Tele-3D — Developing a Handheld Scanner Using Structured Light Projection
`Jorge Dias
`Jorge Lobo
`Jo˜ao Filipe Ferreira
`Institute of Systems and Robotics, Coimbra Pole
`Departamento de Engenharia Electrot´ecnica, Universidade Coimbra, Polo II
`Figure 1 - Generic structured light 3D scanner [1].
`It becomes obvious that the information extracted from
`the two-dimensional image-plane of a projective camera is
`not sufficient to completely reconstruct a three-dimensional
`scene. Thus, at least one additional restriction is needed to
`establish an univocal correspondence between the 3D point
`and its projection on the image-plane. There are several
`ways of achieving this goal, one of which being the use of
`projected structured light.
`It is clear that the light source is in fact projecting a plane
`of light, which can be mathematically represented by equa-
`tion 1.
`= 0  30 = 0
`X Y Z 1
` a b
` d
`Using the geometry involved in the perspective projection
`of the world onto the camera’s image-plane and the light-
`plane’s restriction of equation 1, the 3D point in the scene
`can be uniquely related to its two-dimensional projection
`point in the image-plane of the camera by triangulation us-
`10 = 0
`20 = 0
`30 = 0
`For a more complete explanation of these principles,
`please refer to [1].
`In figure 2, some examples from our preceding research
`project with a non-portable structured light 3D scanner are
`presented. It shows clearly that, to achieve complete 3D
`Abstract – Three-dimensional surface reconstruction using a
`handheld scanner is a process with great potential for use on
`different fields of research, commerce and industrial produc-
`tion. In this article we will describe the evolution of a project
`comprising the study and development of a system that imple-
`ments the aforementioned process based on two-dimensional
`images. We will present our current work on the development
`of a fully portable, handheld system using cameras, projected
`structured light and attitude and positioning measuring sen-
`sors — the Tele-3D scanner.
`The problem of 3D spatial structure recovery and recon-
`struction has been the object of discussion in the past two
`decades for people involved in areas as diverse as the ob-
`vious computer, physical, or medical sciences, and as the
`perhaps less obvious, but nevertheless important, subjects
`as documentary and film production, down to all industries
`in general [1].
`This article presents the study and development of a 3D in-
`formation recovery and reconstruction system (commonly
`known as 3D scanner or 3D digitiser – although the lat-
`ter is more encompassing and thus more correct, the first is
`more common and, for that reason, will be the designation
`to be used from now on), the Tele-3D handheld 3D scan-
`ning system. This project is an extension of our previous
`work (fully described in [1]), which concerned the devel-
`opment of a traditional, fixed laser 3D scanning system.
`We will present, consecutively, the theoretical background
`for our project, the system’s architecture and the implemen-
`tation issues we are currently addressing.
`In the following subsections we will introduce the system’s
`mathematical, geometrical and physical background.
`A. The Projected Structured Light 3D Scanner
`The first step for the recovery and reconstruction of three-
`dimensional scenes from two-dimensional images is to de-
`termine how to extract the required three-dimensional data
`from the two-dimensional information available on those
`The geometry involving a generic structured light 3D scan-
`ning system is presented in figure 1 [1].
`supported by the Tele-3D Project, CERN/FCT.
`This work is
`Exhibit 1023 page 1 of 4


`Pos./Attitude Sensor
`Figure 3 - Handheld architecture schematics.
`Gyroscopes and accelerometres are known as inertial sen-
`sors since they exploit the property of inertia, i.e. resistance
`to a change in momentum; to sense angular motion in the
`case of the gyro, and changes in linear motion in the case
`of the accelerometer. Linear velocity and position, and an-
`gular position, can be obtained by integration [3].
`At the most basic level, the inertial system simply performs
`a double integration of sensed acceleration to estimate po-
`sition. Clearly, time integration of measured accelerations
`corrupted by measurement errors will undoubtedly result in
`drift error in estimated position that will accumulate over
`time. This means that, either one must compensate some-
`how for that drift, compensation proved in practice to be
`virtually impossible to sustain, or one must rely exclusively
`on 3D registration to deal with translations; drift effects for
`rotations, on the other hand, can be effectively compen-
`sated [3].
