(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0122134 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 5, 2002
`US 2002O1221.34A1
`(76) Inventor: Kevin A. Kalua, Angwin, CA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`Harris Zimmerman
`Law Offices of Harris Zimmerman
`Suite 710
`1330 Broadway
`Oakland, CA 94612-2506 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 5, 2001
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl." .............................. H04N 5/66; H04N 9/12;
`HO)4N 5/64
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 348/383; 348/836
`A large format modular video display includes a plurality of
`Video image units, each image unit Sealed against environ-
`mental intrusions. Each image unit includes a housing
`having a front panel and a rear door panel that may be
`opened for access to the interior. Within the housing, a
`Strongback member Supports an LED circuit board having a
`large plurality of LEDS Supported in pixel array, each pixel
`comprised of a plurality of LEDs of various colors. Agasket
`member is dimensioned to cover the pixel array of LEDs,
`and includes an array of LED holes in registration with the
`pixel array of the LED board, so that each LED extends
`through a respective hole in the gasket. The front panel of
`the housing also includes an array of LED holes in regis
`tration with the holes of the gasket member, So that each
`pixel group of LEDS may extend through respective holes in
`the front panel and protrude forwardly therefrom. The LED
`circuit board and front panel are joined in compressive
`fashion with the gasket member sandwiched therebetween to
`Seal the LED holes of the front panel and prevent intrusion
`of weather. A Sunshade Secured to the front panel includes a
`shade panel having an array of pixel holes, So that each pixel
`group of LEDS may protrude through a respective pixel hole
`in the Sunshade. The Sunshade includes a plurality of shade
`flanges, each shade flange disposed directly above a respec
`tive row of pixel holes in the Shade panel.
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`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.001
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002. Sheet 1 of 12
`US 2002/0122134 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2002/0122134 A1
`FIG. 2
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.003
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`Patent Application Publication
`US 2002/0122134 A1
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.004
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002
`Sheet 4 of 12
`US 2002/0122134 A1
`FIG. 4
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.005
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`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2002/0122134 A1
`F.G. 5
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`SEC Exhibit 1022.006
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`US 2002/0122134 A1
`FIG. 7
`S. R
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.007
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002 Sheet 7 of 12
`US 2002/0122134 A1
`FIG. 9
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`FIG 10
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.008
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002 Sheet 8 of 12
`US 2002/0122134 A1
`F.G. 12
`FIG. 13
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`FIG. 14
`F.G. 11
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.009
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002 Sheet 9 of 12
`US 2002/0122134 A1
`'S/N/\ 7N / st AAA At
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`FIG. 15 132
`G. 16
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`SEC Exhibit 1022.010
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002. Sheet 11 of 12
`US 2002/0122134 A1
`121 FG. 20
`117 2. Z
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 5, 2002. Sheet 12 of 12 US 2002/0122134 A1
`- ,
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.013
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`US 2002/O122134 A1
`Sep. 5, 2002
`0001. The present invention relates to large format video
`displays (video walls), and, more particularly, to large
`format displayS employing light emitting Semiconductor
`devices in large arrayS.
`0002 The development and improvement of light emit
`ting diodes (LEDs), which has resulted in bright light
`Sources having colors throughout the visible spectrum. Very
`long life, and reasonable prices, has driven the revolution in
`large format video displays from CRT-based systems to
`LED-based systems. LED video systems have brighter out
`put, wider viewing angle, and far greater energy efficiency.
`0.003 Although LEDs have an extremely long mean time
`before failure (MTBF), they must be protected from damage
`due to particular operating conditions. For example, when
`LEDs overheat the life expectancy quickly may be shortened
`by factors of 10. Heat buildup may be caused not only by the
`waste heat of the LEDs operating at high power, but also by
`external factorS Such as hot ambient air due to hot weather,
`high heat loads from direct Sunlight, and the like. Generally
`Speaking, Some form of cooling System must be available to
`rid the LED systems of heat buildup to avoid diminishing the
`life of the LEDs.
