`BIOINFORMATICS ORIGINAL PAPER Vol. 27 no. 19 2011, pages 2648–2654
`Advance Access publication August 9, 2011
`Sequence analysis
`Exome sequencing-based copy-number variation and loss of
`heterozygosity detection: ExomeCNV
`Jarupon Fah Sathirapongsasuti1,2,3,∗, Hane Lee3,4, Basil A. J. Horst4,5,6, Georg Brunner7,
`Alistair J. Cochran4, Scott Binder4, John Quackenbush1,2 and Stanley F. Nelson3,4,∗
`1Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, 2Department of Biostatistics and Computational
`Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA 02115, 3Department of Human Genetics and 4Department of
`Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles,
`CA 90095, 5Department of Dermatology, 6Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Medical
`Center, New York, NY 10032, USA and 7Department of Cancer Research, Skin Cancer Center Hornheide, Münster,
`Associate Editor: Alfonso Valencia
`Motivation: The ability to detect copy-number variation (CNV) and
`loss of heterozygosity (LOH) from exome sequencing data extends
`the utility of this powerful approach that has mainly been used for
`point or small insertion/deletion detection.
`Results: We present ExomeCNV, a statistical method to
`detect CNV and LOH using depth-of-coverage and B-allele
`from mapped short sequence reads, and we
`assess both the method’s power and the effects of confounding
`variables. We apply our method to a cancer exome resequencing
`dataset. As expected, accuracy and resolution are dependent on
`depth-of-coverage and capture probe design.
`Availability: CRAN package ‘ExomeCNV’.
`Contact: fsathira@fas.harvard.edu; snelson@ucla.edu
`Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at
`Bioinformatics online.
`Received on January 22, 2011; revised on July 8, 2011; accepted on
`August 2, 2011
`The development of next-generation sequencing has enabled
`routine large-scale resequencing projects, permitting us to perform
`increasingly more comprehensive DNA variant analysis. However,
`the cost and analytical complexity of sequencing still limit the
`number of whole genomes that can be sequenced in any single
`project (Teer and Mullikin, 2010). In fact, the analysis of complete
`human genome sequence often interprets DNA alterations in protein
`coding regions primarily. This is in practice a reasonable strategy
`since ∼85% of the disease-causing mutations are found in the coding
`regions or canonical splice sites (Choi et al., 2009). Thus, whole-
`exome sequencing presents an effective alternative to whole-genome
`sequencing and provides an unbiased, cost-effective and time-
`efficient tool for the study of the genetic basis for disease. Following
`the first successful application of whole-exome sequencing in re-
`discovering the cause of a dominantly inherited rare Mendelian
`disorder Freeman–Sheldon syndrome (Ng et al., 2009), a number
`To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`of studies have reported similar successes (Chou et al., 2010;
`Hoischen et al., 2010; Johnston et al., 2010; Raca et al., 2010;
`Rehman et al., 2010; Volpi et al., 2010). Although the cost of both
`genome and exome sequencing continues to fall at a rapid pace,
`whole-exome sequencing has a number of advantages, including a
`lower cost, more straightforward data analysis and interpretation and
`significantly greater depth of coverage with a corresponding overall
`improvement in data quality. Exome sequencing is rapidly becoming
`a fundamental tool for genetic and functional genomic research
`laboratories and a diagnostic tool in clinics. At present the main
`applications of targeted exonic sequencing is for the determination
`of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) or small indel variants but not
`structural variation.
`Structural variation, especially copy-number variation (CNV) and
`loss of heterozygosity (LOH), is an important class of genetic
`variability in Mendelian, common inherited diseases and cancer
`(Choi et al., 2007; Deng et al., 2010; Fong et al., 1989; Jankowska
`et al., 2009; Sha et al., 2009; Shuin et al., 1994; Stankiewicz
`and Lupski, 2010; Wain et al., 2009). As is true of SNVs, there
`are population-specific, common CNVs and rare, disease-causing
`CNVs (Kato et al., 2010; Sudmant et al., 2010). Many large-scale
`projects (Conrad et al., 2010a,b; McCarroll, 2010) and technological
`platforms (Pinkel et al., 1998; Urban et al., 2006) have been devised
`to estimate the prevalence and impact of CNV. Array Comparative
`Genomic Hybridization (CGH) (Pinkel et al., 1998) and SNP
`genotyping arrays have been widely used as standard methods to
`detect CNV and LOH. However, with the rapid increase in genomic
`and exomic sequence, there is growing interest in the use of these
`data to detect CNVs.
