`as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2014/0013112 Al
`(43) Pub. Date: Jan. 9, 2014
`Cidonet al.
`US 20140013112A1
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/603,910,filed on Feb.
`27, 2012, provisional application No. 61/306,578,
`filed on Feb. 22, 2010.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`GO6F 21/62
`(52) U.S.CL
`CPC vieececsceceeseceteeeteeneeeee GO06F 21/6218 (2013.01)
`USPC veeecceccccccessesseceeeesseeseeeseenteeseecneenaeeeseee 713/165
`A system, computer readable medium and a method for
`encrypting a file, the method mayincluderetrieving thefile
`from a storage service; segmenting thefile into multiple file
`segments; calculating a file segmentsignature for each of the
`multiple file segments to provide multiple file segmentsig-
`natures; encrypting each of the multiple file segments to
`provide multiple encryptedfile segments by using encryption
`keys that are in response to the multiple file segment signa-
`tures; wherein the multiple encrypted file segments form an
`encrypted file; and sending the multiple encrypted file seg-
`ments to the storage service.
`Applicants: Asaf Cidon, San Francisco, CA (US);
`Gopal Madan Prabandham,Los Altos,
`CA (US); Israel Cidon, Palo Alto, CA
`(US); Shetty Chandrashekhar,
`Naperville, IL (US); Lior Gavish, San
`Francisco, CA (US); Barak Srour,
`Mountain View, CA (US)
`Inventors: Asaf Cidon, San Francisco, CA (US);
`Gopal Madan Prabandham,Los Altos,
`CA (US); Israel Cidon, Palo Alto, CA
`(US); Shetty Chandrashekhar,
`Naperville, IL (US); Lior Gavish, San
`Francisco, CA (US); Barak Srour,
`Mountain View, CA (US)
`Appl. No.: 13/726,641
`Dec. 26, 2012
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation-in-part of application No. 13/031,628,
`filed on Feb. 22, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,527,549.
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`US 2014/0013112 Al
`Jan. 9, 2014
`[0001] This application claims priority from U.S. provi-
`sional patent Ser. No. 61/603,910 filing date Feb. 27, 2012,
`this application is a continuation in part of U.S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 13/031,628 filing date Feb. 22, 2011 which in
`turn claimspriority from U.S. provisional patent Ser. No.
`61/306,578 filing date Feb. 22, 2010, all patent applications
`are incorporated herein by reference.
`[0002] The advances and reduced costs of network con-
`nected mobile devices in recent years have brought a dramatic
`change in user behavior. The typical user owns multiple per-
`sonal devices ranging from desktop and laptop computers,
`notebooks, tablets, smart phones and electronic books. Con-
`there is a growing need to share data among
`devices, as well as to guarantee its availability despite the fact
`that devices may be turned off, disconnected and replaced.
`The penetration of such technology is rapidly increasing in
`organizationsofall sizes. As a result, users are mixing enter-
`prise files, documents and applications together with their
`personal media.
`To this end, the use of cloud-based storage for shar-
`ing information between different devices and also among
`group of users has become a standard. Many consumer com-
`mercial offerings such as Dropbox, Box, iCloud, Google
`Drive and Sugarsync have gained widespread user popularity.
`[0004] These services offer cloud-basedstorage that is con-
`nected to the devices through apps or through a browser
`interface. The apps presentto the user a directory structure of
`files organized in folders similar to the appearance of native
`application such as MS Explorer. In certain operating systems
`(Windows, Apple OS X)the folder are accessedvia the native
`file browser application. The folders on the device are syn-
`chronized with the storage on the cloud and therefore main-
`tain a coherentfile and directory state and view across all
`In certain cases (e.g. Sugarsync) the files are
`uploaded to the cloud but are not necessarily automatically
`synchronizedtoall devices.
`In addition to the web-storage services, there is a
`parallel trend of uploading unstructured data, in particular
`company documents, to SaaS (Software as a Service) ser-
`vices. New cloud-based enterprise application such as Sales-
`force.com, Success Factors, and Box, and consumer-based
`applications such as Google Docs and Gmail, are essentially
`independent documentrepositories. These new services have
`caused a major migration of documents from the corporate
`storage to web-based SaaS.
