`a2) United States Patent
`US 10,067,942 B2
`do) Patent No.:
`*Sep. 4, 2018
`(45) Date of Patent:
`References Cited
`(71) Applicant: Topia Technology, Inc., Tacoma, WA
`Inventor: Michael R. Manzano, Seattle, WA
`(73) Assignee: TOPIA TECHNOLOGY,Tacoma, WA
`5,600,834 A
`5,806,078 A *
`2/1997 Howard
`9/1998 Hug .... GO6F 17/2288
`707/999 202
`WO 98/56149
`WO 2007047302
`* 12/1998
`U.S. Office Action dated Aug. 13, 2014 for U.S. Appl. No.
`Primary Examiner — Srirama Channavajjala
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
`Pittman LLP
`Jan. 14, 2016
`US 2016/0012067 Al
`A system includes a first application executable onafirst
`Related U.S. Application Data
`electronic device. The system further includes a second
`application executable on a second electronic device in
`communication with the first electronic device. The second
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 345 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl. No.: 14/860,289
`Sep. 21, 2015
`Prior Publication Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 12/267,852, filed on
`Nov. 10, 2008, now Pat. No. 9,143,561.
`Int. CL.
`GO6F 15/16
`HO4E 29/08
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC wae. GO06F 17/30082 (2013.01): GO6F 15/16
`(2013.01); G06F 17/38 (2013.01);
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC .. GO6F 17/30; GOGF 17/132; GO6F 17/30017;
`GO6F 17/30067; GO6F 17/3007;
`electronic device is configured to store a first electronicfile.
`Subsequent to a user modifying the first electronic file, the
`second application is operable to automatically transfer the
`modified first electronic file, or a copy thereof, to the first
`electronic device. The system further includesa third appli-
`cation executable on a third electronic device in communi-
`cation with the first electronic device. The third electronic
`device is configured to store a second electronic file. Sub-
`sequent to the user modifying the secondelectronicfile, the
`third application is operable to automatically transfer the
`moditied secondelectronicfile, or a copy thereof, to the first
`electronic device. The first application is operable to auto-
`matically transfer the modified first electronicfile or copy to
`the third electronic device, and automatically transfer the
`Box & Dropbox Exhibit 1002
`Page 1
` 1
`Box & Dropbox Exhibit 1002
`Page 1


`modified second electronic file or copy to the second clec-
`tronic device.
`18 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/986,896,filed on Nov.
`9, 2007.
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ...... G06F 17/301 (2013.01); GO6F 17/30088
`(2013.01); GO6F 170091 (2013.01); GO6F
`17/30165 (2013.01); GO6F 17/30174
`(2013.01); HO4L 67/1095 (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC oe GO6F 17/3023; GO6F 17/2288; GO6F
`17/30091; GO6F 17/30176; GO6F
`17/30194; GO6F 8/71; GO6F 17/30082;
`GOG6F 17/30165; GO6F 17/301; GO6F
`17/30174; GO6F 17/30088
`See application file for complete search history.
`2003/00285 14
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`1/2009 Koskimies etal.
`20030808 183932/>; Aug. 8, 2003.
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`4/2009 Rabbersetal.
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`Ozzic ctal.
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`Manzano .......... GO6F 17/30174
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`MeCurdy .......... GOG6F 17/30011
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`Costello vw. GO6F 11/2064
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`Reynolds .......... GO6F 17/30902
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`Wolfish ........ we GO6Q 20/322
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`Reinsch ...
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`Li ieee GO6F 17/30209
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`Nakayama .....
`awe GOOF 11/1453
`FolderShare—Secure Remo
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`US 10,067,942 B2
` Page 3
`References Cited
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`File Transfer & Real-time File Mirroring Solution; <https://web.
`OTHER PUBLICATIONS archive. org/web/200403 16235151/>;
`Mar. 16, 2004.
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`80/>; Mar. 25, 2004.
