`ISSN 1678-4405
`Copyright © 2013, Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
`Recombinants proteins for industrial uses: utilization of Pichia pastoris expression system
`Claudia Rabert1,3, Daniel Weinacker1,2, Adalberto Pessoa Jr2, Jorge G. Farías1
`1Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración,
`Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
`2Departamento de Tecnologia Bioquímico-Farmacêutica, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas,
`Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
`3Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales,
`Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
`Submitted: December 18, 2012; Approved: January 08, 2013.
`The innovation in industrial process with impact in the efficient production is the major challenge for
`actual industry. A high numerous of enzymes are utilized in at different level of process; the search
`for new alternatives with better characteristic has become a field of study of great interest, the recom-
`binant protein achievement in a different host system is an alternative widely assessed for production
`of this. The microorganism Pichia pastoris has been used like a successful expression system in di-
`verse areas, improved the yield and extraction-recovery of the product expressed. The reported of di-
`verse authors in the production of enzymes with different application in industry is varied, in this
`review the different industry areas and the characteristic of the enzymes produced are detailed.
`Key words: recombinant protein, protein production, yeast, industrial applications.
`Recombinant Protein for Industrial Use
`The production of protein for industrial use started in
`the end of century XIX, the industry searched new compo-
`nent for improve the efficiency of the process or searching
`alternatives to make it a most cost effective process; the de-
`velopment of recombinant DNA technology and the prog-
`ress made in the optimization of the bioprocess with recom-
`binant organisms offers a wide variety of alternatives in the
`production of proteins for use in industrial processes with
`new and/or better properties.
`The expression systems based of recombinant pro-
`teins in yeast have proven to be an efficient and economical
`source of proteins of industrial interest higher eukaryotes
`and / or academic (Buckholz and Gleeson, 1991) becoming
`one of the most frequently used alternative for the produc-
`tion of proteins a high scale.
`Pichia pastorisLike an Expression System
`The use of the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris,
`as a cellular host for the expression of recombinant proteins
`has become increasing popular in recent times. P. pastoris
`is easier to genetically manipulate and culture than mam-
`malian cells and can be grown to high cell densities.
`Equally important, P. pastoris is also a eukaryote microor-
`ganism, and thereby provides the potential for producing
`soluble, correctly folded recombinant proteins that have
`undergone all the post-translational modifications required
`for functionality. Additionally, linearized foreign DNA can
`be inserted in high efficiency via homologous recombina-
`tion procedures to generate stable cell lines whilst expres-
`sion vectors can be readily prepared that allow multiple
`copies of the target protein, multimeric proteins with differ-
`ent subunit structures, or alternatively the target protein and
`its cognate binding partners, to be expressed (Daly et al.,
`Recombinant protein production in the yeast strain
`Pichia pastoris has several advantages over other euka-
`ryotic and prokaryotic expression systems: (i) rapid growth
`rate, coupled with ease of high cell-density fermentation;
`(ii) high levels of productivity in an almost protein-free me-
`dium; (iii) elimination of endotoxin and bacteriophage con-
`Send correspondence to J.G. Farías. Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración, Universidad de La
`Frontera, Temuco, Chile. E-mail: jorge.farias@ufrontera.cl.
`Motif Exhibit 1027, Page 1 of 6
`Case No.: IPR2023-00321
`U.S. Patent No. 10,689,656
`Rabert et al.
`ease of genetic manipulation of
`well-characterized yeast expression vectors; (v) absence of
`known human pathogenicity in the spectrum of lytic vi-
`ruses that prey on P. pastoris; (vi) diverse post-translational
`modifications that include polypeptide folding, glycosyl-
`ation, methylation, acylation, proteolytic adjustment, and
`targeting to subcellular compartments; and (vii) the ability
`to engineer secreted proteins that can be purified from
`growth medium without harvesting the yeast cells them-
`selves (Li et al., 2007).
`Pichia pastoris has been exploited by biotechnolo-
`gists for the high-level production of foreign proteins
`(Cregg et al., 2004; Romanos et al., 1992). In this review
`will focus in the different recombinant proteins with appli-
`cation in diverse industrial areas expressed in the system P.
`pastoris, highlighting the applicability and the main im-
`provements obtained through this expression system.
