Unpacking 3GPP standards
`Justus Baron
`Northwestern University
`Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth
`Kirti Gupta
`Qualcomm Economics and Strategy
`Brandon Roberts
`Qualcomm Inc.
`March 24, 2015
`1. Introduction
`Technology standards represent a set of rules and technologies adopted by a group of actors to ensure
`interoperability between products and services and to ensure that they meet specific industry requirements.
`The important role of technology standards is well understood in the Information and Communication
`Technology (ICT) industry, as they have been necessary for enabling mobile wireless communications, the
`operation of the internet, etc. In many parts of the ICT industry, technology standards have traditionally
`been defined cooperatively by governments or industry actors, working together to define technical features
`of new products or services, within formal standard setting organizations (SSOs). As an incentive to
`collaborate in standard setting, the participants are often allowed to seek intellectual property rights (IPR)
`for their technical contributions and investments during the standardization process1. Specific policies are
`set by SSOs for disclosure and licensing of such IPR, in order to enable access by all manufacturers of a
`standard who may need a license from owners of IPR essential to the implementation of the standard.
`1 Some standards bodies produce open standards, i.e., participants forfeit their IP rights when contributing a technology into the
`standard, while others produce entirely proprietary standards, i.e., standards controlled by a single firm or a group of firms.


`Until recently, technology standards were little studied in the economic literature. Early research on
`technology standards was either theoretical or qualitative. Quantitative empirical research on technology
`standards is more recent, and is still limited to date by the scarcity of available data. Yet, in recent years,
`standard setting and the value of standards essential patents (often referred to as SEPs) have been the focus
`of many public policy and scholarly discussions. Several issues have been raised around standard setting,
`and proposals abound for changes in IPR policies of standard setting organizations (SSOs), valuation
`techniques for SEPs applied by the courts, as well as some proposed antitrust measures (FTC report (2011),
`Kuhn et al (2013)).
`Nevertheless, to date no systematic and comprehensive database on standards and the functioning of SSOs
`is available for analyzing these issues empirically. The policy debate is therefore to a large extent based on
`economic theory and anecdotal evidence. In consequence, many proposed reforms have been criticized as
`being at odds with the complex institutional and technological realities of standard setting. Existing
`empirical research has shed some light on standard setting processes at several SSOs (e.g. Leiponen, 2008;
`Simcoe, 2012). An important insight from existing research is that “one size fits all” insights and policy
`recommendations may not be appropriate for SSOs. Caution is warranted when drawing general
`conclusions from the empirical evidence, because economic effects of standardization processes and the
`incentives of the participating parties depend upon the complex institutional setting of SSOs, which differs
`from one organization to another.
`We therefore believe that a deep dive in the institutional understanding of specific SSOs along with the
`relevant data collected from these SSOs may help in significantly advancing the literature on standard
`setting. Detailed studies focusing on selected important SSOs can reveal how and why firms participate in
`a specific standard setting process, how participating in this process affects the participating firms and
`whether or how much participation in these SSOs enables coordination of R&D and knowledge sharing.
`Careful empirical analysis of selected standardization processes can furthermore shed light on how
`technical contributions and the participation of specific actors determine the success of the resulting
`standards. Ultimately, such analysis can provide a solid basis for informed policy making for these
`important institutions.
`The purpose of this paper is to provide an institutional background and an overview of a comprehensive
`data-set on the standard setting process for widely adopted and successful 3G and 4G wireless cellular
`standards defined by the third generation partnership project (3GPP), a consortia of seven SSOs. We
`selected 3GPP for our study, because several of the issues being raised with respect to standards have