`While methods have been developed for CNV estimation in
`whole-genome sequencing (Chiang et al., 2009; Yoon et al.,
`2009), these methods make key assumptions that fail to hold in
`the exome sequencing setting. For example, Yoon et al. (2009)
`assumes random, unbiased distribution of sequence reads, such
`that read depth can be modeled as a normal distribution across
`the genome, and deviation from the background indicates the
`presence of CNV. This random read distribution assumption breaks
`down in the context of exome capture as the probes have variable
`specificity and efficiency for the targeted exonic regions. The
`discrete nature of exome sequences also presents problems to
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`if ρ <1
`if ρ≥ 1
`control, respectively. Although we discuss our method in terms of depth-of-
`coverage, our method is developed in terms of the count statistics X and Y .
`Let NX and NY be the total numbers of aligned reads in case and control,
`respectively. Define the read count ratio:
`R= X/NX
`Y /NY
`We divide the raw counts X and Y by the total number of reads NX
`and NY to mitigate the effect of overall increase in local counts due to the
`increase in total depth-of-coverage. Finally, we adjust the ratio so that the
`exome-wide median is 1. Without lost of generality, we assume NX = NY
`and reduce R= X/Y . Because X and Y follow Poisson distributions with
`parameters λX and λY , respectively, with sufficient depth-of-coverage the
`Poisson distributions converge to normals with equal means and variances:
`N(λX , λX ) and N(λY , λY ). Under the null hypothesis of no CNV, λX = λY ,
`and under the alternative hypothesis, λX = ρλY = ρλ. ρ indicates the copy-
`number ratio; for example, ρ = 0.5 for deletion and ρ = 1.5 for duplication.
`By Geary–Hinkley transformation (Geary, 1930,1944; Hinkley, 1969), let
`t(ρ)= µY R−µX
`= λY R−λX
`= λR−ρλ
`= (R−ρ)
`λY R2+λX
`Y R2+σ2
`and t(ρ) follows the standard normal distribution. Thus, the specificity and
`sensitivity are 1−α and 1−β where
`if ρ <1,
`if ρ≥ 1
`The formulas above describe the achievable specificity and sensitivity of
`a given cutoff ratio R. Considering values of R from zero to infinity, we
`can plot the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Supplementary
`Materials). In practice, we may wish to identify a cutoff r(ρ) which yields
`the desired minimum specificity and/or sensitivity for testing a particular
`copy-number ratio ρ at an exon with certain depth-of-coverage and length.
`This can be achieved by solving above equations, and an appropriate cutoff
`r(ρ) can be chosen from a set of solutions to maximize user-selected quantity
`metrics such as specificity, sensitivity or area under curve.
`In the presence of sample admixture, the ‘true’copy-number ratio will tend
`to 1. In particular, if a fraction c of the tumor sample has a normal copy-
`number (either by contamination of normal tissue or heterogeneity within
`the tumor), the copy-number ratio of this admixed sample will be ρ(cid:5)= c+
`ρ(1−c). Thus, in heterogeneous samples, the only change to the method
`described above is the replacement of ρ by ρ(cid:5)
`. The admixture rate c can be
`estimated from data by back-calculating c from empirical ρ(cid:5)
`in LOH regions
`(see Supplementary Materials).
`Fig. 1. Overview of ExomeCNV analysis workflows. Two workflows
`are present: CNV detection and LOH detection. Each involves similar
`steps of exon/position/segment-wise CNV/LOH calling, Circular Binary
`Segmentation, and interval merging. User inputs and parameters are listed
`at each step.
`existing methods. Many whole-genome CNV detection tools use
`segmentation algorithms that assume continuity of search space and
`do not function properly when given discontinuous and variable
`length exome sequencing data. SegSeq (Chiang et al., 2009), for
`example, merges windows of a fixed length based on a log-ratio
`difference statistic. Lastly, because exons are generally smaller than
`insert sizes for paired-end sequencing (200–500 bp), paired-end
`based CNV detection methods are not generally applicable to exome
`Here we present ExomeCNV, which uses depth-of-coverage
`and B-allele frequencies from mapped short sequence reads to
`estimate CNV (Fig. 1, left side) and LOH (Fig. 1, right side).
