` Publication update
` Major allele human reference
` Exome sequencing and HCM
` Whole genome sequencing for clinical medicine
` The intermediate step here now: targeted capture chip for
`clinical sequencing
` Whole genome sequencing for molecular autopsy
` Personalized medicine clinical trial
`Personalis EX2045.1
`Clinical assessment incorporating a personal genome
`Evan A Ashley, AtulJ Butte, MatthewTWheeler, Rong Chen,TeriEKlein, FrederickE Dewey,JoelT Dudley, Kelly E Ormond, Aleksandra Pavlovic,
`AlexanderA Morgan, Dmitry Pushkarev, NormaFNeff, Louanne Hudgins, LiGong, Laura M Hodges, DoritS Berlin, CarolineF Thorn,
`Katrin Sangkuhl,Joan M Hebert, MarkWoon, Hersh Sagreiya, RyanWhaley,Joshua WKnowles, MichaelF Chou,Joseph VThakuria,
`Abraham M Rosenbaum,AlexanderWaitZaranek, George M Church, HenryT Greely, Stephen R Quake, Russ BAltman
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`A figure from a New Hot Paper
`commentarytiled: "Liv Hornekzer
`Discusses Hydrogen Functionalization
`Personalis EX2045.2
`Personalis EX2045.2
`Invited revision – Plos Genetics
`Personalis EX2045.3
`Paper introduces:
` the development and application of ethnicity-specific major allele
`reference sequences
` the definition of meiotic crossover sites to a median resolution of
`<1000 base pairs
` the development of a computational algorithm to achieve genome-wide
`long-range haplotype phasing
` the application of this phasing to HLA typing and clinical interpretation
`of genomes from a family quartet using internally developed databases
`of all publicly accessible genotype-phenotype association data
` the demonstration and quantification of discordance of inherited
`disease risk within a nuclear family
` the successful prediction of the only manifest disease phenotype in this
`Personalis EX2045.4
`~ Personalis EX2045.5
`Personalis EX2045.5
`Variant identification with a major allele
`human reference sequence
`Personalis EX2045.6
`All positions
`Disease-associated positions
`Towards an
`human reference
`Personalis EX2045.7
`Disease risk alleles on the human
`reference sequence
`Rong Chen
`Personalis EX2045.8
`alleles on
`Rong Chen
`Personalis EX2045.9
`Alignment to a major allele
`reference sequence
`One lane of data from the Illumina GA II was aligned to each reference
`sequence using BWA
`Personalis EX2045.10
`Variant identification using a
`major allele reference sequence
`CEU-specific calls
`HG19-specific calls
`MIE rate per 10 kbp
`CEU reference resulted in ~40%
`lower error rate at disease-
`associated loci
`85% of CEU-specific calls validated
`with chip
`36% of HG19-specific calls
`validated with chip
`Personalis EX2045.11
`Exome sequencing and hypertrophic
`Personalis EX2045.12
`Study subjects
`Pedigree ascertained
`through 52 y/o proband
`4 affected individuals,
`including one severely
`affected individual in
`generation III
`One obligate carrier in
`generation II
`One unaffected spouse in
`generation I
`Personalis EX2045.13
`Alignment and variant identification
`Personalis EX2045.14
`Sequencing coverage and depth
`Total reads: 2.4B
`Bases called: 73 M
`Ti/Tv: 2.62
`Read depth, x
`% of targeted positions covered
`Personalis EX2045.15
`Variant statistics
`No putative loss of function variants were seen in 29 genes previously associated with
`hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
`Personalis EX2045.16
`Variant filters
`High confidence “damaging” SNVs/indels were
`filtered by:
`Novelty (not found in dbSNP 132 or 1KG):
`Cosegregation with phenotype: 38
`Variants passing these filters were annotated
`GERP/Phastcons scores
`Association with known CV disease genes in
`Personalis EX2045.17
`Top hits - SNVs
`Personalis EX2045.18
`Nesprin 1 modulates atrial and ventricular refractory
`times and contractility
`J Mol Cell
`Cardiol. 2010
`Epub 2009 Nov
`Personalis EX2045.19
`Top hits - indels
`Personalis EX2045.20
`Myomegalin is an A-kinase associated protein necessary for
`adrenergically-mediated phosphorylation of MYBPC
`BMC Cell Biol. 2011 May 10;12:18.
