`Dictionary /,
`© Most definitions—over 215,000
`¢ Clear and precise
`¢ Best guidance on word choice
`APPLE 1029
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`APPLE 1029
`Apple v. SpaceTime3D, Inc.
`Sprinnfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
`MerBeeeer, Incorporated
`ij OL :
`i nis “
`bi: IDEA, CONCEPT 6: a yy
`illumination e imbecilic
`Brownelon 7: FIGURE OF SPEECH§yd SF grapy.
`rc wh
`o claim to be u
`person, institution, of nation) Projected Populae
`religious enlightenment 2: persons who are o
`memorphist)iganesaN Hea
`(promoting @ corporate ~ of brotherlypthr
`usually enlightened
`) 1: the action of al
`: a set of values given by a mathov’
`il-lu-mi-na-tion \j-,li-m>-'ni-shan\ a (140)
`= jal or intel
`nating or state of being illuminated: as 5)’:decorative
`‘eo vi im-aged;
`im-ag-ing (14c) 4,
`IMAGINE. 2: to describe oF portrayin intocall up
`(1): a lightiné uP
`filluminating 2: the
`oth q wy
`lighting effects ¢: decoration byt aeirae &
`givespote a
`3aSaliaacareae MFgo
`ei Mit
`erthe ecceative,Teaturesused in the art of illumina
`repreyecTima wer \'i-mi-jor\ nT MIRROR”a ONE8 of
`of, relating to, OF pro-
`finsareee ve\r'd-mona-tiv\ad) (1644)=
`image orthicon” 1945): a highly SCTSitive telay: “bean
`im-ag-ery \i-m!\j-ré, amido’ n,
`| -er-ieg
`IoCVision ‘ i
`ifsto-m ne\ituemon\pejmined: -euin-ing WSS Fe
`to a per-
`image makers :
`IMAGES: iso; the art of may
`1 gy, AE
`produced by an imaging System 2 : figurayi"8image
`ilfuemiontsm\-mo-z20\ n oes aitieneral2 tb
`images; esp:
`theoc of imagination
`ve lange? Ne
`image tuben (1936) : an clectron tube in which.
`fecesira formine dace vemebes f NNNT
`netic radiation (as lightor infrared) prode
`ich i: i
`+ e
`fluorescent screen duplicating the origina® avat t
`aneish,-zij\ n (1593) : harsh, unkind, or abusi
`called also imageconverter
`Pattern Ne Be
`imag-in-able \i-'maj-ne-bal, -'ma-jo-\ gqj a
`T, AB!
`“yiiz\ vt (1841):
`to.use badly ; MALTREAT,
`imagined : CONCEIVABLE — imag-in-ablene :
`itio-ston \ili-zhan\ n
`[ME, fr. MF, fr. LL Oetare to play, mock
`-blé\ adv
`1 ly,
`tion of mocking,fr. illudere to mock at, fr. in- -+ ue Jeceiving b @
`asl \i-'ma-jo-n"l\ adj [imagine + lal} (1
`— more at LUDICROUS]
`1 aobs: the action © eelade: MISAP-
`imagination, images, Orimagery =
`647). -
`the state or fact of
`being intellectually deceived or ti) sa mislead-
`\i-'ma-je-n'l, -'ma-; -'ma-go.\ ad)
`OF ty
`PREHENSION (2): an instance of such deception za hat deceives oF
`(1877): of or relating to the insect imago
`(NL |
`ing image
`presented to the vision
`(2) : something tint
`misleads intellectually
`(1) : perception of somet! Dematte
`imag-ienary \i-'ma-jo-mer-e\ adj (14c)
`4 a...
`existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of bdi
`tion :
`lacking factual reality b = formed orchon,
`ively orarbiranly, iscanvaseschy ~, sauce
`(2): HALLUCINATION |G) pe attra arabe*eee° Sivan,Pr uéed
`in transparent
`inet or
`tulle usu.
`®\ ady— ca ee 1
`oT Felating
`to the +
`a sais: eeagetand dresses — illu-sion-al \-"liizh-nal, -‘lii zhe-
`3) — imag-i-nari-ly \i-Ma-ja-"ner.9.
`n'l\ adj
`i-lii-zho-ner-€\ adj (1866):
`fducstoncism\icl-zho-n-zor\ n (1911) :
`the use of oxtiate techs
`oTIC mean unreal or unbelievable.
`niques (as perspective or shading)
`to create the illusion of reality esp.
`which is ea Reaysnciintute Product of Ppl i Ay
`f art
`desert Isle/.
