`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`(43) International Publication Date
`28 March 2002 (28.03.2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/25842 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification 7:
`H04L 25/49
`H04B 10/10,
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`19 September 2001 (19.09.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`19 September 2000 (19.09.2000) US
`[US/US]; Suite 1100, 10 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02108
`(72) Inventors: DOWLING, Kevin, J.; 23 Village View Road,
`Westford, MA 01886 (US). MORGAN, Frederick, M.;
`157 Butler Road, Quincy, MA 0'.2169 (US). LYS, lhor,
`A.; Apartment 6, 476 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115
`(US). BLACKWELL, Michael, K.; 357 Blue Hills Park(cid:173)
`way, Milton, MA 02186 (US).
`(74) Agent: GIUNTA, Richard, F.; Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks,
`P.C., 600 Altlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210 (US).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, ST,
`SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, 'IT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA,
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, TE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`[Continued on next page}
`--iiiiiiiiiii --
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`M = (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to smart lighting devices bearing processors, and networks comprising smart lighting
`0 devices, capable of providing illumination, and detecting stimuli with sensors and/or sending signals. Sensors and emitters can, in
`> some embodiments, be removed and added in a modular fashion. Smart lighting devices and smart lighting networks can be used
`;;-,- for communication purposes, building automation, systems monitoring, and a variety of other functions.
`VWGoA EX1027
`U.S. Patent No. 9,955,551
`WO 02/25842 A2
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`without international search report and to be republished ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`upon receipt of that report
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`WO 02/25842
`Cross Reference to Related Applications
`This application is based upon, is a continuation-in-part of, claims priority to, and
`incorporates· by reference the entire disclosure of the following pending United States
`s patent applications:
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/425,770;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/215,624;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,537;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,607;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,189;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,548;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,581;
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,659;
`.U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/213,540; and
`U.S. Pat. App. No. 09/333,739.
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to computer networks and lighting systems. More
`particularly, the invention relates to devices, methods and systems for integrating
`· illumination with data manipulation and transmission functions for lighting devices and
`network devices, as well as methods for using the foregoing.
`WO 02/25842
`Background of the Invention
`The advent of computer networks has provided users with a host of capabilities
`that were previously unavailable. Distributed users can communicate data using, local
`area networks, wide area networks, and global networks, such as the Internet. Computer
`software programs running on computers at· geographically remote locations can store,
`manipulate and retrieve data, including data sent from other locations. Thus, computer
`networks provide benefits of computing power without requiring a large computer at
`every point at which data is gathered, retrieved or displayed. For this reason, computer
`networks have become widespread in many commercial environments, such as corporate
`offices, factories, and the like. Computer networks are now installed in other locations as
`well, such as homes, retail environments, and the like. However, current computer
`network technology suffers a number of significant limitations that inhibit its use in non(cid:173)
`traditional environments, such as retail store locations and homes.
`A major problem with current computer network technology is the need for
`15 wiring. Most modem buildings are strung throughout with a plethora of wires and cords:
`computer cables, telephone wires, electrical lines, speakers, security systems, alarm
`systems, cable television and modems, and others. This complexity results in a variety of
`problems. During repairs, the appropriate ·set of wires must be sorted from each other.
`Frayed wires can short circuit and start fires, a problem compounded by the presence of
`20 multiple. wire systems. New systems are frequently developed, often requiring a neyv
`wiring system. New wiring systems can by expensive to install in existing structures,
`because such systems are generally placed within the walls, and the installation is
`generally· either invasive, requiring tearing up and patching walls, or complicated, with
`WO 02/25842
`' •I
`wires being gradually and gingerly e~ed throughout the maze of wires, pipes, and ~
`supports located behind the walls. Thus, computer networks that require significant
`wiring inhibit installation in environments where that wiring is difficult or unsightly
`(such as a tetail environment) or where expertise is not available (such as in a typical
`Another problem with current computer networks is that many of these systems
`are under control of a processor, such as a computer, ·or have the potential for such
`control. Most often, though, these systems are· separate, with individual control systems.
