`Page 1
` IPR2023-00319
` PATENT 10,693,700
` CASE NO. IPR2023-00319
` ATTORNEY DOCKET: 19688-0196IP2
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` March 19, 2024
` REPORTED BY: Laura H. Nichols
` Certified Realtime Reporter,
` Registered Professional
` Reporter and Notary Public
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`8 9
`LGE 1032
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Consellation Designs, LLC


` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 2
` F O R T H E P E T I T I O N E R :
` M r . U s m a n A . K h a n
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` F i s h & R i c h a r d s o n P . C .
` 1 0 0 0 M a i n e A v e n u e S o u t h w e s t
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 2 4
` ( 2 0 2 ) 7 8 3 - 5 0 7 0
` k h a n @ f r . c o m
` F O R T H E P A T E N T O W N E R :
` M r . K e v i n C . A m e n d t
` M r . W i l l i a m s S . D i x o n
` A t t o r n e y s a t L a w
` M i n t z , L e v i n , C o h n , F e r r i s ,
` G l o v s k y a n d P o p e o , P . C .
` O n e F i n a n c i a l C e n t e r
` B o s t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 1 1
` ( 6 1 7 ) 5 4 2 - 6 0 0 0
` k c a m e n d t @ m i n t z . c o m
` w s d i x o n @ m i n t z . c o m
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`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
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`2 5


`Page 3
` Page:
` Page:
` Exhibit 1001 49
` Patent: US 10,693,700 B1
` Exhibit 1010 12
` California Institute of Technology,
` Jet Propulsion Laboratory, New Technology
` Reporting Form, NTR Number 44810
` (Provisional Application)
` Exhibit 1015 12
` Patent: US 7,978,777 B2
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`2 3
`8 9


`Page 4
` Page:
` Exhibit 1030 147
` Paper: Non-Uniform Constellations
` for Next-Generation Digital Terrestrial
` Broadcast Systems; Author: Manuel
` Fuentes Muela, June 2017
` Exhibit 2001 10
` Declaration of Giuseppe Caire
` Regarding Patent Owner’s Preliminary
` Response for Inter Partes Review of U.S.
` Patent NO. 10,693,700
` Exhibit 2012 8
` Curriculum Vitae: Giuseppe Caire,
` Ph.D., August 2022
` Exhibit 2015 30
` Paper: Bit-Interleaved Coded
` Modulation, Published in IEEE
` Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.
` 44, No. 3, May 1998
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`Page 5
` Page:
` Exhibit 2025 8
` Second Declaration of Giuseppe
` Caire for Inter Partes Review of U.S.
` Patent No. 10,693,700
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`Page 6
` S T I P U L A T I O N
` between the parties, through their respective
` counsel, that the deposition of GIUSEPPE CAIRE,
` PH.D. may be taken before Laura H. Nichols,
` Commissioner, Certified Realtime Reporter,
` Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public;
` That it shall not be necessary for
` any objections to be made by counsel to any
` questions, except as to form or leading questions,
` and that counsel for the parties may make
` objections and assign grounds at the time of trial,
` or at the time said deposition is offered in
` evidence, or prior thereto.
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`Page 7
` I, Laura H. Nichols, a Certified
` Realtime Reporter and Registered Professional
` Reporter of Birmingham, Alabama, and a Notary
` Public for the State of Alabama at Large, acting as
` Commissioner, certify that on this date, as
` provided by 37 CFR § 42.53, the Federal Rules of
` Civil Procedure of the United States District
` Court, and the foregoing stipulation of counsel,
` there came before me remotely via Zoom, on March
` 19, 2024, commencing at 10:03 a.m. EDT, GIUSEPPE
` CAIRE, PH.D., witness in the above cause, for oral
` examination, whereupon the following proceedings
` were had:
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q. Dr. Caire, thank you very much for
` making yourself available today for this
` deposition.
` I will try to take breaks in between,
` maybe every hour or so. But should you feel the
` need to take a break, please just let me know a few
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`Page 8
` minutes ahead of time so that I can wrap up my line
` of questioning; is that okay with you?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Great. And during any of the breaks
` today, do you understand that you are not allowed
` to discuss the substance of your deposition
` testimony until your cross examination is
` completed?