`been related to the wireless communications standards developed at this organization2. For example, many
`SEPs are declared to the seven member SSOs of 3GPP, inducing some observers to caution that 3G telecom
`standards are subject to “too many SEPs” (Lemley and Shapiro (2007)). It is however important to also
`consider the number of technical specifications, features and contributions in order to put the number of
`SEPs into context. Another concern has been the possibility of the larger incumbent firms participating in
`the standards potentially controlling the standard setting process to push their proprietary solutions into the
`standard (Bekkers et al (2013)). Detailed data on submitted technical proposals by different firms and their
`final outcomes, i.e., the rate of acceptance or rejection of technical proposals by differently situated firms,
`may help in shedding light on the fairness of the standard setting process.
`The interest in 3GPP is unsurprising, given the enormous success enjoyed by the standards developed at
`3GPP, and the enormous global economic impact they have generated. According to one estimate, the
`mobile value chain generated almost $3.3 trillion in revenue globally in 2014 and is directly responsible for
`11 million jobs, and one of the major drivers of this impact are identified as the 3G and 4G wireless cellular
`standards defined by 3GPP3.
`This paper reflects a large data collection effort for unpacking the details of 3GPP standards from
`thousands of documents collected from the SSO’s archives, such as meeting records, membership records,
`specifications, and technical contributions. Our goal is to further the understanding of the standard setting
`process, and share some preliminary insights from the data on 3GPP standards. We also hope that this
`data-set will also serve as a template for the generation of other comprehensive data-sets for studying and
`unpacking other SSOs.
`The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a survey of the literature on technology
`standards, with a focus on studies of single SSOs. A comprehensive analysis of a single SSO involves
`collecting data on various aspects of that SSO, requiring to first understand the institutional structure of
`that SSO. Therefore, Section 3 provides a historical overview of the formation of 3GPP and the 3G and
`4G standards under discussion. Section 4 discusses the organization structure, rules, and procedures
`followed by 3GPP for the development of standards. After we assembled several data files via web-
`2 See Farrell, J., Hayes, J., Shapiro, C., & Sullivan, T. (2007). Standard setting, patents, and hold-up. Antitrust Law Journal, 603-
`670.; Bekkers, R., & West, J. (2009). The limits to IPR standardization policies as evidenced by strategic patenting in UMTS.
`Telecommunications Policy, 33(1), 80-97.; Bekkers, R., Bongard, R., & Nuvolari, A. (2011). An empirical study on the
`determinants of essential patent claims in compatibility standards. Research Policy, 40(7), 1001-1015.; Bekkers, R., Bongard, R.,
`& Nuvolari, A. (2009, September). Essential patents in industry standards: The case of UMTS. In Proceedings of the 6th
`international conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT 2009) (pp. 8-10).
`3 See, Julio Bezerra, et al., The Mobile Revolution: How Mobile Technologies Drive a Trillion-Dollar Impact, Boston Consulting
`Group (January 15, 2015), at pg. 28, available at


`scraping and downloading, we collated the files, cleaned the data and standardized firm names across files
`to generate a comprehensive data-set that we organize into five major categories: membership, attendance,
`contributions, change requests, and technical specifications. Section 5 presents the data on various aspects
`of 3GPP standards. Section 6 concludes with some immediate insights and potential future research
`questions that this data-set may help answering.
`2. Literature Review
`While a substantial economic literature has studied technology standards, the specific institutions in which
`consensus standard setting takes place have only recently become a topic for economic analysis. Farrell and
`Simcoe (2012) analyze the efficiency of alternative decision rules in standard setting organizations (SSO).
`Lerner and Tirole (2006) and Chiao et al. (2007) describe the rules and membership composition of SSOs
`as endogenous to competition in the market for technologies, and in particular so-called forum shopping by
`the holders of patented technologies.
`Empirical evidence to support economic theories on consensus standardization in SSOs is scarce. There are
`currently only very few studies comparing larger samples of SSOs with respect to their membership,
`procedures and output (e.g. Chiao et al., 2007; Baron et al., 2013)4. Economists have therefore used
`practitioner surveys (Weiss and Sirbu, 1990; Blind and Thumm, 2004; Blind and Mangelsdorf, 2013) or
`companies' business communications (Aggarwal et al., 2011) to study SSO standardization. The most
`frequent approach is to use data on declared SEPs, which is available from SSO websites and can be
`matched with patent databases that are widely used in empirical economic research (e.g. Rysman and
`Simcoe (2008); Gupta and Snyder (2014))5. There is however still a lack of understanding how SSOs work,
`how standards are developed, and what the role and incentives of member companies and technology
`contributors are. A balanced and sound analysis of SSO policies and the role of SEPs requires a solid
`understanding of how SSOs function as economic institutions.
`Detailed case studies of single organizations are an essential contribution to a better understanding of SSO
`standardization. A number of qualitative case studies first shed light on the economic incentives and
`strategic behavior of SSO members. Besen and Johnson (1986) and Farrell and Shapiro (1992) studied the
`dynamics of standard adoption, standards competition and vested interests of participating firms in the
`development of television standards by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Comparing two
`standardization projects at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and at X3, Lehr
`4 see Baron and Spulber (2015) for a discussion and a new database.
`5 see Baron and Pohlmann (2015) for a survey, methodological discussion and presentation of a new compilation of SEP
`declarations data.


