Curriculum Vitae
`Giuseppe Caire, Ph.D.
`Faculty IV (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
`Department of Communication Systems
`Technische Universit¨at Berlin
`August 2022
`Constellation Exhibit 2012
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Constellation Designs, LLC
`Page 1 of 51


`1 Education
`1. Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy),
`Doctorate of Philosophy, Electrical Engineering
`2. Princeton University, Princeton NJ (USA),
`Master of Science, Electrical Engineering
`3. Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy),
`Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (summa cum laude)
`(September, 1994)
`(May, 1992)
`(February, 1990)
`2 Employment History
`1. Full Professor (W3)
`Chair of Communications and Information Theory
`Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany
`2. Adjunct Research Professor
`University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
`3. Full Professor (tenure)
`University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
`4. Professor
`Eurecom Institute, Sophia-Antipolis (France)
`5. Associate Professor,
`University of Parma, Parma (Italy)
`6. Assistant Professor
`Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy)
`7. Young Graduate Trainee (Post-Doc)
`European Space Agency ESTEC, Noordwijk (The Netherlands)
`8. Research and Teaching Assistant
`Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy)
`3 Visiting Appointments
`(April 2014 – present)
`(June 2016 – present)
`(August 2005 – May 2016)
`(August 1998 – July 2005)
`(1997 – 1998)
`(1995 – 1997)
`(1994 – 1995)
`(1992 – 1994)
`1. Visiting Professor, University of Parma, Information Technology Department, (October 2017 –
`July 2021)
`2. Visiting Directeur de Recherche, LSS Laboratory
`CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France,
`(September 2011 – August 2012)
`3. Visiting Professor, EE Department
`University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia)
`4. Visiting Research Fellow, EE Department
`Princeton University, Princeton NJ (USA)
`(July – September, 2000)
`(July - December 1997)
`5. Visiting Research Fellow, Mobile Communications Department
`Eurecom Institute, Sophia-Antipolis (France)
`(September – December 1996)
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`4 Major Honors, and Awards
`1. 2022, Elected member of the Berlin Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften
`2. 2021, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
`3. 2020, IEEE Communications Society Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award.
`4. 2019, Leonard G. Abraham Prize for best IEEE JSAC paper, for the paper
`• Ji, M., Caire, G. and Molisch, A.F., “Wireless device-to-device caching networks: Basic prin-
`ciples and system performance,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(1),
`pp.176-189, 2015.
`5. 2018, ERC Advanced Grant (start date: October 1st, 2018).
`6. 2015, Vodafone Innovation Prize (awarded by the Vodafone-Stiftung f¨ur Forschung in der
`Mobilkommunikation, Germany).
`7. 2015, Best paper award of the Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking symposium at ICC 2015 for the
`• Sang-Woon Jeon, Song-Nam Hong, Mingyue Ji and Giuseppe Caire, “Caching in Wireless
`Multihop Device-to-Device Networks,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Commun. ICC 2015, London, UK.
`8. 2013, Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (Research Grant of 3.5 Millions of Euros,
`awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, to develop a 5-years research program in
`9. 2011, Joint IEEE Information Theory and IEEE Communications Society Best Paper Award,
`for the paper
`• Caire, G.; Jindal, N.; Kobayashi, M.; Ravindran, N.; “Multiuser MIMO Achievable Rates With
`Downlink Training and Channel State Feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
`Volume: 56 , Issue: 6, Page(s): 2845 - 2866, Year: 2010.
`10. 2011, recipient of the Marie Curie Fellowship of the EU, FP7-PEOPLE-2010-International
`Incoming Fellows.
`11. 2006, recipient of the Okawa Foundation Research Award.
`12. 2005 Elected IEEE Fellow.
`13. 2004 Young Authors Award, at EUSIPCO with Ph.D. student Albert Guillen i Fabregas, for the
`• A. Guillen i Fabregas and G. Caire “Impact of Signal Constellation Expansion on Achievable
`Diversity in Quasistatic Multiple Antenna Channels,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Austria.
`14. 2004 Joint IEEE Information Theory and IEEE Communications Society Best Paper Award, for
`the paper
`• G. Caire and S. Shamai, “On the achievable throughput of a multi-antenna Gaussian broadcast
`channel,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1691-1706, July 2003.
