`Hamming Error Control Coding
`Techniques with the HC08 MCU
`by Mark McQuilken & Mark Glenewinkel
`CSIC Applications
`Order this document
`by AN1221/D
`This application note is intended to demonstrate the use of error control coding (ECC) in a digital transmis-
`sion system. The HC08 MCU will be used to illustrate the code development of this process. A message
`frame consisting of a 4-bit data field with three parity bits will be encoded to allow the original four bits to be
`recovered, even if any single bit is corrupted during the transmission and reception processes. This pro-
`cess is based upon a class of linear error-correcting codes called Hamming codes. The process of using
`time diversity is also discussed as a way to control burst errors in a transmission system.
`Generally, the processing of digital data (in a whole system and/or within a system) can be modelled as a
`generalized data transmission or storage system. Such a system consists of an information source, the
`“channel” (medium or storage), and the destination device. Some possible specific implementations that fit
`this generalized model are shown in Table 1 below:
`Table 1. Digital Data Transmission System Implementations
`Information Source
`Example System
`Personal computer
`Digital telephone
`Your digitized voice
`Stereo system
`Compact disc
`Avionic weapon
`development system
`Cockpit command to
`release weapon stores
`Wiring/electronics between
`cockpit and weapons
`RAM or hard disk
`Telephone company’s wires
`and switching system
`Laser optics and electronics
`CPU or serial interface
`Whoever you’re calling
`(another telephone)
`Audio output (ultimately to
`transducers like speakers)
`assembly which activates
`and deploys weapons
`There are many other systems that also fit this simplistic model of a data transmission system.
`Problems with Data Transmission Systems
`In a perfect world, data would be transmitted and received completely intact. In the real world, we
`must often combat the effects of errors induced in our transmitted/received information. For example,
`in the above-mentioned avionics system, if a command from the cockpit to release the weapons was
`transmitted and corrupted so that the deployment electronics interpreted the message as “hold” rather
`©MOTOROLA, INC., 1993
`Samsung v. Caltech - IPR2023-00133


`than “release,” the intended target may never be hit. A worse case would be the pilot wanting to abort
`deployment and the “abort” command was corrupted by noise to become “release” at the deployment
`assembly. A system must be built in a way to avoid disastrous effects of data corruption. ECC is the
`field of study that deals with methods of coding information to reduce the effects of errors.
`One of the general challenges facing the system designer is to implement ECCs without degrading the
`data transfer rates too significantly. For example, one of the simplest ways to hedge against channel-
`induced errors, is to specify a transmission protocol that requires multiple transmissions of the same data.
`Such a protocol will reduce the effective rate of transmission by a factor equal to the number of
`retransmissions per information block. Even if this retransmission strategy guaranteed that at least one of
`the data blocks was correct at the receiver, there are two problems:
`1) How will we know which of the data blocks is the correct one?
`2) How do we make up for the channel bandwidth lost by transmitting the same data multiple times?
`ECCs can actually be more effective in using the channel's existing bandwidth than the above scenario.
`Instead of merely retransmitting data, ECCs take up some of the channel bandwidth (but less than
`retransmissions) to send some data redundancies that may be used for the detection and, sometimes,
`correction of corrupted received data.
`Types of Noise
`There are many types of ECCs. Each ECC has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. One important
`aspect of all the codes is their ability or inability to deal with each of the error types: random channel
`errors/noise, burst-type errors/noise, or a combination of each. The codes discussed in this presentation
`(Hamming codes) are a class of algebraic codes that deal effectively with random channel noise. Burst
`errors are typically longer in duration than random errors and thus require more robust code types to
`prevent unrecoverable data. This application note also describes time-diversity coding used to prevent
`burst-type noise. The technique of coupling time-diversity ECCs with random error ECCs can help
`improve the performance of the ECC in the presence of burst errors.
`One-way Data Transmission
`In a system where only one-way communication is possible and precautions must be taken against data
`corruption, error control codes must be employed by using forward error correction (FEC). FEC is
`accomplished by employing codes that allow for “automatic” correction of specific types of errors induced
`by noise in the channel and received by the receiver. Hamming codes are one of the simplest classes of
`FEC codes and are characterized by the following traits:
`— The number of parity-check symbols (bits) must be greater than or equal to 3. Let these symbols
`be represented by the variable m.
`— The number, k, of information symbols (bits) is:
`— The total length, n, of the code is:
`k = 2m – m – 1
`n = 2m – 1