`(1996) studies the effect of SSO rules on cooperation among SSO members and firm preferences for a
`standardization venue. Bekkers (2001) studies three important standard setting projects at the European
`Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), and documents the increasing importance of SEPs.
`DeLacey et al. (2006) compare the standard setting processes at the IEEE 802.11 working group and the
`development of DSL telephony standards and describe the important role of participating companies' vested
`interests and SSO rules. Blind (2011) analyzes the competition between ODF and OOXML document
`standards at the International Standards Organization (ISO).
`A number of SSOs also provide procedural data on their websites that can be used for quantitative economic
`research. Two SSOs have been analyzed in a larger number of case studies: the Internet Engineering Task
`Force (IETF) and 3GPP. Using data on IETF meeting attendance, authorship of Requests for Changes
`(RFC), and working group chairmanships, Fleming and Waguespack (2009) investigate the effect of
`participation in standard setting by start-up companies on the chances of a public offering. Simcoe (2012)
`studies the effect of the composition of IETF working groups (i.e. the group working together on a RFC)
`on the time that it takes to process the RFC and on measures of quality and success of the resulting standard.
`Wen et al. (2014) study the effect of RFC releases on firms attending IETF meetings, distinguishing
`between RFCs contributed by firm employees and academics.
`Using data on 3GPP work items and consortia related to 3GPP, Leiponen (2008) analyzes the effect of firm
`alliances on the likelihood that a firm's change requests are accepted. Using attendance data for 3GPP
`meetings from 1999 to 2009, Bekkers and Kang (2013) and Kang and Motohashi (2015) match the name
`of the individual attendees with inventors listed on SEPs to study the relationship between meeting
`attendance and patenting. Baron et al. (2014) use data on 3GPP meeting attendance and authorship of
`change requests to investigate the effect of participation in standardization on firm productivity.
`In addition, more limited procedural data has been used in studies on a number of other SSOs. Rosenkopf
`et al. (2001) use attendance data for meetings at the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) to
`study the effect of joint meeting attendance on alliance formation. Also using TIA meeting attendance data,
`Gandal et al. (2004) study the relationship between patenting and standardization strategies in the modem
`industry. Cohen-Meidan (2007) uses data on membership in the IEEE 802.14 committee and a competing
`informal consortium to study the effect of competing standards on firm valuation. Wakke and Blind (2012)
`use the number of seats that a firm holds in the German national standards body DIN to measure the effect
`of participation in standardization on a firm's productivity. Ranganathan and Rosenkopf (2014) collect data
`on firm votes on 242 ballots held at the International Committee for Information Technology Standards


`(INCITS) to analyze the effects of R&D and commercialization alliances on the likelihood that a firm
`supports another firm's proposal6.
`The existing literature of quantitative SSO case studies is summarized in Table 1. It is apparent from this
`table that the different papers not only study different research questions, but also analyze different
`organizations and different variables. Meeting attendance is the only variable that has been studied for more
`than three different SSOs. Furthermore, many of the papers only study selected working groups at the
`different SSOs of interest, and all papers observe an SSO over a limited period of time. E.g. Leiponen
`(2008) and Bar and Leiponen (2014) use attendance data for 3GPP meetings held from 2000 to 2003,
`whereas Baron et al. (2014) analyze 3GPP attendance data for the period from 2004 to 2013. Finally, only
`the coded data used in Simcoe (2012) are currently available on the author's website, and all the different
`authors of the papers we surveyed manually coded their own data. This lack of a consistency between data
`sets being used makes it very difficult to compare the results from different studies.
`Table 1: Overview of the reviewed quantitative case studies on SSOs7
`on work items
`6They also use meeting attendance as control variable.
`7 RMG2001 = Rosenkopf, Metiu, and George (2001); GGG2004 = Gandal, Gantman, and Genesove (2004); CM2007 = Cohen-
`Meidan (2007)L2008 = Leiponen (2008); FW2009 = Fleming and Waguespack (2009); S2012 = Simcoe (2012); WB2012 = Wakke
`and Blind (2012); BK2013 = Beckers and Kang, 2013; RR2014 = Ranganathan and Rosenkopf (2014); WFJ2014 = Wen, Forman,
`and Jarvenpaa (2014); KM2015 = Kang and Motohashi (2015).; BGS2015 = Baron, Gupta & Spulber (2015);