` A. I understand.
` Q. And will you agree to let me know if
` at any point anyone communicates with you in any
` manner during the course of the deposition today?
` A. Yes.
` (Exhibit 2012, having been previously
` marked for identification, was
` presented in this deposition.)
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Thank you. For the
` purposes of our conversation today, is it okay if I
` refer to Exhibit 2025 as your second declaration?
` (Exhibit 2025, having been previously
` marked for identification, was
` referenced in this deposition.)
` A. That is fine. 2025.
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) And do you have a
` copy of that exhibit with you, a clean copy?
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` A. Yes, I have. It is here in front of
` me.
` Q. Do you understand that one of the
` reasons for today's deposition is for the
` petitioner in this IPR proceeding to get additional
` clarity regarding your statements in your second
` declaration?
` A. I understand.
` Q. Do you understand that your testimony
` today is sworn testimony, taken under oath?
` A. I understand.
` Q. Do you understand that the oath you
` have taken today is as solemn as the oath you would
` take as if you were testifying at a trial in court?
` A. I do.
` Q. And do you understand that your
` deposition testimony can be used in a subsequent
` brief in the proceedings or at trial?
` MR. DIXON: Objection, form.
` A. I do.
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Are you taking any
` medications that would prevent you from answering
` the questions completely and truthfully, to the
` best of your ability?
` A. No.
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`Page 10
` Q. Is there anything else that would
` prevent you from answering the questions completely
` and truthfully, to the best of your ability?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you understand that you are being
` deposed today for statements made in your second
` declaration that was submitted in support of
` Constellation's patent owner's reply in
` IPR2023-0031, which relates to U.S. Patent Number
` 10,693,700?
` A. Yes. I understand.
` Q. For purposes of brevity, I will refer
` to the IPR as the 319 proceedings and the Patent
` 10,693,700 as the '700 Patent; is that okay?
` A. It is okay.
` (Exhibit 2001, having been previously
` marked for identification, was
` referenced in this deposition.)
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) The two declarations
` that you submitted in these proceedings, did you
` write them yourself?
` A. Yes, I wrote myself with the help of
` the law firm.
` Q. Now, other than the attorneys you
` were working with, was there any other individual
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`Page 11
` involved in writing or preparing your declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. And how long would you say,
` approximately, did it take for you to work on
` these -- on your second declaration?
` A. Approximately -- I don't remember
` exactly the number of hours that I billed for this
` work, but approximately eight, ten hours.
` Q. Okay.
` A. This includes of course, also, the
` reading of the documents, reading of the other
` declarations; it is not just writing the
` declaration itself.
` Q. Have you been deposed before in any
` other case?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review your first and second
` declaration in this IPR in preparation of this
` deposition?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. In those declarations, you mentioned
` a number of documents that you have reviewed in
` forming your opinions. Did you also review those
` documents?
` A. Some of them.
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`Page 12
` Q. Did you review the Board's
` institution decision?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review the Provisional
` Application 60933319, also referred to as Exhibit
` 1010?
` (Exhibit 1010, having been previously
` marked for identification, was
` referenced in this deposition.)
` A. Can you please repeat which exhibit?
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Yes, it is Exhibit
` 1010, 1010.
` A. Not recently.
` Q. Did you review it while preparing
` your second declaration?
` A. No. I reviewed it when I prepared my
` first declaration.
` Q. And did you review U.S. Patent Number
` 7978777, which is Exhibit 1015?
` (Exhibit 1015, having been previously
` marked for identification, was
` referenced in this deposition.)
` A. Okay. I reviewed this -- this patent
` at the time of the first declaration, and I only
` reviewed the Patent '700 at the time of the second
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`Page 13
` declaration.
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Sorry, just to be
` clear, you reviewed Exhibit 1015, the '777 Patent,
` at the time of preparing your first and your second
` declaration; is that right?
` A. No, it is not correct. At the time
` of the second declaration, I reviewed only the '700
` Patent.
` Q. Okay. Thank you. Is this your first
` case in which you have served as an expert?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have a list of cases in which
` you have served as a patent expert?
