( 12) United States Patent
`Inventor: Patrick Pirim, Paris (FR)
`(73) Assignee: Holding B.E.V.SA., Luxembourg (LU)
`( • ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent i5 extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 397 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/792,436
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 23, 2001
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2002/0169732 Al Nov. 14, 2002
`(51) Int. Cl.7
`. •. .. •••. •. .. •••... .••••. G06F 15/18; G0lR 23/10;
`G06K 9/00
`(52) U.S. Cl . ............................ 706/20; 702/78; 382/133
`(58) Field of Search .. ........................... 706/20; 702/78;
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`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,959,293 B2
`Oct. 25, 2005
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`VLSI Velocity Sensors", 1996 IEEE Proceedings of M icro(cid:173)
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`Primary Examiner-George Davis
`(74) Attorni!); Agent, or Finn-Townsend and Townsend
`and Crew LLP; Gerald T. Gray
`A visual perception processor compri5es histogram calcula(cid:173)
`tion units, which receive the data DATA(A), DATA(B), .
`DATA(E) via a single data bus and supplying cJa5-sification
`information to a single time coincidences bus. In a preferred
`embodiment the histogram calculation units are organized
`into a matrix.
`29 CJaims, 31 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0001


`US 6,959,293 B2
`Page 2
`Pierre-Francois Riiedi, "Motion Detection Silicon Retina
`Based on Event Correlations", 1996 IEEE Proceedings of
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`Colin Johnson, "Vision Chip's Circuitry Has Its Eye Out For
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`tion, Jahrgang 8, Marz 1997, NR.3, ISSN0939-1134.
`"Un Processor de Perception Visuelle", LehAUT pAR(cid:173)
`LEUR, 25F Des solutions electroniques pour taus, No 1856,
`15 janvier 1997 (with translation).
`"Realiser Un Decodeur Pour TV Numberique", Electron(cid:173)
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`Groupe Revenu Frarn;ais, Air & Cosmos Aviation Interna(cid:173)
`tional, "Un Calculateur De perceoption Visuelle", Hebdo(cid:173)
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`Kenichi Yamada, et al; "Image Understanding Based on
`Edge Histogram Method for Rear-End Collision Avoidance
`System", Vehicle Navigation & Information Systems Con(cid:173)
`ference Proceedings; (1994), pp. 445 450 published Aug. 31,
`1994; XP 000641348.
`* cited by examiner
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0002


`~ • rJ)
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0003


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 2 of 31
`Sheet 2 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`US 6,959,293 B2
` a7ST2
`(!) -u.
`o::: I·
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0004
`. 1
`+ I
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`t I
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`l'Ll e
`,.. - _J
`S(PI) $l4,1
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0004


`~ •
`............. -----------------··v: ··----.. -.. ---------
`I J+1/+0 -...
`... I
`I : I
`I : :
`: I
`I : : : I
`INIT _ -
`/1 I
`102 r.7
`H, E
`102 s
`2 1 0
`I : I
`I :
`1inCj 1inB j 'inA i I
`I :
`.. -
`' + \...105
`! : I
`I : I
`; ·--~-----------·--
`I I I I I "'101 r
`+ 101 s
`\_ 111
`: :
`FIG. 3
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0005


`SEQUENCER 1--- ----+-
`106 1
`LEARN i ... !1--4-+-___,·
`,·····--·-·-··-······-·· 107 ·----···············--············
`. '\ s
`I +1/+0 I .
`i O
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`~ux 1
`1 A I .
`\ I
`~ • rJ)
`103 . r-.
`'•·, 1 15
`. i I
`}6 i
`L-'-- -P-i----........,, i
`..--~-....,-j··..r..,,~1--~---"'-=--::'.._,. ~ :-
`~ -~ ~ i
`: GENERATOR 1 (7!;:::
`'>- D~JA
`, 15
`-Jli-l-+----1~----=-=-=---+t WR 101 f
`cgc~~~A~ ~:!--+---+~--l~UX :i----~- ADRESS
`INIT i f ~~~
`Ou~,u; l=c+ i~E __ • • ·:~-.... -:--.... i~..1 ··
`-··-·- .
`(- - - - - - -+ - - - - \ '\. -Yr
`FIG. 4
`. · .. .
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0006


