Nancy E. Adams
`Curriculum Vitae
`59 Hellam Dr.
`Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
`EdD, Penn State Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA, 2016.
`Major: Adult Education
`Dissertation Title: Dialog about Psychosocial Issues in Problem-Based Learning Sessions in
`Medical Education
`MLIS, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 1996.
`Major: Library and Information Science
`BS, Magna cum laude, Harding University, Searcy, AR, 1990.
`Major: Chemistry
`Professional Positions
`Assistant Dean, Foundational Sciences, MD Program, Penn State College of Medicine and
`Librarian for Education and Instruction, Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College
`of Medicine. (July 2017-Present).
`Associate Director, Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College of Medicine. (July
`2010-June 2017).
`University Librarian and Director of Student Services, Harrisburg University of Science and
`Technology. (December 1, 2009 - June 25, 2010).
`University Librarian, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. (July 1, 2008 - December
`1, 2009).
`Reference and Instruction Librarian, Harrisburg Area Community College. (September 2006 -
`June 2008).
`Librarian II, University of Maine. (September 1998 - December 2000).
`Reference and instruction in patent and trademark information, science, and engineering.
`Librarian I, Wayne State University Shiffman Medical Library. (October 1996 - August 1998).
`Lead instructor of grant-funded program that trained high school vocational healthcare
`students in the use of health sciences information resources; reference and instruction
`services at an academic medical center.
`Science Teacher, Edsel Ford High School, Dearborn, MI. (August 1993 - June 1994).
`Taught high school physical science, chemistry, and life science.
`Science Teacher, Harding Academy, Memphis, TN. (August 1992 - June 1993).
`Taught high school physics and physical science.
`Hopewell EX1030


`Science Instructor, Harding University. (August 1991 - May 1992).
`Taught chemistry and physical science.
`Science Instructor, Crowley's Ridge College, Paragould, AR. (January 1991 - August 1991).
`Taught college botany, chemistry, and biology.
`Awards and Honors
`Exceptional Teacher mention, Penn State College of Medicine Office for Respectful Learning
`Environment. (December 2020 - Present).
`Penn State University Libraries Teaching Award, Penn State University Libraries. (May 24, 2016 -
`April 30, 2017).
`Top 20 Library Instruction Article, Library Instruction Round Table, American Library Association.
`(January 2016 - December 2016).
`Innovation in Instruction Award, Association of College and Research Libraries. (1998).
`Outstanding Academic Staff Contributor Award, Wayne State University, Academic Staff
`Professional Development Committee. (1998).
`Co-Director and Instructor of Record of Credit-Bearing Course
`HMN 797, Foundations of Health Humanities, Fall 2021, MD Program, Penn State College of
`Lead Faculty Member, Evidence-Based Medicine Unit of MED 797b, Science of Health
`Small Group Facilitator in Required Courses in the MD Curriculum
` HMN 713, Medical Humanities
` HMN 715, Science of Mind and Body
` TMS 721 Transition to Medical School
`HMN 723 Communication
`MED 797b Science of Health Systems
`Interprofessional education sessions in Science of Health Systems and Foundations of
`Patient-Centered Care
`Course-Integrated Information Literacy Instruction
` Evidence-Based Medicine OSCE Assessor, Family and Community Medicine Residency
` Scientific Principles of Medicine Course, Searching PubMed like an Expert Module
`Intellectual Contributions
`Articles Published in Refereed Journals
`Moniz, T., Golafshani, M., Gaspar, C., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 10%), Haidet, P., Sukhera, J.,
`Volpe, R., de Boer, C., & Lingard, L. (2021). The Prism Model: Advancing a theory of practice


`for arts and humanities in medical education. Perspectives in Medical Education, 8 pages.
