`(12) United States Patent
`Enzmann et al.
`Inventors. Mark J. Ensmann. Roswcli. GA (US),
`Robert T. Motun, Jr., Alphareua. GA
`(I.IS), Samuel ~ . Zellncr. 13&urwoody.
`CiA (US)
`(73) Assignee. BellSuuth Intellectual Property
`C:orporation, Wilmington, DEI (US)
`) Notice
`Subicc& to any &hsclauncr, the tern& of tlus
`pa&cut rs cxtcndcd or adjustc&1 under 35
`U 8 ('54(b) by 760 days
`(21) Appl. No . 09/739,315
`Dec. 19, 2000
`Int. Cl.
`/lt)4f/ 7720
`/lt/44/ /lyt)4
`(52) U.S. I'I.
`453/435.1; 455&404 2,
`455&456 I; 340/988
`(58) Field of Classificatiun Search ............. 45(/43( I,
`455/404 I, 404 2, 456.1 „457. 52 i, 426 I,
`340/988. 99i 992 993
`See application file for complete search history.
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`22 I:laims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 1 of 13
`US 7,130,630 B1
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`IJS Offic&al Action dated Oc(
`I 0& 8 I 9,940
`Co-pendtng I I S Appl No if 252,039 tiled Oct 17, 2005
`I. S Appl No
`I J S Oflicial Act&on &hi(ed Jul
`26. 2005 &n
`09) 740,414
`LJ S Appl No 09 630,134. ent&tied "Method and System for
`Dehveiy of a Callin Pmty*s Loca(&on.*'iled Aug I, 2000, Inven-
`tois Sana&cl N /cllncr; Ma&k.l bnzmann, and Robcn1 Moton.)r
`LJ S Appi No 09 740AM, ent&tied "Location Block&ng Service
`iiom a W&reless Seri&ce Provalei,*'iled Dec 19, 2000, In&enters
`Samuel N Zellnei. Mask J Enzmann. and Robert T Moton Jr
`LJ S Appl No 09)740.372, ent&tied "Identity Block&ng Serv&ce from
`a W&rclcss Scn rce Prov&dc&,** file Dcc 19, 2(g)0, Invcnto& s Samuel
`N Zeilnei. Mark J Enzmann, and Robert T Moton Jr
`I J S Appl No 09&i39,162, enbtled "Sys(em and Me(hod Ior
`Surveyu&g \Virclcss Dcv&ac fisc&s by I ocation,** filed Dcc 19. 2000,
`Inventors Samuel N Zellnei, Mark J Enzmann. and Robeit T
`Moton .Ii
`IJ S Appl No 09) 739,340. cnt&tied "System and Method fm Usmg
`Locanon Informs(ion to Exmute an Acbon,*'iled Dec 19, 2000,
`I'nzmann, and Robe&t
`Inventors Smnuel N i'.cllner. Ma&k J
`Moton .Ii
`I I S Appl No 10&704,i7(, ent&tied "Locabon Block&ng Serv&ce for
`VJ&rclcss Nctv,orksy file Nov 12. 2001, Inventors Samud N
`Zellner M uk J Fnzmann. and Robert T Mo(on Jr
`I J S Appl No 10&819.940, eniitled "Anonymous Locauon Sar~ice
`for W&reless Netwoiks." filed Api 8 2004. Inventois Samuel N
`Zellner, M uk J Fnzmann. and Robert T Mo(on Jr
`U S Offic&al Action dated i ch
`IZ, 2003 in I.J S Appl No
`I J S Off&c&al Acbon dated Jul
`09&6 0 114
`I.J S Offic&al Act&on dated Jun 7. 2004, &n LJ S Appl No
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`LJS Off&c&al Act&on datMI May 16, 2003 &n LJS Appl No
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`4, 2005 &n US Appl No
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`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 2 of 13
`US 7,130,630 B1
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`09 739.340
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`I'S Ollicial Action dated Nov
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`09 7P) Ifi2
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`09 739.162
`I S Olftctal Action dated Nov lb. 2003 in U S Appl No
`09 740,414
`L'S Othcial Action dated Apr 21. 2004 in IJS Appl No
`09 740.414
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`09 740,414
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`3id Geneiation Partneisiup Pro)ect Technical Specification Gioup
`Services and System Aspects, Functional Stage 2 Descuption of
`Location Services in IJMTS (1999)
`hup nwwwopenwave comrusrnews
`20010320, "Open \Vase Announces Avaiksbihty to bnd-to-I nd Sct
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`S Appl No 09i 39.339
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`LJ S Appl No 09)606.(35
`IJ S Appl No 09'606.534
`(J S Appl No 09i719,140
`LJ S Appl No 09)630.134
`LJ S Othctat Action dated Feb 24 2006 cited in U S Appl No
`09r630,1 4
`I J S OQictai Action dated hbu. 10, 2006 cited in I. S Appl No
`(J S Appl No 11 29)5419, entitled "System and Method fm Using