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 5 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`INIT __jl.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ rt__
`END_jlL.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.n~- -
`OATA (A) _1!11 __ §
`FIG. 5
`I ST=1 I
`Row Size
`c 0Cs 1ze
`R ow_ C urve_ Size
`Col_Cu rve_ Size
`l n it_Row_ Curve
`l nit_ Col_ C urve
`Col_Cooote,,,O; .
`Row_Counter-Row_Slze )
`Col CountePCol Size
`I SL=1 I
`END• 1
`Row_Counter-Row_Counter+ 1
`I .
`I ' C<ll_Counter-Col_Counter•1 I
`I ·
`FIG. 6
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0007


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 6 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`Col Curve Size
`Row_Counter=Row Size
`Col Counterao
`Col_ Counter-Col_ Counter+ 1
`...... -:...-:..."1--:.--..... --' - -c~o-u-Nr=e=R~ .. ..1c""'o'""u,..N""'r""'E"'"R-•1.,....,
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0008


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 7 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`Row CotJnter>=lnit_Row_Curve
`Row_Counter <
`Re isters
`lnit_Row _ Curve
`Col Counter <
`lnit_Col_Curve+Col_C urve_Size
`Row Curve -Counter=
`Row_Counter • lnit_Row_Curve
`Col Curve Counter(cid:173)
`Col_ Counter • init_ Col_ Curve
`Fig. ·s
`Data ln=O
`Yes ____ ___
`Fig. 9
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0009


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 8 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`Data ln=Data Out + Validation
`Data_ Out=Resut_Memory
`Adress=DAT A (A)
`RMAX < Data_ln
`Fig. 10
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0010


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 9 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`- I
`, YES
`END= 1
`H Memory
`Adress = COUNTER
`Update Classification
`' /
`. I a= 11
`L..--' 101
`A>= RMAX/2
`i NO
`I a= o I
`Data_ln = a
`Adress = COUNTER
`WR= 1
`/ Reg> NBPTS/2
`Reg= Reg +A
`~ END= 1
`.L •
`Anticipation Application
`Fig. 11
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0011


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 10 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`11 9
`_____ J
`11 5
`FIG. 12
`: · ---------------------------------------------------------------------·
`0 -----1
`~- - RMAX
`1 " 4 - - - - -
`i 114
`2----, ~~ f..,..,,=,,,=-i !
`A 14----i NBPTS
`r-=,..,.,,..,~-:--:t:;:;:--~=-B __ _,
`..................... ·--·-------··-··-·-----................. --·-· ... ------ ····--· ________ ............... - ................... _ ............. J
`FIG. 130 -
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0012


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 11 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`Data (A) ·
`Fig. 31b.
`Fig 13b
`Fig 13c
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0013


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 12 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`DATA OUT t--t----,
`COUN .;;;.R---t._.
`~-"'1 WR
`i--__., ADRESS
`r--+------..... ---t--;--..-i_ Borne-A
`- -
`1042 -
`.------_...-----t-~ someB
`FIG. 13d
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0014


`FIG. 14
`d •
`~ ....
`00 :r
`~ ....
`Q _,
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0015


`DATA OUT1----4t-_..,.
`.,__ _ __.,. ADRESS
`COUNT~E ........ R-
`'-= ~
`~ = ~
`r:,:i =-~
`~ ...
`Q -.
`FIG. 150
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0016


`r - - - - - - -+ - - - . ; . _ - - -L -~~M
`. 104
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0017


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 16 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`r·····-····-·····-·····-···i,.-- 315
`ao !
`i,..;:..;.,.;.IN.;;...;.----se~, o~----t-..u
`140o !
`a, l
`1401 j
`a2 l
`i------1..-. En
`FIG. 16
`: .
`140n !
`. l
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0018


`DATA our---(cid:173)
`.,___~ ADRESS
`d •
`DATA A ---
`'..._ _____ _.I
`. . ,..,._--c
`: .
`rr===:==;...~:_ ___ -4--f ETD la-bl Signe
`FIG. 17
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0019


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 18 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`Sel 1
`FIG. 18
`01 ..
`02 ..
`On •
`D. en
`FIG. 19
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0020