`Moniz, T., Golafshani, M., Gaspar, C., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 10%), Haidet, P., Sukhera, J.,
`Volpe, R., de Boer, C., & Lingard, L. (2021). How are the arts and humanities used in medical
`education?: Results of a scoping review of published literature. Academic Medicine, 96(8),
`1213-1222. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004118
`Moniz, T., Golafshani, M., Gaspar, C., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 10%), Haidet, P., Sukhera, J.,
`Volpe, R., de Boer, C., & Lingard, L. (2021). The Prism Model for integrating arts and
`humanities into medical education. Academic Medicine, 96(8), 1225. DOI:
`Duca, N., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 40%), Glod, S., & Haidet, P. (2020). Barriers to Teaching
`Clinical Reasoning in the Medicine Clerkship: A Qualitative Study of Medicine Clerkship
`Students. Medical Science Educator, 30, 1495–1502. DOI:
`Nicholson, J., Spak, J. M., Kovar-Gough, I., Lorbeer, E., & Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 20%)
`(2019). Entrustable Professional Activity 7: Opportunities to Collaborate on Evidence-Based
`Medicine Teaching and Assessment of Medical Students. BMC Medical Education, 19(330).
`Volpe, R., Hopkins, M., Haidet, P., Wolpaw, D., & Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 25%) (2019). Is
`research on professional identity formation biased? Early insights from a scoping review and
`metasynthesis. 53(2), 119-132.
`Richard, D., Felix, T., Zimmermann, J., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 10%), Knehans, A., & Faber, S.
`(2017). Individualized Patient-Centered Care: A Physician Assistant Curriculum in Information
`Mastery, Clinical Reasoning, and Shared Decision Making. Journal of Physician Assistant
`Education, 28(3), 158-163.
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 40%), Gaffney, M., & Lynn, V. A. (2016). The role of evidence-based
`practice in collaborations between academic librarians and education faculty. portal: Libraries
`and the Academy, 16(4), 697-720.
`Haidet, P., Jarecke, J., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 5%), Stuckey, H. L., Greene, M. J., Shapiro, D.,
`Teal, C. R., & Wolpaw, D. R., et al. (2016). A Guiding framework to maximize the power of
`the arts in medical education: A systematic review and metasynthesis. Medical Education,
`50(3), 320-331. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1111/medu.12925
`Adams, N. E. (2015). Asking a Great Question: A Librarian Teaches Critical Thinking Skills to
`First Year Medical Students. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 34(4), 418-427.
`Adams, N. E. (2015). JMLA 101: Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning Objectives. Journal of
`the Medical Library Association, 103(3), 152-153.
`Adams, N. E. (2014). A Comparison of Evidence-Based Practice and the ACRL Information
`Literacy Standards: Implications for Information Literacy Practice. College and Research
`Libraries, 75(2), 232-248.
`Tomasko, J. M., Adams, N. E. (Secondary Author, 20%), Garritano, F. G., Santos, M. C., & Dillon,
`P. C. (2014). Collaborating to Increase Access to Clinical and Educational Resources for
`Surgery: A Case Study. Journal of Surgical Education, 71(1), 32-5.


`Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 50%), & Young, J. B. (2010). Users learning from users: building a
`learning commons from the ground up at a new university. College & Undergraduate
`Libraries, 17(2 & 3), 149-159.
`Parts of Books
`Kovar-Gough, I., & Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 50%) (2020). Curriculum Mapping: A Match Made
`for Librarian Skills. In Lindsay Alcock and Kelly Thormodson (Eds.), The Engaged Health
`Sciences Library Liaison Chicago, IL: Medical Library Association.
`Adams, N. E. (Primary Author, 95%), & Olivetti, J. K. (2012). Making it better: library and student
`services collaboration at a new university. In Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe and Melissa Wong
`(Eds.), Environments for Student Growth and Development: Libraries and Student Affairs in
`Collaboration (pp. 57-72). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
`Instructional Material, Instructor's Manual
`Felix, T., Richard, D., Faber, F. S., Zimmermann, J., & Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 5%) (2015).