`15. 2003 IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Jack Neubauer Best System Paper Award, for the paper
`• D. Boudreau, G. Caire, G. E. Corazza, R. De Gaudenzi, G. Gallinaro, M. Luglio, R. Lyons, J.
`Romero-Garcia, A. Vernucci, H. Widmer, “Wideband-CDMA for the UMTS/IMT-2000 satellite
`component,” IEEE Trans. on Vehic. Tech., vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 306-331, March 2002.
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`16. William Girling Watson fellowship of the University of Sydney, 1999.
`17. Young Graduate Trainee Scholarship of the European Space Agency, 1994.
`5 Main Research Achievements
`G. Caire’s research focuses on Information Theory, Communication Theory, and Coding Theory, with
`special emphasis on wireless communication systems. His major scientific achievements are summa-
`rized in chronological order as follows.
`1st breakthrough: Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (Trans. on IT 1998, 3189 citations). This
`modulation scheme has become the de-facto standard for spectrally efficient modulation in fading
`wireless channels and it is used in WiFi and LTE. Its acronym, BICM, is now a standard term in
`many textbooks and technical standard document.
`2nd breakthrough: Information theory of power control in fading channels within the frame-
`work of “channels with state information” (Trans on IT 1999 with Biglieri and Taricco, and 1999 with
`Shamai, 879 and 584 citations, respectively).
`3rd breakthrough: Solution of the “diversity–multiplexing tradeoff ” problem of space-time cod-
`ing by discovering the first constructive family of tradeoff-optimal space-time codes and their efficient
`lattice decoding (Trans. on IT 2004, and Trans. on IT 2003, 353 and 1331 citations, respectively).
`4th breakthrough: Fundamental understanding of the capacity of the MIMO vector broadcast
`channel (Trans. on IT 2003, and Trans. on IT 2011, 2998 and 634 citations, respectively, both re-
`cipient of the Joint best paper award of the IEEE ITsoc and Comsoc). This theory lays the
`foundation of multiuser MIMO, including CoMP, C-RAN, and massive MIMO.
`5th breakthrough: Joint Space-Division and Multiplexing (JSDM) (Trans. on IT 2014, 1117
`citations). JSDM represents the theoretical foundation of hybrid digital-analog beamforming, and it
`is widely referenced now in the context of mmWave system design for 5G.
`6th breakthrough: Pioneering work on wireless caching (aka, “FemtoCaching”) and the charac-
`terization of scaling laws of wireless networks with caching at the nodes (sequence of papers starting
`with INFOCOM 2012 to present, collecting more than 5000 citations). Wireless edge caching has
`recently gained enormous traction, and the PI’s recent results (since 2012) are at the basis of his ERC
`Advacnced Grant Project. Recently, his JSAC paper on device-to-device wireless caching received the
`2019 Leonard G. Abraham Prize for best IEEE JSAC paper.
`7th breakthrough: Pioneering work on information theoretic privacy in coded caching systems
`(Trans. on IT 2020 and 2022. These pioneering works open a very rich research field that now counts
`hundreds of publications from several groups around the world.
`6 Mentoring of junior scientists
`6.1 Ph.D. Students (selected list)
`1. Daniela Tuninetti (F), (now: full professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago);
`2. Albert Guillen i Fabregas, (now: professor at Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK);
`3. Alessandro Nordio, (now: research director at the National Research Council (CNR), Torino
`4. Mari Kobayashi (F), (now: full professor at Centrale-Supelec, Paris, France);
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`5. Raj K. Kumar, (now: Qualcomm India, Bangalore);
`6. Stefania Sesia (F), (now: Ericsson, Sophia Antipolis, France);
`7. Ozgun Bursalioglu (F), (now: Google-X research , Mountain View, CA);
`8. Hooman Shirani-Mehr, (now: Intel Wireless Networks, Oregon);
`9. Hoon Huh, (now: Samsung, Korea).
`10. Song-Nam Hong (now: assistant professor at Andong National University, Korea);
`11. Ansuman Adhikary (now: Qualcomm, Bangalore).
`12. Mingyue Ji (now: assistant professor at the University of Utah).
`13. Vasileios Ntranos (now: assistant professor in the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Uni-
`versity of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania).
`14. Andreas Benzin (now: Post-Doc at Technische Universit¨at Berlin).
`15. Xiaoshen Song (F) (now: Qualcomm Sweden).
