`AO 120 (Rev. 08/10)
`Mail Stop 8
`Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In Compliance with 35 U.S.C. § 290 and/or 15 U.S.C. § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`Western District of Texas
`on the following
`filed in the U.S. District Court
`D Trademarks or
`( D the patent action involves 35 U.S.C. § 292.):
`Western District of Texas
`1 10,743,238
`2 10,791,502
`3 10,972,972
`4 11,115,165
`In the above-entitled case, the following patent( s )/ trademark( s) have been included:
`D Answer
`D Cross Bill
`□ Other Pleading
`D Amendment
`In the above-entitled case, the following decision has been rendered or judgement issued:
`8/18/2002 - Text Order Granting # 18 Joint Motion to Dismiss
`Philip J. Devlin
`Copy I-Upon initiation of action, mail this copy to Director Copy 3-Upon termination of action, mail this copy to Director
`Copy 2-Upon filing document adding patent(s), mail this copy to Director Copy 4-Case file copy
`Case: 1:22-cv-02176 Document#: 18 Filed: 08/15/22 Page 1 of 67 Page!D #:308
`AO 120 (Rev. 08/10)
`Mail Stop 8
`Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria. VA 22313-1450
`In Compliance with 35 U.S.C. § 290 and/or 15 U.S.C § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`Northern District of rninois
`on the following
`filed in the U.S. District Court
`li!f Patents.
`D Trademarks or
`( D the patent action involves 35 U.S.C. § 292.):
`1 :22-cv-02176
`Togail Technologies Ltd.
`Northern District of minois
`Motorola Mobility LLC
`See attached
`,.._..._..._ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ,. .,.,_ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...._....,
`'.><;>,. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ~
`In the almve----entitied case, the following patent(s)/ trademark(s) have been included:
`D Amendment
`D Cross Bill
`D Answer
`□ Other Pleading
`I -
`In the above--entitled case, the following decision has been rendered or judgement issued:
`Thomas G. Bruton
`Jannette Nunez
`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~"':-............ ":-':-':-':-:-... s...·
`Copy 1-Upon b.1.itiati.on of action, mail this copy to Director Copy 3-Upon termination of action, mail this copy to Director
`Copy 2--Upon ming document adding patent(s), mail this oopy to Director Copy 4-Case me copy
`t'9 I it,.
`I 6
`~ ;
`I e ... ,.
`N w
`.i... w
`re ....
`~ = *
`Period n
`BCCH Modification l BCCH Modiflcotion : BCCH Modification
`] Period n+2
`I Period n+ 1
`FIG. 7
`Period Boundary
`Period Boundary
`-A___ _ __ A
`;-:.;-.. ~: .. f·:,'.•j:..·.>:-:.,-: ,,·-,.,"":·•:.'~>~:·.-_._,,_.;•:·,>r<.::><•
`Indicated BWP k<,:::::'t·'::JtiitroHAttN~:>,BWP.0:}'.:>:':;:
`.:_,:~~:-:-::··;.\~ f ~,:.~·;>•::~( ~:~~'.-';: {~_-\ i :::<-.-->~ \~:.rL::···~~/-~: >~-;-._:--,. ? ·· i·-,_:·::;\· ·/::?:
`~ ;
`i I a
`~ I ~
`@ 6 ;+t
`~ @
`~ e 0-,
`~ :_ru
`N w
`.i... w
`re ....
`~ = *
`Period n
`BCCH Modification l BCCH Modiflcotion : BCCH Modification
`] Period n+2
`I Period n+ 1
`FIG. 8
`Period Boundary
`Period Boundary
`-A___ _ __ A
`;-:.;-.. ~: .. f·:,'.•j:..·.>:-:.,-: ,,·-,.,"":·•:.'~>~:·.-_._,,_.;•:·,>r<.::><•
`Indicated BWP k<,:::::'t·'::JtiitroHAttN~:>,BWP.0:}'.:>:':;:
`.:_,:~~:-:-::··;.\~ f ~,:.~·;>•::~( ~:~~'.-';: {~_-\ i :::<-.-->~ \~:.rL::···~~/-~: >~-;-._:--,. ? ·· i·-,_:·::;\· ·/::?:
`~ ;
`i I a
`~ I ~
`@ 6 ;+t
`~ @
`~ r.W
`N w
`.i... w
`re ....
`~ = *
`~ ~(cid:173)
`Period n
`BCCH Modification l BCCH Modification : BCCH Modification
`\. ___ ~----'" .._ ________ ).,_
`FIG. 9
`Period Boundary
`Period Boundary
`] Period n+2
`I Period n+ 1
`I ----··y
`··<J.•'._' -.,:· .. ':~'. •,. ~:>>--:;-_ .. .-,,_.:·-·-_. .. 1·· .. ,.·_,-.-.:t
`t,'.. ::.·_:;.{cu:trqt~rA½t.1ye.:;_.,$WB: .. " >;--__ :"~
`.yy,-:>:·:.t\/{</::,.:/·'_;:_''·\/\C:·:< .. ;· .. <-. t::~~:-:=,;:/;?:
`Indicated BWP I
`. . .
`901 903
`U .. S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 2020
`Sheet 10 of 10
`lJ S 10,743,238 B2
`l...._ __ Da_t_a _ ____,
`! nstructions
`./' 1000
`/ 1020
`I Transmitter
`--- 1022
`-- 1026
`' ~----"-"--7
`: Instructions r
`L ________ J
`- 1032
`US 10,743)38 B2
`.!none aspect oftb<! present di~closur-.c, H user 0qmpnwn1
`(1JE) of~, c(mnt,ck{l statt, :is (e(ift!igured. to ,,;c1,,ei,·~, ,1 ;;y:,i:em
`information (SI) ch~wg,, imfa·,,tion lm,m.k:;skd by a p;1g"ing
`via a cu.rnc,nily active himdwidth pan (B\VP} during a.