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`Management & Real-time File Mirroring Solution; <https:/‘web.
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`FolderShare—Secure Remote Access VPN Solution; Need your
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`Management & Real-time File Mirroring Solution; <https:/Aveb.
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`80/>; Jun. 29, 2004.
`* cited by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2018
`Sheet 1 of 3
`US 10,067,942 B2
`YHOALSNwauyTwooTYBSNwash TISwongy
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2018
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US 10,067,942 B2
`7 O
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2018
`Sheet 3 of 3
`US 10,067,942 B2
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`US 10,067,942 B2
` eslD
`This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 12/267,852, filed Nov. 10, 2008, which claims
`priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/986,896
`and filed Nov. 9, 2007, the contents of which are hereby
`incorporated by reference in their entirety.
`This inventionrelates generally to computer-implemented
`processes and, more specifically, to sharing of electronic
`files among electronic devices.
`Users of modern computing systems are increasingly
`finding themselves in constantly-connected, high-speed net-
`worked environments. The Web continues to be a killer
`application, second only to email, on the Internet. Further,
`customers are increasingly using more than one computing
`device; a customer mayhave a desktop computer at home,
`oneat work, and a constantly connected “smart phone”. Due
`to the confluence of these two trends, file management
`across these devices has become a problem.
`Although modern devices are easily connected, they do
`not provide the customer a seamless environment; the cus-
`tomer must manually handle manyaspects of that connec-
`tion. With regards to file management, customers must
`manually move files between their devices using some
`protocol like email, ftp, or by posting them on the Web.
`‘These practices lead to problems that include:
`The proliferation of redundantfile copies. This prolifera-
`tion creates a confusing environment where the cus-
`tomer is unclear where the “official” or newest version
`of a file exists.
`The creation of an error-prone environment. Some docu-
`ments, such as those associated with word processing
`and desktop publishing, externally reference otherfiles.
`Copying such a document can break these references
`causing errors that the customer has to handle manu-
`ally. An example of such a document is a desktop
`publishing document that contains a reference to an 5
`image. If that imagefile is not transferred along with
`the desktop publishing file, the image will appear as a
`Unnecessary complexity. Because devices tend to have
`their own filing system, customers must manage a
`different filing model on each of his devices. For
`example, instead of having a single “Movies”folder, he
`may have to deal with many “Movies” folders, which
`may be in different locations on each of his devices.
`Each device may also have its own security model,
`further complicating the matter.
`That a customer has to manually movefiles around to
`ensure their accessibility on his devices is unnecessary, and
`is an indicator of a lack of customer-focused design in
`modern file systems. File systems in use today are direct
`offspring of systems used when graphical customerinter-
`faces were nonexistent. Modern file system customerinter-
`faces, such as Windows® Explorer and Mac OS X’s Finder
`are just nowstarting to provide experiences that are more in
`line to a customer’s workflow. Whereas, before, these inter-
`faces were concerned with representing files with abstracted
`icons, the file’s actual contents are becoming paramount in
`how files are organized and presented.
`Problems still exist with how these newer customer
`interfaces are implemented. ‘hey are not completely inte-
`grated with applications, suffer from performance problems,
`and do not generally work well outside of a device’s local
`file system.
`There are several solutions to this problem that are in one
`way or another inadequate to the task:
`Remote Desktop software allows a customer to remotely
`“see” his desktop. Remote desktop software screen-scrapes
`a remote machine’s screen (a “server”’) and displays it on a
`screen local to the customer (a “client’”). Remote desktop
`gives a customeraccess to not only hisfiles, but also to his
`applications. However, this approach requires that the host
`machine be turned on and connected to the internet at all
`times. Consequently, this approach would not be appropriate
`for mobile hosts such as laptops. Remote desktop does not
`use the resources of a local machine. For full accessibility,
`the customer would haveto keep all files and application on
`the host machine as any files stored on a client are not
`guaranteed to be accessible.