`16. Alexander Fengler (now: recipient of a DAAD postdoctoral fellowship and research fellow at
`MIT with Prof. Yuri Polyanskiy)
`17. Mahdi Barzegar Khalilsarai (now: Post-Doc at Technische Universit¨at Berlin).
`6.2 Recently supervised post-doctoral researchers
`1. Yinping Li (now: assistant professor at Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK);
`2. Hamdi Joudeh (now: assistant professor at the Technical University of Eindhoven, NL);
`3. Kai Wan (now: associate professor at the department of Electronic information and Commu-
`nications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, PR China).
`4. Hao Xu Humboldt Research Fellow at TU Berlin.
`7 Major Grants and Funded Projects in the past 5 years
`1. 6G Research Hub “6G-RIC”, funded by the Bundesministerium f¨ur Bildung und Forschung
`(BMBF) with a total of 70 Millions of Euros for 5 years. The total funding for the CommIT
`group led by G. Caire in the 6G-RIC is 1.3 Millions.
`2. Huawei – TU Berlin Joint Innovation Center, endowed by Huawei with 2.8 Millions of Euros
`over 5 years.
`3. Leibniz Research Grant (connected with the Leibniz Preis, DFG): 2.5 Millions of Euros of unre-
`stricted research funds.
`4. ERC Advanced Grant CARENET, 2.5 Million of Euros over 5 years for research on coded
`5. DFG Project SENCOM: Sensing und Kommunikation in Netzwerken mit hoher Mobilit¨at und
`hoher Richtwirkung (international collaboration program with University of Luxembourg). The
`funding for G. Caire amounts to ≈ 300 Keuros in 3 years.
`6. DFG Project Informationstheorie und Wellenformen f¨ur die gemeinsame Kanalsch¨atzung und
`Kommunikation in mobilit¨atsorientierten Netzwerken. Single PI grant, with funding of ≈ 300, 000
`Euros in 3 years.
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`7. DFG Project Koordinierte optische Drahtlosnetze. Single PI grant, with funding of ≈ 300, 000
`Euros in 3 years.
`8. DFG Schwerpunkt Program CoSIP: Compressive Covariance Estimation for Massive MIMO
`(CoCoMiMo). Single PI grant, with funding of ≈ 300, 000 Euros in 3 years.
`9. DFG Schwerpunkt Program CoSIP: Strukturiertes Compressive Sensing mittels gelernten neu-
`ronalen Netzen (SCoSNeL). Single PI grant, with funding of ≈ 300, 000 Euros in 3 years.
`10. DFG Schwerpunkt Program CoSIP: Compressed Sensing Algorithmen f¨ur große, strukturierte
`MIMO Systeme – Phase II: Von massiven MIMO zu massiven drahtlosen Netzwerken. Single PI
`grant, with funding of ≈ 300, 000 Euros in 3 years.
`8 Professional Societies and Service to the Scientific Community
`8.1 Membership and Governance
`(cid:4) IEEE (Student Member, 1992, Member, 1994, Senior Member, 2003, IEEE Fellow 2005).
`(cid:4) IEEE Information Theory Society governance: Member of the Board of Governors (2005 – 2008),
`second Vice President (2009), first Vice President (2010), President of the IEEE Information
`Theory Society (2011).
`(cid:4) Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften BBAW (2022).
`8.2 Associate and Guest Editorship
`1. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on Integrating Sensing into Communications in Multi-
`functional Networks of the IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022.
`2. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information
`3. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on Caching for Communication Systems and Networks of
`the Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2018.
`4. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on Physical layer security for 5G wireless networks of the
`Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2017.
`5. Chair of the Appeals Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2013).
`6. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation of the Journal on
`Selected Areas in Communications JSAC, 2013.
`7. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on Massive MIMO of the Journal of Communication
`Networks (JCN), 2012.
`8. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on New Directions in Information Theory of the European
`Transactions on Telecommunications (2008).
`9. Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, for the area of Communications
`10. Guest co-Editor for the Special Issue on Space-Time Transmission, Reception, Coding and Signal
`Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, October 2003.
`11. Associate editor of Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Technology,
`NOW (the essence of knowledge).
`12. Associate editor of JCN, Journal of Communications and Networks, (Journal of the Korean
`Institute for Communication Sciences), for the area of Modulation and Coding
`13. Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications, for the area of CDMA Systems and
`Multiuser Detection
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`8.3 Conference Organization (selected list)
`1. General co-chair, 2020 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Los Angeles, 2020.