`1.foxi:i/kation pcr.iod.: lo Wiikh fr,,m i.hc ,,urmotly active
`bm1dw:id1h p.Eirt (BWP) for dat3. trnn~m:ission to mi. .initial
`m:,iv<) H\:\/P fr,r an S! npd;ik: io r~'>-'~ive rem;iining min.irrmm
`SI (Ri\.:lSI) vi;., the initiHl iKt'tw B\VP during ;, next modi(cid:173)
`firn!:ion period tfmt imincdi,ildy follows the inodj/katinii
`H> peril)d .. 1he RJVf:Sl indnding infornmt.i,)n 1:1~socwu:d ·with
`ckmged sy,a.~m information biiJ<.cb (S!Hs); to deieni1int,
`which qft!li.:.' d:,imged 818~ !S n:,<J))irtcd !O he 1.wd;.)tcd for ifo,,
`UF.; and to rec;:ive c.cmtelll nf ih,: requirt:-tl changed SIB,
`based on the determination.
`Thi~ ;ipplicMion.ckrirns the b,mdh f,f,md priority to U-S.
`Pmvisinnal Applic;itirm No. 62i58!i5'.iR fik'<-i on Nov. J 5,
`2017 anJemhkil "S'YS!I•:t',.,·l lNFORJ\,l/ffION UPD.-lifE !N
`BWP S\VITCH OPERi\TlON,'' (hereinaikr reforroo to us
`"US723 l 5 Hpplkation''). 11",e ,fad,:isuro of the l.IS72'.H5
`application is hereby incorporated fully by reference into lhe
`pr~'"si:nt tli~~•to~nr-.;~,
`The pn,,sent disdr,rnre ~enernlly .rel;lte~ tn a rn,,illl',d lhr
`hm1dwid1h part sw:iiching opcraii.(ms pc.rformed 'by a user
`;;,,q,iip:mt,n! ,l.nJ ,l~t:'I ,,quipimmt p(nforming th,: imnK'.
`hi a cdlD!ar ndwork.. a UF-spt'i:ifo.: Slcrving ,,dl may
`ccmfigun., (HK' <)r rnort:' bamhvidth pm:b (B\VT',;) in downiink
`mid upllllk rnspe,,1ivdy for ,1 UE hy d,x!k:mlo'd RRC s.igrnd ..
`ing. Orn: !he oth<..'.r h<tud, ;; UF n:my be ;i!locato;xl to with a!
`mo,!. onc<Jctive DL BINPand~)nc;;;ctive TJLH\.VP ma given
`time by ilw c:dl. A ;;in.gk, sd,;;;xhdd downlink i:on!wl
`infrmmrtion (DC!) may b;.., appfo::d to swiuJung from om.,
`acth-'t~ B\VP to anotht~· fr!r· i::lll op.i;'!11tj11g l}E.
`For a UE, .in inifo1l acctiw: DL B\.VP i~ ddlne<l a~ ihe
`frcqu;:m::y lm.:mion mid baudvddtl1 dt.1:lk:a1ed for hm,idcas!(cid:173)
`ing: re.waining minimnm SI (RMSIJ. \Vhen the N\V ~ci1Js to
`a Cnnnected. .. UF a ,ysitc:n1 inf;;,rn1;ition (Sf) du,ng.l, indk:;i(cid:173)
`iion tha1. 1:iotifies t.)f sysie.m infi.)rnwli,;n chang~c, the Cmi•
`m:dctl .. UI:' im1y IJiJv,: !.(.' ~'"iwh from the eu,nmlly aetiv<:
`13.\\.J> ro rhe inltbl nnivc BiVP for ;i.,'ce,ssing tilt' R.l'vtS1 nnd
`upcbi.ing to the chmiged SJ lf ,hert' is no Sf hrnadrn:,iing, nn
`th,' c,in·cn!ly ,K,tiv,, · n \VR F1;rtlwm1or,,, th<: Conncch:il.JJE
`1n:1y nol sut-i:i::,:;;sfo!ly- rni:npletc Bl updatl, irtbere is no c.km:
`UE beh,1v.ior ddko,:'d :for B 'WP s·w itching_. :\s" resuh o fHl'VP
`s,viiching inahifoy tirnh!i:tn, ihc UE muy not h;;,, Bhk to
`l.ljl!fatt:, sysk·m infon:nmion.
`.i>..ffp(,,.:ts of th.: l'.K1,m1rlm:y di.~do~url'. ,m:?. best midcrs1<:iti;l
`from tb" fi)_llm;vin.g det,ilkd d,:;,;,::ription whe.n 1-e,id with the
`:,, .1ccmi1pm1ying ligui,..~, \'l;rious :fomuR~s :,rt:. noi drn,q; to
`:K:ilk, dimeu~i,_;J1~ pf Yatfoll$ foaturcs may b,: ,iJbitnu:liy
`incrt~ast':d o:r redu1,,,x.~d for cJ~:rit:y of i:Jl~cus:ih111,.
`.FIG, l i~ <> $(:fa,i:mHic ~fo~grn.m :dlustniting ,l HWP swiidt·
`-in.g C>fl<c-':l't1i.ion fr,r a Cor,nccti::-d .. Ul:; dne t,~ r<c---ccivlng ,m Sl
`JS dwng,e
`inJicati,_;i\ in ac:c:ord.am:c with one. ~,xe.mphry
`c.mb<:;dim,m! of 1J1c pr,a,~i:.~lt ,fo,dosm~~-
`fI(i, 2 i, ,1,;c:h(,n:1.itk di,,grnm illu~tn,ting ,t B\.VP ~witdi(cid:173)
`in,s_ ClJlCGJfam to:;r ,, Cotmccti.'<l .. UE dne to r,xx:iving an Sl
`dmnge \ndka!:ion.
`in mx,on:lanc:e ,villi om~ e.K~mpl;i.ry
`30 :c.rnlx>dinK~nt oft~ pJ~:?t.~ni i::JfK:~D~lxr::::T
`FICL 3 is a sch0mc1ti;.: diagram i1hmrmi:ng a B\VP ~w1ti.:h(cid:173)
`i11g opcrnti()n for ,: Connedi:.'-d_ UE chic to reo:,iving ;.m Sl
`indirn!ion in ac,.x,rd,mce wiih Me e~;empktC)'
`embodi11i.e111 of the pres(,Hi disdosure.