`CoffeeTalks: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Clinical Reasoning and Information
`Mastery to Medical Students. MedEdPortal. Association of American Medical Colleges. DOI:
`Journal Article, In House
`Robinson, C. K., & Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 50%) (2011). Understanding the impact of health
`information and evidence based practice. Interview, 5(24), 1.
`Magazine/Trade Publication
`Chappell-Williams, L., Adams, N. E. (Co-Author), & Wang, J. (2018). "Creating an inclusive
`medical education curriculum." INSIGHT Into Diversity. (December 2018), (pp. 2).
`Technical Report
`Bivens-Tatum, W., & Adams, N. E. (Co-Author, 10%), et al. (2017). ACRL Environmental Scan
`White Paper released by National Professional Organization
`Howley, L., Gaufberg, E., King, B., et al. & Adams, N. E. (2020). The Fundamental Role of the
`Arts and Humanities in Medical Education. (pp. 3). Washington, DC: Association of American
`Medical Colleges.
`Research Reports to Sponsor
`Moniz, T., Golafshani, M., Haidet, P., Lingard, L., Adams, N. E., Apramian, T., Arntfeld, S., de
`Boer, C., Dell, E., Gaspar, C., Sukhera, J., Volpe, R., Final Report: Scoping review on the
`use of arts and humanities in the education of physician and interprofessional learners across
`the developmental spectrum. 169 pp. Final Report, Association of American Medical
`Colleges. (January 15, 2020).
`Presentations Given, Selected


`Adams, N. E., & Cirelli, M. C. (June 14, 2019). "Searching PubMed like an Expert: The Evolution,"
`PubMed Searching Discussion Forum, ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group, Virtual, 250 in
`attendance, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.
`Glendinning, D. (Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School), Willett, L. (Rutgers Robert
`Wood Johnson Medical School), Moser, E. (Penn State College of Medicine), Kim, S.
`(Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School), & Adams, N. E. (June 2018). "Moser, E.,
`Kim, S., Adams, N. Discriminant Validation of new test of Evidence-based Medicine." Annual
`Meeting, IAMSE, Las Vegas, NV, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Author), Collins, H., Kovar-Gough, I., Lorbeer, E., Nicholson, J., Spak, J.,
`Brennan, E., Ogawa, R., Rambo, N., Thormodson, K., & von Isenburg, M. (May 20, 2018).
`"Identifying the Role of the Medical Librarian in Clinical Competency Entrustment," Annual
`Meeting, Medical Library Association, Atlanta, GA, peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Collins, H. (University of Kansas Medical Center), Adams, N. E., & Brennan, E. (Medical
`University of South Carolina (MUSC) Library, Medical University of South Carolina).
`(November 7, 2017). "Competency-Based Medical Education & the Role of Medical
`Librarians: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities," Association of American Medical
`Colleges Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Adams, N. E., & (AAHSL Task Force Evaluating AAMC Core EPAs). (May 29, 2017). "AAHSL
`Task Force on Evaluating AAMC Core EPAs," Annual Conference, Medical Library
`Association, Seattle, WA, peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Adams, N. E., Gaffney, M. A., & Lynn, V. A. (March 24, 2017). "What Counts as Knowledge?:
`Concrete Examples of an Abstract Concept from the ACRL Framework for Information
`Literacy," Biannual Conference, Association of College and Research Libraries, Baltimore,
`MD, peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Adams, N. E., & Members (AAHSL Task Force on Evaluating AAMC Core EPAs). (March 23,
`2017). "Can I Trust You?: Librarians' Involvement in Competency-Based Medical Education,"
`Biannual Conference, Association of College and Research Libraries, Baltimore, MD,
`peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Collins, H. (University of Kansas Medical Center), Adams, N. E., & Brennan, E. (Medical
`University of South Carolina (MUSC) Library, Medical University of South Carolina).