`Animal Feed Additive
`Monogastric animals are unable to utilize phytic acids
`due to the low levels of phytase activity in their digestive
`tracts, by that an inorganic phosphate source is commonly
`added into the feed for the purposes of phosphorous supple-
`mentation (Torre et al., 1991). The enzyme phytase cata-
`lyze the hydrolysis of phytic acid (myoinositol hexakis-
`phosphate), the major storage form of phosphorous in plant
`seeds (Cheryan, 1980) thereby releasing inorganic phos-
`phate, is regarded as an antinutrient factor since it forms
`insoluble complexes with proteins and a variety of nutri-
`tionally important metal ions such as calcium, zinc, magne-
`sium, and iron, and decreasing the bioavailability of phou-
`rous (Torre et al., 1991). Microbial phytases available in
`the market have problem in thermoestability and degrada-
`tion suffers in stomach digestion; becoming not feasible for
`addition in feed rations like additive. An alternative arises
`from P. pastoris for obtaining protein from prokaryotes or
`eukaryotes microorganisms and with high yield of enzyme.
`Phytase from Asperguillus fumigates
`In the investigation realized by Rodriguez et al. (Ro-
`driguez et al., 2000) the analysis was focused on the differ-
`ences presented in the recombinant protein obtained from
`Pichia pastoris vs. those obtained in other expression sys-
`tems. The gene r-Afp expressed in P. pastoris in pPICZaA
`vector, obtained yield of 729 mg of purified protein per liter
`of culture, with a specific activity after purification of
`43 U/mg at pH 5.5 of protein has a comparatively higher
`specific phytase activity than those reported values of the
`enzyme produced by A. niger, H. polymorpha, and S.
`cerevisiae which varied between 23.4 to 28.1 U/mg protein.
`The remarkable resistance of the A. fumigates phytase to
`heat inactivation is most appealing characteristic (Pasa-
`montes et al., 1997). In assay for temperature stability was
`conserved at 65 °C around of 57% and for 90 °C around of
`40%. Another interesting observation in this study is the
`relatively high resistance of r-Afp to pepsin. Given the ra-
`tios of pepsin/phytase (w/w) from 0.001 to 0.1, r-Afp re-
`mained essentially intact after 2 h ofincubation at 37 °C.
`On the other hand, the enzyme was degradable by trypsin
`depending on the ratios. While r-Afp was partially digested
`from the ratio of 0.001 to 0.02, the enzyme was fully de-
`graded at the ratio of 0.1; suggests this results that r-Afp has
`different susceptibilities to proteolysis of pepsin and
`Phytase from Escherichia Coli
`In this study executed by Chen et al. (2004) was eval-
`uated and compared the production of recombinant protein
`in flask scale and high cell-density fermentation, the appA
`gene cloned in pPICZaA vector of P. pastoris registered
`phytase activity level was enhanced from 118 to 204 U/mL
`at the flask scale and 1880-4946 U/mL for high cell-density
`fermentation, this high yield would thus suggest that phy-
`tase production by P. pastoris was both economical and
`feasible. The most important result in this study is focusing
`in modified media for enhances the induction of recombi-
`nant protein; the phytase production was increased when a
`modified mBMMHY medium was used. The mBMMHY
`medium was modified from BMMY medium by replacing
`peptone and YNB with histidine and the YE concentration
`was reduced from 1 to 0.1%. The phytase activity in
`mBMMHY was 204 U/mL after an induction period of
`96 h, virtually twice the level that it achieved when induc-
`tion was conducted in BMMY or FBSH 118 and 123 U/mL
`respectively after 96 h induction. The protein concentration
`of cells induced in mBMMHY medium reached 6.4 g/L of
`culture supernatant and the phytase activity was noted to be
`4946 U/mL after an induction period of 192 h.
`Gelatin industry
`Gelatin is in essence, denatured collagen and is pre-
`pared by hot acid or alkaline extraction of animal tissues
`such as bones and hides; is a well-known biopolymer and
`has a long history of use, mainly as a gelling agent in food.
`Certain characteristics limited their applications, the ex-
`traction procedure results in chemically modified gelatin
`peptides covering a wide range of molecular weights
`(Asghar and Henrickson, 1982) and traditional gelatin has a
`high gelling temperature due to its high content of he-
`lix-stabilizing hydroxyprolines. This can be undesirable for
`low temperature applications (Saddler and Horsey, 1987).