`This separation also makes it more difficult- and expensive to update existing systems,
`either to install a control system, or to take advantage of an improved, modernized control
`system that becomes available. Although one system may include components that would
`be useful to another system, the systems. often remain separate. Thus, there exists a need
`to bring these disparate systems under common control simplifying updating · these
`systems, and potentially reducing the multiplicity of wires coursing through the walls,
`ceilings, and floors. Not only might a unified system be more efficient, but presently
`isolated systems could make use of components of other systems in a mutual faspion,
`providing significant overall benefit.
`Another problem with current computer networks is that current wiring techniques
`inhibit installation of many devices at convenient locations. For example, wiring that
`comes through phone outlets is not typically suitable for placement of networked devices
`such as cameras, that requiring a line of sight to an item to be viewed from a remote
`location, without requiring significant additional wiring within the room in which the
`WO 02/25842
`,, ,,
`camera is located. Thus, a wiring scheme that provides more convenient locations for '
`networked devices is desirable.
`Although such universal systems have been considered, current proposals would
`require significant installation costs, such as adding new wires or changing existing
`5 wiring .. Accordingly, a need continues for a universal device that can provide computer
`networking functionality at a wide variety of locations without requiring significant
`Summary of the Invention
`The systems and methods described herein relate to lighting devices which
`include a lighting element and a microprocessor. The lighting element may include, in
`various embodiments, a light emitting semiconductor, such as a light emitting diode or
`other similar device, or any of a wide variety of other lighting elements. Use of the terms
`LED, or light emitting diode, herein, should be understood to encompass any light
`emitting semiconductor or other lighting element, except where the context precludes
`such an understanding.
`In embodiments, the devices further include one or more
`connections for attaching additional electronic components. In embodiments, the
`connections permit interchangeable use of modular components on a device. In certain
`embodiments, the lighting devices permit communication between the components and
`the microprocessor, e.g., to permit control of the lighting element based on input from
`sensor components, or facilitate electronic communication by mediating the transmission
`of signals to or from other devices. In certain embodiments, such communication is
`facilitated by utilizing a network of lighting devices. In certain embodiments, the lighting
`WO 02/25842
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`device is adapted to be interchangeable with a. traditional lighting element, such as a "
`halogen bulb, an Edison mount (screw-type) bulb, a fluorescent bulb, etc.
`In another embodiment, a system according to the principles of the invention
`provides LED's whose outputs can provide ordinary lighting while being modulated at
`high speed for wireless communication.
`In one embodiment, LED intensity can be
`controlled by controlling the duty cycle of a control signal, while a higher rate
`modulation scheme is used encode independent data in the same .control signal. When
`employing the LEDs for data communication, the invention, in one embodiment, utilizes
`wireless data transmission/reception with networking capabilities to permit the LEDs to
`communicate with several different devices within a network. These devices are fitted
`with signal receivers that can decode data in optical signals from the LEDs.
`Provided herein are multifunctional lighting devices. The devices may include
`various element, such as a substrate carrying a plurality of electrical connections coupled
`to a power adapter, one or more lighting elements or elements, coupled to an electrical
`connection, for emitting light, one or more sensors for generating or modulating an
`electrical signal based on an external stimulus, and a processor, coupled to an electrical
`connection, for processing signals from the sensor.
`1' .
`The lighting elements can be light emitting semiconductors, LEDs, or other lighting
`elements. The processor can be a microprocessor. The sensor can be any sensor for
`sensing any environmental condition, ranging from any electromagnetic signals to
`·acoustic signals to biological or chemical signals to other signals. Examples include an
`WO 02/25842
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`IR detector, a camera, a motion detector, an ozone detector, a carbon monoxide detector, ~
`other chemical detectors, a proximity detector, a photovoltaic sensor, a photoconductive
`sensor, a photodiode, a phototransistor, a photoemissive sensor, a photoelectromagnetic
`sensor, a microwave receiver, a UV sensor, a magnetic sensor, a magnetoresistive sensor,
`and a position sensor.
