`1997 IEEE
`nal Symposium on
`Information Theory
`Mariitim Hotel and Congress Center
`Ulm, Germany
`June 29 - July 4,1997
`6ponsored by The information Theory Society of
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`Page 1 of 23


`Proceedings 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
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`IEEE Catalog Number:
`Softbound Edition
`Casebound Edition
`Microfiche Edition
`Library of Congress:
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`Page 2 of 23


`Table of Contents
`Plenary Session I
`The Way to the Proof of Fermat’s Theorem . Frey. G ....................................................
`Shannon Lecture I
`Information Theoretic Methods in Probability and Statistics - Csiszir. I ..................................
`Plenary Session I1
`Practical Implementations of Cryptography - Landrock. P ...............................................
`Shannon Lecture I1
`Back from Infinity: A Constrained Resources Approach to Information Theory - Ziv . J ................... 4
`Plenary Session I11
`Source Coding in Multimedia - Rabiner, L.R. ........................................................... 5
`Session MOAMl
`Iterative Decoding
`A General Algorithm for Distributing Information in a Graph - Aji, S.M. and McEliece. R.J. ............. 6
`Soft-Input Soft-Output Building Blocks to Construct and Iteratively Decode Code Networks -
`Benedetto, S . and Montorsi, G ............................................................................
`Serial Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding -
`Benedetto. S., Divsalar, D., Montorsi, G., and Pollara, ET ..................................................
`On the Performance of Recursive Decoding Schemes - Soljanin, E . and Urbanke, R .......................
`Hybrid Concatenated Codes and Iterative Decoding - IDivsalar, D . and Pollara, F .......................
`Simultaneous Decoding and Phase Synchronization Using Iterative ”Turbo” Decoding - Wiberg, N ...... 11
`Approaching Shannon’s Capacity Limit by 0.27 dB Usin Hamming Codes in a
`‘Turbo’-Decoding Scheme - Nickl. H., Hagenauer. J., and Burkert. P ....................................
`Session MOAMP Combinatorics and Sequences
`Modularity Properties of Graph Entropy - Korner. J . and Simonyi. G ...................................
`Correlation Attacks on Stream Ciphers Using the Lempd-Ziv Algorithm - Penzhorn, W.T. .............. 14
`Pseudoredundant Measurements in Nonlinear Mappings - Arndt, C . and Loffeld. 0 ......................
`On Higher Order Autocorrelation Properties of Golay Complementary Sequences - Braun, V ............ 16
`Design of Sequences of I.I.D. p a r y Random Variables -. Kohda, T . and Tsuneda, A ......................
`Multiple Packing of Euclidean Sphere - Blinovsky, V ....................................................
`Enumeration of Rare Events. Pyramid and Ball Cubic Lattices - Krichevskii. R.E. and Potapov, V.N. ... 19
`On Efficient Inversion in Tower Fields of Characteristic Two - Fan. J.L. and Paar, C ....................
`Data-Punctuated Token Trees - Berlekamp, E . and Hekuis, P ...........................................
`Session MOAM3 Multi-User Channels
`Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access Channels Part I . Ericscin’s Symmetrizability is Adequate,
`Gubner’s Conjecture is True . - Ahlswede, R . and Cai, N ................................................
`Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access Channels Part I1 . Correlated Sender’s Side Information,
`Correlated Messages, and Ambiguous Transmission - Ahlswede, R . and Cai, N ..........................
`Approximating the Output of the Multiple Access Channel - Steinberg, Y ...............................
`A New Perspective to AWGN Multi-Access Channels -. Shu, L ..........................................
`Generalized Time Sharing for Multiple Access Channels - Rimoldi. B .................................. - 2 6
`Optimal Power Allocation over Parallel Gaussian Broadcast Channels - Tse, D.N. ......................
`Page 3 of 23


`The Capacity Region of Broadcast Channels with Memory . Goldsmith, A . and Effros. M ............... 28
`A 2-D Weighing Procedure for Two-way Communication - Schalkwijk. J.P.M. and Meeuwissen. H.B. ... 29
`Iterative Multi-User Decoding for Asynchronous Users - Tarkoy. F ......................................
