`3GPP TSG-RAN WG2 Meeting #101
`Athens, Greece, 26th February - 2nd March 2018
`RAN2 Chairman (Intel)
`1 Opening of the meeting (9 AM)
`1.1 Call for IPR
`The attention of the delegates of this Working Group is drawn to the fact that 3GPP Individual
`Members have the obligation under the IPR Policies of their respective Organizational
`Partners to inform their respective Organizational Partners of Essential IPRs they become
`aware of.
`The delegates were asked to take note that they were hereby invited:
`to investigate whether their organization or any other organization owns IPRs which
`were, or were likely to become Essential in respect of the work of 3GPP.
`to notify their respective Organizational Partners of all potential IPRs, e.g., for ETSI, by
`means of the IPR Statement and the Licensing declaration forms
`IPRs may be declared to the Director-General or Chairman of the SDO, but not to the RAN WG2 Chairman.
`1.2 Network usage conditions
`The PCG has laid down the following network usage conditions
`1. Users shall not use the network to engage in illegal activities. This includes activities
`such as copyright violation, hacking, espionage or any other activity that may be
`prohibited by local laws.
`2. Users shall not engage in non-work related activities that consume excessive
`bandwidth or cause significant degradation of the performance of the network.
`Since the network is a shared resource, users should exercise some basic etiquette when
`using the 3GPP network at a meeting. It is understood that high bandwidth applications such
`as downloading large files or video streaming might be required for business purposes, but
`delegates should be strongly discouraged in performing these activities for personal use.
`Downloading a movie or doing something in an interactive environment for personal use
`essentially wastes bandwidth that others need to make the meeting effective. The meeting
`chairman should remind end users that the network is a shared resource; the more one user
`grabs, the less there is for another. Email and its attachments already take up significant
`bandwidth (certain email programs are not very bandwidth efficient). In case of need the chair
`can ask the delegates to restrict IT usage to things that are essential for the meeting itself.
`DON’T place your WiFi device in ad-hoc mode
`DON’T set up a personal hotspot in the meeting room
`DO try 802.11a if your WiFi device supports it
`DON’T manually allocate an IP address
`DON’T be a bandwidth hog by streaming video, playing online games, or
`downloading huge files
`DON’T use packet probing software which clogs the local network (e.g., packet
`sniffers or port scanners)
`1.3 Other
`In accordance with the Working Procedures it is reaffirmed that:
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`(i) compliance with all applicable antitrust and competition laws is required;
`(ii) timely submissions of work items in advance of TSG or WG meetings are important to allow
`for full and fair consideration of such matters; and
`(iii) the chairman will conduct the meeting with strict impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP
`Note on (i): In case of question please contact your legal counsel.
`Note on (ii): WIDs don’t need to be submitted to the RAN2 meeting and will typically not be discussed here either.
`2 General
`THANK YOU to companies that request TDoc numbers and submit contributions early before deadline (really appreciated).
`Will start to refrain from treating late documents.
`2.1 Approval of the agenda
`A draft schedule for the week is provided as a separate document, distributed via the RAN2 email reflector and made
`available during the meeting week in the RAN2\Inbox\Chairmans_Notes folder.
`2.2 Approval of the report of the previous meeting
`2.3 Reporting from other meetings
`2.4 Others
`Rapporteur changes
`former rapporteur
`proposed new rapporteur
`Isolated impact analysis
`Note that an isolated impact analysis is required for Rel-8 to Rel-14 CRs from Q3 2017 onwards.
`Only corrections where there is a proven problem are allowed for frozen releases (Rel-8 to Rel-14).
`RAN2 WG compendium
`Latest version can always be found at ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/tsg_ran/WG2_RL2/Org/RAN2_Compendium/
`Drafting rules
`Note that specification drafting rules in TR 21.801 must be followed when drafting a CR and draft TS/TR.
`Latest version can always be found at http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/specs/archive/21_series/21.801/
`Time Budget
`The time budget endorsed at RAN-78 is available in RP-172830
`Offline discussion during RAN2 meeting
`Chairs will allocate a number of offline discussions during the meeting. Create a folder containing this number
`within inbox/drafts and use this to share any documents relating to the offline discussion. Also use this number
`in the title of any reflector emails relating to this offline discussion. Do not share documents over the reflector
`during the meeting.
