`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 1
`Foresight Diagnostics Inc.,
`Personalis, Inc.,
`Patent Owner.
`IPR2023-00224 U.S. Patent No. 11,384,394
`IPR2023-00317 U.S. Patent No. 11,408,033
`February 1, 2024
`10:00 a.m.
`Reported by: Eileen Mulvenna, CSR/RMR/CRR
`1730 M Street, NW, Suite 812
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`(202) 232-0646
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 2
`a witness on behalf of Foresight Diagnostics in the
`above-titled action, held on Thursday, February 1,
`2024, commencing at approximately 10:00 a.m., before
`Eileen Mulvenna, CSR/RMR/CRR/RDR, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, Registered Merit Reporter,
`Certified Realtime Reporter, Registered Diplomate
`Reporter, and Notary Public of the State of New
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 3
`Attorneys for Petitioner and the Witness
`Irell & Manella LLP
`1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
`Los Angeles, California 90067
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
`2040 Main Street, 14th Floor
`Irvine, California 92614
`Stephen Moore, Esquire (Personalis)
`Henry Marte, Exhibit Technician
`2 3
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 4
` I N D E X
` MR. LUMAN 12
` MR. KRAUSE 292
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1002 No Bates Numbers, 149
` Development of Personalized
` Tumor Biomarkers Using
` Massively Parallel
` Sequencing, Cancer
` Genetics, 2010, Leary et
` al.
`Exhibit 1006 No Bates Numbers, Targeted 62
` enrichment of genomic DNA
` regions for next-generation
` sequencing, Briefings in
` Functional Genomics, Vol.
` 10, No. 6, 2011, Mertes et
` al.
`6 7
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`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1008 No Bates Numbers, Cancer 273
`Genome Scanning in Plasma:
`Detection of
`Tumor-Associated Copy
`Number Aberrations,
`Single-Nucleotide Variants,
`and Tumoral Heterogeneity
`by Massively Parallel
`Sequencing, Clinical
`Chemistry 59:1, 2013, Chan
`et al.
`Exhibit 1020 No Bates Numbers,
`Declaration of John
`Quackenbush, Ph.D. in
`Support of Petition for
`Inter Partes Review,
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 6
`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1030 No Bates Numbers,
`Noninvasive Identification
`and Monitoring of Cancer
`Mutations by Targeted Deep
`Sequencing of Plasma DNA,
`Tim Forshew et al., Science
`Translational Medicine 4,
`2012, Tim Forshew et al.
`Exhibit 1033 No Bates Numbers,
`High-Throughput Detection
`of Actionable Genomic
`Alterations in Clinical
`Tumor Samples by Targeted,
`Massively Parallel
`Sequencing, Research
`Article, Wagle et al.
`Exhibit 1216 No Bates Numbers, Amplicon 22
`NGS battles begin in
`earnest - Enseqlopedia
`2 3
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
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`Exhibit 1223 No Bates Numbers, 180
` Deposition of Henry Morrice
` Furneaux, Ph.D.
`Exhibit 1225 No Bates Numbers, 15
` Declaration of John
` Quackenbush, Ph.D. in
` Support of Petitioner's
` Reply to Patent Owner
` Response, IPR2023-0024 and
` IPR2023-00317
`Exhibit 2031 No Bates Numbers, 145
` Declaration of Henry
` Morrice Furneaux, Ph.D.
`Exhibit 2157 No Bates Numbers, 113
` Gender-Specific Molecular
` and Clinical Features
` Underlie Malignant Pleural
` Mesothelioma, Molecular and
` Cellular Pathobiology,
` 2015, DeRienzo and
` Quackenbush et al.
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 8
`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 2158 No Bates Numbers, Exome 124
`copy-number variation and
`loss of heterozygosity
`detection: Exome CNV,
`Bioinformatics, Vol. 27,
`No. 19, 2011,
`Sathirapongsasuti and
`Quackenbush et al.
`Exhibit 2166 No Bates Numbers, Detection 141
`and Diagnostic Utilization
`of Cellular and Cell-Free
`Tumor DNA, Annual Review of
`Pathology: Mechanisms of
`Disease, 2021, Jonathan C.
