`George G. Robertson and Jock D. Mackinlay
`Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
`3333 Coyote Hill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`This paper describes a general visualization technique
`based on a common strategy for understanding paper
`documents when their structure is not known, whichis
`to lay the pages of a documentin a rectangular array on
`a large table where the overall structure and distinguish-
`ing features can be seen. Given such a presentation, the
`user wants to quickly view parts of the presentation in
`detail while remaining in context. A fisheye view or a
`magnifying lens might be used for this, but they fail
`to adequately show the global context. The Document
`Lens is a 3D visualization for large rectangular presen-
`tations that allows the user to quickly focus on a part of
`a presentation while continuously remaining in context.
`The user grabs a rectangular Jens and pulls it around
`to focus on the desired area at the desired magnifica-
`tion. The presentation outside the lens is stretched to
`provide a continuous display of the global context. This
`stretching is efficiently implemented with affine trans-
`formations, allowing text documents to be viewed as a
`whole with an interactive visualization.
`KEYWORDS: User interface design issues,
`metaphors, graphic presentations, screen layout, 3D in-
`teraction techniques.
`In recent years, several efforts have been made to take
`advantage of the advances in 3D graphics hardware to
`visualize abstract information [3, 4, 7]. Our work on the
`Information Visualizer [7] has described a range ofin-
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
`direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the
`title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing
`Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee
`and/or specific permission.
`® 1993 ACM 0-89791-628-X/93/0011.,.$1.50
`teraction techniques for understanding information and
`its structure.
`In particular, we have developed visual-
`izations for hierarchical and linear structures, called the
`Cone Tree and the Perspective Wall. However, users of-
`ten start with information with unknownstructure. For
`example, a user may not know that a documentis hi-
`erarchical such as a book that contains chapters and
`sections, or linear such as a visitor log. Therefore, we
`are also developing general visualization techniques that
`can be used for unfamiliar information.
`Our basic goals remain the same as with our other
`work on the Information Visualizer. We want to use
`3D to make more effective use of available screen space.
`We want to use interactive animation to shift cognitive
`load to the human perceptual system. We wanta dis-
`play that provides both a detailed working area andits
`global context (as in both the Cone Tree and Perspec-
`tive Wall). We want to aid the user in perceiving pat-
`terns or texture in the information. The Document Lens
`is an experimental interaction technique implementedin
`the Information Visualizer to address this set of goals
`when information is placed in a rectangular presenta-
`If you lay the entire contents of a multi-page document
`out in two dimensionsso it is all visible, the text will
`typically be much too small to read. Figure 1 shows a
`documentlaid out in this way. Yet, we would like to be
`able to do this so that patterns in the documentcan be
`easily perceived (especially when a search is done and
`the results are highlighted in a different color). Futher-
`more, we want the user to be able to quickly zoom into a
`desired part of the document so it can be read, without
`losing the global context.
`We are particularly interested in revealing the texture
`or pattern of relationships between parts of a document.
`In Figure 1, a search has been done for the term “fish-
`November 3-5, 1993
`APPLE 1011
`APPLE 1011


` Semecte. Chatwenye
`Figure 1: Documentlaid out on a 2D surface. Red highlights are the result of a search.
`eye” in the document, which is the text from ourrecent
`CACMarticle [7]. If you look closely, you will see five
`places highlighted in red in the document that refer to
`the term, and most of these occurrences are close to-
`gether. You can imagine that the sections of a struc-
`tured documentcould be highlighted so that the pattern
`of references to a term can show how thesections relate
`to one another.
`In order to focus on one part of a document while re-
`taining the global context (so you can continue to see
`the interesting patterns), you need what we call a Focus
`+ Context Display.
`If you try to do this with a traditional magnifying lens
`(either a physical one or one implementedin software),
`you will necessarily obscure the parts of the document
`immediately next to the lens, thus losing the global con-
`text. Figure 2 illustrates this problem. Thus, a simple
`magnifying lens does not. provide a focus + context dis-
`One possible solution is to use an optical fisheye lens
`(like looking at something througha glass sphere). Sil-
`icon Graphics has a demonstration that uses this tech-
`nique on images. The problem is that the distortions
`that result from such a lens make reading text difficult
`even for the text in the middle of the lens.
`Another strategy is to distort the view so that details
`and context are integrated. Furnas developed a general
`framework called fisheye views for generating distorted
`views [5]. Fisheye views are generated by Degree of
`Interest functions that are thresholded to determine the
`contents of the display. However, thresholding causes
`the visualization to have gaps that might be confusing
`or difficult to repair. Furthermore, gaps can makeit
`difficult to change the view. The desired destination
`might be in one of the gaps, or the transition from one
`view to another might be confusing as familiar parts of
`the visualization suddenly disappear into gaps.
`Sarkar and Brown developed a generalization of Furnas’
`fisheye views specifically for viewing graphs [8]. Their
`technique worksin real time for relatively small graphs
`(on the order of 100 vertices and 100 horizontal or ver-
`tical edges). They acknowledge that the technique does
`not scale up to significantly larger graphs. The text in
`Figure 1 is from a relatively small document (16 pages).
`Even so, it requires approximately 400,000 vectors, or
`about 4000 times larger than the Sarkar and Brown
`technique can handle in real time.
`Spence and Apperley developed an early system called
`the Bifocal Display that integrates detail and context
`through anotherdistorted view [9]. The Bifocal Display
`was a combination of a detailed view and two distorted
`Atlanta, Georgia