`Incoming liaisons
`Note: LSs are moved to the respective agenda items if any.
`Joint LTE/NR topics
`4.1 Handover interruption time for LTE and NR
`Contributions related to the given to RAN2 from RAN#78 as described in RP-172807.
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`Including output from email discussion [RAN2#101] email discussion on IMT-2020 requirement for 0ms handover
`interruption time.
`LTE: Rel-12 and earlier releases
`Including corrections related to the following WIs:
`(LTE-L23, leading WG: RAN2, REL-8, started: Sep. 06, closed: Dec. 08, WID: RP-080747)
`(LTE_CA-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-10, started: Dec. 09, closed: June 11, WID: RP-100661)
`(LTE_UL_MIMO-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-10, started: Dec.09, closed: June 11, WID: RP-100959)
`(LTE_eDL_MIMO-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-10, started: Dec.09, closed: March 11, WID: RP-100196)
`(LTE_Relay-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-10, started: Dec. 09, closed: June 11, WID: RP-110911)
`(MBMS_LTE_enh-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-10, started: June 10, closed: March 11, WID: RP-101244)
`(MDT_UMTSLTE-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-10, started: Dec. 09, closed: June 11, WID: RP-100360)
`(eICIC_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-10, started: March 10, closed: June 11, WID: RP-100383)
`(SONenh_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN3, REL-10, started: March 10, closed: June 11, WID: RP-101004)
`(LTE_CA_enh-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-11, started: March 11, closed: Mar.13, WID: RP-121999)
`(MBMS_LTE_SC-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: June 10, closed: Sep.12, WID: RP-120258)
`(LTE_eDDA-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: March 11, closed: Dec.12, WID: RP-120256)
`(LCS_LTE-NBPS-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: March 09, closed: June. 13, WID: RP-131259)
`(eICIC_enh_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-11, started: March 11, closed: Dec. 12, WID: RP-120860)
`(SPIA_IDC_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Dec. 12, WID: RP-111355)
`(COMP_LTE_DL-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Dec.12, WID: RP-111365)
`(COMP_LTE_UL-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Dec.12, WID: RP-111365)
`(LTE_TDD_add_subframe, leading WG: RAN1, REL-11, started: March 12; closed: Sep. 12, WID: RP-120384)
`(FS_HetNet_eMOB_LTE, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: March 11, closed: Sep. 12, WID: RP-110709)
`(LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-11, started: Dec. 11, closed: Dec. 12, WID: RP-120871)
`(LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Dec.13, closed: Dec.14, WID: RP-141797)
`(LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Dec.13, closed: Dec.14, WID: RP-132073)
`(LTE_D2D_Prox-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Mar.14, closed: Mar.15, WID: RP-142043)
`(MBMS_LTE_OS-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Sep.13, closed: Dec.14, WID: RP-140282)
`(LTE_NAICS-Core, leading WG: RAN1, Rel-12, started: Mar 14, closed: Dec.14, WID: RP-140519)
`(LC_MTC_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Jun 13, closed: Dec 14, WID: RP-140522)
`(GCSE_LTE-MBMS_CM-Core, leading WG: RAN3, started: Sep. 14, closed: Mar. 2015, WID: RP-141035)
`(LTE_CA_TDD_FDD-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Jun 13, closed: Jun 14, WID: RP-140465)
`(LCS_BDS-LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Mar 13, closed: Dec 13, WID: RP-130416)
`(LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Sep 12, closed: June 14, WID: RP-121416)
`(HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Dec.12, , closed: Sep 14, WID: RP-122007)
`(Cov_Enh_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Jun.13, closed: Jun.14, WID: RP-130833)
`(LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-12, started: Dec 12, closed: Jun.14, WID: RP-121772)
`(SCM_LTE-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Mar.14, closed: Sep.14, WID: RP-140434)
`Including any LTE corrections related to the following joint UMTS/LTE WIs:
`(SIMTC-RAN_OC-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Sep. 12, WID: RP-111373)
`(eMDT_UMTSLTE-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Dec.12, WID: RP-121204)
`(SONenh2_LTE_UTRA-Core, leading WG: RAN3, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Dec.12, WID: RP-120314)
`(rSRVCC-GERAN, leading WG: GERAN2, REL-11, started: Sep.11, closed: Nov.13, WID: GP-111290)
`(EHNB_enh3-Core, leading WG: RAN3, REL-12, started: Sep.12, closed: Dec 13, WID: RP-130741)
`(MTCe_RAN-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Dec.13, closed: Sep.14, WID: RP-132053)
