United States Patent [19]
`Bolle et al.
`I 1111111111111111 11111 lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111 111111111111111111
`[11] Patent Number:
`[451 Date of Patent:
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Inventors: Rudolf M. Holle, Bedford Hills;
`Jonathan H. Connell, Cortlandt-Manor;
`Norman Haas, Mount Kisco, all of
`N.Y.; Rakesh Mohan, Stamford, Conn.;
`Gabriel Taubin, Hartsdale, N.Y.
`[73) Assignee: International Business Machines
`Corporation, Armonk, N.Y.
`[21] Appl. No.: 235,834
`[22] Filed:
`Apr. 29, 1994
`Int. Cl.6
`••..•...•....•...••....•...••... G06K 9/46; G06K 9/66
`[52] U.S. Cl ........................... 382/190; 382/110; 382/164;
`382/165; 382/170; 382/173
`[58] Field of Search ..................................... 382/1 IO, 164,
`382/165, 170, 173, 190, 199, 181
`References Cited
`11/1973 Greenwood et al. ................... 250/227
`8/1978 Warkentin ct al. ....................... 209n4
`5/1985 Mills et al. ............................. 209/585
`8/1985 Mills ... ............ ..... ... . ... .... ..... ... 209/558
`3/1986 Blackwell et al. ...................... 364/526
`1/1988 Hayashi ct al .......................... 382/191
`5/1988 Okada et al.
`........................... 209/582
`6/1991 Cowlin et al. .......................... 209/538
`10/1991 Kelly ct al .............................. 382/110
`2/ 1992 Jones et al. ................ ... . ......... 209/5 80
`11/1992 Conway .................................. 356/407
`10/ 199 3 Mas sen . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . 3 82/165
`Japan .
`Japan .
`M. J. Swain & D. H. Ballard, "Color Indexing," Int. Journal
`of Computer Vision, vol. 7, No. I, pp. 11-32,1991.
`M. Miyahara & Y. Yoshida, "Mathematical Transform of
`(R,G,B,) color data to Munsell (H,V,C,) color data," SPIE
`vol. 1001 Visual Communications and Image Processing,
`1988, pp. 650-657.
`L. vanGool, P. Dewaele, & A. Oostcrlinck, "Texture Analy(cid:173)
`sis anno 1983," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image
`Processing, vol. 29, 1985, pp. 336-357.
`T. Pavlidis, "A Review of Algorithms for Shape Analysis,"
`Computer Graphics and Image Processing vol. 7, 1978, pp.
`S. Marshall, "Review of Shape Coding Techniques," Image
`and Vision Computing, vol. 7, No. 4, Nov. 1989, pp.
`S. Mersch, "Polarized Lighting for Machine Vision Appli(cid:173)
`cations," Proc. of RI/SME Third Annual Applied Machine
`Vision Cof., Feb. 1984, pp. 40-54 Schaumburg.
`B. G. Batchelor, D. A. Hill & D. C. Hodgson, "Automated
`Visual Inspection" IFS (Publications) Ltd. UK North-Hol(cid:173)
`land (A div. of Elsevier Science Publishers BV) 1985 pp.
`Primary Examiner-Leo Boudreau
`Assistant Examiner-Phuoc Tran
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Louis J. Percello
`The present system and apparatus uses image processing to
`recognize objects within a scene. The system includes an
`illumination source for illuminating the scene. By control(cid:173)
`ling the illumination source, an image processing system can
`take a first digitize image of the scene with the object
`illuminated a higher level and a second digitized image with
`the object illuminated at a lower level. Using an algorithm,
`the object(s) image is segmented from a background image
`of the scene by a comparison of the two digitized images
`taken. A processed image (that can be used to characterize
`features) of the object(s) is then compared to stored refer(cid:173)
`ence images. The object is recognized when a match occurs.
`The system can recognize objects independent of size and
`number and can be trained to recognize objects that is was
`not originally programmed to recognize.
`32 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`Llg-ht SC•UfC€
`I Algorithms I
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0001


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 1 of 16
`FIG. i
`Light source
`decision making
`: Weighing
`___ --~ Device
`170 :
`,_ -
`.. -
`- t
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0002