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 19 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`~ w w
`Q. ~
`,.__ ~
`FIG. 20
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0021


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 20 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`~ POSMOYo - POSMOY1 ~ 0 > - - - - - - - ,
`L ............. _ .............. --.. --------------·-----------..... - .................................. _....
`.. ......................... , ___ J
`r· -
`· .-----_.._-__,
`Wait A•cIock
`Wait A*Clock
`Wait A*Clock
`Wait A*Clock
`FIG. 21
`ETD=0; SM=0; SP=0; T=0;
`L .................................. ·-·······-····--···· .•. ··········-·····-·······-·····--············J
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0022


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 21 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`I .
`. I
`· I
`~ I
`. I
`Product term o
`Produ.ct term 1
`uctterm n
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
`A Product teim
`FIG 22
`FIG. 39
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0023


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 22 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`,---······-···- ------------------
`i 14~
`·---··-····------------------C . ---····7
`in B
`FIG. 23
`--···-------- ---,
`: MAP
`, ...... - - -- --r---, ~
`j FIG. 24
`E :,
`e .. ~ -I &
`I i
`I Ei n . ;
`I i
`[._ _______ _
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0024


`d •
` 7H£67'6S6'9SA
`. . . . . . .
`inA !
`· - ····-·•·---'
`FIG. 25
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0025
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0025


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 24 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`FIG. 26
`FIG. 27
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0026


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 25 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`WR ~
`t--if---+--t----t---i~ Cursor
`~t-----r----.. Generator:"'"--~
`366 ../
`S e q (cid:173)
`' - - - - , - , - - - - Val_Zone
`Fig. 28
`INICOL Column Counter
`Fig. 29
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0027


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 26 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`S(t) _ __,
`FIG. 30
`FIG. 310
`r ··-···-·-····· .. ;oo·-···-····-····--·-···-·····-······-··-· v1 a
`i 1h
`~ - - - r - r - r
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0028


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 27 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`! +
`t t
`·- -
`~ "' L
`T s
`~ !
`~ j
`~ !
`I I
`j g ~
`~ -
`~ .1al.t
`llJ1 ~ .1.ill
`5 0
`! '
`, , ..'.j_·--·· -·---•··•·--·· ·-·· ·--·····----· .
`1~, ~
`365 -CJ+
`p1 5
`r-"'-: .... ~
`t-·-····-····-··············-··-········ -- FIG: "32··--··---·
`i I I
`i I
`! !
`Out algnol
`CMOS lmager
`~---------~ ·
`1 ..... · -····--···-· · · · · -·-·· ··-········--·-······· · · - - -· -··· • ····- · · -· · · - · ........ . . ... ..... . . .. . ....... - -• .J
`FIG. 33
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0029


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 28 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`I I
`I I
`I i
`r~·-···· ·---······ .. ······················-·······-··-···-···-···· .. ··· ..
`i I I
`i 1 .
`· I
`1 - - - - - - - 1
`• I
`i I
`I i
`L.---...1.....----..J.----'---~ i
`~ !
`i L.. _ _;_ _ _.__...1............1~_,_ __________ _._~ I
`- - - - - - - - - -
`L.·-··-·· ·-·-··-··--····· ... ······-·-·····--·-··· ·-·---····-- ··------··'°······-- ·J
`FIG. 34
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0030


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 29 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`r-·-··-··-·-·-··--·•-"--·-·-·---···-··. ·-···--··------·--··--7
`Out llgn(cid:127) I
`CMOS lmager
`CMOS lmager
`' - - - - -. _-_-_-_--_-__ -_-_'-'-'=.J
`FIG. 35
`/ 6
`I+ V3
`FIG. 36
`5 - 'J
`FIG. 37
`V 1+
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0031


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 30 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`CLRSCR - - - - , -
`DAT A (A) t----i-----<~
`DATA (B) t---+--~
`DATA (E)t--+--~
`FIG. 38
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0032


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 25, 2005
`Sheet 31 of 31
`US 6,959,293 B2
`~ I .. _
`------ ---------- - . _ j
`0 ....
`I .
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I
`S .-- ~ - - - - - , I I