`— Error correcting capability is exactly one symbol.
`— The error detecting capability is all error patterns of two errors or less.
`— The parity check matrix is:
`H = [ Im Qm,k ]
`where Im is an m x m identity matrix and Qm,k is the submatrix that consists of k columns which are of
`weight two or more (i.e., have two or more ones in them).
`—The generator matrix is:
`G = [ QTm,k Ik ]
`where Ik is a k x k identity matrix and QTm,k is the transpose of the submatrix Q that consists of m
`columns and k rows.
`Two-way Data Transmission
`Error control for a two-way system can be accomplished with both error control coding as well as some
`rational scheme of data retransmission. A system that utilizes retransmission of messages is said to use
`an automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol.
`The 4-bit information word to be encoded is used as an index into a look-up table. A (7,4) Hamming code
`represents a 7-bit word with four data bits and three code bits. A (7,4) Hamming code will have 24 (16)
`different codeword possibilities. The 16-element look-up table consists of the pre-encoded (i.e., pre-
`calculated) codewords. This is the speediest of the encoding techniques, but consumes a lot of memory
`for anything except the smallest code length. For example, the next Hamming codeword size up from the
`(7,4) Hamming shown in this example would be a (15,11) Hamming code according to the above
`formulas. This means that the look-up table would have to be 211 (2,048) elements deep (a total of 4,096
`bytes @ 2 bytes per element). The flowchart and HC08 assembly code for HAMENC1 is listed in
`Appendix A.
`HAMENC2 actually performs the matrix arithmetic used to encode information into Hamming codewords.
`This is done with the generator matrix, G, described earlier. The generator matrix consists of two
`submatrices: a k x k identity matrix, Ik , and the transpose of matrix Q, QTm,k , where matrix Q consists of
`k columns which are of weight two or more. The generator matrix used to generate the look-up table in
`HAMENC1 is:


`G = [ QTm,k Ik ]
`G =
`1 1 0 1 0 0 0
`0 1 1 0 1 0 0
`1 1 1 0 0 1 0
`1 0 1 0 0 0 1
`where m = 3 and k = 4.
`The 4-bit information word is first bit-wise multiplied (logically anded) by each column in the generator
`matrix. Each bit in each of the column products is then added together, modulo-2, to create a parity bit for
`each product. An example of a 4-bit infoword and its generated codeword is given below.
`1 0 1 0
`G Matrix
`1 1 0 1 0 0 0
`0 1 1 0 1 0 0
`1 1 1 0 0 1 0
`1 0 1 0 0 0 1
` Code
` Word
`0 0 1 1 0 1 0
`The flowchart and HC08 assembly code for HAMENC2 is listed in Appendix B. Once an information word
`is encoded, it may be transmitted over the channel for recovery by the HAMDEC routine explained next.
`A 7-bit Hamming codeword will be decoded into the original 4-bit information word even with up to one bit
`in the codeword being corrupted by the channel. This routine will use matrix math to recover the
`information word. The parity-check matrix used in the HAMENC routine(s) is:
`H =
`1 0 0 1 0 1 1
`0 1 0 1 1 1 0
`0 0 1 0 1 1 1
`The parity-check matrix has the property such that when a 7-bit codeword generated by the generator
`matrix and uncorrupted by the channel is multiplied by the transpose of the parity-check matrix, HT , a
`zero vector is obtained. The three-element result is called the syndrome. For uncorrupted data, the
`syndrome should be a zero vector. An example is given below.
`0 0 1 1 0 1 0
`0 0 0
`H Transpose
` Matrix
`1 0 0
`0 1 0
`0 0 1
`1 1 0
`0 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 0 1


