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`Mall Stop Patent Appllcatlon
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`Automated Media Delivery Sys~em
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`Samaniego et al
`~ .,,
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`IPR2023-00330 Page 00003
`Automated Media Delivery System
`This application is a Continuation-in-Part of U.S. Serial No. 09/929,904, filed August
`14, 2001, now U.S. Patent No. 6,964,009 granted on November 8, 2005, which is a
`10 Continuation of U.S. Serial No., 09/425,326, filed October 21, 1999, now U.S.
`Patent No. 6,792,575, granted on September 14, 2004, all of which are hereby
`incorporated in its entirety by reference.
`The invention relates to software systems. More particularly, the invention relates to
`an Internet server-based software system that provides delivery of automated
`graphics and other media to Web sites for access by an end user or consumer.
`Most Web sites today are primarily handmade. From the guy publishing a simple
`online technology newsletter from his home, to the Fortune 1000 company's multi-
`tiered site with hundreds of pages of text, images, and animations, the Web
`developer and each of his HTML-coding and graphics-producing coworkers toil page
`by page and image by image. Thousands of established online companies employ
`hundreds of highly-skilled workers just to produce and maintain their Web sites.
`After all, the Web is now a major selling vehicle and marketing medium for many of
`these companies. The Web has even sprouted service industries such as, for
`example, public companies with multi-billion dollar valuations created just to consult
`and produce Web sites for others.
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00004
`Most Web developers who use established WYSIWYG tools in the industry still must
`produce each page on their Web site one by one. The same rate applies to
`preparing and placing images, animations, and other visual assets. Each page
`represents its own set of issues ranging from whether to use GIF, JPEG, or PNG file
`formats, to finding the optimum bit depth for each image to ensure the fastest
`downloading through the different browsers of the consumer. The bottlenecked
`state of the customer's workflow to produce graphics for Web pages can be
`described as follows:
`Current Workflow for Creating Web Graphics
`• Original Artwork/Asset Creation
`- Use third-party point products
`• Asset Editing
`• Asset Format Conversion
`• Asset Staging
`Place in Web file system
`Edit HTML
`• Create/Modify HTML for particular page
`• Store HTML on Web server
`• View final pages
`• Repeat process for each version of each graphic on each page
`Estimated time
`Two hours per page times the number of pages
`Also, from a user's perspective, the current state of the art is to offer the consumer
`zooming and panning capabilities so that by clicking on an image the consumer can
`view more closely or from a different angle. On the horizon are pages with three(cid:173)
`dimensional imagery that enable a user to move around a page that can look more
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00005
`like a room than a brochure. While interesting, these features are merely
`incremental improvements to a consumer's surfing experience.
`D. C. A. Bulterman, Models, Media, and Motion: Using the Web to Support
`International Conference on
`5 Multimedia Documents, Proceedings of 1997
`Multimedia Modeling, Singapore, 17-20 Nov. 1997 discloses "an effort underway by
`members of industry, research centers and user groups to define a standard
`in conjunction with time-based transport
`document format that can be used
`protocols over the Internet and intranets to support rich multimedia presentations.
`The paper outlines the goals of the W3C's Synchronized Multimedia working group
`and presents an initial description of the first version of the proposed multimedia
`document model and format."
`Text and Graphics on UM/'s ProQuest Direct: The Best (yet) of both Worlds, Online,
`vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 73-7, March- April 1997 discloses an information system that
`offers "periodical and newspaper content covering a wide range of business, news,
`and professional topics ... letting the user search both text and graphics and build
`the product to suit. Articles can be retrieved in varying levels of detail: citation,
`abstracts, full text, and text with graphics. Images come in two flavors: Page Image,
`a virtual photocopy, and Text+Graphics, in which graphics are stored separately
`from the text and are manipulable as discrete items .... [The system] comes in two •
`versions: Windows and Web."