`(UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-12, started: Dec.13, closed: Sep.14, WID: RP-132101)
`(LTE_UTRA_IncMon-Core, leading: RAN4, REL-12, started: Dec.13, closed: Dec. 14, WID: RP-132061)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`LTE: Rel-13
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`7.1 WI: Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC
`(LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-13; started: Sep. 14, closed: Mar. 16, WID: RP-150492)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`7.2 WI: Narrowband IOT
`(NB_IOT-Core; leading WG: RAN1; started: Sep. 15; target: Jun. 16; WID: RP-152284)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`7.3 Other LTE Rel-13 WIs
`Including corrections related to the following WIs:
`(LTE_LAA-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-13; started: June 15, closed: Dec. 15, WID: RP-151045)
`(LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core, leading WG: RAN1, REL-13; started: Dec. 14, closed: Dec. 15, WID: RP-151984)
`(LTE_SC_PTM-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-13; started: June 15, closed: Dec. 15, WID: RP-151110)
`(LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core, leading WG: RAN2, REL-13; started: Dec. 14, closed: Mar. 16, WID: RP-150441)
`(LTE_MC_load-Core, leading WG: RAN2, started: Mar. 15, closed: Dec. 15, WID: RP-152181)
`(LTE_dualC_enh-Core, leading WG: RAN2, started: Mar. 15, closed: Dec. 15, WID: RP-151739)
`(LTE_extDRX-Core; leading WG: RAN2; started: Mar. 15; closed: Mar. 16; WID: RP-150493)
`(LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Core; leading WG: RAN1; started: June. 15; closed: Dec. 15; WID: RP-151085)
`(LTE_eMDT2-Core; leading WG: RAN2; started: Sep. 15; closed: Dec 15; WID: RP-151611)
`(UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh-Core; leading WG: RAN2; started: Sep. 15; closed: Dec 15; WID: RP-152251)
`(LTE_WLAN_radio-Core, leading WG: RAN2, started: Mar. 15, closed: Mar. 16, WID: RP-152213)
`(LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core; leading WG: RAN2; started: Sep. 15; closed: Mar 15; WID: RP-151615)
`Including any LTE corrections related to the following joint UMTS/LTE WIs:
`(ACDC-RAN-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-13; started: Mar. 15; closed: Dec. 15; RP-150662)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`LTE Rel-14
`8.1 WI: Enhanced LAA for LTE
`(LTE_eLAA-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: Dec. 15; closed: Mar. 17; WID:RP-162229)
`This agenda item is for correction CRs to the closed WI.
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.2 WI: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink
`(LTE_SL_V2V-Core; leading WG: RAN1; started: Dec. 15; closed: Sept 16; WID: RP-161603)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.2.1 User plane
`8.2.2 Control plane
`8.3 Void
`8.4 Void
`8.5 WI: Enhanced LTE-WLAN Aggregation (eLWA)
`(LTE_WLAN_aggr-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Mar. 17; WID: RP-160923)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.6 WI: Further mobility enhancements in LTE
`(LTE_eMob-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Mar. 17; WID:RP-162503)
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`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.7 WI: Further Indoor Positioning enhancements for UTRA and LTE
`(UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh2-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Dec. 16; WID: RP-162026)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.8 WI: L2 latency reduction techniques for LTE
`(LTE_LATRED_L2-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Sep. 16; WID: RP-160667)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.9 Void
`8.10 WI: eMBMS enhancements for LTE
`(MBMS_LTE_enh2-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Sep. 17; WID:RP-162231)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.11 WI: Enhancements of NB-IoT
`(NB_IOTenh-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: June 16; closed: Jun. 17; WID: RP-171060)
`Note: SC-PTM for eNB-IoT is handled under 8.12.1
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`Including output of email discussion [100#37][NB-IoT R14] Measurement Report for NB-IoT (CMCC)
`8.12 WI: Further Enhanced MTC for LTE
`(LTE_feMTC-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: June 16; closed: Jun. 17; WID: RP-170532)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.12.1 Multicast for feMTC and eNB-IoT
`8.12.2 Other
`8.13 WI: LTE-based V2X Services
`(LTE_V2X-Core, leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: June 16; closed: Mar. 17; WID: RP-162519)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.13.1 Stage 2
`8.13.2 User plane
`8.13.3 Control plane
`8.14 WI: SRS switching between LTE component carriers