`(November 13, 2016). "AAHSL Task Force Investigating Librarian Involvement in AAMC Core
`EPA," Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA,
`peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Adams, N. E. (April 8, 2016). "Dialog about Psychosocial Topics in Problem-Based Learning
`Sessions," Annual Meeting, North East Group on Educational Affairs, Providence, RI, 40 in
`attendance, peer-reviewed/refereed. Regional.
`Adams, N. E. (May 11, 2015). "Design and implementation of a performance-based assessment
`of information management and critical appraisal skills for medical students," Pennsylvania
`Regional Innovations In Medical Education Meeting, Thomas Jefferson School of Medicine,
`Philadelphia, PA, 25 in attendance, Invited. Local.
`Adams, N. E. (Panel Member), Lonn, S. (University of Michigan), & Fransen, J. (University of
`Minnesota). (March 2015). "Learning Analytics and Privacy: Multi-Institutional Perspectives
`on Collecting and Using Library Data," Biannual Conference, Association of College and
`Research Libraries, Portland, OR, peer-reviewed/refereed. National.


`Adams, N. E. (Author and Presenter, Penn State Hershey George T. Harrell Health Sciences
`Library). (May 18, 2014). "Theory-based Techniques for Active Learning in the
`Evidence-Based Medicine Classroom," Annual Conference, Medical Library Association,
`Chicago, IL, peer-reviewed/refereed.
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Presenter, Penn State Hershey George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library),
`Adelman, A. (Penn State Hershey), & Zimmerman, J. (Penn State Hershey). (May 4, 2013).
`"Flipping The Classroom – A Method to Transform Your Lectures," 46th STFM Annual Spring
`Conference, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 80 in attendance,
`peer-reviewed/refereed. National.
`Tomasko, J. M. (Penn State Hershey), Adams, N. E. (Co-Author), Foley, T. T. (Penn State
`Hershey), Goyal, N. (Penn State Hershey), Garritano, F. (Penn State Hershey), Santos, M. C.
`(Penn State Hershey), Wilson, M. Z. (Penn State Hershey), Han, D. (Penn State Hershey), &
`Dillon, P. (Penn State Hershey). (March 22, 2012). "Designing a Single Portal eLibrary Site to
`Facilitate Surgical Education," Annual Conference, Association for Surgical Education, San
`Diego, CA. National.
`Contracts, Grants, and Sponsored Research
`Grants, Selected
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Investigator), Volpe, R. (Principal Investigator), Wolpaw, D. R.
`(Co-Investigator), Grant, 10% credit, "Investigating professional identity formation across
`professions to inform medical education: A systematic review," Arnold P. Gold Foundation
`[MP], Nonprofit Foundations. Total requested: $4,923.00, Total Anticipated: $5000, Amount
`Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable): $5000. (Submitted: July 12, 2016, date funding
`awarded: October 24, 2016, total start and end of funding: September 1, 2016 - August 31,
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Investigator), Green, M. J. (Co-Investigator), Shapiro, D. E. (Co-Investigator),
`Stuckey, H. L. (Co-Investigator), Wolpaw, D. R. (Co-Investigator), Grant, 10% credit,
`"Developing a Conceptual Model to Guide Implementation and Study of the Arts in Medical
`Education," Arnold P. Gold Foundation [MP], Nonprofit Foundations. Total requested:
`$6,000.00, Total Anticipated: $6000, Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable):
`$5000. (Submitted: June 10, 2013, date funding awarded: August 21, 2013, total start and
`end of funding: August 30, 2013 - February 28, 2015.)
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Principal Investigator), Glendinning, D. (Co-Principal Investigator), O'Rourke,
`K. (Co-Investigator), Moser, E. (Co-Investigator), Grant, "Development and validation of a
`new tool to assess knowledge and skills in Evidence-based Practice.," Northeast Group on
`Educational Affairs, Associations, Institutes, Societies and Voluntary Health Agencies. Total
`requested: $4,808.00, Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable): $4808. (Submitted:
`September 30, 2014, date funding awarded: December 8, 2014.)