`Distributed File Systems, like remote desktop software,
`place data on an always-connected host machine. Unlike
`remote desktop software, the host machine is not one on
`which the customer performs computing tasks. The host
`machine is used as a storage mechanism, and any compu-
`tation performed on that machine serves to supports its use
`as such. Distributed file systems generally provide the right
`functionality for customers to share files between their
`devices. However, distributed file systems are usually
`deployed as a shared resource; that is, other customers have
`access to it. Because of this sharing, a customer’s files may
`be buried deep in a filing structure, and it may not always be
`immediately evident to customers what kind of access they
`have to a particular file. Further, to use a distributed file
`system, the customer must always be connectedtoit. Tiles
`stored on a distributed file system are generally inaccessible
`if the customer’s machine is not connected to it, unless the
`customer has copied or moved the files to his machine’s
`local hard drive. However, doing so immediately creates the
`problem of having two filing systems for the samefile,
`creating a mental burden on the customer.
`Additionally, accessing a file located on a distributedfile
`system tends to be slower than accessing files on the local
`hard drive. Modern applications are usually written to
`assumethatthe files they access are located locally, and thus
`are not optimized to access remote files. Whenthese appli-
`cations are used with remotefiles, they can lose performance
`by an order of magnitude. This problem can be fixed by
`automatically caching often-used files on the local
`system, and only synchronizing them when they have been
`changed. However, this separate synchronization step intro-
`duces another problem: because the synchronization process
`can be lengthy, the customeris never entirely sure if the file
`he is remotely accessing is the latest version of the file,
`versus an earlier one that has been marked to be updated.
`Further, the directory may not reflect the existenceofthe file
`at all until synchronization finishes.
`FTPis similar to a distributed file system with regards to
`files being hosted on a remote server. However I'lP gener-
`ally does manifest as a “disk drive” on the customer’s
`desktop; the customer must use special I’TP client software
`Box & Dropbox Exhibit 1002
`Page 7
`Box & Dropbox Exhibit 1002
`Page 7


`US 10,067,942 B2
`to access an FTP server. It shares the same problem as
`distributed file systems, with the additional problem of weak
`integration with applications. Applications can generally
`write and read files directly to and from a distributed file
`system. This is not the case with FTP, as the customer has
`to manually use the client software to perform these opera-
`tions as a separate task.
`Fmail was originally invented for messaging. From the
`beginning, the model it employs to makefiles accessible
`remotely is necessarily inefficient. Email’s model for mak-
`ing files accessible is in the form of an email “attachment”
`Attachments are so named because they piggy-back on a
`message sent from one customer to another. A customer can
`make a file remotely available using, email by attaching the
`file to an email and sending it to himself. He can then
`retrieve the file from a remote location by accessing the
`message on the email server. Email used inthis way is even
`worse than FTP as the process is even more manual: a
`customer mustfind the message containing the file before
`can even access it. T'urther,
`the location in which the
`attachmentlives is read only. If the customer, for examp
`were to open the file, change it, then save it back out, the
`results would be ambiguous to the user because the email
`application, not the user, specified its location. Usually, the
`saved file would end up buried in an email file cache in an
`undisclosed area of the file system.
`Flash Drives and External Disk Drives, although seem-
`ingly the most “primitive” way to censure file availability,
`avoid all the problemsrelated to network latency. However,
`these devices must be physically connected to the computer
`on which the files will be accessed. These restrictions
`preclude the customer from employing several effective
`work-flows including: using more than one computer to
`complete a single task(the files can only be accessed on one
`computer) and setting up an automated backup (the com-
`puter running the backup can’t guarantee that the storage
`device will be connected come backup time). Further, to
`ensure full availability of the files, the customer must carry
`the device with them at all times, and must follow the
`associated protocols for mounting and dismounting the
`Other problems with theprior art not described above can
`also be overcome using the teachings of embodimentsof the
`present invention, as would be readily apparent to one of
`ordinary skill in the art after reading, this disclosure.
