`as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2014/0359282 Al
` Shikfaet al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 4, 2014
`US 20140359282A1
`(71) Applicant: Alcatel- Lucent, Paris (FR)
`Inventors: Abdullatif Shikfa, Villebon-sur-Yvette
`(FR); Serge Papillon, Paris (FR)
`(73) Assignee: ALCATEL-LUCENT,Paris (FR)
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/907,044
`May 31, 2013
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`GO6F 21/60
`(52) U.S. CL
`CPC vieccccseseeseseetenscnesenees GO06F 21/602 (2013.01)
`USPC wiecesssesctesseseseseecssseecsnecensensseseeansentes 713/165
`A system and method for enabling searchable encryption of
`encrypted documents stored by a client on one or morestor-
`age providers includesa brokerserver in communication with
`the client and the one or more storage providers. The broker
`is adapted to transfer the encrypted documents
`betweenthe client and the one or more storage providers and
`to maintain information indicating where the encrypted docu-
`mentsare transferred. The broker server further stores infor-
`mation for at least one encrypted index for the encrypted
`documents and a test function for a searchable encryption
`mechanism used to encryptthe at least one encrypted index.
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`US 2014/0359282 Al
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`[0001] The present invention relates to data storage.
`[0002] Many cloud-basedservices(e.g. data storage, web-
`mail services, advertising, geolocation services, and the like)
`provide the ability to operate on a client’s stored data (e.g.
`files, email, location, etc.) by providing access to the stored
`data. This allowsthe client to search for specific pieces ofdata
`stored using the cloud-based services. However, this ability to
`operate on the client’s stored data may be at odds with the
`client’s data privacy needs, which often require encryption to
`protect the data, because many storage providers do not sup-
`port searchable encryption. Therefore, the client’s ability to
`operate on encrypted data that is stored by one or more cloud
`storage providers can be limited.
`methodalso includesstoring, at the broker server, informa-
`tion relating to the at least one encrypted index and a test
`function for the searchable encryption mechanism used to
`encrypt the encrypted index.
`[0011] According to an embodiment,
`the computerized
`method mayadditionally comprise the steps of sending the at
`least one encrypted index to the storage provider and main-
`taining, at the broker server, a secondtranslation table indi-
`cating the encrypted indexesthat are transferred to each stor-
`age provider.
`[0012] According to an embodiment,
`the computerized
`method may additionally comprise the steps of receiving, at
`the broker server, an encrypted query from the client to be
`searched and executing,at the brokerserver, the test function
`for the searchable encryption mechanism using the encrypted
`query andthe encrypted index. The methodfurther comprises
`transferring, by the broker server, encrypted documents
`returned from the test function as satisfying the encrypted
`query from the at least one storage providerto the client.
`[0013] According to an embodiment,
`the computerized
`method may also comprise the steps of sending the at least
`one encrypted index to the storage provider and maintaining,
`at the brokerserver, a secondtranslation table indicating the
`[0003] According to an embodiment, a broker system
`encrypted indexes that are transferred to each storage pro-
`enables searchable encryption ofencrypted documents stored
`vider. The method may also compriseretrieving the at least
`by a client on one or more storage providers. The broker
`one encrypted index from the at least one storage provider.
`system includes a broker server in communication with the
`[0014] According to an embodiment, the broker server may
`client and the storage providers. The broker server is adapted
`be in communication with a plurality of storage providers.
`to transfer the encrypted documents between the client and
`[0015] According to an embodiment, the broker server may
`the storage providers and to maintain a table indicating the
`be in communication with a plurality of clients.
`encrypted documentsthatare transferred to each storage pro-
`vider. The broker server also stores information for at least
`[0016] According to an embodiment, the step of sending
`one encrypted index for the encrypted documents anda test
`the encrypted documentsto the storage provider may include
`function for a searchable encryption mechanism used to
`sending a particular encrypted documentto at least two stor-
`encrypt the at least one encrypted index.
`age providers to provide redundancy.
`[0004] According to an embodiment, the information for
`[0017] According to an embodiment, a non-transitory, tan-
`the at least one encrypted index is the encrypted index.