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 2 of 16
`FIG. 2
`Imaging a
`target object
`Segmenting the
`target object
`Computing one or more
`target object features
`Characterizing the
`target object
`Normalizing the
`target object
`Comparing the normaHzed
`target object characterization to a
`reference to recognize
`_ _ - - - - I Storage
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0003


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 3 of 16
`FIG. 3a
`First image
`(cid:141)~. 130 'f
`Second image
`FIG. 3b
`First image
`Second image
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0004


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 4 of 16
`FIG. 4
`r-- 403
`450 , _ _ _
`Output device
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0005


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 5 of 16
`FIG. 5
`Acquire light
`Image 1
`Acquire dark
`Image 2
`Compare on pixel
`to pixel basis
`r------=-------- --------------
`. l . . . ' I . I :
`l . : • ' .
`! I *---
`_,,,,- Pixel 2 ·--...
`YES ( .• _ br1ght? _ _,:~ NO
`·-.. 552 ----
`553 ..
`' ... ,,,'
`: 555
`r--~---------------• r-*----------------,
`. . .
`: Opaque
`: Translucent
`Image 556 j
`Image 554;
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0006


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 6 of 16
`Fl G. 6
`® 9
`Fl (e.g., Hue)
`Histogram ming
`-"' I/
`I 0
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0007


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 7 of 16
`FIG. 7
`/ ~ 0
`31 l
`130 9
`31 l
`I I I
`I ~
`74 0
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0008


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 8 of 16
`FIG. 8
`I I I I I
`I I
`I I I
`I I I
`I I
`I I
`I I
`I I
`I I
`I I I
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0009


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 9 of 16
`Fl G. 9
`Training 910
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0010


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 10 of 16
`FI G. iO
`Memory storage 144
`0 160
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0011


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 11 of 16
`FIG. ii
`.,, ....
`' ·-
`21 0
`Texture computation
`I I
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0012


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 12 of 16
`21 0
`FIG. t2
`® 9
`Boundary extraction
`FIG. 13
`Weighing device
`Boundary shape
`Histogram ming
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0013


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 13 of 16
`Sheet 13 of 16
`~ 1430
`1430 1450
`FIG. ~ 4
`FIG. 44
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0014
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0014


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 14 of 16
`Sheet 14 of 16
`-------------------------· I
`I : I
`I :
`' ' '
`1540 i I
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0015
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0015


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 15 of 16
`Fl G. t6
`Peppers Potatoes
`..__ __ __.
`..__ __ __,
`16 34
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0016


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 1996
`Sheet 16 of 16
`Fl G. ~7
`Weighing device
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0017