`We describe an assessment of its validity, sensitivity, specificity
`and limitations through an analysis of a melanoma tumor and a
`matched normal sample. Important model assumption and the effect
`of important confounding factor such as sample admixture rate are
`also considered.
`2.1 Correlation of depth-of-coverage
`To plot the correlation of depth-of-coverage (Fig. 2), we used the internal
`exome data that were captured by the same Agilent SureSelect Human
`All Exon Kit and sequenced on the Illumina GAIIx. Samples 1 through
`4 were generated by two lanes of 76 bp single-end sequencing, Sample 5
`was generated by three lanes of 76 bp single-end sequencing and Sample 6
`was generated by one lane of 76 + 76 bp paired-end sequencing. For each
`sample, the average depth-of-coverage per exon was normalized by dividing
`the average coverage by the overall exome average coverage and then, the
`normalized depth-of-coverage were compared between 15 pairs of samples.
`2.2 The CNV detection algorithm
`2.2.1 Power analysis of CNV Detection Consider an exon of length L,
`let X and Y denote the numbers of reads, each of length w, mapped within
`the exon in question in case (e.g. tumor) and control (e.g. matched normal),
`respectively. The depth-of-coverage is then Xw/L and Yw/L for case and
`2.3 Segmentation and sequential merging
`We used the circular binary segmentation (CBS) algorithm (Olshen et al.,
`2004), as implemented in the R package DNAcopy (Venkatraman and
`Olshen, 2007), to subdivide the genome (exome). For each segment we
`combined the coverage by direct sum, and used mean coverage log ratio
`as the segment’s log ratio log(R). Log ratio is used here to satisfy the input
`requirement of CBS algorithm. CNV call proceeds on each segment in the
`same manner as described above.
`In order to achieve the most sensitive segmentation, we chose to start
`CBS with parameters that produce a large number of small segments, call
`CNV on the segments, and repeat the process with a smaller number of
`larger segments. We then merge the CNV segments sequentially, from finest
`segmentation to coarsest. By nature of CBS, finer segments are contained
`within coarser segments, and in merging step, we need to resolve conflicting
`CNV calls between finer segments within a larger segment. If a finer (smaller)
`segment has sufficient coverage to call a CNV event, the call persists.
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`autosomes were inferred from these values using the genoCN R package (Sun
`et al., 2009). The genoCNA function was used with the default parameters.
`2.7 Copy-number analysis using ERDS
`The same PILEUP file we used to generate the average coverage per capture
`interval was used to run Estimation by Read Depth with SNVs (ERDS)
`to demonstrate the need to control for the variability of capture of exons
`observed in exome sequencing (M.Zhu et al., manuscript in preparation).
`The SNV file that is required by ERDS was generated by using SAMtools
`varFilter tool default parameters and SVA (Sequence Variant Analyzer)
`snp_filter.pl script. The result file generated by ERDS was summarized using
`the SVA software (http://people.genome.duke.edu/∼dg48/sva/index.php).
`2.8 Comparison between CNV calling methods
`In assessing performance of ExomeCNV, we used all mapped exons as the
`sample space. CNV calls on other platforms were mapped to the exons and
`compared to calls by ExomeCNV. Thus specificity is the proportion of copy-
`neutral exons correctly identified by ExomeCNV, while sensitivity is the
`proportion of amplified (or deleted) exons correctly identified. Similarly,
`LOH performance is assessed using all polymorphic positions as the sample
`3.1 ExomeCNV for CNV and LOH detection
`ExomeCNV uses a normalized depth-of-coverage ratio approach
`to identify CNV and LOH from exome sequencing information
`of paired case/control samples (for example, paired tumor/normal)
`in a way that optimizes sensitivity and specificity. We begin by
`assuming that although there are potentially exon-specific biases due
`to laboratory capture methods and sequence-specific biases, these
`are independent of sample and so are nearly uniform for a particular
`exon across samples. As a result, simply assessing the ratio of depth-
`of-coverage of each exon reduces such bias (see Supplementary
`3.1.1 Correlation of depth-of-coverage across exome sequencing
`To establish validity of this fundamental assumption,
`we compared depth-of-coverage of exons across five independent
`samples from five different subjects (Samples 1–5 in Fig 2). All
`samples were captured using the same probe set (Agilent SureSelect
`Human All Exon G3362) and sequenced at mean base coverages
`of 36–39× as a result of two (Samples 1–4) or three (Sample 5)
`lanes of GAIIx single-end sequencing per sample (see Section 2).
