Archivum [mmunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis, 1995, 43, 323—327
`PL ISSN 0004-069X
`Effect of Repeated Treatments with Cladribine
`(2-Chlorodeoxyadenosine) on Blood Counts
`in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
`Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Dworkowa3, 00-784 Warsaw, * Clinical and Research Centre for Demyelina-
`ling Diseases and * Department of Clinical Analytics, Medical Academy, Krasnicka 100, 20-718 Lublin, Poland
`Abstract. We report the results of blood morphology monitoring of || remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis
`patients whoreceived repeated treatments with cladribine (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine). The drug was given once,
`daily, subcutaneously(5 mg) or orally (10 mg) for 5 consecutive days, as 6 monthly courses followed by one or
`two additional courses at 3 or 6 monthintervals. The treatments were well tolerated, although manypatients
`suffered from incidental upper respiratorytract infections, most of which occured during the last 6 months of
`the observation period. One patient had recurrent infections, including an episode ofurosepsis. All infections
`responded to standard therapywith antibiotics. Progressive lymphocyte reduction to 1000/,1 on average, and
`clear but clinically insignificant drop in thrombocytes, was observed. Granulocyte counts were sometimes
`markedly elevated. A few patients developed macrocytosis, but none required transfusion. With our dosing
`and schedule, cladribine seems relatively safe in multiple sclerosis patients.
`Key words: 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine; blood counts; toxicity.
`Cladribine (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine, 2-CdA)
`a deoxyadenosine analog selectively toxic against hu-
`man lymphocytes (both resting and proliferating) and
`is also highly active against many
`leukemiacell lines in vitro'!*, The drug proved to be
`a remarkablyeffective treatment of hairy cell leuke-
`mia (response rate > 90%after a single course of trea-
`tment)??°, and promising results have been repor-
`ted in other indolent
`lymphoproliferative diseases,
`mainly in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
`(B-CLL) and low grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas’.
`Its immunosuppressive potential has been recognized
`an early study when a
`severe autoimmune
`hemolytic anemia, concomitant with a diffuse lym-
`phoma, was abated following treatment”; this preli-
`minary observation was confirmed in further clinical
`trials*. A recent report** suggests that cladribine may
`favourably influence the natural history of progres-
`sive multiple sclerosis, and our preliminary data sug-
`gest also some beneficial effect in remitting-relapsing
`type of this disease '':?3, Future clinical evaluation of
`this drug also in other autoimmune disorders seems
`Cladribine displays a marked toxicity toward bone
`marrowprogenitor cells in vitro*:'?. In agreement with
`these observations, main dose-limiting side effects of the
`drug in patients with both lymphoid? and non-hemato-
`tumors are thrombocytopenia and,
`less fre-
`Hopewell EX1023
`Hopewell EX1023