`2. Technical Program co-chair, 2019 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Paris, 2019.
`3. General chair, 2017 ITG-VDE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), Berlin, March 2017.
`4. Technical Program co-chair, IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW) 2016.
`5. Technical Program co-chair, IEEE Ad-Hoc and Sensor Network Symposium in Globecom 2016.
`6. General co-chair, Compressed Sensing and Applications (CSA) workshop, Berlin 2015.
`7. General co-chair, 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Jeju Island, Korea, 2015.
`8. Technical Program co-chair, 2012 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT 2012), Cambridge
`9. Workshop co-chair, 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 ICC, Workshop on Small Cell Wireless Networks
`10. Symposia co-chair, International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc
`and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) 2011.
`11. Technical Program co-chair, IEEE SMARTGRIDCOMM 2010, 1st IEEE International Confer-
`ence on Smart Grid Communications.
`12. Technical Program co-chair, IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW), 2009.
`13. Technical Program co-chair, International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile,
`Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2008.
`14. General co-chair, 2007 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT 2007), Nice, France.
`15. Publication chair, 2000 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT 2000), Sorrento, Italy.
`9 Managing Responsibilities and Technology Leadership
`9.1 Managing Responsibilities
`(cid:4) G. Caire is the director of the CommIT Chair at TUB, presently including 5 post-doctoral re-
`searchers, 10 PhD students, and several international visitors funded by EU, by German Mobility
`Programs (German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)), German Research Foundation (DFG),
`and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Research at the CommIT Chair is funded by struc-
`tural funds from TUB, by grants from DFG, BMBF, EU H2020, EU-ERC, and the Alexander von
`Humboldt Foundation, as well as by corporate research projects with Huawei, DoCoMo, and Intel.
`(cid:4) Starting in April 2021, G. Caire is the director of the Huawei – TU Berlin Joint Innovation Center
`focused on fundamental research in wireless technology and in particular on 6G, i.e., the next
`generation of wireless systems. The center is endowed by Huawei with 2.8 Millions of Euros over 5
`(cid:4) Starting in August 2021, G. Caire is one of the PIs of the 6G Research Hub “6G-RIC”, funded by
`the Bundesministerium f¨ur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) with a total of 70 Millions of Euros for
`5 years. The total funding for the CommIT group led by G. Caire in the 6G-RIC is 1.3 Millions.
`(cid:4) G. Caire is also one of the founding PIs in BIFOLD, The Berlin Institute
`for the Foundations of Learning and Data, founded in 2019. BIFOLD conducts foundational research
`in big data management and machine learning, as well as its intersection, to educate future talent,
`and create high-impact knowledge exchange.
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`9.2 Leadership in Industrial Innovation
`1. G. Caire is the co-founder of SpaceMUX (2013-2014), developing original technology for dis-
`tributed multiuser MIMO in last generation WiFi networks (“Airsync: enabling distributed
`multiuser MIMO with full multiplexing gain.” U.S. Patent No. 8,995,410. 31 Mar. 2015; “Com-
`posite beamforming to coordinate concurrent WLAN links.” U.S. Patent No. 9,479,240. 25 Oct.
`2. G. Caire is a scientific advisor for Artemis Networks, a Silicon Valley startup developing dis-
`tributed multiuser MIMO for LTE.
`3. Co-inventor of 24 patents, including “System and method for lossy source-channel coding at the
`application layer,” U.S. Patent No. 9,131,238. 8 Sep. 2015, and “Predictive network system and
`method,” U.S. Patent No. 9,680,766 B2. Jun. 13, 2017.
`4. G. Caire is a co-founder of Massive Beams GmbH (founded in 2022), a spinoff of TU Berlin
`dedicated to the implementation of Open-RAN advanced multiantenna radio units for 5G and
`6G. Massive Beams GmbH has collected so far about 500kEuros of venture capital investments.
`5. G. Caire is the academic advisor of MOXZ, a spinoff of TU Berlin that obtained in 2022
`an EXIST-Forschungstransfer Projekt of the Bunderministerium f¨ur Bildung und Forschung
`(BMBF), and is presently hosted in the CommIT group at TU Berlin while preparing to in-
`corporate in 2023. The topic of the spinoff is a new type of ultra-wideband modulation for
`extremely low delay communications, and high resolution radar ranging.