`Another sensor which can be included to reset the accu-
`mulated drift in the attitude computation is the 3D mag-
`netic compass, since a good source for absolute orientation
`of a mobile system is the earth’s magnetic field. However
`the sensors’ accuracy is limited in the situation when the
`earth’s magnetic field is distorted [3].
`B.2 3D registration
`Consider an overview of our handheld system — a camera
`and a laser projector mounted in fixed position on a rigid
`structure that will be moved by hand so as to completely
`scan the 3D scene to recover. At any time, as can be in-
`ferred from figure 3, the camera and the laser projector’s
`referentials are fixed relatively to each other and can thus
`be locally calibrated beforehand.
`Image frames of the scene will be grabbed in sequence as
`the scan is performed and a set of 3D profiles will be deter-
`mined from each intersection of the projected light-plane
`with the 3D surfaces on the scene. These profiles, desig-
`nated as  for each sampling time  =  , represent, in
`fact, a set of ordered points x  sampled from those sur-
`faces. Contrary to what happened with the fixed positioned
`laser scanner of our previous work, the handheld scanner
`and its local referentials are moved and are rotated during
`Figure 2 - Example of a 3D reconstruction using a laser rangefinder from
`one point of view [1] – the necessity for more information to complete it
`is clear.
`scene reconstructions, it will be necessary to integrate more
`data taken from other points of view.
`B. 3D Information Integration
`In our present task of building a system with the largest
`possible degree of autonomy, the greatest challenge was to
`address data integration from several acquired sets of 3D
`measurements. Due to several performance issues [2], we
`have decided to implement a system using a hybrid attitude
`and position estimation procedure, where both information
`intrinsic to the acquired data and extrinsic information mea-
`sured from sensors are used to achieve data integration. We
`will describe the principles behind this implementation in
`the following subsections.
`B.1 Attitude and positioning
`There are basically three ways of measuring the system’s
`position and attitude:
`(cid:15) the use of contrasting landmarks, strategically placed
`so as to execute triangulations that allow determination
`of position and attitude changes;
`(cid:15) the transmitter/receiver approach, where a transmit-
`ter is placed somewhere on the scene to be recov-
`ered while a receiver, placed on the system, is regis-
`tering relative position and orientation changes using
`its readings from the transmission;
`(cid:15) the self-contained approach, where the system obtains
`its position and attitude measurements through a con-
`figuration that is independent from the scene to re-
`Any transmitter/receiver system using the time-of-flight or
`phase-based properties of any physical reality, such as elec-
`tromagnetic or sound waves, can be used to implement the
`second approach, as can magnetic systems using physical
`properties such as the Hall effect.
`However, to implement self-contained position and atti-
`tude measuring systems, it is necessary to resort to more
`specific sensors.
`Exhibit 1023 page 2 of 4


`the scanning process. Since no scaling or reflections are
`involved, each position and attitude change of the system
`between consecutive sampling instants can be modelled as
`a rigid-body transformation [4]-[6], a combination of a ro-
`tation with a translation expressed by
`x = R1;x1  ~1;
`where x corresponds to any sampled point at sampling
`time  =  and R and ~ are, respectively, the rotation ma-
`trix and the translation vector that compose the transforma-
`tion, with coordinates referred to any of the system’s local
`referentials (for example, figure 3’s fg or fCg).
`Evidently, for complete integration of acquired data into
`a coherent reconstruction of the scene, computation of
`all such rigid transformations of any chosen system’s lo-
`cal referential is needed so as to perform 3D registra-
`tion. The three-dimensional registration process has been
`defined in several ways depending on the implementation
`(check [7], [4], [8] for examples), but can be formalised in
`a more generic form as the transformation of sets of three-
`dimensional measurements into a common coordinate sys-
`A 3D registration technique can be described mainly by
`how it addresses 3 crucial problems [4], [8], [6]:
`1. Choice of feature space (i.e., type of 3D measure-
`ments used: points, curves, planes, voxel images, etc.);
`2. Choice of transformation (including rotation repre-
`sentation — by an orthonormal matrix, by quater-
`nions, etc.)
`and, consequently, of the objective-
`function to be optimised and its parameter vector;
`3. Feature matching (determining correspondences be-
`tween features is mandatory, since registration will be
`impossible without them) and global optimisation.