`gible computer-readable medium stores instructions adapted
`[0005] According to an embodiment, the broker server
`to be executed by a computer processorat a broker server to
`transfers the at least one encrypted index to the one or more
`enable searchable encryption of encrypted documents stored
`storage providers and the information for the at least one
`on at least one storage provider by a client to perform a
`encrypted index is a table indicating the encrypted indexes
`method comprising the steps of receiving, at a broker server,
`that are transferred to each storage provider.
`the encrypted documents, at least one encrypted index for the
`encrypted documents, the encrypted index being encrypted
`[0006] According to an embodiment, the broker server is in
`by a searchable encryption mechanism, andidentification of
`communication with a plurality of clients.
`the searchable encryption mechanism used to encrypt the
`[0007] According to an embodiment, the broker serveris
`encrypted index. The method further includes sending the
`adapted to send a particular encrypted documentto at least
`encrypted documentsto theat least one storage provider and
`twostorage providers to provide redundancy.
`maintaining, at the broker server, a translation table indicat-
`[0008] According to an embodiment, the broker server
`ing the encrypted documents that are transferred to each
`executes the test function upon receipt of an encrypted query
`from the client.
`storage provider. The method also includes storing, at the
`broker server,
`information relating to the at
`least one
`[0009] According to an embodiment,the brokerserver uses
`encrypted index andatest function for the searchable encryp-
`the encrypted query and the encrypted index as input for the
`test function.
`tion mechanism used to encrypt the encrypted index.
`[0018] According to an embodiment, the method may fur-
`[0010] According to an embodiment, a computerized
`ther comprise the steps of sending the at least one encrypted
`method for enabling searchable encryption of encrypted
`index to the storage provider and maintaining, at the broker
`documents stored on at least one storage provider by a client
`server, a second translation table indicating the encrypted
`includes receiving, at a broker server, the encrypted docu-
`indexesthat are transferred to each storage provider.
`ments, at least one encrypted index for the encrypted docu-
`ments, the encrypted index being encrypted by a searchable
`[0019] According to an embodiment, the method may fur-
`encryption mechanism, and identification of the searchable
`ther comprise the steps of receiving, at the broker server, an
`encryption mechanism used to encrypt the encrypted index.
`encrypted query from the client to be searched and executing,
`at the broker server, the test function for the searchable
`The method further includes sending the encrypted docu-
`ments to the at least one storage provider and maintaining,at
`encryption mechanism using the encrypted query and the
`the brokerserver, a translation table indicating the encrypted
`encrypted index. The method may further comprise transfer-
`documents that are transferred to each storage provider. The
`ring, by the broker server, encrypted documents returned
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`from the test function as satisfying the encrypted query from
`the at least one storage providerto theclient.
`[0020] According to an embodiment, the method mayalso
`comprise the steps of sending theat least one encrypted index
`to the storage provider and maintaining, at the brokerserver,
`a secondtranslation table indicating the encrypted indexes
`thatare transferred to each storage provider. The method may
`also comprise retrieving the at least one encrypted index from
`the at least one storage provider.
`[0021] According to an embodiment,the broker server may
`be in communication with a plurality of storage providers.
`[0022] According to an embodiment, the step of sending
`the encrypted documentsto the storage provider may include
`sending a particular encrypted documentto at least two stor-
`age providers to provide redundancy.
`[0023] These and other embodiments of will become
`apparentin light of the following detailed description herein,
`with reference to the accompanying drawings.