`0004 Furthermore, many large format video systems are
`installed outdoors, in Stadiums, along highways, and the
`like. In this environment they are subjected to extremes of
`temperature, infiltration by water, damage from freezing
`water, insects, and the like. To overcome this problem,
`Systems known in the prior art have resorted to joining the
`assembly of an LED circuit board and other structural
`components with potting compound, thereby creating a Solid
`unit that is impervious to water and the damaging effects of
`ice. In addition, the same potting compound is often used to
`retain a Sunshade component to the outer Surface of the LED
`0005. Unfortunately, the potting compound forms a per
`manent unit that cannot be disassembled for Service. Thus,
`for example, if one pixel of a display is damaged or fails
`Spontaneously, it is not possible to disassemble and remove
`and replace the LED circuit board in the video display. Nor
`is it possible to Salvage the shade component for further use,
`or other portions of the video display assembly. In this
`example, the entire unit must be junked.
`0006 There is a need in the prior art for a video display
`System that is Sealed and weatherproof to avoid damage
`from environmental factors, yet may be dismantled for
`repair and replacement of component parts.
`0007. The present invention generally comprises a large
`format Video display that is highly modular in construction
`and adaptable to a variety of uses and installations. The
`modular arrangement includes a plurality of Video image
`units, and each image unit is Sealed against weather and
`other environmental intrusions, yet may be disassembled for
`repair and replacement of damaged components.
`0008. In one aspect of the invention, each image unit is
`comprised of a rectangular housing having a front panel and
`a rear door panel that may be opened for access to the
`interior of the housing. Within the housing, a strongback
`member eXtends generally parallel to the front panel, and
`includes mounting holes for a driver circuit board at the rear
`Surface thereof. Joined to the front Surface of the Strongback
`member is an LED circuit board, on which a large plurality
`of LEDs are Supported and connected to traces that are in
`turn connected to the driver board. The LEDs are grouped in
`pixel array, each pixel comprised of LEDs of various colors
`and combined to emit light acroSS the Visible spectrum.
`0009. The image unit assembly further includes a gasket
`member comprised of a sheet of flexible, impervious mate
`rial. The gasket member is Sufficiently wide and long to
`cover the pixel array of LEDs. An array of pixel holes in the
`gasket member is formed to be in registration with the pixel
`array of the LED board, so that each pixel group of LEDs
`extends through a respective pixel hole in the gasket. The
`front panel of the housing also includes an array of pixel
`holes in registration with the pixel holes of the gasket
`member, So that each pixel group of LEDS may extend
`through a respective pixel hole in the front panel and
`protrude forwardly therefrom. The LED circuit board and
`front panel are joined by a threaded fastener System in
`compressive fashion with the gasket member therebetween
`to Seal the pixel holes of the front panel and prevent
`intrusion of weather. Thus the System is Sealed, yet is
`disassemblable for Service and repair.
`0010. In a further aspect of the invention, each image unit
`assembly is provided with a Sunshade removably Secured to
`the front panel of the unit. The Sunshade includes a shade
`panel having another array of pixel holes in registration with
`the pixel holes of the front panel and the gasket member, So
`that each pixel group of LEDS may protrude through the
`Sunshade. The Sunshade further includes a plurality of shade
`flanges, each shade flange extending laterally and disposed
`directly above a respective row of pixel holes in the shade
`panel. Each shade flange extends outwardly and forwardly
`from the Surface of the Shade panel to block at least partially
`the bright light emanating from the Sun and Sky from
`impinging on the protruding output ends of the LEDS. The
`shade panel and Shade flanges may be provided with a dark
`absorptive coating, Such a black anodized aluminum, to
`minimize reflection of light from bright Sources, and to
`maximize the effect of the LEDs outputs.
