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`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1031.001
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`SEC et al. v. MRI
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`IPR 2023-00199
`tnaL c:u\, v ...................................... _. -·-·· ·-
`dra,ma•tl•Sa•tlon, dra,ma-tlse Brit var of DRAMATIZATION, DRAMA-
`d~;.'ina,tls per,so,nae \,dra-mo-tos:por-'so-(,)ne, ,d_rii-,_ -,ni\ n pl ~ ]
`(1730) 1 : the characters or actors in a drama 2 s,ng ,n constr : a hst
`of the characters or actors in a drama 3 : people who figure promi(cid:173)
`nently in something (as an event)
`dra,ma,tlst \'dra-mo-tist, 'dra-\ n (1678): PLAYWRIGHT
`dra,ma,tl•za•tlon \,dra-mo-to-'zii-shon, ,drii-\ n (1796) 1 : the act10n
`of dramatizing 2 : a dramatized version (as of a novel)
`dra,me,tlze \'dra-mo-,tiz, 'drii-\ vb -tlzed; -tlz,lng vt (1783) 1 : to
`adapt (as a novel) for theatrical presentation . 2 : to present or_ re~re(cid:173)
`sent in a dramatic manner __, v1 1 : to be smtab!e for dram~tizahon
`2 , to behave dramatically - dra,ma,tlz,able \-,11-zo-bol\ ad}
`dra,ma,turge or dra•ma,turg \'dra-mo-,torj, 'drii-\ n (1870) : a special(cid:173)
`ist in dramaturgy
`dra,ma,tur•gY \'dra-mo-,tor-je, 'drii-\ n [G Dramaturgie, fr. Gk drama(cid:173)
`tourgia dramatic composition, fr. dramat-, drama + -ourgia -urgy]
`(1801) : the art o r technique of dramatic composition and theatrical
`representation - dra,ma-tur•glc \,dra-mo-'tor-jik, ,drii-\ or dra,ma(cid:173)
`tur,gl,cal \-ji-kol\ ad} - dra,ma•tur,gl,cal,ly \-ji-k(o-)le\ adv
`dra,me,dy \'drii-mo-de, 'dra-\ n [blend of drama and com edy] (1978) : a
`comedy (as a film or television show) having dramatic moments
`dram,mock \'dra-mok\ n [ScGael dramag] (1562) chiefly Scot : raw oat(cid:173)
`meal mixed with cold water
`dram,shop \ 'dram-,shap\ n (1725): BARROOM
`drank past and past part of DRINK
`'drape \'drap\ vb draped; drap,lng [prob. back-formation fr. drapery]
`vt (1847) 1 : to cover or adorn with or as if with folds of cloth 2 : to
`cause to hang or stretch out loosely or carelessly 3 : to arrange in
`- drap-able also drape,able \'drii-po-bol\ ad}
`2drape n (1889) 1 : arrangement in or of folds 2 a : a drapery esp. for
`~:.1:iFu1i\~)s ~ J~~~.;.;11!i:~o a1l::~~::.:~ri~tt~ ~~~tp~~~i~~~;-i
`~w~~e~:s~JY:;ri 3 ~ th! ~ti~i~~ ia,.:et~f c1~~~i~ng ~ 0s:;~~~: ,:::i~~
`Ca~~: \'drii-por\ n [ME, weaver, clothier, fr. AF draper, fr. drap cloth
`- more at DRAB] (14c) chiefly Brit : a dealer in cloth and sometimes
`also in clothing and dry goods
`drap,ery \'dra-p(o-)re\ n, pl -er,les (14c) 1 Brit : DRY GOODS 2 ~ : a
`decorative piece of material usu. hung in loo~e folds and arranged in a
`graceful design b : hangings of heavy fabnc for use as a c urtain 3
`: the draping or arranging of materials
`dras,tlc \'dras-tik\ ad} [Gk drastilws, fr. dran to do] (ca. 1691) 1 : act-
`\t'~nr~~~~~ <~".::~l,is~~0 !:ud~~t~~f?.cati'/(:~~~k(!-~~\e~;it or ac-
`drat \'drat\ vb drat-led; drat-ting [prob. euphemistic alter. of God rot)
`(1815) : DAMN -
`used as a mild oath
`draught \ 'draft\, draughty \'driif-te\ chiefly Brit var of DRAFT, DRAFTY
`draughts \'driif(t)s\ n pl but sing or pl in constr [ME draghtes, fr. pl. of
`lraght draft, move in chess) (15c) Brit : CHECKERS
`o~!~~~r.~~\~;;/t~f.i~,~r[~f~~](1856) 1 : a member of an
`ancient dark-skinned people of southern India 2 : DRAVIDIAN LAN(cid:173)
`GUAGES - Dravidian ad}
`Dravidian languages n pl (1871) : a language family o f India, Sri Lan(cid:173)
`'dka, and Pakistan that includes Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam
`raw \'dr6\ vb drew \'dtii\; drawn \'dr6n, 'driin\; draw,lng [ME dra(cid:173)
`Wen, dragen, fr. OE dragan; akin to ON draga to draw, drag] vt (bef.
