`College of Information and Computer Sciences
`140 Governor’s Drive
`University of Massachusetts
`Amherst, MA 01003-4610
`URL: http://www.cs.umass.edu/˜shenoy
`E-mail : shenoy@cs.umass.edu
`Phone: (413) 577-0850
`Fax: (413) 545-1249
`Research Interests
`Operating and Distributed systems, Sensor networks, Mobile and Multimedia systems, Sustainability
`August 1998
`Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Department of Computer Sciences,
`The University of Texas of Austin.
`Dissertation title: Symphony: An Integrated Multimedia File System
`Advisor: Prof. Harrick M. Vin.
`December 1994 Master of Science (M.S) in Computer Sciences
`The University of Texas of Austin.
`Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Department of Computer Science and Engineering
`The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India.
`July 1993
`Work Experience
`• 7/2020-present: Distinguished Professor, College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Mas-
`sachusetts Amherst
`• 9/2016 - present: Associate Dean, College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts
`• 9/2017 - present, Director, Center for Smart and Connected Society
`• 11/2018 - 8/2019, Director, IALS Center for Personal Health Monitoring
`• 9/2009-present: Professor, College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
`• 2017-2018: Visiting Faculty, IIT Bombay, India.
`• Fall 2011: Visiting Researcher, NICTA, Sydney, Australia
`• 9/2004-8/2009: Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
`• 9/1998-8/2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
`• 8/1995-8/1998: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at
`• 5/1995-8/1995: Summer Intern, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
`• 8/1994-5/1995: Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.
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`• 5/1994-8/1994: Summer Intern, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA.
`Expert Witness Experience
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00141 for US Patent 6,931,558, “Computer Restora-
`tion Systems and Methods” Deposition October 2013 and March 2014.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00142 for US Patent 6,931,558, “Computer Restora-
`tion Systems and Methods,” Deposition October 2013 and March 2014.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00143 for US Patent 7,191,299, “Method and System
`of Providing Periodic Replication,” Deposition November 2013 and March 2014.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00144 for US Patent 7,254,682, “Selective File and
`Folder Snapshot Image Creation,” Written testimony February 2013.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00145 for US Patent 7,254,682, “Selective File and
`Folder Snapshot Image Creation,” Written testimony February 2013.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00150 for US Patent 7,093,086, “Disaster Recover
`and Backup Using Virtual Machines,” Deposed November 2013 and March 2014.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2014-00088 for US Patent 7,480,822, “Recover and Op-
`eration of Captured Running States from Multiple Computing Systems On a Single Computing System,”
`Deposition June 2014.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2014-00089 for US Patent 7,831,861, “Techniques for
`Efficient Restoration of Granular Application Data” Deposition June 2014.
`• Veeam v. Symantec, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2014-00091 for US Patent 8,117,168, “Methods and Sys-
`tems for Creating and Managing Backups Using Virtual Disks,” Deposition July 2014.
`• SAP and Riverbed v. Parallel Networks, Inter Partes Review, Case IPR2014-01398 for US Patent 8,352,570
`”Method and System for Uniform System Locator Transformation,” Written testimony August 2014.
`• SAP and Riverbed v. Parallel Networks, Inter Partes Review, Case IPR2014-01399 for US Patent 7,571,217
`”Method and System for Uniform System Locator Transformation,” Written testimony August 2014.
`• Delphix v. Actifio, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2015-00100 for US Patent 8,566,361, “Datacenter Workflow
`Automation Scenarios Using Virtual Databases,” August 2015. Deposed.
`• Delphix v. Actifio, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2015-00108 for US Patent 8,566,361, “Datacenter Workflow
`Automation Scenarios Using Virtual Databases,” August 2015. Deposed.
`• Delphix v. Actifio, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2015-01678 for US Patent 8,299,944, “System and Method
`for Creating Deduplicated Copies of Data Storing Non-lossy Encodings of Data Directly in a Content Ad-
`dressable Store,” August 2015. Deposed.
`• Delphix v. Actifio, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2015-01689 for US Patent 8,788,769, “System and method
`for performing backup or restore operations utilizing difference information and timeline state information,”
`August 2015. Deposed.