`0011. In another aspect, the invention includes a particu
`lar pixel grouping that is designed to minimize the effects of
`bright light impinging on the each pixel group. Each pixel
`group is formed of five LEDs disposed in parallel rows of
`three and two LEDs. The top row is formed of red, blue, and
`green LEDs, and is directly under the respective shade
`flange of the pixel. The bottom row is formed of red and
`green LEDs centered at the interstitial spacing of the top
`row. The top row is in the deepest shade of the respective
`shade flange, and Sunlight from high angles may shine on the
`bottom row but will not impinge on the top row of LEDs.
`Since the top row includes the blue LED as well as the red
`and green, Sunlight Shining on the lower part of each pixel
`will not adversely affect the color rendition of the image
`0012. In an additional aspect of the invention, each
`rectangular housing includes opposed top and bottom panels
`that are adapted for vertical Stacking. A System of male and
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.014
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`US 2002/O122134 A1
`Sep. 5, 2002
`female guide features are provided in the top and bottom
`panels whereby each top panel of one unit is provided with
`at least one male or female guide feature that interfits with
`a respective female or male guide feature on the bottom
`panel. The image units are Stacked top to bottom, and the
`guide features assure that the Stack is Substantially orthogo
`nal (or whatever other arrangement is desired). Likewise, the
`Side panels of the housing may be provided with Similar
`guide features, although it is not deemed essential.
`0013 The image units are arrayed in columns and rows,
`and the bottom row is Supported on a manifold that Supplies
`cold air or other coolant through Spaced holes in the mani
`fold. the top and bottom panels of each image unit includes
`at least one vent hole to promote the flow of coolant
`upwardly through the columns of image units. An exhaust
`manifold is Secured to the top of the uppermost row of the
`array to carry away the coolant, whereby Substantial heat is
`removed from the Video array. Each image unit further
`includes at least one access hole in each Side panel, whereby
`power cables and Signal cables may be connected and run
`throughout the image units of each row in the array.
`0.014) Another aspect of the invention is the threaded
`fastener System mentioned above. A plurality of threaded
`assemblies join the Strongback to the LED circuit board,
`each having a Standoff component that defines a spacing
`between the strongback and the LED board. The first stand
`off component includes a forward portion that extends
`through aligned mounting holes in the LED board, the
`gasket member, and the front panel of the housing. A Second
`Standoff component includes internal threads to engage the
`forward portion of the first standoff component. The second
`Standoff component is disposed forwardly of the front panel,
`and joins the LED board to the rear Surface of the front panel
`in compressive fashion with the gasket member entrained
`therebetween in Sealing fashion.
`0.015 The threaded assemblies further include a captive
`Screw component that engages a threaded portion of the
`Second Standoff component. The captive Screw components
`extend through Similarly aligned mounting holes in the
`shade assembly, and may be tightened to Secure the shade
`assembly to the forward extends of the second standoff
`member. This arrangement Securely and rigidly Supports the
`shade assembly on the housing, while also defining a mini
`mum spacing between the shade assembly and the front
`panel of the housing. As a result, any heat buildup in the
`shade assembly due to Solar heating thereof, or heat absorp
`tion from the LEDs themselves, cannot be conducted
`directly to the front panel of the housing, nor to the gasket
`member and LED board. Thus a major heat load factor in
`prior art Systems is obviated.
`0016 FIG. 1 is a partially cutaway front perspective
`view of the sealed video module of the present invention.
`0017 FIG. 2 is a rear perspective view of the sealed
`video module shown in FIG. 1.
`Figure 3 is a partial perspective view of the LED
`circuit board of the sealed video module of FIGS. 1 and 2.
`0019 FIG. 4 is a front plan view of the strongback
`component of the Sealed Video module of the present inven
`0020 FIG. 5 is a rear plan view of the strongback
`component shown in FIG. 4.
`FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional elevation of the strong
`back component, taken along line 6-6 of FIG. 4.
`0022 FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional elevation of the strong
`back component, taken along line7-7 of FIG. 4
`0023 FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional elevation of the strong
`back component, taken along line 8-8 of FIG. 4
`0024 FIG. 9 is a detail view of a pixel hole and the LED
`holes associated with it according to the present invention.