`A preferred registration method seems to be the Iterative
`Closest Point algorithm (ICP) and its variations, a tech-
`nique devised by Besl and McKay and discussed in [8]. It
`involves a series of line searches in a 7-parameter space
`spanned by a rotation quaternion and translation vector that
`model the corresponding rigid-body transformation, guar-
`anteeing local convergence which will be a good solution
`if given an appropriate initial state for global matching [4],
`[8]. If the feature set is chosen to be a set of 3D points, for
`example, the original ICP algorithm operates as follows,
`given the point sets  and where  (cid:26) [7], [8]:
`Nearest point search: For each point  in  , determine the
`closest point  on (supposedly a match)
`Compute registration: Evaluate the rigid-body transforma-
`tion that solves the least-square distance minimisation
`problem stated in equation 4 [6].
`On figure 3, we present the handheld scanner’s architec-
`ture. A rigid structure with a straight angle boomerang
`shape has the camera mounted on one side and the laser
`projector on the other; a handling grip is placed at the centre
`of mass of the structure. Coupled with the laser projector is
`the attitude and positioning device, using inertial and mag-
`netic sensors. Also on figure 3, all referentials directly or
`indirectly involved on the scanning process are represented:
`the camera’s referential, fCg, the laser projector’s referen-
`tial, fg, the position and orientation measuring sensor’s
`referential, fRg, and the world’s absolute referential fW g.
`We will now describe several implementation issues we
`are currently addressing, namely system calibration and 3D
`information integration issues.
`A. Calibration issues
`For our handheld 3D scanner project, the first issue we ad-
`dressed was the optimisation of our calibration procedures.
`Complete system calibration involves determining the po-
`sition and orientation of the camera, the laser projector and
`the position and orientation measuring sensor relatively to
`the chosen world coordinate system [9]. In other words, the
`calibration procedure encompasses the determination of all
`coordinate systems that are directly involved in the hand-
`held 3D scanner’s operation and, consequently, all rigid
`transformations between them (please refer to figure 3).
`With this purpose in mind, a robust camera calibration
`software package was developed using Intel’s Open Source
`Computer Vision Library [10]. The OpenCV’s calibration
`method, mainly based on [11], is an iterative algorithm ap-
`plied to the pinhole model with radial and tangential dis-
`tortion coefficients. It uses a chessboard pattern to supply
`3D points with well-known coordinates and operates as fol-
`lows [10]:
`1. Find homography for all points on a series of images.
`2. Initialise intrinsic parameters; set distortion parame-
`ters to 0.
`3. Find extrinsic parameters for each image of calibrat-
`ing pattern.
`4. Make main optimisation by minimising error of pro-
`jection points with all parameters.
`As this procedure allows determining the rigid transforma-
`tion between the world’s referential and the camera’s refer-
`ential, W TC , for each point of view involved in camera
`calibration, it is possible to use that particular information
`to determine the sensor’s position and orientation through
`the rigid transformation RTC, which is in turn determined
`if using a
`where fT g is the transmitters referential,
`transmitter-receiver approach, or the startup referential, if
`using a self-contained approach. T TR is measured directly
`by the sensor, making thus W TT and RTC the unknown
`Ri1;ixi1  ~i1;i xi(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)
` i
`Transform: Apply transformation to all points in set 
`Iterate: Repeat previous steps until convergence
`Exhibit 1023 page 3 of 4


`Practical areas of use for 3D scanning systems, as de-
`scribed in this article’s introductory section, will push to-
`wards a revolution in this field of research and small,
`portable, fast, reliable and cost-effective systems will be
`available as technologies advance. The current challenge
`is, thus, to optimise solutions to bring out the best of each
`implementation. This task, however, is anything but triv-
`ial. Perhaps each implementation will only work as in-
`tended for particular instances of the 3D reconstruction
`problem, therefore becoming tailor-made solutions for par-
`ticular types of scanning.
`It is thus the authors’ conviction that a lot of experimental
`work in this field is still to come.
`Jo˜ao Ferreira and Jorge Dias, “A 3D Scanner - Three-Dimensional
`Reconstruction From Multiple Images”,
`in Proc. Controlo 2000
`Conf. on Automatic Control. University of Minho, Portugal, 2000,
`pp. 690–695, Student Forum.
`P. H´ebert and M. Rioux, “Toward a hand-held laser range scanner:
`Integrating observation-based motion compensation”,
`in Proceed-
`ings of IS&T/SPIE’s 10th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imag-
`ing (Photonics West); Conference 3313: Three-Dimensional Image
`Capture and Applications, San Jose, Ca, USA, January 1998.