`Production of non-gelling (i.e. non-hydroxylated) ge-
`latin-like proteins in Escherichia coli has been reported. It
`involves the expression of synthetic genes constructed
`from repeating Gly-Xaa-Yaa encoding units (Gardner et
`al., 1992). Many problems arise concerning the instability
`of these highly repetitive genes (Capello, 1990). Probably,
`native gelatin sequences derived from collagen genes are
`more stable than synthetic gelatin-like sequences, because
`Motif Exhibit 1027, Page 2 of 6
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`U.S. Patent No. 10,689,656
`Pichia pastoris expression system
`there is greater variation in amino acid usage and less repet-
`itiveness (Fahnestock and Bedzyk, 1997).
`Non-gellins gellatin
`In report, generated by Werten et al. (1999) the pro-
`duction of high extracellular non-gelling gelatin in pPIC9
`and a multicopy pPIC9K expression vectors of Pichia
`pastoris was described. A 0.7 kb rat denominated COL3A1
`cDNA fragment, encoding a 21 kDa gelatin and a 1.0 kb
`mouse denominated COL1A1 cDNA fragment encoding a
`28 kDa gelatin (Col1a1-1) and a 1.8 kb mouse denominated
`COL1A1 cDNA fragment encoding a 53 kDa gelatin
`(Col1a1-2) were cloned. Different strategies were used to
`reduce the proteolytic degradation of this extremely vulner-
`able unfolded protein, the best results was obtained from a
`transformant bearing approximately 15 copies of the
`pCOL3A1 vector produced up to 14.8 g gelatin/liter extra-
`cellular medium and the problems of proteolytic degrada-
`tion could be minimized despite the unfolded structure of
`gelatin trough modifications of pH fermentation and sup-
`plement the fermentation medium with casamino acids;
`proteolytic cleavage at specific mono-arginylic sites, by a
`putative Kex2-like protease, could be
`successfully abolished by site-directed mutagenesis
`of these sites.
`Wastewater Treatment and Bleaching
`Laccases are blue copper-containing phenol oxidases
`that are widely distributed in plants and certain fungi
`(Alcalde, 2007). Have been ascribed diverse biological
`functions in different organism; the potential applications
`include (i) delignification and biobleaching of pulp (Bour-
`bonnais et al., 1997) (ii) treatment of wastewater from in-
`dustrial plants (Bergbauer et al., 1991) (iii) enzymatic mod-
`ification of fibers and dye-bleaching in the textile and dye
`industries (Abadulla et al., 2000). A possible advantage
`with P. pastoris compared to many filamentous fungi is that
`it does not produce cellulolytic enzymes and laccase pro-
`duced in this host could, therefore, potentially be applied
`directly in the pulp and paper industry without any purifica-
`Laccase from Trametes versicolor
`The work realized by Hong et al. (Hong et al., 2002)
`utilized the gene laccase lccl and was cloned into P.
`pastoris in pHIL-D2 expression vector. Was employed the
`BMM medium, and the highest laccase activity registred
`was 3.3 U/mL, which was observed after 3 days of induc-
`tion; after that it declined to 1.6 U/mL. The decrease in
`laccase activity during the late period in shake-flask culti-
`vation might be due to the low pH. The temperature is an
`important parameter for optimization of laccase expression
`in yeast systems (Cassland and Jonsson, 1999), the results
`confirmed that cultivation at low temperature in shake-
`flask improved laccase activity 3.3 U/mL at 30 °C and
`11.5 U/mL at 20 °C.When fermentor cultivations was used
`the pH was kept at 5.0 and in the protease assay higher
`proteolytic activity was found at pH 5.0 than at pH 8.5, a
`previous investigation indicated that proteolytic activity
`played an important role in laccase expression by P.
`pastoris because the protease deficient SMD 1168 strain
`performed better than GS115. In the study a positive corre-
`lation was established between the amount of methanol
`consumed and the quantity of protein produced was ob-
`served, however a fivefold higher volumetric laccase activ-
`ity was obtained when the methanol concentration was kept
`at 0.5% instead of 1.0%.