`F!O, 4 ii; .i ~,:h.::,mrti;.'. di;,gr;1m ilfo~lrn,ing ~t BW P ~witdi(cid:173)
`ing opetatinn for ti Crmne.cikxl..,UE due t-;J n:cdving an SI
`dinnge indirntlrn1 in acc,,rdance ·wii11
`,,ne exempfo.ry
`.. -n:i!mdimem of Ult:, prc~e.nt Ji'ld,1~urc.
`FIG, 5 is a schenmtk~ diawam illn~trailng t, B\.VP swild,(cid:173)
`-:~o lng opi:~nition for· a c:orHH:~;te<t_lJE dut": 1.0 ret·x~h··ing fHl SJ
`in acci.)r'Ci.dt1cc 1,,v.ith.
`,chatigc Jndic~tHQn
`t·n1c ~xe:n1plnr;f
`~mbodime.nl (if thi::~ prcscrn di,;dm,urc .
`.FIG. 6 ls a sch~m,~1k diagram illustrnting a B\VP s,viieh·
`ing <JfHc'rn!i,\n fr,r " Conn;,-,_:icd ... 1.TF d:w !\> n:;.-s:iving an SJ
`4S dmngc
`i:nJicati,,n iu ac:c:ord;.im,e- with one. ~,xc.mp!m:y
`i:.:~1r~}Klt~!1n1~nt of th:-'-:~· ph:-::.0n1. di~ck:isJJ_r~"'
`FIG, 7 is ~i sdl<llrnliic Ji~1grnm .illustn.,ting il IWd) switch·
`i.ng {.•p,,rnti<m fbr ,1 (}Hmc~:1,x!_JJE dm., to rect,iving a public
`\YHming systi<,m (P\VS) notificm.ion indication in iK;.,orJarn:e
`V! ,Yilh ,}me c:s:t,mplar:y ;;.,mb.odimo::m (if tht., preson disdosml'..
`FIG. 8 is ,1 sd1~~11atk db1t.rum lHuslrn,i.n:,: a BWP sv,1ikh(cid:173)
`ii1g ,)pcn:,ti<.m for a 0)nnectc·J.J.!E due h) r;cdving;, pnhlic
`waming sy~krn (P\VS) notifo:atit,n indkatii:,n in a,~onforK't'
`,1dih oni..:' e~;~cJ11pfory "-'ltib<)dimeni nf th"~ pt-eseui disdosvre.
`FlG. !l is u i,chem;,tlc dfr,g.rmn mn~trMing a B\VP w"itt:ha
`i~; 1.,p~,rnti<..m for ii (\,nn,,ctl:'tLUE due to tccdving n p1.1biic
`wicimii:ig ;;ystcm (P\VSJ noh!ication indi;.,ation iu B<::<::ordmi,,c
`wifh one ,:xt'1npkrry ~,i.nbodimcm of th<c.~ present J.isdosure.
`FlO, .IO i~ a 'bl,Jck dlngx,m:l ;)f n dcvi~>;) fi.)r win:lt~;,,
`comm1mi,;.,;;tk,n in. actI:<i:d,mce. wit11 rnrfr.•DS e..mbodim"'nb trf
`Th,, prc~ent di.~dosutic'. L, dirci:t,,d t\1 bm1dv,1id.1.h pmt
`(B\VP\ switching <.)p;;,,rnti(i!i~ in nmjum.:iion with syst1.:?m
`·in:f~).rnl:atk1n np,dat.~~ fb.r ;:t: nsx~r ~~qu.iptnent.
`In (,rn~ ,t$pl'i'l of !he present dinck,$U!<:, a lXldhod for
`batidwidth part (BiVP) tiperHiiow, performed. by a U%'r
`"~quipt!KclH (UE,l ()f a comK,cted. ~tate is pn:ivH.kd. 'lhe
`infr)n11Htil~n (S{j ss
`i..-:nntpriJ{:3~ n,"::ce·ii-: . .:.ing ;i
`di;:lng~ lndkatio.n hfoadc;i:iied hy n p,lJ,d11g vfo "' cI1rtently
`ac:tive bm,d>YiJth pmt (!J\VP} during il m,,difa:;llion r~0ri,)d:
`,wi,d1in2, from tht.~ nm-e:rnly nefrve b;.)11dwidth JJ<Ht (BW-P)
`for daia !ransmi~~irm tn an iniii,11 ad.iv,, B\VP for an St
`!lpdtiic; i-ecdving remaining minimum SI (RMS!) vfa !he:>
`iuili;;i! ttctive nwp di.wing ,1 n~xt modifkation perk,ct that
`imn1,,diwdy fo!knvs th,: rnodilkation period, ttrn RtvlSl
`im.:]uding infom1t1!io11;fisoda1ed wi!h cha1w:.:,dsvstc,m inlbr(cid:173)
`n:wtion b!o;,,b (SlBs); d(,[t'trnining. wl1idt of tlit' dmagcd
`sm,., h; req1Jir1;.'<.i lo Ix~ ui~d..::i:ted for th;,;, UF; and rccdvfop. ,;:;
`content of the rcquirnd dKtttged SH:h ba~cd N1 tht- ddenni-
`The followin~ ,k:;,:riptkrn coniains spe,,Hk i.nfoi-rn,,ik,n
`pertaining to exemplary lmpknientations in the pt<.,:stni
`di;;d()SUR'. Th;;,, .dn.,..,ving$ in !he pn::~i'.!li dis,:fo,;,m:: and th~cir
`US 10,743)38 B2
`l ~;
`,lix,nmpanying dewi.bl desc:riptinn me direl,J:ed 10 mci:dy
`ex.cmplary impkmcntmwns. However, the present disclo(cid:173)
`sun;: i~ not limiK~l k, rn,,rc:ly these ;;.,Mmpfory impkm(:ul<1·
`tii)_ns, Othc.r ,m'iBiions and .implcmentatio.n:. or 1he present
`di,dosur<c' ,vill .r::c,'ni" tn lhos/! skilkd in th,i ar! Un.lei<& iwt<'d
`oth~r,,,isc, like (ff c:m:rc~pornhng etemems among the tlgun:;~
`may be indic,Wd by Hh, or (:or.m~pomling rnforem:e irnmt:r•·
`ab, 1-.torcovn~ th.:, drawing~ and illus:tmtirn1~ in the 1:ircscnl
`di~d(lsurc arc g,m.crnHy no, t;; s~:ak:, ,md arc nnt ink,ndt:d to
`cotre;,pond to actual relative dimern,ions.