`Suppose that we transmit a code vector, v, and that an error occurs in the fourth bit position. This is the
`same as adding a vector, e, to the codeword v where e looks like:
`e = [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]
`By multiplying the received vector by the transpose of the parity-check matrix, we obtain:
`( v + e ) HT = vHT + eHT = eHT
`since vHT = 0.
`The resultant non-zero vector, eHT, indicates a problem in the received codeword. As mentioned above,
`this product of the received vector and the transpose of the parity-check matrix is called the syndrome.
`An example of a corrupted codeword and its syndrome is given below.
` Code
` Word
`0 0 1 0 0 1 0
` Corrupted
` Bit
`H Transpose
` Matrix
`1 0 0
`0 1 0
`0 0 1
`1 1 0
`0 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 0 1
`1 1 0
`The syndrome bit pattern of a single bit error will be the pattern of one row within HT.
`The row number is numerically equivalent to the corrupted bit position in the received codeword. Thus,
`by calculating the syndrome and obtaining a non-zero vector we have:
`Identified that one or two errors have occurred.
`In the case of a single bit error, we have identified the location of the error within the received
`The last item to be accomplished is to correct the identified error, which is accomplished by
`complementing the bit position in the received codeword. The flowchart and HC08 assembly code for
`HAMDEC is listed in Appendix C.


`Although the Hamming ECC allows recovery of “mildly” corrupted codewords, it is limited in its
`effectiveness against some “real world” corruptions. It was stated earlier that Hamming ECCs are useful
`in combating the effects of random noise. This applies only for random bit corruptions that do not exceed
`one bit time per codeword since Hamming codes can only correct up to one bit error per codeword.
`Where burst errors occur—noise corruptions typically considered longer in duration than random noise—
`other FEC types are the preferred antidote. However, the FECs useful for combating burst noise require
`considerable processing power and, as such, should only be used under duress.
`Time-diversity coding is another way to combat the effects of burst noise. By combining bits of many
`codewords into a transmission packet, it is possible to limit the effect of long noise bursts on a given
`codeword. Specifically, we view a collection of eight Hamming-encoded codewords arranged in RAM like
`a07 a06 a05 a04 ... a00
`a17 a16 a15 a14 ... a10
`a27 a26 a25 a24 ... a20
` . . . . ... .
` . . . . ... .
` . . . . ... .
`a77 a76 a75 a74 ... a70
`where each element in the matrix, aij , is a single bit within each byte-wide codeword.
`In the case of a (7,4) Hamming code, the eighth bit (bit 7) of each codeword is zeroed. A matrix is used
`to represent the data bits as they would appear in RAM, that is, the first row is the first data byte with the
`LSB to the right and MSB to the left, the second row is the next data byte, etc.
`By taking one bit from each of the eight Hamming-encoded words and assembling eight bytes where
`each byte is made of one bit from each of the original codewords, we distribute the information from one
`codeword over eight different transmissions:
`a07 a17 a27 a37 ... a77
`a06 a16 a26 a36 ... a76
`a05 a15 a25 a35 ... a75
` . . . . ... .
` . . . . ... .
` . . . . ... .
`a00 a10 a20 a30 ... a70
`If a “deep fade” in the channel should take out an entire transferred byte, only one bit within each
`codeword would be affected because each codeword is effectively spread over many data transfers. As
`shown in the above matrix, the first row (i.e., first data byte to be transferred) consists of the eighth bit
`position (MSB) of the pre-diversity coded data matrix. If this first row was transmitted and completely
`corrupted on the receive end, only one bit from each of the pre-diversity encoded codewords would be
`corrupted. This allows the relatively modest Hamming decoder to detect and completely correct all of the
`corrupted codewords despite losing one entire byte of data out of eight.