`This invention relates to the field of recognizing (i.e.,
`identifying, classifying, grading, and verifying) objects
`using computerized optical scanning devices. More specifi(cid:173)
`cally, the invention is a trainable system and method relating
`to recognizing bulk items using image processing.
`Image processing systems exist in the prior art for rec(cid:173)
`ognizing objects. Often these systems use histograms to
`perform this recognition. One common histogram method
`either develops a gray scale histogram or a color histogram
`from a (color) image containing an object. These histograms
`arc then compared directly to histograms of reference
`images. Alternatively, features of the histograms arc
`extracted and compared to features extracted from histo(cid:173)
`grams of images containing reference objects.
`The reference histograms or features of these histograms
`are typically stored in computer memory. The prior art often
`performs these methods to verify that the target object in
`image is indeed the object that is expected, and, possibly, to
`grade/classify the object according to the quality of its
`appearance relative to the reference histogram. An alterna(cid:173)
`tive purpose could be to identify the target object by
`comparing the target image object histogram to the histo(cid:173)
`grams of a number of reference images of objects.
`In this description, identifying is defined as determining,
`given a set of reference objects or classes, which reference
`object the target object is or which reference class the target
`object belongs to. Classifying or grading is defined as
`determining that the target object is known to be a certain
`object and/or that the quality of the object is some quanti(cid:173)
`tatively value. Herc, one of the classes can be a "reject"
`class, meaning that either the quality of the object is too
`poor, or the object is not a member of the known class.
`Verifying, on the other hand, is defined as determining that
`the target is known to be a certain object or class and simply
`verifying this is to be true or false. Recognizing is defined
`as identifying, classifying, grading, and/or verifying.
`Bulk items include any item that is sold in bulk in
`supermarkets, grocery stores, retail stores or hardware
`stores. Examples include produce (fruits and vegetables),
`sugar, cotrec beans, candy, nails, nuts, bolts, general hard(cid:173)
`ware, parts, and package goods.
`In image processing, a digital image is an analog image
`from a camera that is converted to a discrete representation
`by dividing the picture into a fixed number of locations
`called picture clements and quantizing the value of the
`image at those picture elements into a fixed number of
`values. The resulting digital image can be processed by a
`computer algorithm to develop other images. These images
`can be stored in memory and/or used to determine informa(cid:173)
`tion about the imaged object. A pixel is a picture element of
`a digital image.
`Image processing and computer vision is the processing
`by a computer of a digital image to modify the image or to
`obtain from the image properties of the imaged objects such
`as object identity, location, etc.
`An scene contains one or more objects that arc of interest
`and the surroundings which also get imaged along with the
`objects. These surroundings arc called the background. The
`background is usually further away from the camera than the
`object(s) of interest.
`Segmenting (also called figure/ground separation) is sepa(cid:173)
`rating a scene image into separate object and background
`images. Segmenting refers to identifying those image pixels
`that are contained in the image of the object versus those that
`belong to the image of the background. The segmented
`object image is then the collection of pixels that comprises
`the object in the original image of the complete scene. The
`10 area of a segmented object image is the number of pixels in
`the object image.
`Illumination is the light that illuminates the scene and
`objects in it. Illumination of the whole scene directly deter(cid:173)
`mines the illumination of individual objects in the scene and
`therefore the reflected light of the objects received by
`imaging apparatus such as vi dco camera.
`Ambient illumination is illumination from any light
`source except the special lights used specifically for imaging
`an object. For example, ambient illumination is the illumi-
`20 nation due to light sources occurring in the environment
`such as the sun outdoors and room lights indoors.
`Glare or specular reflection is the high amount of light
`reflected oIT a shiny (specular, exhibiting mirror-like, pos(cid:173)
`sibly locally, properties) object. The color of the glare is
`25 mostly that of the illuminating light (as opposed to the
`natural color of the object).
`A feature of an image is defined as any property of the
`image, which can be computationally extracted. Features
`typically have numerical values that can lie in a certain
`range, say, RO-Rl. In prior art, histograms arc computed
`over a whole image or windows (sub-images) in an image.
`A histogram of a feature of an image is a numerical
`representation of the distribution of feature values over the
`image or window. A histogram of a feature is developed by
`dividing the feature range, RO-RI, into M intervals (bins)
`and computing the feature for each image pixel. Simply
`counting how many image or window pixels fall in each bin
`gives the feature histogram.
`Image features include, but arc not limited to, color and
`texture. Color is a two-dimensional property, for example
`Hue and Saturation or other color descriptions (explained
`below) of a pixel, but often disguised as a three-dimensional
`property, i.e., the amount of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB).
`45 Various color descriptions are used in the prior art, including
`( 1) the RGB space; (2) the opponent color space; (3) the
`Munsell (H,V,C) color space; and, (4) the Hue, Saturation,
`and Intensity (H,S,I) space. For the latter, similar to the
`Munsell space, Hue refers to the color of the pixel (from red,
`to green, to blue), Saturation is the "deepness" of the color
`(e.g., from greenish to deep saturated green). and Intensity
`is the brightness, or what the pixel would look like in a gray
`scale image.
`Texture, on the other hand, is an visual image feature that
`is much more difficult to capture computationally and is a
`feature that cannot be attributed to a single pixel but is
`attributed to a patch of image data. The texture of an image
`patch is a description of the spatial brightness variation in
`that patch. This can be a repetitive pattern (of texels), as the
`60 pattern on an artichoke or pineapple, or, can be more
`random, like the pattern of the leaves of parsley. These arc
`called structural textures and statistical textures, rcspcc(cid:173)
`ti vely. There exists a wide range of textures, ranging from
`the purely deterministic arrangement of a texcl on some
`tcssclation of the two-dimensional plane, to "salt and pep(cid:173)
`per" white noise. Research on image texture has been going
`on for over thirty years, and computational measures have
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0018


