`as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2011/0119481 Al
` Auradkaretal. (43) Pub. Date: May 19, 2011
`US 20110119481A1
`Rahul V. Auradkar, Sammamish,
`WA (US); Roy Peter D’Souza,
`Bellevue, WA (US); Darrell J.
`Cannon,Bellevue, WA (US)
`(73) Assignee:
`Redmond, WA (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Jun. 17, 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/261,598,filed on Nov.
`16, 2009.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`GOOF 12/14
`(52) US. CD. eee ceceeectesesenscneecessescneneeansenees 713/150
`A digital escrow pattern and trustworthy platform is provided
`for data services including mathematical transformation tech-
`niques, such as searchable encryption techniques, for obscur-
`ing data stored at remotesite or in a cloud service,distributing
`trust across multiple entities to avoid a single point of data
`compromise. Using the techniquesofa trustworthy platform,
`data (and associated metadata) is decoupled from the contain-
`ers that hold the data (e.g., file systems, databases, etc.)
`enabling the data to act as its own custodian through imposi-
`tion of a shroud of mathematical complexity that is pierced
`with presented capabilities, such as keys granted by a cryp-
`tographic key generator of a trust platform. Sharing of, or
`access to, the data or a subset of that data is facilitated in a
`mannerthat preserves and extends trust without the need for
`particular containers for enforcement.
`Data as Custodian
`Containers are Redundant for Security
`Access is Enforced byCrypto Wrapper
`Policy is Set by Owner and
`guaranteed by Crypto Wrapper
`| | | ||
`Staff 504
`Staff 506
`Cloud Container 500
`Audits 502 |
`lData Container 510 ]
`Staff 522
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`V I7o
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` \SpeBedGOt_L
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`Receive, by ist computing device in a first region of
`control from 2nd computing device in a second region
`of control, encrypted data formed from encryption of
`data for a defined data set of the 2nd computing device
`according to searchable encryption algorithm based on
`cryptographic key information.
`Receive, by the 1st computing device, encrypted
`metadata formed from an analysis of the data and an
`encrypted output of the analysis based on the
`cryptographic key information.
`Determine container(s) independently of container
`types in which to store at least some of the encrypted
`data or the encrypted metadata.
`Automatically change the container(s) in which the
`encrypted data is stored if a pre-defined condition is
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` ||||||OTS]UCyBIC|||| Joule
`asiiduayuy 0zSasidiaquy
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`ejeq OTZuoNesqy
`uedLY}BayUOpasegpaynyysuovaypuepajeaijday‘pause ‘pappaiysaquedsuaulequoD
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` uopaseg
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` Sexapu|puepuodaypaydAuouypeojdg—
` vIVTsexapu|
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`US 2011/0119481 Al
`Technology for Confidentiality: Searchable Encryption
`Index Store
`Store 1550
`Cloud Data
`(CDS) isso
`CO enemies51560 Provider
`| Upload 1545 | \
`CTP) 1579
`} Public Parameters 1565
`Upload Examples:
`‘Sentinel’ on Exchange Captures-Email
`* Business User Uploads a Record
`Document 1500p} Keywords 1510
`FIG. 15
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`US 2011/0119481 Al
`Technology for Confidentiality: Searchable Encryption
`| [Decryot1655]Decrypt1655]1655 1644 I |
`Encrypted Index
`Store 1625
`Cloud Data
`(CDS) 1680
`Store 1630
`Result 1635
`| Encrypted
`| Document
`nen eee eee
`Search Examples:
`Auditor Searches - EMail Archives
`Business User Retrieves Recards
`Document 1660
`Query 1600
`FIG. 16
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`US 2011/0119481 Al
`Technology: Proofs of Data Possession (PDP)
`Cloud Data
` Encrypted
`Records &
`Indexes 175Q PDP Tags 1760
`Records &
`Indexes 1710
`Publisher 1700
`First Generate Searchable Indexes
`¢ Then Encode Encrypted Records & indexes
`FIG. 17
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`US 2011/0119481 Al
`Technology: Proofs of Data Possession — after encoding, verification
`PDP Tags 1840
`Cloud Data
`Records &
` |Prove1820|1820
`CTP) 1870,
` Challenge 1810 Verify 1850
`Secret 1825
`ed Se ee
`° Auditor Checks Integrity without
`Success or
`Retrieving Records or Indexes
`Failure 1860
`Auditor 1800
`FIG. 18
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`Receive, by a computing devicein a first region of
`control from at least one computing device in a second
`region of control, encrypted XML data including
`encrypted XML payload data and encrypted XML tags.
`The encrypted XML data is formed from encryption of a
`defined XML data set of the computing device in the
`second region of control according to searchable
`encryption algorithm(s) based on cryptographic key
`subscriber device consistent with the requesting.
`Receive, by the computing device in the first region of
`control, auxiliary metadata encrypted based on the
`cryptographic key information, the auxiliary metadata
`formed from an analysis of the encrypted XML payload
`data or encrypted XML tags.
`Receive a request for data including capability(ies)
`based on the cryptographic key information defining
`privilege(s) for accessing some of the encrypted XML
`payload data or the encrypted XML tags enabling
`selective access to the encrypted XML data as defined
`by the capability(ies).
`Validate that a correct subset of encrypted XML data
`and corresponding XML tag data is received by the
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`receiving cryptographic key information from a key
`generation componentthat generates the cryptographic
`key information based onidentity information
`associated with the at least one subscriber device.
