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`IPR2023-00332 Page 00365
`FIG. l8
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`IPR2023-00332 Page 00366
`Publication Title:
`Object-oriented system for mapping structered information to different structured
`Abstract of EP0926607
`An object-oriented system and computer program product for mapping structured
`information to different structured information, which allows a user to interactively
`define the mapping. The present invention operates as an object-oriented user
`tool by accepting interactive input from a user of a source input, by processing
`the input to display the source input in a format for accepting and processing
`user commands to create or edit a transformation map of source components to
`target components. Interactive user input is then accepted and processed for
`selection of an input file to be transformed and selection of a transformation map
`to be used for the requested transformation. Interactive user input is accepted
`and processed for selection of individual components of the first structured
`information format for mapping, and for selection of options for the target
`components. Exemplary options for the target components are a null value, the
`source component itself, a single selected target component, or plural selected
`target components. Interactive user input is accepted for processing to assign
`attribute values to components· of the second structured information format.
`Exemplary options for the sources of attribute values are attribute values o 103a
`btained from the source components, system attribute values, no value, attribute
`values input interactively by the user, and content of element. Interactive user
`input is then accepted and processed to initiate processing of a transformation of
`the source input file in the first structured information format to a target output file
`in the second structured information format.
`Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
`Courtesy of http://v3.espacenet.com
`This Patent PDF Generated by Patent Fetcher{TM), a service of Stroke of Color, Inc.
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00367
`Europiiisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office europeen des brevets
`EP O 926 607 A2
`(43) Date of publication:
`30.06.1999 Bulletin 1999/26
`(21) Application number: 98124276.1
`(22) Date of filing: 18.12.1998
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`(30) Priority: 23.12.1997 US 997482
`23.12.1991 us 99nos
`(71) Applicant: Ricoh Company
`Tokyo 143-8555 (JP)
`(72) Inventors:
`• Motoyama, Tetsuro,
`San Jose, CA 95134-2088 (US)
`(51) Int. Cl.6: G06F 17/30
`• Fong, Avery,
`San Jose, CA 95134-2088 (US)
`· • Bhatnagar,Anurag,
`San Jose, CA 95134-2088 (US)
`(74) Representative:
`Schwabe • Sandmair • Marx
`Stuntzstrasse 16
`816n Munchen (DE)
`(54) Object-oriented system for mapping structered infonnation to different structured
`An object-oriented system and computer pro(cid:173)
`gram product for mapping structured information to dif(cid:173)
`ferent structured information, which allows a user to
`interactively define the mapping. The present invention
`operates as an object-oriented user tool by accepting
`interactive input from a user of a source input, by
`processing the input to display the source input in a for(cid:173)
`mat for accepting and processing user commands to
`create or edit a transformation map of source compo(cid:173)
`nents to target components. Interactive user input is
`then accepted and processed for selection of an input
`file to be transformed and selection of a transformation
`map to be used for the requested transformation. Inter(cid:173)
`active user input is accepted and processed for selec(cid:173)
`tion of individual components of the first structured
`information format for mapping, and for selection of
`options for the target components. Exemplary options
`for the target components are a null value, the source
`component itseH, a single selected target component, or
`plural selected target components. Interactive user
`input is accepted for processing to assign attribute val(cid:173)
`ues to components of the secooo structured information
`format. Exel'll)lary options for the sources of attribute
`values are attribute values obtained from the source
`components. system attribute values, no value. attribute
`values input interactively by the user, and content of ele-
`CL w
`ment. Interactive user input is then accepted and proc(cid:173)
`essed to initiate processing of a transformation of the
`source input file in the first structured information format
`to a target output file in the second structured informa(cid:173)
`tion format.
`Fig. 5
`P,iraed t,y Xe:01 (IJl() Business Services
`2 16 7/3.6
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00368
`EP O 926 607 A2
`. [0001) This application is related to and being concurrently filed with another patent application: U.S. Patent Applica·
`tion S/N 08/XXX,XXX, Attorney Docket No. 5244-0063-2X, entitled "Method and Apparatus For Mapping Structured
`Information to Different Structured Information" filed on ____ _, 1997, and incorporated herein by reference.
