
`Thorsteinn Loftsson!, Marcus E. Brewster?”, Hartmut Derendorf* and Nicholas Bodor*
`2-Hydroxypropyl-6-cyclodextrin: Properties and Usage
`in Pharmaceutical Formulations
`Departmentof Pharmacy, University of Iceland, IS-101 Reykjavik, Iceland
`Center for Drug Design and Delivery, College of Pharmacy, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, Box J-497, University of Florida, Gainesville,
`FL 32610-0497, USA
`Pharmatec, Inc., P.O. Box 730, Alachua, FL 32615 USA
`Departmentof Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, J, Hillis Miller Health Center, Box J-494, University of Florida, Gainesville,
`FL 32610-0494, USA
` water soluble cyclodextrin-drug complexes have been investi-
`The solubility of drugs is an important factor with respect to
`drug administration and drug delivery. Many physical and
`chemical approaches have beén used to improve the solubil-
`ity of poorly water-soluble compounds, Recently various _
`watcr soluble cyelodextrin-drug complexes have been inves-
`tigated and shownto bean attractive alternativeto existing
`methods. Howéver, a serious drawback in their therapeutic
`(HPBCD) has been shown to lack these toxic side effects. It
`has been used to increase the solubility of a variety of drugs
`dramatically. An overviewis given overthe effectsof HPBCD
`on drug solubility and drug stability. Some examples of
`applications in animal and humanstudies are reviewed.
`2-Hydroxypropyl!-f-cyclodextrin (HPBCD): Eigenschaften
`und Verwendung in pharmazeutischen Zubereitungen
`Die Léslichkeit von Arzneistoffen ist ein wichtiger Faktor in
`bezug auf dic Arzncimittelanwendung und Bioverfiigbar-
`keit. Es gibt eine Vielzahl physikalischer und chemischer
`Ansitze zur Verbesserung der Léslichkeit schlecht wasser-
`léslicher Substanzen. In denletzten Jahren ist gezeigt wor-
`den, daB der Einsatz von Cyclodextrin-Derivaten eine
`attraktive Alternative zu diesen Methoden darstellt. Aller-
`dings ist die Anwendung einiger dieser Derivate als Arznei-
`stoffvehikel hiufig mit erheblicher Toxizitét verbunden.
`Versuche mit 2-Hydroxypropyl-8-cyclodextrin (HPACD)
`haben dagegen keine Toxizitat nachweisen kénnen. Diese
`Substanz kann die Wasserldstichkeit schwer léslicher Ver-
`bindungensignifikant erhdhen, Der vorlicgende Artikel gibt
`einen Uberblick tiber den BinfluB von HPBCD auf die
`Loslichkeit und Stabilitat einer Vielzahl von Arzneistoffen,
`Einige Beispicle von tierexperimentellen und klinischen
`Anwendungen von HPBCD-Komplexen werdenvorgestellt,
` a
`Keywords: 2-Hydroxypropyl-B-cyclodextrin, drugs,
`solubility, stability, toxicity, review
`Formulation of pharmaceutical dosage forms is frequently
`hampered by poor aqueoussolubility of the drugs which again
`can severelylimit their therapeutical application. Also, slow
`dissolution of a solid state drug formulation andside effects of
`some drugs are the results of their poor aqueoussolubility.
`Increasing the drug solubility through appropriate formulation
`can, thus, lead to increased therapeutic efficiency of the drug.