`Adams, N. E. (Co-Investigator), Faber, F. Samuel (Co-Investigator), Felix, T. M. (Principal
`Investigator), Richard, D. C. (Co-Investigator), Grant, 25% credit, "Enhancing Teaching
`Methods and Evaluation of EBM and Clinical Reasoning: Faculty Development through
`Educational and Collaborative Efforts at McMasters University, University," Woodward
`Endowment, Nonprofit Foundations. Total requested: $9,820.00, Total Anticipated: $9812,
`Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable): $9812. (Submitted: April 3, 2012, date
`funding awarded: April 3, 2012, total start and end of funding: April 1, 2012 - March 31,


`Adams, N. E. (Principal Investigator), Grant, 100% credit, "Attendance at Supporting Clinical
`Care: An Institute in Evidence-Based Practice for Medical Librarians," Woodward
`Endowment, Nonprofit Foundations. Total requested: $1,420.00, Total Anticipated: $1420,
`Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as applicable): $1420. (Submitted: May 16, 2011, date
`funding awarded: May 16, 2011, total start and end of funding: May 15, 2011 - May 14,
`Adams, N. E. (Principal Investigator), Grant, "Library Services and Technology Act Award," Office
`of Commonwealth Libraries, PA, State. Total requested: $19,400.00, Amount Funded (Total
`or To Date, as applicable): $19000. (Submitted: September 11, 2009, total start and end of
`funding: May 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011.)
`Robinson, C. K. (Co-Principal Investigator), Adams, N. E. (Co-Principal Investigator), Brennan, D.
`P. (Co-Principal Investigator), Grant, 33% credit, "Improved Access to Biomedical Information
`Resources via E-book Readers," National Networks of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic
`Region, Federal. Total requested: $7,128.00, Amount Funded (Total or To Date, as
`applicable): $7128. (Submitted: August 2010, total start and end of funding: September 15,
`2010 - March 30, 2011.)
`Committee Work at Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State University Libraries
`Curriculum Working Group, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, Co-Leader (June-July
`Propose strategic priorities for PSCOM curricula to address anti-bias and structural and
`system racism.
`Physician Assistant Curriculum Committee (PAMPEC) (2020-present)
`Oversees and advises regarding curriculum in the Penn State College of Medicine
`Physician Assistant Program.
`Student Educator Award Selection Committee, Woodward Endowment for Medical
`Education, Committee Member. (January 2019 - Present).
`Review portfolios of student educators who are nominated for awards at College of
`Medicine; select final awardees with committee.
`Curriculum Committee for Undergraduate Medical Education. (2017-present).
`Decision-making body for curriculum offerings and policies of the MD program of the
`Penn State College of Medicine.
`College of Medicine Admissions Team, Member. (October 2015 - 2017).
`Select candidates for admission to College of Medicine.
`Medical School Applicant Interviewer. (September 2014 - present).
`Reviewed application materials and submitted written evaluations for these students.
`Liaison Committee for Medical Education Accreditation SubGroup, Penn State college of
`Medicine, Committee Member. (December 2015 - July 2017).


`Collect data and write narrative for 2017 institutional self-study for the medical program of
`study. Lead two small subgroups for Standards 6 & 7.
`Surgery Education Committee, Member. (June 2011 - July 2017).
`Meet monthly to discuss issues with and improvements to surgery education at College
`of Medicine, specifically clerkships for medical students and surgical residency program.
`AD-14 Committee, AD-14 Committee for Review of Dean of Libraries, Penn State
`University Provost's Office, Member. (October 2015 - January 2016).
`Interviewed individuals and compiled survey data from faculty, staff, and students relating
`to performance of Dean of University Libraries. Synthesized information into a report that
`was presented to the Provost.
`Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Curriculum Task Force, Member. (July 2015 - October
`To review EBM curriculum and recommend changes to how this thread is taught in the
`Science of Health Systems course (required of all medical students) and other
`longitudinal changes integrated throughout the curriculum. Currently the only librarian on
`the task force; all other members are physicians and basic scientists.