`TDPACK transposes an 8 x 8 matrix consisting of 8 bits wide (eight columns) and 8 bytes deep (eight
`rows). Normally such a matrix would be transmitted, following convention, the first row, most significant
`bit first. Each subsequent row would be sequentially transmitted, again with MSB first. By executing
`TDPACK on such an array of bits, the first byte to be transferred would actually contain the seventh bit
`(MSB) of each byte. Each subsequent byte of data transmitted out of this transposed version of the
`original data matrix actually only contains one bit from each of the original data bytes. In this way, each
`byte transmission contains only one bit from each of the original data bytes. Should anything happen to
`corrupt up to an entire eight bits of transmission, no more than one bit per original data byte would be
`After the codeword is received, it must be unpacked. The same routine used to pack (transpose) the
`matrix is used to unpack it to its original order. It is the output of the transpose that would be used as the
`input to an ECC decode routine (such as HamDec). The flowchart and HC08 assembly code for
`TDPACK is listed in Appendix D.


`Begin HAMENC18
`Enter with X-reg =
`LSN (least sig nibble)
`of InfoWord
`Do table look-up
`of CodeWord
`ACCA = CodeWord


` Program Name: HAMENC1.ASM (Hamming Encoder #1 - Table Look-up)
`* Revision: 1.00
`* Date: January 21,1993
` Written By: Mark Glenewinkel
`* Motorola CSIC Applications
` Assembled Under: P&E Microcomputer Systems IASM08
` *********************************
`* * Revision History *
`* *********************************
` Rev 0.50 12/15/92 M.A. McQuilken
`* HC05 version to be translated to HC08 code
` Rev 0.60 01/21/93 M.R. Glenewinkel
`* Added more comments
` Rev 1.00 01/22/93 M.R. Glenewinkel
`* HC08 version
` Program Description:
`* This routine will encode a four-bit info word into a (7,4)
`* Hamming encoding codeword.
` This source code is an example of using a table look-up
`* method to encode a four bit info word to a seven bit code
`* word. For a more detailed description of the process of error
`* control codes and Hamming codes in particular, please
`* refer to Motorola Application Note 1221.
`* This routine consists of only one instruction, a
`* look-up table fetch, where the encoding has been already
`* done and inserted into this look-up table.
` "info word" is the word you want to encode
`* "codeword" is an encoded info word
`* Input Variables Output Variables Description
`* ---------------- ----------------- -------------
`* X Enter routine with
`* X-reg=LSN of info
`* word.
`* ACCA Leave routine with
`* 7-bit codeword in here


`* Input Variables Output Variables Description
`* ---------------- ----------------- -------------
`* ACCA Misc. computational
`* use.
` Register and Variable Equates
` None
` Memory
` None
` ORG $1000 ;beginning of program area
`* Main Routine
`HAMENC1 lda CodeWords,X ;ACCA <- (CodeWords+X)
` ;X contains the offset
` ; from CodeWords
` nop
` bra
` ;done !!!


`* Tables
` ORG $2000
`CodeWords FCB %00000000
` FCB %01010001
` FCB %01110010
` FCB %00100011
` FCB %00110100
` FCB %01100101
` FCB %01000110
` FCB %00010111
` FCB %01101000
` FCB %00111001
` FCB %00011010
` FCB %01001011
` FCB %01011100
` FCB %00001101
` FCB %00101110
` FCB %01111111
`* Vector Setup
` DW START ;set up reset vector


`Begin HAMENC2
`Enter with
`ACCA = LSN of
`Init WordCntr to 0;
`Init CodeWord to 0
`Store InfoWord into
`temporary storage
`Fetch InfoWord from
`temporary storage;
`fetch current WordCntr
`Logically AND
`InfoWord with the
`generator matrix
`look-up table
`Load X-reg with
`Fetch parity for
`product from
`ParaTee look-up table
`Parity = 0
`Find which bit to set
`in CodeWord;
`fetch current WordCntr
`Set the corresponding
`bit in the CodeWord
`Increment WordCntr
`WordCntr < 7 ?