`0025 FIG. 10 is a plan view of the gasket component of
`the present invention.
`0026 FIG. 11 is an enlarged plan view of a portion of the
`gasket component shown in FIG. 10.
`0027 FIG. 12 is a cross-sectional view of the gasket
`component, taken along line 12-12 of FIG. 11.
`0028 FIG. 13 is a cross-sectional view of the gasket
`component, taken along line 13-13 of FIG. 11.
`0029 FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional view of the gasket
`component, taken along line 14-14 of FIG. 11.
`0030 FIG. 15 is a partial plan view of the shade com
`ponent of the present invention.
`0031 FIG. 16 is an end view of the portion of the shade
`component shown in FIG. 15.
`0032 FIG. 17 is an exploded view of the threaded
`Standoff assembly of the present invention.
`0033 FIG. 18 is an exploded schematic assembly of the
`threaded Standoff assembly and the shade component, front
`panel, gasket, LED circuit board, Strongback, and driver
`circuit board.
`0034 FIG. 19 is a plan view of the female guide member
`for interconnecting the Sealed Video modules of the inven
`0035 FIG. 20 is a cross-sectional side elevation of the
`female guide component, taken along line 20-20 of FIG. 19.
`0036 FIG. 21 is a cross-sectional side elevation of the
`female guide component, taken along line 21-21 of FIG. 19.
`0037 FIG. 22 is a perspective view of the female guide
`component shown in FIGS. 19-21.
`0038 FIG. 23 is a plan view of the male guide compo
`nent for interconnecting the Sealed modules of the invention.
`0039 FIG. 24 is a cross-sectional side elevation of the
`male guide component, taken along line 24-24 of FIG. 23.
`0040 FIG. 25 is a cross-sectional side elevation of the
`male guide component, taken along line 25-25 of FIG. 23.
`FIG. 26 is a perspective view of the male guide
`component shown in FIGS. 23-25.
`0042. The present invention generally comprises a large
`format Video display that is highly modular in construction
`and adaptable to a variety of uses and installations. The
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.015
`IPR 2023-00199


`US 2002/O122134 A1
`Sep. 5, 2002
`modular arrangement includes a plurality of Video image
`units, and each image unit is Sealed against weather and
`other environmental intrusions, yet may be disassembled for
`repair and replacement of damaged or worn components.
`0043. With regard to FIGS. 1 and 2, the invention
`provides a basic modular video output unit 31. The unit 31
`includes top and bottom panels 32 and 33 and laterally
`opposed side panels 34 and 36 joined in a rectangular
`assembly, with rectangular front panel 37 Spanning the
`panels 32-36 contiguously to form a rigid enclosure. A rear
`panel 38 also spans the panels 32-36, and includes a hinged
`door 39 that provides access to the interior of the modular
`unit 31. The door 39 is latched by handle assemblies 41. At
`least one vent hole 42 extends through the top panel 32 and
`bottom panel 33 (not shown) to permit air flow or coolant
`flow through the unit 31. In addition, at least one access hole
`43 extends through the side panels 34 and 36 to accommo
`date power cables, Signal wires, and the like to extend
`laterally through adjacent units 31 in a respective row of an
`array of the units 31. The bottom row of the array of units
`31 is Supported on a coolant Supply manifold 44 that extends
`the width of the bottom row and is joined thereto to deliver
`cool air or other coolant to the vent holes 42 of the bottom
`panels of the bottom row, from which the coolant may rise
`through the array to remove heat therefrom. An exhaust
`manifold (not shown) similar to the Supply manifold may be
`Secured to the top panels of the top row of the array of units
`31 to remove the heated air or coolant, or return it through
`a refrigeration cycle.