`Field of the Invention
`[0002) This invention relates generally to mapping structured information to different structured information in an
`object-oriented framework. The present invention relates more specifically to processing a document encoded in a
`15 markup language format. a database information format, an ISO/IEC 9070 naming scheme, a UNIX file name scheme,
`or a DOS file name scheme, transforming it into another markup language format, another database information format.
`an ISO/IEC 9070 naming scheme, a UNIX file name scheme, or a DOS file name scheme, in an object-oriented frame(cid:173)
`work. The invention is more specifically related to a system and computer program product for mapping in which a user
`interactively defines the mapping for the transformation in an object-oriented framework
`[0003) This invention also relates generally to providing a user interface for mapping structured information to different
`structured information. The preserit invention relates more specifically to providing a user interface for processing a
`document encoded in a markup language format, a database information format. an ISO/IEC 9070 naming scheme, a
`UNIX file name scheme, or a DOS file name scheme, transforming it into another markup language format, another
`database information format, an ISO/IEC 9070 naming scheme, a UNIX file name scheme, or a DOS file name scheme.
`25 The invention is more specifically related to a method and apparatus for providing a user interface for mapping in which
`a user interactively defines the mapping for the transformation.
`Discussion of the Background
`[0004) Standard Generalized Markup Language ("SGML ") is an information management standard adopted by the
`International Organization for Standardization ("ISO"), as ISO 8879:1986, as a means for providing platform-independ(cid:173)
`ent and application-independent documents that retain content. indexing, and linked information. SGML provides a
`grammarlike mechanism for users to define the structure of their documents and the tags they will use to denote the
`structure in individual documents. A complete description of SGML is provided in Goldfarb, C. F .• The SGML Handbook.
`35 Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990, and McGrath, S., Parseme.1st: SGML for Software Developers, Prentice Hall
`PTR, New Jersey, 1998, which are incorporated herein by reference.
`[0005) Hyper Text Markup Language ("HTML") is an application of SGML that uses tags to mark elements, such as
`text or graphics, in a document to indicate how Web browsers should display these elements to the user and should
`respond to user actions such as activation of a link by means of a key press or mouse click HTML is used for docu·
`40 ments on the World Wide Web. HTML 2.0, defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force ("IETF"), includes features
`of HTML common to all Web browsers as of 1995, and was the first version of HTML widely used on the World Wide
`Web. Future HTML development will be carried out by the World Wide Web Consortium ("W3C"). HTML 3.2, the latest
`proposed standard, incorporates features widely implemented-as of early 1996. A description of SGML and HTML fea·
`tures is given in Bradley, N .• , The Concise <SGMU Companion, Addison Wesley Longman, New York, 1997, which is
`incorporated herein by reference.
`(0006) Object Oriented Programming ("OOP") is a programming methodology in which a program is viewed as a col·
`lection of discrete objects that are self-contained collections of data .structures and routines that interact with other
`objects. Many high-level languages, including C++, support the declaration of a class. The class is typically a template,
`or detailed description, of the objects, or instances of objects, which will be created, or instantiated, by a constructor
`function during program execution and destroyed by a destructor function when the object is no longer needed. A con(cid:173)
`versational reference to a class includes all of the objects currently in existence as a result of constructor calls. A class
`is· made up of data items, structures, and methcx:fs. Data items correspond to variables of prior programming art. Struc·
`lures are named groupings of related data items and other structures. Methods correspond to functions and subrou(cid:173)
`tines of prior programming art.
`(0007) An object-oriented framework is a reusable basic design structure, consisting of abstract and concrete classes,
`that assists in building applications.
`(0008) Pointers, used for accessing specific objects, data items, and methods, are data items which contain system
`equivalents of absolute addresses in computer memory. Nun pointers, or zero pointers, are pointer variables or literals
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00369
`EP O 926 607 A2.