`illusionist \i-‘liizh-nist, -‘lii-zho-\ 1 (1850) : one who produces ae
`tona teller offancifulstories). visionAnyseyY
`sory effects: as a: one (as an artist) whose work is marked by i
`— il-lu-sion-
`incapability of realization visionary schemes), pay? at
`sionism b : a sleight-of-hand
`ormer or a m.
`y\-ti-k(a-)e\ adv
`credibility or strangeness beyondbelief (afaniastieMime)
`is-tic \-,lii-zho-'nis-tik\ adj — il-lu-sion-is-ti-cal-
`-lussivesly ady —
`monsters), CHIMERICAL combines the implication we thet)
`oe \i-lii-siv, -ziv\ adj (1606) :
`-lu-sive-ness n
`FANTASTIC <chimerical dreams of future progress),gi/S0in)
`devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained ee
`i-lu-so-ry \i-‘liis-ré, -‘liiz-; ~‘Il-so-, -29-\ adj (ca. 1631) : based onOF
`prudence and common sense fa quixotic crusade).
`1 by «
`producingillusion : DECEPTIVE <~ hopes) $m see APPARENT — il-lu-
`imaginary numbern (ca. 1911) : a complex lumber fas
`so-ri-ly \-ra-lé\ adv — il-lu-so-ri-ness \-ré-nas\
`which the coefficient of the imaginary unitis not ne ly
`il-lus-trate \‘i-ls-,trat also i-'las-\ vb -trat-ed; -trat-ing [L illustratus,
`imaginary; compare PURE IMAGINARY
`pp. ofillustrare, fr. in- + lustrare to purify, make bright — more at
`imaginary part n (ca. 1929): the part of a complex numbers,
`LUSTER] vf (1526) Lobs a: ENLIGHTEN b: tolightup 2 a archaic
`+ 3i) that hastheeeas a factor
`bea 5,
`to makeillustrious b obs
`(1): to make bright (2): ADORN 3 a
`* to make clear : CLARIFY b: to makeclear by giving or by serving as
`imaginary unit
`the positive
`noted tyit Groban as
`TOOt Of ming|
`an example orinstance c: to provide with visual features intended to
`explain or decorate (~ a book)
`4: to show clearly : DEMONSTRATE
`imag-i-na-tion \i-,ma-ja-'na-shon\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LE
`alvi : to give an example or instance — il-lus-tra-tor\‘i-los-,tra-tor
`imaginatio, fr. imaginari](14c) 1: the act or power of fom
`i-‘las-\ n
`‘tal image of something not presentto the senses or ee
`il-lus-tra-tion \,i-los-‘tra-shon also i-Jas-\ n (14c)
`1 a:the action of
`perceived in reality
`2 a: creative ability b: ability
`to cost
`‘deal with a problem : RESOURCEFULNESSc: the thinkin
`‘illustrating : the condition of being illustrated b archaic: the action
`o8sb7 °
`ofmakingillustrious or honored or distinguished 2: something that
`mind :
`INTEREST (storiesthat fired the ~) 3 a:q
`serves to illustrate: as a; an example or instance that helps make
`mind; esp : an idealized or poetic creationb: fanciful or copy i
`something clear b: a picture or diagram that helps make something
`sumption :
`ie i
`clear or attractive
`sym see INSTANCE — il-lus-tra-tion-al \-shnal,
`imag-iena-tive \i-'maj-no-tiv; -'ma-jo-yna-, -na-\ adj (Ik) 14) hh
`-sho-n'l\ adj
`relating to, or characterized by imagination b : dewiddim)
`il-lus-tra-tive \i-'las-tra-tivalso ‘i-lo-,stra-\
`adj (1643) : serving, tend-
`: FALSE 2: given to imagining : havinga lively imagination 3:4)
`ing, or designed toillustrate <~ examples) — il-lus-tra-tive-ly
`adv _
`relating to images; esp: showing a command of imagery—impia)
`ous \i-‘las-tré-as\ adj [L illustris, prob.fr. illustrare] (1588)
`_tive-ly adv —imag-i-na-tive-nessn
`: notably or brilliantly outstanding becauseof dignity or achievements
`imag-ine \i-‘ma-jon\ vb imag-ined; imag-in-ing \-'maj-i,‘=p!