`FIG.1 illustrates enterprise based services 20 such
`as Salesforce 21, Jive 23 and Box 24 andothers (such as 22),
`consumer based services 10 such as Dropbox 13, Gmail 11
`and others 12, that are accessed by an enterprise system 30
`that includes a database 31, access control, DLP (Data Loss
`Prevention), DMS (Document Management Service) and
`analytics modules 32-35.
`[0007] This trend has caused several major problems.
`a. The cloud storage resides outside the enterprise
`storage and managementsystems. It is impossible for IT
`managers to understand what type of data is placed in
`these services,
`track the content evolution/changes,
`police the access and usage of the content and prevent
`misplacement, duplication and unauthorized access.
`There may be certain organizational data that is not
`allowed on someorall of these services. Finally, the
`consumer-oriented services are easy to break-in using
`Phishing or password breaking, and have sharing capa-
`bilities that may cause enterprise data to be shared by
`mistake with unauthorized parties (inside or outside the
`b. Cloud storage is usually implementedas a data
`center level storage and therefore is expensive compared
`to the on-device storage. 2011 technology andprices
`have resulted in a 1 TB of storage for a typical home
`entertainment system or desktop computer, and 32 GB
`for a typical smart phoneora tablet. Similarly, within
`the data owned and shared by an
`employee within organization file systems and current
`content managementsystemsoffer even larger amounts
`of storage. In comparison popular cloudstorage services
`typically offer only 2-5 GB of storage for free. Conse-
`quently, there are several orders ofmagnitude difference
`between the quantity of storage that
`is used and
`addressed by the user and the reasonably priced cloud
`storage solution that can be offered to that user. Even
`when the user does not wish to access all addressable
`storage but only “relevant” topical material, the current
`solutionsare static and manual. The user needsto select
`which file he wants to share and move them to the cloud
`storage directory. This maylead to situation that the data
`the user wouldlike to access is not available online.
`[0010] According to an embodimentof the invention there
`may be provided a methodfor encrypting a file, the method
`may include: retrieving thefile from a storage service; seg-
`menting the file into multiple file segments; calculating a file
`segment signature for each of the multiple file segments to
`provide multiple file segment signatures; encrypting each of
`the multiple file segments to provide multiple encryptedfile
`segments by using encryption keys that are in responseto the
`multiple file segment signatures; wherein the multiple
`encrypted file segments form an encryptedfile; and sending
`the multiple encrypted file segments to the storage service.
`[0011] The method mayinclude deleting the file from the
`storage service.
`[0012] The method may include calculating each encryp-
`tion key in response to a file segment signature associated
`with a file segmentthat is encrypted by the encryption key.
`[0013] The method mayinclude associating with the mul-
`tiple encrypted file segments the multiple file segment signa-
`[0014] The segmenting, the calculating and the encrypting
`maybe executed by a managementserver.
`[0015] The method mayinclude flagging the encryptedfile
`as being encrypted.
`[0016] The method mayinclude flagging the encryptedfile
`as being encryptedbyaltering a file type ofthe encryptedfile.
`[0017] The method mayinclude exposing the encryptedfile
`to auser ofthe managementserver through an interface ofthe
`storage service.
`[0018] Thesegmenting may include separating text content
`of the file and image contentofthefile.
`[0019] The method may include preventing the segment-
`ing, the calculating and the encryptingofthefile ifthe file has
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`Netskope Exhibit 1004
`US 2014/0013112 Al
`Jan. 9, 2014
`[0035] The method mayincluderetrievingthefile from the
`been modified by a user of the storage service during a pre-
`storage service, wherein the storage service applies a first
`determined period from a momentofthe retrieving ofthe file
`de-duplication policy; wherein the segmenting ofthefile by
`by the managementserver.
`the file management server is executed while a applying a
`[0020] The method mayinclude preventing the deletion of
`second de-duplication policy that differs from the first de-
`the file if the file has been modified by a user of the storage
`duplication policy.