`Participation in Development/Fundraising Activities
`Penn State College of Medicine Development, Presenter. (May 2019 - Present).
`Meet with donors for the College of Medicine and present a session in which they
`experience a problem-based learning session as "learners."
`Faculty Development
`Instructor, Health Systems Science Academy. (2018-present)
`Teach a session on adult education theory, including how to write effective learning
`objectives. This session prepared attendees to be more effective in providing training,
`which often is part of health care systems improvement projects.
`Facilitator for Focused Teaching Project, Junior Faculty Development Program,
`Facilitator. (February 15, 2019).
`Facilitate small groups of participants as they present a mini-teaching session to others in
`group; provide constructive feedback to each participant.
`Junior Faculty Development Program, Mentor. (December 1, 2014 - May 2015).
`Asked to serve as mentor for junior faculty in Penn State College of Medicine in formal
`Junior Faculty Development Program.
`Search Committee for Harrell Health Sciences Library Associate Dean, Member. (July
`2018 - November 2018).
`Faculty Governance
`Library Faculty Organization, Chairperson, Elected. (May 1, 2013 - April 29, 2014).
`Heard concerns of library faculty (130 throughout Commonwealth) and worked to resolve
`them through means available to LFO. Oversaw several standing committees of LFO and
`communicated with library faculty throughout system. All told, a three-year commitment
`including chair-elect and immediate past chair.
`Service to the Disciplines and to the Profession
`External evaluator for teaching award


`Reviewer, Case Western Reserve Scholarship in Teaching Award, Case Western
`Reserve University School of Medicine, External Reviewer, Regional. Cleveland, Ohio.
`(January 2019 - Present).
`Review applicant descriptions of teaching projects to evaluate their scholarly approach to
`the project according to stated criteria. I have done this in 2019 and 2020.
`Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees
`Medical Library Association, Garfield Research Fellowship Jury, Chairperson,
`International. (June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017).
`Select recipients of this competitive fellowship award.
`Adult Education Research Conference, Co-Chairperson, National. Hershey, PA USA.
`(January 2013 - June 4, 2014).
`Co-chaired and planned this one-day pre-conference with Dr. Elizabeth Tisdell of Penn
`State Harrisburg.
`Association of College and Research Libraries, Professional Development Coordinating
`Committee, Virtual Institutes Committee, Member, National. (Virtual). (January 2010 -
`July 2012).
`Create, implement, and evaluate ACRL virtual institute for 2012. Develop theme(s),
`identify co-sponsor(s), draft call for participation and selection criteria.
`Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies
`AAHSL Task Force on Competency-Based Medical Education, American Association of
`Health Sciences Libraries, Member, National. (May 30, 2016 - November 2018).
`•Identify AAHSL libraries that are participating to a significant degree in incorporating
`Core EPAs in the medical education curriculum, through design, development, teaching,
`evaluation, and/or similar engagement.
`•Develop a methodology to characterize the nature and depth of the participation.
`•Map and cross-reference existing ACGME, AAMC, LCME, and other evidence-based
`medicine competencies as identified by the Task Force. Identify gaps in EBM
`•Compose a white paper or similar work for publication on the state of the art of librarians’
`roles and involvement in all phases of competency-based medical education. Include
`recommendations for additional work that is needed (e.g., developing standard definitions
`of EBM concepts, translating EBM concepts into teachable components, evaluation of the
`effectiveness of EBM curriculum.)
`Association for College and Research Libraries Research Planning and Review
`Committee, Vice Chair, National. (July 1, 2017 - August 30, 2017).
`Responsible for creating and updating a biennial environmental scan for the association
`that encompasses trends in academic librarianship, higher education, and the broader
`environment, e.g., economic, demographic, political, for release at the ACRL conference.
`Identifies the “ACRL Top 10 Trends" for release every two years in non-ACRL conference

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