`In an embodiment, a system includes a first application
`executable on a first electronic device. The system further
`includes a second application executable on a second elec-
`tronic device in communication with the first electronic
`device. The second electronic device is configured to store
`a first electronic file. Subsequent to a user modifyingthefirst
`electronic file, the second application is operable to auto-
`matically transfer the modified first electronicfile, or a copy
`thereof, to the first electronic device. The system further
`includes a third application executable on a third electronic
`device in communication with the first electronic device.
`The third electronic device is configured to store a second
`electronic file. Subsequent to the user modifying the second
`electronic file, the third application is operable to aulomati-
`cally transfer the modified second electronic file, or a copy
`thereof, to thefirst electronic device.‘Lhefirst application is
`operable to automatically transfer the modified first elec-
`tronic file or copy to the third electronic device, and auto-
`matically transfer the modified secondelectronic file or copy
`to the second electronic device.
`Preferred and alternative embodiments of the present
`invention are described in detail below with reference to the
`following drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an exemplary operating
`environment in which an embodimentof the invention can
`be implemented;
`FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary
`operating environment
`in which an embodiment of the
`invention can be implemented; and
`FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram illustrating file
`sharing and/or synchronization according to an embodiment
`of the invention.
`An embodiment of the invention leverages remote pro-
`gramming, concepts by utilizing processes called mobile
`agents (sometimes referred to as mobile objects or agent
`objects). Generally speaking,
`these concepts provide the
`ability for an object (the mobile agent object) existing on a
`first (“host”) computer system to transplant itselfto a second
`(“remote host”) computer system while preserving its cur-
`rent execution state. The operation of a mobile agent object
`is described briefly below.
`The instructions of the mobile agent object, its preserved
`execution state, and other objects owned by the mobile agent
`object are packaged, or “encoded,” to generate a string of
`data that is configured so that the string of data can be
`transported by all standard means of communication over a
`computer network. Once transported to the remote host, the
`string of data is decoded to generate a computerprocess,still
`called the mobile agent object, within the remote host
`system. ‘he decoded mobile agent object includes those
`objects encoded as described above and remains in its
`preserved execution state. The remote host computer system
`resumes execution of the mobile agent object which is now
`operating in the remote host environment.
`While nowoperating in the new environment,the instruc-
`tions of the mobile agent object are executed by the remote
`host to perform operations of any complexity,
`defining, creating, and manipulating data objects and inter-
`acting with other remote host computer objects.
`File transfer and/or synchronization, according to an
`embodiment, may be accomplished using someorall of the
`concepts described in commonly owned U.S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 11/739,083, entitled “Electronic File Shar-
`ing,”the entirety of which is incorporated by referenceasif
`fully set forth herein.
`FIG. 1 illustrates an example ofa suitable computing
`system environment 100 in which one or more embodiments
`of the invention may be implemented. The computing sys-
`tem environment 100 is only one example of a suitable
`computing environment and is not intended to suggest any
`limitation as to the scope of use or functionality of the
`invention. Neither should the computing environment 100
`be interpreted as having any dependency or requirement
`relating to any one or combination of componentsillustrated
`in the exemplary operating environment 100.
`Embodiments of the invention are operational with
`numerous other general purpose or special purpose comput-
`ing system environments or configurations. Examples of
`Box & Dropbox Exhibit 1002
`Page 8
`Box & Dropbox Exhibit 1002
`Page 8


`US 10,067,942 B2
`well known computing systems, environments, and/or con-
`figurations that may he suitable for use with the invention
`include, but are not limited to, personal computers, server
`computers, hand-held or laptop devices, multiprocessor sys-
`tems, microprocessor-based systems, set top boxes, pro-
`grammable consumerelectronics, network PCs, minicom-
`puters, mainframe
`environments that include any of the above systems or
`devices, and the like.