`Jorge Lobo, Lino Marques, Jorge Dias, Urbano Dias, and Anibal T.
`de Almeida, Sensors for Mobile Robot Navigation, pp. 50–81, Num-
`ber 236 in Autonomous Robotic Systems - (Lecture Notes in Control
`and Information Sciences). Springer-Verlag, 1998, ISBN 1-85233-
`[4] Michel A. Audette, Frank P. Ferrie, and Terry M. Peters, “An Al-
`gorithmic Overview of Surface Registration Techniques for Medi-
`cal Imaging”, Medical Image Analysis, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 201–217,
`September 2000.
`Jacques Feldmar and Nicholas Ayache, “Rigid, Affine and Locally
`Affine Registration of Free-Form Surfaces”, Research Report 2220,
`Institut National De Recherche En Informatique Et En Automatique
`(INRIA), March 1994, Project Epidaure.
`[6] O. D. Faugeras and M. Hebert, “The Representation, Recognition
`and Locating of 3-D Objects”, The International Journal of Robotics
`Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 27–52, Fall 1986, Massachusetts Institute
`of Technology.
`“Model Building from 3D Surface Measurements”,
`[7] A. Hilton,
`Web page -
`model building/model.html, December 1997, Tutorial.
`Paul J. Besl and Neil D. McKay, “A Method for Registration of
`3-D Shapes”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
`Intelligence, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 239–256, February 1992.
`[9] R.W. Prager, R.N. Rohling, A.H. Gee, and L. Berman, “Automatic
`calibration for 3-D free-hand ultrasound”, Tech. Rep. CUED/F-
`INFENG/TR 303, Cambridge University Department of Engineer-
`ing, September 1997.
`[10] Intel Corporation, USA, Open Source Computer Vision Library,
`1999-2001, Reference Manual.
`[11] Zhengyou Zhang, “A Flexible New Technique For Camera Calibra-
`tion”, Tech. Rep., Microsoft Research, 2000.
`matrices to determine (totalling 24 unknowns, 12 of which
`linearly independent). It is therefore necessary for calibra-
`tion to obtain at least 2 different equations as stated in equa-
`tion 5 to determine these unknowns, which is possible by
`measuring and computing the remaining variables through
`different positionings of the system relatively to a calibra-
`tion plane containing the aforementioned chessboard pat-
`Through the knowledge of W TC it is also possible to ob-
`tain the rigid transformation between the laser’s referential
`and the camera’s referential, C T, using a procedure which
`is very similar to what is stated in [9] for the single-wall
`phantom, with
`0 1
`=C T1
`:W T1
`0 Z
`where C T is the unknown matrix, and X C, YC and W TC
`are the known variables/matrix. Bear in mind that these
`matrices are known to be invertible, since they represent
`rigid transformations: these are always invertible in their
`homogeneous, linearised form.
`The laser plane representation as stated in equation 1 is de-
`termined easily, since the laser’s referential has been cho-
`sen so as to coincide the laser plane with its XZ plane; that
`being so, the plane’s coefficients affected to the camera’s
`referential are readily computed through their rigid trans-
`formation with C T, knowing that its coefficients affected
`to the laser’s referential, are, in fact, a = = d = 0 and
`b = 1.
`B. Other issues
`Several studies concerning the system’s set-up, the regis-
`tration methods and positioning devices are being made.
`Some important issues have already become clear from
`these studies:
`1. For the registration methods to work, profiles must
`overlap, i.e., a same region of the 3D scene must be
`scanned at least twice; since profiles are finite, these
`must also cross inside the scene’s boundaries (see [2])
`— this is due to the matching features constraint, that
`implies that, given two feature sets, one must be a sub-
`set of the other.
`2. In order to simplify the model for registration and to
`adapt it for use with the positioning and attitude mea-
`surement devices, the rigid-body transformation ex-
`pression can be reformulated in a manner which de-
`couples translation computation from that of rotations
`by referring the coordinates to the respective centroids
`of each point set (see [4]). The translation from sets A
`to B of matching points would then be given by:
`B~A =
`3. The 3D scenes must be quasi-static for the system to
`work properly, making scanning of organic subjects,
`such as human bodies, difficult to achieve.
`Exhibit 1023 page 4 of 4

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