`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`21 June 2012 (21.06.2012) WIPO I PCT
`~ ~
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill 1111111111 lllll lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2012/080996 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`H0lM 2/20 (2006.01)
`H0lM 10/052 (2010.01)
`H0lM 10/44 (2006.01)
`H0lR 11/24 (2006.01)
`H0lM 10/46 (2006.01)
`H0lM 4/58 (2010.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/IE20l l/000066
`(22) International Filing Date:
`14 December 20l l 0 4-12•2011 )
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`16 December 2010 (16.12.2010)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): JTM
`POWER LIMITED [IE/IE]; 20 Village Mill, Enterprise
`Park, Rathnew, Country Wicklow (IE).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): TRACEY, James
`[IE/IE]; 8 Sandy Lane, Ballymoney, Gorey, County Wex(cid:173)
`ford (IE). MAGUIRE, Damien [IE/IE]; 26 Burnaby
`Court, Greystones, County Wicklow (IE). O'DONOV AN,
`John [IE/IE]; Siochain, Kilmurray, Gorey, County Wex(cid:173)
`ford (IE).
`(74) Agents: O'BRIEN, John, A. et al.; c/o John A. O'Brien &
`Associates, Third Floor, Duncaim House, 14 Carysfort Av-
`enue, Blackrock, County Dublin (IE).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, VA, VG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`[Continued on next page]
`;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`(54) Title: A JUMP STARTER
`(57) Abstract: A jump starter (I, 30, 50) for a flat battery, such as a vehicle
`battery has a first clip (2, 20) having. a first handle (3, 25) for connection to
`one terminal (4) of a battery (5); a second clip (7, 21 ) having a second
`handle (15, 25) for connection to a second terminal of a battery, The clips
`are interconnected (IO, 28, 53) and on-board starter batteries (15, 26) are
`provided along the interconnecting cable (IO) and/or at least one of the clips
`(20, 21 ). The on-board starter battery (15, 26) may comprise a lithium iron
`phosphate battery. There may be a control circuit (IO0, 200) to prevent dam(cid:173)
`age from events such as accidental shorting of the clips.
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`WO 2012/080996 Al I lllll llllllll 1111111111111 lllll 1111111111111111111111111 lllll lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD,
`RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, Published:
`DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT,
`LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS,
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
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`WO 2012/080996
`- 1 -
`"A Jump Starter"
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to a jump starter system for a battery, especially a vehicle battery.
`Prior Art Discussion
`Jump starter systems for jump starting a flat vehicle battery comprise a pair of leads, each with a
`clip such as a crocodile clip at each end to connect with the terminals of the flat battery and a
`charged battery of another vehicle. One lead connects the positive terminal of the flat battery to
`the positive terminal of a charged battery and a second lead connects the negative terminal of the
`flat battery to the negative terminal of the charged battery.
`Such systems are effective. However in many cases a vehicle with a charged battery is required
`and it is often difficult to arrange the vehicles to allow the leads to safely extend between the
`It is also known to provide starter packs comprising a lead acid battery within a battery housing
`and leads for extending from the battery housing to the terminal of the flat battery. Such units are
`costly, bulky, and heavy, and can generally only be used for large scale commercial applications.
`Very often, the unit is not used for some time and the battery charge diminishes so that it is not
`effective when required.
`US5607794, US6002235, US2006/0128209, and US2008/0241653 describe vanous portable
`starter systems. In these arrangements, starter cables are connected to a battery.
`This invention is directed towards providing an engine jump starter system which will address
`these issues.
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`WO 2012/080996
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`According to the invention, there is provided a jump starter for a battery such as a vehicle
`battery, the jump starter comprising:-
`a first clip having a first handle for connection to one terminal of a battery;
`a second clip having a second handle for connection to a second terminal of a battery;
`an interconnection means extending between the first clip and the second clip; and
`an on-board starter battery means provided along the interconnection means and/or
`adjacent at least one of the clips.
`In one embodiment, the on-board starter battery means comprises a lithium iron phosphate
`In one embodiment, there is a plurality of on-board starter batteries along the interconnection
`In one embodiment, the on-board starter battery means comprises a plurality of separate batteries
`20 which are electrically interconnected.