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`• Cisco v. Egenera, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2017-01341 for U.S. Patent No. 7,231,430, “Reconfigurable
`Virtual Processing System, Cluster, Network and Method,” Deposed, January 2018.
`• Cisco v. Egenera, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2017-01340 for U.S. Patent No. 6,971,044, “Service Clusters
`and Method in a Processing System with Failover Capability,” Deposed January 2018.
`• Cisco v. HP Enterprise, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2017-01933 for U.S. Patent No. 8,478,799, “Namepsace
`File System Accessing An Object Store,” Written testimony, August 2017
`• EMC, Lenovo and NetApp v. IV, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2017-00374 for U.S. Patent no 8,275,827,
`”Software-based Network Attached Storage Services Hosted On Massively Distributed Parallel Computing
`Networks.” January 2018, Deposed.
`• EMC, Lenovo and NetApp v. IV, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2017-00439 for U.S. Patent no 8,275,827,
`”Software-based Network Attached Storage Services Hosted On Massively Distributed Parallel Computing
`Networks.” January 2018, Deposed.
`• Lenovo and EMC v. IV, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2017-00477 for U.S. Patent no 8,387,132, ” Information
`Packet Communication With Virtual Objects” February 2018, Deposed.
`• Amazon and Amazon Web Services v. Personal Web Technologies and Level 3 Communications, US District
`Court Patent Litigation, Invalidity expert, US Patent nos 6,928,442; 7,802,310; 7,945,544; and 8,099,420.
`December 2018.
`• Veeam v. Hybir, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2020-01037 for U.S. Patent no 8,051,043, ”Group Based
`Complete and Incremental Computer Field Backup System, Process and Apparatus,” May 2020, Deposed.
`• Veeam v. Hybir, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2020-01038 for U.S. Patent no 8,051,043, ”Group Based
`Complete and Incremental Computer Field Backup System, Process and Apparatus,” May 2020, Deposed.
`• Veeam v. Hybir, Inter Partes Review IPR2020-01039 for U.S. Patent no 9,037,545, ”Group Based Complete
`and Incremental Computer Field Backup System, Process and Apparatus,” May 2020, Deposed.
`• Veeam v. Hybir, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2020-01040 for U.S. Patent no 9,679,146, ”Group Based
`Complete and Incremental Computer Field Backup System, Process and Apparatus,” May 2020, Deposed.
`• Netflix v. Avago Technologies, Inter Partes Review Case No.
`IPR2020-01582 for U.S. Patent 8,572,138
`”Distributed computing System Having Autonomic Deployment of Virtual Machine Disk Images,” September
`2020 Deposed.
`• Netflix v. Avago Technologies, Inter Partes Review Case No IPR2021-00098 for U.S. Patent 8,365,183,
`”System and Method for Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Job Placement,” Written testimony, October
`• Netflix v. Avago Technologies, Inter Partes Review, Case No. IPR2021-00045 for U.S. Patent 7,457,722,
`”Correlation of Application Instance Life Cycle Events In Performance Monitoring,” October 2020 Deposed.
`• VMware v. Intellectual Ventures, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2020-00470 Patent 7,949,752 ”Network Sys-
`tem Extensible by Users,” Written testimony November 2020.
`• Netflix v. Avago Technologies, Inter Partes Review, Case No. IPR2021-00431 for U.S. Patent 7,457,722,
`”Correlation of Application Instance Life Cycle Events In Performance Monitoring,” January 2021 Deposed.
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`• Netflix v. Avago Technologies, Inter Partes Review Case No.
`IPR2021-00542 for U.S. Patent 8,572,138
`”Distributed computing System Having Autonomic Deployment of Virtual Machine Disk Images,” February
`2021 Desposed.
`• Palo Alto Networks v. Proven Networks, Inter Partes Review Case IPR2021-00596 for U.S. Patent no
`8,018,852, ”Equal-cost source- resolved routing system and method, March 2021.
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`Honors and Awards
`• Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), 2022.
`• Fellow of the ACM, 2019.
`• Fellow of the AAAS, 2018.
`• Fulbright Specialist Scholar, 2017-2018
`• ACM Sigmetrics 2016 Test of Time Award.
`• Fellow of the IEEE, 2013
`• Distinguished member of the ACM, 2009.