`Dudley and Maximilian Diehn
`Exhibit 2178 No Bates Numbers, The 31
`Chicago Manual of Style,
`Sixteenth Edition, The
`University of Chicago Press
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
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`E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 2179 No Bates Numbers, The
`American Heritage
`Dictionary of the English
`Language Fourth Edition
`Exhibit 2180 No Bates Numbers,
`Declaration of John
`Quackenbush, Ph.D. in
`Support of Petition for
`Inter Partes Review,
`IPR2023-002247, U.S. Patent
`No. 11,408,033
`Exhibit 2182 No Exhibit Numbers,
`Declaration of John
`Quackenbush, Ph.D. in
`Support of Petition for
`Inter Partes Review,
`IPR2023-00546, U.S. Patent
`No. 10,450,611
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 10
`Exhibit 2183 No Bates Numbers, Detection 211
`of Chromosomal Alterations
`in the Circulation of
`Cancer Patients with
`Whole-Genome Sequencing,
` 28 November 2012
`Exhibit 2184 No Bates Numbers, Cancer 218
`detection using
`whole-genome sequencing of
`cell free DNA, Oncotarget,
`August, Vol. 4, No. 8, 2013
`Exhibit 2185 No Bates Numbers, 255
`Predicting Radiotherapy
`Responses and Treatment
`Outcomes Through Analysis
`of Circulating Tumor DNA,
`Seminars in Radiation
`Oncology, 2015
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 11
` (Continued)
` Exhibit 2186 No Bates Numbers, Potential 259
`clinical utility of
`ultrasensitive circulating
`tumor DNA detection withx
`CAPP-Seq, Expert Reviews
`Mol. Diagn., 2015
` Exhibit 2187 No Bates Numbers, Accurate 277
`whole human genome
`sequencing using reversible
`terminator chemistry,
`Nature, 2008, David Bentley
`et al.
`Exhibit 2022 No Bates Numbers, Sequencing 174
`depth and coverage: key
`considerations in genomic
`analyses, Nature Reviews |
`Genetics, 2014, Sims et al.
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 12
`(Witness sworn.)
`MR. LUMAN: The time is 7:01 Pacific.
`Good morning. My name is Nate Luman, and I'm
`going to be taking the deposition today.
` having been duly sworn by Eileen Mulvenna,
` a Notary Public of the State of New York,
` was examined and testified as follows:
`Dr. Quackenbush, can you hear me okay?
`Yes, I can. Can you hear me well?
`I can.
`Thank you.
`Would you please state your full name
` and home address for the record?
`Sure. My name is John, J-O-H-N,
` Quackenbush, Q-U-A-C-K-E-N-B-U-S-H. And I live at
` 86 Walpole, W-A-L-P-O-L-E, Street in Dover,
` Massachusetts. The ZIP is 02030.
`Do you understand that you're under
` oath today?
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
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` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. Is there any reason that you would be
` unable to give truthful and accurate testimony
` today?
` A. No, there is not.
` Q. So I'll just do the ground rules
` quickly. I'm going to be asking questions, and the
` court reporter is taking down my questions and your
` answers.
` Do you agree to give verbal responses
` today?
` A. Yes, I do. And if I fail to, please
` remind me.
` Q. Will do.
` And I'm going to try to refrain from
` speaking over you, and I would ask that you would
` try to refrain from speaking over me.
` Is that okay?
` A. I love those ground rules. So yes.
` Q. Thank you.
` And if you don't understand a
` question, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 14
` assume that you've understood my question; is that
` fair?
` A. That's fair.
` Q. Your attorney may object to my
` questions from time to time, but you'll still need
` to answer the questions unless you're specifically
` instructed not to.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes, that's my understanding.
` Q. And I'll probably take a break every
` hour or so, but if you ever need to take a break,
` please let me know, but just first answer any
` pending question before we take a break.
` Is that okay?
` A. That will be fine with me, yes.
` MR. LUMAN: So what I'd like to do is
` make Exhibit 1225 available to
` Dr. Quackenbush.
` Henry, can you handle that for us?
` THE DOCUMENT TECH: No problem.
` MR. LUMAN: Thank you.
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 15
` (Exhibit 1225 , No Bates Numbers,
` Declaration of John Quackenbush, Ph.D. in
` Support of Petitioner's Reply to Patent Owner
` Response, IPR2023-0024 and IPR2023-00317,
` received and marked.)
` MR. LUMAN: So let's see. If I
` understand right, that will go in the Box?
` THE DOCUMENT TECH: And it is. All
` you need to do is just refresh, and you
` should see 1225 up.
` THE WITNESS: All right.
` Q. Dr. Quackenbush, if you can give me a
` verbal queue once you've had a chance to download
` that document, I'd appreciate it.
` A. I have it downloaded, and it is open.
` Q. Okay. So, Dr. Quackenbush, is this a
` copy of the declaration that you submitted in
` IPR 2023-00224 and 00317?