`In one embodiment, at least some of the battery means comprises batteries housed within at least
`one of the first and second handles.
`Preferably, said batteries are housed within both the first handle and the second handle.
`In one embodiment, the first clip and the second clip are configured to nest together for storage
`in compact manner.
`In one embodiment, the first clip has a housing within which there is a battery, and a pair of jaws
`linked with the housing; and the second clip is configured to fit alongside the jaws of the first
`clip in a manner without protruding parts.
`Preferably, the first clip has a groove to accommodate the interconnection means during storage.
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`WO 2012/080996
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`In one embodiment, the jump starter further comprises a control circuit having positive and
`negative leads connected between the on-board starter battery and the clips, and protection
`means to provide over-voltage and/or over-current protection.
`In one embodiment, the protection means comprises a current-limiting component.
`In one embodiment, the control circuit further comprises a switch in the negative lead which is
`turned on for use. In one embodiment, the switch is a solid state switch. In one embodiment, the
`switch comprises a MOSFET switch. In one embodiment, the switch is an SCR.
`In one
`embodiment, there is a plurality of switches arranged in parallel.
`In one embodiment, a gate of the switch is connected to the positive lead by a user-activated
`switch. In one embodiment, the user-activated switch is of the type for momentary closing. In
`one embodiment, the user-activated switch is connected to the gate via a diode, preferably a
`Zener diode. In one embodiment, the switch is solid state and is reverse biased to prevent current
`flow if a system to which the clamps are connected attempts to return charge.
`In one embodiment, the protection means comprises a circuit to short gate current to ground in
`the event of accidental reverse polarity connection.
`In one embodiment, the positive lead includes one or more positive thermal coefficient fuses
`protecting against short circuit conditions and excessive power demands by achieving a very
`high resistance, thus limiting current flow, and once normal conditions are restored dropping to a
`low resistance.
`In one embodiment, there is a resistor and an LED in parallel with the fuse such that if the fuse
`resistance goes high almost all of the battery voltage will appear across the resistor thus
`providing a current flow to illuminate the LED, and when the fuse is in a low resistance state and
`operating normally the resistor and the fuse are effectively short circuited, providing a visual
`indication of overload conditions.
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`WO 2012/080996
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`In one embodiment, the positive lead includes a bank of switches connected in such a way as to
`utilise their intrinsic diodes for the purposes of reverse blocking of current, in which gate to
`source is short circuited, thus holding the switches in a permanent OFF state.
`In one embodiment, an RC time constant circuit is linked with the negative lead switch or
`switches, said time constant circuit being arranged to set the run time of the jump starter and
`preventing the jump starter from being left in a constant ON condition.
`In one embodiment, the time constant circuit is arranged to provide· a soft turn on of the jump
`starter power, preventing transient voltage damage as a result of arcing or high di/dt induced
`voltages iri an electrical system to which the starter is connected.
`15 Brief Description of the Drawings
`The invention will be more clearly understood from the following description of some
`embodiments thereof, given by way of example only with reference to the accompanying
`drawings in which:-
`Fig. I is a perspective view of an engine jump starter system according to the invention;
`Fig. 2 is an elevational view of the jump starter system of Fig. I, in use;
`Fig. 3 is a perspective view of another engine jump starter system according to the
`Fig. 4 is an enlarged view of the battery connection clips of the jump starter system of
`Fig. 3;
`Fig. 5 is an elevational view of the starter system of Figs. 3 and 4, in use;
`Figs. 6 and 7 are perspective views of an alternative starter system ready for use;
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`WO 2012/080996
`Figs. 8 and 9 are perspective views of this system when in the storage position; and
`- 5 -
`Figs. IO to 12 are circuit diagrams for circuits of starter systems of various embodiments.
`5 Description of the Embodiments
`Referring to Figs. 1 and 2 there is illustrated a jump starter system I according to the invention.