`~{lu.::: de$cript-!on 'lise~ the _phr-.:tst~s· ''it-1 on~ in1.plenH;:nt.:ifion-: .,'\
`or "in ~ .. mw impkmNHatiom." which may each mkr lP on,\
`,1r HKH'<::tJf ihc: <;lmw m: dilli::n.,nl impkmcm;;tiom. Th;;., tt:'nn
`".::crnpk~" h defined a~ CQ!lllCCtc.'J, w'hctlwr directly m
`.iri~:lir.;.:x~tly th~1Jugh intet"i-·'e~1ing ~-on"rpc..1r1-t2:t1;l$~ ~J.niJ l:; J<t)f. nx"t..>
`c~~urily 1imil<.-X! 1,J physical C(1nncctinn~. The l1;n11 "mmpri;;~
`in!?;," ,vhcr, mifr?:t,d, 1w:-;:m~ '·induding, hut nnt necesrnrlh
`limited ,o''; it ~pce.i!kally indi~c,iks opim-,,nd'c'd irnJu,ii.).H o:r
`nrnrnhcl'.\ihip in th.: so-descrikd ctm1bina1i6n, grnBp, ;;cdc:;
`<md th;:;~ equiv.8kut
`Jt i~ noted \J:wl th;;., li:::rm "awl/or" imJuJcs ,my m1d all
`c;.c1mhi11HtiNlfr of c,m., nr m(>r,:, ofth;;.: ,issocialed fo.tt'\.l itern,.
`lt wiH ,,:!w h .. , tmderstood H:t,,t, ,,ltlK,ug.h ,he ierms fir,,i,
`:;<:.'¢~)nd, ihh'd <:etc. may 11~, nscd .h.::rdn io d,i;;,;;'i-=h,<:'• v:frkr:i,,;
`ek:.nwnt~, compmw:ms. t'cginM, pans ,a,dior ;;t:~dons, th0$<:: JS
`;ilcrn,mt~, c,)rn1xm<:ei1t,;, regi,:,u,,, parts and/or sc:c:tion" sll,>uld
`not he lirnitc:d by the:,1:., t.:n:m. These terms are n11ly u~o:d to
`di;;;iag1.~i;,l1 .one ~knwnt, ,>1m1p<.1rn.mt, r ... ,gion, p;;n or s,;.-clfon
`from ilnothcr o::l.:,rn~nt, ,x,rnpon;;:nt, .r<ighm, hty•tr nr S<c-ctio.t1.
`Thu,, ,l hr>i ,d~·m,:nt. ,x,mpoiie!lL tegi,m, pmt or s,x;tion
`<lisc1.1s~cd hd(!w ,,-.-,uJd he Wnn~xl B :,1:.,.x,nJ d.:.•ms::,nt, l·<.m1~
`pmwnt region, layer or st~:iion with<)lll dqx1rting from the
`ti:'ach.iug~ ,,,f th1:.1 pr,:scm dii,ck,sm<::.
`It should be noied lhBt, in the present discln,m~, a UE
`irwy :i.ndudi.:.'.- bui i;, not limited to, a rnobik1 ,tition, a m,)hik
`;m:min;il or devke. a w.;er C(1m.mnnic;ition mdhl t,1nwinal. l\,r
`example, ;.1 UE nrny he .a porwhk rndin ,x1uipment, wh:i\.'h
`include,, but is not limited to, a mobile phont:, a tablet, a
`wc~,rnbk;:.k1vice, a ,;~,n$lif. a 1wmmal digitHl ,:15si,im:H (PDA),
`ot 11 tekvisl<Jrt dbpfay with wirekss ,;:onununication ecip,l(cid:173)
`bilhy. The UE is collligurcd to rnccivic and. transmit signals
`over ftn ~~rir inh:':rfri.Ge· :io one or inr~re cx:n~ in ;."'.: radio acee~s
`BWP inac:tivi1y timer) m opcr.ite on an ini;ia! m:llve DL
`BPW able to reeerve tlm co111ent ol changed Sl reqmred for
`tlK, UF SI l11xMt~, The UE i1rny ,ibn h,.r\.'i: m1 uplink (UL)
`H\VP for UL d@l transm:issirni and ;m inili.a! ,ictive UL
`\\:'11hin nrh bro;Jdc;;ist ·ec~ntrol c_:}i;1r1nel HH.'>c.-lifk~1.tio1,
`pcriDd (denoted a,,; BCCH rnrn:!ilkatior1 period n), tile UE
`1m1y ope:ram on the incHeated HWP as 1he cun-~,ntly active
`H\VP for <l;;tH trans:mi;i~i(,u :1c:l·(1rJing to U. signaling,
`The Sl diangc: indic~ation i~ ,;::m w ,he U[ hyp,igrng(,qi;,,
`10 a Short Messagej from the NW w lrile the UE opemtes 011 the
`in.dil>:iit.'<I B\VP. &pedfr,~ally, th,, UE rec:t::ives indi~,ations
`:.1br,m SI i1mdificmion,: ,m(l/nr PWS llllti!'k:lliorn, u,;ing Sih)fl
`~ks$age 1nw~mi1tcd wi1J1 P~RNTJ ov~,r (.kNmliuk cm1trd
`rnforniation (DC{). A! .101, upon K~:,~iving lhc Sl d1,mgc.,
`.it:1.d.ict,tiofi.~ lJF H"H)Y ~\'i-.. ·ht'::h .itfft.11:~.d.int~Jy· to ,.he inhlal n~t$ ... /e.