`Location Infounatton to Execute an Action" filed Dec 9, 2005,
`.Ir. Maik J bnrmann, and Samud N
`Inventors Robert I Moton
`Ze liner
`LJ S Appl No 11296,149, entitled "System and Method foi Iisin
`Location Infoimalion lo Execute an Action*'iled Dec 9, 2005,
`Inventors Rober I Nloton .Ir, Maik J bnrmann, and Samuel X
`IJ S Appl No 1l'300.694 entitled "System and Method foi Using
`I ocation laformation to iivccutc an Action** filed Dcc
`15. 2005,
`Inventor Samuel N Zellnei
`LJ S Othctat Actton dated Api 21. 2006 cited in US Appl No
`(J S Ollicial Action dated .Jun
`09) 630 134
`7, 2005 in LJ S Appl No
`cited by cxamincr
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 3 of 13
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 1 of 4
`Sheet 1 of 4
`US 7,130,630 B1
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`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 4 of 13
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`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 4 of 13
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 2 of 4
`US 7,130,630 B1
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`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 5 of 13
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 3 of 4
`Sheet 3 of 4
`US 7,130,630 B1
`US 7,130,630 B1
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 6 of 13
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 6 of 13
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 4 of 4
`Sheet 4 of 4
`US 7,130,630 B1
`US 7,130,630 B1
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 7 of 13
`2 eon oe eo eo wee = ee well
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`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 7 of 13
`US 7,130,630 Bl
`The present invention is a location query service for use
`with a wireless network that tracks the location of network
`devices. Thc scll icc provides rcqucstcrs with Ilm locations
`of network users, bdsixl on Ihc locduons of the
`users'irelessBc(work dci ices. 111e service enables a rcqucstor to
`13A('K(iR(R)NI )
`1. Field of the Invention
`invention rclatcs Io Ihe Iield ol'ireless
`lite prcscnt
`networks. and ut particular, 10 wireless nelworks Iha! track
`the location of wireless network devices
`2 13ackground of the Invention
`In compliance with reguhstions pronndgated bv the Fed-
`lvireless net-
`eral ('omnninications Conunission (FCC),
`lvorks will soon pmvide services that are able to determine
`the location of all network users. These federally mandated
`services. known as enhanced wireless 911 (E911) services,
`will require wireless telephones to provide 911 call ceilters,
`or Public Safety Answering Points (V)AVs). with vital
`information necessaty to locate and identify a caller in an
`emergency To comply with E911 standards. w:ireless net-
`work providers will track the location and identity infomio-
`uon of all wirclcss callers, with the purpose ol'roviding
`to i:lllCIgCIli:)'CI S01111CI W hCII B CII 11 Cr dials
`SU C11 ill f0mlatliill
`911 fmm a wireless telephone The I'('("s wireless 11911
`rules require certain Commercial Mobile ttadio Services
`(('Ml(S) carriers to begin transmission of enhanced location
`and identity information in two phases. Phoae I requires
`carriers to transmit a caller*s telephone number ond general
`location to a PSAP. Phase H requires catrtcrs to provide
`morc prixise location informauon to thc PSAP.
`Under the li('('ule~. wireless networks and the corre-
`sponding wireless handheld devices, such as cellular tele-
`phone~, lvill provide both the identity and location of the
`caller to a 911 dispatcher. To provide a caller's identity. the
`wireless handheld device will furnish a mobile identiTicotion
`number (MIN), Indicdtutg ui most utstances Ihe Iclcplxlne
`number of tlu: device. Thc wireless network imd wireless
`hondheld devices will provide the locauon of callers usuig a
`netlvork-based location system (e.g . triangulation), global
`positionin systems ((ipgs) within the handheld devices. or
`a combination of the two systems.