`The jump starter system comprises a first crocodile clip 2 having a first handle 3 for connection
`to one terminal 4 of a flat vehicle battery 5. The system also comprises a second crocodile clip 7
`having a second handle 8 for connection to another terminal 9 of the flat vehicle battery 5. An
`electrical interconnection lead IO extends between the first clip 2 and the second clip 7. Each clip
`has spring biased jaws 11. In the invention there is an on-board starter battery which comprises a
`plurality of interconnected batteries 15 which may be of the lithium iron phosphate type. The
`battery cells can be of either cylindrical, prismatic or pouch type. The voltage is between 3.2 and
`3.7 V nominal and of lithium iron chemistry.
`As illustrated, the on-board starter batteries 15 extend along the interconnection lead I 0. They
`are relatively small and lightweight and can be readily interconnected to form the jump starter
`system as illustrated.
`To jump start a flat battery only one jump lead is required with two simple clip connections 2, 7
`to the flat battery 5. Immediate power is supplied to the flat battery 5 without the requirement of
`another vehicle with a charged battery. The unit is lightweight and easily stored, for example, in
`a vehicle boot or glove compartment. The system has superior starting ability, lifespan, and
`energy retention than other jump starter systems.
`Referring now to Figs. 3 to 5 there is illustrated another jump starter system, 30, according to the
`invention. In this case, clips 20, 21 have the clip jaws 11 and have handles 25 of cylindrical
`shape. In this embodiment there are two batteries 26 housed within each handle 25, and finger-
`gripping features 27 are provided to aid user operation. The clips are interconnected by a cable
`28, with no need for batteries along the length of the cable in this case.
`Referring to Figs. 6 to 9 an alternative jump starter, 50, is shown. The jump starter 50 comprises
`a first clip 5 I and a second clip 52 interconnected by a power cable 53. The first clip 51 has a
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`WO 2012/080996
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`housing 55 for a battery of sufficient capacity to provide the full starting power, in this
`embodiment of the lithium iron phosphate type. Also, the first clip 51 comprises a pair of jaws
`56 having finger grips 57 for pressing together for opening and closing. The housing 55 has a
`groove along one side to accommodate the cable 53 during storage. The clip 52 has a similar pair
`of jaws 56 with finger grips 57.
`The starter 50 is used with the clips 51 and 52 separate as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Power is
`provided by the batteries within the housing 55. When not being used, the second clip 52 nests
`into the first clip 51 alongside the jaws 56 of the first clip 51, as shown in Figs. 8 and 9.
`The jump starter 50 involves use of close-proximity high-power batteries of the lithium iron
`phosphate type. In this case it is more important to provide safety controls, and this is achieved
`by use of a control circuit in the housing 55. Figs.10,11, and 12 illustrate circuits 100,200, and
`300 respectively which may be used in the starter of any embodiment. In this case the starter 50
`employs the circuit 300, however it may employ a different circuit depending on the safety
`requirements and battery types and capacities.
`Referring to Fig. 10 the circuit 100 comprises batteries 102, a positive lead 103 with a clamp
`conductor 104, and a negative lead 105 with a clamp conductor 106. In the positive lead there is
`a light emitting diode LED2 and a resistor R3 in parallel with a positive thermal coefficient
`(PTC) resettable fuse 110.
`An integrated circuit IC 1 is connected via a resistor R2 to the positive lead l 03 and is connected
`to the negative lead 105 via reverse polarity indicator (LED 1 ). Also, a manual contact switch 115
`(SWI) is connected on one side to the positive lead 3, and on the other to a Zener diode ZDI, a
`resistor RI, in turn linked with a bank of MOSFET switches QI, Q2, and Q3.
`The circuit of the jump starter circuit 100 protects from voltage mismatch, reverse polarity, short
`circuit, over-discharge, and over-use.
`The over-current protection element PTC 110 comprises a number of parallel connected positive
`thermal coefficient PCB mounted resettable fuses. The number and type thereof is determined by
`the power output requirement. The PTC 110 enables normal usage but protects against short
`circuit conditions and excessive power demands by achieving a very high resistance, thus
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`WO 2012/080996
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`limiting current flow. Once normal conditions are restored, the PTC 110 drops to a low
`resistance. Light emitting diode LED2 and lk 0.25w resistor R3 provide an over-current
`indicator. When the PTC 110 goes high resistance, almost all of the jump starter battery l 02
`voltage will appear across this device thus providing a current flow to illuminate LED2. When
`the PTC 110 is in a low resistance state and operating normally, R3 and LED2 are effectively
`short circuited.