`OAM4 Communication Networks
`Buffer Occupancy of Statistical Multiplexers with Periodic Interchangeable Traffic in ATM Networks -
`Yu. Z . and McEliece, R.J. ............................................................................... 31
`'Transmission of Messages Using Parallel Servers: Asymptotic Approach - Vvedenskaya, N.D. ........... 32
`Large Deviations Analysis of MMPP/D/l Queueing - Nakagawa. K .....................................
`An Independent Window-Access Scheme for an Input-Buffered Fast Packet Switching Fabric -
`Eiu. Y.-S., Liu. Z.-J., and Nu. Z .........................................................................
`A New Toroidal Multi-Dimensional Network - Lee. L.L. and Centeno Filho, A.J. ........................
`A Distributed Optimal Routing Strategy Based on Estimation of the OD Matrix - Adibniya F .......... 36
`Events with Exponentially Vanishing Probability have Exponentially Growing Waiting Time -
`Algoet, P ................................................................................................
`Information Aging - Daneshgaran, F . and Mondin, M ...................................................
`ession MOAM5
`Greedy Algorithms for the Shortest Common Superstring That are Asymptotically Optimal -
`Frieze, A . and Szpankowski, W ..........................................................................
`Large Linear Complexity Sequences over Z8 - Marhsen. H.M. .........................................
`Periodic Binary Sequences with the "Trinomial Property" - Golomb. S.W. and Gong, G ................. 41
`On the Classification of Binary Sequences of Period 2" - 1 with Ideal Autocorrelation -
`No, 9.-S., Lee, B.-K., Chung. H., Yang, K., and Song. H.-Y. .............................................. 42
`On Cyclic Goppa Codes and Sequence Designs - Moreno, 0 .............................................
`Correlations of Pseudo-Generalized Geometric Sequences - Sun, W . and Yang, Y.X. .....................
`The Distribution of the Degree of Minimum-Degree Low-Weight Parity-Check Polynomials -
`Kiihn, G.J. .............................................................................................. 45
`Session MOAM6 CDMA I
`Carrier Suppressed RAKE Receiver Operation for CDMA Cellular Communications - Kong, N .......... 46
`Maximum Number of Users of a Random Signatures CDMA System with Adaptive Array Receivers
`over Multipath Fading Channel - Rapajic, P . and Kennedy R ...........................................
`On Coherent Reception of Up-link Transmitted Signals in the DS-CDMA System -
`Jimenez, A . and Zigangirov. K.Sh .......................................................................
`A Multistage Detector for Synchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access -
`Louichon. F . and Georghiades. C.N. .....................................................................
`Whitening Sequences in DS Spread Spectrum Communication -
`Hovakimyan, K.S. and Khachatrian, G.H. ...............................................................
`MMSE Reception of DS-CDMA for Frequency-Selective Fading Channels -
`Miller. S.L., Honig. M.L., Shensa. M.J., and Milstein, L.B. ...............................................
`Complexity-Constrained Maximum-Likelihood Detection in Multiuser CDMA -
`Rasmussen, L.K., Lim. T.J., and Aulin. T.M. ............................................................ 52
`(L, K) CDMA/ALOHA Multiple-Access System - Alrumaih. R.M. and Alsugair, A A ....................
`Page 4 of 23


`Shannon-Based Capacity Estimations of Future Microcellular Wireless Communication Systems .
`Hammerschmidt, J.S., Hasholzner. R., and Drewes. C ....................................................
`Session MOAM7 Quantization I
`Asymptotic Performance of Vector Quantizers with the Perceptual Distortion Measure -
`Li. J., Chaddha. N . and Gray. R.M. ..................................................................... 55
`Lattice Labeling Algorithms for Vector Quantization -- Wang. C., Cao. H.Q., Li. W., and Tzeng. K.K. ... 56
`Context-Based Entropy Coding of VQ Indexes - Wu. X., Wen. J., and NG. W ...........................
`Entropy Coded Successively Refinable Uniform Threshold Quantizers -
`Brunk. H., Jafarkhani. H., and Farvardin. N .............................................................
`Quantization of Both Stationary and Nonstationary Gaussian Sources with Voronoi Constellations -
`PBpin. C., Belfiore. J.-C., and Boutros. J .................................................................
`Polar Quantization Revisited - Neuhoff. D.L. ...........................................................