`Although. in large part, wireless network providers will
`implmnmit Ihc location Iracking systems Io comply with thc
`FCC standards, once completed, Ihe providcrs will have thc
`dbibty 10 oiler other location-bitscst services supported by
`the 11911 infrastructure Indeed, beyond the needs of VSA Vs
`in enlergency situations. there are many instances in which
`is helpful to know the location of o network user. For
`example. a service dispatcher monitoring the activities of lus
`scrvicc tcclmicians may wish to dciernunc thc exact loca-
`tions of his tcclmicians Io facilitate elficient scheduling.
`Although, with conventional mobile tctcqthone networks, the
`dispatcher could call and ask the technician filr his location,
`the dispatcher may prefer to ascertain the location intonna-
`tion witlmut interruptin the tecluiician's activities.
`Other location tracking systems provide the ability to
`dciernunc a person's location w ilhout communicaling with
`thc person However,
`these solutions
`rixpnre dedicated networks and network devices. For
`instance, although a global positioning system can pmvide
`a person's location without contacting the person, the sys-
`tem requires that the party requesting the location infomio-
`tion (referred to herein as the "requester' hove conmiuni-
`Cotltill llardw Bri: tllitt tCCi:lvCS IIIC IOCB11011 llllonllB11011 flolll
`thc person's OPS rccmvcr. For example, in a typical Iieet
`iehicle tracking system, thc Ilcct manager nuist purchase
`and maintain a centmsl processor that conununicates v ith the
`(iVS receiver in each vehicle.
`obtain a nenvork user's location without requinng conunu-
`nication with the user In addition, the service relieves a
`'" requester of the burden of purchasing and maintainin
`dedicated location tracking equipment by taking advantage
`Of CXIStlllg ConlllllllllCdlloll lllfIBSIIUCIUICS, SUi:11 BS global
`computer networks, Publm Switchcst Tclephonc Networks
`(PSTNs), ond wirclcss Bc(works (with their soon-Io-be-
`inlplemented location systems).
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present
`the location query service receives a location
`query from a requestor lor a network user, retrieves Ihe
`location infomiation of thc network user, and rctums Ihe
`location information to the requestor. Preferably,
`requestor is an authorized requestor and the service authen-
`ticates that the requestor is authorized before returning the
`location information to the requestor. Within the query. the
`requestor provides an identification of the network user,
`Icleplxlnc number, Internet address, or
`such as a name,
`clectrotuc mail (email) address Thc service ol'hc present
`invention supports a variety ot comnlunication methods
`through which a requestor can submit a location query, filr
`exaniple, voice calls thmu h the Public Switched Telephone
`11) Netv ork (PSTN)
`to an interactive voice response unit
`(IVRU). personal conlputer access through a global com-
`puter Bc(work. Bnd cellular telephone access through a
`global computer Bc(work.
`In processing location queries. a preferred enibodiment of
`the present invention gives the networt user control of who
`cmi receive his location infomiotion. The network user
`pro vnlcs the service w 1th 0 lisi Of au(bonded requestors who
`may rcccive thc user's location int'onnation. Thc service
`authcnticotcs thor 0 rcqucstor is authonzcd bcforc fomard-
`ing location information.
`In on alternate preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, the location query service pmmpts a networt user
`each time on unmithonzed rcqucstor asks lbr location udor-
`malion An uttauthorizcd rcqucstor is a rcxtucstor who is not
`destgttated on a network user's hst of authorized requestors
`and v ho has not been pre-appmved to receive the user's
`location information. With these "otf-list'* requests,
`network user permits or denies access for unauthorized
`(oflzlist) requestors on an individual basis. wtule automoti-
`citll)'crlllluillg Bcccss bv dUIllonzcd (otl-list) lixlilcstcls.