`The sensors can be sensitive to temp.erature. For example, the sensor might be a
`thermocouple, a thermistor, a radiation pyro~eter, a radiation thermometer, a fiber optic
`temperature sensor, a semiconductor temperature sensor, and a resistance temperature
`detector. The sensor might also be sensitive to sound, e.g., a microphone, a piezoelectric
`material, or an ultrasonic sensor. The sensor might be sensitive to vibrations, humidity,
`or concentration of a vapor, particulate or gas.
`In embodiments, the device might· include a data connection for coupling the
`processor to a data network, or a communication connection between the sensor and the
`processor for transmitting signals from the sensor to the processor.
`Provided herein are also multifunctional lighting devices, which may include a
`substrate carrying a plurality of electrical connections coupled to a power adapter, a
`lighting .element, coupled to an electrical connection, for emitting light, a signal unit for
`emitting a signal, and a processor, coupled to an electrical connection, for instructing the
`signal ~nit to emit a signal.
`WO 02/25842
`.. ,, .
`Provided her~in are also methods for receiving data. The methods include various
`steps, such as providing a substrate carrying a plurality of electrical connections coupled
`to a power adapter, providing a lighting element coupled to an electrical connection,
`providing a sensor, providing a processor couBled to an. electrical connection and to the
`sensor, receiving a stimulus with the sensor, and transmitting signals representative of the
`stimulus from the sensor to the processor. · In embodiments, the method may include
`sending instructions to an actuator to alter the position of the lighting element.
`Provided herein are also methods· for. transmitting data. The methods may include
`providing a substrate carrying a plurality of electrical connections coupled to a power
`adapter,' a lighting element coupled to an electrical connection, a signal unit for emitting a
`signal, and a processor coupled to an electrical connection and to the signal unit, and
`transmitting signal instructions from the processor to the signal unit.
`Provided herein are also methods for manufacturing a multifunctional lighting
`device, including various steps, such as pr~viding a substrate carrying a plurality of
`electrical connections coupled to a power adapter, coupling a lighting element to an
`electrical connection, coupling a processor to an electrical connection, and coupling a
`sensor to an electrical cc;,nnection and to the processor. The methods may include steps of
`coupling a sensor, such as coupling a sens·or selected from an IR detector, a camera, a
`motion detector, a proximity detector, a photovoltaic sensor, a photoconductive sensor, n
`photodiode, a phototransistor, a photoemissive sensor, a photoelectromagnetic sensor, a
`~icrowave receiver, a UV sensor, a magnetic sensor, a magnetoresistive sensor, and a
`WO 02/25842
`,, ,, ,
`·position sensor, or coupling a sensor selected from a thermocouple, a thermistor, a
`radiation pyrometer, a radiation the~ometer, a fiber optic temperature sensor, a
`semiconductor temperature sensor, and a resistance temperature detector. Coupling a
`sensor may include coupling a sensor includes coupling a sensor sensitive to sound.
`Methods · for manufacturing a multifunctional lighting device provided herein may also
`include providing a substrate carrying a plurality of electrical connections coupled to a
`power adapter, coupling a lighting element to an electrical connection, coupling a
`processor to an electrical connection, and coupling a signal unit to an electrical
`connection and to the processor.
`Provided herein are methods for manufacturing a multifunctional lighting device,
`comprising providing a substrate carrying a plurality of electrical connections coupled to
`a power adapter, coupling a lighting element to an electrical connection, coupling an
`actuator to an electrical connection, and coupling a processor to an electrical connection
`and to the actuator.
`Provided herein are also methods for building a network of multifunctional
`lighting devices, comprising disposing a plurality of lighting devices according to the
`present disclosure in an arrangement, and establishing communication links between each
`lighting device and the other lighting devices.
`· Provided herein are various methods of doing business, which include providing a
`WO 02/25842
`retail environment, lighting the retail environment with a lighting system, the lighting #
`system ·including a lighting element and ·a microprocessor, sensing a condition of the
`retail environment, and adjusting the lighting of the retail environment to reflect the
`sensed condition. The sensed condition may be the proximity of a customer to a retail
`item and wherein the lighting condition is adjusted to provide increased illumination to
`the retail item. The sensed condition may be entry of a customer into the front of a store,
`and wherein the lighting condition is adjusted to encourage entry of the customer further
`into the store. The lighting condition may be a moving rainbow effect.