`Low-Complexity Waveform Coding via Alphabet and Sample-Set Partitioning -
`Said. A . and Pearlman. W.A. ............................................................................ 61
`Structured Spherical Codes for Gaussian Quantization - Wamkins. J . and Zeger. K ......................
`Session MOAMS Compaction Methods
`The Imaginary Sliding Window - Ryabko. B ............................................................
`Context-Tree Weighting for Text-Sources - Volf. P.A.J. .................................................
`Estimation of Escape Probabilities for PPM Based on Universal Source Coding Theory -
`b e r g . J., Shtarkov. Yu. M., and Smeets. B.J.M. ........................................................
`Ordering the Probabilities of an Unknown Discrete Memouyless Source - Sayir. J . and Ernst. T .......... 66
`Two Results in Text Compression Algorithms - Won@.. L., Wei. V.K., and Yeung. R.W. ................. 67
`Live-and-Die Coding for Binary Piecewise I.I.D. Sources -. Willems. F . and Krom. M ....................
`Lossless Volume Compression Using a Variation of Lempel- iv '77 - Chow. J . and Berger. T ............. 69
`Universal Probability Assignment in the Class of Two-Sided Geometric Distributions -
`Merhav. N., Seroussi. G., and Weinberger. M.J. ..........................................................
`Optimal Prefix Codes for Two-sided Geometric Distributions -
`Merhav. N., Seroussi. G., and Weinberger. M.J. .......................................................... 71
`Session MOPMl Signal Theory
`Error-Free Filtering of Entropy-Regular Process against a Background of Entropy-Singular Noise -
`Pinsker. M.S. and Prelov. V.V. ..........................................................................
`Sensitivity of the Rate-Distortion Function of Stationairy Continuos-Time Gaussian Processes to
`Non-Gaussian Contamination - Pinsker. M.S., Prelov., V.V., and Verdli. S ...............................
`Robust Estimation of Point Process Intensity Features Using k-minimal Spanning Trees -
`Hero. A.O. and Michel. 0 ...............................................................................
`Making MLSD-Decisions on Some Individual Symbols in a Sequence by Thresholding the
`Matched Filter Output - Odling. P., Eriksson. H.B., aind Borjesson. P.O. ................................
`Limitations of the Gaussian Model for Radar Signals -. Nayebi. M.M. and Aref. M.R. ................... 76
`Nonlinear ECG Filtering by Group Normalized Wavelet Packets -
`Zhuoer. S., Zheng. B., Licheng. J., and Kun. M .......................................................... 77
`Estimation of Sampling Jitter Variance using Autocorrelation Function and Higher Order Statistics -
`Guerrero. A.P., Tourneret. J.-Y., and Aakvaag. N ........................................................
`Page 5 of 23


`New Results on the Expected Number of Maxima in the Normal Process Envelope .
`Nader.Esfahani, S . and Abdi. A .........................................................................
`Qn Algebraic Properties of Selfreciprocal Polynomials and of Daubechies Filters of Low Order -
`lappenecker, A ......................................................................................... 80
`OPM2 Bounds on Codes
`S i O n
`near Programming Bounds for Codes in Infinite Projective Spaces -
`yvalenkov, P., Danev. D., and Mitradjieva. M .........................................................
`An Improved Serre Bound for Elementary Abelian Extensions of Fp(z) and the Generalized
`Hamming Weights of Duals of BCH Codes - Moreno. O., Pedersen. J.P., and Polemi. D ................. 82
`Information-Theoretic Bounds on Trellis Complexity of Nonlinear Codes - Reuven. I . and Be'ery. Y . . . . . 83
`Ora Upper Bounds for the Distance of Codes of Small Size - Krasikov. I . and Litsyn. S ................... 84
`Improved Bounds' for Ternary Linear Codes of Dimension 7 - Gulliver. T.A. and Ostergird. P.R.J. ...... 85
`On the Minimal Words of the Primitive BCH Codes -. Borissov. Y . and Manev. N.L. ....................
`Some New Bounds for Q-ary [n. IC. d] Codes - Ma. X . and Wang. X ......................................
`M3 Cryptology I
`The Intrinsic Conditional Mutual Information and Perfect Secrecy - Maurer. U . and Wolf. S ............. 88
`The Optimal Linear Worst-case Information Rate - van Dijk. M ........................................
`MDS Secret Sharing Schemes Secure against Cheaters - Okada. K . and Kurosawa. K ....................