`• Best Paper Awards or Finalists:
`– Best paper runner-up award, ACM Buildsys conference, 2021
`– Best paper, IEEE International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 2020
`– Best paper finalist, ACM/IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and
`– Best poster award, ACM Sensys 2020 Conference
`– Best paper runner-up award, ACM e-Energy 2020 Conference
`– Best paper award, ACM e-Energy 2019 Conference
`– Best paper finalist, ACM HPDC 2019 Conference
`– Best paper finalist, ACM Buildsys 2017.
`– Best paper Finalist, ACM Buildsys 2014.
`– Best paper, ACM/IEEE IWQOS symposium, Montreal, 2013
`– Best paper runner-up, ACM eEnergy conference, Berkeley, CA, 2013
`– Best papers of IEEE PerCom 2012 conference (one of three papers chosen for this honor).
`– Best paper, IEEE COMSNETS 2012 conference, India.
`– Best paper, ACM Sigcomm GreenNets 2011 workshop, Toronto, Canada.
`– Best papers of ACM VEE 2009 conference (one of four papers chosen for this honor)
`– Best paper, Usenix 2007 annual technical conference.
`– Best Paper, ACM Multimedia 2005, Singapore.
`– Best Student Paper Finalist, ACM Multimedia 2005.
`– Best Student Paper award, IEEE Autonomic Computing conference (ICAC) 2005.
`– Best Paper, IEEE Web Information Systems Engineering Conference, 2002.
`– Best Paper in Performance/Systems Category World Wide Web Conference, May 2002.
`• Keynote Talks and Distinguished Lecture Talks
`– Distinguished Lecturer, Univ of Maryland Baltimore Country (May 2019), Colorado State University
`(March 2018)
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`– Juniper Distinguished Lecture 2022
`– Keynote speaker, ACM FateSys 2021
`– Keynote speaker, Aspen Tech Summit 2021
`– Keynote Speaker, Asplos Edge Computing Workshop 2019
`– Keynote Speaker, CPSWeek Fog Computing Workshop 2019
`– Keynote Speaker, Cloud Control 2018
`– Keynote Speaker, ACM ICPE 2013 conference
`– Keynote Speaker, ACM GreenMetrics 2013
`– Keynote Speaker, IEEE E6 Energy Workshop, 2012.
`– Keynote speaker, TCS Excellence in Computer Science (TECS) Week, January 2012.
`• Other honors and awards:
`– Conti Research Fellowship, 2020-2021.
`– NASA JSC Director’s Innovation Group Achievement Award, Oct 2017 (given to NASA REALM project
`that we are part of)
`– NASA AES Innovation Award 2017 (given to NASA REALM project that we are part of)
`– UMass President Science and Technology Award, 2017, 2012 and 2007
`– Google Faculty Award, 2016 and 2013
`– IBM Faculty Partnership Award, June 2000, June 2001 and June 2003.
`– AT&T VURI Award
`– Lilly Foundation Teaching Fellowship, 2001-2002
`– National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, April 2000.
`– Best Doctoral Dissertation of 1998-99, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.
`– MCD Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, 1993-95.
`– Institute Medal recipient for being the top ranking graduating student, Department of Computer Science
`and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, July, 1993.
`– JN Tata Scholarship, 1993.
`Books and Book Chapters
`B1. K. Ramamritham, G. Karmarkar,and P. Shenoy, “Energy Informatics: A Computational Perspective,”
`World Scientific Press, 2022.
`B2. Michael Zink and Prashant Shenoy, “Caching and Distribution Issues for Streaming Content Distribu-
`tion Networks,” X. Tang, J. Xu, and S T. Chanson (eds), Springer, 2005.
`B3. Harrick Vin and Prashant Shenoy, “Storage Architectures for Digital Imagery,” Image Databases:
`Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery, V. Castelli and L. Bergman (eds), John Wiley, 2002.
`B4. Prashant Shenoy and Harrick Vin, “Media Servers,” Readings in Multimedia Computing, K Jeffay and
`H. Zhang (eds), Morgan Kaufman Publishers, August 2001.