`[Embodiments of the invention may be described in the
`general context of compuler-executable instructions, such as
`program modules, being executed by a computer and/or by
`computer-readable media on which such instructions or
`modules can be stored. Generally, program modules include
`routines, programs, objects, components, data structures,
`etc. that perform particular tasks or implement particular
`abstract data types. The invention mayalso be practiced in
`distributed computing environments where tasks are per-
`formed byremote processing devicesthat are linked through
`a communications network.
`In a distributed computing
`environment, program modules maybe located in both local
`and remote computer storage media including memory
`storage devices.
`With reference to FIG. 1, an exemplary system for imple-
`menting the invention includes a general purpose computing
`device in the form of a computer 110. Components of
`computer 110 may include, but are not limited to, a pro-
`cessing unit 120, a system memory 130, and a system bus
`121 that couples various system components including the
`system memory to the processing unit 120. The system bus
`121 maybe any of several types of bus structures including
`a memorybus or memory controller, a peripheral bus, and a
`local bus using anyof a variety of bus architectures. By way
`of example, and not limitation, such architectures include
`Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus, Micro Channel
`Architecture (MCA) bus, Enhanced ISA (EISA) bus, Video
`Electronics Standards Association (VESA) local bus, and
`Peripheral ComponentInterconnect (PCI) bus also known as
`Mezzanine bus.
`Computer 110 typically includes a variety of computer
`readable media. Computer readable media can be anyavail-
`able media that can be accessed by computer 110 and
`includes both volatile and nonvolatile media, removable and
`non-removable media. By way of example, and not limita-
`tion, computer readable media may comprise computer
`storage media and communication media. Computer storage
`media includes both volatile and nonvolatile, removable and
`non-removable media implemented in any method or tech-
`nology for storage of information such as computer readable
`instructions, data structures, program modules or other data.
`Computer storage media includes, but is not limited to,
`RAM, ROM, EEPROM, flash memory or other memory
`technology, CD-ROM,digital versatile disks (DVD)or other
`optical disk storage, magnetic cassettes, magnetic tape,
`magnetic disk storage or other magnetic storage devices, or
`any other medium which can be used to store the desired
`information and which can accessed by computer 110.
`Communication media typically embodies computer read-
`able instructions, data structures, program modules or other
`data in a modulated data signal such as a carrier wave or
`other transport mechanism and includes any information
`delivery media. The term “modulated data signal” means a
`that has one or more of ils characteristics set or
`changed. in such a manneras to encode information in the
`signal. By way of example, and not limitation, communi-
`cation media includes wired media such as a wired network
`or direct-wired connection, and wireless media such as
`ra 0
`w 0
`wi on
`acoustic, RF, infrared and other wireless media. Combina-
`tions of the any of the above should also be included within
`the scope of computer readable media.
`The system memory 130 includes computer storage media
`in the form of volatile and/or nonvolatile memory such as
`read only memory (ROM) 131 and random access memory
`(RAM) 132. A basic input/output system 133 (BIOS), con-
`taining the basic routines that help to transfer information
`between elements within computer 110, such as during
`start-up, is typically stored in ROM 131. RAM 132 typically
`contains data and/or program modules that are immediately
`accessible to and/or presently being operated on by process-
`ing unit 120. By wayof example, and notlimitation, FIG. 1
`illustrates operating system 134, application programs 135,
`other program modules 136, and program data 137.
`The computer 110 may also include other removable/non-
`removable, volatile/nonvolatile computer storage media. By
`way of example only, FIG.1 illustrates a hard disk drive 140
`that reads from or writes to non-removable, nonvolatile
`magnetic media, a magnetic disk drive 151 that reads from
`or writes to a removable, nonvolatile magnetic disk 152, and
`an optical disk drive 155 that reads from or writes to a
`removable, nonvolatile optical disk 15

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