`Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 5:19 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: Westin, Lori <lwestin@wsgr.com>; Devine, Wendy <wdevine@wsgr.com>; Rosato, Michael <mrosato@wsgr.com>; Reed, Matthew <MReed@wsgr.com>; qelmpossiblelPR
`<qeimpossibleipr@quinnemanuel.com=; Thomas, Tasha <tthomas@wsgr.com>
`Subject: IPR2023-00206 - Stipulation to Modify Schedule for Service/Filing of Demonstratives
`Honorable Board, | am counsel for Petitioner in connection with the above proceeding. Pursuant to the trial order (D.I. 45 at 3 n.2), the parties have met and conferred and have stipulated to the
`schedule below for exchanging andfiling demonstratives for the upcoming hearing on April 3. The parties respectfully request that the Board modify the schedule accordingly.
`Stipulated date
`Original date
`Service of demonstratives Seven business days before the|March 28
`hearing (March 25)
`Filing of demonstratives Seven business days before the|April 1
`hearing (March 25)
`Should the Panel require a telephonic hearing, the parties will revert with availability.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Razmig Messerian
`Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
`865 5. Figueroa Street, 10th Floor
`Los Angeles, CA S001?
`213-443-3717 Direct
`213-443-3000 Main Office Number
`213-443-3100 Fax
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`Ex. 3001
`Ex. 3001