`The increasing number of quantitative case studies of SSOs yielded valuable insights on the standardization
`procedures at particular organizations, and also provided first evidence for more general economic research
`questions on standardization. Nevertheless, in order to make significant progress, it is necessary to create
`comprehensive and standardized databases covering all the important procedural data from a particular
`SSO, and to make this data widely available to other researchers. Studies using these data can be directly
`compared with each other, and their results can be easily replicated. This is the ambition of the database on
`3GPP described in this paper. Ideally, our efforts on 3GPP set an example and a template for similar future
`projects on other SSOs.
`Parts of the new database have been used and described in Gupta (2013) and Baron et al. (2014). The present
`article and database covers detailed procedural data from 3GPP, including membership, attendance,
`technical specifications, meeting dates, location and attendance, work items and contributions (including
`change requests) and contribution authorship and outcome. This comprehensive coverage of data from all
`institutional aspects of 3GPP is complemented by two different data-bases that include parts of data related
`to 3GPP standards: (1) Data on membership and standard output of a large sample of SSOs, including
`3GPP, presented in Baron and Spulber (2015); and (2) Data on patents declared standard-essential to 3GPP
`technical specifications is included in Baron and Pohlmann (2015), presenting a database aggregating
`declarations of SEPs from multiple SSOs. These databases share a system of common identifiers and can
`easily be used in conjunction for research
`3. Historical overview
`Using mobile devices for connecting with anyone anywhere around the world, browsing the internet,
`emailing, gaming, and mobile applications would not be possible without the high data rates enabled by
`core communications technology incorporated in the wireless cellular standards.8
`Today, a majority of wireless systems in the world have adopted the so called third-generation (3G) and
`fourth-generation (4G) wireless cellular standards defined by 3GPP. 3GPP was formed in 1998 to develop
`a common wireless cellular system for Europe, Asia and North America, representing a unified collection
`of seven global telecommunications SSOs and is primarily responsible for generating the standards endorsed
`by the member SSOs. This section provides a brief historical overview of the evolution of wireless cellular
`standards and the events that led to the formation of 3GPP.
`8 Ericsson Mobility Report on the Pulse of the Networked Society, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (June 2014), pg. 16 available
`at (“The modernization was primarily driven by
`the introduction of more efficient base stations that were capable of handling multi-standard technologies such as GSM/EDGE and
`WCDMA/HSPA. By contrast, modernization in other regions was primarily driven by the introduction of LTE.”)


