written with two basic goals in mind: 1) develop t
`physics concepts to understand current and future devices; 2) provide a sou
`of current semiconductor devices and technology so that their applications
`optoelectronic circuits and systems can be appreciated.
`BEN G. STREETMANis Dean of the College of Engineering at The
`University of Texas at Austin and holds the Dula D. Cockrell Centennial
`Chair in Engineering. He is a Professor of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering and was the founding Director of the Microelectronics
`Research Center. He has taughtat the Tel Same eaegee
`Champaignas well as the University of Texas at Austin. He has received
`numerous awards including the Education Medal of IEEE, The Frederick
`Emmons Terman Medal of the ASEE, and membership in the National
`Academy of Engineering. He has published more than 270 articles in tate]
`technicalliterature. Thirty-three students of Electrical Engineering, Materials
`Science, and Physics have received their Ph.D.s under his direction.
`STARA anit eRmelt) Clam itisa aiteiner Baeeeterateraapteaioe)
`and Computer Engineering, and Director of the Microelectronics Research
`Center at The University of Texas at Austin. He has more than 225archival
`refereed publications and 12 U.S.patents, and has supervised 18 Ph.D.
`students. His honors include the NSF Presidential NCTeM Mercer Wnrlct
`(1988), the Texas Atomic Energy Centennial Fellowship (1990-1997),
`Distinguished National Lecturer for the IEEE Electron Devices Society
`(1997-), and Fellow of the IEEE (1996).
`ISBN O-13-025538-b
`Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 29


`Solid State
`Electronic Devices
`Microelectronics Research Center
`Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering
`The University ofTexas at Austin
` ereA(e)
`aes! Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 30
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 30


`Library ef Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Streetman, Ben G
`Solid state electronic devices / Ben G, Streetman and Sanjay
`Banerjee -- Sth ed.
`-- (Prentice Hall series in solidstate physical
`Includes bibliographical references and inidlex.
`ISBN 0-13-025538-6 (cuscbound)
`L. Semiconductors.
`1. Banerjee, Sanjay.
`IL, Series
`99-1 6063
`IL Title.
`Publisher: Tom Robbins
`Assistant Vice President of Preduction and Manufacturing: David W. Riceardi
`Editor-in-Chief? Marcia Horton
`Associate Editor: Alice Dworkin
`Cover Design: Joseph Sengotta
`Cover: Fourth Generation PowerPC Microprocessor chip courtesy of Motorola, Inc.
`Photograph by Kobi Benzyi and Pradipto Mukherjee
`Manufacturing Manager; Trudy Pisciotti
`iejusnalei ©2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1972 by Prentice Hall, Inc.
`pee=Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
`All rights reserved, No part of this book may be
`reproduced, in any form or by any means,
`without permission in writing from the publisher.
`Printed in the United States of America
`lO 9
`TSBN O-13-0255348-6
`Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited, London
`Prentice Hall of Australia Ply. Limited, Sydney
`Prentice Hall Canada Ine., feronto
`Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, $.A.,Mexico
`ee us = ts cee es Delhi
`of Japan,
`Inc. Tokyo
`Prentice [all Asia Pte. Lid., Singapore
`Editora Prentice Hall doBrasil, Lida., Rio deJaneiro
`General Library System
`University of Wisconsin « Madieon
`4 Ore,
`728 State Sireet
`Madison, W! 53706-1494
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 31
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 31


`Page 32
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 32


`10/14/22, 3:35 PM
`Physical Item Editor
`Manage Patron Services
`| Scan In Items
`| Monitor Requests & Item Processes
`| Receiving Items
`| Manage In Process Items
`| Printouts Queue
`| Shipping Items
`| Deliver Digital Documen
`Solid state electronic devices / Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee. Streetman, Ben G. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
` K
`2000 [0130255386 (casebound)]
`Steenbock Library: Steenbock Stacks; TK7871.85 S77 2000 2
`View all holdings
`View all items
`Browse shelf listing
`Item not in place
`Holdings ID
`(cid:632) (cid:632)
`Item ID
`Process type
`General Information
`Copy ID(cid:632)
`Material type(cid:632)
`Item policy(cid:632)
`general (book)
`Is magnetic(cid:632)
`PO Line(cid:632)
`Issue date(cid:632)
`Receiving date(cid:632)
`Expected receiving date(cid:632)
`Enumeration A(cid:632)
`Enumeration B(cid:632)
`Chronology I(cid:632)
`Chronology J(cid:632)
`Replacement cost(cid:632)
`Receiving operator(cid:632)
`Physical condition(cid:632)
`Process type(cid:632)
`Inventory Information
`Inventory number(cid:632)
`Inventory date(cid:632)
`Inventory price(cid:632)
`Clear Inventory Information
`Location Information
`Permanent location *
`Steenbock Library: Steenbock Stacks (stk)
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 33


`10/14/22, 3:35 PM
`Physical Item Editor
`Item call number type(cid:632)
`Item call number(cid:632)
`Source (Subfield 2)(cid:632)
`Storage location ID(cid:632)
`Temporary Location Information
`Item is in temporary location(cid:632)
`Temporary location(cid:632)
`Temporary call number type(cid:632)
`Temporary call number(cid:632)
`Temporary source (Subfield 2)(cid:632)
`Temporary item policy(cid:632)
`Due back date(cid:632)
`Retention Information
`Committed to Retain(cid:632)
`Retention Reason(cid:632)
`Retention Note(cid:632)
` © Ex Libris, Part of Clarivate, (cid:632) 2022 | Terms of Use
`Dell Ex. 1013
`Page 34

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