`as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication 10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0068030 Al
`(43) Pub. Date: Mar.6, 2014
`Chamberset al.
`US 20140068030A1
`Applicants: Benjamin A. Chambers, San Francisco,
`CA (US); John Bicket, San Francisco,
`CA (US)
`Inventors: Benjamin A. Chambers, San Francisco,
`CA (US); John Bicket, San Francisco,
`CA (US)
`Appl. No.: 14/011,519
`Aug. 27, 2013
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 61/696,000, filed on Aug.
`31, 2012.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`HOAL 12/24
`(52) U.S.CL
`CPC veccssssssssssssssssseeeeseeeeee HOAL 41/0803 (2013.01)
`ceesssssssessecsesssssssssssssssssieeessessesseessessen 709/220
`for managing access control policies are
`described herein. According to one embodiment, access con-
`trol policies (ACPs) and access control rules (ACRs) are
`downloaded from a managementserver to a network access
`device (NAD) over the Internet, where the network access
`device is one of a plurality of network access devices man-
`aged by the managementserver overthe Internet. In response
`to a request from a network client device for entering a net-
`work, a device type of the network client device is detected
`and an ACPidentifier is determined based on the device type
`using the ACRs An ACPis selected from the ACPs based on
`the ACP identifier and enforced against the network client
`device. At least the selected ACP is reported to the manage-
`mentserver to distribute the selected ACP to other network
`access devices.
`Receive access control configuration information (ACPs and ACRs) from a|,601 600
`managementserver over the Internet and store the same in a network
`access device (NAD).
`In response to request from a network client device (NCD)to connectto a
`network, authenticate the NCD (locally or remotely).
`Detect within the NAD a device type of the NCD using one or more
`detection methods (e.g., DHCP fingerprints, user agent string patterns,
`and/or MAC prefix).
`Apply to the NCD an AGP selected from the ACPs based on the device
`type and the access control configuration.
`Report the selected ACR/ACP, MAC and device type of the NCD back to
`the management server, where the management serveris to update other
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` Config
`ACRs 118
`ACRs/ACPs 117
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`ACPs 17
`ACRs 118
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` Whitelist
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` Palve|asauWodey "uoNesnByuosBAIeDey
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` PogBY]OJOUM‘CONSU}JO}JaAsesJuowabeueWeLUOGOVAIOYsAIs0ey eciaeieetcaeicertaietantatentedicatentedsatamemtatandaatadener|
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`| I
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`(SlaySSe0yWOMEN(S@)yoHMS.(s)qy SS8901JOMJON(Sa)YOUMS
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`Patent Application Publication
`Mar.6, 2014 Sheet 13 of 13
`US 2014/0068030 Al
`Management Server (MS)
`(e.g., Internet}
`Gateway! =
`Router 1108 =
`Router 111@¢ mee
`Senessmesres ||[Rouertvee]
`FIG. 11
`Other Network(s)
`Page 14 of 26
`Netskope Exhibit 1010
`VLAN1 VLAN1|())/
`() WN(9)
`taakee VLAN!
`[| ———
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`US 2014/0068030 Al
`Mar.6, 2014
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi-
`sional Patent Application No. 61/696,000, filed Aug. 31,
`2012, which is incorporated byreference herein inits entirety.
`[0002] Embodiments of the present invention relate gener-
`ally to networking. Moreparticularly, embodiments of the
`inventionrelate to automatically applying access control poli-
`cies based on device types of networked computing devices.
`DHCP fingerprint string for the device type they wish to
`assign policies for. They must then log into the controllervia
`command-line interface and type commands to manually
`configure each rule. Policy assignment is based entirely upon
`DHCP fingerprint. This is not an entirely reliable way of
`determining device type, as sometimes a numberofdifferent
`types of devices may use the same combination of DHCP
`options. Policy assignmentis fixed on low level details rather
`than a high level description that can be implemented differ-
`ently over time. For instance, if Apple devices started using
`different DHCP options, it would be necessary to manually
`reconfigure the existing solutions.
`[0007] Embodiments ofthe inventionare illustrated by way
`of example andnot limitation in the figures of the accompa-
`nying drawings in whichlike references indicate similar ele-
`[0003] A physical local area network (LAN) may include
`[0008] FIG.1is a block diagram illustrating a cloud man-
`numerous network access devices (e.g., routers, switches,
`aged network system according to one embodiment of the
`wireless access points, etc.) that communicate with one
`another (either directly or indirectly) to provide computing
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a mechanism
`device(s)(e.g., laptop, smartphone,etc.) access to a wide area
`to determine access control rules or policies based on the
`network (WAN). Thus, a network access device (NAD)is a
`device type ofa client device according to one embodimentof
`the invention.