`Various methods have been used to increase the solubility of
`drugs, such as the use of organic solvents, emulsions, liposomes
`and micells, adjustments of pH and the dielectric constant of
`the solvent system, chemical modifications, and complexation
`of the drugs with appropriate inorganic or organic complexing
`agent. Unfortunatcly all of the above mentioned techniques
`have their limitations and pharmaceutical formulators are
`constantly searching for new methods to increasethe solubility
`of drugs and ways to improve the old ones. Recently various
`Pharm. Zig. Wiss., Nr. 1+ 4. 4136, Jahrgang 1991
`gated and shownto be anattractive alternative to the existing
`Cyclodextrins were first isolated by Villiers in 1891 as digests of
`Bacillus amylobacter on potato starch (1), but the foundations
`of the cyclodextrin chemistry were laid down by Schardinger in
`the period 1903~1911 (2,3) and many of the older literature
`refers to cyclodextrins as Schardinger’s dextrins, Cyclodex-
`trins are formed by enzymatic cyclizationof starch. Until 1970,
`only small amounts of cyclodextrins could be produced in the
`laboratory and the high production cost prevented the usage of
`cyclodextrins in the pharmaceutical industry. In recent years,
`dramatic improvements in the cyclodextrin production and
`purification have been achieved and the cyclodextrins have
`become cheaper, This has made industrial applications of
`cyclodextrins possible,
`Cyclodextrins and their Derivates
`Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides with hydroxyl groups
`on the outersurface anda void cavity in the center. Their outer
`surface is hydrophilic, and therefore they are usually soluble in
`Hopewell EX1077
`Hopewell v. Merck
`Hopewell EX1077
`Hopewell v. Merck


`HOH soxolfom
`/ \ ae GH,OH
`ofan HO
`0 tig

`Se edCH,OH

`Table 1: Structure and Physical Properties of Various Cyclodextrins® 9:
`Beta (B)
`| Alpha (a)
`Molecular weight
`Glucose monomers
`internal cavity diameter (nm)
`Water solubility (g/100 mL, 25 °C)
`Surface tension (mN/m)
`Melting range (°C)
`Waterofcrystallization (%)
`Molecules of waterin cavity
`” Modified from References (4) and (5)
`water, but the cavity has lipophilic character. The most com-
`mon cyclodextrins are a-cyclodextrin, B-cyclodextrin and y-
`cyclodextrin, consisting of 6, 7and 8 a-1,4-linked glucoseunits,
`respectively (Table 1}. The numberof these units determines
`the size of the cavity. Cyclodextrins are capable of forming
`inclusion complexes with a wide variety of hydrophobic drug
`molecules by taking up a whole molecule, or some partof it,
`intothe cavity. The stability of the complex formed depends on
`howwell the guest molecule fits into the cyclodextrin cavity (6,
`7, 8,9).
`Unfortunately, the cyclodextrin which is he most useful for
`incorporating a number of drugs, §-cyclodextrin,
`is poorly
`water soluble (only 1.85 g/L00 ml) compared with o- and y-
`cyclodextrin (14.5 and 23.3 9/100 ml, respectively). This low
`solubility of B-cyclodextrin is believed to be associated with
`strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the cyclodextrin
`crystal. Alkylation (methyl- and ethyl-B-cyclodextrin) or
`hydroxyalkylation (hydroxypropy!-B-cyclodextrin and hydro-
`xyethyl-6-cyclodextrin) of the hydroxyl groups or substitution
`of the primary hydroxyl groups by saccharides (glucosyl-p-
`cyclodextrin and maltosyl-}-cyclodextrin) of the cyclic oligo-
`mer disrupts this hydrogen bonding which destabilizes the
`crystal lattice (10). In addition, these manipulations cantrans-.
`form the crystalline material
`into amorphous mixtures of
`isomeric cyclodextrins (11). The amorphous nature of modi-
`fied B-cyclodextrin as well as the derivation contribute to
`increasing the aqueous solubility of the preparations. The
`_B-cyclodextrin derivatives,
`including 2-hydroxypropyl-B-
`‘eyclodextrin (HPBCD), have been shown to possess similar
`solubilizing and stabilizing effects on drugs in aqucous solu-
`tions as the parent B-cyclodextrin (12, 13).
`HPBCDis obtained bytrealinga base-solubilizedsolution of B-
`cyclodextrin with propylene oxide, The resulting mixture of
`isomers is then purified to give HPBCD of various mean
`degreesofsubstitution (14), The average numberof 2-hydro-
`xypropyl groups substituted on the B-cyclodextrin nucleus is
`determined by the amount of propylene oxide used.
`Toxicity Studies
`One of he most serious drawbacks in the use of (}-cyclodextrin
`or alkylated B-cyclodextrins such as methyl-B-cyclodextrin is
`their toxicity (11, 15). Systemic administration of B-cyclodex-
`trin-associated with severe nephrosis. This toxicity is appar-
`ently related to the poor water solubility of B-cyclodextrin and
`after i.p. ori.v. administration, the material collects, crystalli-
`zes and precipitates in the kidney. The LDsyof B-cyclodextrin
`is, therefore, unfortunately low, in the range of 300-700 mp/kg
`(i.v. in rats) (7, 15, 16). The toxicity of methylated B-cyclodex-
`tring is related to a distinct physical property namely their
`surface activity. Methylated B-cyclodextrins are relatively
`lipophilic and act to destabilize biologicalmembraneseven at
`low concentration. This property causes methyl-6-cyclodex-
`trin to be hemolytic and also imports a low i.v. LDsy (200 mg/
`kg) (16).