`service during a predeterminedperiod from a momentof the
`[0036] The method whereinat least one ofthe management
`retrieving ofthefile.
`server and the storage service belong to a cloud computing
`[0021] The segmenting may includefinding initialfile seg-
`ments by applyinga first segmentation process; and defining
`[0037] The method may includeretrieving the file from a
`each file segment as may include multiple initial file seg-
`dedicated folder that is allocated forfiles to be encrypted.
`[0038] The method may include creating a new folder for
`[0022] The finding of the initial file segments may include
`files to be encrypted, wherein the folderis exposed to the user.
`applying at least one process out of Rabin fingerprint process
`[0039] The method mayincluderetrieving the file from a
`and cyclic redundancy code (CRC)process.
`dedicated folder that is allocated to files to be encrypted.
`[0023] The segmenting of the file into multiple file seg-
`[0040] The method mayinclude flagging the encryptedfile
`ments is executed independentofafile segmentation scheme
`as being encrypted.
`applied onthefile by the storage service.
`[0041] The method mayinclude changinga type ofa file to
`[0024] The segmenting ofthefile to multiple file segments
`a type that is indicative of the encryption ofthefile.
`is executed independent of a file segmentation scheme
`[0042] The method mayinclude sendingthefile to a cache
`applied on the file by the storage service for de-duplication
`memory before starting the segmenting,the calculating, and
`the encrypting actions.
`Thefile is associated with a certain user; wherein the
`[0043] There may be provided a method for decrypting an
`method mayinclude using different segmentation parameters
`encrypted file, the method may include: receiving a request,
`for segmenting anotherfile that is associated with another
`user that differs from the certain user.
`by a managementserver, to provide at least one encryption
`key for decrypting at least one encrypted file segment of the
`Thefile is associated with a certain user; wherein the
`encryptedfile by a user device, after the management server
`method mayinclude using different encryption parameters
`generated the encryptedfile to be of a specific file type and
`for encrypting anotherfile that is associated with another user
`after a storage service stored the encrypted file; wherein the
`that differs from the certain user.
`request may includeafile segmentsignature; determining, by
`Thefile is associated with a userof certain group of
`the managementserver, whetherthe user device is authorized
`users; wherein the method may include using different seg-
`to decrypt the at least one encryptedfile segment; and sending
`mentation parameters for segmenting anotherfile that is asso-
`the at least one encryption key to the user device if it is
`ciated with another user that belongs to another group of
`determinedthat the user device is authorized to decryptthe at
`least one encrypted file segment.
`Thefile is associated with a userof certain group of
`[0044] A single encryption key maybe used for encrypting
`user; wherein the method mayinclude using different encryp-
`all the file segments ofa file.
`tion parameters for segmenting anotherfile that is associated
`[0045] Theat least one encryption key may be generated in
`with another user that belongs to another group of users.
`response to a content of at the least one encryptedfile seg-
`[0029] The method may include addinga useridentifier to
`each file segment; wherein the useridentifier identifies a user
`[0046] The method may includereceiving the request from
`associated with thefile.
`an application that is regarded by the operating system hosted
`[0030] The method wherein identicalfile segments may be
`by the user device to be associated with files ofthe certain file
`associated with identical encryption keys.
`[0031] The method mayincluderetrievingthefile from the
`[0047] The method whereinat least one ofthe management
`storage service, wherein thefile is stored in a storage entity in
`server and the storage service belong to a cloud computing
`an encrypted form and is decrypted by the storage service to
`be provided in a decrypted form to the managementserver;
`[0048] There may be provided a method for decrypting an
`wherein the encrypting by the managementserveris executed
`encryptedfile, the method mayinclude: retrieving, by a user
`independentof a decryption applied by the storage service.
`device, ofone or more file segmentsignatures associated with
`[0032] The managementserver and the storage service may
`one or more encrypted file segments of an encryptedfile;
`be located in a cloud computing environment.
`wherein eachfile segment signature is mapped to a decryption
`[0033] The method mayincluderetrievingthefile from the
`key that facilitates a decry