`client 16 encrypts the one or more indexes 24 using a search-
`able encryption mechanism to generate one or more
`encrypted indexes 28. The searchable encryption mechanism
`used to encrypt the indexes 24 may be any searchable encryp-
`tion mechanism known in the art and is typically different
`than the encryption mechanism used to encrypt the docu-
`ments 26 since the searchable encryption mechanism is spe-
`cific to searchable encryption. Exemplary searchable encryp-
`tion mechanisms are described in the article Boolean
`symmetric searchable encryption, by Tarik Moataz and
`Abdullatif Shikfa. 2013. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM
`SIGSAC symposium on Information, computer and commu-
`nications security (ASIA CCS 713). ACM, New York, N.Y.,
`USA, 265-276, and in the article Semantic Search Over
`Encrypted Data, by Tarik Moataz; Abdullatif Shikfa; Nora
`Cuppens-Boulahia and Frederic Cuppens. 2013. In Proceed-
`ings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Telecom-
`munications (ICT 2013), which are both hereby incorporated
`by reference in their entireties. As should be understood by
`those skilled in the art, the broker system 10 may work with
`any searchable encryption mechanism andis not limited to
`the exemplary mechanisms described in the articles refer-
`enced above. The numberof encrypted indexes 28 generated
`by the client 16 for a particular number of encrypted docu-
`ments 14 may depend onthe specific searchable encryption
`mechanism usedto encrypt the index 24. For example, some
`searchable encryption mechanisms may generate one
`encrypted index 28 per encrypted document 14, while other
`searchable encryption mechanisms may generate a single
`encrypted index 28forall ofthe encrypted documents 14. The
`specific encryption mechanism for encrypting the documents
`26 and the specific searchable encryption mechanism for
`searchably encrypting the one or more indexes 24 are not
`described in detail as a variety of encryption mechanisms and
`[0028] Referring to FIG. 1, a broker system 10 includes a
`searchable encryption mechanisms should be knownto those
`broker server 12 that enables searchable encryption of
`skilled in the art.
`encrypted documents 14 stored by a client 16 on one or more
`[0030] Theclient 16 sends the encrypted documents 14 and
`cloud storage providers 18. The broker server 12 is in com-
`munication with the client 16 overa first communication link
`the corresponding encrypted index 28 (which maybe one or
`20 that allows the broker server 12 and client 16 to transfer
`indexes depending on the searchable encryption
`mechanism used) to the broker server 12 over the first com-
`data, such as the encrypted documents 14 (e.g. files, docu-
`munication link 20. The client 16 also informs the broker
`ments, email, location data, or any other similar data), ther-
`ebetween. The broker server 12 is also in communication with
`server 12 of the searchable encryption mechanism used to
`encrypt the encrypted indexes 28 over the communication
`each cloud storage provider 18 over second communication
`link 20, which allows the broker module 12 to executea test
`links 22 that also allows the broker server 12 and the one or
`function for the searchable encryption mechanism to search
`more cloud storage providers 18 to transfer data, such as the
`the encrypted documents 14 as will be discussed below.
`encrypted documents 14, therebetween. Thefirst communi-
`[0031] The broker server 12 receives the encrypted docu-
`cation link 20 and the second communication links 22 may be
`ments 14, the encrypted index(es) 28, and the information on
`any suitable communication network for connecting elec-
`the searchable encryption mechanism from the client 16. The
`tronic devices, such as a computer network that may include
`connections across the World Wide Web. The broker server 12
`broker server 12 sends the encrypted documents 14 to the
`cloud storage providers 18 since the brokerserver 12 relies on
`acts as an intermediary between the client 16 and the cloud
`the cloud storage providers 18 to store data. The broker server
`storage provider 18 to provide searchable encryption so that
`12 generates and stores in memoryatranslation table T1
`client may execute encrypted searches ofthe encrypted docu-
`ments 14.
`indicating which encrypted documents 14 (e.g. D1, D2, D3,
`etc) are stored on which cloud storage provider 18 (e.g. SP1,
`[0029] Referring to FIG. 2, for the broker system 10 to
`SP2, SP3, SP4, SPS, etc.). The broker server 12 may transmit
`provide searchable encryption at the broker server 12, the
`one or more of the encrypted documents 14 to more than one
`client 16 generates one or more indexes 24 for one or more
`cloud storage provider 18. In this case, the translation table T1
`documents 26 that are to be encrypted as encrypted docu-
`may be generated/updated to indicate that a particular
`ments 14 and stored on the storage providers 18. Each index
`encrypted document14 (e.g., D1) is stored on multiple cloud
`24 includes one or more keywords for the encrypted docu-
`storage providers 18 (e.g., SP1, SP2).