`Smoothing Probability Distributions and Smooth Entropy - Cachin. C . and Maurer. U .................. 91
`High Rate Reconciliation - van Dijk. M . and Koppelaar. A ..............................................
`On the Entropy Bound for Optimum Homophonic Substitution - da Rocha Jr., V.C. and Massey. J.E. ... 93
`Decreasing Redundancy of Homophonic Coding - Ryabko. B . and Fionov. A ............................
`New Authenticated Key Distribution Scheme and Secure Broadcast Scheme - Xu. §.-b. and Wang. X.-m. 95
`Session M PM4 Coded Modulation I
`Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation - Caire. G., Taricco. G., and Biglieri. E ..............................
`Bandwidth-Efficient Trellis-Coded Modulation Schemes with Prescribed Decoding Delay -
`Li. & . and Rimoldi. B ...................................................................................
`Trellis Matched Codes for Partial Response Channels - Uch6a Filho. B.F. and Herro. M.A. .............. 98
`Code Partial Response CPFSK with Ring Convolutional Codes - Remlein. P ............................
`Analysis and Design of Trellis Codes Optimized for a Binary Symmetric Markov Source with
`MAP Detection - Kroll. J.M. and Phamdo. N .........................................................
`Unequal Error Protection Scheme Using Several Convolutional Codes -
`Matsunaga. M., Asano. D.K., and Kohno. R ............................................................
`Performance of Coded Modulation Schemes Using Multiple Transmit Antennas - Ramksh. R ........... 102
`ultilevel Coding for Peak Power Limited Complex Gaussian Channels -
`Muller. R.R., Wachsmann. U., and Huber. J.B. .........................................................
`Session MOPM5 Parallel and Serial Concatenation
`On Optimal Power Allocation for Turbo Codes - Duman. T.M. and Salehi. M ..........................
`On the Ensemble Performance of Turbo Codes - Telatar. E . and Urbanke. R ...........................
`Serial Concatenation of Interleaved Codes: Performance Analysis. Design and Iterative Decoding -
`Benedetto. S., Divsalar. D., Montorsi. G., and Pollara. F ................................................ 106
`Page 6 of 23


`Active Distances and Cascaded Convolutional Codes ..
`Host, S., Johannesson. R., Zigangirov. K.Sh., and Zyalblov. V.V. ........................................
`On the Distribution of the Output Error Burst Lengths for Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes -
`Host. S., Johannesson. R., Zigangirov. D.K., Zigangiralv. KSh., and Zyablov. V.V. ......................
`New lhrbo-Like Codes - Loeliger. H.-A. ..............................................................
`Serial Concatenation of Convolutional Code and Low Rate Orthogonal Convolutional Code -
`Li. J . and Imai. H ......................................................................................
`Graph Theoretic Construction of Generalized Product Codes - Guinand. P.S. and Lodge. J.H. ......... 111
`Multilevel Turbo Coding with a Short Latency - Herzberg. H ..........................................
`Session MOPM6 Code Constructions
`Good Error-Correcting Codes Based on Very Sparse Matrices - MacKay. D.J.C. .......................
`Some Geometric Constructions of Optimal Quaternary Codes - Will. R . and Lizak. P ................... 114
`Error Correction for Semiconductor Memories - Tolhuizen. L . and Raggen. S ...........................
`Some New Extrema1 Self-Dual Codes with Length 58 - Buyuklieva. S ..................................
`Spectral Techniques for Expander Codes and Generalized Cyclic Codes -
`Lafferty. J.D. and Rockmore. D.N. .....................................................................
`Superimposed Codes are Almost Big Distance Ones -. Fbredi. Z . and Ruszink6. M ......................
`‘Three New Binary Linear Codes - Boukliev. I .........................................................
`Session MO M? Frequency Hopping and Mullticarrier Systems
`Forward Error Correction with Reduction of Peak to . 4verage Power Ratio of
`QPSK Multicarrier Signals - Ochiai. H . and Imai. H ................................................
`%:me-Limited Waveforms for OFDM-CDMA in a hfultipa. th Fading Channel - Drakul. S.L. ............ 121
`F iqorithms for Carrier Acquisition for &AM Constellations - Preston. J . and Georghiades. C.N. ........ 122
`Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided Channel Estimation - Hoeher. P., Kaiser. S., and Robertson. P ... 123
`Soft H ~ n d ~ f f Technique fcr Mobile Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems - Atarashi. H . and Nakagawa. M . . . . . 124
`A Class of Frequency-Hop Patterns - Sarwate. D.V. and Losada. D.A. .................................