`As shown in Figure 2, a high correlation was observed among
`the five samples (Pearson correlation 0.908–0.975, mean = 0.947,
`SD = 0.027), arguing for the validity of our assumption.
`The same level of consistency was not observed when single-
`end data were compared with paired-end data (Sample 6; Pearson
`correlation 0.855–0.877, mean = 0.871, SD = 0.009) due to the lack
`of independence between pairs of reads in paired-end data. Thus,
`care must be taken to ensure consistency of library preparation
`and sequencing method between samples used in analysis. Here,
`all of our analyses used exome sequencing data from a melanoma
`(Sample 5) and a matched normal skin, both processed and
`sequenced in the same manner (see Section 2).
`3.1.2 Analytic power calculation of exonic CNV and LOH
`For each exon, the number of sequencing reads aligning
`J.F.Sathirapongsasuti et al.
`However, if it does not have sufficient coverage to reject the null hypothesis
`(i.e. not being called, or being called as copy-number neutral), a positive
`CNV call in a larger segment overrides the negative calls. An illustration of
`this sequential merging algorithm is given in the Supplementary Materials.
`2.4 LOH detection
`First, we consider all polymorphic positions in the exome of the control
`sample, and for each of the positions, the B-allele count B is the number of
`reads with non-reference- or B-allele at that position. For a polymorphic
`position i, let Ni be the total number of reads mapped to that position
`(i.e. depth-of-coverage); thus the B-allele count Bi follows a binomial
`distribution Binomial (pi, Ni). A binomial that rejects the null hypothesis:
`pi = 0.5 can be used to detect LOH at each polymorphic position.
`Segmentation is done using CBS algorithm based on the absolute
`difference in B-allele frequencies (BAFs) |BAFi,case – BAFi,control|, where
`BAFi = Bi/Ni. Within each segment, based on the realization that B-allele
`frequencies deviate from the null value of 0.5 under LOH, an F-test for
`equality of variance is used to detect significance increase in variance of
`BAFcase from that of BAFcontrol (other statistics were also considered, see
`Supplementary Materials). Finally, the LOH calls are merged sequentially
`as described above.
`2.5 Exome sequencing and data analysis
`2.5.1 Exome sequencing High molecular weight whole genomic DNA
`from matched skin and tumor pair samples of a melanoma patient
`were sequenced on the Illumina Genome Analyzer (GAIIx). The UCLA
`Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved the collections of the DNA
`samples. The libraries were generated following the Agilent SureSelect
`Human All Exon Kit version 1.0.1 protocol, and the Illumina Genome
`Analyzer (GAIIx) flowcell was prepared according to the manufacturer’s
`protocol. We performed three and four lanes of single-end sequencing for
`each of the skin and tumor samples, respectively, within the UCLA Center
`of High-throughput Biology (CHTB). The base-calling was performed by
`the real time analysis (RTA) software (version 1.6) provided by Illumina.
`2.5.2 Sequence data analysis Novoalign from Novocraft Short Read
`Alignment Package (http://www.novocraft.com/index.html) was used to
`align each lane’s QSEQ file to the reference genome. Human Genome
`reference sequence (hg18, March 2006, build 36.1), downloaded from the
`UCSC genome database located at http://genome.ucsc.edu and mirrored
`locally, was indexed using novoindex program (-k 14 -s 3). The output
`format was set to SAM and default settings were used for all options. Using
`SAMtools (http://samtools.sourceforge.net/), the SAM files of each lane were
`converted to BAM files, sorted and merged for each sample and potential
`PCR duplicates were removed using Picard (http://picard.sourceforge.net/)
`(Li et al., 2009). To retrieve the depth of coverage information of each base,
`we generated a PILEUP file for each sample using SAMtools and calculated
`the average coverage per capture interval using a custom script. Here, we
`used processed BAM files that were used to call the SNVs while reducing
`the likelihood of using spuriously mismapped reads to call the variants: the
`last 5 bases were trimmed and only the reads lacking indels were retained
`(Clark et al., 2009). The detailed description of the mutational landscape of
`this tumor sample is in preparation.