` A. Yes, December 22, 2023, in response to
` Dr. Furneaux's declaration.
` Q. Thank you.
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`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 16
` Let's see, would you turn with me to
` paragraph 56? If you could let me know when you
` arrive there.
` A. All right, I'm there.
` Q. And there's a block quote from the
` Encyclopedia blog from James Hadfield.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, Enseqlopedia.
` Q. Thank you.
` Now, James Hadfield was one of the
` coauthors of the Forshew reference; is that right?
` A. I don't have the Forshew reference in
` front of me, but I will take your word for it.
` Q. We don't mind looking at the Forshew
` reference to verify that.
` MR. LUMAN: Would you mind making
` Exhibit 1030 available to Dr. Quackenbush,
` please.
` (Exhibit 1030, No Bates Numbers,
` Noninvasive Identification and Monitoring of
` Cancer Mutations by Targeted Deep Sequencing
` of Plasma DNA, Tim Forshew et al., Science
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 17
` Translational Medicine 4, 2012, Tim Forshew
` et al., marked for identification.)
` THE DOCUMENT TECH: It's coming up.
` THE WITNESS: All right. It hasn't
` appeared yet.
` MR. LUMAN: There it is. If you could
` go to the next page, please.
` Q. And, Dr. Quackenbush, is the James
` Hadfield who put the Enseqlopedia blog that you
` quoted in paragraph 56 one of the coauthors of
` Forshew, Exhibit 1030 in this case?
` A. Yes, he is.
` Q. If you could turn back to paragraph 56
` of your declaration, please.
` A. All right.
` Q. And I'm looking at the -- I mean, the
` block quote starts with the "Fluidigm Access Array,"
` and then there's the bold italicized sentences. I
` want to look at the second bolded italicized
` sentence that starts with "Microfluidics."
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`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 18
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So it says, "Microfluidics, emulsion
` PCR probes and oligo-probes are the different
` 'capture' mechanisms."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. I wanted to know what the
` microfluidics refers to. Is that something from the
` Fluidign Access Array, the RainDance? What is that
` microfluidics referring to?
` A. So I don't have the entire
` Enseqlopedia blog entry here in front of me. So the
` top of the block quote, he talks about "Fluidigm's
` Access Array, RainDance's new ThunderStorm, Halo
` Genomics, MIPs, traditional multiplex PCR are all
` competition from the in-house kits of Illumina and
` Life Technologies. The major differences with all
` the platforms are the way in which multiple loci are
` captured and amplified."
` And then I believe when he's talking
` about microfluidics, emulsion PCR -- so
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`Page 19
` microfluidics, I believe he's referring to
` Fluidigm's Access Array, possibly RainDance's
` ThunderStorm. So I'm not sure about Halo Genomics.
` Emulsion PCR, he might be referring to
` RainDance. I don't know. I'd have to look more
` fully at the blog to fully answer that.
` But he's talking about different
` PCR-based assays. As he says in the next sentence,
` "All rely on PCR for amplification and to add to the
` sequencing platform adapters and bar codes [sic]."
` Q. And I'm interested in the next part
` where there's oligo-probes. Are those oligo-probes
` referring to solution-based hybridization capture
` probes, or is that referring to something else?
` A. So I'm not sure I understand your
` question. It says, "Microfluidics, emulsion PCR and
` oligo-probes are the different 'capture'
` mechanisms." So I would believe here that he's
` referring in general to all the nucleotidic probes
` like those in PCR, PCR primers, where those are
` capture probes. He's also referring back to MIPS,
` which are molecular inversion probes.
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`Page 20
` I'm not sure what Halo Genomics does,
` but -- and then they're in-house kits from Illumina,
` Life Technologies. Life Technologies at the time
` was definitely doing emulsion PCR.
` So he's trying to distinguish between
` the three. But, you know, as he states in the next
` sentence, there is reliance to all of these on PCR.
` So my interpretation is that the oligo-probes are
` oligonucleotides that are used to capture the
` different individual molecules, and that would
` include PCR probes.
` Q. So in the context of this blog post
` and referring to PCR, the oligo-probes would refer
` to the PCR primers and not solution-based
` hybridization capture probes; is that fair?
` MR. KRAUSE: Objection,
` mischaracterizes testimony.
` THE WITNESS: So I don't think that's
` fair. I don't think that's what I would say.
` As we've discussed previously, capture
` probes, especially in the context of the '394
` and '033 patents, have pretty broad
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`Page 21
` definitions, and those broad definitions are
` consistent with actually what appears in the
` contemporaneous literature and actually with
` Dr. West's testimony and Dr. Furneaux's
` testimony in deposition.