`A Class of Frequency Hop Codes with Nearly Ideal Characteristics for Multiple-Target Recognition -
`Moreno. 0 . and Marie. S ...............................................................................
`A Class of Frequency Hop Codes Using Only Three Frequencies --
`Moreno. O., Marid. S., and Corrada. C.J. ...............................................................
`Mismatched Frequency Hopping Sequences for Radars and Sonars -
`Zejak. A.J., Simid. IS., and Dukid. M.L. ................................................................
`Session MOPMS Channels with Feedback
`Coding for Channels with Low Rate Noiseless Feedback - Bargh. M.S. and Schalkwijk. J.P.M. ......... 129
`On the Cover’s Conjecture of Gaussian Feedback Caplacity - Yanagi. K ................................
`A Sequential Strategy for the Two-User Noiseless Binary Adder Channel with Feedback - Kramer. G ... 131
`The AVC with Noiseless Feedback and Maximal Error Probability: A Capacity Formula with a
`Trichotomy - Ahlswede. R . and Cai. N ................................................................
`Fast Iterative Coding for Feedback Channels - Ooi. J.M. and Wornell. G.W. ...........................
`Reliability and Throughput Analysis of ARQ Schemes in Burst Error Channels - Zepernick. H.-J. ...... 134
`The Value of Adaptive Questions in Generalized Mastermind - Roche. J.R. ............................
`Experimental Study of Ants Numerical Aptitude Based on the Ideas of the Information Theory -
`Page 7 of 23


`Ryabko. B . and Reenikova. 2 ...........................................................................
`Session TUAMl Recording & Line Codes I
`Reduced Complexity MLSD Algorithms for Multi-Track Magnetic Recording Systems -
`Kurtas. E., Proakis. J.G., and Salehi. M ................................................................
`Multi-Track Codes for Magnetic Recording Systems with Servo Positioning Errors -
`Kurtas. E., Proakis. J.G., and Salehi. M ................................................................
`Channel Capacity of M-ary Multitrack Runlength Limited Channels -
`Vasic. B.V., McLaughlin. S.W., and Milenkovic. 0 ......................................................
`Lower Bounds on the Anticipation of Encoders for Input-Constrained Channels -
`Ruckenstein (Sadeh). G . and Roth. R.M. ...............................................................
`Effects of Finite-Precision Arithmetic in Enumerative Coding -
`Schouhamer Immink. K.A. and Janssen. A ..............................................................
`Power Spectral Density of Multitrack (0. G/I) Codes - Milenkovid. 0 . and Vasid. B .....................
`Enumerative Huffman Coding - van der Walt. W . and Ferreira. H.C. ..................................
`On the Construction of Constrained Codes Employing Sequence Replacement Techniques -
`van Wijngaarden. A.J. and Schouhamer Immink. K.A. ..................................................
`The Approximate Eigenvector Associated with a Modulation Code - Hollmann. H.D.L. ................ 145
`Session TUAMZ Communication for Fading Channels I
`Space-Time Codes for Wireless Communication - Calderbank. A.R., Seshadri. N., and Tarokh. V ....... 146
`Decision Feedback MLD for CTDMA System - Wu. Y., Darnell. M., and Fan. P ........................
`An Adaptive Projection Receiver for Asynchronous Coded CDMA -
`Schlegel. C., Alexander. P., and Roy. S ..................................................................
`Modeling and Undetected Error Performance of Diversity Channels -
`Swarts. F., Coetzee. C.S., and Ferreira. H.C. ...........................................................
`A Broadcast Strategy for the Gaussian Slowly Fading Channel - Shamai (Shitz). S .....................
`Performance of Joint Spatial and Temporal Multiuser Detection Using Adaptive Array Antenna in
`both Transmitter and Receiver for DS/CDMA - Kohno. R . and Ishii. N ................................