`2.6 Genome-wide SNP genotyping
`Both the skin and the tumor samples were submitted to the Southern
`California Genotyping Consortium (SCGC) at UCLA for genotyping on
`the Illumina Omni-1 Quad BeadChip, which consists of 1 140 419 SNPs
`(1 016 423 genotyping probes and 123 996 CNV probes) distributed across
`the genome. The Illumina GenomeStudio V2010.1 Genotyping Module
`version 1.6.3 was used to calculate the BAF values and the log R ratio
`(LRR) for each probe and the copy number aberration (CNA) and LOH of the
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`within it appears to follow a Poisson with mean directly proportional
`to the size of the exon and the copy-number (see Supplementary
`Materials), but assuming that we have sufficiently deep coverage,
`we can approximate this by a normal distribution with mean
`Fig. 2. Correlation of depth-of-coverage across exome sequencing samples.
`To demonstrate the consistency of capture and sequencing efficiency
`of individual exons represented by the depth-of-coverage per exon, the
`normalized individual exon coverage in all pairs of six-independent exomes
`were plotted. All 6 samples were captured using the Agilent SureSelect
`Human All Exon G3362. Samples 1–5 had mean base coverages of 36∼ 39×
`as a result of 2 (Samples 1–4) or 3 (Sample 5) lanes of GAIIx single-end
`sequencing per sample. Sample 6 had mean base coverage of 60× as a result
`of 1 lane of GAIIx paired-end sequencing and demonstrates substantially
`different biases in individual exonic depth-of-coverage.
`equal to variance. We apply the Geary–Hinkley transformation
`(Geary, 1930,1944; Hinkley, 1969), which converts a ratio of two
`normally distributed variables to a standard normal distribution, and
`a CNV is identified by a significant deviation of the transformed ratio
`from the null, standard normal distribution (see Section 2). Allowing
`only one false positive per genome, we analytically determine the
`statistical power of this CNV detection approach for different depth-
`of-coverage, and the results are shown in Figure 3a–b. For detecting
`deletions, 95% power is achieved for segments of size 500 bp or
`more (Fig. 3a), while detection of a single copy duplication is
`achieved with 95% power for segments of size 1,000 bp or more
`(Fig. 3b) with a mean segmental base coverage of 35×. We note
`that the power of the method improves substantially with higher
`depth-of-coverage, and an individual exons deletion/duplication
`status would be more powerfully observed by including additional
`flanking intronic sequence in the capture probe design. Genomic
`DNA admixture, as expected, diminishes power, but even with
`35× coverage of a given exon, a length of greater than 1000 bp
`is observed over 95% of the time. Exons or segments captured with
`500 bp at target sequence are observed at 95% power only with
`greater than 55× base coverage. A more thorough consideration
`of specificity and ROC curves are produced in the Supplementary
`To estimate LOH, we focused on the non-reference-allele or BAF
`of polymorphic positions in the sequenced regions. The observed
`B-allele count at a polymorphic position can be modeled by a
`binomial distribution with depth-of-coverage as sample size and
`the probability of observing a B-allele proportional to the B-allele
`copy-number, which is equivalent to the LOH state. Because the
`Fig. 3. Examples of the power of ExomeCNV to detect segmental duplication, deletion and LOH based on an analytical calculation. Power is plotted relative
`to mean depth-of-coverage in the genomic segment, setting false positive to 1 per genome based on an analytical model of genome-wide power of detection
`at different window sizes (inset, a–d). Windows are the total length of a given sequence at a given exon or the sum of length of exons adjacent to each other
`in the genome. The effect of admixture (rate of 30%) on the power to detect deletions and single copy duplications are shown in (c) and (d), respectively. (e)
`plots the power of LOH detection versus depth-of-coverage of individual polymorphic position (single base pair) with variable admixture rates (inset). The
`periodicity of the power curve is due to discrete nature of the binomial test. The 35× depth of coverage is chosen because it is a typical minimal average
`depth of coverage for exome sequencing and is thus a conservative view of power within typical exome sequencing datasets.