`ments 14 and pointers to the encrypted documents 14 con-
`taining the keywords. The client 16 encrypts the one or more
`[0032] The broker server 12 maystore the encrypted index
`documents 26 using any desired encryption mechanism
`(es) 28 directly in a locally accessible memory or may send
`knownin the art to provide the encrypted documents 14. The
`the encrypted index(es) 28 to one or more ofthe cloud storage
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a broker system
`according to an embodiment;
`[0025] FIG.2isa schematic diagram of an embodimentfor
`providing searchable encryption throughthe broker system of
`[0026] FIG.3isa schematic diagram of an embodimentfor
`executing an encrypted query through the broker system of
`FIG.1; and
`FIG. 4isa schematic diagram of an embodimentfor
`redundantly storing data through the broker system of FIG.1.
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`providers 18 to minimize storage requirements for local
`memory. When the broker server 12 sends the encrypted
`index(es) 28 to one or more ofthe cloud storage providers 18,
`the broker server 12 generates and stores in memory a trans-
`lation table T2 indicating which encrypted index(es) (e.g.
`E11, E12, E13, etc.) are stored on which cloud storage pro-
`vider 18 (e.g. SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5, etc.). As with the
`encrypted documents 14, the broker server 12 may send one
`or more of the encrypted index(es) for storage on multiple
`cloud storage providers.
`[0033] The broker server 12 also stores the information on
`the searchable encryption mechanism from the client 16 used
`to searchably encrypt the encrypted index(es) 28 in local
`memory. The broker server 12 uses the information on the
`searchable encryption mechanism to perform searchesof the
`encrypted documents 14, as discussed in greater detail below.
`[0034] Referring to FIG. 3, when the client 16 wants to
`search for a encrypted document 14 containing one or more
`keywords, the client 16 generates an encrypted search query
`30 for the keywordsas per the searchable encryption mecha-
`nism usedto encrypt the encrypted index(es) 28 and sends the
`encrypted query 30 to the broker server 12 over the commu-
`nication link 20.
`[0035] When the broker server 12 receives the encrypted
`search query 30 from the client 16, the broker server 12
`implements the specific test function for the specific search-
`able encryption mechanism to determine which encrypted
`documents 14 correspondsto the encrypted query 30, if any.
`Asdiscussed above, the broker server 12 knows which spe-
`cific test function to select and apply for the specific search-
`able encryption mechanism becausethe client 16 previously
`provided the broker server 12 with the information on the
`searchable encryption mechanism used to encrypt
`encrypted index(es) 28.
`[0036] The specific test function selected for the specific
`searchable encryption mechanism uses the encrypted query
`30 and the encrypted index(es) 28 as input forits determina-
`tion. Thus, when the broker server 12 receives the encrypted
`query 30 from the client 16, the broker server 12 only obtains
`the encrypted index(es) 28 for that client 16 to execute the
`specific test function. As discussed above, in some embodi-
`ments, the encrypted index(es) 28 may bestored locally in
`memory on the broker server 12 and, therefore, may be
`readily available. In other embodiments, where the encrypted
`index(es) 28 is stored at one or more cloud storage providers
`18, the broker server 12 may use the translation table T2
`stored in local memory toretrieve the encrypted index(es) 28
`from the cloud storage provider 18 at which it was stored
`using the second communication links 22. For example, in the
`exemplary embodiment of FIG. 3,
`the broker server 12
`retrieves encrypted indexes E11, E12 and E13. The broker
`server 12 then appliesthe specific test functionfor the search-
`able encryption mechanism to the encrypted indexes, which
`returns identifiers (e.g. D1, D2, D3, etc.) of the one or more
`encrypted documents 14 that satisfy the encrypted query 30.
`For example, in the exemplary embodimentof FIG.3, the test
`function returns identifier D2. The broker server 12 uses the
`translation table T1, which is stored in local memory, to look
`up the identifier(s) returned bythetest function (e.g. D2) and
`then retrieves the corresponding encrypted document(s) 14
`from the storage providers 18 according to standard methods
`(e.g. using the storage provider’s application program inter-
`face) over the second communication link(s) 22. The broker
`server 12 then returnstheretrieved encrypted document(s) 14
`to the client 16 over the first communication link 20. The
`client 16 may then unencrypt the encrypted document(s) 14
`since the client 16 knows the encryption that was used to
`initially encrypt the document26.
`[0037] Thus, the broker server 12 allowsclients 16 to store
`encrypted (i.e. secure) documents 14 on cloud storage pro-
`viders 18 by providing searchable encryption that enables the
`clients 16 to search andretrieve the encrypted documents 14.