`B\VP Crom th;;.' indicated B\VP dnring BCCU m,,diil1;.'.ation
`1,eriod n TI1e ST dumge in.dkation is med io inform ihe UTI
`th,!! \tl1:.'rc .i,; <• sy$li;'lll rnforrm1tw11 dimip.d,) or vpJ,itds},
`;rnd may be car.ricd ,1~ rmr, of iht: Short /1.,·k:s,;ng,~, Then, RRC
`:,, ,;ubby(,r of the NVl m,iy inform ih;;: PHY s·uhbyer that the
`rmging !ms he;:n sen! to ,fa, UH imJ tli,, $iYi,ching nftht UE
`to the initial ,Ktive B\VP hM h:t'll perfoirmx!. S(,, lhe N\V
`:may ~1\>!? sending to ifa, UE ~my othu L! sign;;iUng: i\.g:.,
`i=')C ~) t~l~: '.~{\~f:f:~,v.it~:hirig. r.sp~tBtions,
`After svd1chlng lo the initial activ;: !TWP,. the UE may
`~·,mtimK; to stay ,)ll t!J;;_, iHiti,il a(:fri<.' ffWP until BCCH
`modilkmion p:eri,)d n+ l ernk Th,· E!('CTl irmddkalion
`pt:tio<l lH l h'mnc,,;.fo'\tdy follow~ llw HCCf! modi!kati,)n
`pt:riod .n in.tl.m;;: $Cqo..:ncc. Altliuttg}i the UE fom $\Vi,,,hcd iu
`w tht initfal ,,ctlve !W-/P at cert,1in timlng (e.g., at 101} within
`HCCH m,xMkmi,)o p,,,-i,,d n, i, i!i
`in th;;, n~,:i-J BCCH
`rnQdific,,ifon p~~riod n+l thai the UE p~·rfotms tht, ;;yskm
`intbnm,tfon iicqui~itbn w llpt.fatc to di~uigcJ ~y~te,n inl};r(cid:173)
`mmion. 111 modifk,,tion petiud n+ 1, the UE may r.e.;;eive
`,:;; !m,.:,d.::a$! rcm,1ii1ing minimnm syskm information (RMSI)
`tf,rrying in:fotnrntinn ;J~;,;odat~xl. \Vith efo,nged i;y~tem in.for(cid:173)
`rmiticm bh.x:k~ (SH-kt vh1 th: illi.foil active H\\rP mid perfixrn
`the SI upciate(s) according to the information. The RMS! is
`al;:;.,, known a, SIBl (~v,tcm ink,rmati<:m hlo-;k n. 11:ie UE
`.,;c, m,,y ri:.X'e!Yt' tht' RMS(,,,t c"ll-Win i.ime p<.rim in mf.•difk._ition
`period n+ 1 (e.g., Bi il1e st:u1 timc point of the modifk;;,ti,m
`period JH 1 ). A.fter recdving !he R 1\-lSl, the UF may deter,
`mine which oftfo:, changed SIB(s) is (or ar0)roquii·<.>d for Hw
`SI 1.1pdak,($) :::.wording to tlK n,,,dvm.'l infomiatirnL For
`4S ;;.,:,;m:npk, t!K, Ub nrny id;:ntiFy <Jne or more of tht, dmngt':i.l
`SHJ(~) th,« the UE req1Jirt-s ii.,r the ST np<latefa}. The,1. the UE
`i-11ay n::c:eive the i::(mt,:mt(s) of th~, dlilngt,d $Hh which are
`idontilkd as bdng r~'quiid for !he S1 up,fat,::(s} based on the
`det.erminafion. For anntht·r ~,xmnpk th,: UI1 miry kb1i.if1
`V! mx1,: nfth;:.- -;hmigcd S llfa :i,; t<a:qu ir;:.-J to updlltt:: and may not
`p~:d<.>i"nc ;my 81 upd;nds). Th,, UF n};Iy not updat,;, ih<.:,
`dwng0d S!B(;;j ba50d on the identification within HCCH
`modHk,,ition J)<)riod n+ 1
`Aftt'r th<' UE q.:,mpkt<,i, the Sl tlpd,il;;.i,), ihC N\V nwy
`ss iee-mke cHntml 1Jverthic B\VP ~witching of the UE on ,h~, end
`o:f HCCH modi:tk~·li.ifol ·ps::,.do<l .n+ 1 .
`In this .. ,:s;;.s, siEK'<i' 1hc NW may knc,w !IK1 UE by ddirnh
`will eompkte ll1,, SJ ut1d;,1tc within modific:,timl p,1rk~d 1H i ,
`llic PHY suhfayer may re-t,1h' con!W!l nv;;,r the B WP ~·witch(cid:173)
`fo.g r;Jkr BCCl1 modi!k,,itkm picriod n+J. ;;:nd~. Th,,,:.:forc, n!
`l t.U on th" ending h('>~Uld,ny ,xf lMdiffo,,tion 1wri<.•<l n+ l th~
`N\V r,,~rnkcs the H\V!-' s,vikhing: op~·t,,1ion~ by sending U
`.~ignalfog tr, switdi th~, ipiti,il ,ictiv1:, B\\'P to a. HWP for
`subs,x1u"1J1t data tmn,,mi;:sion.