`which have been assigned a system value, for example, zero, denoting that a specific pointer is currently pointing to a
`null, or non-existent item. References and reference variables are generally data items which contain system equiva(cid:173)
`lents of absolute addresses in computer memory.
`[0009) A string variable or a string literal is a data structure composed of a sequence of characters of the character
`set of a particular application. A null string, a nil string, or an empty string is a string which contains no characters.
`[0010) The three main features of object oriented programming are inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
`Inheritance allows a programmer to establish a general class with features which are desirable for a wide range of
`objects. For example, if a programmer designs a class polygon having certain features such as a closed convex shape
`made up of plural straight lines joined pairwise at vertices, it is then possible to construct polygon subclasses such as
`triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons, all having the shared properties of the parent class polygon, with
`additional constraints on the number of sides to be allowed for the objects generated. It is also possible. for example, to
`have subclasses of class quadrilateral such as rectangle and rhombus. A class square inherits all features of the class
`rectangle and additionally has all of its sides equal in length. The class polygon is considered an abstract class, in that
`instantiations of actual objects is performed only in its subclasses. However, the class polygon establishes certain prop-
`15 erties inherent to all of the non-abstract, or concrete subclasses for inheritance purposes.
`[0011] Encapsulation and polymorphism have already been described, and are already well known, in patents relating
`to object oriented systems. A comprehensive discussion of OOP is provided in Coad, P. and Yourdon, E., Object-Ori(cid:173)
`ented Analysis, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1991, and in Booch, G., Object-Oriented Analysis and
`Design with Applications, Second Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, California, 1994, which are incorporated herein
`20 by reference.
`(0012) A Graphical User Interface ("GUI") is an environment that represents programs, files, and options by means of
`icons, menus, and dialog boxes on a screen. An ico_n is an image, displayed on a screen or other output device. that
`can be manipulated by a user. By serving as a visual pictorial representation of a function that is available, an icon gen(cid:173)
`erates a user-friendly interface by freeing the user of the burden of having to remember commands or type them on a
`keyboard. A menu is a list of options from which the user can make a selection to perform a desired action. A dialog box
`is a special window, or area, displayed on a screen or other output device, to solicit a response from the user. In a GU I,
`the user can select and activate options by pointing and clicking with a mouse or by keystrokes on the keyboard. The
`preceding descriptions were derived from definitions given in the Computer Dictionary, Third Edition, Microsoft Press,
`Washington, 1997.
`ISO and International Electrotechnical Commission ("IEC1 form a specialized system for worldwide standard(cid:173)
`ization. 1S0/IEC 9070:1991(E) is an international standard which is applied to an assignment or unique owner prefixes
`to owners of public text conforming to ISO 8879. The standard describes the procedures for making an assignment and
`the method for constructing registered owner names from them. Procedures for self-assignment of owner prefixes by
`standards bodies and other organizations are also specified. 1S0/IEC 9070:1991(E) is incorporated herein by refer-
`35 ence.
`[0014) UNIX and DOS are well-known operating systems for computers. Both UNIX and DOS support a file naming
`scheme which involve a path from a root directory, through descendant directories, to leaf nodes which are non-direc-
`tory file names.
`·(0015) Processing systems are known in which a data processor converts a document encoded in a markup language
`40 automatically to another format. For example, Balise software from Computing Art, Inc. processes documents encoded
`in SGML to convert them to a formatted output for user viewing. However, this software does not allow the user to inter(cid:173)
`actively define the mapping of SGML tags to another format.