`the object is in the image and not obscured by other objects),
`(3) there is little diITcrencc in illumination of the scene of
`which the images (reference and target images) arc taken
`from which the reference object histograms and target object
`histograms arc developed, and (4) the object can be easily
`segmented out from the background or there is relatively
`little distraction in the background. Under these conditions,
`comparing a target object image histogram with reference
`object image histograms has been achieved in numerous
`JO ways in the prior art.
`been developed that arc one-dimensional or higher-dimen(cid:173)
`sional. However, in prior art, histograms of texture features
`arc not known to the inventors.
`Shape of some boundary in an image is a feature of
`multiple boundary pixels. Boundary shape refers to local s
`features, such as, curvature. An apple will have a roughly
`constant curvature boundary, while a cucumber has a piece
`of low curvature, a piece of low negative curvature, and two
`pieces of high curvature (the end points). Other boundary
`shape measures can be used.
`Some prior art uses color histograms to identify objects.
`Given an (R,G,B) color image of the target object, the color
`representation used for the histograms are the opponent
`color: rg=R-G, by=2*B-R-G, and wb=R+G+B. The wb
`axis is divided into 8 sections, while rg and by axes arc
`divided into 16 sections. This results in a three-dimensional
`histogram of 2048 bins. This system matches target image
`histograms to 66 pre-stored reference image histograms. The
`set of 66 pre-stored reference image histogram is fixed, and
`therefore it is not a trainable system, i.e., unrecognized target 20
`images in one instance will not be recognized in a later
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,060,290 to Kelly and Klein discloses the
`grading of almonds based on gray scale histograms. Falling
`almonds arc furnished with uniform light and pass by a
`linear camera. A gray histogram, quantized into 16 levels, of
`the image of the almond is developed. The histogram is
`normalized by dividing all bin counts by 1700, where 1700
`pixels is the size of the largest almond expected. Five
`features arc extracted from this histogram: (I) gray value of
`the peak; (2) range of the histogram; (3) number of pixels at
`peak; (4) number of pixels in bin to the right of peak; and,
`(5) number of pixels in bin 4. Through lookup tables, an
`eight digit code is developed and if this code is in a library,
`the almond is accepted. The system is not trainable. The
`appearances of almonds of acceptable quality arc hard(cid:173)
`coded in the algorithm and the system cannot be trained to
`grade almonds differently by showing new instances of
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,735,323 to Okada et al. discloses a
`mechanism for aligning and transporting an object lo be
`inspected. The system more specifically relates lo grading of
`oranges. The transported oranges arc illuminated with a light
`within a predetermined wavelength range. The
`reflected is received and converted into an electronic signal.
`A level histogram divided into 64 bins is developed, where
`Some prior art matching systems and methods, claim to be
`robust to distractions in the background, variation in view(cid:173)
`point, occlusion, and varying image resolution. However, in
`some of this prior art, lighting conditions arc not controlled.
`The systems fail when the color of the illumination for
`obtaining the reference object histograms is different from
`the color of the illumination when obtaining the target object
`image histogram. The ROB values of an image point in an
`image arc very dependent on the color of the illumination
`(even though humans have little difficulty naming the color
`25 given the whole image). Consequently the color histogram
`of an image can change dramatically when the color of the
`illumination (light frequency distribution) changes. Further(cid:173)
`more, in these prior art systems the objects arc not seg(cid:173)
`mented from the background, and, therefore, the histograms
`30 of the images arc not area normalized. This means the
`objects in target images have to be the same size as the
`objects in the reference images for accurate recognition
`because variations of the object size with respect to the pixel
`size can significantly change the color histogram. It also
`35 means that the parts of the image that correspond to the
`background have to be achromatic (e.g. black), or, at least,
`or a coloring not present in the object, or they will signifi(cid:173)
`cantly perturb the derived image color histogram.
`Prior art such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,060,290
`40 fail if the size of the almonds in the image is drastically
`different than expected. Again, this is because the system
`docs not explicitly separate the object from its background.
`This system is used only for grading almonds: it can not
`distinguish an almond from (say) a peanut.
`Similarly, prior art such as that disclosed in U.S. Pal. No.
`4,735,323 only recognizes different grades of oranges. A
`reddish grapefruit might very well be deemed a very large
`orange. The system is not designed to operate with more
`than one class of fruit al a time and thus can make do with
`weak features such as the ratio of green to white reflectivity.
`In summary, much of the prior art in the agricultural
`arena, typified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,735,323 and 5,060,290, is
`concerned with classifying/grading produce items. This
`55 prior art can only classify/identify objects/products/produce
`if they pass a scanner one object at a lime. It is also required
`that the range of sizes (from smallest lo largest possible
`object size) of the object/product/produce be known before(cid:173)
`hand. These systems will fail if more than one item is
`60 scanned at the same lime, or to be more precise, if more than
`one object appears at a scanning position at the same time.
`Further, the prior art often requires carefully engineered
`and expensive mechanical environment with carefully con(cid:173)
`trolled lighting conditions where the items arc transported to
`65 predefined spatial locations. These apparatuses arc designed
`specifically for one type of shaped object (round, oval, etc.)
`and arc impossible or, at least, not easily modified lo deal
`Lcvcl=(the intensity of totally renectcd light)/(the intensity of
`green light rcnected by an orange)
`The median, N, of this histogram is determined and is
`considered as representing the color of an orange. Based on
`N, the orange coloring can be classified into four grades of
`"cxcellcnt,""good,""fair" and "poor,"or can be graded finer.
`The systems is not trainable, in that the appearance of the
`different grades of oranges is hard-coded into the algorithms.
`The use of gray scale and color histograms is a very
`effective method for grading or verifying objects in an
`image. The main reason for this is that a histogram is very
`compact representation of a reference object that docs not
`depend on the location or orientation of the object in the
`However, for image histogram-based recognition to work,
`certain conditions have to be satisfied. It is required that: (I)
`the size of the object in the image is roughly known, (2)
`there is relatively little occlusion of the object (i.e., most of
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0019