`111 oni:l ~mhmfo11<:e.nL. thc ci.1rrn11tly active B \VP h;Jppcns h)
`be tho initiill nctlw BW'P. 1n !ll:lsca~c, it is.not .tK~essm} th.Hi
`a BWT s1-viR,hing ,.rp_tti;,ti(i.i;, if iil\'C)N'.hJ for updMing th~, SI
`A h::i.w sMi(,n may indwk, !nit i~ not limikd t,) a noJ;;:, B
`(NH);;~ in 1h.:: Ul\-ITS, .m t,vc,h-cd node H (cNH) a;; in ;he
`! .. TE-.<\.,,\ radio m'twotk contmlkr (RNC) a, in ihe UJ\,HS,
`.a lmse ~kilion o::ontr<:>lkr (HSC) a~ i;l the (:;SMiGElV\N, ,W
`NG-,,NB a$ in <ln E-UTRA b,is,, ~V;1tio11 in co.tmectiort with
`tk :5GC, ;1 ne~;I g,;;'nl:rntfon node B (gNB) ,w in the 50
`Access N>.:.>,work (50-.<\N), and any nth;;,r apparnt1rn -;,ipahk:
`uf euntr,1IJ.ir,g .rnd.io ,x:,1,1n;rn1itatlon with. cdfofor prwii.i,mit,g
`t1:.xclmok,gy mid !Hllrtaging ra<lio re&oun.c.e~ wiil:dn a cell. Th<;':
`b}1~e ~taifon may c,mmx:t to ;.:erve die one (l!' mo1,~ !JE~
`.through ·~l n1~bt.1 irik~rfri:ct~· to the tieh~-'Ott~
`!none ~,inhixliment ,lfi:he pms,;mt di;;dil~l.m\ a Coml.<.::d··
`<.'cd.J.fF m,'ly imp!id1ly ~w.it,;.'li hl an i.niifol ;ictive B\VP np,m
`.w,,eiving ,l system infrimrnlion (SI) ~·h,mgt, iwJiciHion
`btoadc,i;;w<l hy in,ging from n~llubr 1K~i,1'ork (i'f\:V). The SI
`change indicinion indic:,11,1, ,l Sl ehang:e!modification and
`notifk, the UE to updMi:;- io the chtmged Sl ff1-cquircd by ,ho ,;,)
`UE, This i~,;uJt,; ln r~>:h.Ktlm, d. i-cdi1nd;:int L l sig.naling for
`.swi;d1in,i:i, from ,i cun'ently ;i~ctiv;;,, B\VP t<.1 llw initial activ,,
`B\VP for tbt, UL fo FIG. L a. 13\VP s,'iikhing operntion for
`a Com1<':,,!i;'i.CUE dut' to nx,ei,,ing :in SI chang,1 im:l-k,nion :i,;
`il.lu;;im!<:.'<:!. ln DL, th~, lJE m;iy c,perntc <'>ll. an indicated HiVP ,;:;
`tis nirretH!y ,ictivt.: DL BW'P for DL ,bin n11.1.1smisskm (i.:'.g ..
`b,i~o:::cl ,.,n RRC ,xi.nhgurniion, DCJ ,x,n!rd ortlk bcfo,vmr for
`US 10,743)38 B2
`when ['l;'Ceiving the SI d1;mgt1 imfa:rn1(11i. For example,. ,he
`C( 1lllwd,,d UE hR, ,ci!n,ady lw0u (1rt th,: in:iti,1[ a;;,twt, DWP ;;i:,;
`,_·uucul:ly adiv.:: BWP h,,c,w~c ,)f .::ertain on•goin,'i; $t'fl'J(;'%
`-in modi!katinn p-er1od n ;:md wlll ,,ti1y nn the initial act-iv,,
`¥{r\(l} ~q ·-:l~~~(f.(_'ffi.n ·.1:/:~}1..';nl ln.fr:1~-Yf1;~tio1~, ~;cq:tJisjtion lQ ~~on.duct
`the SJ uJ;,fate in BCCH mo-tljfa:aiion perk,d n+ l. The PHY
`,uhlBycr o l'the NW may ;.,nn:;;id,1· ihe completenes,; of ihc S !
`_B}~t'.1t~k~ in. iht;. ~f~JJt~~¼}'.~ __ t!}:;~i~t}~:,;~I~~\\~~"::tj_(:-::_.n1-'1 . ~~11~n~ _:h~
`PHY wbfaym: o:Y°fliE'i':l'W';°rfaY h'-iiRc dii)fro·l l'lvc,r the B 'NP
`·;;witching opcrntion on the <:'nd of BCCH Enodi:tkathm
`period n+l.
`in .(,I1"' (-i_mlxxll.nrnnt ;he ·un ni.ay b,a, only p<:'nninoo 10
`receive (he Shorl Message of the paging on lhe initial active
`H \VI-', Fm: example, imsed <Jn tk f!<-i giug frnn~(;: and rrnging 1"
`0 ... 1:.,~i,)n dNiv ... '<l froin ,m a~si:;ciswd UE lD snd pcr-cnnfig•
`m~d pBrnm,,ter~, tfo.' Shnrt lvl,~,,11g.,! rnrn1ot lxi hmmk:maed
`(.Ill olher BV{P~ buttht' inhfol Hdiv;;.~ B\VP, On occasions, th(,
`UE may ,;·witi:h 1-<-1 th,: initi.,.,) .,,,rive BWP ,mi(>m,\tiG,li!y w
`ck"!<Xct whdh;;:r then: is a Short !Vkssage Hnd receiving the :,,
`Shoi-t !\-k,;;iigt, . .!f t('<.,eiving the SI ehmige indlc.at-inn cnn-.ied
`in the Short M<',S,,ge, the UE imiy st,ty on th;;., inifr1l ach,1e
`B\VP k,r th<.:' ~1c1h:;.(:.qu(:fll Sl updati,' wiihout the unxl for
`addiliomil HWP .:J\\i:hd1in.g. lJrece·iving. no Sho.rt ~fo;:sage i).r
`no SJ diange lndic:ltio.n ~·nnid in the Shor1 Mes:l.:lgc, the UE JS
`imiy ,;wltdi b:1ek lo llw prnvimi~ tKlh·c H\VP ,·villKmt
`invulv.::meni of lhc NW . .Alto:malivdy, the UE .nmy no!