`(0016) Accordingly, one object of this invention is to provide a novel object-oriented system and computer program
`product which can process information encoded in a structured information format to transform the information into
`another structured information format, and which allows a user to interactively define the mapping for the transforma(cid:173)
`tion. Exemplary structured information formats include markup language formats, database information formats, an
`50 1S0/IEC 9070 naming scheme. a UNIX file name scheme. and a DOS file name scheme. Exemplary users include
`human users, software methods, and software objects.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a novel object-oriented system and computer program product
`for conversion ot Standard Generalized Markup Language ("SGML ") documents into HyperText Markup Language
`("HTML 1 documents, allowing a user to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`tt is a further object of this invention to provide a novel object-oriented system and computer program product
`for conversion of information in a database format into information in a different database format, which allows a user
`to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`tt is a further object of this invention to provide a novel object-oriented system and computer program produ_ct
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00370
`for conversion of information in an 1SO/IEC 9070 naming scheme into a UNIX file name scheme, which allows a user
`to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a novel object-oriented system and computer program product
`for conversion of information from an 1SO/IEC 9070 naming scheme into a DOS file name scheme, which allows a user
`to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`[0021) These and other objects are accomplished by an object-oriented system and computer program product for
`processing information encoded in a structured information format, to transform the information into another structured
`information format. which allows a user to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`(0022) An exemplary transformation for the present invention is conversion of SGML documents into HTML docu·
`10 ments. For explanation of this example, the present invention has been developed as an object-oriented tool to allow a
`user to define the transformation of an SGML document into an HTML document or other structured format, for exam·
`pie, a database information format. The user tool for this example is currently implemented in the format of a Graphical
`User Interface ("GUI") using Object Oriented Programming ("OOP") technology. For this example, the current invention
`is designed to provide a user with an object-oriented graphic tool to transform documents written in a cryptic SGM L for·
`15 mat into another structured format for greater viewing ease and for greater portability of documents and information. A
`user interface object and a map creator object allow the user to select an option of performing a default or conditional
`mapping. The user js allowed to select an input SGML Document Type Definition ("OTO") object, or a currently existing
`map object. H the user selects an input SGML OTO object, the user interface object requests that a ParserService
`object process elements of the SGML DTD into component parts to produce an SGML symbol table object. The user
`interface object displays individual source component objects of the input for the user to input a selection. A user input
`object is utilized for accepting the selection. The user interface object and the map creator object provide the user with
`options for transformation of the individual source component objects such as a mapping of a source component object
`to a target null value, a mapping of a source component object to itseH, a mapping of a source component object to a
`single target component object, or a mapping of a single source component object to plural target component objects.
`If the user selects a conditional mapping, then the map creator object checks for special cases, such as a history of ah
`element being referenced previously, and processes special cases using further interactive input from the user by the
`user interface object.
`[0023) The user interface object and map creator object also provide the user with options for assigning attribute val(cid:173)
`ues for the target components. Exemplary options are attribute values obtained from the source components, system
`30 attribute values, no value, and attribute values input interactively by the user using the user input object.
`(0024) The user interface object and map creator object allow the user to interactively select options for transforma(cid:173)
`. tion, and options for assigning attribute values for the target components, and the selected options are input to objects
`for properties and objects for attributes. These objects are processed by the map creator object to create a transforma(cid:173)
`tion rule object for the source component object.
`(0025) The invention accepts and processes interactive user input, using the user input object, for making plural
`changes to any of the component mapping values the user desires until the user inputs a command to cease the inter(cid:173)
`active input and create a transformation map. The map creator object initiates processing of the transformation rules to
`create a transformation map object.
`[0026) The user interface object accepts user input into a user input object for selecting an input source file for trans-
`formation to a target output file using an already existing map object specified interactively by the user. The user input
`is then processed, and the requested input me and map are then processed to transform the input file into the requested
`output file format. The created output file is then sent to the user specified destination.