` Program Name: HAMENC28.ASM (Hamming Encoder - Matrix Calculation)
`* Revision: 1.00
`* Date: January 21,1993
` Written By: Mark Glenewinkel
`* Motorola CSIC Applications
` Assembled Under: P&E Microcomputer Systems IASM08
` *********************************
`* * Revision History *
`* *********************************
` Rev 0.50 12/15/92 M.A. McQuilken
`* HC05 version to be translated to HC08 code
` Rev 0.60 01/20/93 M.R. Glenewinkel
`* Fixed logic bugs
` Rev 1.00 01/22/93 M.R. Glenewinkel
`* HC08 version
` Program Description:
` This routine will encode a four-bit info word into a (7,4)
`* Hamming encoding codeword.
` This routine differs from HAMENC1 not in results, but in
`* method. Whereas HAMENC1 was basically an easy look-up of
`* pre-encoded (7,4) Hamming codewords, HAMENC2 actually
`* performs the matrix arithmetic to encode the 4-bit info word
`* input. Fortunately when working with modulo arithmetic
`* (particularly mod-2), things like multiplication and such
`* are reduced to fairly easy functions.
` This routine follows this basic overall flow: Workspace is
`* cleared, the info word is first multiplied, each bit in the
`* product is then added together (this is effectively
`* calculating the parity of the product), the actual final
`* codeword is constructed one-bit at a time, at that point
`* the next row from the generator matrix is fetched and this
`* process repeated until all of the generator matrix rows have
`* been combined with the info word.


`* For a more detailed description of the process of error
`* control codes and Hamming codes in particular, please
`* refer to Motorola Application Note 1221.
`* Input Variables Output Variables Description
`* ---------------- ----------------- -------------
`* ACCA Enter routine with
`* ACCA=LSN of info
`* word (4-bit).
`* ACCA Leave routine with
`* 7-bit codeword in
`* here.
`* Input Variables Output Variables Description
`* ---------------- ----------------- -------------
`* CodeWord CodeWord Yup, you guessed it
`* ...this is where we
`* keep a temp version
`* of the codeword.
`* WordCntr WordCntr Keeps track of the
`* GenMatrix row that
`* is combined with
`* the info word.
`* ACCA ACCA Misc. computational
`* use.
`* X X Misc. computational
`* use.
` org $50
`CodeWord RMB 1
`InfoWord RMB 1
`WordCntr RMB 1
` Register and Variable Equates
` None
` Memory


` ORG $1000
` ;beginning of program area
`* Main Routine
`* As stated in the header, the first place to start is
`* the clearing of data space:
`HamEnc2 clr WordCntr
` clr CodeWord
`* Next, before we begin the process of multiplying and adding the
`* codeword with the info word, we need to save a copy of the info word
`* (remember, we are entering the routine with ACCA having the
`* info word):
`SaveInfo sta InfoWord
`* Now we begin the fun stuff...doing the actual multiplication and
`* addition that is required to this super-fun Hamming stuff. Each
`* multiplication with binary data is actually a logical AND on a
`* bitwise basis:
`GetInfoWord lda InfoWord ;get the info word for the
` ; multiplication.
` ldx WordCntr ;get the current row count
` ; into the generator matrix.
` and GenMatrix,X ;Go forth and multiply...
`* Well...that wasn't so bad, was it? Now that the multiplication
`* is complete we begin the task of adding the product, bit-by-bit
`* (so to speak). Rather than go through the actual tedium of adding
`* each bit within the product one bit at a time, I've made a look-up
`* table that has it done for you. It even has the clever name of
`* PARATEE to remind you that the process of adding bits within a
`* byte is determining the byte's parity:
` tax ;the byte to have parity
` ; encoded resides in ACCA.
`CalcParity lda ParaTee,X ;get the parity value
` ; from LUT.