`John Mills Dudley, Network-Based Classified Information Systems, AU-A-53031/98
`(27/08/98) discloses a "system for automatically creating databases containing
`industry, service, product and subject classification data, contact data, geographic
`location data (CCG-data) and links to web pages from HTML, XML, or SGML
`lnternets or
`encoded web pages posted on computer networks such as
`lntranets .... The ... databases may be searched for references (URLs) to web pages
`by use of enquiries which reference one or more of the items of the CCG-data.
`Alternatively, enquiries referencing the CCG-data in the databases may supply
`contact data without web page references. Data duplication and coordination is
`reduced by including in the web page CCG-data display controls which are used by
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00006
`web browsers to format for display the same data that is used to automatically
`update the databases. 11
`Cordell et al, Automatic Data Display Formatting with A Networking Application, U.S.
`Patent No. 5,845,084 (Dec. 1, 1998) discloses a placeholder image mechanism.
`"When a data request is made, the data transfer rate is monitored. When the receive
`data transfer rate is slow, and the data contains an embedded graphical image of
`unknown dimensions, a small placeholder image is automatically displayed for the
`user instead of the actual data. The small placeholder image holds a place on a
`display device for the data or the embedded graphical image until the data or
`embedded graphical image is received. When embedded graphical image is
`received, the placeholder image is removed, and the display device is reformatted to
`display the embedded graphical image."
`Jonathon R. T. Lewis, System For Substituting Tags For Non-Editable Data Sets In
`Hyperlext Documents And Updating Web Files Containing Links Between Data Sets
`Corresponding To Changes Made To The Tags, U.S. Patent No. 5,355,472 (Oct. 11,
`1994) discloses a "hypertext data processing system wherein data sets participating
`in the hypertext document may be edited, the data processing system inserting tags
`into the data sets at locations corresponding to the hypertext links to create a file
`which is editable by an editor and the data processing system removing the tags,
`generating a revised data set and updating the link information after the editing
`process. Its main purpose is to preserve the linking hierarchy that may get lost when
`the individual data sets get modified."
`Wistendahl et al, System for Mapping Hot Spots in Media Content Interactive Digital
`Media Program, U.S. Patent No. 5,708,845 (Jan. 13, 1998) discloses a "system for
`allowing media content to be used in an interactive digital media (IDM) program
`[that] has Frame Data for the media content and object mapping data (N Data)
`representing the frame addresses and display location coordinates for objects
`appearing in the media content. The N Data are maintained separately from the
`Frame Data for the media content, so that the media content can be kept intact
`without embedded codes and can be played back on any system. The IDM program
`has established linkages connecting the objects mapped by the N Data to other
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00007
`in conjunction with display of the media content.
`functions to be performed
`Selection of an object appearing in the media content with a pointer results in
`initiation of the interactive function. A broad base of existing non-interactive media
`content, such as movies, videos, advertising, and television programming can be
`converted to interactive digital media use. An authoring system for creating IDM
`programs has an object outlining tool and an object motion tracking tool for
`facilitating the generation of N Data. In a data storage disk, the Frame Data and the
`In a network system, the object mapping
`N Data are stored on separate sectors.
`data and IDM program are downloaded to a subscriber terminal and used in
`conjunction with presentation of the media content."
`Rogers et al, Method for Fulfilling Requests of A Web Browser, U.S. Patent No.
`5,701,451 (Dec. 23, 1997) and Lagarde et al, Method for Distributed Task Fulfillment
`of Web Browser Requests, U.S. Patent No. 5,710,918 (Jan. 20, 1998) disclose
`essentially "improvements which achieve a means for accepting Web client requests
`for information, obtaining data from one or more databases which may be located on
`multiple platforms at different physical locations on an Internet or on the Internet,
`processing that data into meaningful information, and presenting that information to
`the Web client in a text or graphics display at a location specified by the request."
`Tyan et al, HTML Generator, European Patent Application No. EP 0843276 (May
`20, 1998) discloses "generating an HTML file based on an input bitmap image, and
`is particularly directed to automatic generation of an HTML file, based on a scanned(cid:173)
`in document image, with the HTML file in turn being used to generate a Web page
`that accurately reproduces the layout of the original input bitmap image."