`Laccase from Pleurotus sajor-caju
`Research realized by Soden et al. (2002) report the
`cloning of the full-length gene for one of these isozyme
`genes, namely Psc lac4, and on its subsequent expression in
`the heterologous host P. pastoris. The GS115 strain was
`utilized transformed with pPIC3.5-lac4, the level of Psc
`Lac4 expression reported here was 4 ± 85 mg/L the purified
`protein had an activity of 1050 U/mL, with a specific activ-
`ity of 2100 units mg-1. Psc Lac 4 was stable for at least 5 h
`between pH 6 and pH 8. Over the same period of time, the
`activity decreased to approximately 80%, 70% and 64% of
`the original value when the enzyme was incubated at pH 5,
`pH 3 and pH 9, respectively. At 25 °C, the pH stability of
`Psc Lac 4 was reduced. The optimal temperature for Psc
`Lac4 activity was 35 °C with ABTS as substrate. Psc Lac4
`was relatively stable after 1 h at 35 °C;however, over the
`same period of time residual activity decreased to approxi-
`mately 35% and 25% of the original value when incubated
`at 35 °C and 45 °C respectively, while no detectable activ-
`ity was observed after 1 h at 65 °C.
`Laccase from Pycnoporus cinnabarinusI-937
`Studies realized by Otterbein et al. (2000) was dedi-
`cated to isolation and characterization of a cDNA corre-
`sponding to the gene lac1 isolated from fungus P.
`cinnabarinus I-937 and its expression in the methyl-
`otrophic yeast P. pastoris; two distinct expression plasmids
`were used. Plasmid pPICZB/Lac1 and pPICZaB/Lac1 dif-
`fers from the first in that it contains the native S. cerevisiae
`a-factor secretion signal upstream of the sequence of ma-
`ture laccase. Expression was evaluated in baffled flasks and
`for pPICZaB/Lac1 construction, the laccase activity gradu-
`ally reached 20 units, and the cell culture density reached a
`D600 of 21 after 10 days of incubation for other hand for
`the pPICZ/Lac1 expression vector, laccase activity reached
`a maximum of 12 units and the cellular density reached a
`D600 value of 17 after 8 days, the expression level was sat-
`isfactory 8 mg/L with the two expression vectors used, but
`the eventual proteolytic degradation events in the culture
`medium could not be regulated, the regulation of pH in the
`media utilized was important factor for the production of
`Motif Exhibit 1027, Page 3 of 6
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`U.S. Patent No. 10,689,656
`Rabert et al.
`laccase enzyme, obtaining in acidic pH an detrimental ef-
`fect in the production.
`Antifreeze proteins (AFP) have been isolated from a
`number of organisms including fish, insects, plants and
`bacteria (Davis and Hew, 1990). Their properties include
`depressing freezing temperature without affecting the melt-
`ing temperature (so-called thermal hysteresis), modifying
`ice crystal morphology,
`inhibiting ice crystal growth
`(recrystallization), enhancing cellular integrity, and reduc-
`ing microbial growth (Chapsky and Rubinsky, 1997; Har-
`ding et al., 1999).
`The use of AFPs is focused on industry foodstuffs
`that involved frozen storage. However, according to their
`properties, AFPs are likely to be good preservatives, not
`only for frozen food but also for chilled food (Griffith and
`Ewart, 1995).
`In the work realized by Loewen et al. (1997) describ-
`ing the shake-flask expression of the cystine-rich SRAFP in
`Pichia obtaining secreted recombinant protein up to 5 mg/L
`and demonstrate that the recombinant protein has identical
`activity to SRAFP isolated from sea raven serum. In order
`to increase yields further, four different strategies were
`tested in 10 liter
`fermentation vessels,
`the mixed-
`feeding/Muts strategy proved to be the most efficient with
`SRAFP yields reaching 30 mg/L.
`Lytic Enzymes
`Enzymes such as cellulases, xylanases, proteases, li-
`pases, amylases, phosphatases and pectinases are widely
`used in the pulp and paper, textiles, detergent, food and
`beverage and pharmaceutical
`industries (Cheng et al.,
`The main industrial application of pectinases is the
`extraction and clarification of fruit and vegetable juices.
`Most of the microbial pectinases produced by the industry
`are dedicated to this purpose. Pectins are responsible for the
`turbidity and consistency of the juice causing an increase in
`their viscosity, which hinders its clarification, filtration and
`concentration (Alkorta et al., 1998).