` A. I don't.
` Q. Would you be able to give me an
` approximate of how many cases you have worked on as
` an expert, how many patent cases you have worked on
` as an expert?
` A. Yes, I can provide, it is very
` simple -- two, two other cases in the past.
` Q. And what technologies were those
` cases in?
` A. Wireless communication technology.
` Q. Were they also related to
` Constellation -- I'm sorry. Scratch that.
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` Were those cases also Constellation
` cases?
` A. No, they were not.
` Q. If we were to request a list of cases
` you worked on, and assuming Constellation's counsel
` has no objections to that, would you be able to
` provide that list in the future?
` A. For one case, yes. Another case, no.
` Q. Okay. And is that for
` confidentiality reasons?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` (Off-the-record discussion.)
` A. Excuse me, how do you see Exhibit
` Share?
` THE REPORTER: Off the record?
` MR. KHAN: Yeah, can we get off the
` record?
` (Off-the-record discussion.)
` MR. KHAN: Okay. We can go back on
` record, Dr. Caire, if you are ready.
` A. Yes, I am ready.
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Dr. Caire, do you
` stand by all the statements you made in both your
` first and second declarations?
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`Page 15
` A. Yes, I stand by the statements.
` Q. Do you still believe that the
` challenged claims are not anticipated or rendered
` obvious by the references presented in the
` petition?
` A. Can you clarify? I don't understand
` the question.
` Q. So the question is: Do you believe
` that the challenged claims in these IPR proceedings
` are not anticipated or obvious, based on the
` references that were cited in the petition?
` A. Excuse me. Are you referring to the
` challenged claim in the first declaration, the
` challenged claim in the second declaration?
` Q. Oh, we can just talk about Claims 5,
` Claim 5, if you would like, or claims -- yeah.
` A. Yes. Yes, I still believe they are
` not anticipated by those references.
` Q. What is your understanding of when a
` claim is anticipated?
` A. I don't fully understand the
` question. I just said that the claim is not
` anticipated, so -- what do you mean by where it is
` anticipated?
` Q. Well, like you said, you said the
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`Page 16
` claim is not anticipated. So my question is: What
` does it mean for a claim to be anticipated?
` A. Is it a general question, what does
` it mean when a claim is not anticipated, is it an
` abstract question or it is a specific question for
` this claim and these references?
` Q. It is a general question: What does
` it mean for a claim to be anticipated?
` A. Well, as far as I understand, a claim
` is anticipated when a so-called POSITA can easily
` deduct the claim from a reference that would stand
` before the patent or something like that. I don't
` have a legal -- legal expertise here. I am an
` academic.
` So in my view, I can assess the
` novelty of a contribution at a scientific level. I
` cannot assess the novelty of a contribution in the
` legal sense. But this is my understanding,
` basically.
` Q. And in your answer, you mentioned
` that a POSITA can easily deduct -- deduct a claim
` from a reference. What do you mean by "easily
` deduct a claim from a reference"?
` A. So easily deduct in the sense that,
` today, what is described in the claim is
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`Page 17
` essentially already in some paper somewhere else,
` and after minor changes, a person skilled in the
` art will derive to the same thing.
` Q. So if a person of skill in the art
` would have understood from the description in a
` document that the claim features are disclosed,
` then that document anticipates the claims; is that
` correct?
` A. I think that one has to be a bit more
` specific than that because one has to establish
` basically the distance between one -- say a
` scientific document describing some ideas and the
` precise content of a patent.
` So that is, I guess, it is a little
` bit what we are discussing here, is whether --
` Q. Can we --
` A. What?
` Q. Sorry. Go ahead. I didn't want to
` interrupt you. Sorry. Were you finished with your
` answer?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Okay. Sorry.
` A. So the answer -- the answer is
` finished. Again, we are talking about something in
` the abstract. In the abstract, it is difficult to
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`Page 18
` say, because how can you draw a line in the
` abstract, right? One has to be specific, and then
` we can -- we can discuss something specific. But
` in the abstract, how you say that this is easy,
` this is difficult or this is not anticipated is a
` little bit up in the air.
` Q. In your answer, you said one has to
` establish the distance between the document and the
` contents of the patent.