`A Two-Stage SPRT-Based Acquisition Scheme for CDMA Wireless Communication Systems -
`Lin. J.-C. and Wei. C.-H. .............................................................................. 152
`Multiple-Antenna Transmission with Partial Side Information - Narula. A . and Trott. M.D. ............ 153
`Cooperative Signal Reception and Down-Link Beam Forming in Cellular Mobile Communications -
`Asakura. H . and Matsumoto. T .........................................................................
`Session TUAMS
`Identification and Generation of Randomness
`On Maximum Number of Probability Measures on Finite Set Separated in L1 Metrics -
`Bassalygo. L.A. and Burnashev. M.V. ..................................................................
`Identification of Messages and Identifying Zeroes of a Function - Kleinewaechter. C .................... 156
`Common Randomness and Secret Key Generation with a Helper - Csisz&r. 1 . and Narayan. P .......... 157
`Random Number Generation with Cost by an Interval Algorithm - Hoshi. M . and Han. T.S. ........... 158
`Some Estimates of the Average Number of Guesses to Determine a Random Variable -
`Dragomir. S.S. and Boztq. S ...........................................................................
`Elementary Forward Error Control for Identification Codes - van der Meulen. E.C. and Csibi. S ........ 160
`Finite-Memory Hypothesis Testing with Semi-bounded Likelihood Ratio -
`Page 8 of 23


`Koplowitz. J . and Kulkarni. S.R. ....................................................................... 161
`Joint Source-Channel Coding and Guessing - Arikan. E . and Merhav. N ...............................
`Information Reconstruction Using Minimum Number of Erroneous Patterns and Optimization
`Problems of Multiple Transmission - Levenshtein. V.I. ................................................
`Session TUAM4 Coded Modulation XI
`Approaching the Capacity of the AWGN Channel with Coset Codes and Multilevel Coset Codes -
`Forney Jr., G.D. .......................................................................................
`Analysis of Power Densib Spectra for Coded Modulatilon .- Eier. R . and Kratochwil, K ................. 165
`Trellis Code Construction for the Joint Source-Channel Problem - Belfiore, J.-C. and Guisantes, J.R. * 166
`Performance of High Diversity Multidimensional Constellations - Taricco, G . and Viterbo. E ........... 167
`Concordant and Partially Concordant Ring Convolutional Codes for CPFSK -
`Ugrelidze, N., Shavgulidze, S., and Chachua, L ..........................................................
`A New Signal Constellation for the Hierarchical Transmission of Two Equally Sized Data Streams -
`Seeger. A ............................................................................................... 1139
`Block Coded Modulation Using Two-Level Group Codes over Generalized Quaternion Groups -
`Selvakumaran, T.V. and Sundar Rajan, B ..............................................................
`Block Coded Asymmetric PSK Modulation Using Two-Level Group Codes over Dihedral Groups --
`Bali, J . and Sundar Rajan, B ...........................................................................
`Session TUAMS Cryptology XI
`Aspects of Authentication and Cryptology - Baumer. L ............................................... 172
`Codes Combining Error Detection and Authentication - Johansson. T .................................
`Hash Codes - Bassalygo. L.A., Burmester, M., Dyachlcov. A., and KahstianskEI. G .....................
`Fast Authentication Codes Based on Random Polynomial Ressdue Classes -
`Afanassiev, V., Smeets, B., and Gehrmann, C .......................................................... 175
`Large Deviations for Performance Analysis of Signature Authentication -
`O’Sullivan, J.A. and Ryleeva, N ........................................................................
`Large S-Box Design Using a Converging Method - Hendessi, F., Gulliver, T.A., and Sheikh, A.U.H. .... 177
`Reconfigurable Feedback Shift Registers - Chan, A.H. and MQdard, M .................................
`An Algebraic Geometric Single Key Cryptosystem Using Stream Ciphers - Dawson. E . and Polemi. D . . 179
`Cryptographic Design Based on Cellular Automata - (de la Guia.Martinez. D . and Flister.Sabater, A . . . 180
`Session TUAMG Rate Distortion Theory
`Spectral Entropy, Equivalent Bandwidth and Minimum Coefficient Rate - Yang, W . and Gibson, J.D. .. 181
`An Information-Spectrum Approach to Source Coding Theorems with a Fidelity Criterion - Han, T.S. . 182
`A Universal Data Compression with Common Side Information - Muramatsu, J . and Kanaya. F ........ 183
`Fixed-Normal Lossy Lempel-Ziv Algorithm - Finamore, W.A. and Pinho. M.S. ........................
