`Brooks, Ian B.
`Carsten, Douglas; Chu, Michael; ben.pleune@alston.com; EDobrusin@PatentCo.com; PPalinski@PatentCo.com;
`cmccraw@mayerbrown.com; asbonner@mayerbrown.com
`IPR2023-00485, -00502 || Oral Hearing Correction
`Thursday, June 13, 2024 8:14:36 AM
`CAUTION: This email has originated from a source outside of USPTO. PLEASE CONSIDER THE SOURCE before
`responding, clicking on links, or opening attachments.
`Dear Board,
`Counsel for Patent Owner writes regarding the Oral Hearing in the above-captioned IPR that took
`place June 12, 2024. At the hearing, counsel for Patent Owner mistakenly attributed the question
`asked at page 100, lines 5-8 of Ex. 1067 (Jobin Depo Tr.) to Petitioner’s counsel due to the
`transcription error that follows the question at line 9, identifying Patent Owner’s counsel as objecting
`to the question. After the hearing, Patent Owner confirmed the error and provides this update to
`clarify any confusion. Patent Owner confirmed with Petitioner that it does not object to the sending of
`this email.
`Patent Owner is available should the Board want additional information or to discuss.
`Ian Brooks
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Ian B. Brooks
`McDermott Will & Emery LLP The McDermott Building, 500 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001-1531
`Tel +1 202 756 8075 | Mobile +1 443 838 9365 | Email ibrooks@mwe.com
`Biography | Website | vCard | LinkedIn
`Joanie Rice, Assistant to Ian B. Brooks
`Tel 202 756 8251 | Email jmrice@mwe.com
`This message is a PRIVATE communication. This message and all attachments are a private
`communication sent by a law firm and may be confidential or protected by privilege. If you are not the
`intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the
`information contained in or attached to this message is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender of the
`delivery error by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. Our Privacy Policy explains
`how we may use your personal information or data and any personal information or data provided or made
`available to us. Thank you.
`Please visit http://www.mwe.com/ for more information about our Firm.
`Exhibit 3001