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`Giuseppe Caire, Ph.D.
`Faculty IV (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
`Department of Communication Systems
`Technische Universit¨at Berlin
`August 2022
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`1 Bibliometric Quantitative Summary
`G. Caire to date has co-authored 227 peer-reviewed journal papers and 395 peer-reviewed conference
`According to Google Scholar (August 2022):
`Giuseppe Caire has 40236 total citations and h-index equal to 82. Since 2017 he has 16945 citations
`and h-index equal to 58.
`He was listed as a highly cited author of ISI Thompson-Reuters web of science and included in the
`list of World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds in 2014, and in the Clarivate Web of Science highly
`cited authors list in 2017-2022.
`Giuseppe Caire’s ORCID is:
`2 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
`Presentation is in reverse chronological order.
`1. Mehrasa Ahmadipour; Mari Kobayashi; Michale Wigger; Giuseppe Caire “An Information-
`Theoretic Approach to Joint Sensing and Communication,” IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, Year: 2022 — Early Access Article
`2. Meysam Goodarzi; Vladica Sark; Nebojsa Maletic; Jesus Gutierrez Teran; Giuseppe Caire; Eck-
`hard Grass, “DNN-Assisted Particle-Based Bayesian Joint Synchronization and Localization,”
`IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 70, No. 7, 2022
`3. Kai Wan, Hua Sun, Mingyue Ji, Daniela Tuninetti, Giuseppe Caire, “On the Fundamental Limits
`of Device-to-Device Private Caching Under Uncoded Cache Placement and User Collusion,”
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 68, No. 9, 2022
`4. Kai Wan, Minquan Cheng, Mari Kobayashi, Giuseppe Caire, “On the Optimal Memory-Load
`Tradeoff of Coded Caching for Location-Based Content,” IEEE Transactions on Communica-
`tions, Vol. 70, No. 5, 2022
`5. Kai Wan, Hua Sun, Mingyue Ji, Daniela Tuninetti, Giuseppe Caire, “Cache-Aided Matrix Mul-
`tiplication Retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 86, No. 7, 2022
`6. Han Yu, Xinping Yi, Giuseppe Caire, “Downlink Precoding for DP-UPA FDD Massive MIMO
`via Multi-Dimensional Active Channel Sparsification,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Commu-
`nications, Vol. 21, No. 8, 2022
`7. Han Yu, Xinping Yi, Giuseppe Caire, “Topological Pilot Assignment in Large-Scale Distributed
`MIMO Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, No. 8, 2022
`8. Hao Xu, Tianyu Yang, Kai-Kit Wong, Giuseppe Caire, “Achievable Regions and Precoder De-
`signs for the Multiple Access Wiretap Channels with Confidential and Open Messages,” IEEE
`Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2022
`9. Alexander Fengler, Osman Musa, Peter Jung, Giuseppe Caire, “Pilot-Based Unsourced Random
`Access with a Massive MIMO Receiver, Interference Cancellation, and Power Control,” IEEE
`Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2022
`10. Kai Wan, Hua Sun, Mingyue Ji, Giuseppe Caire “On Secure Distributed Linearly Separable
`Computation,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2022
`11. Won Joon Yun, Dohyun Kwon, Minseok Choi, Joongheon Kim, Giuseppe Caire, Andreas F.
`Molisch, “Quality-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for Streaming in Infrastructure-Assisted
`Connected Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2022
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`12. Kai Wan, Hua Sun, Mingyue Ji, Giuseppe Caire, “Distributed Linearly Separable Computation,”
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 68, No. 2, 2022
`13. Mahdi Barzegar Khalilsarai, Tianyu Yang, Saeid Haghighatshoar, Xinping Yi, Giuseppe Caire,
`“Dual-Polarized FDD Massive MIMO: A Comprehensive Framework,” IEEE Transactions on
`Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2022
`14. Lorenzo Gaudio, Giulio Colavolpe, Giuseppe Caire, “OTFS vs. OFDM in the Presence of
`Sparsity: A Fair Comparison,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, No.