`0044) With regard to FIGS. 1 and 9, the front panel 37
`of each unit 31 is provided with a plurality of LED holes 51
`grouped in a pixel arrangement. Each pixel 52 includes a top
`row of three holes 51 and a bottom row of two holes 51, and
`the pixel Shape is generally a regular trapezoidal having
`rounded vertices. The holes 51 are dimensioned to permit
`the output ends of LEDs to extend therethrough. In particu
`lar, the top row is provided with red, blue, and green LEDs,
`and the bottom row comprises red and green LEDs, for
`purposes to be explained in the following description. AS
`shown in FIG. 1, the LED holes in their pixel groupings are
`formed a regular matrix, Such as a 16x16 array (shown) or
`any other layout that is consonant with a Video display
`format. The front panel also includes a plurality of mounting
`holes 53 in a predetermined pattern, for purposes to be
`explained below.
`0.045 Within each unit 31, the major structural compo
`nent is the strongback 61, shown in FIGS. 4-8. The strong
`back 61 is generally described as a fortified panel that
`includes a plurality of reinforcing ribS 62 disposed about the
`periphery and formed in a grid pattern that extends from the
`front face thereof, as shown in FIG. 4. Furthermore, rein
`forcing ribs 63 are disposed about the periphery and formed
`in an obtuse grid pattern extending from the rear face of the
`strongback 61, as shown in FIG. 5. A plurality of mounting
`holes 64 extend through the strongback from front to back,
`each mounting hole Surrounded by a boSS 66 that protrudes
`from the front and rear surfaces. The mounting holes 64 are
`disposed in a pattern that is identical to the pattern of the
`mounting holes 53 in the front panel 37 of each unit 31. Note
`that each boss 66 is disposed to be intersected by at least one
`of the reinforcing ribs 62 at the front Surface, and is disposed
`at a converging point of two reinforcing ribS 63 at the rear
`Surface of the Strongback, So that each point of Support is
`doubly reinforced. Furthermore, a Small cylindrical protu
`berance 65 extends coaxially from the front end Surface of
`each boss 66, the respective hole 64 extending through the
`protuberance 65, as shown in FIG. 7.
`0046) The strongback 61 also includes large rectangular
`cutout openingS 67 extending therethrough and disposed in
`a rectangular grouping in the medial portion thereof. A
`quartet of tubular cylindrical projections 68 extend from the
`back Surface of the Strongback, arranged in two pairs of two
`that are disposed at laterally opposed sides of the cutout
`openings 67. Each projection 68 includes a coaxial hole 69
`extending coaxially in the end wall thereof. A web 71
`extends from the adjacent rib Surface to each respective
`projection 68 for added rigidity and Strength. The projec
`tions Serve as handles for manipulating the Strongback and
`the components assembled thereto, as explained below.
`0047 Another major component of each unit 31 is an
`LED circuitboard 81, as shown in FIG. 3. The front Surface
`82 of the board 81 supports a plurality of LEDs 83, the LEDs
`being grouped in a pixel array in which each pixel is
`comprised of five LEDs, as described with reference to FIG.
`9. The LEDs 83 are disposed in registration with the holes
`51 in the front panel 37, and are arranged to extend through
`all the holes 51 when the unit is fully assembled. Each board
`81 may Support an array of pixel groupings, Such as a 16x16
`matrix, or any other usable format. The board also includes
`a plurality of mounting holeS 84 which are arranged in a
`pattern identical to the mounting holes 53 of the front panel
`and the mounting holes 64 of the Strongback. The rear
`surface of the board is provided with printed traces that
`connect and address each of the LEDs 83 individually.
`0048. With regard to FIGS. 10-14, each unit 31 further
`includes a gasket component 91, comprised of a sheet of
`impervious, resilient material. The gasket 91 is provided
`with a plurality of LED holes 92, which are arranged in pixel
`groupings identical to those shown in FIG. 9. Between the
`pixel groupings, the gasket is provided with reduced thick
`ness portions 93 which diminish the amount of material in
`the gasket and define Seal-forming Surfaces around and
`about all of the LED holes 92. The gasket 91 is also provided
`with a plurality of mounting holes 94 which are disposed in
`the same pattern as the mounting holes 84 of the LED board,
`the mounting holes 53 of the front panel, and the mounting
`holes 64 of the strongback.