`or actions ; EMINENT 2 archaic a: shining brightly with light
`fur fr. MF imaginer, fr. L.imaginari, fr. imagin-, imag
`imi) 2
`: clearly evident
`synsee FAMOUS — il-lus-tri-ous-ly adv — il-lus-
`tri-ous-ness 1
`14c) 1: to form a mental image of (somethingnotprevail
`chaic: PLAN, SCHEME 3: SUPPOSE, GUESS (I ~ it will rain) 4:tlny
`il-lu-vi-al \i-‘lii-ve-al\ adj (1924): of, relating to, or marked byilluvia-
`a notion of withoutsufficient basis : FANCY (~shimselitolkise)
`tion orilluviated materials or areas
`ing conversationalist) ~ vi 1: to use the imagination 2; ) 2
`il-lu-vi-a-tion \i-Jii-vé-'a-shan\ n [?in- + -luviation (as in eluviation))
`SymseeTHINK =
`(1928) :accumulation of dissolved or suspended soil materials in one
`im-ag-ing \‘i-mi-jin\
`(1967) ; theaction or process of ost
`tutesnataya resultofeluviation from another — il-lu-yi-at-ed
`ill willmide) ; matnendlytelia SYNsee MALICE
`image esp. by meansotherthan visible light (acoustic ~)~™
`ill—wish-er Nrser ~‘wi-\ n (1607): one that wishes ill to another|
`im-ag-ism \'i-mi-ji-zam\ n, often cap (1912) : a 20th os me:
`il-lyal a£4:ae ; we wisely or well : BADLY,ILL Chis ~con-
`mentin poetry advocating free verse and the ee wap
`ie— a
`emotions through clear precise images — im-ag: ae |
`Ib-lyr-i-an \i-‘lir-é-an\ n (1549) 1: a native or inhabitant of
`often cap — imvag.isetic \,i-mi-’'jis-tik\adj — image
`Illyria 2: the poorly attested Indo-European languages of theIllyri
`peters aay 5 '
`ans — sec INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES table — Tlyrian adj
`ma-go\i-'mii-(,)g9,-'ma-\ n,
`pl imagoes orimagines
`ilmenciteVilmannit\{6 Himentfr Tenrange, Ural Mts), Russia]
`-‘ma-; -'ma-ja-, sia [NL, feLy image) (ca. 1797 1ae
`Aca. +aUsSU, massiveiron- miner. Se i ‘ita
`pin, eeeonygenthatay wanoh
`eral composedofiron,tita-
`final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged stalé
`ized mental image of another person ortheself
`gig) be
`imam \i-‘mam, ¢-', -'mam\ n, often cap faeima
`o-ca-no or Hlo-ka-no \,é-13-'ka-(,)no, ,i-\ n,
`p! Mocano or
`seanobama(099 1 dentsoe malipeea
`Prayerleader of amosque 2: aM
`by Shiites to be the divinely appointed,sinless, infalite
`fectlocent peoples
`te Ppines
`the Austronesian language of
`Muhammad 3: any ofvariousrulersthat claim °°" 3) |
`im- — seeIN-
`hammadandexercise spiritual and temporal leadershi ie
`I'm \‘im\(ca. 1594): Tam
`immroaee eatgil
`taekea bE Ty 1; ec
`lim-age \"i-mij\ n [ME, fr. OF, short for imagene,
`fr. Limagin-, imago;
`e \-'ma-,mat,
`1741) BEBE
`marate mayafe8agg
`perh. akin to Limitari to imitate] (13c) 1: a reproduction or imita
`tion of the form of a person orthing; esp : an imitationin solid form
`3, the regionorcountry in Tu
`imarret \i-'mir-st\,
`inn or hospiceticolOree
`Imari\ma-a\ Imar,JannCSTps 4
`} STATUE 2 a: theoptical counterpart of an object produced b
`optical device(as a lensor mirror) or an electronic device b: alike
`ness of an object produced on a photographic material
`3 ‘a: exa.
`‘usu, characterized b
`imbalance\(jimebactan(s\n (cx,1890) : Inc
`likeness : SEMBLANCE (God created man in his own ~ —Gen 1:27
`(RSV)b; a person strikingly likeanother person (sheis the ~of he
`~ in schools) —Imsealancedwlan(Dst\ adi 4ad
`°4 —a : atangible’or visible
`representation + INCA
`Sthe filialdevotion)b archaic: an illusory form:APrannnoN
`im-bercile \‘im-bo-sal, -ssil\_m[Fimbecile, 0) gefcieYa
`minded,fr.L inbecillus] ER 1: ament of three", yey
`ston (2)" eeretetat not actually present:IMPRES
`18leeblemindedperson havingamenesaceofole we
`ath eats. |
`in comm
`Broup |
`|symbolic ofa basic attitudeand Cnneee aS
` stytarnish acommunity's ~ ofjusticeHoey
`(rentedart arr’