`In a preferred embodiment. the system of the present
`invention includes a user wireless network and a location
`server. The user wireless netvvork is In conuminication with
`a plurality of network devices opemsted by a plurality of
`network users. The user wireless Bc(work is also ui com-
`mutucation with 0 location system lor detcrmuung thc
`location of each network device. The locauon server is in
`communication with the lvireless netlvork and w:ith a plu-
`to mslity of requestors 'I'he location server accommodates a
`variety of interfaces in connnunicating with the plurality of
`requestors. For example. for Internet protocol (IP) conunu-
`nical ion, the location seri cr commuiuca tea with thc plurality
`of rcqucstors Ihrough a global computer network, c.g., Ihe
`Internet As miother cx;miplc. Ior voice communication, Ihe
`location server communicates with the plurality of request-
`ors through a VS1'N
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 8 of 13
`US 7,130,630 Bl
`According to a prefi:rred method ol Ihe prcsmtl invention,
`the location server receives a location query for a nenvork
`user front a requestor, retrieves the user's location from the
`location system. and forwards the location back to the
`requestor. Preferably, the location server also contirms tlmt
`the requestor is mithonzed 10 receive the user's location. In
`an dltcmate prcfi:rrcd cmbodimcnl, if lhc locauon system
`provides lhe locauou in a '*raw" form, not easily uixlerstood
`by the typical requestor (e.g, x-y position coordinates), the
`nlethod fiirther includes tmnslating the location from the nsw 10
`form to a "displayable" foun (e g., a street address, building
`nante, or area name). The system component that executes
`this translation function ls a mapping converter. The map-
`pmg convcrlcr can bc provisioned ut several localions 0 i!lan
`Ihe system, from thc rcqucslor*s device to Ihe devices of thc
`plurality of requestors
`it is an object of the present invention to
`Accordin ly,
`pmvide a requester with the location of a wireless nenvork
`Another object of the pre~ant invention is to provide a zo
`ssirelcss network user with Ihc ability lo automatically
`funush specdicd rcqucslcrs with the locauon of flte network
`Another object of the present invention is to provide a
`wireless network user with the ability to approve or deny
`access to the user* a location iniitrmation by a requestor who
`has not been pre-approved.
`11&csc and other oblixm of Ihe prcscnl
`invmtlion arc
`dcscnbtxl ut greater detail ut thc deuiihx! descnption of thc
`invention, the appended drmvings. and the attached claims.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram 01'
`system arclnlecturc
`that provides the location query service according to a )s
`preferred embodiment of the present invention
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart tracmg the steps for proviihng a
`location query service according to a preferred embodiment
`01 Iltl: prcscitl iiivi:iitioit.
`FIG. 3 is a schematic dmgmm oi a syslem arclnleclure do
`tissu pioviilt:1 litt: locdlioit qUcry scivici: Bccordiitg 10 Bit
`alternate preferred embodiment, in ivhich a device's location
`is periodically recorded in a location database 300
`FIG. 4 is a schematic dmgmm oi a syslem arclnleclure
`tissu pioviilt:1 litt: locdlioit qUcry scivici: Bccordiitg 10 Bit
`allenrdtc prcfi:rrcd mnbodimcnt of thc prcsmtl
`with the mapping converter pmvisioned in alternate loca-
`Dill'Ail lil) Dli)('RIPI'ION Ol'I'Ill'.
`lllc pitwcitl iitvcitlioii ls d locBlioit query scivii:c for Usc
`with a tvireless nenvork that tracks the locations of nenvork
`I'he location query service provides a requestor v ith 1
`the location of a network user. In providing this service. the
`present invention contemplates future enhanced digital cel-
`lular nclvsorl s, ut which network users will usc digital
`ili:vices 10 access t)BIB iroitt a
`lobe l
`ccllUiilr ltditiiltclil
`computer nctssork, and in wluch thgital cellular network io
`pmviders tvill track the location of each network user.
`Referring to FICi. 1. the primmy components of a pre-
`li:rrcd cmboduumtt of thc present invcnuon include a loca-
`non server 100 and a user wireless network 102. User
`ss irelcss nclvv ork 102 is ut conunuiucduon 11 ilh a plurality of as
`nettvork devices 104 I,ocation server 100 is in comntuni-
`cation tvith user wireless nenvork 102 and with a plurahty of
`rcqucslors 106. Thc plurality of rcqucstcrs 106 employ any
`suitable means to comnninicate ii ith location server 100, but
`prcfi:rably use al least onc of a PC rcqucslor 108, a wireless
`requestor 110, and a wire)inc requestor 112 I'or communi-
`cauou bclwisen location sets er 100 mtd PC requeslor 108.
`thc present invention includes a global computer network
`114. For conunumcanon between location server 100 and
`v ireless requestor 110 (tvhich has IP messaging capabili-
`the present invention includes a requestor wireless
`network 116 and global computer netv orl 114 for IP mes-
`saWng. and requestor wireless networl 116 and a PSTN 118
`fiir voice communication. For communication bclw tun loca-
`tion scrvcr 100 aiui wirelinc rcqucstor 112,
`thc present
`invention includes PSTN 118.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, user svireless network 102 is in conununication
`v ith a location systent 120 that provides the locations of the
`plurahly of network dctices 104. Locauou system 120
`includes one or both oi'handhcld location systems 122 and
`a network-based location system 124 llandheld location
`systems 122 are provisioned in wireless handheld devices
`104 Nenvork-based location systems 124 are part of user
`wireless network 102.