` A. Right.
` Q. At what point -- what is that -- what
` does that distance have to be for something to be
` -- for that scientific document to anticipate the
` patent?
` MR. DIXON: Objection. Sorry.
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Is it --
` A. Again, I don't think that there is an
` absolute metric. It depends on the context. If
` you are talking about that scientific publication
` and say is this new with respect to that? Well,
` this is up to the reviewers and the editor to
` decide if the idea -- if there's enough novelty,
` enough contribution for publishing. Because a
` patent is up to the patent office probably or court
` to establish that. Again, there is no absolute
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`Page 19
` semantic metric that can establish this distance.
` Q. So if the patent office thought
` something was really obvious in view of a
` particular reference, they would find that
` reference anticipates the patent; is that right?
` A. To the best of my knowledge, this is
` how patent offices work. They go through -- cite a
` lot of references, prior art, and they establish if
` something has sufficient novelty to be granted as a
` patent or not. And many times they deny because
` there is not enough novelty. And so normally this
` is the job. You would trust the patent office with
` this job.
` Q. Do you have patents of your own?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many?
` A. Twenty-eight, twenty-four. I don't
` have a precise memory of that.
` Q. Have you been involved in the
` examination process of those patents?
` A. On the side of the inventor, yes.
` Q. Did you provide legal arguments or --
` I'm sorry. Scratch that.
` Did you provide technical arguments
` or legal arguments in support of the patents you
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`Page 20
` applied for?
` MR. DIXON: Objection, form.
` A. Can I answer? So working with the
` patent lawyers that filed the patent, of course,
` there was a review process and a back and forth
` between the patent office and the law firm who
` filed the patent. And I provided technical
` arguments to respond to the objections of the
` patent office. And this may go through several
` rounds.
` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) So it is fair to say
` that issues like obviousness or anticipation are
` things that you have had to deal with for your own
` patent applications?
` A. Yeah.
` MR. DIXON: Objection, form.
` A. It happened that the patent office
` found that one invention was included in something
` else. And we had to comment on the novelty and the
` differences with respect to some published papers
` and the invention and eventually the patent was
` granted. So this is as far as I can understand
` about, you know, the concept of the novelty and
` anticipation, based on experience, not on legal
` arguments, because I am not a lawyer.
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` Q. (BY MR. KHAN:) Who determines what
`Page 21
` is obvious in a patent?
` A. Who?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Well, again, on the side of an
` inventor, I guess an inventor believes that his
` invention is new and nonobvious. The patent office
` may come back with comments and say oh, this
` reference, this reference, this reference make your
` invention obvious. This claim cannot be taken and
` so on and so forth. And then the inventor may
` argue otherwise.
` And then at the end, if the patent
` office is convinced, the patent is granted. Maybe
` some claims are scrapped from the patent because
` they are not accepted, and at the end, whatever is
` written there is written there. That is my
` understanding of the process.
` Q. So when obtaining a patent, it is the
` inventor and the patent office that determine when
` a claim is obvious; is that right?
` A. I would say so, until there is a
` lawsuit and somebody else has a different opinion,
` and a court overrules and says no, this is -- you
` know -- so -- but until the patent is not
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`Page 22
` challenged, I guess that is it. This is a matter
` of the inventor and the patent office.
` Q. So when a patent is challenged, like
` the '700 Patent has been challenged, who determines
` what is obvious?
` A. Ultimately or in the process?
` Because it is clear that there are divergent
` opinions here, so there are different experts with
` divergent opinions and eventually a court will make
` a decision; I don't know.
` Q. Is there a standard for determining
` obviousness of the '700 Patent?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. In your declaration, you mention a
` POSITA. What does POSITA stand for?
` A. Now I do not remember exactly the
` acronym, but the -- according to my knowledge, this
` means an individual skilled in the art or something
` like that.
` Q. And who is one of skilled in the art
` in the context of the '700 Patent?
` A. Well, one skilled in the art in this
` context is a telecommunication engineer with
` experience in digital modulation systems and
` channel coding and physical layer. Physical layer
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`Page 23
` meaning the layer interface of a communication
` system, a wireless communication system mainly.