`(LTE_SRS_switch; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: Mar.16: closed: Dec. 16; WID: RP-160935)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.15 WI: Measurement Gap Enhancement for LTE
`(LTE_meas_gap_enh-Core; leading WG: RAN4; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Jun. 17; WID: RP-160912)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.16 Void
`8.17 WI: Performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE
`(LTE_high_speed-Core; leading WG: RAN4; REL-14; started: Dec. 15. 16; closed: Dec. 16; WID: RP-160172)
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`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.18 WI: Voice and Video enhancement for LTE
`(LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh; leading WG: RAN2; REL-14; started: Sep. 16; closed: Mar. 17: WID: RP-161856)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.19 New UE category with single receiver based on Category 1 for LTE
` (LTE_UE_cat_1Rx-Core; leading WG: RAN4; REL-14; started: Sep. 16; closed: Jun. 17: WID: RP-171149)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.20 Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE
`LTE_UL_CAP_enh-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Mar. 17: WID: RP-162488
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.21 WI: Enhancements on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE
`(LTE_eFD_MIMO-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: Mar. 2016; closed: Mar. 17: WID: RP-160623)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.22 Void
`8.23 WI: Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE
`(LTE_MUST-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-14; started: Mar. 16; closed: Dec. 16: WID: RP-161019)
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`8.24 Other LTE Rel-14 WIs
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`This agenda item may be used for documents relating to Rel-14 WIs with no allocated RAN2 time but which might have
`minor RAN2 impact.
`Including any LTE corrections related to the following joint UMTS/LTE WI:
`(eDECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core; leading WG: RAN3; REL-14; started: Dec. 16; closed: Mar. 17: WID: RP-162543)
`8.25 LTE TEI14 enhancements
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`Small Technical Enhancements affecting LTE Rel-14 that do not belong to any Rel-14 WI.
`Note: A TEI enhancement proposal should be treated for only one meeting cycle and involve only one WG. Otherwise, a WI
`should be proposed at RAN plenary!
`This agenda item is for items already discussed under TEI14. New proposals should be submitted to TEI15, AI 9.19.
`LTE Rel-15
`9.1 Void
`9.2 WI: Shortened TTI and processing time for LTE
`(LTE_STTIandPT-core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: June 16; target: Jun. 18; WID: RP-171468)
`Time budget: 0 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`This WI is complete from RAN2 point of view but RAN2 CRs have not been implemented to the specification as described in
`RP-172755. The CRs will be maintained as running CRs and then agreed again in RAN2#102. This AI is for corrections to
`the running CRs.
`9.3 Void
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`9.4 Void
`9.5 Further video enhancements for LTE
`(LTE_ViLTE_enh2-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172726)
`Time budget: 0 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`This WI is complete from RAN2 point of view but RAN2 CRs have not been implemented to the specification as described in
`RP-172755. The CRs will be maintained as running CRs and then agreed again in RAN2#102. This AI is for corrections to
`the running CRs.
`9.6 QoE Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRAN
`(LTE_QMC_Streaming; leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-170956)
`Time budget: 0 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`This WI is complete from RAN2 point of view but RAN2 CRs have not been implemented to the specification as described in
`RP-172755. The CRs will be maintained as running CRs and then agreed again in RAN2#102. This AI is for corrections to
`the running CRs.
`9.7 LTE connectivity to 5G-CN
`(LTE_5GCN_connect-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172342)
`Time budget: 1.5 TU
`At this meeting, due to the commonality with NR, this WI will be handled in the main session.
`9.7.1 Organisational
`Including incoming LSs, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`Principles on what to specify in which specs, terminology, etc
`9.7.2 Stage 2 aspects independent from NR/5GC
`Including AS support for EPC/5GC selection, inter-RAT mobility (e.g. between E-UTRA/5GC and E-UTRA/EPC but not
`mobility in inactive which is addressed by AI, etc.
`9.7.3 Stage 2 aspects dependent on NR/5GC
`No documents should be submitted to 9.7.3. Please submit to 9.7.3.x.