`* As mentioned in the header, the actual codeword is constructed
`* one-bit at a time. For each multiplication and addition we do,
`* a single bit within the final codeword results. At this point,
`* then, we must construct another bit of the codeword from the
`* last multiplcation and addition:
`MakeCW cbeqa #0,BumpCntr1 ;if parity is odd, then
` ; we do nothing to the
` ; final codeword.
` ;here's the branch to do
` ; nothing, otherwise
` ; we add a positive bit
` ; to the correct position
` ; in the codeword.
`* If we've made it here, then we know to set a bit in the codeword.
`* So even though the value in ACCA gets "stepped on" in this part
`* of the routine, the contents of ACCA have done its job and got
`* us to this point. A look-up table (called CoSet) was used as the
`* mechanism to construct the codeword one bit at time. CoSet
`* contains only one each case only the bit that we wish
`* to set within the byte:
` ldx WordCntr ;WordCntr has the current bit
` ; position in it.
` lda CoSet,X ;get bit (in correct position)
` ; to be set.
` ora CodeWord ;set the bit.
` sta CodeWord ;modify CodeWord for next use.
`* This completes a single cycle in the process of encoding an info
`* word into a bit within the final codeword. All that is left to do
`* is to check to see if we have completed the entire codeword. If
`* we haven't, then pointers get modified so we can do the next one:
`BumpCntr1 inc WordCntr ;inc current row/bit position
` lda WordCntr ;load updated WordCntr
` cmp #7 ;check to see if we're done.
` blo GetInfoWord ;Go back, Jack, and
` ; do it again...
`DONE nop ;done !!!
` bra DONE


`* Tables
`GenMatrix FCB %00001011
` FCB %00001110
` FCB %00000111
` FCB %00001000
` FCB %00000100
` FCB %00000010
` FCB %00000001
`ParaTee FCB $00
` FCB $00
` FCB $00
` FCB $00
` FCB $00
` FCB $00
` FCB $00
` FCB $00
`CoSet FCB %01000000
` FCB %00100000
` FCB %00010000
` FCB %00001000
` FCB %00000100
` FCB %00000010
` FCB %00000001
`* Vector Setup
` DW START ;set up reset vector


`Enter with
`CodeWord in
`ColumCntr = 0
`Clear syndrome byte
`Store CodeWord to
`temporary storage
`Get CodeWord from
`temporary storage
`Logically AND CodeWord
`with ColumCntr row of
`Calculate parity;
`Construct syndrome;
`Go to
`Increment ColumCntr
`ColumCntr < 3
`Error correction;
`Store ACCA to InfoWord


`Enter with
`ACCA = CodeWord
`• H Transpose
`Clear parity byte
`Init BitCounter to 8
`Rotate left ACCA thru
`carry bit
`Carry = 1
`Complement parity byte
`Decrement BitCounter
`BitCounter = 0
`Load ACCA with parity


`Enter with
`ACCA = bytewide
`Load X with ColumCntr;
`Load ACCA with value
`from COSET table
`Set ColumCntr bit in


`Fetch syndrome
`Use syndrome as
`pointer into error
`table (CoSet289),
`error pattern
`Exclusive-Or error
`pattern with CodeWord
`corrected CodeWord
`with $0F


` Program Name: HAMDEC8.ASM ( Hamming Decoder - Matrix Calculation )
`* Revision: 1.00
`* Date: January 21,1993
` Written By: Mark Glenewinkel
`* Motorola CSIC Applications
` Assembled Under: P&E Microcomputer Systems IASM08
` *********************************
`* * Revision History *
`* *********************************
` Rev 0.50 12/15/92 M.A. McQuilken
`* HC05 version to be translated to HC08 code
` Rev 0.60 01/21/93 M.R. Glenewinkel
`* Fixed logic bugs
` Rev 1.00 01/22/93 M.R. Glenewinkel
`* HC08 version
` Program Description:
` This routine will evaluate a received Hamming-encoded
`* codeword and decode it into its original form, thereby
`* receiving the originally encoded data. HAMDEC will
`* successfully do this even in the presence of up to 1
`* single-bit error induced into the received codeword
`* by the channel.
` This routine works similarly to the HAMENC2 routine, in
`* that the calculations that are performed are actual
`* matrix-type arithmetic operations. The routine works like
`* this: The workspace is prepared (cleared), the received
`* codeword is multiplied by each column of a matrix referred
`* to as "the transpose of the parity check" matrix, byte wide
`* parity is generated, and a 3-bit word is created (it is
`* called the syndrome). The non-zero syndrome is then used
`* to identify the bit location of the error. The syndrome is
`* used to correct the corrupted bit position and recover the
`* original four-bit info word. If the syndrome is zero, then
`* no detectable errors have occurred and the info word
`* is recovered.



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