`Now is the timeforall
`good people to come to
`the aid of their country. obscured region
`Figure 2: [ustration of the problem with a magnifier lens: parts of the image near the edges of the lens are obscured
`by the lens.
`views, where itemsoneitherside of the detailed view are
`distorted horizontally into narrow vertical strips. For
`example, the detailed view might contain a page from a
`journal and the distorted view might contain the years
`for various issues of the journal. Because Bifocal Dis-
`plays are two dimensional, they do not integrate detail
`and context completely smoothly. Two versions of an
`item are required, one for the detailed view and one for
`the distorted view. The relationship between these ver-
`sions may not be obvious. As the focus moves, items
`suddenly expand or shrink, which may be confusing.
`the distorted view treats all contextual
`items identically, even those near the detailed view.
`The Perspective Wall [7] is a technique for visualizing
`linear information by smoothly integrating detailed and
`contextual views.
`It folds wide 2D layouts into intu-
`itive 3D visualizations that have a center panelfor detail
`and two perspective panels for context. The Perspec-
`tive Wall provides a fisheye effect without distortions
`by using the natural fisheye effects of 3D perspective.
`However, the Perspective Wall does not handle well 2D
`layouts that are large in both dimensions, such as a doc-
`ument laid out as pages in a rectangular array. Further-
`more, it is unclear how to distort efficiently the corners
`of a 2D sheet when it is folded both horizontally and
`vertically. Hence a different approachis required.
`Assume that the document pages are laid out onto a
`large rectangular region. In general, what we need is a
`way of folding or stretching that region in 3D so that
`part of it is near you, but the rest is still visible (giv-
`ing you the desired focus + context display). The 3D
`deformation should be continuous to avoid the discon-
`tinuities of fisheye views and the Bifocal Display and it
`should be possible to implementit efficiently on a wide
`class of graphics machines.
`We propose a new kind of lens, called the Document
`Lens, which gives us the desired properties. The lens
`itself is rectangular, because we are mostly interested
`in text, which tends to come in rectangular groupings.
`The Document Lensis like a rectangular magnifying
`lens, except that the sides are elastic and pull the sur-
`rounding parts of the region toward the lens, producing
`a truncated pyramid. The sides of the pyramid con-
`tain all of the document not directly visible in the lens,
`stretched appropriately. This gives us the desired fo-
`cus + context display; that is, the whole document is
`always visible, but the area we are focusing on is mag-
`nified. Figure 3 shows the lens moved near the center
`of the document and pulled toward the user. The re-
`sulting truncated pyramid makes the text in and near
`the lens readable. Notice that the highlighted regions
`November 3-5, 1993