`The agenda items 9.7.3.x will be disscussed when the corresponding NR topic has made sufficient progress.
`Inactive state
` Flow based QoS
` Slicing
` Access control
` Other
`9.8 Positioning Accuracy Enhancements for LTE
`(LCS_LTE_acc_enh-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172313)
`Time budget: 1 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.8.1 Organisational
`Including incoming LSs, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`Including output of email discussion [99bis#56][LTE/Positioning] Running LPP CR (Qualcomm)
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`9.8.2 GNSS positioning enhancements
`RTK payload transmission, transparent or not? Supported RTK techniques, SSR, VRS, PPP, etc? The details on the
`support of UE based and UE assisted; The details about unicast and broadcast of RTK assistance data;
`Including output of email discussion [99bis#57][LTE/Positioning] Future phase support of SSR (u-blox)
`9.8.3 Support for IMU positioning
`The details of IMU raw data; the scenario and benefits on how to use IMU raw data;
`Including output of email discussion [99bis#58][LTE/Positioning] Measurements for IMU positioning (Intel)
`9.8.4 UE-based OTDOA positioning
`What additional assistance information is required? Note, as second priority
`9.8.5 Broadcasting of assistance data
`SIB design for the transmission of A-GNSS, RTK and, as second priority, UE-based OTDOA assistance information.
`Encryption of assistance data broadcasting (SA3 input is needed);
`9.9 Enhancing CA Utilization
`(LTE_euCA-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-170805)
`Time budget: 0.5 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.9.1 General
`Including incoming LSs, work plan, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`9.9.2 Delay reduction for SCell set-up
`9.9.3 Signalling overhead reduction for configuration activation
`Including output of email discussion [100#36][LTE/euCA] Solutions on signalling overhead reduction (Nokia)
`9.9.4 Others
`9.10 Enhancements on LTE-based V2X Services
`(LTE_eV2X-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-171740)
`Time budget: 1 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.10.1 General
`Including incoming LSs, work plan and rapporteur inputs.
`9.10.2 Carrier aggregation (up to 8 PC5 carriers)
`Focus should be on RAN2 aspects.
`Details of carrier selection
`Handling of the UE with limited Rx chains
`Protocol architecture and details for packet duplication
`Including output of email discussion [100#41][LTE – eV2X] TX carrier selection – LG
`9.10.3 Radio resource pool sharing between UEs using mode 3 and mode 4
`Focus should be on RAN2 aspects.
`Including output of email discussion [100#42][LTE – eV2X] Radio resource pool sharing – OPPO
`9.10.4 Others
`Including RAN2 aspects, if any, on the WI objectives 1b (64 QAM), 1c (delay reduction at layer 1), 2 (transmit diversity), and
`3 (short TTI).
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`9.11 High capacity stationary wireless and 1024 QAM
`(LTE_1024QAM_DL-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Mar. 18: WID: RP-171738)
`Time budget: 0.5 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.11.1 General
`Including incoming LSs, work plan, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`9.11.2 UE capability and potential new categories
`9.11.3 Corresponding higher-layer procedures and signalling
`9.12 Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrum
`(LTE_unlic-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172841)
`Time budget: 1 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.12.1 General
`Including incoming LSs, work plan, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`9.12.2 Autonomous uplink access on Frame structure type 3
`9.12.3 Other operation on Frame structure type 3
`9.12.4 Others
`9.13 Further NB-IoT enhancements
`(NB_IOTenh2-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172063)
`Time budget: 2.5 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`Some sub-items in 9.13 and 9.14 may be treated jointly.
`9.13.1 Organisational
`Including incoming LSs, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`9.13.2 Early Data Transmission
`Early Data transmission for NB-IoT is treated jointly with MTC under AI 9.14.2. Do not use this AI for any item that can be
`discussed jointly.
`9.13.3 System Acquisition Enhancements
`System acquisition Enhancements for NB-IoT is treated jointly with MTC under AI 9.14.3. Do not use this AI for any item that
`can be discussed jointly.
`9.13.4 Relaxed Monitoring for cell reselection
`Relaxed monitoring for cell reselection for MTC and NB-IoT is treated jointly under this AI. Problem fixing and Limited
`treatement of items previously on the table, no new solutions.