`The fundamental constraints on a mobile network are the allocated radio frequency spectrum and how
`efficiently this is utilized.9 These constraints determine how many users and how much data can be
`transmitted through the network. Without significant advancements in spectrum efficiency, activities such
`as browsing the internet, gaming, and a rich set of applications that run on today’s smartphones would not
`be possible. There are other significant challenges, such as ensuring seamless communications continuity
`as users move rapidly, making communications power efficient without draining batteries, creating high-
`quality codecs for audio and video transmissions, etc. All of these fundamental advances occurred during
`the little told technology revolution that occurred in the realm of mobile technology standards over the last
`few decades. This section explores a brief history of the development of these standards, starting from the
`first-generation (1G) all the way to the current fourth-generation (4G) standards.
`In 1983, Motorola’s “brick phone” retailed for $3,995; this device is often cited as the introduction of the
`first-generation (1G) cellular system, which was based on analog signals transmitting voice between cell
`phones and radio antenna (“base stations”). The 1G systems did not enable multiple users to transmit signals
`simultaneously, and therefore, were expensive to scale. The phones required to transmit signals to far-away
`base stations were bulky and expensive. Additionally, the 1G systems were not designed to be compatible
`across countries, and global roaming was non-existent. Nevertheless, the popularity of cellular
`communications increased rapidly resulting in the need for common standards for cellular systems.
`By the late 1980s, the telecommunications industry was drawn to developing a common set of 2G standards
`to improve the ability of consumers to access mobile networks. In Europe, the European Conference of
`Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) started an effort to define a single digital 2G
`standard for mobile communications, establishing the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
`in 1987, based on a new digital signal processing technology of the time called “time division multiple
`access” (TDMA). At around the same time, the United States witnessed a parallel effort for the creation of
`digital 2G standards based on a rival technology called “code division multiple access” (CDMA), which
`claimed to offer significant performance improvements over TDMA. In 1993, the American Cellular
`Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) issued the IS-95 (Interim Standard 95) based on CDMA.
`The 2G systems solved several important problems for wireless communications – mobile users could roam
`freely across the globe and still make voice calls, the efficiency of the networks increased, the size of the
`phones shrank, and voice quality improved significantly.
`By the late 1990s, the industry was looking toward the next (third) generation of mobile systems, which
`would provide substantially increased data transfer rates, for going beyond voice communications and
`9 That is, the number of bits-per-second can be transmitted over the given amount of spectrum.


`delivering data based services. In order to create globally applicable standards for 3G, 3GPP was formed as
`a unified collection of six global telecommunications SSOs known as organizational partners10. The efficient
`day-to-day running of 3GPP is supported by ETSI. 3GPP started working on specifications for 3G based
`on the established GSM core networks, though incorporating an evolution of the basic CDMA technology11.
`At the same time, another group in the US, with membership that partly overlapped with 3GPP, formed the
`3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2), to develop rival global specifications for cdma2000, a 3G
`evolution of CDMA based IS-95. This led to a highly public “3G standards war” between Ericsson and
`Qualcomm, with one firm proposing an evolution of GSM and another looking for an opportunity to
`develop a single, global CDMA based standard12. This dispute was resolved in around 1998, but the
`development of two standards – in 3GPP and in 3GPP2 – continued in parallel. The most widely used 3G
`standard today globally is WCDMA/UMTS developed in 3GPP, although the underlying technology that
`enabled the commercial use of CDMA has significant commonalities.
`The formation of the 3G standards occurred over almost a decade through the development of numerous
`3GPP releases. Each release encompasses important additions and improvements to the system. Figure 1
`illustrates the timeline of the releases developed by 3GPP covering both 3G (release 98 - release 7) and 4G
`(release 8 – release 12).
`The high data rates that 3G technologies enable gave birth to the user experience that changed the wireless
`communications paradigm -- mobile broadband. As soon as users could effectively browse the internet on
`their devices, the demand for data-rate grew exponentially. By 2008, it became clear that 3G networks
`would be overwhelmed by the need for faster and broader internet access, driven by a growing number of
`the mobile users and growth of bandwidth-intensive applications such as streaming media. Therefore, 3GPP
`launched into the development of 4G technologies that enable high speed data for mobile devices in 2008,
`under the overall standard called the Long Term Evolution (LTE).
`The main motivations for the development of 4G was the need for higher data-rates from consumers and
`desire for improved network efficiency and reduced network complexity from wireless network operators13.
`4G LTE uses a different radio interface technology known as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
`10 These include: Japan’s Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB), North America’s Automatic Terminal Information
`Service (ATIS), China Communications Standards Association (CCSA), European Telecommunications Standards Institute
`(ETSI), Korea’s Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA), and Japan’s TTC (Telecommunications Technology
`Committee). In 2014, a newly formed body called the (Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India) TSDSI
`became the seventh member.
`11 The underlying 3G technology in 3GPP standards is called wideband CDMA (WCDMA), and the specifications are often
`referred to as Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS).
`12 See,; Hjelm, Björn 2000 Standards and
`Intellectual Property Rights in the Age of Global Communication.