`TrueSpectra has a patent pending for the technology employed in its two products,
`lrisAccelerate and lrisTransactive. These products are designed for zooming and
`panning and simple image transformations and conversions, respectively. They
`support 1 O file formats and allow developers to add new file formats via their SOK.
`They do not require the use of Flashpix for images. However, their documentation
`points out that performance is dependent on the Flashpix format. The system would
`be very slow if a non-Flashpix format was used.
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00008
`TrueSpectra allows the image quality and compression to be set for JPEGs only.
`The compression setting is set on the server and all images are delivered at the
`same setting.
`TrueSpectra has a simple caching mechanism. Images in the cache can be cleared
`out automatically at certain times and it does not have any dependency features for
`image propagation. The Web server needs to be brought down in order to update
`any original assets.
`TrueSpectra does not require plug-ins to operate features such as zooming/panning
`or compositing. The alternative to plug-ins is using their Javascript or active server
`page technology. These technologies are used by many Web sites to provide
`interactivity, but not all Web browsers work correctly with these technologies.
`TrueSpectra relies on Flashpix as its native file format and does not support media
`types such as multi-GIFs and sound formats. Flashpix files are typically larger than
`most file formats. Access to files is faster for zooming and panning, but appears to
`be quite slow.
`It requires three things to
`The key to lrisTransactive is the compositing subsystem.
`build a shopping solution using image composition.
`It is suggested that the image be
`1) The original images must be created.
`converted to Flashpix for better performance.
`2) All of the individual images must be described in XML using the image
`composer program. The program allows the editor to specify anchor points, layer
`attributes, and layer names. The resulting file is between 5k and 50k.
`3) The Web designer must place HTML referring to the XML in the Web site. By
`specifying parameters to the XML, the Web designer can turn on or off layers.
`The herein above process for compositing images enables Web designers to create
`shopping sites. However, a lot of overhead is the result. The XML documents add
`5k-50k to a Web site. The compositing commands that are embedded in the HTML
`are difficult to understand. And, because the compositing feature requires several
`1 .O
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00009
`steps to implement, it is not suitable for every image on a Web site. The process
`seems to be designed for the specific purpose of shopping.
`MediaBin(TM) is limited to activities behind the firewall automating only the "post(cid:173)
`In addition, MediaBin requires the use of an application server
`creative busywork."
`to function through a web interface. Thus images may not be directly added to any
`existing web page.
`Macromedia's Generator operates by embedding variables in their proprietary Flash
`format. Therefore the actual imaging operations are somewhat limited and cannot
`be controlled directly from a web page request.
`MGI Software sells point solutions that require end-users to download a viewer to
`process a proprietary image format.
`PicturelQ offers a server-side image-processing appliance that provides a limited set
`the web-page server,
`This appliance runs on
`of Photoshop functionalities.
`processes information embedded in the web page, and rewrites the web page with
`image data.
`The disclosed prior art fail to provide systems and methodologies that result in a
`quantum leap in the speed with which they can modify and add images, video, and
`sound to sites, in the volume of data they can publish internally and externally, and
`in the quality of the output. The development of such an automated media delivery
`system would constitute a major technological advance.
`It would be advantageous to empower an end user with flexibility and control by
`providing interactive page capabilities.
`It would be advantageous from an end user's perspective to generate Web pages
`that contain active graphics. For example, clicking on a Corvette image will cause a
`simple menu to pop up suggesting alternative colors and sizes in which to see the
`car. Clicking on portions of the image, such as a fender, can call up a close-in view
`of the fender.
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00010
`It would be advantageous to provide an automated graphics delivery system that
`becomes part of the Web site infrastructure and operates as part of the Web page
`transaction and that thereby provides a less expensive and less time-consuming
`It would be advantageous to provide a system for automated processing and
`delivery of media (images, video, and sound) to a Web server whereby it eliminates
`the laborious post-production and conversion work that must be done before a
`10 media asset can be delivered on a Web server.