`s,vi1d1 bii,;k hut shry ()fl the ini1bl 2ctiv.;, HWP ,ihet mi:,Ji(cid:173)
`fk,itiun f>"'riod u+ .l e.mk ·wailing for ll<:'X! L.l $.igrn,.ling fo)rn
`the NW (<~.g" DU) for BiVP swh.ehing.
`in O!l<' nnb,xfo:rnmt of th<:l prt.',Nnt disdosure, the C,,n~
`nt'>-'t,xl UE mJiy f<.:.~:dbad, .. to the NW wllik th1;' Sl t1pd~1tc is
`.::om.pkto:d, and ilw NW rm,y ie-iak<: c,,niml ,;,v,:r the BWP
`s,vilching immediately upon receiving the feedback. In FIG.
`2, ,1 BWP ,,witdling 01wr,:1tion for ,m RRC-comwded UE
`dut~. to 1t}c~iv·ing an SI th:.:fftgt~ ind1cath:m. J·~ "Jllu:;ti~j1(:~L :--rhi:.:~
`UE m;,y (ipern1e on an indic~tcd B\VP a~ cmrnnlly active
`UWP for data transmission or operate on an initial active
`BVl>V ahk tn tt'Cciw tllt, contcat of di,m.gt~J SI rcquinxl for
`the UE SJ up,hh'. \Viihin modifi,wlon p,~riod u. tll<.:' UE m«y
`operate on the indicated B\VP for d:1ta transmissil111 accord(cid:173)
`·ing tn LJ ;-;ignaling.
`Th,:, SI ch.ingc indkaiion fa sent k- th,i UE 1-ly f'il£.!nl?, (~,g ..
`,l. Short .Mes.sage} frtim tbs, N'N while the ur nrny opc.i:;itc
`on 1hc indi,<li<:d BWl', At20.1, upon ,:.;.x_,~,iving lhc SI ,~hm1gc
`'l11dka.t1(H.1 .. UF may irn;itd.1 !o the initial adj,,,, B\..VP imme,
`diritdy frorn the indi(,atcd HWP in HCCH nmdificatiou
`p,~rk,cl. n. TlK, ST drnng,, indic,ition is u5,,,J to inforrn th;;~ UE
`1:h<n tht'rc !5 SI change(~) orupdato:(s), and may be can-ied a,,;
`pm:, of Short !'1.-:k~,;age iu th~, pBging. Then, RRC suhlny;.::r of V!
`the N\V .m;iy l.nfotm !1-,(;, PUY ~uhl;;y.:::1- that th,, p;,ging has
`h't."ll sent to the UE and the swiiching of the UF 10 the initi,il
`a,,tivt., BWP has b0en performd, Sn_ th(, N\V mny gtnp
`s,;;..'liding io t!u: U.E ,,ny oth,"l· L.l ~C1gi1,di11g l'<:,r H\..VP s,,,-ii.c.hing
`opt,rations, tttK! wa\t :for ihe UF t,mdhn.ck indk;iilng ,lie ss
`,,ompkti:lness. of th.; Sl update.
`After switching to the initial active BWP, the UE may
`coniimK, to siay on ihe i.nitlal ;:ittiv<:: B \\'I' until tb,, up,fot.;, to
`-Sl ls complett'<-1. At 2M, the UF completed tht' SJ upd,ii.e if
`r«Jnif,'d nnd focdh,-;d,. 10 i:h,;; N\V !h;Jt th.;; system inform,,-
`tion \lrd,,tc fa rnmpl'c't!;'d by· m1ding @ SJ updat'c' comp!ct.0
`imlkmion. Upon n:.'l.:dving th~, S! ,ipdi:M co.mpkk: lndlca•
`tim:t as the HE Jh::dhad,, tfi~, PITY ;;uhl,iyer of the NV>/ may
`re-tiih' <::{;Intro! .:1v.c~r tlK B\VP BWitc:hing (>j)t"l·ini(ln imirnx!i(cid:173)
`nidy ... '\iihrnigh 1he U:E has io opd'a!" rni. tlw in.itbl ;3ctive ,;s
`BWf' for the SI update in DL ll1e N\V may be ,till able to
`Nhi::cluk dm;, !i:im~mi,;$ion on th~, initi,il ,v.;tiv~, H\VP.
`The UE foedbad: of S[ update eompl~tt~ may h~' sew hy
`L ! ~igrmling (vi,t PUCCH) (Jr by ~'Li\C,CE 1,cill~rniii~ion ori
`:m tiplink iVI..) BWP rmirt><l ,•..-ith 1he inifoil achv~~ DL BWI'.
`If u,ing Ll slg1~:1ling, !he upper sublayer (c.g, RRC) of the
`UE mny inform PHY ,l1hlaycr ihat the Sf 1ipdHtc i:; rnm(cid:173)
`pkkd, and foe UE PHY subkiyt"l· nrny foedh;;,,,k h lo ilw N\V ..