`in particular
`The hydroxyalkylated-B-cyclodextrins
`HPBCDlack these untoward biological effects as indicated by
`extensive animal and human testing (17. 18, 19, 20, 21). Animal
`studies using a variety of model systems havefailed to identify
`any significant
`toxicological potential. Intravenous evalua-
`tions have included subacute and subchronic administrationof
`HPBCD to rats and monkeys (200 mg/kg every second day) and
`subchronicadministration to rats and dogs (doses as highas 400
`Pharm, Ztg, Wiss,, Nr. 1
`+ 4,
`/ 136. Jahryang 1991


`mg/kg daily) (17). In addition, i.v. doses as large as 10 g/kg were
`shownnot to be acutely Icthal ortoxic to monkeys (17). High
`dose oral administration was. also innocuous.
`In all animal
`testing, there were no significant changes in kidney function
`and HPBCD was readily and completely excreted by renal
`elimination. The mean plasma half-life of HPBCD was 0.9 hrs
`in dogs (19).
`Humanclinical studies on HP8CD have beensimilarly encou-
`raging. This excipient was used in doses as high as 5 g as a
`vehicle for an estrogen derivative with no adverse effects in a
`group (n=10) of post-menopausal women (20), In a separate
`study, a rising dose tolerance paradigm was used to evaluate
`HPBCD (0.5 g to 3.0 g) in two groups (n=8) of healthy
`volunteers (21), There were no adverse effects and no altera-
`tion in any of the renospecific parameters examined,
`humans, HPBCDis cleared from the plasma witha half-life of
`1.4-1.8 hrs ands almosttotally eliminatedby the kidrieys. This
`favorable profile has led several pharmaceutical companiesto
`exploit this potential excipient with several drug combinations
`in advanced clinical tests,-
` *
`Effects of HPBCD on Drug Solubility
`Table 2 shows the effects of HPBCD on the aqueous solubility
`~ of a number of drugs possessing different physicochemical
`properties, such as molecular size, lipophilicity, aqueous solu-
`_ bility and chemical structure. The largest solubility enhance-
`“ment appearsto be obtained whenhe drug shows low aqueous
`solubility, ¢.g., norethindrone acetate, HPBCDhaslittle or no
`effect on the aqueous solubility of hydrophilic and water
`soluble drugs, ¢.g., propranolol hydrochloride and_
`fluorothymidinc. Also, it appears that only some lipophilic
`part of the drug molecule hasto fil into the lipophilic HPBCD
`cavity and not the entire molecule. Thus, steroids with a flat
`unsaturated and unhindered A-ring, like dexamethasone and
`17$-estradiol, or accessible pheny! or benzylrings, like chlor-
`diazepoxide, generally have good solubility in aqueous
`HPBCDsolutions. Steroids with a hindered A-ring, like ethy-
`nylestradiol 3-methyl ether, and benzodiazepines with hinde-
`red phenyl! or benzyl rings have less solubility, The aqueous
`solubility of the drugs generally showslinear dependency on
`the HPBCD coneéentration and the phase-solubility diagrams
`are of Higuchi’s A,-type (24, 25). Figure 1 shows, for example,
`this linear type of phase-solubility diagrams for six steroids,
`There are, however, examplesof both positive (Ap-type) and
`negative (A,-type) deviations fromlinearity (12, 26).
`The enthalpy change for theHPBCD complex formation, like
`for other cyclodextrin complexation, is negative and the free
`energy decreases through the complexation process (12, 26,
`27). Thus, the HPBCD complexes will dissociate when the
`temperature is increased, Since increase in the free energy is
`generally observed when drugsare dissolved in pure water, the
`solubility enhancement is larger at low temperature than at
`high temperature (22).
`The solubility enhancement of drugs in water obtained through
`HPBCD complexation has been shownto be very advantage-
`ous in a number of pharmaceutical formulations. For example,
`due to their low aqueous solubility the anti-cancer drugs
`chlorambucil and melphalan have only been marketed as
`tablets. [thas now been shownthat it is possible to formulate
`both chlorambucil and melphalan in an aqueous i.y. solution
`through HPBCD complexation (26). The daily dosage of both
`drugs could be dissolved in !
`io 2 ml of isotonic HPBCD
`Pharm, Zig. Wiss., Nr. 1+ 4. / 136, Jabrgung 1991
`O Ethynylestradiol
`A 176-Estradlot
`@ Naorethindrone acetate
`© Norethindrone
`MB Ethynylestradiol-3-methy!ether
`® D(-}-Norgestrel
`Figure 1: Phase-solubility diagrams for various steroids at neutral pH
`and25°C (from Reference 22)
`solution. Also, replacing chlorambucil with the solid HPBCD-
`chlorambucil complex in tablets significantly improves the
`dissolution of the drug.