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`Journal Publications
`J1. Camellia Zakaria, Yilmaz Gizem, Priyanka Mammen, Michael Chee, Prashant Shenoy, Rajesh Balan,
`“SleepMore: Inferring Sleep Duration at Scale with Multi-Device WiFi Sensing,” Proceedings of the
`ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), March 2023.
`J2. Bhawana, Chhaglani, Camellia Zakaria, Adam Leochowicz, Jeremy Gummeson, Prashant Shenoy,
`“FlowSense: Monitoring Airflow in Building Ventilation Systems Using Audio Sensing,” Proceedings
`of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2022.
`J3. Camellia Zakaria, Amee Trivedi, Emmanuel Cecchet, Michael Chee, Prashant Shenoy, Rajesh Balan,
`“Analyzing the Impact of Covid-19 Control Policies on Campus Occupancy and Mobility via Passive
`WiFi Sensing,” ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), Volume 8, Issue 3,
`Article 22, pages 1-26, September 2022
`J4. Pradeep Ambati, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy “Modeling and Analyzing Waiting Poli-
`cies for Cloud-Enabled Schedulers,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS),
`32(12), 3081-3100, December 2021
`J5. Menghong Feng, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy and Dragoljub Kosanovic, “Model-
`driven Per-Panel Solar Anomaly Detection for Residential Arrays,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical
`Systems (TCPS), 5(40), pp 1-20, October 2021.
`J6. Stephen Lee, Prashant Shenoy, Krithi Ramamritham, David Irwin, “AutoShare: Virtual Community
`Solar and Storage for Energy Sharing,” Energy Informatics, 4(1), 1-24, July 2021
`J7. John Wamburu, Stephen Lee, Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy “Ride
`Substitution Using Electric Bike Sharing: Feasibility, Cost, and Carbon Analysis,” Proceedings of the
`ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 5(1), 1-28, March 2022.
`J8. Amee Trivedi, Camellia Zakaria, Rajesh Balan, Ann Becker, George Corey, Prashant Shenoy “WiFi-
`Trace: Network-based Contact Tracing for Infectious Diseases Using Passive WiFi Sensing,” Proceed-
`ings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 5(1), March
`J9. Srini Iyengar, Stephen Lee, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Ben Weil, “WattScale: A Data-driven Ap-
`proach for Energy Efficiency Analytics of Buildings at Scale,” ACM Transactions on Data Science,
`2(1), 1-25, January 2021.
`J10. Saurabh Bagchi, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Ramesh Govindan, Prashant Shenoy, Akanksha Atrey, Pradipta
`Ghosh, and Ran Xu, “New Frontiers in IoT: Networking, Systems, Reliability, and Security Challenges,”
`IEEE IoT Journal 2020.
`J11. Muhammad Aftab, Sid Chi-Kin Chau and Prashant Shenoy, “Efficient Online Classification and Track-
`ing on Resource-constrained IoT Devices,” ACM Transactions on Intenet of Things (ACM TIOT), 2020.
`J12. Khaled Zaouk, Fei Song, Chenghao Lyu, Arnab Sinha, Yanlei Diao, Prashant Shenoy, “UDAO: A Next-
`Generation Unified Data Analytics Optimizer,” PVLDB, vol 12, no 12, pp 1934-1937, 2019.
`J13. Sean Barker, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, “Building Virtual Power Meters for
`Online Load Tracking,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM TCPS), vol 3, no 2,
`March 2019.
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`J14. T. Abdelazer, P. Shenoy, et. al. “Towards an Internet of Battlefield Things: A Resilience Perspective,”
`IEEE Computer, Special Issue of Cyber-physiscal Systems Resilience, 2018.
`J15. N. Bashir, D. Irwin, P. Shenoy, and J. Taneja, “Mechanisms and Policies for Controlling Distributed
`Solar Capacity,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), 2018
`J16. Srinivasan Iyengar, Sandeep Kalra, Anushree Ghosh,David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Benjamin Mar-
`lin “Inferring Smart Schedules for Dumb Thermostats,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
`(ACM TCPS), 2018
`J17. Tian Guo and Prashant Shenoy, “Providing Geo-Elasticity in Geographically Distributed Clouds,” ACM
`Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2018
`J18. Tian Guo and Prashant Shenoy, “Performance and Cost Considerations for Providing Geo-Elasticity in
`Database Clouds,” ACM Transactions on Adaptive and Autonomous System (TAAS), 2018
`J19. Tian Guo, Prashant Shenoy, K. K. Ramakrishnan, and Vijay Gopalakrishnan, “Latency-aware Virtual
`Desktops Optimization in Distributed Clouds,” Multimedia Systems Journal (MMSJ), 2018
`J20. P. Sharma, S. Lee, T. Guo, D. Irwin and P. Shenoy, “Managing Risk in a Derivative IaaS Cloud,”, IEEE
`Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2017.