`are still visible, helping retain the global context. Also
`notice that the Document Lens makeseffective use of
`most of the screen space.
`In the current implementation, the lens size is fixed.
`It could obviously be made changeable by addingresize
`regions on the cornersof the lens, similar to the familiar
`way of reshaping a window in many window systems.
`could apply these to the elements of a document to show
`relationships between parts of a document. We could
`use relevance feedback search to select paragraphs and
`search for other paragraphs with similar content. Using
`the clustering algorithms, we could group paragraphs
`into semantically similar clusters. These search tech-
`niques enhance the richness of texture that we could
`makevisible in documents.
`The lens is moved using a technique similar to the gen-
`eral technique for moving objects in 3D described in [6],
`using only a mouse and keyboard. The mouse controls
`motion in the X-Y plane, and the Space and Alt keys
`movethe lens forward and backwardin the Z plane. Ob-
`viously, a 3D input device could be used as well, but we
`have found that the mouse and keyboard are sufficient.
`When the lens is moved, the movement is done with
`interactive animation, so that user always understands
`what is being displayed. This helps reduce cognitive
`load by exploiting the human perceptual system.
`As we movethe lens towards us, we are faced with two
`problems that must be solved to make this technique
`practical. First, we have a problem of fine control as
`the lens moves toward the eye.
`If you use a constant
`velocity, you will not have sufficient control near the
`eye. So, we use a logarithm approach function as we
`did in the general object. movement technique [6].
`Second, and more subtle, as the lens moves in the Z
`direction toward you, it moves out of view. In fact, up
`close, you can no longer even see the lens, and therefore
`cannot use it to examine anything except the center of
`the overall region is minute detail. Figure 4 illustrates
`this problem. Oursolution is to couple movementof the
`lens with viewpoint movement, proportional to the dis-
`tance the lens is from the eye. In other words, when the
`lens is far away, there is very little viewpoint movement;
`but, when the lens is near you, the viewpoint tracks the
`lens movement. Done properly, this can keep the lens
`in view and allow close examination ofall parts of the
`whole document.
`This method of display makes it quite easy to show
`search results.
`If you use the traditional technique of
`color highlighting the search results, then patterns in
`the whole document become evident, even when view-
`ing part of the document up close. The simple search
`result shown in the figures is based on a simple string
`match, and is the only search currently implemented.
`More complicated searches could easily be added.
`the Information Visualizer, we use relevance feedback .
`search [1] and semantic clustering algorithms[2] to show
`relationships between documents. In a similar way, we
`Although we have focused on documents and text, the
`Document Lens can also be used to view anything laid
`on a 2D plane(e.g., images).
`We have implemented a version of the Document Lens
`in the Information Visualizer. There are at least two
`ways to implement the truncated pyramid that results
`from moving the lens toward you, and get real time re-
`sponse. If you could produce a high resolution image of
`the 2D layout, you could use either software or hardware
`texture mapping to map the imageonto the truncated
`pyramid. Currently, we know of no way to produce the
`required high resolution texture to make either of these
`approaches practical.
`Conceptually, our approach involves rendering the text
`five times. Each of the five regions (the lens, top side,
`left side, bottom side, and right side) is translated,
`rotated, and scaled (in X or Y)
`to give the proper
`view of that side. For example, if the lower left cor-
`ner of the lens is (rl, yl, z1), then the left side is ro-
`tated — 18danctan(s1.e1) degrees about its left edge, and
`is stretched along the X axis by a factor of veieel |
`The top side is rotated about its top edge and stretched
`along the Y axis, and so on. Most graphics machines
`provide efficient implementations of these affine trans-
`formations. The next step is to clip the trapezoid parts
`to their neighbors’ edges. This step can be implemented
`in software, but is relatively expensive. We do this step
`efficiently using the SGI graphics library user specified
`clipping planes. Finally, culling is done so that only the
`necessary pages of text need be rendered for each re-
`gion. The result is that each page of text is rendered
`about two times on the average.
`Another performance enhancement technique, shownin
`Figure 5, replaces text outside of the lens with thick
`lines. This is known as greeking the text. Greeking is
`used during all user interaction (e.g., during lens move-
`ment), so that interactive animation rates are main-
`tained. Also,
`the user can choose to keep the text
`greeked at other times.
`The limiting factor in this techniqueis the timeit takes
`Atlanta, Georgia


`hence texthaben cul
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`FigurewreCONL-aiaRete"Shaws ana
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`foulapplications tend to be broad and sha
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`Figure 3: Document Lens with lens pulled toward the user. The resulting truncated pyramid makes text near the
`lens’ edges readable.
`to render text in 3D perspective. We use two meth-
`ods, both shown in Figure 6. First, we have a simple
`vector font that has adequate performance, but whose
`appearance is less than ideal. The second method, due
`to Paul Haberli of Silicon Graphics, is the use of texture
`mapped fonts. With this method, a high quality bitmap
`font (actually any Adobe Type 1 outline font) is con-
`verted into an anti-aliased texture (i.e., every character
`appears somewhere in the texture map, as seen on the
`right side of Figure 6). When a characterof text is laid
`down, the proper part of the texture map is mapped to
`the desired location in 3D. The texture mapped fonts
`have the desired appearance, but the performance is
`inadequate for large amounts of text, even on a high-
`end Silicon Graphics workstation. This application, and
`others like it that need large amountsof text displayed
`in 3D perspective, desperately need high performance,
`low cost texture mapping hardware. Fortunately, it ap-
`pears that the 3D graphics vendors are all working on
`such hardware, although for other reasons.
`The Document Lensis a promising solution to the prob-
`lem of providing a focus + context display for visual-
`izing an entire document. But,
`it is not without its
`problems, It does allow the user to see patterns and re-
`lationships in the information and stay in context most
`5 or atone
`Figure 6: Vector font, texture-mapped font, and font
`texture map.
` SSrriyte
`November3-5, 1993