`f2°l 1 : to cause to move continuously toward or after a force apphed
`n ad~ance : PULL<~ your chair up by the fire): as a : to move (as a
`covenng) over or to one side <~ the drapes) b : to pull up or out of a
`(~eptacle or place where seated or carried <~ water from the well)
`w rew a gun); also : to cause to come out of a container or source (-.,
`blater for a bath) ( the nurse drew a blood sample) ( the wound drew
`hiOOd)_ 2 : to cause to go in a certain direction (as by leading) (drew
`,.,_, rn ~•de) 3 a : to bring by inducement or allure : ATTRACT (honey
`cofi flies) b : to bring in or gather from a specified group or area (a
`vo cge that ~s its students from many states) c : BRING ON, PRO(cid:173)
`<d IUl (drew enemy fire) d : to bring out by way of response : ELICIT
`(th"i, cheers from the audience) e : to receive in the course of play
`5 8°. atter drew a walk)<~ a foul) 4: INHALE (drew a deep brea!h)
`•nd · 1<! extract the essence from <~ tea) b : EVISCERATE (plucking
`':'-17?g a goose before cooking) c : to derive to one's benefit (drew
`n:;~hon from the old masters) 6 : to requi re (a specified depth) to
`<~; '" .<a ship that ~s 12 feet of water) 7 a: ACCUMULATE, GAIN
`Use !'g interest) b : to take (money) from a place of deposit C : to
`: to'" ffi~ing a cash demand (~ing a check against his account) d
`(cardrcce,ve regularly or in due course <~ a salary) 8 a : to take
`dorn ~Jrom a ~tack or from the dealer b : to receive or tak!' at ran(cid:173)
`the st . rew a winning number) 9 : to bend (a bow) by pulling b~ck
`(a batQng 10 : to cause to shrink, contract, or tighten 11 a : to stnke
`that a ~o as to impart a backward spin b : to strike (a golf ball) so
`Cidcd ~hght to moderate hook results 12 : to leave (a contest) unde(cid:173)
`rnaktn' 'f'-E 13 a (I): to produce a like ness or representation of by
`: to &ivg mes on a surface (~ a picture) <~ a graph with chalk)
`b: to~ P<>rtrayal of: DELINEATE (a writer who ~s characters well)
`tau : Po te out in due form <~ a will) c : to d_esign or desc~be in de(cid:173)
`Pl'trnises llMULATB <~ comparisons) 14 : to mfer from evidence or
`liarnrne . <~ a conclusion) 15 : to spread or elongate (metal) by
`ltl'ttcht°"g or by pulling through dies; also : to shape (as plastic) by
`or &ra/8 or by pulling through dies ~ vi 1 : to come_ or go stea~1ly
`<"-ing Ually ( night ~s near) 2 a : to move something by pullmg
`"-"11> ; 1 the well) b : to exert an attractive force ( the play is ~ing
`11rncd a ':i: to pull back a bowstring b : to bring out a weapon (drew,
`' n fired) 4 a : to produce a draft (the chimney ~swell) <~
`ii"~;; s~ught);°ais,i ,·10 be unable to think of something - draw on or
`draw upon : to use as a source of supply (drawing on the whole com(cid:173)
`munity for support) - draw straws : to decide or assign something
`by lottery in which straws of unequal length are used - draw the line
`or draw a line 1 : to fix an arbitrary boundary between thi ngs that
`tend to intermingle 2 : to fix a boundary excluding what one will not
`tolerate or engage in
`2draw n (1663) 1 : the act or process of drawing: as a : a sucking pull
`on something held with the lips b : a removal of a handgun from ,ts
`holster (quick on the~> c : backward spin give~ to a ball by striking
`compare FOLLOW 2 : something that 1s drawn: as
`it below center -
`a : a card drawn to replace a discard in poker b : a lot or chance
`drawn at random c : the movable part of a drawbridge 3 : a contest
`left undecided or deadlocked : TIE 4 : one that draws attention or pa(cid:173)
`tronage : ATTRACTION 5 a : the distance from the string to the back
`of a drawn bow b : the force required to draw a bow fu lly 6 : a gully
`shallower than a ravine 7 : the deal in draw poker to improve the
`players' hands after discarding 8 : a football play that simulates a pass
`play so a runner can go straight up the middle past the pass rushers 9
`: a slight to moderate and usu. intentional hook in golf
`draw away vi (1670) : to move ahead (as of an opponent in a race)
`draw,back \ 'dr6-,bak\ n (1697) 1 : a refund of duties esp. on an im(cid:173)
`ported product subsequently exported or used to produce a product
`for export 2 : an objectionable featu~e : DISADVANTAGE .