`Personalis EX2045.21
`Follow-up work
`Functional assay of myomegalin indel and nesprin-1 SNV
`IBD analysis to identify possible modifier loci
`Personalis EX2045.22
`Whole genome sequencing for clinical
`Personalis EX2045.23
`Complex diseases and de novo mutations
` de novo mutation is often overlooked in complex diseases
`No real analogue on cardiac
`Personalis EX2045.24
`Hunting for de novo mutations using WGS
` Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy manifestation at
`young age
`No family history
`Parents have no related phenotype
` Genotyping for common associated variants gave
`negative results
`Personalis EX2045.25
`Whole genome
`Structural Variants
`(Breakdancer + GATK+ Pindel)
`Convservation filters
`(44 way mammalian
`In house annotations
`(Cardiac specific) Public DB annotations
`De novo variant
`(SIFT + Synopype)
`Personalis EX2045.26
`Both variations on gliomedin are
`scored as damaging. It is
`expressed in the heart, but not in
`cardiac myocytes.
`These are heart-expressed
`potassium channel
`tetramerization domains.
`Mutations in titin are causal of
`hypertrophic cardiomyopathies.
`Note that there is a discrepancy
`between the protein and DNA
`sequences annot+ated in the
`UCSC browser in this region.
`Structural Variants
`Mutations in actinin alpha 2 have
`been previously related with
`sigmoidal and dilated
`chr5,1800464931, frameshift
`Encodes a tyrosine kinase,
`receptor for endothelial growth
`factors, which have been
`associated with hypertrophy
`Personalis EX2045.27
`Both variations on gliomedin are
`scored as damaging. It is
`expressed in the heart, but not in
`cardiac myocytes.
`These are heart-expressed
`potassium channel
`tetramerization domains.
`Mutations in titin are causal of
`hypertrophic cardiomyopathies.
`Note that there is a discrepancy
`between the protein and DNA
`sequences annot+ated in the
`UCSC browser in this region.
`Structural Variants
`Mutations in actinin alpha 2 have
`been previously related with
`sigmoidal and dilated
`chr5,1800464931, frameshift
`Encodes a tyrosine kinase,
`receptor for endothelial growth
`factors, which have been
`associated with hypertrophy
`Personalis EX2045.28
`Targeted high-throughput sequencing in
`familial cardiomyopathy
`Personalis EX2045.29
`Prior expectation – CV disease genes
`Personalis EX2045.30
`Prior expectation – CV disease genes
`Custom Agilent SureSelect in solution hybridization
`selected regions associated with 251 target genes implicated
`in myocardial disease and/or function:
`Exons +/- 100 base pairs
`TFBS within 1.5 kbp
`Enhancers/repressors within 1.5 Mbp
`Conserved regions from MSA within 2kbp of coding
`regions and in introns
`miRNA target sites
`miRNA coding regions
`Targets 3.5 Mbp of genomic sequence
`Personalis EX2045.31
`Predicted coverage
`% coverage
`% coverage
`Target length
`Personalis EX2045.32
`Study subjects and follow-up work
`80 subjects with dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
`in whom clinical genetic testing has not identified a
`pathogenic mutation
`65 subjects have DNA already/15 subjects require DNA
` Plan for sequencing on Hi-Seq using indexed primers
`and sample pooling for maximum sequencing efficiency
`Ethnicity-specific variant identification as prior
`Targeted genotyping/re-sequencing/re-phenotyping
`contingent on results of discovery sequencing
`Potential clinical tool and tool for investigating modifier
`loci in other subjects
`Personalis EX2045.33
`Molecular autopsy using whole
`genome sequencing
`Personalis EX2045.34
`DNA from paraffin-
`embedded formalin
`fixed myocardial tissue
`was sequenced on
`Helicos Heliscope
`Personalis EX2045.35
`Compound heterozygous variants in the
`inward rectifying potassium channel
`Personalis EX2045.36
`Sanger sequence confirmation
`G T A C T T G C A C
`T A C A A G A A C
`G T A C T C G C A C
`T A C G A G A A C
`Personalis EX2045.37
`Evidence for purifying selection at both
`nucleotide positions
`Personalis EX2045.38
`Control chromosomes
`Neither KCNJ12 variant was seen in 629 control subjects
`genotyped using low coverage sequencing in the 1000
`genomes project
`Neither KCNJ12 variant was seen in 60 full (high coverage)
`genomes released by Complete Genomics
`Overall, the variant was absent in 1400 control
`However, both variants were present in 4/6 healthy control
`samples genotyped using a bacterial cloning strategy, one
`variant was seen in 27/30 separate controls, and the second
`was seen in 1/30 separate controls
` Both variants fall into a recently annotated pseudogene
`region, which may mask variation in short-read WGS
`Personalis EX2045.39
`Follow-up work
`Sequence read alignment re-processed using GATK for
`local re-alignment and variant identification
`iPS cells currently are being made from the father and
`mother of the proband
`Personalis EX2045.40
`Personalis EX2045.41
`Utility of adding genotype risk data to
`management of coronary artery disease risk
` Well validated CAD SNPs
` Genotype data given to patient,
`not to doctor
` Follow up for hard end points
` Lipid panel
` Follow up for behavior
`Personalis EX2045.42