`(a) Hlustration of how the truncated pyramid may leave the viewing frustrum if lens movementis not
`Figure 4:
`coupled to viewpoint movement. (b) The frustrum after viewpoint movement.
`Atlanta, Georgia


`A 2D layoutofthe same structure u: de and each noc
`are dow
`each suerrucrure
`«broualit tothelone tn paratlel
`ata rate
`rotatianatipa"andare animated
`tree can also.
`bberouted continuously.Sho
`ual «ystems cancack,“Tel
`help the fiser understand substructure 72
`Hanslorna: How if
`done iabou a
`The hic
`Figure 5: Document Lens with text on the sides greeked.
`of the time. But, as the lens moves towards you, beyond
`a certain point the sides of the lens become unreadable
`or obscured, and you lose the context. This happens
`when the lens is close enough that it occupies most of
`the viewing frustrum. Sarkar and Brown observed the
`same problem for their distortion technique [8].
`The coupling of lens movement with viewpoint move-
`ment is a critical part of this interaction technique.
`Without it, the Document Lensis useless.
`It may be
`that the obscuring problem of a close lens could be
`solved by coupling the size of the lens to its movement
`as well (making the close lens smaller).
`The Document Lens has broaderapplicability that just
`viewing text documents. It could also be used to view
`any 2D graph (e.g., a map or diagram), providing a 3D
`perspective fisheye view. In that sense, it has somesim-
`ilarity to the Sarkar and Brownfisheye graph viewing
`technique [8]. However, generalized distortion is expen-
`sive. In contrast, the Document Lens worksin real time
`for much larger graphs, efficiently doing a particulardis-
`tortion using commonaffine transforms (3D perspective
`view, scaling, rotation), clipping, culling, and greeking.
`There are some obvious additions that could be made
`to our current implementation, including adjustment to
`lens size and shape, and more elaborate search rmeth-
`ods. But, these additions and usability testing have not
`been done because we need better hardware support
`for rendering large amountsof high quality text in 3D
`perspective. Fortunately, hardware trends (both in pro-
`cessor speed and 3D graphics hardware, particularly in
`texture mapping hardware) should make this a viable
`approach in the near future.
`[1] Cutting, D. R., Pedersen, J. O. and Halvorsen,
`P.K. An Object-Oriented Architecture for Text Re-
`trieval. In Proceedings of RIAO’91, Intelligent Text
`and Image Handling, 1991, pp. 285-298.
`{2] Cutting, D. R., Karger, D. R., Pedersen, J. O. and
`Tukey, J. W. Scatter/Gather: A Cluster-based Ap-
`proach to Browsing Large Document Collections.
`In Proceedings of SIGIR’92, 1992, pp. 318-329.
`{3} Fairchild, K. M., Poltrock, S. E. and Furnas, G.
`W. Semnet: three-dimensional graphic representa-
`tions of large knowledge bases. In Cognitive science
`and its applications for human-computer interac-
`tion, Guindon, R. (ed), Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988.
`[4] Feiner, S. and Beshers, C. Worlds within worlds:
`metaphors for exploring n-dimensional virtual
`November 3-5, 1993


`worlds. In Proceedings of the UIST’90, 1990, pp.
`Furnas, G. W. Generalized fisheye views. In Pro-
`ceedings of SIGCHI’86, 1986, pp. 16-23.
`Mackinlay, J. D., Card, S. K., and Robertson, G.
`G. Rapid controlled movement through a virtual
`3d workspace. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’90,
`1990, pp. 171-176.
`Robertson, G., Card, S., & Mackinlay, J. (1993)
`Information visualization using 3D interactive ani-
`mation. Communications ACM, 36, 4, April 1993,
`pp. 57-71.
`Sarkar, M. & Brown, M.H. (1992) Graphical fish-
`eye views of graphs. In Proceedings of SIGCHI’92,
`1992, pp. 83-91.
`Spence, R. and Apperley, M. Data base navigation:
`Anoffice environment for the professional. Behav-
`ior and Information Technology 1 (1), 1982, pp.
`Atlanta, Georgia

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