`J21. Sean Barker, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, “Pervasive Energy Monitoring and Control through
`Low-Bandwidth Power Line Communication,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017.
`J22. David Irwin, Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, Aditya Mishra, Prashant Shenoy, Ye Xu, “Enabling
`Distributed Energy Storage by Incentivizing Small Load Shifts,” ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical
`Systems (ACM TCPS), 2017.
`J23. Srinivasan Iyengar, Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Krithi Ramamritham, “A Cloud-
`based Black Box Solar Predictor for Smart Homes,” ACM Transactions on Cyber- Physical Systems -
`Special Issue on Smart Homes, Buildings, and Infrastructures, 2017.
`J24. Zhichuan Huang, Ting Zhu, Yu Gu, David Irwin, Aditya Mishra, Daniel Menasche, Prashant Shenoy,
`“Minimizing Transmission Loss in Smart Microgrids by Sharing Renewable Energy,” ACM Trans on
`Cyber-Physical Systems, vol 1, number 2, 2017.
`J25. Prateek Sharma, Patrick Pegus, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, “Design and Operational Analysis
`of a Green Data Center,” IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Energy-efficient Data Centers, vol
`21, no 4, July 2017.
`J26. Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, “Keep it Simple: Bidding for Servers in Today?s
`Cloud Platforms,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol 21, no 3, May 2017.
`J27. Navin Sharma, Dilip Krishnappa, Sean Barker, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, “Managing server
`clusters on intermittent power,” PeerJ Computer Science Journal, December 2015.
`J28. Boduo Li, Yanlei Diao, Prashant Shenoy, “Supporting Scalable Analytics with Latency Constraints,”
`PVLDB Journal, 8(11), 2015. Also presented at the VLDB conference, Hawaii, Aug 2015.
`J29. Dong Chen, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht, “Preventing Occu-
`pancy Detection from Smart Meter Data,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015.
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`J30. T. Wood, K K. Ramakrishnan, P. Shenoy, J. van der Merwe, J. Hwang, G. Liu and L. Chaufournier,
`“CloudNet: Dynamic Pooling of Cloud Resources by Live WAN Migration of Virtual Machines,”
`IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2014.
`J31. Navin Sharma, Jeremy Gummeson, David Irwin, Ting Zhu and Prashant Shenoy “Leveraging weather
`forecasts in renewable energy systems,” Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Volume 4,
`Issue 3, pages 160-171, September 2014.
`J32. Vimal Mathew, Ramesh K. Sitaraman and Prashant Shenoy “Energy-efficient content delivery networks
`using cluster shutdown,” Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM), Special Issue
`of Invited Papers from IGCC 2013, 2014.
`J33. Navin Sharma, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, ”BlinkFS: A Distributed File System for Intermittent
`Power,” Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM), 2014.
`J34. Rahul Singh, Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and K.K. Ramakrishnan, ”Here Today,
`Gone Tomorrow: Exploiting Transient Servers in Data Centers,” IEEE Internet Computing, 18(4):22-
`29 2014.
`J35. Sean Barker, Sandeep Kalra, David Irwin, and Prashant Shenoy, ”Empirical Characterization, Model-
`ing, and Analysis of Smart Meter Data,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC),
`Special Series on Smart Grid Communications, 32(7):1312-1327, July 2014.
`J36. Tian Guo, Upendra Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, Timothy Wood, Sambit Sahu, ”Cost-aware Cloud Burst-
`ing for Enterprise Applications,” ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), vol 13, no 3, May
`J37. Prashant Shenoy, ”Multimedia Systems Research: The First Twenty Years and Lessons for the Next
`Twenty,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM TOM-
`CCAP), Special Issue on 20 Years of ACM Multimedia, vol 9, no 1s, October 2013.