` So the oligonucleotide probes are
` simply the oligonucleotides that are used in
` different capture moieties, which would
` include, based on the PTAB's claim
` construction, techniques such as solution or
` solid phase hybridization, but also the use
` of PCR capture probes.
` Q. I'm interested in what the
` oligo-probes in this blog refer to. And I was
` wondering if your interpretation is that the
` oligo-probes here include both PCR primers and
` solution-based hybridization capture probes?
` A. So would it be possible to provide me
` with the full blog so that I can review it?
` Q. Yes.
` MR. LUMAN: That's Exhibit 1216. Can
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` we make that available to Dr. Quackenbush,
` please.
` (Exhibit 1216, No Bates Numbers,
` Amplicon NGS battles begin in earnest -
` Enseqlopedia, received and marked.)
` MR. LUMAN: Thank you.
` THE WITNESS: All right. It's
` appeared.
` Q. When you've had a chance to review it,
` can you give me a verbal cue?
` A. I just have it open now.
` (Document review.)
` Q. Are you waiting for me, or are you
` still reviewing, Dr. Quackenbush?
` A. Oh, I'm still looking at it, just a
` second. I was just about to ask you to repeat the
` question, please. Okay.
` (Document review.)
` THE WITNESS: So please repeat the
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`Page 23
` question.
` Q. In this blog post, when the author
` refers to oligo-probes, is he referring to just PCR
` primers, or is he also referring to solution-based
` hybridization capture probes?
` A. So based on what's presented here,
` it's hard for me to fully conclude the breadth of
` what he's referring to. He talks about doing PCR
` and sequencing.
` I believe Fluidigms Access -- I'd have
` to -- I don't recall these technologies fully. I
` think Fluidigms Access Array was a solid state
` capture assay or maybe -- I don't recall. I don't
` recall exactly what it was. I did some work with
` that, but it was a long time ago.
` We did look at RainDance's technology,
` and that prepared basically emulsion PCR.
` Halo Genomics, I'm not familiar with,
` but I believe he was trying to be -- to the best of
` my knowledge to understand what he's presenting
` here, to be inclusive.
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`Page 24
` And since he mentions microfluidics,
` emulsion PCR, and oligo-probes, I think he's talking
` about these oligo-probes generally. And that would
` include not only the solution phase capture that you
` were referring to, but also potentially solid-phase
` capture and then varieties or different variations
` on PCR.
` MR. LUMAN: If we could take down the
` exhibit and have paragraph 56 back on the
` screen, please.
` Q. And so my question is -- well, I'm
` looking at the sentence that says they have
` different "capture" mechanisms. And my question
` would be, what is the different capture mechanism
` between microfluidics and oligo-probes?
` A. So saying that they're different
` doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't shared
` similarities too, right. So I'd have to look at the
` individual microfluidics. He may be -- so there are
` microfluidics techniques that are similar to digital
` droplet PCR in which you take nucleic acids and
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`Page 25
` solution and then you take PCR-based reagents and
` you fuse them together in microfluidic channels
` through which an oil -- oil is flowing, and what you
` end up doing is creating little droplets that are
` individual reaction vessels.
` So it's a technique in which one could
` do PCR by flowing in PCR reagents. And so the
` difference is rather than doing it as a multiplex
` PCR in a single tube, what one is doing is creating
` little reaction vessels which are often then
` amplified together in emulsion PCR.
` Emulsion PCR, as implemented by Life
` Technologies, used a different approach to create
` emulsions. But, again, the goal was to try to get
` single DNA molecules with the appropriate PCR
` reagents to perform amplification. And I think he's
` talking about a variety of different oligo-probes.
` So every single mechanism he refers
` to, to the best of my understanding -- again, I'm
` really not familiar with Halo Genomics -- relies on
` the binding between complementary strands of DNA
` that could be hybridization capture probes that you
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` were referring to earlier either in liquid -- I
` guess in this case it would all be liquid phase,
` unless Access Array had a solid phase component, or
` PCR capture probes where the PCR primers are serving
` to capture individual molecules as Dr. West
` testified they can be used for.
` Q. And so what are the different capture
` mechanisms between emulsion PCR and oligo-probes?
` A. So emulsion PCR is PCR that's
` performed typically in droplets. The droplets are
` often in a single tube, but the capture probes in
` that case would be the PCR primers that are used to
` amplify the individual molecules.