`level. Using an algorithm, the object(s) image is novclly
`segmented from a background image of the scene by a
`comparison of the two digitized images taken. A processed
`image (that can be used to characterize features) of the
`objcct(s) is then compared to stored reference images. The
`object is recognized when a match occurs.
`Processed images of an unrecognized object can be
`labeled with identity of object and stored in memory, based
`on certain criteria, so that the unrecognized object will be
`10 recognize when it is imaged in the future. In this novel way,
`the invention is taught Lo recognize previously unknown
`Recognition of the object is independent of the size or
`number of the objects because the object image is novclly
`15 normalized before it is compared to the reference images.
`Optionally, use interfaces and apparatus that determines
`other features of the object (like weight) can be used with the
`with other object types. The shape of the objects inspires the
`means of object transportation and is impossible or difficult
`for the transport means to transport different object types.
`This is especially true for oddly shaped objects like broccoli
`or ginger. This, and the use of features that are specifically s
`selected for the particular objects, docs not allow for the
`prior art to distinguish between types of produce.
`Additionally, none of the prior art are trainable systems
`where, through human or computer intervention, new items
`arc learned or old items discarded. That is, the systems can
`not be taught to recognize objects that were not originally
`programmed in the system or to stop recognizing objects
`that were originally programmed in the system.
`One area where the prior art has failed to be effective is
`in produce check out. The current means and methods for
`checking out produce poses problems. Affixing (PLU-price
`lookup) labels to fresh produce is disliked by customers and
`produce retailers/wholesalers. Pre-packaged produce items
`arc disliked, because of increased cost of packaging, dis(cid:173)
`posal (solid waste), and inability to inspect produce quality 20
`in pre-packaged form.
`The process of produce check-out has not changed much
`since the first appearance of grocery stores. At the point of
`sale (POS), the cashier has to recognize the produce item, 25
`weigh or count the item(s), and determine the price. Cur(cid:173)
`rently, in most stores the latter is achieved by manually
`entering the non-mnemonic PLU code that is associated with
`the produce. These codes are available at the POS in the
`form of printed list or in a booklet with pictures.
`Multiple problems arise from this process of produce
`(I) Losses incurred by the store (shrinkage). First, a
`cashier may inadvertently enter the wrong code num(cid:173)
`ber. If this is to the advantage of the customer, the 35
`customer will be less motivated to bring this to the
`attention of the cashier. Second, for friends and rela(cid:173)
`tives, the cashier may purposely enter the code of a
`lower-priced produce item (swcethcarting).
`(2) Produce check-out tends to slow down the check-out 40
`process because of produce identification problems.
`(3) Every new cashier has to be trained on produce names,
`produce appearances, and PLU codes.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the one preferred embodi(cid:173)
`ment of the present system.
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart showing on preferred embodiment
`of the present method for recognizing objects.
`FIG. 3 illustrates segmenting a scene into an object image
`and a background image.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of
`30 apparatus for segmenting images and recognizing object in
`FIG. 5 is a llow chart of a preferred method for segment(cid:173)
`ing target object images.
`FIG. 6 is a flow chart showing a preferred method of
`characterizing reference ot target object fcaturc(s).
`FIG. 7 is a llow chart showing a preferred method for
`(area/length) normalization of object fcaturc(s) character(cid:173)
`FIG. 8 illustrates the comparison of an area/length nor(cid:173)
`malized target object characterization to one or more area
`normalized reference object characterizations.
`FIG. 9 is a flow chart showing a preferred (algorithmic)
`method of training the present apparatus to recognize new
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing multiple features of
`an object being extracted.
`FIG. 11 is a flow chart showing the histogramming and
`normalizing of the feature of texture.
`FIG. 12 is a flow chart showing the histogramming and
`normalizing of the feature of boundary shape.
`FIG. 13 is block diagram showing a weighing device.
`FIG. 14 shows an image where the segmented object has
`two distinct regions determined by segmenting the object
`image and where these regions arc incorporated in recogni(cid:173)
`tion algorithms.
`FIG. 15 shows a human interface to the present apparatus
`60 which presents an ordered ranking of the mosl likely iden(cid:173)
`tities of the produce being imaged.
`FIG. 16 shows a means for human determination of the
`identity of object(s) by browsing through subset(s) of all the
`previously installed stored icon images, and the means by
`which the subsets arc selected.
`FIG. 17 is a preferred embodiment of the present inven(cid:173)
`tion using object weight to price object(s).
`An object of this invention is an improved apparatus and
`method for recognizing objects such as produce.
`An object of this invention is an improved trainable
`apparatus and method for recognizing objects such as pro- 50
`Another object of this invention is an improved apparatus
`and method for recognizing and pricing objects such as
`produce at the point of sale or in the produce department.
`A further object of this invention is an improved means
`and method of user interface for automated produce identi(cid:173)
`fication, such as, produce.
`The present invention is a system and apparatus that uses
`image processing to recognize objects within a scene. The
`system includes an illumination source for illuminating the
`scene. By controlling the illumination source, an image
`processing system can take a first digitized image of the 65
`scene with the object illuminated at a higher level and a
`second digitized image with the object illuminated at a lower
`Petitioner LG Ex-1019, 0020