`___ $ __ ~ ______ J
`FIG. 40
`I : ~
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0033


`US 6,959,293 B2
`nized into a matrix ; the histogram calculation units process
`data aijT associated with pixels forming together a multidi(cid:173)
`mensional space (i, j) evolving with the course of time and
`represented at a succession of instants (T), wherein the said
`5 data reaches the said calculation unit in the form of a digital
`signal DATA(A) in the form of a succession aijT of binary
`number of n bits associated with synchronization signals
`enabling to define the given instant (T) of the space and the
`position (i, j) of the pixel in this space, to which the signal
`10 aijT received at a given instant (t) is associated, and com(cid:173)
`an analysis memory comprising a memory with
`addresses, each associated with possible values of the num(cid:173)
`bers of n bits of the signal DATA(A) and whose writing
`15 process is controlled by a signal <<WRITE>>,
`a classifier comprising a memory intended for receiving a
`selection criterion C of the parameter DATA(A), receiving
`the signal DATA(A) at the input and that outputs a binary
`output signal whose value depends on the result of the
`comparison of the signal DATA(A) with the selection cri(cid:173)
`terion C,
`a time coincidences unit receiving the output signal from
`the classifier and, from outside the histogram calculation
`unit, individual binary enabling signals affecting parameters
`other than DATA(A), wherein the said time coincidences
`unit outputs a positive global enabling signal when all the
`individual time coincidences signals are valid,
`a test unit,
`an analysis output unit,
`an address multiplexer,
`an incrementation enabling unit,
`wherein the counter of each address in the memory
`35 corresponds to the value d of a;j, at a given instant, which is
`incremented by one unit when the time coincidences unit
`outputs a positive global enabling signal,
`the unit intended for calculating and storing statistical
`data processes, after receiving the data aij, corresponding to
`the space at an instant T, the content of the memory in order
`to update its own memories,
`the memory is deleted before the beginning of each frame
`for a space at an instant T by an initialization signal
`the memory of the classifier is an addressable memory
`enabling real time updating of the selection criterion C and
`having one data input DATA IN, an address command
`ADDRESS and a writing command WR, receiving on its
`input the output from the analysis memory and a signal END
`50 on its writing command,
`it also comprises a data input multiplexer with two inputs
`and one output, receiving on one of its inputs a counting
`signal COUNTER and on its other input the succession of
`data a;j, to the address command of the memory of the
`55 classifier and an operator OR controlling the address mul(cid:173)
`tiplexer and receiving on its inputs an initialization signal
`INIT and the end signal END.
`the space (i, j) is two-dimensional and that the signal
`DATA(A) is associated with the pixels of a succession of
`it comprises means for anticipating the value of the
`classification criterion C.
`the means for anticipating the value of the classification
`65 criterion C comprise memories intended for containing the
`values of statistical parameters relating to two successive
`frames T0 and T1 .
`The invention relates generally to methods and devices
`for automatic visual perception, and more particularly to
`methods and devices for processing image signals using one
`or more self-adapting histogram calculation units capable of
`implementing anticipation and learning modes. Such
`devices can be termed an electronic spatio-temporal neuron,
`and is particularly useful for image processing, but may also
`be used for processing of any other signals, such as sound
`Image processing methods and devices are already
`known, which enable real-time recognition, localization
`and/or extraction of objects corresponding to certain criteria
`of their context. The selection criteria can be extremely
`varied. They may be related to speed, shape, color ... or a
`combination of these criteria. These methods and devices
`can be used to facilitate the acquisition of a scene or of a
`phenomenon by an observer or to control an automatism on
`the basis of information thus extracted. Such methods and
`devices are for example described in the following publica-
`tions FR-2.611063 and WO-98/05002.
`Certain of these methods and devices implement a spatial
`and temporal processing unit that, upon receiving a video(cid:173)
`type signal S(PI), produces a number of parameters for each
`pixel. It may be, for instance speed V, direction DL, a time 30
`constant CO and a binary enabling parameter VL in addition
`to the delayed video signal VR and the different frame, line
`and pixel synchronization signals gathered under the
`denomination F.
`In such devices, the importance of constituting histograms
`of these parameters and using them in a visual perception
`processor has already been outlined in order to acquire,
`manipulate and process statistical information.
`The purpose of such a visual perception processor
`includes outputting a signal S'(t) that carries for each pixel 40
`a significant piece of information of the result obtained when
`applying recognition or selection criteria. These criteria are
`predefined or prepared by the image processing methods and
`devices properly speaking.
`Such a method and such a device, in particular, are 45
`divulged in the patent application WO-98/05002, already
`mentioned, that has been integrated thereto for reference
`It is therefore desirable to provide an improved visual
`perception processor, and methods, as well as, in preferred
`embodiments, the auto-adapting, anticipation and learning
`This invention provides visual perception devices and
`methods for detecting automatically an event occurring in a
`space with respect to at least one parameter.
`According to the invention, a perception device comprises
`a control unit, a data bus, a time coincidences bus and at least
`a histogram calculation unit for processing the parameter.
`The present invention also covers the features that will be
`put in evidence by the following description and that will
`have to be considered either independently or in technical
`the device comprises, in order to process a number of
`parameters, a number of histogram calculation units orga-
`Petitioner LG Ex-1001, 0034