`The battery 102 positive terminal is also connected to the momentary action single pole normally
`open switch SWI 115. This switch, the Zener diode ZDI, the resistor RI and Metal Oxide
`Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETS) QI to Q3 comprise the power-switching
`and over-discharge elements.
`To activate the jump-starter system it must be connected to a vehicle battery by means of the
`positive and negative jaws 56 linked to the conductors I 04 and 106. The activation switch 1 I 5
`(SWI) is then briefly depressed. This switch may be located at any convenient location of the
`housing Current flows from the battery (BAT) via ZD l and RI to the gates of International
`Rectifier IRF1324s MOSFETS (or alternates) QI, Q2 and Q3 via their respective gate resistors
`R4, R5 and R6. Capacitor Cl is also charged. Once a Vgs of JOY is applied to the MOSFETS
`QI, Q2, and Q3 they begin conducting from drain to source with a very low ON state resistance,
`typically about 0.00033 Ohms for three parallel connected parts.
`After the PTC, the positive supply lead 103 is connected to another trio of International Rectifier
`IRF 1324s MOSFETS ( or alternates) Q4, Q5 and Q6. These devices are connected in such a way
`as to utilise their intrinsic diodes for the purposes of reverse blocking of current. The gate to
`source is short circuited, thus holding the devices in a permanent OFF state. Should the jump
`starter circuit I 00 be connected to a vehicle with a greater voltage than the unit is intended for,
`the diodes become reverse biased and no current may flow. This feature protects the jump(cid:173)
`starter's internal battery I 02 from potentially dangerous overcharge conditions.
`30 Once a successful start has been achieved, the vehicle alternator or charging system will attempt
`to return charge to the still-connected jump-starter battery 102 (BAT) via the crocodile clamp
`jaws 56. This could be undesirable for certain battery types. Should this situation occur, the
`intrinsic diodes in Q4, Q5 and Q6 will become reverse biased, thus preventing this condition
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`WO 2012/080996
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`A resistor R 7 and a capacitor CI form an RC time constant circuit. When the switch 15 (SW I) is
`depressed, CI rapidly charges via R 1. Once in an ON state the gate to source resistance of the
`MOS FE TS is very high, in the order of tens of mega Ohms. Thus the run time of the jump starter
`circuit 100 can be configured by choice of Cl and R7. Once SWI is released, Cl begins to
`discharge via R7, When the voltage across Cl drops below the gate threshold voltage of the
`MOSFETS, they will rapidly come out of conduction and switch off the output. This auto - off
`feature prevents the unit from being left in a constant ON condition with resultant live crocodile
`The RC circuit of R 7 and C 1 provides another important element. As the voltage across C 1 will
`require a certain time to reach the gate threshold voltage of the MOSFETS QI, Q2, and Q3, they
`will spend a small amount of time in their active region and provide a soft turn on of the jump
`starter circuit I 00 power. This prevents transient voltage damage as a result of arcing or high
`di/dt induced voltages in the vehicle electrical system.
`The circuit also protects against accidental reverse polarity connection. Should the operator
`inadvertently connect the jump starter circuit 100 backwards to the vehicle battery (i.e. positive
`clamp 4 to negative terminal and vice versa), the system offers two levels of protection. The first
`level is passive. As the MOSFETS QI through Q3 are non-conductive, no current flow takes
`place upon connection. This eliminates any potentially dangerous and destructive electrical
`arcing at the vehicle battery terminals. Such arcing conditions have been linked with the
`destruction of modern vehicle electronic controls. Secondly, current from the vehicle battery
`flows via the resistor R2, reverse polarity indicator LED I and the input side of the
`semiconductor photo-relay type TLP222 (ICI) thus illuminating LEDI and the input photo LED
`in ICI. Even if the vehicle battery is severely discharged, the current requirement of ICI is very
`small and will in most cases be less than 5 mA. Should the user ignore the reverse polarity
`indicator LEDi and depress SW], MOSFET gate current is shunted to ground via an output
`MOSFET in ICI thus preventing the successful triggering of Ql-Q3 and damage to the vehicle
`or to the jump starter I.