`The apparatus 100 shown in FIG. 1 is one preferred
`embodiment of the present invention that uses image pro(cid:173)
`cessing to automatically recognize one or more objects 131. 5
`A light source 110 with a light frequency distribution that
`is constant over time illuminates the object 131. The light is
`non-monochromatic and may include infra-red or ultra vio-
`let frequencies. Light being non-monochromatic and of a
`constant frequency distribution ensures
`that the color
`appearance of the objects 131 does not change due to light
`variations between diiTcrent images taken and that stored
`images of a given object can be matched to images taken of
`that object at a later time. The preferred lights arc flash tubes
`Mouser U-4425, or two GE cool-white fluorescent bulbs (22 15
`Watts and 30 Watts), GE FE8T9-CW and GE FC12T9-CW,
`respectively. Such light sources arc well known.
`A video input device 120 is used to convert the reflected
`light rays into an image. Typically this image is two dimen(cid:173)
`sional. A preferred video input device is a color camera but
`any device that converts light rays into an image can be used.
`These cameras would include CCD camera and CID cam(cid:173)
`eras. The color camera output can be RGB, HSI, YC, or any
`other representation of color. One preferred camera is a Sony
`card-camera CCB-C35YC or Sony XC-999. Video input
`devices like this 120 are well known.
`Color images arc the preferred sensory modali!y in this
`invention. However, other sensor modalities arc possible,
`e.g., infra-red and ultra-violet images, smell/odor (measur(cid:173)
`able, e.g., with mass spectrometer), thermal decay proper(cid:173)
`ties, ultra-sound and magnetic resonance images, DNA,

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