`9.13.5 Semi-Persistent Scheduling
`9.13.6 RRC Connection Release Enhancements
`Problem fixing and Limited treatement of items previously on the table, no new solutions.
`9 / 19
`9.13.7 UE differentiation
`9.13.8 TDD
`9.13.9 Wake Up Signal
`Wake Up Signal etc for MTC and NB-IoT is treated jointly under this Agenda Item.
`9.13.10 Other
`E.g. Access barring enhancement (may be treated together with MTC), Enhancements to standalone operation mode, UE
`Feedback, Support for physical layer SR, Measurement Accuracy Enhancements, NPRACH reliability, NPRACH range,
`small cell support, Support for RLC-UM, other.
`9.14 Even further enhanced MTC for LTE
`(LTE_eMTC4-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172811)
`Time budget: 2.5 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.14.1 Organisational
`Including incoming LSs, rapporteur inputs, running CRs
`Including output of email discussion [100#39][MTC R15] 36.331 CR [Qualcomm]
`Including output of email discussion [100#40][MTC R15] 36.321 CR [Intel]
`9.14.2 Early data transmission
`Early Data transmission for NB-IoT and MTC is treated jointly under this AI.
`Including output of email discussion [100#38][MTC Rel-15] padding issue in Msg3 [Ericsson]
`9.14.3 System acquisition time enhancements
`System acquisition Enhancements for NB-IoT and MTC is treated jointly under this AI.
`9.14.4 Relaxed monitoring for cell reselection
`Relaxed monitoring for cell reselection for MTC is treated jointly with NB-IoT under AI 9.13.4. Do not use this AI for any item
`that can be discussed jointly.
`9.14.5 Access/load control of idle mode UEs
`9.14.6 Uplink HARQ-ACK feedback
`9.14.7 Increased PDSCH spectral efficiency
`9.14.8 Increased PUSCH spectral efficiency
`9.14.9 Wake Up Signal
`Wake Up Signal etc for MTC is treated jointly with NB-IoT under AI 9.13.9 Do not use this AI for any item that can be
`discussed jointly.
`9.14.10 Other
`Including higher UE velocity, lower UE power class, CRS muting etc.
`9.15 Highly Reliable Low Latency Communication for LTE
`LTE_HRLLC-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172845
`Time budget: 1.0 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`10 / 19
`9.16 UL data compression in LTE
`(LTE_UDC-Core; leading WG: RAN2; Rel-15; started Sep 17; target: Mar 18; WID RP-172365)
`Time budget: 1.0 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.17 Further enhancements to CoMP for LTE
`(feCOMP_LTE-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Mar. 18: WID: RP-171031)
`Time budget: 0.5 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.18 Enhanced LTE Support for Aerial Vehicles
`(LTE_Aerial-Core;leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Dec. 17; target: June. 18: WID: RP-172826)
`Time budget: 1.0 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.19 Bluetooth/WLAN measurement collection in MDT
` (LTE_MDT_BT_WLAN-Core; leading WG: RAN2; REL-15; started: Dec. 17; target: June. 18: WID: RP-172820)
`Time budget: 0.5 TU
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in a break out session
`9.20 Other LTE Rel-15 WIs
`This agenda item may be used for documents relating to Rel-15 WIs with no allocated RAN2 time but which might have
`minor RAN2 impact (e.g. CT/SA WIs for which we have received an LS requesting RAN2 action)
`9.21 LTE TEI15 enhancements
`Small Technical Enhancements affecting LTE Rel-15 that do not belong to any Rel-15 WI.
`Note: A TEI enhancement proposal should be treated for only one meeting cycle and involve only one WG. Otherwise, a WI
`should be proposed at RAN plenary!
`Time budget: 1 TU
`9.21.1 CP latency for LTE
`Contributions related to the task given to RAN2 from RAN#78 as described in LS RP-172840.
`9.21.2 Other
`Including output of email discussion [100#35][LTE/TEI15] New L2 measurements (Huawei)
`10 WI: New Radio (NR) Access Technology
`(NR_newRAT-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-15; started: Mar. 17; target: Jun. 18: WID: RP-172834)
`10.1 Organisational
`Incoming LSs, work plan, status from other groups, etc.
`10.2 Stage 2 and common UP/CP aspects
`10.2.1 Stage 2 TSs and running CR
`TS 38.300, TS 37.340 rapporteur inputs (e.g. FFS lists, etc) and running CR to 36.300. Please submit proposed corrections
`to the appropriate agenda item.
