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`Self Briving Car
`in the cloud
`30 video, UHD screens
`Copyright © 2016 ETS
`Mobile data traffic is rising rapidly, mostly due to video streaming.
`With multiple devices, each user has a growing number of connections.
`¢ Internet of Things will require networks that must handlebillions more devices.
`e With a growing numberof mobiles and increased data traffic both mobiles and networks
`need to increase energy efficiency.
`e Networkoperators are under pressure to reduce operational experiditure, as users get
`usedto flat rate tariffs and don't wish to pay more.
`* The mobile communication technology can enable new use cases(e.g. for ultra-low
`latencyor high reliability cases) and new applications for the industry, opening up new
`revenue streamsalso for operators.
`So 5G should deliversignificantly increased operational performance(e.g. increased spectral
`efficiency, higher data rates, low latency), as well as superior user experience (near to fixed
`network butoffering full mobility and coverage). 5G needsto cater for massive deployment of
`Internet of Things, while still offering acceptable levels of energy consumption, equipment
`cost and network deployment and operation cost. It needs to support a wide variety of
`applications and services.
`Comparison of key capabilities of IMT-Advanced (4th generation) with IMT-2020 (5th
`generation) according to ITU-R M.2083:
`Why do we need 5G?__—sWhois interested in using 5G? Related Committees
`Whatare the main usage scenarios of 5G?
`~Howis the 5G standard developed?
`When wasthe 5G standard ready?
`Further 5G Enhancements
`Whereto find the corresponding 5G specifications?|ETSI's 5G Building Blocks
`Related News
`ETSIreleasesfirst O-RANspecification
`Related Events
`Les technologies numériques pour une
`ville intelligente et durable
`ETSI Security Conference 2023
`ETSI Research Conference: Maximizing
`the Impact of European 6G Research
`through Standardization
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Togail Technologies, Ltd
`Peak data rate
`User experienced
`data rate
`Area traffic
`energy efficiency
`Connection density
`5G offers network operators the potential to offer new services to new categories of users.
`Broadcasting/medio delivery:
`= Presentin ETS! but low
`of activity/influence
`we ;
`= inattutional relationship
`- Low standards influence
`Exploration, mining:
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`+ Active in ETSY3GPP
`+ New activity in ISGMBC
`Public Sotety (blue light);
`- Meryactive in ETSI/2GPP
`+ Influentialin CTE standards
`Rail industry:
`+ Active in ETSI
`+ Recentcontributor to 3GPP
`Aeronautical (drones):
`+ Peripheral to 3GPP
`Foctory automation
`lincusiry 4.0):
`= Institutional relationshap
`- Low standards influence
`ITU-R hasdefined the following main usage scenarios for IMT for 2020 and beyondin their
`Recommendation ITU-R M.2083:
`» Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) to deal with hugely increased data rates, high user
`density and very high traffic capacity for hotspot scenarios as well as seamless coverage
`and high mobility scenarios withstill improved used data rates
`¢ Massive Machiie-type Cornimunications (mMTC) for the loT, requiring low power
`consumption and low data rates for very large numbers of connected devices
`* Ultra-reliable arid Low Latericy Cornmunicatioris (URLLC) to caterfor safety-critical and
`missioncritical applications
`which requiresdifferent key capabilities according to ITU-R M.2083:
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Togail Technologies, Ltd
`Enhonced Mobile
`Area traffic
`energy efficiency
`and Low Latency
`Mossive Machine
` ~~ Communications
`Type Communications
` LatencyConnection density
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`ITU-R hasset up a project called IMT-2020 to define the next generation of mobile
`communication networks for 2020 and beyond with the following time plan:
`See also the IMT-2020 schedule and IMT-2020 process.
`At TSG #67 in March 2015, 3GPP formulated with SP-150149 a 3GPPtimeline on how to
`contribute to this 5th generation of mobile networks.
`In connection with RAN #69 in Sep. 2015, 3GPP held a workshop in Phoenix, USA in order to
`inform 3GPP about the ITU-R IMT-2020plans and to share the visions andpriorities of the
`involved companies regarding the next generation radio technology/ies.