`In order to provide the searchable encryption, the broker
`server 12 needsto locally store only the translation table T1,
`the translation table T2 (or the encrypted index(es) 28), and
`the test function for the at least one searchable encryption
`[0038] Additionally, the broker server 12 may act as an
`aggregator of searchable encryption mechanisms to support
`many different searchable encryption mechanismsby storing
`test functions for the many different searchable encryption
`mechanismsin local memory. The clients 16 may then select
`which searchable encryption mechanism bestsuits their secu-
`rity needs when using the brokerserver 12 to store encrypted
`documents 14 on cloud storage providers 18.
`[0039] Referring to FIG. 4, in embodiments, the broker
`server 12 may also provide redundancy whenstoring data
`from clients 16 by storing specific encrypted documents 14,
`encrypted indexes 28, or parts thereof, on multiple cloud
`storage providers 18 to guarantee availability of the stored
`data, particularly in case there are defects at one or more
`storage providers 18. For example, in embodiments, the bro-
`ker system 10 may implementan error correcting code to
`correct defects of a particular storage provider 18 whentrans-
`ferring the encrypted documents 14 to the brokerserver 12, as
`should be understood by those skilled in the art, so that the
`data being stored on any particular storage provider 18 may
`be a function ofpart of a particular encrypted document. In
`the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 4, the broker server 12
`stores the encrypted document D1 on storage providers SP1
`and SP4 andstores the encrypted index E11 on storage pro-
`vider SP3 and SPS. In these embodiments, the broker server
`12 extends the translation table T1 and the translation table
`T2, if the encrypted indexes 28 are being stored on storage
`providers 18, to encompass the case of several storage pro-
`viders 18 are storing the same encrypted documents 14 or
`indexes 28. Ifthe broker server 12 redundantly stores parts or
`portions of specific encrypted documents 14 and/or specific
`encrypted indexes 28 on different storage providers 18, the
`translation tables Tl and T2 should also be extended to
`include how theparts or portions of the specific encrypted
`documents 14 and/or specific encrypted indexes 28 are
`[0040] The broker server 12 may update the translation
`tables T1 and T2 at each action on the storage side (i.e. each
`time the broker server 12 stores another encrypted document
`14, encrypted index 28, or portion thereof, on one or more of
`the storage providers 18). For example,ifthe broker server 12
`determines that a particular storage provider 18 is defective,
`the broker module 12 maystore the data, or any portion
`thereof, that was stored on the defective storage provider 18
`on another storage provider 18 to maintain redundancy. The
`broker server 12 then updatesthe translation tables T1 and T2
`to reflect this modification.
`[0041] Although the broker server 12 has been described
`above as being separate from the storage providers 18 and in
`communication with a plurality of storage provider 18 over
`second communication links 22, in embodiments, the broker
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`server 12 may, itself, be a storage provider 18 and may pro-
`vide similar functionality to that discussed herein.
`[0042] The broker system 10 has the necessary electronics,
`software, memory, storage, databases, firmware, logic/state
`machines, microprocessors, communication links, displays
`or other visual or audio user interfaces, printing devices, and
`any other input/output interfaces to perform the functions
`described herein and/or to achieve the results described
`herein. For example, the broker server 12 may includeat least
`one processor, system memory,
`including random access
`memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM), an input/
`output controller, and one or more data storage structures. All
`ofthese latter elements are in communication withtheatleast
`one processorto facilitate the operation of the broker server
`12 as discussed above. Suitable computer program code may
`be provided for executing numerous functions,
`those discussed above in connection with the broker server
`12, client 16 and storage provider 18. The computer program
`code mayalso include program elements such as an operating
`system, a database management system and “device drivers”
`that allow the broker server 12, client 16 and storage provider
`18 to interface with computer peripheral devices (e.g., a video
`display, a keyboard, a computer mouse,etc.).
`[0043] The at least one processor of the broker server 12
`may include one or more conventional microprocessors and
`one or more supplementary co-processors such as math co-
`processorsorthe like. The processor may be in communica-
`tion with a communication interface unit, which may include
`multiple communication channels, e.g. the first communica-
`tion link 20 and the second communication link 22 for simul-

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