`10.2.2 Stage 2 corrections for EN-DC
`No documents should be submitted to 10.2.2. Please submit to 10.2.2.x.
`11 / 19
` User plane
`Corrections to 38.300 or 37.340 for EN-DC related to user plane or common UP/CP aspects (i.e. that should be discussed
`with both user plane control plane people present)
` Other
`Corrections to 38.300 or 37.340 for EN-DC other than those that fall into
`10.2.3 Stage 2 corrections for non EN-DC
`Correction 38.300 or 37.340 not related to EN-DC
`10.2.4 Mobility mechanisms - basic handover
`Any remaining stage 2 aspects of basic handover (and not common to SCG change for EN-DC). Contributions should
`include a TP to show how the stage 2 specification would be impacted (if no stage 2 spec impact then the contribution
`should be submitted to an appropriate stage 3 AI)
`10.2.5 Bandwidth parts
`Stage 2 aspects of bandwidth parts for standalone operation. Note that corrections to bandwidth parts for EN-DC should be
`submitted to the appropriate UP or CP stage 3 AI.
`10.2.6 Supplementary uplink
`Stage 2 aspects of supplementary uplink for standalonne operation. Note that corrections to SUL for EN-DC should be
`submitted to the appropriate UP or CP stage 3 AI.
`10.2.7 Mobility mechanisms - other
`Note decisions at RAN2#97bis to progress the basic HO mechanism and only when stable to discuss conditional handover
`and potential optimisations to target close to 0ms or 0ms interruption.
`Note at this meeting the specific task on 0ms interruption given to RAN2 from RAN#78 as described in RP-172807 will be
`discussed under AI 4.1
`10.2.8 Mobility - RLM,RLF
`Any remaining stage 2 aspects of radio link monitoring procedure and criteria for declaring radio link failure, including impact
`of beam failure/recovery. This AI will be discussed after receiving input from RAN1 on the questions we asked.
`Maximum 1 tdoc per company
`10.2.9 Mobility - Inter-RAT
`Connected mode mobility between NR and E-UTRA.
`RRM measurements to be discussed under appropriate stage 3 AI.
`10.2.10 Security (non EN-DC)
`Stage 2 aspects of security for cases other than EN-DC
`10.2.11 Slicing
`Including signalling of slice info to RAN, impact to access control, confirmation (or otherwise) of working assumption from
`RAN2#99 on use of dedicated prioritises to control idle mode mobility for slicing, etc
`10.2.12 QoS
`Any remaining stage 2 aspects, including QoS operation with DC.
`Detailed topics, including QoS flow remapping, should be discussed in stage 3 user plane
`10.2.13 Positioning
`10.2.14 Other
`Other stage 2 aspects for non EN-DC
`12 / 19
`10.3 Stage 3 user plane
`Documents in this agenda item will be handled in the NR user plane break out session
`10.3.1 MAC
` TS
`Latest TS 38.321, rapporteur inputs, etc
`Editorial and small corrections/clarifications should be provided to the rapporteur. Single rapporteur TP is encouraged for
`editorials and clarifications.
` MAC general aspects
`Correction related to NR Unit, BWP and SUL general issues. Detailed functional corrections related to BWP and SUL
`should be submitted under corresponding function.
` MAC PDU format
`Correction CRs related to MAC PDU format
`New MAC CE formats related to RAN1 procedures
` Random access
`Differentiation of RA parameters
`Contributions should focus on stage 3 details on prioritized RACH procedures. Idle mode prioritized RACH is out-of-scope
`of Rel-15.
`Random access in presence of multi-beam operation
`Corrections/critical issues related to random access in presence of multi-beam operation
`Finalize beam failure recovery design/specification
`Random access procedures
`Corrections/critical issues related to general random access procedure
` SR
`Corrections/critical issues related to SR
`Corrections/critical issues related to BSR
`Finalize how to handle the “immediate transmission” and ensure that an SR is triggered for URLLC transmission
`Corrections/critical issues related to LCP
` SPS/Grant-free
`Corrections/critical issues related to Configured grant and SPS
`Including output of email discussion [NR-AH1801#15][NR UP/MAC] Repetition aspects – Huawei