`The chair's summary (RWS-150073) formulated 3 next steps:
`e preparation of channel modeling workfor high frequencies
`* a study to develop scenarios and requirementsfor next generation radio technology
`e a study for RAN WGsto evaluate technology solutions for next generation radio
`At RAN #69 in Sep.15, 3GPPstarted a Rel-14 study item (FS_6GHz_CH_model, RP-160210)
`"Study on charirel model tor trequericy spectruiri above 6 GHz". This study completed at RAN
`#72 in June 2016 with the 3GPP TR 38.900.
`Note 1: LTE-Advanced wasso far aggregating spectrum of up to 1OOMHz and wasso far
`operating in bands below 6GHz.This study looks at the frequency range 6-100GHz and
`bandwidths below 2GHz.
`Note 2: The whole contents of this TR waslater transferred into 3GPP TR 38.901 "Study on
`channel model for trequertcies trom 0.5 tu 100 GHz" covering the whole frequency range.
`At RAN #70in Dec. 2015, 3GPPstarted already a Rel-14 study item (FS_NG_SReq, RP-160811)
`"Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access lectinoloyies" with the
`goal to identify the typical deployment scenarios (associated with attributes such as carrier
`frequency,inter-site distance, user density, maximum mobility speed, etc.} and to develop
`specific requirementsfor them for the next generation access technologies(taking into
`account whatis required for IMT-2020).
`This study completed at RAN #74 in Dec. 2016 with the 3GPP TR 38.913 which describes
`scenarios, key performance requirementsas well as requirements for architecture, migration,
`supplemental services, operation and testing.
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Togail Technologies, Ltd
`In March 2016, ITU-R invited for candidate radio interface technologies for IMT-2020 in a
`Circular Letter. The overall objectives of IMT-2020 wereset via ITU-R M.2083 and the
`requirements were provided in ITU-R M.2410likee.g.:
`The minimum requirements:
`e for peak data rate: Downlink: 20 Gbit/s, Uplink: 10 Gbit/s
`e for peak spectral efficiencies: Downlink: 30 bit/s/Hz, Uplink: 15 bit/s/Hz
`* userplanelatency (single user, small packets): 4 ms for eMBB, 1 ms for URLLC
`¢ control plane latency (idle => active): 10-20ms
`Other requirements:
`* maximum aggregated system bandwidth:at least 100 MHz, up to 1GHz in higher
`frequency bands (above 6GHz)
`« mobility: up to 500km/hin rural eMBB
`At RAN #71 in March 2016, 3GPPstarted a Rel-14 study item (FS_NR_newRAT, RP-170379)}
`"Study on New Radio (NR) Access Technology"with the goal to identify and develop the
`technology components to meet the broad range of use cases (including enhanced mobile
`broadband, massive MTC,critical MTC) and the additional requirements defined in 3GPP TR
`38.913. This study completed at RAN #75 in March 17 with the Rel-14 3GPP TR 38.912 whichis
`a collection of features for the new radio access technologies togetherwith the studies of
`their feasibility and their capabilities.
`Note: Includedin this study item were also some RANWorking Group (WG) specific 36PP
`internal TRs: 38.802 (RAN1), 38.804 (RAN4), 38.801 (RAN3), 38.803 (RAN4).
`At RAN #75 in March 17, 3GPP started a Rel-15 work item (NR_newRAT, RP-181726) on "New
`Radio Access Technology". Over time this WI got split into 3 phases addressing different
`network operator demands:
`“early Rel-15 drop": focus on architecture option3, also called non-standalone NR (NSA
`NR) which could be consideredasthefirst migration step of adding NR basestations
`(called gNB) to an LTE-Advanced system of LTE base stations (eNB) and an evolved
`packet core network(EPC)i-e. in this option no 5G core network (5GC) is involved;
`functional freeze: Dec.17, ASN.1 freeze in March 18
`“regular Rel-15 freeze": focus on the standalone NRarchitecture option 2 which would
`be a networkof NR basestations (gNB) connected to the 5G core network (SGC) without
`any LTE involvement; functional freeze: June 18; ASN.1 freeze in Sep.18;
`Note: Originally all other architecture options were supposed to be completedin this regular
`freeze phaseas well. However, due to the extremely challenging time plan apart from option 2
`only architecture option 5 (an LTE base station can be connected to a 5GC) was completedin
`this phase as well.