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`are sufficient to achieve at least 90% sensitivity and specificity based
`on the power calculation above.
`3.2.1 Validating false positive and false negative rates We first
`estimated the false positive rate of the algorithm by calling CNVs
`on two sequencing lanes of the same normal tissue library, treating
`one as case and the other as control; any CNV call from this
`would be false positive. Our method correctly called most exons
`as non-CNV. In particular, setting P-value thresholds to ensure
`minimum specificity of 0.9, 0.99 and 0.999, we observed specificity
`of 0.916, 0.995 and 1.0, respectively (Supplementary Materials).
`Furthermore, we tested the sensitivity of ExomeCNV by analyzing
`copy-number of sex chromosomes in a pair of male and female
`exome data that were available internally (see Section 2). Using
`the male exome as control, ExomeCNV correctly identified female
`chromosome X as being ‘duplicated’ and chromosome Y as being
`‘deleted’ (Supplementary Materials) with no false negatives.
`3.2.2 Comparison with SNP genotyping array We then used
`ExomeCNV to predict CNV and LOH in the melanoma samples
`and compared our results to those obtained from Illumina Omni-1
`Quad Beadchip genotyping array assessment of the same samples
`(Fig. 4 and Supplementary Materials). The sizes of the CNV
`segments from ExomeCNV range from single exon (120 bp) to
`whole chromosome (chr 10 and 18) (size distribution of CNV calls
`is presented in the Supplementary Materials). Treating calls from
`the genotyping array experiment as a standard, ExomeCNV had
`97% specificity and 86% sensitivity for detecting deletions, 92%
`specificity and 88% sensitivity for detecting amplifications, and
`88% specificity and 68% sensitivity for detecting LOH even though
`there is substantial variability across the genome. Higher depth-of-
`coverage from the sequence data for each exome would likely further
`improve concordance. We note that this is a dramatic improvement
`of ExomeCNV relative to the inappropriate application of ERDS
`(M.Zhu et al., manuscript in preparation) CNV caller which, when
`applied to these data, achieves only 16% sensitivity and 83%
`specificity for deletion and 50% sensitivity and 56% specificity for
`amplification (see Circo plot showing results from the three methods
`in the Supplementary Materials). This is due to the fact that there is
`substantial variability of the efficiency of capture of exons in exome
`sequencing not accounted for in ERDS. For CNV segments called by
`ExomeCNV but not by the genotyping arrays, we found that most
`lie within regions in which there is a low density of genotyping
`markers; thus the false positive rates (and the associated specificity)
`for ExomeCNV here may in fact be lower.
`The resolution of CNV detection with ExomeCNV is limited
`largely by the probe design. The CNV segments identified by our
`method range from 120 bp (single exons with higher than average
`coverage) to 240 Mb in size (whole chromosomes); however, the
`true breakpoint can be anywhere in the space between the terminal
`exon called within a CNV region and the adjacent exon in a non-
`CNV region. Hence, although a given CNV event can be detected
`at a single exon in some instances, the absolute resolution of our
`method is in fact limited to the inter-exon distance around an exon,
`which can be as small as 125 bp or as large as 22.8 Mb with the
`J.F.Sathirapongsasuti et al.
`expected value of BAF at a normal (non-LOH) polymorphic position
`is 0.5, a significant deviation of BAF from 0.5 identifies LOH.
`With sufficient depth-of-coverage, LOH can be detected at a single
`polymorphic position.
`The specificity and
`3.1.3 The effect of sample admixture
`sensitivity of this CNV detection method depends not only on the
`depth-of-coverage but also the rate of admixture, whereby non-
`mutated genomes contaminate mutated genomes in the sampled
`tissue/cells. In the absence of admixture, the average depth-of-
`coverage ratio is 0.5 for deletion, 1.5 for one-copy duplication and
`the BAF at an LOH site is either 0 or 1; however, in cancer biopsy
`sequencing, this is rarely observed in practice due to admixture with
`normal or non-mutated tumor cells. Thus, we assess the effect of
`admixture ranging from 10% to 70%, which is frequently observed
`in tumor samples (Fig. 3e). With admixture, the depth-of-coverage
`ratio and the BAF will tend to the null values of 1 and 0.5,
`respectively, making the CNV and LOH detection harder. Figure 3c
`and d show a reduction of power in detecting deletion (Fig. 3c) and
`one-copy duplication (Fig. 3d) as a result of 30% admixture. There is
`an approximate two-fold increase in the size of the exonic sequence
`detectable in the presence of 30% non-mutated genomic DNA.