`Access (OFDMA) in addition to several core network improvements to achieve its desired objectives.
`These technologies enabled higher spectral efficiency, higher peak data rates and increased flexibility in
`the frequency and bandwidth that can be leveraged by networks.
`Like 3G, the formation of the 4G standards occurred over several years and releases, with each release
`encompassing important feature additions and technological improvements.
`Figure 1: 3GPP Releases by Freeze Date and Technology
`4. The standard setting process
`At the highest level, the purpose of 3GPP is to prepare, approve, enhance and maintain globally applicable
`technical specifications for 2G, 3G & 4G wireless devices14. 3GPP is based on voluntary participation by
`its individual member organizations, including firms and other entities. Decisions on technical
`specifications result from votes open to all members. Each quarter 3GPP consolidates all the technical
`specifications produced by all of its working groups. This consolidated information is provided to 3GPP’s
`member SSOs as formal specifications15. The member SSOs then make them available to the wireless
`industry as a whole, at which point they are referred to as formal standards.
`4.1 Organizational structure
`These standards develop from a substantial effort and collaboration across hundreds of organizations with
`diverse interests and incentives. The complexity of the objectives necessitates a high level of organization,
`collaboration and efficiency within 3GPP. To help achieve this, 3GPP breaks desired objectives and
`features into smaller and smaller pieces until a manageable and targeted goal is outlined16. The technical
`14 3GPP Partnership Project; Working Procedures (2012)
`15 We refer to '3GPP members' as the individual member organizations participating in the standard development
`process, as opposed to '3GPP member SSOs' refering to the seven SSOs that together constitute 3GPP
`16 See Appendix A for excerpt from 3GPP Working Procedures at:


`objectives are then assigned to one of the four main technical specification groups (TSG) that are organized
`around broad areas of technical expertise17. These are: RAN (Radio-Access Network) which focuses on the
`UTRAN and E-UTRAN specifications of the radio-physical layer interface, SA (Service and System
`Aspects) which focuses on the service requirements and the overall architecture of the 3GPPP system, CT
`(Core Network and Terminals) which focuses on the core network and terminal parts of 3GPP including
`the terminal layer 3 protocols and GERAN (GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network) which focuses on 2G
`technology including GSM radio technology, GPRS and EDGE.
`Each TSG further breaks their assignments into specific goals known as features. Each feature is a new or
`substantially enhanced functionality which represents added value to the existing system according to the
`majority of 3GPP members18. A feature most commonly reflects an improved service to the end-customer
`or increased revenue generation potential to the supplier. The features can be broken down into building
`blocks that can in turn be organized into a number of work tasks which lead to the production of new
`technical specifications or augment/improve existing specifications. The specific work tasks or work-items
`are then assigned by the TSG to one of the Working Groups (WGs) that roll-up to it (see Figure 2). The
`majority of the technical work that results in the development of technical standards occurs here in the
`working groups. 3GPP currently has 13 working groups working on 3G and 4G standards. Each WG meets
`6-8 times per year, with hundreds of representatives from member firms around the world, and therefore
`the meeting locations rotate across continents.
`The output of the WGs is then presented to the TSG at their quarterly plenary meeting for information,
`discussion and approval. These meetings result in the final specifications provided by 3GPP to member
`SSOs who subsequently publish them as formal standards. Each TSG meets 2 times per year at plenary
`The TSGs themselves are further governed by the Project Coordination Group (PCG), the highest decision
`making body responsible for overall management of 3GPP technical work. The PCG ensures that the formal
`specifications are produced in a timely manner as required by the market place, ratifies election results
`(for the chair position of different groups within 3GPP), and allocates the resources committed to 3GPP. The
`PCG also handles any appeals from the member organizations on procedural or technical matters. The
`PCG meets twice per year.
`18 See 3GPP TR 21.900 for definition.


`Figure 2: Organizational structure of 3GPP
`4.2 Chairmanships and the voting process
`As in most organizations, leadership plays an important role in 3GPP. Two of the most important leadership
`positions are the chairman and vice-chairman of a given working group (WG) or technical specification
`group (TSG). The chairman = helps ensure that an objective and valid approach is used to determine

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