`“late Rel-15 drop": architecture option 4 (this would belike adding an LTE basestation to
`an SA NR network wherethe control plane is handled via the NR base station) and
`architecture option 7 (this would belike adding an LTE basestation to an SA NR network
`where the control plane is handled via the LTE base station) plus NR-NR Dual
`Connectivity; functional freeze: Dec.18; ASN.1 freeze in March 19;
`Note1: Illustrations of the different architecture options can be found in 3GPP TR 38.801(with
`the caveat that the terminology wasnotyet stable during this study phase).
`Note 2: Rel-15 is distinguishing 2 frequency ranges: FR1: 450 MHz - 6000 MHz and FR2: 24250
`MHz - 52600 MHz; while LTE is operating only in FR1, NR can operate in FR1 and FR2; that's
`why FR1is considered for NSA NR and FR2is considered for SA NR.
`As LTE-Advancedcan fulfill parts of the IMT-2020 requirementsfor certain use cases the
`3GPPinput (called "5G") to IMT-2020 has 2 submissions:
`e SRIT (set of radio interface technologies): component RIT NR + component RIT E-
`UTRA/LTE(incl. standalone LTE, NB-loT, eMTC, and LTE-NR Dual Connectivity)
`e RIT (radio interface technology} NR
`Note: The terms RIT and SRIT are discussed and explained in RP-171584.
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`Splitting Rel-15 into multiple drops turned out to be very challenging, e.g.
`¢ NSANR hadstill non-backward compatible Change Requests in Sep.18
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Togail Technologies, Ltd
`inserting ASN.1 into an already frozen specification requires very high quality change
`requests whichisdifficult under high time pressure
`¢ WGsthat require stable pre-work from other WGs(like RAN4 for RF/RRM and RANSfor
`Testing) are working on instable grounds and struggle even moreto stayin the time plan
`Nevertheless, 3GPP contributedin time to the IMT-2020 schedule shownbelow:
`in Jan. 2018 via PCG40_.11 withinitial characteristics of the NR RIT and NR+LTE SRIT
`in Sep./Oct.2018 via PCG41_08 with the characteristics of the NR RIT and NR+LTE SRIT,
`the preliminary self-evaluation and link budget results and the compliance templates
`in June 2019 via PCG43_07 with the 3GPP 5G candidate submissions of NR RIT and
`NR+LTE SRIT including characteristics, compliance andlink budget templates and the
`3GPPself evaluationTR37.910 (this submission includes further Rel-16 enhancements}
`to step 3 of the IMT-2020 process
`Note: The characteristics templates give a good overview about the considered
`in June 2020thefinal overviews of the 3GPPspecifications via PCG45_07 for NR+LTE
`SRIT and PCG45_08for NR RIT andin July 2020the final specification sets of 2020-06
`(Release 15 & 16) for the transposition of the 3GPP OPs
`| begin of
`jun i: 2018
`13-20Jun aa e.]
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`16-19 Sept
`Rel-16 considered e.g. the following NR enhancements:
`¢ eNB(s) Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN
`e Enhancements on MIMO for NR
`NR positioning support
`¢ 5G V2X with NR sidelink
`¢ Cross Link Interference handling and Remote Interference Management for NR
`e NR-basedaccessto unlicensed spectrum
`e 2-step RACH for NR
`e L1 enhancementsfor NR Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC)
`e UE PowerSaving in NR
`» NR mobility enhancements
`¢ Multi-RAT Dual-Connectivity and Carrier Aggregation enhancements (LTE, NR)
`Integrated access and backhaul for NR
`Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from 5G to 3G
`Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling - NR/E-UTRA Aspects
`Support of NR Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)
`Private Network Support for NG-RAN
`NGinterface usagefor Wireless Wireline Convergence
`e RF requirements for NR frequency range 1 (FR1)
`e Add support of NR DL 2560AMfor frequency range 2 (FR2)
`e NR RFrequirement enhancementsfor frequency range 2 (FR2)
`¢ Self-Organising Networks and Minimization of Drive Tests support for NR
`e NR support for high speed train scenario
`e RRMrequirement for CSI-RS based L3 measurement in NR
`» NR RRM enhancement
`Transfer of luant interface specifications from 25-series to 37-series
`Direct data forwarding between NG-RAN & E-UTRANnodesfor inter-system mobility
`Introduction of capability set(s) to the multi-standard radio specifications
`The Rel-16 stage 3 and ASN.1 freeze was carried out in June 2020.
