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`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1033.001
`IPR 2023-00199
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`Random House Webster's college dictionary
`ISBN 0-375-42560-8
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`I. English language--Dictionaries.
`I. Random House (Firm)
`PEl628.R28 1999
`Visit the Random House Reference & Information Publishing
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`2000 Second Revised and Updated Random House Edition
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`ISBN: 0-375-42560-8
`ISBN: 0-375-42561-6 (Deluxe Edition)
`New York Toronto London Sydney Auckland
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1033.002
`IPR 2023-00199
`\..l'-',, Vl HlUIH, , c.,p, Cl.,
`(lJ.lC1115CU JU tuu.,c , 5tct\..C:lUI 1u1u.::i .
`u ~u.,
`draperies. long curtains, often of heavy fabric. 3. the draping or ar(cid:173)
`ranging of hangings, clothing, etc., in graceful folds. 4. cloths or tex(cid:173)
`tile fabrics collectively. 5. Brit. a. DRY GOODS. b. the stock, shop, or
`business of a draper. [1250-1300; ME draperie < OF, = drap (see
`DRAPE) + -erie -ERY] -drap'er,ied, adj.
`dras~tic (dras1tik). adj. 1. acting with force or violence; violent. 2.
`extremely severe or extensive: drastic cuts in spending. [1685-95; <
`Gk drastikos efficient, drastic] -dras'ti,cal, ly, adv.
`drat (drat), interj. (used to express mild disgust, annoyance, or the
`like). [1805-15; alter. of (o)d rot God rot]
`draught [draft, draft). n., v.t., v.i. , adj. Chiefly Brit. DRAFT.
`draughts (drafts, drafts). n. Brit. (used with a sing. v.) the game of
`checkers. [1375-1425; ME draghtes, pl. of DRAFT, in obs. sense "move(cid:173)
`ment, move in a board game"]
`draughts,man (drafts'man, drafts'-), n., pl. -men. Brit. DRAFTSMAN.
`-Usage. See -MAN.
`draught,y (draf1te, draf' -), adj., d raught, i•er, draught•i•est. Chiefly
`Brit. DRAFTY.
`Dra,va (dra1va). n. a river in S central Europe, flowing E and SE from
`the Alps in S Austria, through NE Slovenia, along a part of the border
`between Hungary and Croatia, into the Danube in )'ugoslavia. 450 mi.
`(725 km) long. German, Drau (dRou).
`Dra,vid,i,an [dra vid' e an), n. 1. a language family of South Asia,
`spoken mainly in S India, and including Telugu and Tamil. 2. a
`speaker of a language belonging to this family. -adj. 3. of or pertain(cid:173)
`ing to Dravidian or its speakers. [1856; < Skt Dravit,l.(a) ethnonym]
`draw (dro). v., drew, drawn, d raw,ing, n. -v.t. 1. to cause to move
`in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often
`fol. by along, away, in, out, or off). 2. to pull down or over so as to
`cover, or to pull up or aside so as to uncover: Draw the curtain. He
`drew the blanket over him. 3. to bring, take, or pull out, as from a re(cid:173)
`ceptacle or source: to draw water from a well; to draw blood from a
`vein. 4. to bring toward oneself or itself, as by inherent force; attract:
`The sale drew large crowds. 5. to sketch, render, or trace (figures or
`objects) or represent [ideas). as with lines or tones. 6. to compose or
`create (a picture) with lines, tones, or color. 7. to depict something in
`words. 8. to mark or lay out; trace: to draw perpendicular lines. 9. to
`frame or formulate: to draw a distinction. 10. to write out in legal
`form (sometimes fol. by up): Draw up the contract. 11. to inhale or
`suck in: to draw liquid through a straw. 12. to derive or use: to draw
`strength from prayer. 13. to deduce; infer: to draw a conclusion. 14.