`6, 2022
`15. Kai Wan;Hua Sun;Mingyue Ji;Giuseppe Caire “On the Tradeoff Between Computation and
`Communication Costs for Distributed Linearly Separable Computation,” IEEE Transactions on
`Communications, Vol. 69, No. 11, 2021
`16. Bruno Clerckx, Yijie Mao, Robert Schober, Eduard A. Jorswieck, David J. Love, Jinhong Yuan,
`Lajos Hanzo, Geoffrey Ye Li, Erik G. Larsson, Giuseppe Caire, “Is NOMA Efficient in Multi-
`Antenna Networks? A Critical Look at Next Generation Multiple Access Techniques,” IEEE
`Open Journal of the Communications Society, Year: 2021, Vol. 2.
`17. Minquan Cheng; Kai Wan;Dequan Liang; Mingming Zhang; Giuseppe Caire “A Novel Trans-
`formation Approach of Shared-link Coded Caching Schemes for Multiaccess Networks,” IEEE
`Transactions on Communications, Year: 2021, Vol. 69, No. 11.
`18. Hamdi Joudeh; Giuseppe Caire “Cellular Networks With Finite Precision CSIT: GDoF Opti-
`mality of Multi-Cell TIN and Extremal Gains of Multi-Cell Cooperation,” IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Year: 2021, Vol. 67, No. 10.
`19. Xiang Zhang; Kai Wan; Hua Sun; Mingyue Ji; Giuseppe Caire “On the Fundamental Limits of
`Cache-aided Multiuser Private Information Retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Communications,
`Year: 2021, Vol. 69, No. 9.
`20. Xiaoshen Song; Yahya H. Ezzeldin; Giuseppe Caire; Christina Fragouli “Efficient Beam Schedul-
`ing for Half-Duplex mmWave Relay Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Year:
`2021, Vol. 69, No. 9.
`21. Alexander Fengler; Peter Jung; Giuseppe Caire “SPARCs for Unsourced Random Access,” IEEE
`Transactions on Information Theory, Year: 2021, Vol. 67, No. 10.
`22. Hamdi Joudeh; Eleftherios Lampiris; Petros Elia; Giuseppe Caire “Fundamental Limits of Wire-
`less Caching Under Mixed Cacheable and Uncacheable Traffic,” IEEE Transactions on Informa-
`tion Theory Year: 2021 – Volume: 67, Issue: 7
`23. Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo, Elizabeth Eso, Hossein Doroud, Anatolij Zubow, Falko Dressler, Zabih
`Ghassemlooy, Bernhard Siessegger, Giuseppe Caire, “FDLA: A Novel Frequency Diversity and
`Link Aggregation Solution for Handover in an Indoor Vehicular VLC Network,” IEEE Transac-
`tions on Network and Service Management, Year: 2021, Vol. 18, No. 3.
`24. Kai Wan; Hua Sun; Mingyue Ji; Daniela Tuninetti; Giuseppe Caire “On the Optimal Load-
`Memory Tradeoff of Cache-Aided Scalar Linear Function Retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on In-
`formation Theory Year: 2021 – Volume: 67, Issue: 6
`25. Alexander Fengler; Saeid Haghighatshoar; Peter Jung; Giuseppe Caire “Non-Bayesian Activity
`Detection, Large-Scale Fading Coefficient Estimation, and Unsourced Random Access With a
`Massive MIMO Receiver,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Year: 2021 – Volume: 67,
`Issue: 5
`26. Mozhgan Bayat; Kai Wan;Giuseppe Caire “Coded Caching Over Multicast Routing Networks,”
`IEEE Transactions on Communications Year: 2021 – Volume: 69, Issue: 6
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`27. Samim Ahmadi; Gregor Thummerer; Stefan Breitwieser; G¨unther Mayr; Julien Lecompagnon;
`Peter Burgholzer; Peter Jung; Giuseppe Caire; Mathias Ziegler “Multidimensional Reconstruc-
`tion of Internal Defects in Additively Manufactured Steel Using Photothermal Super Resolution
`Combined With Virtual Wave-Based Image Processing,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial In-
`formatics Year: 2021 – Volume: 17, Issue: 11
`28. Ron Levie; Cagkan Yapar; Gitta Kutyniok; Giuseppe Caire “RadioUNet: Fast Radio Map Esti-
`mation With Convolutional Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
`Year: 2021 – Volume: 20, Issue: 6
`29. Kai Wan; Daniela Tuninetti; Mingyue Ji; Giuseppe Caire “On the Fundamental Limits of Fog-
`RAN Cache-Aided Networks With Downlink and Sidelink Communications,” IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory Year: 2021 – Volume: 67, Issue: 4
`30. Kai Wan and Giuseppe Caire “On Coded Caching With Private Demands,” IEEE Transactions
`on Information Theory, Year: 2021 – Volume: 67, Issue: 1.