`US 6,959,293 B2
`lation unit in order to get a representative histogram of the
`parameter and to infer the desired result.
`The invention also relates to an analysis method of a
`parameter representative of an event in an electronic device,
`comprising a histogram calculation over data aij, associated
`with pixels forming together a multidimensional space (i, j)
`evolving with the course of time and represented at a
`succession of instants (1), wherein the said data reaches the
`said calculation unit in the form of a digital signal DATA(A)
`in the form of a succession aij, of binary number of n bits
`associated with synchronization signals enabling to define
`the given instant (T) of the space and the position (i, j) of the
`pixel in this space, to which the signal a;j,, received at a
`given instant (T) is associated, and comprises:
`to each data aij, is associated a classification binary signal
`whose value depends on the result of the comparison
`between the signal DATA(A) and the selection criterion C,
`a statistical distribution of the data a;j, is made for a given
`instant for which a global enabling signal is positive, the said
`global enabling signal being made of a set of individual time
`coincidences signals, each one corresponding to a parameter
`DATA(A), DATA(B), . . . , DATA(E), resulting from the
`comparison between a time coincidences criterion R and the
`25 classification signal and being positive.
`Reference to the remaining portions of the specification,
`including the drawings and claims, will realize other features
`and advantages of the present invention. Further features
`and advantages of the present invention, as well as the
`30 structure and operation of various embodiments of the
`present invention, are described in detail below with respect
`to the accompanying drawings. In the drawings, like refer(cid:173)
`ence numbers indicate identical or functionally similar ele(cid:173)
`the statistical parameters are the average values of the
`data aij, enabled.
`the analysis output register constitutes and stores in its
`memory at least one of the following values: the minimum
`'MIN', the maximum 'MAX', the maximum number of 5
`pixels for which the signal V;j, has a particular value
`'RMAX', the particular value corresponding POSRMAX,
`the total number of enables pixels 'NBPTS'.
`the statistical comparison parameter used by the classifier
`is RMAX/2.
`it comprises a controlled multiplexer, capable of receiving
`at input several statistical parameters and that the nature of
`the comparison made by the classifier depends on the
`command of the said multiplexer.
`it comprises a learning multiplexer intended for receiving
`an external command signal and producing an operation
`according to a learning mode in which the registers of the
`classifier and of the time coincidences unit are deleted when
`starting to process a frame and that the analysis output
`register supplies values typical of the sequence of each of
`these registers.
`the memory of the classifier includes a set of independent
`registers D, each comprising one input, one output and one
`writing command, wherein the number of these registers D
`is equal to the number n of bits of the numbers of the
`succession V;j, and that it comprises a decoder enabling to
`output a command signal corresponding to the related input
`value (address) and a multiplexer controlled by this input
`value, thus enabling to read the chosen register.
`it comprises multiplexers, each of them being associated
`with the input of each register and combinatory modules
`connecting the registers to one another, wherein the said
`multiplexers enable to choose between sequential writing
`and a writing mode common to all the registers connected 35
`together by the combinatory modules.
`the combinatory modules comprise a morphological
`expansion operator including a thr

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