` So, you know, the difference might be
` a multiplex PCR versus an emulsion PCR. I would
` describe those as different mechanisms, but they're
` all based on the same underlying base-pair between
` one or more capture probes and the target molecule,
` where those capture probes can be hybridization
` capture probes or PCR capture probes; right?
` MIPS is a different technology in
` which essentially two PCR primers are linked
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` together -- or the two PCR probes are linked
` together, and they bind around a target region.
` They're all based on complementary base-pairing.
` So, you know, I guess the differences
` here, again, are sort of in the details, but the
` underlying mechanism of all nucleic acid-based
` capture is this complementary base-pairing.
` Q. And I see that the word "capture" has
` quotes around it. What would a person of ordinary
` skill in the art understand about the meaning of the
` word "capture" being in quotes?
` A. So I can't speculate on what
` Dr. Hadfield was trying to present here, what he was
` trying to represent by putting quotes around
` "capture." I can tell you that a person of ordinary
` skill in the art reading this entire paragraph is
` that he's simply talking about the growing number of
` ways that were available to one skilled in the
` art -- available as commercial platforms to use
` complementary base-pairing. And, again, there are a
` variety of different techniques one can use, but to
` use this complementary base-pairing biological
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`Page 28
` mechanism as a way of targeting specific regions of
` the genome.
` And, you know, as we've discussed
` previously, this is not limited. This could include
` hybridization-based capture either in liquid phase
` or solid phase, but could also include the use of
` PCR capture probes.
` So, yeah, I'm not sure what
` Dr. Hadfield was trying to imply here, but as a
` person of ordinary skill in the art, I see this as
` something that would be inclusive rather than
` exclusive.
` Q. Do you think that -- well, let me ask
` it this way: Do the quotes inform the reader that
` Dr. Hadfield is using the word "capture" in a way
` that's unusual or not usually complied?
` MR. KRAUSE: Objection, vague. Form,
` as well.
` THE WITNESS: I can't really speak to
` what Dr. Hadfield was -- what his intent was.
` In rereading this entire paragraph, my
` interpretation of this, at least as a person
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`Page 29
` of ordinary skill in the art, is that what
` Dr. Hadfield is -- would most likely be
` trying to imply is that capture is pretty
` broad, right, that it's not something which
` is just narrowly defined; but, again, as
` we've discussed in the past, that capture
` could include a variety of different methods.
` And he lists a number of them here,
` and I think what he's trying to say is that
` despite what one might perceive as
` differences between these platforms, that
` ultimately each one of them is providing a
` capture mechanism that is based on
` complementary base-pairing, and that capture
` process would include PCR and other steps,
` right.
` So the very next sentence says all of
` the methods he discusses, rely on PCR for the
` amplification and to add sequencing platform
` adapters and bar codes. So I don't think
` he's trying to exclude things. I think he's
` trying to be more inclusive and really to
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`Personalis EX2188


`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 30
` reflect the state of the art, that "capture"
` was defined in a pretty broad manner.
` Q. And during that answer, you made a
` gesture with your hands like a pair of quotes; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes, I was trying to say,
` quote-unquote, capture, since we referred to the
` quotation -- single quotation marks, since he's
` British, around the word "capture."
` Q. Did you consider any treatise on
` grammar regarding the use of quotation marks when
` you were considering how a person of ordinary skill
` in the art would interpret the word "capture" being
` in quotes here?
` A. I don't know what Dr. Hadfield would
` refer to. I can tell you that having written and
` edited many, many papers and published some in
` journals like Nature, which are published in the UK,
` that standard utility in the UK is for single
` quotes, where we would typically use double quotes.
` But, you know, you would have to ask Dr. Hadfield
`www.DigitalEvidenceGroup.comDigital Evidence Group C'rt 2024
`Personalis EX2188


`Foresight Diagnostics Inc. v. Personalis, Inc.
`Dr. John Quackenbush
`Page 31
` what he was referring to here -- or what he was
` trying to -- what he was trying to encompass.
` I can tell you that as a person of
` ordinary skill in the art thinking about this and
` now really rereading this paragraph is that he was
` trying to talk about "capture" being sort of
` inclusive not trying to limit it to one form of
` "capture," right. Because he says "different
` 'capture' mechanisms." So he's really trying to
` talk about this in an inclusive way.
` MR. LUMAN: I'd like to mark an
` exhibit. This will be Exhibit 2178 and the
` exhibit I'd like marked is the one called The
` Chicago Manual of Style.
` (Exhibit 2178, No Bates Numbers, The
` Chicago Manual of Style

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