`0049. It may be noted that the strongback 61 is secured
`within the unit 31, with the front surface of the strongback
`facing the front panel 37. The LED board 81 is assembled to
`the Strongback in a Spaced apart relationship, and the gasket
`91 is assembled to the front Surface of the LED board 81,
`with each LED 83 extending through a respective hole 92.
`The LEDs 83 further extend through the front panel 37, with
`the output end of each LED 83 extending through a respec
`tive LED hole 51 in the front panel. The gasket 91 is
`sandwiched between the front panel 37 and the LED board
`81, and is compressed therebetween to form a weatherproof
`seal therewith. Thus the LED output ends protrude from the
`front panel to provide excellent visibility and Viewing angle,
`while the front assembly is Sealed to exclude water, mois
`ture, insects, and other detrimental environmental factors.
`0050 Another major component of each unit 31 is a
`shade assembly 131, shown in FIGS. 1, 15, and 16. The
`shade assembly 131 includes a flat panel 132 extending the
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1022.016
`IPR 2023-00199


`US 2002/O122134 A1
`Sep. 5, 2002
`height and width of the front panel 37, and having a plurality
`of pixel holes 133 formed therein in a matrix that matches
`the pixel layout shown in FIG. 9. The pixel holes 133
`corresponds and register with the pixel grouping of the LED
`board, the gasket, and the front panel. That is, each pixel
`hole 133 in the shade panel 132 corresponds to and is
`aligned with a respective one of the pixel groupingS 52
`described previously, So that each pixel grouping of LEDS
`may protrude through a respective hole 133 in the shade
`panel. A plurality of mounting holes 136 are disposed in a
`pattern that is in registration with the mounting holes 53 of
`the front panel 37, and thus with the mounting holes of the
`gasket, LED circuit board, and Strongback.
`0051 A Salient feature of the shade assembly is a plu
`rality of Shade flanges 134 extending laterally in parallel
`array and projecting forwardly from the front Surface of the
`shade panel 132. Each shade flange 134 extends approxi
`mately orthogonally from the panel 132, and is positioned
`directly above a row of pixel holes 133 to block at least
`partially the bright light emanating from the Sun and Sky
`from impinging on the protruding output ends of the LEDs.
`The shade panel and shade flanges may be provided with a
`dark absorptive coating, Such a black anodized aluminum, to
`minimize reflection of light from bright Sources, and to
`maximize the effect of the LEDs outputs.
`0.052 With regard to FIG. 1, the shade configuration
`described above interacts with the pixel layout shown in
`FIG. 9 to preserve (to the greatest extent possible) the color
`rendition of the image portion projected by each unit 31. It
`is generally true that the strongest Sunlight occurs when the
`Sun is highest in the sky, approximated by the perspective
`view angle of FIG. 1. The shade flanges 134 block direct
`Sunlight from impinging on the upper row of LEDS 51 in
`each pixel hole 133, so that the output of the upper row of
`LEDs of each pixel is not diminished by reflected Sunlight
`(and other high angle bright light Sources). Due to the fact
`that the blue LED is located in the upper row of each pixel,
`the output of each pixel grouping maintains proper color
`balance even during those periods when Sunlight tends to
`attenuate the output of the lower row of LEDs of each pixel.
`0053. It is noted that the front panel, LED circuit board,
`gasket, and Shade assembly all are provided with Substan
`tially the same rectangular configuration and dimensions, So
`that each unit 31 provides a complete incremental portion of
`a larger Video image portrayed by the entire Video array.