`draw back \d r6-'bak\ vi (14c) : to av01d an issue or commitment
`draw•bar \ 'dr6-,biir\ n (1839) 1 : a railroad coupler 2 : a beam across
`the rear of a vehicle (as a tractor) to whic h implements are hitched
`draw,brldge \-,brij\ n (14c) : a bridge made to be raised up, let down,
`or drawn aside so as to permit or hinder passage -
`see CASTLE tllustra-
`d1;~~-down \-,dalin\ n (1918) 1 : a lowering of a water level (as in a
`reservoir) 2 a : the process of depleting b : RED':)CTION
`draw down \,dr6-'daun\ vt (1949) : to deplete by using or spending
`draw•ee \dr6-'e\ n (1766) : the party on which an order or bill of ex(cid:173)
`change is drawn
`draw,er \'dr6(-o)r\ n (14c) 1 : one that draws: as a : a person who
`draws liquor b : DRAFTSMAN c : one that draws a bill of exchange or
`order for payment or makes a promissory note 2 \dial also 'dr6\ : a
`sliding box or receptacle opened by pulling out and closed by pushing
`in 3 \dial also 'dr6\ pl : an article of clothing (as underwear) for the
`lower body - drawer,ful \-,flit\ n
`draw In vt (1 558) 1 : to cause or entice to enter or particip~te 2 : to
`sketch roughly~ vi 1 a : to draw to an end ( the day drew in) b : to
`shorten seasonally ( the evenings are already drawing in) 2 : to be(cid:173)
`come more cautious or economical
`draw,lng \ 'dr6(-)iQ\ 11 (14c) 1 : an act _or instance of drawing; esp : the
`process of deciding something by drawmg lots 2 : the art or technique
`of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, . or sketch by
`means of lines 3 : something drawn or subJect to drawmg: as a : an
`amount drawn from a fund b : a representation formed by drawing
`d:r!~~~Haccount n (1885) : an acc'?unt showing pa~ments made to an
`employee in advance of actual eammgs or for travehng expenses
`drawing board n (1725) 1 : a board used as a base for drafting on pa(cid:173)
`per 2 : a planning stage (a project still on the drawing board)
`drawing card n (1886) : one that attracts attention or patronage
`drawing pin n (1859) Brit : THUMBTACK
`drawing room n [short for withdrawing room] (1642) 1 a : a forn:ial
`reception room b : a private room on a railroad passenger car with
`three berths and an enclosed toilet 2 : a formal reception
`drawing table 11 (1706) : a table with a surface adjustable for elevation
`d~~'tv~k~\re°\/3;J'.~:if\ n (1677) : a woodworker's tool consisting of a
`blade with a handle at each end for use in shaving off surfaces
`'drawl \'dr61\ vb [prob. freq. of draw] vi (1598) : to speak slowly with
`vowels greatly prolonged ~ vt : to utter in a slow lengthened tone -
`drawl,er n - drawl,lng•IY \ 'dr6-liQ-ie\ adv
`. _
`2drawl n (ca. 1742) : a drawling manner of speaking - drawly \ dro-le\
`2drawn \'dr6n, 'driin\ ad} (1613) :_ showing the effects of tension, pam, or
`illness : HAGGARD ( a face ~ with pain)
`drawn butter n (ca. 1740): melted clarified butter
`drawn-work \'dr6n-,work\ n (1594) : decoration on cloth made by
`d~~;~A ~rw~)e~~i;;g~i~~~,&~
`draw on vi (15c) : APPROACH ( night draws on> ~ Vt : BRING ON,
`vi : to move apa rt or ahead
`d~~s~ut vt (14c) 1 : REMOVE, EXTRACT 2 : to extend beyond a mi~-
`imum in time : PROTRACT 2 3 : to cause to speak freely (a reporter s
`are drawn
`/'{?93) : a die with holes through which wires
`g~:: ~~~e; ~~i~~Jt~:'k:r in which each player is dealt five cards
`face down and after betting may get replacements for discards
`draw-shave \'dr6-,shav\ n (1828) _: DRAWKNIFE
`. .
`draw shot 11 (1897): a shot in b1lhards o~ 1;>001 made_by h1ttmg the cue
`ball with draw so it moves back after stnking the obJect ball
`\ o\ abut \'\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \ ii\ ace \ ii\ mop, mer
`\au\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\e\ bet \e\ easy
`\g\ go \i\ hit
`\ i\ Ice
`\Q\ sing \ o\ go \6\ law \6i\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \Ii\ foot
`\k, 0
`, re, t.e, Y\see Guide to Pronunciation
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision, beige
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1031.003
`IPR 2023-00199