`The N\V may nHake c,JJl!ml c,wr ihe H\..VP s,vitdrlng after
`t,'cdving thx, kx..'<.-lh,ick in N\V PHY sub.lnyi:!r. AlternMivdy,
`if w~ing !'vl-:'\.CCE fn111$i1:ri58·i.-m. !ht~ npp>"r st1hlaycr or Hie
`UE m,iy inform IV1A.C s..,ibbycr thm th,~ ~y~!em i.nfor:malion
`upuatc is complck\l, und the lJE .\\·l.AC sublayer may foecl(cid:173)
`h,id:i: .it to th.i N\V. Th~~ N\V nmy .rn-1nke co11i.ml lW<:'f the
`BWP switching once receiving Lhe feedback in N\V MAC
`In ,11w 1:nibndimc:m ,,fth1: pr,.-,~c:.m disck)~l!t\\ up,)n rc(:<:iv(cid:173)
`in.g Hit> SJ ~hrnigg in.di,,11t1on, ll1~ UE may nol switdi to th,\
`initial i1ctivt' BP\V until th~ emtx,nt BCCH 1nod-ilic,tlion
`periNl end;;. l:n FIG. J,;, HWP s,Yitchin,:i: orerai.ion for an
`RRC ... connccted UE due 10 rt.'l:'fiving. ,ln Sl ch.:i:nge indics(cid:173)
`Hrni. is il)11~tra.txl:. The. UF mny oiwrn,,J on ,,i) irnii<.::ll!ed l-3 WP
`,1s (:m-r,-;i.H!y at,,iv(' B\VP for d,1ta lran-sini,sion or opt'l,Ht' on
`an initi,,i ,ictlve BP\V iib:le io r\~cein .. , t1:-it' coment ofdwnged
`sr reqll.iti:xl :for th« UE sr npdili0, Within BCCH 11ll1dHka.(cid:173)
`tion p-etiod n, the UE may ope.rate on t!ie indi,;:i\k:d B\VP for
`dat1i trnnsnfr,~ion ,,i::wrding to !..l $igrn.iling,
`The SJ dwn.g:e indit.,ntion is ;;::m to ih<' UE bypag.i.ng(,,:,.g:,,
`~1 S.!\or! t\•:ki>s,,g;.;,) fr<.)m 1he N\V vd1ifo the UE mi-ly ,)p~mt~
`ou lhc i.l1dic;;,icd H\VP. /\.t JOl,. up,m f<c'Ccivi.ug tli;.:, Sl cl,an.g(:"
`w iJ1dicMkm, UE imtY wntim1e to :,lav on th"' indkatNl. BWP
`inst::mJ or° switchir;g imm<:dimdy tc:, tilt, initi,11 adh'~, B\VP:
`Ilwn, m<, UE switch,~~ io the i:nifol auiv:o BWP mitomati,
`e,i!ly on !he ,;:nd:ing, b,,undary Qf BCCH mQdilk,1tim1 perk,d
`n. The B\..VP S\Nltching apei-atiun(s) tor the UE rnuld be still
`,:;; perfomi;;.xl for eei:t,,in reqtrin.xl ;;(:nj;_,;:5 ht~fore th1: mitomal.ic
`1rwik11lng io the hi.itini ,,ci.ive B\V-P iI1.kes plaee on the end of
`BCCH modiflrntim1 re:ri,,d .11.
`111 i:his case, PHY sub fayer of the NW may know that the
`UE $,, .. itchc'S !o th;.:' initial active B\llP :mtomatit,allv on the
`.,;c, t'nd ,-1fBC-CH mod.ificafr:in pt"l'iod n, and may $top"scnd:ing
`tG thu UE .any otlrnr L1 slgmiling I6r B\VP s·wiwhing
`rip<.:'rniion, alkr modiflcatfon period n ,,nd;;. The PHY sub,
`byi:lr o:f 1he N\V may knmv the UF. l:iy ddrmlt will rnmpletc
`lh<:: SJ llp(fak wilhin ilic ncxl modifkMion p,n-iod n+ L the
`4S PHY ,;ublayer may re-tab., contm1 over the l·HVP ~Wlt;..,hing
`afo~r BCCH mpdifkatioi) rx~dod n+.l end,. The1't'fi.)re:. ,,t (ll)J
`on the.' ending hmni.d,iiy ,)fnh)dificati,>n po:riod Jl+l 1h~· N\V
`n:,-takes th~ B\VP ~i..vitching ;)p;:n1tion~ by Betding Ll Big(cid:173)
`@ling to ;svitch the lnitia! (icthc B\VP 10 a Erntp fot data
`_.-:\!br ~w.iu:.h:ing !o the ·initial ;_,ctive fi\..YP on th,?. ,,nd of
`rnodificafam period n, tht.' UE may wsit tn reedve; viii ihe
`i11hfa! ,K'tive BWP, bto,idcnst ink,nnaifon ncqui1w! for
`upd;ifoig to lh<.~ chmig,cd SJ in c1 !K'.Xi. HCCH modifk,;;1t11~n
`p~,riod dirx'(:tly fr,Howlng. mc,d.iflcation period fl. Therefom ..
`wlthi.n HCCH nhxlilkat)or, p.::rk,d n+J. (the next BCCH
`modiikation period as shown in FIG. 3), the UE performs
`the syswm lnfimmithm m;q~1isl1fon w upd1ik, the dmngt~d
`sy:r.;k~rn 1nfonnatio:n if re,-]uin:i.l.
`fo 1hh, ¢;J;,e, ~-ince th<! NW .mny knmv !he UE by dd;rnh
`wm compk-t"' tlw $! ,lp-dat~ ·within tile nc-?,:t 1noclific,1tiN1
`p(lt.im.l n+ l. the PHY suhk,)•·(l, may nH,,h, control ,wt,r ihic
`HWI) s\vhd1ing a{kr [·WC.H nwdifkntir,n perind .n+ 1 end,-.
`Thwdi:,rn, «t. 303 on foe t~nding bountfary of mpdi.tk .. ition
`1~~,ri,x! iH.l ;he NW 1.-.:,ct,~k~s,, lhk' B\VP ~\Vit,:;hir.g c,petafoms
`by sending Li signaling to switch the initial active B\VP to
`a !TWF for da!~ 11:,lil~mi,;~;i<Jn.
`US 10,743)38 B2
`in (HI"' (:Inllncfomm:t cl thi!c pre~cnt disdosiµ-~-,, (th" Con(cid:173)
`nected UE may focdhack to the NW wluk t!i,~ SJ update ,s
`compkkd. ;md !ht' NW Jni'ly take ,~ont:r,)l over th(: B\VP
`swi1ching iminediBtdy upon r<c--ceiving the focdback. fo FlG.
`4, a l{\VP ,~witehi,·ig op,irnt]on for m, R.RC~cmmected UF
`du(! to re,,t>iving an SI ,,hange indi,,ation is illti~iratt>d, The
`UE may opcmt:e on an imll(:att.-'ll B\V!-' ,;s currnntly active
`HWP for cl.H<, trnns:mi~si<,u or o1K,rnk Qn mi initml m:iw~~
`lWV{ ahk (\) re(:t'ive