`10 Brief Description of the Figures
`· The following figures depict certain illustrative embodiments of the invention in
`which like reference numerals refer to like elements. These depicted embodiments are to
`be understood as illustrative of the invention and not as limiting in any way. The
`invention· will be appreciated more fully from the following further description thereof,
`15 with reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein:
`. Fig. 1 depicts a smart lighting device as described herein;
`Fig. 2 depicts a smart lighting network comprising a plurality of smart lighting
`devices as described herein;
`I ,·
`Fig. 3 shows an LED encoder and an LED decoder according to the principles of
`the invention;
`Fig. 4 shows the composition of a control signal according to the principles of the
`Fig. 5 shows a lighting subsystem according to the principles of the invention;
`WO 02/25842
`Fig. 6 shows a networked lighting system according to the principles of the
`Fig. 7 shows a modular lighting subsystem according to , the principles of the
`Fig. 8 shows several embodiments of modular lighting subsystems according to
`the principles of the invention;
`Fig. 9 shows a retail environment according to the invention; and
`Fig. 10 shows an office environment according to the "invention.
`Detailed Description of the Illustrated Embodiments
`The description below pertains · to. several illustrative embodiments of the
`invention. Although many variations of the invention may be envisioned by one skilled in
`the art, such variations and improvements are intended to fall within the compass of this
`disclosure. '.fhus, the scope of the invention is not to be limited in any way by the
`disclosure below.
`The systems ap.d methods describ~d herein relate to electronic devices such as the
`device 1 of Figure 1, referred to herein as smart lighting devices, which include a
`substrate .10 carrying a lighting element 20 and a processor 30, as well as a plurality of t'
`connections 40 for the attachment of additional electronic components, such as sensors,
`emitters, and actuators. The lighting clement 20 may also be coupled to the processor 30,
`to pe_rmit variation of. the emitted light as .a function of input from a sensor, or a
`predetermined program executed by the processor 30, particularly when LED lighting
`elements are employed.
`WO 02/25842
`The lighting element 20 rriay be an incandescent, halogen, LED, fluorescent, or
`other lighting element capable of emitting sufficient light to illuminate an area, such as an
`amount of light similar to at least a 25W incandescent light bulb. LED lighting elements
`are particularly well suited for such networks, because they can be configured to be
`responsive to electronic signals, including digital data protocols such as DMX.
`Additionally, the voltage, current, and control used to operate LED lighting elements can
`be adapted to more closely resemble those used for conventional electronic and/or digital
`devices. See U.S. Patent Application Nos. 09/215,624, 09/213,537, 09/213,607,
`09/213,189, 09/213,548, 09/213,581, 09/213,659, 09/213,540, as well as U.S. Patent No.
`6,016,038. Other lighting elements such as inc.andescent lighting elements may also be
`controlled to provide, for example, dimming. ·
`The lighting element 20 may also include any system that is capable of receiving
`an electrical signal and producing a color of light in response to the signal. Thus, the
`lighting element 20 may include light emitting diodes of all types, light emitting
`polymers, semiconductor dies that produce light in response to current, organic LEDs,
`electro-luminescent strips, and other such systems.
`In an embodiment, the lighting
`element 20 may refer to a single light emitting diode having multiple semiconductor dies
`that are individually controlled. The lighting element 20 may include any type of light(cid:173)
`emitting semiconductor, including organic LED's, light-emitting plastics, and so forth.
`The lighting element 20 may also, or instead, include any other illumination
`source including any LED system, as well as incandescent sources, including filament
`lamps, pyre-luminescent sources, such as flames, candle-luminescent sources, such as gas
`I I
`WO 02/25842
`,1 ,,
`mantles and carbon arch radiation sources, as well as photo-luminescent sources,,.