` Q. And how much experience does this
` person of ordinary skill in the art have to have?
` A. Okay. I would say probably a person
` with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, specialized
` with a thesis done in these topics, and possibly
` some years of work after Ph.D. in these topics.
` These are fairly advanced topics that are not
` taught in undergraduate or even master-level
` courses. So it requires courses -- advanced
` courses in digital communication plus direct
` experience, research experience.
` Normal students, in my experience,
` cannot read and understand papers like the ones
` that are in the exhibits. Simply -- I'm not aware
` of any program where a student after a course would
` just read this paper and understand, to the point
` of actually implementing or designing a system.
` Q. You mentioned that this person of
` skill in the art would also have some years of work
` experience after their Ph.D.
` How many years of work experience
` would this person have?
` A. That is really hard to say. It
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`Page 24
` depends on what type of work experience. It could
` be if the Ph.D. is precisely on these topics, like,
` for example, the person from the University of
` Politecnica de Catalunya, it is clear that this
` person knows everything. If somebody who had a
` Ph.D. in digital communications and information
` theory, knows what capacity is, what the Gaussian
` channel is, but has never worked in coded system
` and a physical layer, this probably requires one or
` two years' experience. It depends. It could be
` zero years of experience if the Ph.D. is on these
` topics, precisely on these topics. But how many
` people have -- a handful, no more, probably.
` Q. Does this person of skill in the art,
` in the context of the '700 Patent, have to have a
` certain number of paper publications or conference
` publications?
` A. Does not have, is not a requirement,
` of course. If a person has the type of background
` I just described, so a Ph.D. in the area, is most
` likely. In almost any Ph.D. program I am aware of,
` requirements to defend a thesis is to have also
` publications on the thesis topic. So it is
` presumable that a person of this kind would have
` papers on the topic, yes.
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`Page 25
` Q. And when you are determining what is
` obvious or not obvious in the context of the '700
` Patent, what time frame do you look at in making
` that determination of obviousness?
` A. In the sense of prior art?
` Q. Yeah, so for example, if I am looking
` at the '700 Patent to determine what is obvious to
` a person of ordinary skill in the art, can I look
` at the date that the patent issues and determine
` the obviousness as of that date?
` A. So when I considered this question on
` obviousness, I looked at the papers that were
` mentioned in -- so the -- how do you call this, the
` exhibits, right? Several papers were mentioned. A
` few papers were considered during my first -- to
` prepare my first declaration. Other papers were
` mentioned and were considered to prepare the second
` declaration.
` So the time frame referred to those
` papers, right? Yeah, so basically spans the years
` of these papers. I don't remember exactly the
` years of the various publications but.
` Q. But is there a particular date that
` you can start? I mean, for example, can we go back
` to the year 1800 to determine obviousness of this
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`Page 26
` technology?
` A. Of course not. Clearly, the patent
` refers explicitly to the so-called BICM capacity
` also known as part of the coding capacity. This
` concept was introduced in one of my papers, so
` 19 -- I don't remember, 1993, '92, something like
` that. This paper is very highly cited and this
` methodology of the BICM has been adopted in a
` variety of communication systems. In this paper,
` we have introduced this metric for the goodness of
` constellations and the binary labeling of
` constellations.
` The patent clearly uses this metric
` to compare different constellations in terms of
` gain and capacity, SNR, at which certain capacities
` are achieved. So I would say the time frame should
` go from that seminal paper to -- to the time of the
` first summation of these ideas, because in my
` understanding, this patent was granted in 2020, but
` it is a long process of -- of patenting that
` started much, much before. Something like 2008,
` maybe. So I think the right frame to consider
` this -- this nonobviousness is between the first
` paper on BICM and 2008, so the first submission of
` the preliminary patent idea. Anything that came
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`Page 27
` later, well, there were already papers, even from
` the author of the patent, there were already papers
` out, so once the paper is out, anybody can pick
` up --
` (Off-the-record discussion.)
` A. Yes, once a paper is out in the open
` literature, any other author can, of course,
` reference to this paper or even not reference to
` this paper sometimes and pick up some ideas, do
` some improvements and then publish -- try to
` publish some other papers, if the r

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