`Rel-17 considered e.g. the following NR enhancements:
`¢ Further enhancements on MIMO for NR
`NR Sidelink enhancement
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Togail Technologies, Ltd
`e NR Dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS)
`e EnhancedIndustrial Internet of Things (loT) and ultra-reliable and low latency
`communication (URLLC) support for NR
`e Solutions for NR to support non-terrestrial networks (NTN)
`e UE power saving enhancementsfor NR
`« NR multicast and broadcast services
`» Enhancementsto Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) for NR
`« NRsmall data transmissions in INACTIVEstate
`e Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Over-the-Air (OTA) requirements for NR UEs
`« Enhancementof Private Network support for NG-RAN
`Introduction of DL1024Q0AMfor NR FR1
`e Enhanced NR support for high speedtrain scenario for frequency range 1 (FR1)
`* NRsupport for high speedtrain scenario in frequency range 2 (FR2)
`e Further enhancements of NR RF requirementsfor frequency range 2 (FR2}
`e RF requirements enhancementfor NR frequency range 1 (FR1)
`¢ NR positioning enhancements
`e NR coverage enhancements
`* Support of reduced capability NR devices
`e NRrepeaters
`Introduction of bandwidth combination set 4 (BCS4) for NR
`« NR Sidelink Relay
`e NR Uplink Data Compression (UDC)
`» Enhancementof RANslicing for NR
`e NRQoE managementand optimizationsfor diverse services
`Introduction of UE TRP (Total Radiated Power) and TRS(Total Radiated Sensitivity)
`requirements and test methodologies for FR1(NR SA and EN-DC)
`Introduction of UE high powerclasses(1.5 and 2) for various bands and Carrier
`Aggregation combinations
`Introduction of various new bands and Carrier Aggregation/Dual Connectivity band
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`Although most RAN1/2/3 led Rel-18 features were already approved in December21 and
`further RAN4led Rel-18 were approved in March 22, the WGswill focus on the Rel-17
`completion and start Rel-18 work in RAN1 only after March 22 and in RAN2/3/4 only after June
`The Rel-18 stage 3 freeze is planned for December23 and a corresponding Rel-18 ASN.1 freeze
`is intended for March 24.
`Like with GERAN, UMTSand LTEin the past, 5G will be further evolved in the future to address
`the industry and customer demands.
`A list of all 5G related specs(incl. core network and system aspects)is provided in 3GPP TR
`21.205 or use this URL on the 3GPP website.
`Radio related specifications addressing only NR:38seriesspecifications.
`Radio related specifications addressing only LTE:36seriesspecifications.
`Radio related specifications addressing aspects affecting both LTE and NR: 37 series
`Service requirements for next generation new services and markets: 3GPP TS 22.261.
`System Architecture for the 5G system (stage 2): 3GPP TS 23.501.
`Proceduresfor the 5G System (stage 2): 3GPP TS 23.502.
`NR; NR and NG-RANOverall Description (stage 2):3GPPTS38.300.
`NR; Multi-connectivity; Overall description (stage 2): 3GPP TS 37.340.
`NG-RAN;Architecture description: 3GPP TS 38.401.
`ETSI has a number of componenttechnologies whichwill be integrated into future 5G
`systems: Network FunctionsVirtualization (NFV), Multi-access Edge Computing(MEC),
`Millimetre Wave Transmission (mWT) and Non-IP Networking(NIN).
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Togail Technologies, Ltd