`A Resource Manual
`APPLE 1026
`Apple v. Immervision
`Lens Design
`A Resource Manual
`pWarren J. Smith
`Suh ER ig
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Smith, Warren J.
`Modern lens design : a resource manual / Warren J. Smith and
`Genesee Optics Software, Inc,
`cm.—(Optical and electro-optical engineering series)
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-07-059178-4
`1, Lenses—Design and construction—Handbooks, manuals,etc.
`I. Genesee Optics Software, Inc.
`II. Title.
`III. Series.
`QC385.2.D47865 1992
`681' .423—dc20
`A Division ofTheMcGrawHillCompanies
`Copyright © 1992 by McGraw-Hill, Inc, All rights reserved. Printed
`in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the
`United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may
`be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored
`in a data base or retrieval system, without
`the prior written
`permission of the publisher.
`3456789 10 11 12 13 14 BKMBKM 9 9 87
`ISBN O-07-059178-4
`The sponsoring editor for this book was Daniel A. Gonneau, the _
`editing supervisor was David E. Fogarty, and the production—_—
`supervisor was Suzanne W. Babeuf. It was set in Century
`by McGraw-Hill’s Professional Book Group composition
`‘ uttheSample Lenses a
`; es etePrescriptions, Drawings,and
`5.3 Estimating the Potentla
`| of a Des!
`5.4 Scalinga Design, Its Aberrations,and
`5.5 Notes on the Interpretation ofRay Inte
`Chapter 6. Telescope Objectives
`es SecondarySpectrum (Apochromatic Systems)_
`The Thin Doublet
`6.3 Spherochromatism
`6.4 Zonal Spherical Aberration
`6.5 Induced Aberrations
`6.6 Three-Element Objectives
`Chapter 7. Eyepieces and Magnifiers
`7.1 Eyepleces
`7.2 Two Magnifler Designs
`7.3 Simple Two- and Three-Element Eyepleces
`7.4 Four-Element Eyepleces
`7.5 Five-Element Eyepieces
`7.6 Six- and Seven-Element Eyepieces
`Chapter 8. Cooke Triplet Anastigmats
`8.1 Alrspaced Triplet Anastigmats
`8.2 Glass Choice
`8.3 Vertex Length and Residual Aberrations
`8.4 Other Design Considerations
`Chapter 9. Reverse Telephoto (Retrofocus a
`9.1 The Reverse Telephoto Principle
`9.2 The Basic Retrofocus Lens
`9.3 The Fish-Eye, or ExtremeWide-Angle ReverseTelephoto,
`nd Fish-Eye) Le
`41:1 Meniscus
`11.2 Hypergon,
`11.5 The Dogmar
`11.4 The Split Dayor
`Chapter 12. The Tessar, Heli
`12.1 The Classic Tessar
`12.2 The Hellar/Pentac
`12.3 Other Compounded ae
`Chapter13. ThePetzval Lens; Headaptepl
`ins ong
`13.1 The Petzval Portrait Lens
`13.2 The Petzval Projection Lens
`13.3 The Petzval with a Field Flattener
`13.4 Very High Speed Petzval Lenses
`13.5 Head-u2 Display (HUD) Lenses; BlocularLensesoat
`a ae
`Chapter 14. Split Triplets
`Chapter 15. Microscope Objectives
`15.1 General Considerations
`15.2 Classical Objective Design Forms; the Aplanatic Front =
`15.3 Flat-Fleld Objectives
`15.4 Reflecting Objectives
`15.5 The Sample Lenses
`Chapter 16. Mirror and Catadloptric Systems
`16.1 The Good and the Bad Points of Mirrors
`16.2 The Classical Two-Mirror Systems
`16.3 Catadioptric Systems
`16.4 Confocal Parabololds
`16.5 Unobscured Systems
`Chapter 17. The Biotar or Double-Gauss Lens
`17.1 The Basic Six-Element Version
`17.2 The Seven-Element Blotar-Split-Rear Singlet
`17.3, The Seven-Element Blotar-Broken Contact Front Doublet
`Field Curva tu ree
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`Figure 5.3 Sample aberration plot.
`called H-tan U curves) for the axis, 0.7 field, and full field. Theray
`displacements areplottedvertically, as a function ofthe position ofthe
`ray in the aperture. The vertical scale is given at the lowerend ofthe
`vertical bar for the axial plot; the numbergiven is the half-length (.e.,
`from the origin to the end) of the vertical line in the plot. Thehori-
`zontal scale is proportional to the tangent of the ray slope angle.Fol-
`lowing the usual convention, the upperrayofthe ray fan is plottedto
`the right. In the sagittal plots, the solid line is the transverse ab
`tion in the z, or sagittal, direction and the dashed line is the ray
`placement in the y direction (which is sagittal.coma).Ǥ gig Bia
`In addition to the ray intercept plots (which are, in§
`bly the most broadly useful presentation of theaberre
`istics of a design), two aberrations are also ]
`plots. The longitudinal representationsof sphe:
`field curvature have been the class cal,co
`decades, despite thefact that
`; X Spherical abe
` e
`5.4 Scaling aDes
`Its MTF
`A lensprescription c:
`multiplying all of its¢
`tion (CDM), the numerical ap
`pressed as angular aberrations, and
`remain completely unchangedbysc
`The exact diffraction MTF cannot besc
`diffraction MTF, since it includes diffracti
`wavelength, will not scale because the wavelens th
`scaled with the lens. A geometric MTF can bescal
`spatial frequency ordinate of the MTF plot by the scaling
`course, because it neglects diffraction, the geometric MTFis
`accurate unless the aberrations are very large (and the MTFis cor
`spondingly poor).
`A diffraction MTF can bescaled very approximately as follows: De-
`termine the OPD which corresponds to the MTF value ofthelens for
`several spatial frequencies. This can be done by comparing the MTF
`plot for the lens to Figs. 4.3 and 4.4, which relate the MTF to OPD.
`Then multiply the OPD bythe scaling factor and, again using Figs 4.3
`and 4.4, determine the MTF corresponding to these scaled OPD val-
`ues. Obviously the accuracy of this procedure depends on how well the
`simple relationships of Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 represent the usually complex
`mix of aberrationsin a reallens.
`In the event that a proposed changeof apertureorfield is expected
`to produce a change in the amountof the aberrations, one can attempt
`to scale the MTF as affected by aberration. This is done by determin-
`ing the type of aberration which most severely limits the MTF, then
`Scaling the OPD according to the way that this aberration scales with
`aperture or field, in a manner analogousto that described in Sec. 5.3.
`In general, OPD as a function of aperture varies as one higher expo-
`nent of the aperture than does the corresponding transverse aberra-
`tion. For example,
`the OPD for third-order transverse spherical
`(which varies as Y°) varies as the fourth powerof the ray height. In a
`form analogous to Eqs. 5.3 and 5.4, which indicate a power series ex-
`pansion of the transverse aberrations as a function of aperture and