`Request a subset of searchably encrypted XML data
`and corresponding XML tag data by a subscriber device
`including transmitting the cryptographic key
`information to a storage provider for the searchably
`encrypted XML data and corresponding tag data.
`Decrypt the subset of encrypted XML data and
`corresponding XML. tag data as allowed by capabilities
`defined in the cryptographic key information.
`Validate that a correct subset of encrypted XML data
`and corresponding XML tag data is received by the
`subscriber device consistent with the requesting.
`Verify content of the subset of encrypted XML data and
`corresponding XML tag data was not deleted or
`modified prior to receiving the subset of encrypted XML
`data and corresponding XML tag data.
`FIG. 21
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`Encrypt XML data according to searchable encryption
`algorithm(s) to form encrypted XML data including
`encrypted XML tag information based on cryptographic
`key information received from a separate key generator
`that generates the cryptographic key information.
`requesting device.
`Transmit the encrypted XML data to a network service
`provider for storage of the encrypted data.
`Encrypted data is selectively accessible according to
`late binding of selected privileges granted to a
`requesting device based on identity information of the
`FIG, 22
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`Receive request for a subset of searchably encrypted
`XML data including encrypted XML tags by a subscriber
`the cryptographic key information.
`Receive cryptographic key information from a key
`generation componentthat generates the cryptographic
`key information based on identity information
`associated with the subscriber device.
`Decrypt the subset of encrypted XML data as a function
`of privileges granted the subscriber device defined in
`FIG, 23
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`Authenticate publisher (e.g., publisher logs in with
`username and password, Live ID credentials, etc.)
`Generate key information by an independententity.
`Searchably encrypt set of publisher documents by
`cryptographic technology provider based on the key
`information of a requesting device (subscriber).
`Upload document(s) with capabilities to network service
`provider, e.g., storage service provider, such that the
`document(s) are selectively accessible with late binding
`of selected privileges granted based on identity
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`Authenticate subscriber (e.g., subscriber logs in with
`username and password, Live ID credentials, etc.)
`Receive subscriber request for publisher data.
`bound capabilities granted by owner/publisher.
`Generate key information based on subscriber request
`by an independent entity. Optionally encode
`capabilities of subscriber in key information.
`Decrypt subset of publisher data based on capabilities
`of the key information.
`Access subset of publisher data by subscriber, e.g.,
`download, view, process, change, etc. based on late
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`soyddyjus (sayjaGoyJ0ayesedag)
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` ad1Alegpnoja|
` 91L8¢Adllod
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` |I
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`sjaejsqySVSay OLGZ
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` ||Wuel1Djua!d||||
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`quoneziuebig (2)
` sevenseeemeteesseseeeeeseneetnessneenenteesteneseeeesestpeseisena
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`Authenticate User (e.g., user logs in with
`username and password or Live ID credentials,
`Upload document(s) and enter tags.
`Service to send blob to Storage Service.
`Client Sends Tags to Escrow Agent and
`Receives Hashed Tags in Response.
`Client encrypts document(s) and sends
`document(s) with capabilities to Digital Safe
`Service (e.g., DBox).
`Digital Safe Service interfaces with Storage
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`US 2011/0119481 Al
`Authenticate User (e.g., user logs in with
`username and password or Live ID credentials,
`Client Sends Tags to Escrow Agent and
`Receives Hashed Tags in Response.
`Storage Service.
`Client Sends Hashed Tagsto Digital Safe
`Service (e.g., DBox).
`Digital Safe Service Sends Search Requestto
`FIG. 34
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`May 19, 2011 Sheet 35 of 54
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` O1se
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`interact with Application/Generate Requests.
`Provider (CSP), e.g., for executing Searches.
`Application Communicates with security token
`service (STS), e.g., for obtaining Claims.
`Application Communicates with Center for Key
`Generation, e.g., for obtaining Trapdoors.
`Application Communicates with Cloud Services
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`Receive Useridentification Information (e.g.
`infoCard information) by Application.
`the privileges and/orrestrictions of a given User.
`Application Obtains Relevant Claims from STS.
`Application Presents Role-Specific User
`Experience, i.e., an experience commensurate with
`FIG. 37
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`Record (e.g., document) and Keywords Received by
`Application Obtains master public key (MPK) and
`Applies Public-Key Encryption Keyword Searchable
`(PEKS) scheme. MPK can be Cached by Application.
`Application enters Encrypted Record into CSP
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`US 2011/0119481 Al
`Conjunctive Query Received or Initiated by
`Application Obtains Relevant Claims from STS.
`For instance, the STS maps user Role to
`appropriate Query Groups and returns the Legal
`Query Set for the Given Role.
`to the Application (or Rejection of Claims).
`custom rendering based on User Role.
`Application Submits Filtered Claim and Query.
`Claim(s) that Correspond to the Query can be
`efficiently submitted, rather than all Claim(s).
`Optionally, the CKG Returns Trapdoor Claim(s)
`Application executes Trapdoor Claims on
`Remote Indices. Results are received and Can
`be Rendered by Application to User, e.g.,
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`The STS of Enterprise2 is Resource Provider.
`For instance, Application Obtains Claims for
`Resource Access from Resource Provider.
`from Identity Provider.
`The STS of Enterprise is Identity Provider. For
`instance, Application Obtains Claims for Roles
`Claims Retrieved based on

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