`DNA Sequencing Costs: Data
`DNA Sequencing Costs: Data
`Foresight EX1019
`Foresight v Personalis
`The Wayback Mach ine - h t tps :/ /web .ar ch ive.o rg /web/20221030082333/h t tps :/ /www .genom e…
`For many yea rs , the Na tiona l Human Genome Resea rch Ins titute (NHGRI) ha s tra cked the cos ts a ssoc ia ted w ith DNA
`sequenc ing performed a t the sequenc ing centers funded by the Ins titute . T his informa tion ha s served a s an important
`benchma rk for a ssess ing improvements in DNA sequenc ing technolog ies and for es tabl ishing the DNA sequenc ing capa c ity
`of the NHGRI Genome Sequenc ing Prog ram . Here , NHGRI prov ides an ana lys is of these da ta , which g ives one v iew of the
`rema rkable improvements in DNA sequenc ing technolog ies and da ta -production pipe l ines in recent yea rs .
`T he cos t-a ccounting da ta presented here a re summa r ized re la tive to two me tr ics : ( 1) " Cos t per M eg aba se of DNA
`Sequence " - the cos t of de term ining one meg aba se (Mb; a m i l l ion ba ses ) of DNA sequence of a spec i ed qua l ity [see
`be low]; ( 2) " Cos t per Genome " - the cos t of sequenc ing a human-s ized g enome . For ea ch, a g raph is prov ided show ing the
`da ta s ince 2001; in addition, the a ctua l numbers re ected by the g raphs a re prov ided in a summa ry table .
`NHGRI we lcomes people to download these g raphs and use them in the ir presenta tions and tea ching ma ter ia ls . NHGRI
`plans to upda te these da ta on a reg ula r ba s is . You can v iew the da ta in in Exce l by downloading the Sequenc ing Cos ts 2021.
`Sequencing cost per m egabase - 2021
`Cost per genom e dat a - 2021
`T o i l lus tra te the na ture of the reductions in DNA sequenc ing cos ts , ea ch g raph a lso shows hypothe tica l da ta re ecting
`Moore ' s Law , which descr ibes a long -term trend in the computer ha rdwa re indus try tha t involves the doubl ing of ' compute
`power ' every two yea rs ( See : Moore ' s Law [w ikipedia .org ]) . T echnolog y improvements tha t ' keep up' w ith Moore ' s Law a re
`w ide ly reg a rded to be doing exceeding ly we l l , ma king it use ful for compa r ison.
`11/17/22, 2:45 PM
`DNA Sequencing Costs: Data
`Foresight EX1019
`Foresight v Personalis
`In both g raphs , note : ( 1) the use a log a r ithm ic sca le on the Y a xis ; and ( 2) the sudden and profound out-pa c ing of Moore ' s
`Law beg inning in Janua ry 2008. T he la tter represents the time when the sequenc ing centers trans itioned from Sang er-ba sed
`( dideoxy cha in term ina tion sequenc ing ) to ' second g enera tion' ( or ' next-g enera tion' ) DNA sequenc ing technolog ies .
`A dditiona l de ta i ls about these g raphs a re prov ided be low .
`T hese da ta , however , do not capture a l l of the cos ts a ssoc ia ted w ith the NHGRI La rg e -Sca le Genome Sequenc ing Prog ram .
`T he sequenc ing centers perform a number of additiona l a ctiv ities whose cos ts a re not appropr ia te to inc lude when
`ca lcula ting cos ts for production-or iented DNA sequenc ing . In other words , NHGRI ma kes a dis tinction be tween ' production'
`a ctiv ities and ' non-production' a ctiv ities . Production a ctiv ities a re essentia l to the routine g enera tion of la rg e amounts of
`qua l ity DNA sequence da ta tha t a re made a va i lable in publ ic da taba ses ; the cos ts a ssoc ia ted w ith production DNA
`sequenc ing a re summa r ized here and depicted on the two g raphs . A dditiona l informa tion about the other a ctiv ities
`performed by the sequenc ing centers is prov ided be low .
`M a rdis E . A decade ' s perspective on DNA sequenc ing technolog y . Na ture , 470: 198-203. 2011. [PubM ed]
`M e tzker M . Sequenc ing technolog ies - the next g enera tion. Na ture Gene tics , 11: 31-46. 2010. [PubM ed]
`S te in L. T he ca se for c loud computing in g enome informa tics . Genome B iolog y , 11: 207-213. 2010. [PubM ed]
`Human g enome a t ten: the sequence explos ion. Na ture , 464: 670-671. 2010. [PubM ed]
`NHGRI Genome Sequenc ing Prog ram
`How t o C i t e t h i s W eb P a g e :
`We tters trand KA . DNA Sequenc ing Cos ts : Da ta from the NHGRI Genome Sequenc ing Prog ram (GSP) A va i lable
`a t: www .g enome .g ov /sequenc ing cos tsda ta . A ccessed [da te of a ccess ].
`K r i s A . Wet t er s t ra n d , M . S.
`Sc ienti c Lia ison to the D irector for Extramura l A ctiv ities
`O ce of the D irector