`to get, take, or receive: to draw a salary of $600 a week. 15. to with(cid:173)
`draw (funds) from an account. 16. to write [a check) so as to take
`money from an account [often fol. by on or against). 17. to produce;
`bring in: The deposits draw interest. 18. to disembowel: to draw a tur(cid:173)
`key. 19. to pull out to full or greater length; stretch: to draw filaments
`of molten glass. 20. to bend by pulling back the string in preparation
`for shooting an arrow: to draw a bow. 21 . a. to choose or have as(cid:173)
`signed to one by or as if by lottery: to draw kitchen duty. b. to pick
`unseen or at random, as from among marked slips of paper or num(cid:173)
`bered tickets : to draw straws to see who wins. 22. Metalworking. to
`form or reduce the sectional area of [a wire, tube, etc.) by pulling
`through a die. 23. to wrinkle or shrink by contraction. 24. Med. to
`cause to discharge: to draw an abscess by a poultice. 25. (of a vessel)
`to need (a specific depth of water) to float. 26. to finish (a contest)
`with neither side winning; tie. 27. a. to take or be dealt [a playing
`card or cards) from the pack. b. (in bridge) to remove the outstanding
`cards in (a suit) by leading. 28. [in billiards) to cause (a cue ball) to
`recoil after impact by administering a backward spin on the stroke.
`29. to steep ()_ea) in boiling water. -v.i. 30. to exert a pulling, mov(cid:173)
`ing,- or attracting force . 31. to move or pass, esp. slowly or continu(cid:173)
`ously, as under a pulling force: The day draws near. 32. to take out a
`s_word, pistol, etc., for action . 33. to hold a drawing, lottery, or the
`like: to draw for pnzes. 34. to sketch or to trace figures; create a pic(cid:173)
`ture or depict an image by drawing. 35. to be skilled in or practice
`the art of drawing. 36. to shrink or contract [often fol. by up). 37. to
`make a demand (usu. fol. by on or upon): to draw on one's imagina(cid:173)
`tion. 38. a. to act as an irritant; cause blisters. b. to cause blood, pus,
`or the like to gather at a specific point. 39. to produce or permit a
`draft, as a flue. 40. to leave a contest undecided; tie. 41. to attract
`customers, an audience, etc. 42. to pull back the string of a bow in
`preparation for shooting an arrow. 43 . draw away, a. to move away.
`b. to move farther ahead : One runner drew away from the pack. 44.
`draw in, a. to cause to take part or enter, esp. unwittingly: This is
`your fight; don't draw me in. b. to make a sketch or drawing of: to
`draw in a human figure against the landscape. 45. draw off, to move
`back or away. 46. draw on, a. to come nearer; approach : Winter was
`drawing on. b. to clothe oneself in: to draw on one's gloves. c. to uti(cid:173)
`lize or make use of, esp. as a source: The article draws heavily on gos(cid:173)
`sip. 47. draw out, a. to pull out; remove. b. to prolong. c. to per(cid:173)
`suade to speak. d. to take [money) from a place of deposit. 48. draw
`up, a. to draft, esp. in legal form or as a formal proposal. b. to put
`.,,. a. a ~ lll d ll , UdlUldl UldUldl,t::·
`\..CUU., l(ltl.CII UI U C4 11 IIUlH lllC pdl...1\ ,
`way with a shallow bed; gully. b. the dry bed of a stream. c. Chiefly
`Western U.S. a coulee; ravine. 58. the pull necessary to draw a bow
`to its full extent. -Idiom. 59. beat to the draw, to react more
`quickly than (an opponent). 60. draw oneself up, to assume an erect
`posture. [bef. 900; OE dragan; c. ON draga to draw, OHG tragan to
`carry; cf. DRAG]
`draw,back [dro'bak'), n. 1. an undesirable or objectionable feature;
`disadvantage. 2. a refund of tariff or other tax, as when imported
`goods are exported anew. [1690-1700]
`draw,bar [dro'bar'), n. a heavy metal bar attached to the rear of a
`tractor and used as a hitch for puUing machinery. [1945-50]
`draw,bridge (dro'brij'), n. a bridge of which the whole or a section
`may be raised, lowered, or drawn aside, to prevent access or to leave
`a passage open for boats, barges, etc. [1300-50]
`draw,down (dro1doun'), n. 1. a lowering of water surface level, as
`in a well. 2. a reduction or depletion. [1915-20]
`draw,ee (dro el), n. a person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn.