`including gaseous discharges, flourescent_ sources, phosphorescence sources, lasers,
`electro-luminescent sources, such as electro-luminescent lamps, light emitting diodes,·
`anci cathode luminescent sources using electronic satiation, as well as miscellaneous
`luminescent sources
`including galvano-luminescent sources,· crystallo-luminescent
`sources, kine-luminescent sources,
`thermo-luminescent sources,
`sources, sonoluminescent sources, and radioluminescent sources. Illumination sources
`may also include luminescent polymers capable of producing primary colors.
`The processor 30 may be any data processing device, such as a microprocessor.
`The connections 40 may include power connections to provide electricity or other energy
`·to the electronic components and/or a data connection to the processor 30 for
`communication between the processor 30 and a component coupled to the connection 40.
`In certain embodiments, data and power may be transmitted simultaneously over the
`same connections, e.g., using pulse-width modulation protocols, other carrier wave
`protocols, or the like. In certain embodiments, the smart lighting device 1 includes a
`power adapter 42 for connection to a power source. The power adapter 42 may be adapted
`for connection to a power source through a conventional lighting jack, e.g., a halogen,
`fluorescent, or Edison-mount (screw-type) fixture.
`In certain embodiments, the connections 40 permit modular reconfiguration of
`interchangeable sensor and emitter components, so that the various input and output types
`of the smart lighting device 1 may be varied to accommodate changing needs and
`· situations. Examples of components which may be used as sensors include sensors
`WO 02/25842
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`sensitive to electromagnetic signals (e.g., cameras, motion detectors, proximity detectors,.,,
`sensors, photodiodes,
`phototransistors, photoemissive sensors, photoelectric sensors, electromagnetic sensors,
`microwave receivers, magnetic sensors, magnetoresistive sensors, position sensors, etc.),
`sensors, UV
`sensors sensitive to temperature ( e.g., thennocouples, thermistors, radiation pyrometers,
`radiation thermometers, fiber optic temperature sensors, semiconductor temperature
`sensors, resistance temperature detectors, etc.), sensors sensitive to sound (e.g.,
`microphones, piezoelectric materials, ultrasonic sensors, etc.), sensors sensitive to
`vibrations, humidity, chemicals (such as concentration of a vapor or gas), or any other
`type of sensing device capable of generating a detectable signal in response to a stimulus.
`Examples of components which may be used as emitters include those which emit
`electromagnetic radiation (such as infrared, microwave, radio, or other types of signals),
`acoustic signals (such as speakers, ultraso·nic emitters, or other devices which emit sound
`waves), or other devices which emit signals, especially communication signals. Actuators
`capable of generating a force in response to an electronic signal may also be coupled to a
`smart lighting device 1, e.g., to alter the position of the smart lighting device 1, or to
`effect another physical change in the vicinity of the smart lighting device 1. · Any
`combination of sensors, actuators, and emitters may be coupled to connections 40 on a
`smart lighting device 1, and may communicate with the processor 30, e.g., to generate or
`alter an output from the lighting element 20, an emitter, and/or an actuator in response to
`a stimulus detected by a sensor, such as in combination with instructions carried out by
`the processor 30.
`WO 02/25842
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`A plurality of smart lighting devices 1 may be coupled together to form networks 1
`44, as shown in Figure 2. Data may be transmitted between smart lighting devices 1 over
`any physical medium, including a twisted pair, coaxial cables, fiber optics, or a wireless
`link using, for example, infrared, microwave, .or radio frequency transmissions. Any
`suitable data networking protocol may be used for data transmission, including .TCP/IP,
`variations of Ethernet, Universal Serial Bus ("USB"), Bluetooth, Firewire, DMX, a token
`ring, a token bus, serial bus, or any other suitable wireless or wired protocol. The network
`44 may also use combinations of these physical media arid · data protocols, and may
`include links using known networks such as the Internet and the P'ublic Switched
`Telephone Netwo~k ("PSTN"). Techniques and systems such as those set forth in U.S.
`Patents No. 5,844,888, 5,113,498, and 4,969,146 can be adapted for use in the lighting
`networks described herein. Thus, for example, lighting fixtures in a building may be
`fitted with smart lighting devices 1 as described herein. Smart lighting devices 1 situated
`in ceiling fixtures, for example, may be wired into a central network, and may
`communicate with lighting devices in lamps, for example, using infrared transmissions.