`J38. R. Singh, P. Shenoy, M. Natu, V. Sadaphal and H. Vin, ”Analytical Modeling for What-if Analysis in
`Complex Cloud Computing Applications,” ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, Special
`Issue on Cloud Computing, Vol 40, no 4, pages 53-62, March 2013
`J39. A. Mishra, D. Irwin, P. Shenoy, J. Kurose, T. Zhu, ”GreenCharge: Managing Renewable Energy in
`Smart Buildings,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Series on Smart
`Grid Communications, 31(7): 1281-1293, July 2013.
`J40. B. Li, E. Mazur, Y. Diao, A. McGregor and P. Shenoy, “SCALLA: A Platform for Scalable One-Pass
`Analytics using MapReduce,” ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 37:4, December 2012.
`Special Issue of Best Papers of Sigmod 2011.
`J41. Peter Desnoyers, Timothy Wood, Prashant Shenoy, Rahul Singh, Sangameshwar Patil, and Harrick Vin,
`“Modellus: Automated Modeling of Complex Internet Data Center Applications,” ACM Transactions
`on the Web (TWEB), 6(2), 1-19, May 2012.
`J42. T. Wood, K K Ramakrishnan, P. Shenoy, K Van der Merwe, “Enterprise Ready Virtual Cloud Pools:
`Vision, Oppurtunities and Challenges,” The Computer Journal, Oxford Univ. Press, vol 55, number 8,
`pages 1-10, October 2012.
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`J43. Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy and Michael Zink, “MultiSense: Proportional-Share for
`Mechanically Steerable Sensor Networks,” Multimedia Systems Journal (MMSJ), vol 18, pages 425-
`444, October 2012.
`J44. Y. Nie, R. Cocci, Z. Cao, Y. Diao, and P. Shenoy “SPIRE: Efficient Data Interpretation and Compression
`over RFID Streams,” IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol 24, number 1,
`pages 141-155, 2012.
`J45. Zhao Cao, Charles Sutton, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy,”Distributed Inference and Query Pro-
`cessing for RFID Tracking and Monitoring” PVLDB Journal, vol 4, number 5, pages 326-337, March
`J46. Xiaotao Liu, Mark D. Corner, Prashant Shenoy, “Ferret: An RFID-enabled pervasive multimedia appli-
`cation,” Ad Hoc Networks, 9(4), 2011.
`J47. Jeremy Gummeson, Deepak Ganesan, Prashant Shenoy and Mark Corner, “An Adaptive Link Layer
`for Heterogeneous Multi-radio Mobile Sensor Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Commu-
`nications (JSAC), Special Issue on Simple Wireless Sensor Networking Solutions, vol 28, no 7, pages
`1094-1104 Sept 2010.
`J48. Gaurav Mathur, Peter Desnoyers, Paul Chukiu, Deepak Ganesan and Prashant Shenoy, “Ultra Low
`Power Data Storage for Sensor Networks,” ACM Transaction on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2009.
`J49. David Yates, Erich Nahum, James F. Kurose, Prashant Shenoy, “Data Quality and Query Cost in Per-
`vasive Sensing Systems”, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Special Issue of Selected
`Papers from IEEE Percom’08, 2009.
`J50. Ming Li, Deepak Ganesan and Prashant Shenoy, “PRESTO: Feedback-driven Data Management in
`Sensor Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), October 2009.
`J51. Xiaotao Liu, Mark D. Corner, and Prashant Shenoy, “SEVA: Sensor Enhanced Video Annotation,” ACM
`Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM TOMCCAP), August
`J52. Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Prashant Shenoy, and Timothy Roscoe. “Resource Overbooking and Application
`Profiling in a Shared Internet Hosting Platform,” ACM Transactions on Internet Technologies (TOIT),
`J53. Xiaotao Liu, Prashant Shenoy, and Mark D. Corner, “Chameleon: Application Level Power Manage-
`ment,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 7(8):995-1010, August 2008.
`J54. Bhuvan Urgaonkar and Prashant Shenoy “Cataclysm: Scalable Overload Policing for Internet Applica-
`tions,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), vol 31, pages 891-920, July
`J55. B. Wang, J. Kurose, P. Shenoy and D. Towsley, “Multimedia Streaming via TCP: An Analytic Per-
`formance Study,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
`(TOMCCAP), 4(2), April 2008.