`An example in which HPBCD has been shown to be useful in
`obviating the need for water-soluble prodrugs is the case of
`dexamethasone, Dexamethasone is a widely used glucocor-
`ticoid which is used in the treatment of shock, trauma and
`asthma. In many instances, i.v. administration is necessary but
`the poor aqueous solubility of dexamethasone prevents simple
`aqueous formulation, Currently, a water-soluble prodrug of
`the steroid, dexamethasone-21-phosphate sodiumsalt, is used.
`This compound reverts to the parent compound subsequentto
`i.v. dosing but is associated with various unpleasant side effects
`not associated with dexamethasone itself. Administration of a
`HPACD complex of dexamethasone may, therefore, provide
`an advantage over the currently used therapy. Intravenous
`administration of the dexamethasone-HPBCD complex to
`dogsresulted in higher initial plasma levels of dexamethasone
`than those obtained after dexamethasone phosphate dosing.
`The area underthe dexamethasone plasma concentration-time
`curve during the therapeutically important first hour after the
`injection was more than 50% higher than after the administra-
`tion ofan equivalentdose of the phosphate prodrug (Fig. 2). At
`later time points there was no significant difference in the
`pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone generated fromthe pro-
`drug vs. the HPBCD. Althoughthe utilized HPLC-assay does
`not differentiate betweenfree and complexed dexamethasone,
`the administered dose of cyclodextrins of approximately 2g
`should be sufficiently diluted in the blood streamto result in
`rapid complex dissociation (28).
`Another application of HPBCD has been to sublingual
`administration of gonodal steroids. Due to their low aqueous
`solubility and a large first-pass effect, oral administration of
`these steroids frequently results in alow and variable bioavaila-
`bility. Pitha has shown that when testostcrone is complexed
`with HPBCD, it
`is readily absorbed from under the tongue
`resulling in rapid increase in plasma levels (29). Similar
`findings were observedforestradiol and progesterone (29).
`Many transdermal delivery systems and topical semi-solid
`preparations cause side effects in the skin due to long term


`45 .
`22 '
`Table 2: Solubility of some drugs in water and aqueous MPBCDsolutions at roomtemperature
`in water
`(% wiv)
`Solubility in the
`aqueous HPBCD
`solution (mg/ml)
`in solubility
`Acetylsalicylic acid
`Acyclovir (at pH 7.2)
`Ethynylestradiol 3-mothy! ether
`Hydrocortisone acetate
`Iproniazid phosphate
`Medazepam(at pH 7.5)
`Methotrexate (at pH 7.6)
`Nitrofurantoin (at pH 7)
`Norethindrone acetate
`Propranolol HCT
`All-trans-Retinoic acid
`L Literature values
`Pharm, Ztg. Wiss., Nr.
`+ 4, / 136. Jahrgang 1094


`Effects of HPBCD on Drug Stability
`_ Frequently the rate of degradation of a drug within the
`‘inclusion complex is slower than out
`in the solution and
`yaddition of HPACD to.aqueous solution of the drug results in
`increased stability and, thus, longer shelf-life (Table 3). There
`are, however, some examples of cyclodextrin destabilization of
`drugs suchas of prostaglandin E, (37).
`The recent developmentsin biotechnology have made biologi-
`cally active peptides and proteins available in sufficient quan-
`tities to be used as drugs. Many of these peptides and proteins
`/ are very unstable in aqueous solutions and their formulations
`have brought anew challenge to the pharmaceutical scientists.
`\ One of the main problems of injectable protein solutions is the
`| ageregation ofthe proteins and changesin their three-dimen-
`/ sional-structure which’ leads to denaturation and, conse-
`/ quently, deactivation. HPBCD has been shownto stabilize
`aqueous buffer solutions ofinsulin and interleukin-2 (36, 38).
`In conclusion, HPBCD is a non-toxie cyclic oligosaccharide
`capable of forming hydrophilic inclusion complexes with a
`large number of lipophilic drugs. The complexation can
`improve the clinical usage of the drugs by increasing their
`aqueous solubility, rate of dissolution and pharmaccutical
`availability. The complexation canalso improvethestability of
`many drugs in aqueous solutions and increase thetr shelf-life.