`piece ofnetworking equipment, including hardware andsoft-
`ware, which communicatively interconnects other equipment
`[0010] FIG.3isa block diagram illustrating a data structure
`on the LAN (e.g., other network elements, computing
`representing access control rules and policies according one
`embodimentofthe invention.
`devices). The WAN can include, for example, the Internet,
`where communication with the WAN is through an interface
`FIGS. 4A and 4B are examples of a graphical user
`such as T1, T3, cable, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), wire-
`interface for configuring access control rules and policies
`less (e.g., mobile cell tower), or the like.
`according to certain embodiments of the invention.
`[0004] The one or more of the network access devices
`FIG. 5isa block diagram illustrating a data structure
`within the LAN that are directly coupled to the WAN or
`representing an access control log according to one embodi-
`mentof the invention.
`directly coupled to an interface device (e.g., a DSL modem)
`act as a gateway nodefor the LAN(a gateway to the WAN)for
`FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating a method for
`the other network access devices and network computing
`managing access control rules and policies according to one
`embodimentofthe invention.
`devices in the LAN. Network access devices that rely on
`(communicate with) one or more other network access
`FIG. 7 is a flow diagram illustrating a method for
`devices to reach the WANact as intermediate nodes of the
`managing access control rules and policies according to
`another embodimentof the invention.
`[0005] Generally the access control rules must either be
`FIG. 8 is a flow diagram illustrating a method for
`configured manually on each network access device (e.g.
`managing access control rules and policies according to
`another embodimentof the invention.
`individual access points or switches), or if a controller based
`system is used then the rules are configured on the controller.
`FIG. 9 is a flow diagram illustrating a method for
`Configuring access control rules manually on each network
`managing access control rules and policies according to
`access device is cumbersome, time-consuming and error-
`another embodimentof the invention.
`prone. Using a controller-based system simplifies this some-
`FIGS. 10A and 10Bare block diagramsillustrating
`what, but controllers are expensive and can only support a
`a cloud managed network configuration according to certain
`limited numberof network access devices each, after which
`embodiments of the invention.
`additional controllers must be deployed and access control
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram illustrating a network
`rules synchronized between them. Also, if many network
`configuration in accordance with another embodimentof the
`access devices are located in geographically disparate loca-
`tions, synchronizing the access control rules can be confus-
`Some network equipment manufacturers allow
`assignment of access policy based only on dynamic host
`configuration protocol (DHCP) fingerprinting of the net-
`worked computing device. Essentially, one can set rules so
`that a device that usesa particular set of DHCPoptions will be
`automatically assigned to a specific “role” (access policy).
`This configuration must be done manually using the com-
`mand-line interface on the network access device controller.
`Such a configuration is complex anderror-prone.In order to
`set a policy assignmentrule, the user must know the “magic”
`[0019] Various embodiments andaspects of the inventions
`will be described with reference to details discussed below,
`and the accompanying drawings will illustrate the various
`embodiments. The following description and drawings are
`illustrative of the invention and are not to be construed as
`limiting the invention. Numerous
`specific details are
`described to provide a thorough understanding of various
`embodiments of the present invention. However, in certain
`instances, well-known or conventional details are not
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`Netskope Exhibit 1010
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`Netskope Exhibit 1010
`US 2014/0068030 Al
`Mar.6, 2014
`worked computing devices, suchas laptops, desktops, tablets,
`described in orderto provide a concise discussion of embodi-
`mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), media
`ments of the present inventions.
`players, gaming devices, etc.
`[0020] Reference in the specification to “one embodiment”
`or “an embodiment” meansthat a particular feature, structure,
`[0025] Referring to FIG. 1, in this example, it is assumed
`or characteristic described in conjunction with the embodi-
`that network access devices 102-103 are owned by the same
`ment can be included in at least one embodiment of the
`organization and administrated by a network administrator
`invention. The appearances of the phrase “in one embodi-
`107 associated with the organization. Also note that for the
`ment”in variousplacesin the specification do not necessarily
`purposeofillustration, although network access device 103 is
`all refer to the same embodiment.