`P. Grieb et al.: Effect Cladribine in MS Patients
`quently, anemia and granulocytopenia (with conse-
`quential infections). Cytopenias, usually more severe
`in heavily pretreated patients with advanced lympho-
`id malignancies '?, could be attributed to bone mar-
`row involvement in a disease process and/or cumula-
`tive toxicity of the drug with previous chemotherapy.
`However, marrow suppression and prolonged macro-
`cytosis following repeated doses of cladribine was ob-
`served also in multiple sclerosis patients, rising con-
`cern of a delayed and long lasting hematologic toxici-
`ty of the drug even when bone marrowis unaffected *.
`In a pilot study of cladribine in remitting-relap-
`sing multiple sclerosis we have monitored blood mor-
`phology of patients taking repeated treatments with
`the drug over 18 months.
`Materials and Methods
`Cladribine (purity > 98% by HPLC) was synthe-
`sized by Z. Kazimierczuk (Department of Biophysics,
`University of Warsaw). The drug was prepared as
`isotonic saline solution, | mg/kg for oral use, and 2.5
`mg/kg (phosphate-buffered at pH 7.4) for subcutane-
`ous injections. Eleven patients (8 females and 3 males,
`age 21—51, body weight 62+8 SD kg, range 52—75
`kg) suffering from remitting-relapsing multiple sclero-
`sis, with normal blood counts, and normal kidney
`and liver function tests, were treated with multiple
`courses of the drug. Each course consisted of 5 daily
`doses, 10 mg orally in seven patients and 5 mg sub-
`culaneously in the remaining four. The patients recei-
`ved 6 monthly courses, and additional courses were
`given at 9, and (in some patients) also at 12 or 15
`months. Blood morphology was monitored before
`each treatment course, and later every three months.
`Statistical significance of deviations from control va-
`lues was assessed by t-test for paired data and as-
`sumed to bestatistically significant if p < 0.05.
`The treatments were well tolerated. Although two
`study participants taking cladribine orally complai-
`ned of upper abdominalpain, its relationship to the
`treatment cannot be ascertained, since none of a con-
`siderable numberof patients treated with cladribine
`given orally for B-CLL reported such complaints
`(J. Liliemark, Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
`Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, personal communi-
`cation). Several patients reported increased frequency
`of upper respiratory tract infections, most of which
`occurred during the last 6 months of the observation
`period. Onepatient suffered from recurrentinfections,
`including one episodeof urinary tract infection which
`occured during the third month of the study. All in-
`fections were succesfully treated with standard anti-
`biotic therapy.
`Averaged hematological data of all patients are
`displayed in the graphs as means + | SEM. Follo-
`wing treatments, lymphocyte counts decreased sharp-
`ly, reaching the nadir after the sixth course (Fig. 1).
`Fig. 1. Average lymphocyte counts during treatment with cladribi-
`ne, The decrease is statistically significant from the second month
`of therapy
`The degree of lymphocytopenia (its measure being the
`nadir of lymphocyte counts after 6 months ofthe stu-
`dy) was not related to the dose of the drug per body
`weight (Fig. 2), which mayreflect differing individual
`susceptibility of lymphocytes to the cytotoxiceffect of
`the drug. There was no appreciable drop in hemo-
`globin content (data not shown). Platelet counts dec-
`reased significantly (Fig. 3), but never dropped below
`100000/ul. A slight macrocytosis developed in some
`patients, but was not significant in the whole group,
`except at 18 months (Fig. 4). Averaged granulocyte
`count did not significantly deviate from the control
`level, except of the drop at 18 months (Fig. 5), but
`transient granulocytosis appeared in some patients
`(Figs. 6, 7).
`Until recently 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine had been
`given by continuous 7-day intravenous infusions and
`repeated monthly, if required. This mode of admini-


`P. Grich et al.; Fffect Cladribine in MS Patients
`600 400
`daily cladribine dose [}.g/kg]
`Fig. 2. The lack of correlation between the lymphocyte counts at
`6 months of therapy and dailycladribine dose per kg body weight.
`Squares — the drug taken subcutancously; circlets — drug taken
`orally (dose normalized to subcutancous route assuming 50% oral
`bioavailability). Data available for 10 paticnts
`Fig. 3. Average platelet counts during treatment with cladribine.
`The decrease is statistically significant from the third month of
`stration was established on the basis of the in vitro
`studies suggesting that multi-day exposure to nano-
`molar concentrations of the drug is required to kill
`resting humanperipheral blood lymphocytes*. In this
`mode of administration a single course of 0.09 mg/kg
`daily(i.c., total dose 0.63 mg/kg) is usually well tolera-
`ted by leukemia patients? *, but
`the probability of
`cytopenia increases when treatments are repeated.
`Fig. 4. Average MCVduring treatment with cladribine. The mse is
`statistically significant at 18 months
`2000 1000
`least as effective as week-long intravenousinfusions '?.
`Fig. 5. Average granulocyte counts during treatment with cladribi-
`ne. The changeis statistically significant only at 18 months
`Recent pharmacokinetic studies have shownthat
`the area under the plasma concentration versus time
`curve (AUC), which is a measure of the exposure of
`target cells (peripheral blood lymphocytes)
`to the
`drug, is practically of the same size when the doseis
`given as continuous 24 h i.y. infusion, and whenit is
`given once daily, either as an i.v. infusion lasting 2 h,
`or subcutaneously, or when a doubled dose is gi-
`ven orally (oral bioavailability is approximately
`50%)'*'*. In the treatment of lymphoid malignan-
`cies intermittent dosing schedules proved to be at