`[0027) Another object of this invention is to provide a novel method, apparatus, and computer program product which
`provides a graphical user interface for processing information encoded in a structured information format to transform
`the information into another structured information format, and which allows a user to interactively define the mapping
`for the transformation. Exemplary structured information formats include markup language formats, database informa(cid:173)
`tion formats, an 1SO/IEC 9070 naming scheme, a UNIX file name scheme, and a DOS file name scheme.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a novel method, apparatus, and computer program product
`which provides a graphical user interface for defining conversion of Standard Generalized Markup Language ("SGML ")
`so documents into Hyper Text Markup Language ("HTML") documents, which allows a user to interactively define the map(cid:173)
`ping for the transformation.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a novel method, apparatus, and computer program product
`which provides a graphical user interface for defining conversion of information in a database format into information in
`a different database format, which allows a user to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide ·a novel method, apparatus, and computer program product
`which provides a graphical user interface for defining conversion of information from an 1S0/IEC 9070 naming scheme
`into a UNIX file name scheme, which allows a user to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a novel method, apparatus, and computer program product
`EP O 926 607 A2
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00371
`EP O 926 607 A2
`which provides a graphical user interface for defining conversion or information from an ISO/IEC 9070 naming scheme
`into a DOS file name scheme, which allows a user to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`[0032) These and other objects are accomplished by a method, apparatus, and computer program product which pro•
`vides a graphical user interface for processing information encoded in a structured information format. such as a
`s markup language format, or such as a database information format, to transform the information into another structured
`information format, such as a markup language format, or such as another database information format, which allows
`a user to interactively define the mapping for the transformation.
`(0033) An exemplary transformation for the present invention is conversion of SGML documents into HTML docu·
`ments. For explanation of this example, the present invention has been developed as a tool to allow a user to define the
`transformation of an SGML document into an HTML document or other structured format. for example, a database infor•
`mation format. The user tool for this example is currently implemented in the format of a Graphical User Interface
`("GU11 using Object Oriented Programming ("OOP'1 technology.
`[0034) For this example, the current invention is designed to provide a user with a graphic tool to transform documents
`written in a cryptic SGML format into another structured format for greater viewing ease and far greater portability of
`15 documents and information. The user interface provides the user with selectable options of performing a default or con(cid:173)
`ditional mapping. The user interface provides the user with selectable options of selecting an input SGML Document
`Type Definition ("DTD") or a currently existing map. The user interface displays the input for the user to select individual
`source components of the input. The user interface provides the user with selectable options for transformation of the
`irdividual source components such as a mapping of a source component to a target null value, a mapping of a source
`20 component to itself, a mapping of a source component to a single target component, or a mapping of a single source
`component to plural target components. If the user selects a conditional mapping, then special cases, such as a history
`of an element being referencea previously, are checked and processed using further interactive input from the user
`using the user interface.
`[0035) The user interface also provides selectable options to the user for assigning attribute values for the target com·
`25 ponents. Exemplary options are attribute values obtained from the source components, system attribute values, no
`value, and attribute values input interactively by the user using the user interface.
`(0036] The user Interface allows the user to interactively select options for transformation, and options for assigning
`attribute values for the target components, and the selected options are processed to create a transformation rule for
`the source component.
`[0037) The invention accepts interactive user input, to be processed by a map creator, for making plural changes to
`any of the component mapping values the user desires until the user inputs a command to cease the interactive input
`and create a transformation map. The transformation rules are processed by a map creator to create the transformation
`[0038) The invention accepts user input for selecting an input source file for transformation to a target output file using
`35 an already existing map specified interactively by the user. The .user input is then processed, and the requested input
`file and map are then processed to transform the input file into the requested output file format. The created output file
`is then sent to the user specified destination.
`(0039) A more complete appreciation of the invention and many of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily .
`obtained as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered
`in connection with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
`Fig. 1A illustrates an exemplary Standard Generalized Markup Language ("SGML ") Document Type Definition
`Fig. 1 B illustrates an exemplary mapping of SGML to HyperText Markup Language ("HTML");
`Fig. 1 C illustrates an exemplary SGM L document;
`Fig. 1 D illustrates an exemplary HTML document output from a transformation of the SGML document;
`Fig. 2 illustrates an exemplary browser output generated using the HTML document shown in Fig. 1 D;
`Fig. 3A illustrates, in tree format. the hierarchical nature of an SGML document and Fig. 3B illustrates the more
`"flat" structure of an HTML document;
`Fig. 4 illustrates a design of the major components for the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation;
`Fig. 5 illustrates, in a data flow diagram format, the flow of data through the SGML to HTML mapping and transfor·
`Fig. 6A illustrates the flow of data and interaction of files through the mapping and transformation of information in
`one structured format to information in another structured format;
`Fig. 6B illustrates the flow of data and interaction of files through the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation;
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00372
`EP O 926 607 A2
`Fig. 7 illustrates a file organization qt a map class object for the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation;
`Fig. 8A illustrates a map class structure for the map module of the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation:
`Fig. 88 illustrates the major classes within the map module of Fig. 8A;
`Fig. 8C(1) illustrates a map class structure for a source SGML tag attribute class of the SGML to HTML mapping
`and transformation:
`Fig. 8C(2) illustrates a map class structure for a source SGML content class of the SGML to HTML mapping and
`Fig. 8C(3) illustrates a map class structure far a map service class of the SGML to HTML mapping and transforma(cid:173)
`Fig. 8C(4) illustrates a map class structure for a map create and edit service class of the SGML to HTML mapping
`and transformation:
`Fig. 9 illustrates the hierarchical interaction among major modules of the SGML to HTML mapping and transforma(cid:173)
`Fig. 10 illustrates an exemplary main application window for the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation;
`Fig. 11 illustrates exemplary dialog boxes for opening and saving a file;
`Fig. 12A illustrates an exemplary window for the Map Processing Option of the SGML to HTML mapping and trans(cid:173)
`Fig. 12B illustrates an exemplary window for the SGML to HTML Map Editor;
`Fig. 12C illustrates an exemplary window for the SGML to HTML Map Editor with sample data displayed in exem-
`plary dialog windows:
`Fig. 13 illustrates a class diagram for the Menu Manager for the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation;
`Fig. 14 illustrates an object message diagram for startup of the system of the SGML to HTML mapping and trans(cid:173)
`Fig. 15 illustrates an object message diagram for opening an SGML document for the first time;
`Fig. 16 illustrates an object message diagram for opening a new SGMLdocument;
`Fig. 17 illustrates the design of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the SGML. to HTML mapping and transforma(cid:173)
`Figs. 18A(1 )-18A(3) illustrate, in object message diagram format. the behavior among the objects of the classes for
`editing a map for the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation:
`Figs. 188(1)-18C(3) illustrate, in object message diagram format, the behavior of the objects of the classes for
`assigning values to HTML attributes;
`Fig. 19 illustrates a hardware configuration for implementation of the SGML to HTML mapping and transformation;
`Fig. 20A illustrates an exemplary public identttier in IS0/IEC 9070 format;
`Fig. 20B illustrates an exemplary mapping of IS0/IEC 9070 to a UNIX file name format;
`Fig. 20C illustrates an exemplary UNIX file name resulting from mapping the public identifier of Fig. 20A using the
`map of Fig. 208;
`Fig. 200 illustrates an exemplary user interface display for mapping a public identifier in 1S0/IEC 9070 format to a
`UNIX file name format;
`Fig. 20E illustrates an exemplary user interface display for mapping a registered owner field in IS0/IEC 9070 format
`to a UNIX file name format;
`Fig. 20F illustrates an exemplary user interface for selections for a character mapping of a prefix, owner-name com(cid:173)
`ponent separator in ISO/IEC 9070 format to the UNIX file name format;
`Fig. 20G illustrates an exemplary user interlace for mapping an owner name character in ISO/IEC 9070 format to
`valid characters of the UNIX file name format; and
`Fig. 20H illustrates an exemplary user interface for a user to map a registered owner component in IS0/IEC 9070
`format to a UNIX file name format.
`Appendix A is an exemplary Standard Generalized Markup Language ("SGML") Document Type Definition ("OTO")
`corresponding to the tree structure or Fig. 3A;
`Appendix Bis an exemplary map of SGML elements from the SGML