`It would be advantageous to create a dynamic Web site, wherein images are
`generated on demand from original assets, wherein only the original assets need to
`be updated, and wherein updated changes propagate throughout the site.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system that generates media based on
`current Web server traffic thereby optimizing throughput of the media through the
`Web server.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system that generates media that is
`optimized for the Web client, wherein client connection speed determines optimum
`quality and file size.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system that generates media, whereby the
`25 media is automatically uploaded.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system that automatically caches generated
`media so identical requests can be handled without regeneration of images.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system that resides behind the Web server,
`thereby eliminating security issues.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system wherein the client browser does not
`require a plug-in.
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00011
`It would be advantageous to provide a system wherein the system does not require
`any changes to a Web server.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system wherein the system manages the
`Web server media cache.
`It would be advantageous to provide a system wherein the Web media is generated
`only if requested by a client browser.
`It would be advantageous for a system to reduce the need for a Web author to
`create different versions of a Web site, the system automatically handling image
`It would be advantageous to provide dynamic imaging capabilities, have a more
`complete set of image processing functionality, and be controlled directly through an
`image URL.
`It would be advantageous to provide an end-to-end solution requiring only a
`standard browser that is completely controllable using the proprietary tags contained
`within a simple image link in the web page.
`It would be advantageous to run an image application as a separate server
`controlled directly by single image requests to that server, such that any web server,
`even one that is only sending static HTML can access imaging features.
`An automatic graphics delivery system that operates in parallel with an existing Web
`site infrastructure is provided. The system streamlines the post-production process
`by automating the production of media through content generation procedures
`controlled by proprietary tags placed within URLs embedded within Web documents.
`The author simply places the original media in the system, and adds proprietary tags
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00012
`to the URLs for accessing that media. The system automatically processes the URL
`encoded tags and automatically produces derivative media for the web site from the
`original media.
`The system takes as input the client connection, server traffic, content generation
`procedures, and proprietary tags placed within the URL to generate optimized media
`for the client. The need for the Web author to create different versions of a Web site
`is reduced because the image content of the site is automatically handled by the
`In addition, generated media is cached such that further requests for the
`same media require little overhead.
`Because the invention takes the original media, content generation procedures, and
`proprietary URL tags as inputs for generating the Web media, it is possible to modify
`any of these inputs and have the system automatically update the media on the
`associated Web pages.
`Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram showing the placement of the system within a current
`Web infrastructure according to the invention;
`Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram showing how a typical Web site delivers an HTML
`document and its graphics to a Web browser according to the prior art;
`Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram showing delivery of an HTML document and media to
`a Web browser according to the invention;
`Fig. 4 is a schematic diagram showing the components involved in Web site
`administration according to the prior art;
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00013
`Fig. 5 is a schematic diagram showing the components of the system involved in
`Web site administration according to the invention;
`Fig. 6 is a simple overview showing the components of the system according to the
`Fig. 7 is a schematic diagram showing the process flow of a proprietary enabled
`page delivered to a Web browser according to the invention;
`Fig. 8 is a flow chart showing an authoring process according to the invention;
`Fig. 9 is a flow chart showing an HTML parsing process according to the invention;
`Fig. 10 is a flow chart showing a media creation process according to the invention;
`Fig. 11 is a screen shot showing an administration tool according to the invention;
`Fig. 12 displays a structure of a database record used for the system according to
`the invention;
`Fig. 13 shows original media to be processed according to the invention;
`Fig. 14 shows a portion on an HTML document with a proprietary tag according to
`the invention;
`Fig. 15 shows an HTML document and an HTML document source according to the
`Fig. 16 shows a generated GIF image according to the invention;
`is a schematic diagram of an
`Fig. 17
`infrastructure according to the invention;
`image system within a typical Web
`IPR2023-00330 Page 00014
`Fig. 18 is a schematic diagram showing delivery of an HTML document and original
`media according to the invention;
`Fig. 19 is a schematic diagram showing components of Web site administration
`according to a preferred embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 20 is a simple overview showing components of the image system according to
`a preferred embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 21 is a schematic diagram showing process flow of a proprietary enabled page
`delivered to a Web browser according to a preferred embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 22 shows a flowchart of a content generation procedure according to a