`not shown with details therein, network access device 103 has
`the same or similar architecture as network access device 102.
`[0021] Techniques for automatically assigning access con-
`For the purpose of illustration, only two network access
`trol policies (ACPs) based on device types of network client
`devices are shown, but additional network access devices may
`devices (NCDs) are described herein. According to some
`be coupled to network 104 and managed by management
`embodiments, a system for automatically applying a network
`server 101. Also note that managementserver 101 may man-
`access control policy to a network client device (also referred
`age network access devices for multiple organizations and
`to as anetworked computing device) is based on characteris-
`managedbydifferent administrators. For example, network
`tics of the device itself, e.g. the device manufacturer orits
`access device 102 may beassociated with a first enterprise
`operating system. The system automates all of the device
`identification mechanisms, so all the network administrator
`that is separate from a second enterprise associated with
`network access device 103.
`needs to do is specify a device type(e.g. “Apple iPhone”) and
`which access policy should be applied. When a network
`[0026] According to one embodiment, managementserver
`device first connects to the network, it is examined by the
`101 includes a management module 110 for managing net-
`system, identified by type, and assigned an access policy
`work access devices 102-103. In one embodiment, each of
`according to the specified rules for that device type.
`network access devices 102-103 maintains a persistent tunnel
`(e.g., a secure communications channel) with management
`[0022] According to one embodiment, the invention pro-
`server 101 for exchanging network management messages
`vides a system for the automatic assignmentof access control
`(also referred to as an mTunnel). When a network access
`policies to networked computing devicesin wireless or wired
`device such as NAD 102 boots up, NAD 102 connects and
`networks. For example, when using the system, the network
`logs onto management server 101 and management server
`administrator can simply select the type of device (e.g.
`101 authenticates NAD 102. The hardwareidentifier such as
`“Android smart phone”or “Apple iPhone”) from a drop-down
`a serial number of NAD 102 is stored in NAD information
`list, and then select which pre-defined access control policy
`database 111. In addition, NAD 102 may also be assigned
`they want to apply to that type of device.
`with a networkidentifier for the purpose oflogically grouping
`[0023] The system then automates the identification of
`NAD 102 with some other NADs such as NAD 103. Thus,
`devices by type as well as the assignmentof an access control
`multiple NADs may be associated with the same network
`policy based on that type. When a networked computing
`identifier. Managementserver 101 further includes a configu-
`device connects to the network, according to one embodi-
`ration interface 112, such as a Web interface, to allow admin-
`ment, the system analyzes networktraffic in order to identify
`istrator 107 to log into managementserver 101 to enter con-
`the type of device. Device identification is done behind the
`figuration information for configuring NADs 102-103. For
`scenes using multiple methods including DHCPfingerprint-
`example, administrator 107 may specify minimum or high
`ing, extracting User-Agent headers from HTTPtraffic, and
`level configuration parameters and management module 110
`determining manufacturer information from OUI lookup in
`of management server 101 automatically compiles other
`the MACaddress, etc. This data is combined to identify which
`related or low level configuration information without requir-
`type of device is connecting. Based on the type of device and
`ing the administrator 107 to enter such detailed configuration
`the configuration specified by the network administrator, the
`information, which may be time consuming anderror prone.
`system may then automatically apply an appropriate access
`[0027] According to one embodiment, managementserver
`control policyorrule.
`101 includes an access control policy (ACP) manager 113 to
`[0024] FIG.1is a block diagram illustrating a cloud man-
`manage ACPs 114 and access control rules (ACRs) 115,
`aged network system according to one embodiment of the
`which may be configured by administrator 107 via configu-
`invention. Referring to FIG.1, system 100 includes,but is not
`ration interface 112. ACPs 114 and ACRs 115 are used to
`limited to, various network access devices (NADs) 102-103
`control access of network client devices 108-109. ACPs 114
`(which may be wired and/or wireless) managed by a manage-
`refer to a set ofpredefined policies and ACRs 115refer to a set
`ment server (MS) 101 over WAN 104. Managementserver
`ofrules specifying how ACPs 114 should be applied. An ACR
`101 may be a Web or cloud server, or a cluster of servers,
`mayitself be an ACP. ACPs 14 and ACRs 115 may be imple-
`running on server hardware. Each of network access devices
`102-103 is associated with a LAN such as LANs 105-106.