`The Zener diode ZDI in the gate trigger circuit protects against excessive discharge of the jump
`starter battery I 02 (BAT). If the battery has been drained past an acceptable point its potential is
`no longer sufficient to overcome ZD I and thus no gate current reaches the MOSFETS QI -Q3.
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`WO 2012/080996
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`The jump starter circuit 100 may not then be used until it has been recharged, thus preserving the
`life of the battery 102.
`Unlike other jump starter protection circuits that require a vehicle battery to be present for
`correct operation, this jump starter circuit 100 can operate with a completely dead battery or
`none at all. However in this case, reverse polarity detection is not available.
`The following are advantageous aspects of the invention.
`Solid state switching. There are no contacts to weld, burn out, or arc.
`Soft switching.
`Electrical transient protection for modern motor vehicle electronics.
`Operator protection from arcing, explosion etc.
`Jump starter product protection from misuse.
`Battery protection. Ensures long life.
`Low component count
`Cost effective
`Passive safety
`Visual indicators of fault conditions
`No possibility of damage through operator error such as short circuit etc.
`Low power dissipation. Can be used with traditional lead acid batteries without power
`In other embodiments the role of the switches Q 1-Q3 may alternatively be performed by a device
`such as s silicon controlled rectifier for example. This is a simpler circuit, and also would have
`the benefit of automatic power off upon disconnection and automatic reverse blocking. Referring
`to Fig. 1 1 a circuit 200 has a positive lead 203 with a clamp conductor 204 and a negative lead
`205 with a clamp conductor 206. There are a PTC fuse 210, a battery 212, and a momentary
`switch 215 for performing the same functions as for the circuit 100. However, in this case the
`switch 215 is linked with an SCR. Other alternatives may include use of insulated gate bipolar
`transistors (IGBTs) or standard bipolar transistors.
`In a still further embodiment, referring to Fig. 12, a 4-cell Lithium iron battery is connected to a
`positive jump-starter clamp by means of a number of parallel connected positive thermal
`coefficient (PTC) type resettable fuses. The negative battery lead is directly connected to the
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`WO 2012/080996
`- IO -
`negative jump starter clamp. A warning light emitting diode LEDI and its associated series
`limiting resistor are connected in parallel with the PTC devices. During normal engine starting
`operation the PTC devices are cold and exhibit a low resistance thus permitting normal current
`flow. As there is little voltage drop across the devices in this state, LEDI is extinguished.
`Should any of the following fault conditions occur: clamp short circuit, reverse connection to
`vehicle or incorrect voltage selection, then a larger than normal current flow will result causing
`the PTC devices to rapidly warm up and exhibit a high resistance thus limiting current flow to a
`very low level and preventing damage to the jump starter unit or the flat battery. As most of the
`battery (BA Tl) voltage will now be developed across the PTC devices, LED I is illuminated thus
`informing the user that a fault condition has occurred. Once the fault is removed, LEDI is
`extinguished and after a short delay the PTCs return to normal temperature and resistance and
`normal operation is resumed.
`Transient voltage suppression diodes (TVS) DI and 02 are connected across the output leads.
`These devices (typical rating of 5kW each) prevent any transient or induced voltages from
`damaging the vehicle or the starter. Unlike the typical sure protection employed in a traditional
`jump starter which employs voltage dependent resistor (VDR) type devices, the TVS can
`respond much quicker and quench much more energy thus providing a better solution.
`It will be appreciated that the invention provides for much more convenient jump starting. It
`allows a user to carry the starter in the vehicle, and avoids need to hook up to another vehicle
`and all of the attendant disadvantages.
`The invention is not limited to the embodiments described but may be varied in construction and
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`WO 2012/080996
`' Claims
`- 11 -
`A jump starter for a battery such as a vehicle battery, the jump starter comprising:-
`a first clip (2, 20) having a first handle (3, 25) for connection to one terminal ( 4) of a
`battery (5);
`a second clip (7, 21) having a second handle (15, 25) for connection to a second terminal
`of a battery;
`an interconnection means (10, 28) extending between the first clip and the second clip;
`an on-board starter battery means (15, 26) provided along the interconnection means (I 0)
`and/or adjacent at least one of the clips (20, 21 ).