`draw,er (dror for 1, 2; dro'ar for 3, 4). n. 1. a sliding, lidless, hori(cid:173)
`zontal compartment, as in a piece of furniture, that may be drawn out
`in order to gain -access to it. 2. drawers, [used with a pl. v.) a gar(cid:173)
`ment with legs that covers the lower half of the body, esp. an under(cid:173)
`garment. 3. a person or thing that draws. 4. a person who draws a
`bill of exchange. [1300-50] -draw'er,fu l, n., pl. -fuls.
`draw,ing (dro1ing), n. 1. the act of a person or thing that draws. 2. a
`graphic representation by lines, tones, or colors of an object or idea:
`The gallery sells drawings in pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel, and water(cid:173)
`color. 3. such a representation depicting form without reference to
`color: She does drawings, not paintings. 4. a visual presentation, as of
`a plan or design, through a sketch or finished rendering. 5. a graphic
`representation produced on a computer with specialized software. 6.
`the ·art or technique of making these. 7. something decided_ by draw(cid:173)
`ing lots; lottery. 8. the selection, or time of selection, of the winning
`chance or chances sold by lottery or raffle. [1275-1325]
`draw1 ing account/, n. 1. an account used esp. by a business part(cid:173)
`ner for cash withdrawals. 2. an account that is charged with advances
`of money against future earnings, esp. sales commissions. [1825-35]
`drawling board', n. 1. a rectangular board on which paper is
`placed or mounted for drawing or drafting. -Idiom. 2. on the
`drawing board, in the planning or design stage. [1715-25]
`draw1 ing card', n. a person or thing that attracts attention or pa-
`trons. [1885-90, Amer.]
`draw1 ing pin', n. Brit. THUMBTACK. [1855-60]
`draw1 ing ro~m', n. 1. a formal reception room, esp. in an apart(cid:173)
`ment or private house. 2. [in a railroad car) a private room for two or
`three passengers. 3. Brit. a formal reception, esp. at court. [1 635-45;
`shortening of now obs. withdrawing room]
`drawling talble, n. a table having a surface consisting of a drawing
`board adjustable to various heights and angles. [1905-10]
`draw,knife [dro'nif'), n., pl. -knives. a carpenter's knife with a han(cid:173)
`dle at each end at right angles to the blade, used by drawing over a
`drawl (droll, v.t., v.i. 1. to say or speak in a slow manner, usu. pro(cid:173)
`longing the vowels. -n. 2. an act or utterance of a person who
`drawls . [1590-1600; < D or LG dralen to linger] - drawl'er, n.
`-drawl'ing,ly, adv. -drawl1y, adj.
`drawn (dron), v. 1. pp. of DRAW. -adj. 2. tense; haggard. 3. eviscer(cid:173)
`ated, as a fowl.
`drawn' but'ter, Jl. melted butter, clarified and often seasoned.
`[1820-30, Amer.]
`drawn-out (dron'out'), adj. LONG-DRAWN-OUT. [1885-90]
`drawn' work' or drawntwork', n. embroidery done by removing
`some threads from a fabric and stitching around the open areas in
`various designs. Also caUed drawn' thread'work (thredl wQrk'l(cid:173)
`draw' play1, n. DRAW (def. 54). [1950-55]
`draw' pokier, n. a variety of poker in which players may discard
`usu. up to three of the original five cards dealt to them and request
`replacements from the dealer. [1855-60, Amer.]
`draw,shave (dro1shav'), n. DRAWKNIFE. [1820-30]
`draw1strlng' or draw' string', n. a string or cord that closes,
`tightens, or gathers something, as the opening of a bag or garment or
`the panels of a curtain, when one or both of its ends are pulled(cid:173)
`draw,tube (dro1toob1, -tyoob'), n. a tube sliding within another tube,
`as the tube carrying the eyepiece in a microscope. [1890-95]
`dray (dra). n. 1. a low strong cart without fixed sides, for carrying
`heavy loads. 2. any vehicle used to haul goods. -v.t. 3. to convey on
`a dray; haul. -v.i. [1325-75; ME draye sledge]
`dray,age (dra1ij), n. 1. conveyance by dray. 2. a charge made for ii.
`dray' horse', n. a draft horse used for pulling a dray.
`dray,man (dra1man). n., pl. -men. a person who drives a draY•
`[15_75-85] -Usage. See -MAN.
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1033.003
`IPR 2023-00199