`A Simplistic. Universal Lossy Source Code - Neuhoff. D.L. and Shields. P.C. ...........................
`A Type Generator Model for Adaptive Lossy Compression - Zamir. R . and Rose. K ....................
`High-Resolution Source Coding for Non-Difference Distortion Measures: The Rate Distortion
`Function - Linder, T . and Zamir, R ...................................................................
`Complexity Distortion Theory - Sow, D . and Eleftheriadis. A ..........................................
`Data Compression with Noise Suppression: A New Approach -
`Torokhti, A., Wowlett, P., Moran, W., Gray, D., and Elhay. S ...........................................
`Page 9 of 23


`Session TUAM? Detection Theory I
`A New Method for the Computation of Relative Efficiency (RE) of Detectors .
`Seyfe, B., Nikoofar. H.R., and Kahrizi. M ...............................................................
`Adaptive Reception in Impulsive Noise -
`Gonzalez. J.G., Griffith. D.W., Cooper 111. A.B., and Arce. G.R. ........................................
`Pipelined Sequential Probability Ratio Tests for Hybrid Serial Search -
`Hosangadi. G.S. and Baum. C.W. ......................................................................
`Comparison of Several Receiver Structures for Trellis-Coded GMSK Signals: Analytical and Simulation
`Results - Tyczka. P . and Holubowicz. W ..............................................................
`Aspects on Detection of Binary Signals on the Rayleigh Fading Channel - Hansson. U . and Aulin. T ... 194
`Turbo-Based Multiuser Detection - Moher. M.L. ......................................................
`Weak-Signal Diversity Detection in Narrowband Non-Gaussian Noise - Izzo. L . and Tanda. M .......... 196
`On the Equivalence of Single- and Multicarrier Modulation: A New View -
`Fischer. R.F.H. and Huber. J.B. ........................................................................
`M . L . Estimation of Phase and Frequency of MPSK Signals - Taich. D . and Bar.David. I ............... 198
`Session TUAMS Codes over Z4
`Type I1 Codes over 24 - Bonnecaze. A., Sold. P., Bachoc. C., and Mourrain. B .........................
`Cyclic Self-Dual Z4-Codes - Pless. V., SOM. P., and Qian. Z ............................................
`All Z4 Codes of Type I1 and Length 16 are Known - Pless. V., Leon. J.S., and Fields. J ................ 201
`All Self-Dual 24 Codes of Length 15 or Less are Known - Fields. J., Pless. V., and Leon. J.S. .......... 202
`Generalized Lee Weights for Codes over 24 - Hove. B ..................................................
`On the Minimum Support Weights of Goethals Codes over 2 4 - Yang. K . and Helleseth. T ............. 204
`On the Generalized Hamming Weights for Preparata Codes over 2 4 - Yang. K . and Helleseth. T ........ 205
`Algebraic-Geometric Codes over 24 - Shanbhag. A.G. and Kumar. P.V. ................................
`Type I1 Self-Dual Codes over Finite Rings and Even Unimodular Lattices -
`Dougherty. S.T., Gulliver. T.A., and Harada. M ......................................................... 207
`Session TUPMl Neural Networks & Game Theory
`Convergence Analysis of Stochastic Pseudo-Gradient Algorithms and Application to Learning in
`Feedforward Neural Networks - Tadit. V . and Stankovit. S ............................................
`Utilisation of an Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Network as a Genetic Algorithm Fitness
`Evaluator - Burton. A.R. and Vladimirova. T .........................................................
`Cantonese Phonemes Recognition using Modular Neural Network Approach -
`Hui. W.M., Liu. P.C.K., and Li. K.C. ..................................................................
`State Clustering Method for Solving a Dynamic Jamming Game - Mallik. R.K. ........................
`Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using a Sequential Classifier - Lee. L.L. and Gomes. N.R. .......... 212
`New Improvements on the Real-Time Recurrent Learning Algorithm - Coelho. P.H.G. ................. 213
`On Grid Solutions of a Dynamic Jamming Game - Mallik. R.K. and Scholtz. R.A. .....................
`On Associative Nets - D’yachkov. A.G. and Rykov. V.V. ..............................................
`Session TUBMZl Recording & Line Codes I1
`Irreducible Components of Canonica

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