`Comml;_lllds could be sent to the central network of smart lighting elements over the
`Internet from a remote location.
`Smart lighting elements may be employed for any of a variety of diverse
`functions. The following examples are exemplary uses, possible in a building, such as a
`home or office, wherein, for example, overhead· light fixtures comprise smart lighting
`elements as described herein. Additionally o'r alternatively, smart lighting elements may
`be employed in displays, in lighted floors or wall panels, cove lighting, or in any other
`desired configuration. Other configurations and applications of smart lighting elements
`WO 02/25842
`capable of the functions below or other functions are considered to fall within the ,
`compass of the present invention.
`In one embodiment, a smart lighting network may be used to facilitate mobile
`communications technology. Cellular telephones, wireless data transmitters (such as
`5 Apple Computer's AirPort technology), and other mobile communication devices
`commonly require high-energy transmissions ·or proximal receivers in order to connect
`with a suitable network. In a building outfitted with a smart lighting network connected,
`for example, to the Internet or to a telephone network, each room may be ·configured with
`a smart lighting device including an i_nfrared, radio frequency, microwave, or other
`suitable transceiver. Using traffic management techniques such as those currently
`employed in dense networks or mobile telephone communications, for example, one or
`more cordless telephones can be made to function throughout a building using low-power
`signals, thereby lessening the demand for battery power. This technique may also be
`employed with wireless telephones, and has particular application with, for example, third
`generation wireless telephony solutions .that permit micro-cells within a cellular
`infrastructure. Using such an approach, a micro-cell may be created inside a building,
`with connections established through the smart lighting network to an external wireless
`network, or directly to the PSTN. Such an approach may conserve wireless device
`energy that would otherwise be required to transmit signals through building walls to an
`external cellular/wireless base station.
`Similarly, a portable computer can remain connected to the Internet or other data
`-network while being transported throughout a building. Signals from remote controls,
`WO 02/25842
`e.g., for a television or stereo system, can be received in one ~oom, transported over the '
`smart lighting network, and transmitted to a .room containing the corresponding
`component ( or over the entire network) to increase the range of remote control, and
`permit, for example, control of a stereo system from any room in a house. Even in
`situations where movement does not occur; such a network may reduce the number of
`cords and wires required to maintain connections, potentially liberating and simplifying
`common communication systems. For example, a desk may be located in any comer of an
`office without regard to the positions of data or telephone jacks. Computer components
`may communicate through space rather than over wires, making 'it possible for
`components such as monitors, computers,' printers, etc. to be situated in configurations or
`relocated in ways that are difficult or impossible using wire connections. For example, a
`printer could be moved to different room of an office building without rewiring to create
`a connection, even while data was being transmitted from a computer to the printer.
`Thus, the methods and systems disclosed herein can offer a wireless alternative to
`st~cttired wiring for a variety of functions.
`In another embodiment, a smart lighting network mny be used to d?livcr
`audiovisual stimuli. For example, the network may include devices that have or
`incorporate speakers and processor-controlled lighting elements. When a user initiates
`playback of a recorded audio or audiovisual program, or receives an audio or audiovisual
`transmission, such as a radio or television ,broadcast, the smart lighting network may
`reproduce the audio portion of the transmission or recording. Surround Sound
`technology, or other spatial audio imaging. techniques, can be used to create multi(cid:173)
`channel surround sound effects, and may be mediated by a central controller or through
`WO 02/25842
`', 1;
`I ,,
`the individual processors of the smart lighting devices. Remote components may
`communicate through the smart lighting net;work: For example, satellite speakers of a
`Surround Sound system can receive audio signals wirelessly through the smart lighting
`network. If the program includes a lighting track, containing instructions for ambient
`lighting conditions complementary to .the traditional audiovisual data, the lighting
`elements of the smart lighting network may be used to create lighting effects coordinated
`with the traditional audiovisual program. For example, effects such as lightning, sunsets,
`fiery red glows, or other effects that can be generated by modulating the color and/or
`brightness of ambient lighting can be used to .enhance th