`31. Yahya H. Ezzeldin, Martina Cardone, Christina Fragouli, and Giuseppe Caire, “Gaussian 1-2-1
`Networks: Capacity Results for mmWave Communications.” IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, Year: 2021, Volume: 67, Issue: 2.
`32. Yahya H. Ezzeldin, Martina Cardone, Christina Fragouli, and Giuseppe Caire, “Gaussian 1-2-1
`Networks: Capacity Results for mmWave Communications.” IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory. Year: 2020, early access article.
`33. Hamdi Joudeh, Xinping Yi, Bruno Clerckx, and Giuseppe Caire, “On the Optimality of Treating
`Inter-Cell Interference as Noise: Downlink Cellular Networks and Uplink-Downlink Duality,”
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Year: 2020 — Volume: 66, Issue: 11.
`34. Lorenzo Gaudio, Mari Kobayashi, Giuseppe Caire, and Giulio Colavolpe, “On the Effectiveness
`of OTFS for Joint Radar Parameter Estimation and Communication,” IEEE Transactions on
`Wireless Communications Year: 2020 — Volume: 19, Issue: 9.
`35. Chang Tian, An Liu, Mahdi Barzegar Khalilsarai, Giuseppe Caire, Wu Luo, and Min-Jian Zhao,
`“Randomized Channel Sparsifying Hybrid Precoding for FDD Massive MIMO Systems,” IEEE
`Transactions on Wireless Communications, Year: 2020 — Volume: 19, Issue: 8.
`36. Soheil Mohajer ; Itsik Bergel ; Giuseppe Caire, “Cooperative Wireless Mobile Caching: A Signal
`Processing Perspective,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Year: 2020, Volume: 37, Issue: 2.
`37. Yongpeng Wu ; Xiqi Gao ; Shidong Zhou ; Wei Yang ; Yury Polyanskiy ; Giuseppe Caire,
`“Massive Access for Future Wireless Communication Systems,” IEEE Wireless Communications,
`Year: 2020.
`38. Kai Wan ; Daniela Tuninetti ; Mingyue Ji ; Giuseppe Caire ; Pablo Piantanida, “Fundamental
`Limits of Decentralized Data Shuffling,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Year: 2020.
`39. Junyoung Nam ; Giuseppe Caire ; M´erouane Debbah ; H. Vincent Poor, “Capacity Scaling
`of Massive MIMO in Strong Spatial Correlation Regimes,” IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, Year: 2020, Volume: 66, Issue: 5.
`40. Xiaoshen Song ; Thomas K uhne ; Giuseppe Caire, “Fully-/Partially-Connected Hybrid Beam-
`forming Architectures for mmWave MU-MIMO,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communica-
`tions, Year: 2020, Volume: 19, Issue: 3.
`41. Hao Xu ; Giuseppe Caire ; Wei Xu ; Ming Chen, “Weighted Sum Secrecy Rate Maximization
`for D2D Underlaid Cellular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Year: 2020,
`Volume: 68, Issue: 1.
`Constellation Exhibit 2012, Page 12 of 51


`42. Jiwook Choi ; Namyoon Lee ; Song-Nam Hong ; Giuseppe Caire, “Joint User Selection, Power
`Allocation, and Precoding Design With Imperfect CSIT for Multi-Cell MU-MIMO Downlink
`Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Year: 2020, Volume: 19, Issue: 1.
`43. Jiwook Choi ; Namyoon Lee ; Song-Nam Hong ; Giuseppe Caire, “Joint User Selection, Power
`Allocation, and Precoding Design with Imperfect CSIT for Multi-Cell MU-MIMO Downlink
`Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Year: 2019, Early Access Article.
`44. Cagkan Yapar ; Kai Wan ; Rafael F. Schaefer ; Giuseppe Caire, “On the Optimality of D2D
`Coded Caching with Uncoded Cache Placement and One-shot Delivery,” IEEE Transactions on
`Communications, Year: 2019, Early Access Article.