`HPBCD is a new pharmaceutical excipient with numerous
`potential uses in the pharniaceutical industry,
`(1) Villiers, A.: Sur la fermentation de la fécule par l’action du
`ferment butyriqué, C.R, Acad. Sci. 772 (1891) 536-538,
`(2). Schardinger, F.: Uberdie Zalassigkeit des Warmhaltens von zum
`Genus bestimmten Nahrungsmittein mittels Warme speichern-
`der Apparatc, sog. Thermophore. Wien. Klin, Wschr., /6 (1903)
`2 0.0
`AUC(0-th) 5
`Phosphate Ester
`HPBCD Compiex
`Figure 2: Area under the dexamethasone plasma concentration-time
`curve for six different dogs alter intravenous administration
`of 5 mg/kg dexamethasonein formof its phosphate ester or
`occlusion. It is possible that these side effects can be avoided by
`using nonocclusive aqueous vehicle systems. Many lipophilic
`drugs, such as steroid, have very low aqueous solubility and
`cannot be used in aqueous vehicle systems without effective
`solubilization. HPBCD forms water soluble complexes with a
`numberof steroids and aqueous HPBCDsolutions have been
`shown to be effective vehicle systems for the transdermal
`delivery of 17B-estradiol, hydrocortisone and testosterone
`(30). Although the concentration of ihe free drug in the vehicle
`was low, the drug molecules within the complex were in a fast
`equilibrium with the free drug molecules out in the solution
`resulting in an effective delivery of the drug to the skin surface.
`Other formulations where HPBCD has been used to increase
`aqueous solubility of drugs include parenteral formulations of
`alfaxalone (31), nimodipine (18), testosterone (32) and of
`chemical delivery systems containing various drugs (33, 34,
`35), Also,HPBCD hasbeenused tosalubilize proteins (36).
`Table 3: The effect of HPBCD onthe rate of degradation of some drugs in aqueoussolutions
`k,is the rate constant for the degradation ofthe drug out in the solution, i.e., outside the complex, and k,is the rate constant for the degradation
`of the drug within the inclusion complux,.
`Drug Ko/ke|Ref.Buffer
`9.7x 1073
`3.0x 107?
`13x 1077
`3.4% 107+
`Nitric acid
`5.0x 107?
`Mellvaine buffer
`7.5x 1079
`Sodium hydroxide 11.7|60 0.43 1x07? 39 26
`Hydrochloric acid
`Nitric acid
`Mellvaine buffer
`1.0x 1077
`Acctylsalicylic acid
`Pharm, Ztg, Wiss. Nr.
`| 4. / 136. Jahrgang 1991


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`Spcisen und Milch, sowie ber cinige Umsetzungsproducte
`darselben in kohlenhydrathaltigen Nihrlésungen, darunter kry-
`stallisierte Polysaccharide (Dextrine) aus Stirke. Z. Unters.
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`sion, Chem. Brit. (1987) 455-458.
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`stics and pharmaccutical uses of cyclodextrin derivatives, partl.,
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`(12) Loftsson, T., B. J. Olatsdéttir and H. Fridriksdéttir: Compara- ,
`tive study on inclusion complexation of acctylsalicylic acid,
`cholcalciferol and melphalan with §- and y-cyclodextrin and some
`of their derivatives, Acta Pharm, Nord. 2 (1990) 303-312.
`(13) Loftsson, T. and H. Fridriksdéttir; Degradation of lomustine
`(CCNU)in aqueoussolutions, Int. J. Pharm. (1990) 243-247.
`(14) Pitha, J., J. Milecki, H. Fales, L. Pannell and K. Uckama:
`Hydroxypropyl-B-cyclodexirin: Preparation. and characteriza-
`tion, effects onsolubility of drugs, Int. J. Pharm. 29 (1986) 73-82.
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`Yoshida, A.,M. Yamamoto, T. ltoh, T.Irie, F. Hirayama and kK.
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`Bodor: The potential use of cyclodextrins in parenteral formula-
`tions, J. Parenter. Sei. Technol. 43 (1989) 231-240.
`(37) Yoshida, A., M. Yamamoto, T. ric, F. Hirayama and K,
`Uckama: Some pharmaccutical propertics of 3-hydroxypropyl-
`and 2,3-dihydroxypropyl-f-cyclodextrins and their solubilizing
`and stabilizing abilities, Chem. Pharm, Bull, 37 (1989)
`(38) Brewster, M.E., J. W. Simpkins, M.S. Hora and N. Bodor:
`Application of2-hydroxypropyl-fi-cyclodextrin to proteinstabili-
`zation and solubjlization,
`in D, Duchéne (Ed,), Minutes Sth
`International Symposium on Cyclodextrins, Editions de Santé,
`Paris, PP. 440-444,
`Prof. Dr. T. Laftsson
`Department of Pharmacy
`University of Iceland
`15-101 Reykjavik
`Pharm. Ztg. Wiss.. Nr. 1+ 4.4136, Jahrgang 1991

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