`J56. A. Chandra and P. Shenoy. “Hierarchical Scheduling for Symmetric Multiprocessors,” IEEE Trans. On
`Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 19(3), pp 418-431, March 2008.
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`J57. Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Prashant Shenoy, Abhishek Chandra, Pawan Goyal, and Timothy Wood, “Agile
`Dynamic Provisioning of Multi-tier Internet Applications”, ACM Transactions on Adaptive and Au-
`tonomous Systems (TAAS), Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 1-39, March 2008.
`J58. B. Urgaonkar, A. Rosenberg and P. Shenoy, “Application Placement on a Cluster of Servers”, Interna-
`tional Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 18, No. 5, pages 1023-1041, October 2007
`J59. Z. Ge, P. Ji and P. Shenoy, “Design and Analysis of a Demand Adaptive and Locality Aware Streaming
`Media Server Cluster” ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 13( 3), pages 235-249, September
`J60. B. Urgaonkar, G. Pacifici, P. Shenoy, M. Spreitzer and A. Tantawi, “Analytic Modeling of Multi-tier
`Internet Applications,” ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 1(1):1–25, May 2007.
`J61. H. Li, K. Ramamritham, P. Shenoy, R. Grupen, J. Sweeney, “Resource Management for Real-time
`Tasks in Mobile Robotics,” Special Issue on Dynamic Resource Management in Distributed Real-Time
`Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, 80:962-971, May 2007
`J62. X. Liu, J. Lan, P. Shenoy and K. Ramamritham, “Consistency Maintenance in Dynamic Overlay Net-
`works,” Computer Networks, Special Issue on Overlay Distribution Structures and their Applications,
`50(6), pp 859-876, April 2006.
`J63. A. Chandra, P. Pradhan, R. Tewari, S. Sahu and P. Shenoy, “An Observation-based Approach Towards
`Self-managing Web Servers” Computer Communications, 2006.
`J64. Y. Guo, Z. Ge, B. Urgaonkar, P. Shenoy and D. Towsley, “Dynamic Cache Reconfiguration Strategies
`for Cluster-based Streaming Proxies,” Computer Communications, 29(8), pp 1174-1188, May 2006.
`J65. J. Arnold, B.N. Levine, R. Manmatha, F. Lee, P. Shenoy, M.-C. Tsai, T.K. Ibrahim, D. OBrien, D.A.
`Walsh, “Information Sharing in Out-of-Hospital Disaster Response: The future role of information
`technology”, Journal of Pre-Hospital and Disaster Medicine, 19(2):201-207, Sept 2004.
`J66. Sheetal Shah, Krithi Ramamritham and Prashant Shenoy, “Resilient and Coherency Preserving Dissem-
`ination of Dynamic Data Using Cooperating Peers,” IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
`Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer Data Management, 16(7):799-812 July 2004.
`J67. Aameek Singh, Abhishek Trivedi, Krithi Ramamritham and Prashant Shenoy, “PTC : Proxies that
`Transcode and Cache in Heterogeneous Web Client Environments,” World Wide Web Journal, Special
`Issue on WISE 2002 papers, 7(1):2-28 2004.
`J68. Bhuvan Urgaonkar and Prashant Shenoy, “Sharc: Managing CPU and Network Bandwidth in Shared
`Clusters,” IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 15(1):2-17, January 2004.
`J69. P Shenoy, P Goyal, S Rao and H Vin, “Design Considerations for the Symphony Integrated File Sys-
`tem”, ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, volume 9, no 4, November 2003
`J70. M. Bradshaw, B. Wang, S. Sen, L. Gao, J. Kurose, P. Shenoy, and D. Towsley, “Periodic Broadcast
`and Patching Services: Implementation, Measurement and Analysis in an Internet Streaming Media
`Testbed,” ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, Special Issue on Multimedia Distribution, 9(1),
`pages 78-93, July 2003.
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`J71. Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, Sriram Rao and Harick Vin, “Design Considerations for the Symphony
`Integrated Multimedia File System,” ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 9(4), pages 337- 352,
`October 2003.