`45. Ibrahim Rashdan ; Fabian De Ponte M¨uller ; Thomas Jost ; Stephan Sand ; Giuseppe Caire,
`“Large-Scale Fading Characteristics and Models for Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Channel at 5-GHz,”
`IEEE Access, Year: 2019, Volume: 7.
`46. Sian Jin ; Ying Cui ; Hui Liu ; Giuseppe Caire, “A New Order-Optimal Decentralized Coded
`Caching Scheme With Good Performance in the Finite File Size Regime,” IEEE Transactions
`on Communications, Year: 2019, Volume: 67, Issue: 8.
`47. Yongpeng Wu, Chao-Kai Wen, Wen Chen, Shi Jin, Robert Schober, and Giuseppe Caire “Data-
`Aided Secure Massive MIMO Transmission Under the Pilot Contamination Attack,” IEEE
`Transactions on Communications, Volume: 67, Issue: 7, pp. 4765 - 4781, 2019.
`48. I˜naki Estella Aguerri, Abdellatif Zaidi, Giuseppe Caire, and Shlomo Shamai Shitz “On the
`Capacity of Cloud Radio Access Networks With Oblivious Relaying,” IEEE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Volume: 65, Issue: 7, pp. 4575 - 4596, 2019.
`49. Gerhard Wunder ; Stelios Stefanatos ; Axel Flinth ; Ingo Roth ; Giuseppe Caire “Low-Overhead
`Hierarchically-Sparse Channel Estimation for Multiuser Wideband Massive MIMO,” IEEE Trans-
`actions on Wireless Communications Volume: 18 , Issue: 4, pp. 2186 - 2199, 2019.
`50. Sebastian Schiessl ; James Gross ; Mikael Skoglund ; Giuseppe Caire “Delay Performance of the
`Multiuser MISO Downlink Under Imperfect CSI and Finite-Length Coding,” IEEE Journal on
`Selected Areas in Communications, Volume: 37 , Issue: 4, pp. 765 - 779, 2019.
`51. Xiaoshen Song ; Saeid Haghighatshoar ; Giuseppe Caire “Efficient Beam Alignment for Mil-
`limeter Wave Single-Carrier Systems With Hybrid MIMO Transceivers,” IEEE Transactions on
`Wireless Communications, Volume: 18 , Issue: 3, pp. 1518 - 1533, 2019
`52. Andreas Benzin ; Giuseppe Caire ; Yonatan Shadmi ; Antonia M. Tulino “Low-Complexity Trun-
`cated Polynomial Expansion DL Precoders and UL Receivers for Massive MIMO in Correlated
`Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume: 18 , Issue: 2, pp. 1069 -
`1084, 2019.
`53. Ozgun Y. Bursalioglu ; Giuseppe Caire ; Ratheesh K. Mungara ; Haralabos C. Papadopoulos
`; Chenwei Wang “Fog Massive MIMO: A User-Centric Seamless Hot-Spot Architecture,” IEEE
`Transactions on Wireless Communications, Year: 2019 , Volume: 18 , Issue: 1 Pages: 559 - 574
`54. Mahdi Barzegar Khalilsarai ; Saeid Haghighatshoar ; Xinping Yi ; Giuseppe Caire “FDD Massive
`MIMO via UL/DL Channel Covariance Extrapolation and Active Channel Sparsification,” IEEE
`Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume: 18 , Issue: 1, pp. 121 - 135, 2019.
`55. Behrooz Makki ; Tommy Svensson ; Giuseppe Caire ; Michele Zorzi “Fast HARQ Over Finite
`Blocklength Codes: A Technique for Low-Latency Reliable Communication,” IEEE Transactions
`on Wireless Communications, Volume: 18 , Issue: 1, 194 - 209, 2019.
`56. Mozhgan Bayat ; Ratheesh K. Mungara ; Giuseppe Caire “Achieving Spatial Scalability for
`Coded Caching via Coded Multipoint Multicasting,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Commu-
`nications, Volume: 18 , Issue: 1, pp. 227 - 240, 2019.
`Constellation Exhibit 2012, Page 13 of 51


`57. Song-Nam Hong ; Dennis Hui ; Ivana Maric ; Giuseppe Caire “On the Achievable Rates of
`Virtual Full-Duplex Relay Channel,” IEEE Transactions on Information T

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