`Each unit 31 further includes external features that
`facilitate properly aligned Stacking of multiple units in true
`vertical relationship. With regard to FIGS. 1 and 2, the top
`panel 32 of each unit 31 is provided with at least one male
`guide 101 and/or female guide 102, and the bottom panel 33
`is provided with at least one female guide 102 and/or male
`guide 101 positioned for complementary fit when two units
`31 are aligned and Stacked vertically. The complementary fit
`enables an installer to Stack two or more units in rough
`Vertical alignment, and the complementary interfit of the
`guides 101 and 102 causes the units to assume true align
`0055 With regard to FIGS. 23-26, each male guide 101
`includes a disk 103 and a central annulus 104 extending
`coaxially therefrom. The annulus 104 is provided in its outer
`face 105 with an annular groove 106 adapted to secure an
`O-ring gasket or the like (not shown). A tapered cylindrical
`lug 107 extends outwardly from the face 105, and includes
`a central hole 108 therein that is threaded internally. Another
`tapped hole 109 extends into the face 105, and does not
`extend through to the bottom surface of the disk 103. The lug
`107 and hole 109 are diametrically opposed with respect to
`the central axis of the disk 103. In addition, a pair of
`mounting holes 111 are provided in diametrically opposed
`relationship in the peripheral portion of the disk 103. The
`holes 111 enable the guide 101 to be mounted in the top or
`bottom panel 32 with the face 105 thereof substantially flush
`with the outer Surface of the panel.
`0056. With regard to FIGS. 19-22, the female guide 102
`includes a disk 113 and a central annulus 114 extending
`coaxially therefrom. The annulus 114 is provided in its outer
`face 115 with an annular groove 116 adapted to secure an
`O-ring gasket or the like (not shown). A tapered channel 117
`extends inwardly and diametrically in the face 115, and
`includes a hole 118 at one end of the channel that extends
`through to the bottom face of the disk. In addition, a pair of
`mounting holes 121 are provided in diametrically opposed
`relationship in the peripheral portion of the disk 113. The
`holes 121 enable the guide 101 to be mounted in the top or
`bottom panel of the unit 31 with the face 115 thereof
`substantially flush with the outer surface of the panel.
`0057 With particular reference to FIG. 21, the tapered
`cylindrical lug 107 of the male guide 101 is dimensioned to
`be received in the channel 117 with minimal clearance, so
`that the two guides are drawn into alignment by engagement.
`The tapped holes 108 and 109 are positioned so that one of
`them is in alignment with the hole 118 through the female
`guide 102. That is, no matter which end of the channel 117
`receives the lug 107, there is hole alignment so that a screw
`or bolt may be extended through the hole 118 to secure the
`male guide 101 thereto. Thus the male/female guide engage
`ment assures alignment of the units 31 to which they are
`joined, and they also provide a means to fasten the units
`together to form a large Video array. Also note that the
`O-ring seal retained in grooves 106 and 116 eliminate any
`intrusion of environmental factors into the array through the
`guide assemblies.
`0.058 With regard to FIG. 17, the invention includes a
`plurality of threaded assemblies 141 that join the strong
`back, LED circuit board, and gasket to the front panel within
`each unit 31, and that Secures the shade assembly to the
`exterior of the front panel of the unit 31. The assembly 141
`includes a captive Screw 142, comprised of a knurled head
`143, a shank 144, and a threaded distal end 146 that is
`greater in diameter than the Shank. The Shank and tapped
`portion 146 extend through a captive Screw Standoff com
`ponent 147. The standoff 147 includes a head 148 having a
`tapped hole 150 extending axially therethrough to join a
`bore 152 that extends axially through the tubular body
`portion 149. The distal end portion 151 of the body 149 is
`knurled. Note that the tapped portion 146 of the screw 147
`may be threaded through the tapped hole 150, whereafter the
`shank 144 may translate freely through the hole 150. Thus
`the screw 142 is held captive in the standoff 147.
`0059. The assembly 141 also includes a swage standoff
`(spacer) component 153, which includes a tubular body
`portion 154. A tubular neck 156 extends fr

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