`» 4000
`Fig. 6 Lymphocyte and granulocyte counts of the patient no. 9
`(a female, the drug given subcutaneously, daily dose 0.07 mg kg)
`\ o~\ ~~
`gee ss
`Tn :
`Fig. 7. Lymphocyte and granulocyte counts of the patient no. 4
`(a female, the drug given orally, daily dose 0.18 mg/kg)
`Cladribine is a pro-drug requiring intracellular
`enzymatic phosphorylation to exert cytotoxicity *. In
`B-CLL patients at the end of 2 hiv. infusion intracel-
`lular concentration of CdA-phosphates in lymphocy-
`tes was two orders of magnitude higher than the peak
`plasma level of the drug.
`Its decay had t,,, of ap-
`proximately 24 h, and lymphocytic intracellular
`AUC’s of CdA phosphatesafter intermittent and con-
`tinuous infusion were similar'®:'7. Although no data
`are available on the intracellular kinetics of CdA-
`phosphates in non-leukemic lymphocytes in vivo, one
`may expect it to be similar to that
`in B-CLL cells.
`P. Grieb et al.: Effect Cladribine in MS Patients
`Therefore, intermittent (e.g, subcutaneous, or oral)
`dosing of cladribine should also be effective for reduc-
`tion of lymphocyte population and induction of im-
`munosuppression. The results of the present study
`suggest, that it may also produce lower hematologic
`In the Scripps study, chronic progressive multiple
`sclerosis patients were treated with 4 to 6 monthly
`courses of cladribine, dose 0.087 —0.1 mg/kg per day
`for 7 days, given as continuousi.v. infusion. The nadir
`of lymphocyte counts (ca. 500/,i1) occurred after the
`last treatment. and the rebound was slow and incom-
`plete (even during more than 3 years), While severe
`hematologic toxicity was observed in only 2 out of
`more than 20 patients and it could have beenrelated
`to prior or concomitant intake of other marrow-de-
`pressing drugs, all patients on average displayed mar-
`ked signs of marrowtoxicity: a progressive, although
`moderate and reversible fall
`in hemoglobin concen-
`tration, a distinct macrocytosis and a moderate throm-
`bocytopenia (these changes were not reversing after
`the treatment was discontinued), and a modest, but
`noticeable drop in granulocyte counts. Those hema-
`tological side effects were markedly more severe than
`these observed in our patients.
`study and
`The design our present
`Scripps*:?? differ in some points: 1) patients suffered
`fromdifferent form of the disease (in our group it was
`remitting-relapsing, while in the Scripps study it was
`chronic progressive multiple sclerosis); 2) while the
`daily doses of the drug received by our patients
`(0.067 —0,096 mg/kg) were similar, the total dose in
`our study was lower on average by approximately
`30% because the course of treatmentlasted 5 instead
`of 7 days: 3) we used intermittent dosing (once daily
`orally or subcutaneously) instead of a week-long con-
`tinuous infusion. We hypothesise that the last factor
`the most
`important one, ie. that hematological
`side effects of cladribine depend onits dosing schedu-
`le and are more severe when the drug is given in
`continuous infusion. A possible explanation maybe
`the entry of cladribine to the marrowcells is
`slower than to lymphocytes, and reducing exposure
`to 5 days andutilizing intermittent drug delivery may
`to some extent spare marrow progenitors, while still
`acting on lymphocytes. In agreement with this hypot-
`hesis are the data of PETzeR et al.'” who showed that
`the inhibition by cladribine of proliferation of bone
`marrow progenitors in vitro is achieved at high con-
`centrations (> 300 nM) and it develops over a few
`days. In some of our patients granulocyte counts in-
`creased markedly


`P. Grich et al: Effect Cladribine in MS Patients
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`Received in March 1995
`Accepted in May 1995
`Archiwum Immunologtac

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