`Polygalacturonases are the pectic enzymes which are
`most commonly used in the case of orange juice, where nat-
`ural pectin esterases are present, pectin is only partially
`methylated. In the process of orange juice extraction,
`pectinases can be added at the end of the pulp wash extrac-
`tion to reduce viscosity or, preferably, at the end of the first
`finisher. This leads to higher yield in juice, a better extrac-
`tion of soluble solids and to a lower viscosity. The action of
`these enzymes just reduces the viscosity without attacking
`the insoluble pectin that maintains the stability of the cloud
`(Kashyap et al., 2001). The endopolygalacturonase is the
`most substantial member of pectolytic enzymes that are uti-
`lized to degrade various pectic substances (Whitaker,
`Cellulases and xylanases are active fibrolytic en-
`zymes and have sparked interest for a number of biotechno-
`logical applications. These include development of pro-
`biotic and as feed additives for silages and total mixed
`rations, for saccharification of lignocellulosic residues and
`for production of polysaccharide-hydrolysing enzymes (Li
`et al., 1996).
`Xylan is the second most abundant biopolymer after
`cellulose and the major hemicellulosic polysaccharide
`found in plant cell walls. Xylanolytic enzymes are mainly
`produced by saprophytic fungi and bacteria and hydrolyze
`the xylan component of plant cell walls (Coughlan and
`Hazlewood, 1993).
`Endopolygalacturonase from Botrytis cinerea
`In investigation realized by Kars et al. (2005) the cod-
`ing sequences of the genes Bcpg1, Bcpg2, Bcpg3, Bcpg4
`and Bcpg6 were cloned in the expression vector pPIC3.5 of
`P. pastoris. Production levels of BcPGs were reproducible
`for individual enzymes but varied significantly between the
`different enzymes, ranging from 5 mg/L for BcPG1 to
`1000 mg/L for BcPG3. The overall yield of pure protein of
`the different BcPGs was highly variable ranged from 0.5 to
`500 mg per fermentation. The optimal enzyme activity us-
`ing polygalacturonic acid (PGA) as substrate was observed
`at pH 4.2 for BcPG1, pH 4.9 for BcPG4, and pH 4.5 for
`BcPG2 and BcPG6. Purified BcPG3 displayed a broa-
`der pH optimum ranging from pH 3.2 to 4.5.
`Endo-b-1,4-xylanase from Aspergillus niger
`In the working realized by Berrin et al. (2000); the
`cDNA-encoding XylA was used to transform P. pastoris
`and the cells with construction obtain a secretion yields up
`to 50-100 mg/liter were obtained in selective medium. The
`specific activities of recombinant xylanase of A. niger were
`350 ± 25 U mg/L for the one expressed in Pichia and 270
`± 16 U mg/L for the native xylanase over expressed. The
`optimum reaction temperature of both xylanases was found
`at 50 °C and over 70% of maximal activity between 40 and
`60 °C. Around 90% activity remained after 3 h incubation
`at 50 °C but between 3 and 4 h ofincubation at this temper-
`ature, xylanase activity dropped dramatically and de-
`creased by more than 50%.
`All revised investigation in this review demonstrating
`the major production of product when the Pichia pastoris
`expression system was utilized and when this is compared
`with other expression system like E. coli, S. cereviciae or
`H. polimorpha. Recombinant protein obtained in P.
`pastoris system exhibit one aspect that has improved is the
`specific activity of the enzyme produced, detecting in-
`Motif Exhibit 1027, Page 4 of 6
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`U.S. Patent No. 10,689,656
`Pichia pastoris expression system
`creased enzyme activity when this was assessed. Being this
`a highly relevant aspect because when a recombinant pro-
`tein is destined to industry use, the yield of the product is an
`important factor for profitability of the process.
`The authors are sincerely thankful for support pro-
`vided by CONICYT doctoral fellowship to D.W, FAPESP
`12/50210-9 (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
`São Paulo, Brasil) and International Cooperation Program
`of Universidad de La Frontera DI12-4001.
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`Motif Exhibit 1027, Page 6 of 6
`Case No.: IPR2023-00321
`U.S. Patent No. 10,689,656

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