`Capping the false positive rate at 0.001 and assuming 35× mean
`depth-of-coverage, a power curve (Fig. 3e) shows 0.95 sensitivity
`of detecting LOH at a single polymorphic position with admixture
`up to 30%.
`3.1.4 Using circular binary segmentation to merge exonic
`CNV/LOH Because CNV and LOH can, and usually do, span
`multiple exons, we extended our method above to call CNV/LOH on
`larger segments derived from summing data of sequentially spaced
`exons in the human genome. We apply circular binary segmentation
`(CBS) (Olshen et al., 2004; Venkatraman and Olshen, 2007) to
`subdivide the genome and then combine depth-of-coverage of exons
`and BAF of polymorphic positions within each segment, composed
`of arbitrary number of individual exons, to search for larger CNV and
`LOH. In the case of CNV, since reads are independent of each other,
`the sum of depth-of-coverage of all exons in a segment constitutes
`the segment’s depth-of-coverage, and the CNV test can be performed
`as described above. In the case of LOH, since B-alleles are not
`always on the same chromosome, BAF cannot be combined by
`direct summation. Instead, since BAF deviates from the null value
`0.5 under LOH, a significance increase in variance of BAF from
`control (F-test for equality of variances) indicates LOH (several
`other statistics were also considered, see Supplementary Materials).
`Finally, we repeated the process of CBS and CNV/LOH-calling,
`ranging granularity of segmentation from finest to coarsest, and
`merged the CNV/LOH calls by prioritizing positive calls of finer
`segments over coarser ones (see Section 2 for details). In the case
`of our melanoma sample, we performed CBS/sequential merging at
`five levels of granularity and observed 165 130 merging events in
`the first iteration followed by 121, 79, 105 and 66 in the subsequent
`iterations for a total of 165 501 merging events.
`3.2 Validation
`To test
`the performance of ExomeCNV we analyzed exome
`sequencing data from a melanoma and a matched normal skin
`(Supplementary Materials); the average depth-of-coverage of the
`data is 42.8× for the tumor and 37.5× for the normal sample, which
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`a strong assumption that the samples do not share common CNV
`regions and that the population has an average genomic copy number
`of two. Other potential challenges of using the pooled sample as
`control are discussed in the Supplementary Materials.
`Because ExomeCNV depends on an estimate of the admixture
`rate c, misspecification of c would affect its performance. We
`performed sensitivity analysis and found that misestimating c
`would have a strong effect on sensitivity and specificity of CNV
`detection. Fortunately, LOH detection provides some data to directly
`estimate c, as LOH detection does not depend on a prior knowledge
`of c (Supplementary Materials). For the melanoma sample, our
`estimate of 30% admixture rate matches that from genotyping
`arrays, confirming the validity of this approach. However, there are
`advantages to slightly overestimating c as it makes the method more
`conservative and reduces false positives.
`As we have shown, CNV and LOH detection is readily possible
`from exome sequencing data, extending the utility of this powerful
`approach. The fundamental basis that makes this approach possible
`is the consistency of depth-of-coverage of each exon (and BAF
`by extension) across multiple samples for each individual exon,
`as demonstrated in five samples performed in our laboratory
`(Supplementary Materials, Fig. 2). This consistency permits reliable
`parametric modeling of the shift in depth-of-coverage and BAF
`distributions, hence accurate identification of CNV and LOH.
`However, we do not observe the same level of consistency when
`comparing depth-of-coverage across different library types. For
`instance, a sixth sample was performed using a paired-end approach
`that results in very different coverage of each exon (Fig. 2), and as a
`result, ExomeCNV does not perform well when the control sample
`library is of one type and the case is of another, or when the case