`mented asasingle entity. According to one embodiment, ACP
`manager transmits ACPs 114 and ACRs115 to each ofnet-
`Network 104 may be the Internet. Network access devices
`work access devices 102-103 over the Internet andthe trans-
`102-103 may operate as a gateway device, an access point
`mitted ACPs and ACRsare stored in the network access
`(AP), a network switch, or a combination thereof to LANs
`devices 102-103, for example, as ACPs 117 and ACRs 118,
`105-106, respectively, where various client devices 108-109
`and managed by an access control module (ACM) such as
`can be communicatively coupled to LANs 105-106. Accord-
`ACM 116.
`ing to one embodiment, a network access device may be a
`gatewaydevice interfacing a LAN to WAN 104 and performs
`[0028] Forexample, when network access device 102 boots
`network address translation (NAT)forits clients, which may
`and connects to managementserver 101, management server
`be network client devices 108-109 or other network access
`101 authenticates network access device 102. An mTunnelis
`devices. A network client device may be any kind of net-
`created between managementserver 101 and network access
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`Netskope Exhibit 1010
`US 2014/0068030 Al
`Mar.6, 2014
`device 102. ACPs 114 and ACRs 115 are then downloaded
`from managementserver 101 to network access device 102
`via the mTunnel andstored in network access device 102 as
`ACPs 117 and ACRs118. When a client device suchasclient
`device 108 is associated with network access device 102,
`access control module 116 controls access of client device
`108 by enforcing ACPs 117 and ACPs118.
`Ifthere is any update concerning ACPs 117 and/or
`ACRs118, access control module 116 transmits the update to
`managementserver 101. Inresponse, managementserver 101
`broadcasts the update to other remaining network access
`devices associated with the same organization, such as net-
`workaccess device 103. For example, whenclient device 108
`connects with network access device 102 requesting entering
`LAN 105in order to access the Internet 104, network access
`device 102 may examine the corresponding ACRs and/or
`ACPsto control the access of client device 108. In some
`situations, the ACRs/ACPsassociated with client device 108
`mayindicate thatthe authentication of client device 108 may
`be performed via a remote captive portal. As a result, network
`access device 102 may redirect the request to the captive
`portal for authentication. Upon receiving a successful authen-
`tication signal, network access device 102 may update ACPs
`117 and/or ACPs 118 to include information indicating that
`client device 108 has been successfully authenticated. Such
`an updateis then transmitted (e.g., pushed by network access
`device 102 or polled by managementserver 101) to manage-
`ment server 101 and managementserver 101 broadcasts the
`update to remaining network access devices such as network
`access device 103. As a result, both network access devices
`102-103 have the same set of ACPs and ACRs.
`[0030] According to another embodiment, NADs 102-103
`do not need to push ACRs up to managementserver 101;
`rather, management server 101 pushes down the ACRsto
`NADs102-103. In one embodiment, a remote captive portal
`is implemented with the MS 101. So when a NAD device has
`authenticated with the captive portal, the captive portal com-
`ponentnotifies the NAD immediately (so that the NAD can let
`the device online), and it simply updates the ACRs in the MS
`directly, at which point the ACRsare transmitted to all the
`other NADs.
`Subsequently, referring back to FIG. 1, when client
`device 108 roams from network access device 102 to network
`access device 103, network access device 103 can use the
`same ACPs/ACRsto control the access of client device 108.
`In this example, since the updated ACRs/ACPsstored within
`network access device 103 include information indicating
`that client device 108 has been previously authenticated (e.g.,
`via network access device 102), network access device 103
`does not need to redirect the request to a remote captive portal
`for authentication again.
`[0032] According to one embodiment, each of the ACRs
`115 specifies one or more access policies or links to one or
`more ofthe ACPs 114 for a specific network client device (for
`identified by its hardware MAC address) and
`optionally an expiration time. As mentioned above, an access
`policy can include a numberof parameters including band-
`width limits and traffic shaping rules, VLAN assignment,
`firewall rules, whether a captive portal should be applied to
`that device, etc. When storing anACR,thespecific rulesofthe
`policy can either be explicitly stated in the ACR, or the ACR
`can refer to the identifying numberof a pre-defined ACP 115
`that is already stored elsewhere in the system.
`Inone embodiment, an example ACRthatexplicitly
`specifies an ACP can be defined as follows:
`[0034] MACaddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55
`[0035] Expiration: Apr. 20 2012 23:20:42
`[0037] Download Bandwidth: 2

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