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the on-board starter battery means (15, 26)
`comprises a lithium iron phosphate battery.
`A jump starter as claimed in claims I or 2, wherein there is a plurality of on-board starter
`batteries (15) along the interconnection means.
`A jump starter as claimed in claim I or 2 or 3, wherein the on-board starter battery means
`(15, 26) comprises a plurality of separate batteries which are electrically interconnected.
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 4, wherein at least some of the battery means
`comprises batteries (26) housed within at least one of the first and second handles.
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 5, wherein said batteries are housed within both the
`first handle (25) and the second handle (25).
`A jump starter as claimed in claims 5 or 6, wherein the first clip (56) and the second clip
`(56) are configured to nest together for storage in compact manner.
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`WO 2012/080996
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`A jump starter as claimed in claim 7, wherein the first clip (51) has a housing (55) within
`which there is a battery, and a pair of jaws (56) linked with the housing; and the second
`clip (52) is configured to fit alongside the jaws of the first clip in a manner without
`protruding parts.
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 8, wherein the first clip (51) has a groove (60) to
`accommodate the interconnection means (53) during storage.
`A jump starter as claimed in any preceding claims, further comprising a control circuit
`having positive and negative leads connected between the on-board starter battery and the
`clips, and protection means to provide over-voltage and/or over-current protection.
`A jump starter as claimed in claim I 0, wherein the protection means comprises a current(cid:173)
`limiting component.
`A jump starter as claimed in claims IO or 11, wherein the control circuit further
`comprises a switch (Qi-Q3) in the negative lead which is turned on for use.
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 12, wherein the switch is a solid state switch.
`A jump starter as claimed in claims 12 or 13, wherein the switch comprises a MOSFET
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 13, wherein the switch is an SCR.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 12 to 15, wherein there is a plurality of
`switches (QI-Q3) arranged in parallel.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 12 to 16, wherein a gate of the switch is
`connected to the positive lead by a user-activated switch (115, 215).
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 17, wherein the user-activated switch is of the type for
`momentary closing.
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`WO 2012/080996
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`A jump starter as claimed in claims 17 or 18, wherein the user-activated switch is
`connected to the gate via a diode (ZD 1 ), preferably a Zener diode.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 12 to 19, wherein the switch is solid state and
`is reverse biased to prevent current flow if a system to which the clamps are connected
`attempts to return charge.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 17 to 20, wherein the protection means
`comprises a circuit to short gate current to ground in the event of accidental reverse
`polarity connection.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 10 to 21, wherein the positive lead includes
`one or more positive thermal coefficient fuses (I 0, 110) protecting against short circuit
`conditions and excessive power demands by achieving a very high resistance, thus
`limiting current flow, and once normal conditions are restored dropping to a low
`A jump starter as claimed in claim 22, wherein there is a resistor and an LED in parallel
`with the fuse such that if the fuse resistance goes high almost all of the battery voltage
`will appear across the resistor thus providing a current flow to illuminate the LED, and
`when the fuse is in a low resistance state and operating normally the resistor and the fuse
`are effectively short circuited, providing a visual indication of overload conditions.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 10 to 23, wherein the positive lead includes a
`bank of switches connected in such a way as to utilise their intrinsic diodes for the
`purposes of reverse blocking of current, in which gate to source is short circuited, thus
`holding the switches in a permanent OFF state.
`A jump starter as claimed in any of claims 10 to 24, wherein an RC time constant circuit
`is linked with the negative lead switch or switches, said time constant circuit being
`arranged to set the run time of the jump starter and preventing the jump starter from being
`left in a constant ON condition.
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`A jump starter as claimed in claim 25, wherein the time constant circuit is arranged to
`provide a soft turn on of the jump starter power, preventing transient voltage damage as a
`result of arcing or high di/dt induced voltages in a electrical system to which the starter is
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`NOCO Ex. 1007
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`NOCO Ex. 1007
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`WO 2012/080996
`NOCO Ex. 1007
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`NOCO Ex. 1007
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`WO 2012/080996
`NOCO Ex. 1007
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`Overload/ Short Circuit LED Indicator

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