`J72. Venkata Duvvuri, Prashant Shenoy and Renu Tewari, “Adaptive Leases: A Strong Consistency Mech-
`anism for the World Wide Web,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),
`15(5), pages 1266-1276, September 2003.
`J73. Anoop Ninan, Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant Shenoy, Krithi Ramamritham and Renu Tewari, “Scal-
`able Consistency Maintenance in Content Distribution Networks using Cooperative Leases,” IEEE
`Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering, 15(4), pages 813-828, July/August 2003.
`J74. Pavan Deolasee, Amol Katkar, Ankur Panchbudhe, Krithi Ramamritham and Prashant Shenoy “Adap-
`tive Push-Pull of Dynamic Web Data,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51(6) pages 652-668, June
`J75. Mohammad S. Raunak, Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, Krithi Ramamritham and Puru Kulkarni, “Im-
`plications of Proxy Caching for Provisioning Servers and Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
`Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Internet Proxy Services, 20(7), pages 1276-1289, September
`J76. Prashant Shenoy, Pawan Goyal and Harrick M. Vin, “Architectural Considerations for Next Generation
`File Systems”, ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 8(4), pages 270-283, July 2002
`J77. Prashant Shenoy and Harrick M. Vin, “Cello: A Disk Scheduling Framework for Next Generation
`Operating Systems,” Real Time Systems Journal: Special Issue on Flexible Scheduling of Real-Time
`Systems, 22(1) pages 9-47, January 2002.
`J78. Prashant J. Shenoy and Harrick M. Vin, “Failure Recovery Algorithms for Multimedia Servers,” ACM/Springer
`Multimedia Systems Journal, 8(1) pages 1-19, January 2000.
`J79. Prashant J. Shenoy and Harrick M. Vin, “Efficient Striping Techniques for Variable Bit-rate Continuous
`Media File Servers,” Performance Evaluation Journal, 38:(3), pages 175-200, December 1999.
`J80. Prashant J. Shenoy and Harrick M. Vin, “Efficient Support for Interactive Operations in Multi-resolution
`Video Servers,” ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 7(3), pages 241–251, July 1999.
`J81. Prashant J. Shenoy, Pawan Goyal, and Harrick M. Vin, “Issues in Multimedia Server Design,” ACM
`Computing Surveys (Special Issue : Symposium on Multimedia Systems), 27(4), pages 636–639, De-
`cember 1995.
`Refereed Conference and Workshop Publications
`C1. Abel Souza, Noman Bashir, Jorge Murillo, Walid Hanafy, Qianlin Liang, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy,
`“Ecovisor: A Virtual Energy System for Carbon-Efficient Applications,” Proceedings of the ACM
`Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Vancouver,
`Canada, 2023
`C2. Diptyaroop Maji, Prashant Shenoy, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, “CarbonCast: Multi-Day Forecasting of Grid
`Carbon Intensity,” Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient
`Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 2022.
`Topia Exhibit 2014
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`C3. John Wamburu, Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, “Data-driven Decarbonization of Resi-
`dential Heating Systems,” Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-
`Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November
`C4. Ragini Gupta, Bo Chen, Shengzhong Liu, Tianshi Wang, Klara Nahrstedt, Tarek Abdelzaher, Sandeep
`Singh Sandha, Mani Srivastava, Abel Souza, Prashant Shenoy, Jeffrey Smith, Maggie Wigness, Niran-
`jan Suri, “DARTS: Distributed Architecture for Real-Time, Resilient and AI-Compressed Workflows,”
`Proceedings of the ApPLIED Workshop, ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
`(ApPLIED), Salerno, Italy, July 2022.
`C5. Noman Bashir, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Abel Souza, “Sustainable Computing - Without the Hot
`Air,” 1st Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation (HotCarbon 2022),
`California, USA, July 2022.
`C6. Phuthipong Bovornkeeratiroj, John Wamburu, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, “PeakTK: An Open Source
`Toolkit for Peak Forecasting in Energy Systems,” Proceedings of the ACM SIGCAS Computing and
`Sustainable Societies (COMPASS), Seattle, USA, June 2022
`C7. Diptyaroop Maji, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, Prashant Shenoy, “DACF: Day-ahead Carbon Intensity For