`Richard Chen; Rong Chen; Hugo Lam; Mark Pratt; Nan Leng; John West; Gemma Chandratillake; Christian
`Haudenschild; Michael Clark; sarah.garcia@personalis.com; Gabor Bartha
`Sprint 0 sprint backlog
`Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:01:50 AM
`Thanks for a good planning meeting yesterday. Below are the notes that I took organized into
`individual stories. I took a stab at definitions of done, tasks, and tests where appropriate.
`Ideally, we'd do this together in the planning meeting. All of these will be posted to the board
`and the idea is to make corrections, add tasks, and details there. We'll go over some of that
`quickly at standup today.
`Sprint 0 planning mtg.
`Sprint 0 length: 2 weeks
`Start: M 5/14, End: F 5/25
`Depending upon how long results take to generate we may have the verification staggered.
`Standups start T 5/15 at 11:45AM
`Scrum board in Christian, Scott, and Michael’s office.
`Define roles:
`Product owner – Rich/John
`Scrum Master - Scott
`Priorities for Sprint 0 (these will be detailed on the Scrum board)
`(High) Fully defined outputs (with owners)
`o Definition of done: a document that describes the outputs. Tasks for each
`entered in backlog. Owner for particular areas. Can be based on existing
`Personalis EX2053.1
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Meeting to define path for how accuracy folds into the greater picture.
`(Rich, John, Mark, Scott)
`§ Task breakdown for accuracy work defined
`§ Document accuracy path forward
`§ Meeting to completely annotate summary outputs, including technical
`work needed.
`§ Document completely annotated summary outputs
`§ Task breakdown for summary output annotations
`§ Enter PBIs into backlog
`(High) Defined list of which pieces of output are the most differentiating for accuracy?
`o Definition of done: a document that describes the most differentiating pieces,
`what needs to be done to evaluate them. At a minimum must include
`multigenome and case/control use cases.
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Meeting to define differentiating pieces for accuracy with documented
`outcome (Rich, John, Mark, Scott)
`§ Tasks for backlog
`§ Meeting to define differentiating pieces for everything else with. (Hugo,
`Rong, John, Michael, Scott, Sarah, Gemma, Mark (optional))
`§ Document outcome of accuracy meeting
`§ Document outcome of everything else meeting
`§ Enter PBIs into backlog
`§ Meeting to define specifically what a multigenome comparison is.
`(High) Define specifically the data sets that are needed for development and testing
`multigenome and case/control use cases. (yes) (meeting)
`o Definition of done: A defined list of data sets needed. Include details of what
`we already have and sources for sets we need with information of ethics
`Personalis EX2053.2
`committee review.
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Meeting to define specific data sets (Rong, Michael, Scott, Rich, others
` (High) Functional infrastructure is deployed for Twiki, Jira, and Git.
`o Definition of done: deployed Twiki, Jira, and Git applications that can be used
`for development.
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Install, configure, test Twiki
`§ Install , configure, test Jira
`§ Install, configure, test Git
` (High) A/B/… comparison. Accuracy: develop and demonstrate process for making variant set
`unions. This is a blocker.
`o Definition of done: demonstration of process for making variant set unions from
`a defined data set.
`o Tests: Variant set union can be created for a defined data set.
`o Tasks:
`§ Meeting to discuss details (Mark, Hugo, Gabor, Nan, Rich, Scott)
` (High) First draft of a project plan around the laboratory component.
`o Definition of done: draft plan exists and is circulated for review
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Meet to discuss (Christian, Scott, John, Mark)
`§ Create draft MS Proj. plan
`§ Enter PBIs into backlog
`Personalis EX2053.3
` (High) Sort out which licenses can be closed out/finished by end of sprint (meeting), hgmd,
`clinvar, omim, gwas catalog, gene reviews (this is a blocker)
`o Definition of done: highlight closed out areas on the list of tools and databases
`and note blockers. Defined next steps for blockers.
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Meet to review and discuss list (Scott, Carol, Rich)
`§ Update tools and DB list
` (Med) Updating data sets to more current platforms.
`o Definition of done: Data sets downloaded and on servers.
`o Tests: N/A
`o Tasks:
`§ Document details of technologies behind data sets we currently have
`(Nan, Mark)
`§ Locate and download data sets as appropriate
` (Med) Ability to run pipeline and produce results in the general variant table with ANNOVAR
`columns filled in. Multigenome and Case/control cases (data set dependent) (yes) (Michael,
`Rong, Hugo)
`o Definition of done: Pipeline runs on a case/control or multigenome data set and
`produces results in the general variant table that has the ANNOVAR columns
`filled in.
`o Tests: see project plans for details
`o Tasks: see project plans for details
` (Med) Updating the tools within the pipeline. Especially GATK. (Hugo, Daniel, Nan)
`o Definition of done: pipeline tools updated and functional.
`o Tests: an analysis can be completed with newly updated tools
`o Tasks:
`§ See project plans for details.
` (Med) Understanding multigenome and exome processing priority. (John, Rich, Hugo, Mark,
`Personalis EX2053.4
`o Definition of done: ?
`o Tests:
`o Tasks:
`(Low) Learn the process (everyone)
`o Definition of done: ongoing.
`o Tasks: standups, sprint meetings, participation.
`Things to work toward:
`Predefined stories: as a <user> I want <function> so that <desired result>.
`Definitions of done in planning meeting
`First pass tasking/estimation in planning meeting
`Assign story points to each (1 – 10 with 1 = very easy and 10 = very difficult – think
`complexity and implementation) – simple way to initially estimate.
`Personalis EX2053.5