`Location system 120 protides the location inl'ormation,
`e g., position coordutatcs. of a handlmld dcvicc, wluch
`indicates where a network user is located. location system
`120 cmt be a part of the tvireless network or can be contained
`in the handheld devices. In the preferred embodnnent of the
`present invention. as shosvn in FICi 1„)ocation system 120
`ls bollt a piirl 01 lite ss licit:ss network aitd is also coitldiitix!
`iu thc handhcld dcviccs. For cxamplc, suitable methods of
`dclcrnuning location as a part oi'hc wirclcss network
`include Wireless Access Pmtocol (WAP) location services,
`'I'ime Diiference of Arrival ( I'DOA) location systems, Angle
`of Arrival (AOA) location systems, and other systems usin
`tnangulation across cell sites or cell sectors. An example of
`a suilable location system ut Ihc handheld dcviccs is a GPS.
`If location system 120 pmvides location infi)rmation in
`mw form, a further preferred enlbodinlent of the present
`invention inciudes a mapping converter 126. An example of
`information in raw form would be CiPS coordinates, with
`telephone user is unfamiliar. As used
`v hich the typical
`herein, *'raw" refers lo loca iion utforma non in a rudimentary
`fiirm, such that a typical telephone user would lind il diflicull
`to understand. "I)isplayable" refers to location information
`easily understood by a typical nenvork user Although dis-
`playable may imply a visual communication. as used herein,
`the term extends to other forms of communication, such as
`audio-based comnninication. Mapping
`includes a cross-rcfi:renccd database that allows mapputg
`CoitvCrtCI 126 10 lraitsidli:
`last 10Calioii
`displayable location infonltation. Itor example, the database
`of mapping converter 126 could include an entry associating,
`coordinates "R-S" (raw information) tvith the description
`"101 Park Place" (displayable infounatlon).
`Allltoi iglt sltoss il its d scpit 1 iuc ciiitipoitcitl of lite 5)'it itt iit
`FIG. I, mapping converter 126 could be integral
`component described above One of ordinary skill in the art
`v ould understand that the hinctions and stmcture of map-
`ping converter 126 could be located ln seveml diflbrent
`places, any~here from location system 120 to the conunu-
`nicalion devices of thc rcqucstors 106 For example, map-
`ping converter 126 could bc locatnl within network-based)
`location system 124. As mtother cxamplc, mapping con-
`verter 126 could also be located within location server 100
`Regardless of tvhere mappin converter 126 is pmvisioned,
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1040 - Page 9 of 13
`US 7,130,630 Bl
`is to deliver ihsplayable location
`the dcsircd cnd result
`information to tile plurality of requestors 106.
`I,ocation server )00 executes the service logic of the
`present invention, including receiving location queries front
`requesters 106. confirming the access levels of requestors
`106. obtaining the location infomiation of wireless network
`devices 104, and rcturuutg the locauon information to
`rcquesicrs 106. Although shown as a separate componmt! in
`Iif(i. 1. one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate that
`location server 1(H) could be a part of another systent
`componenn such as user wireless nenvork 102. VS'I'N 118,
`or global computer network 114.
`In a representative embodiment, location server 100 con-
`sists of two components. Thc Iirst component is a locating
`mecharusm /such as location system 120) that detcnniues
`locations of nenvork devices 104 using, various technologies
`/e .. Gpsh triangulation. radio digital delay, and cell sector)
`and conibinations thereof qhe location mechanism can
`reside in a ne(work device ie, GPS) or within user
`wireless network 102 The lncation mechanism produces x-y
`coorduiatcs that arc typically transnuttcd to thc second
`component ol'ocation server 100, which couki be in the
`same box or could be connected via an IV network The
`second component of location server 100 integrates the
`coordinate mfiirntation mto various mapping systents and
`provides an interface to other applications through various
`protocols, of which IP is the most common.
`In a prefcrrcd cmboduncnt of the prcscnt
`location server 100 is in communication v,ifli a memory
`stomge 128 Memory storage 128 is a database or other
`memory storage device that can record relationslups
`betiveen device identifications fe o.. MINs) and network
`user identifications. In addition. memory storage contains
`authorized requestor lists for each device identification.
`Although FI(i I shows memory stomgc 128 as a separate
`component ol thc system accessible to location server 100,
`memory storage 128 could bc con(amos! within location
`server 100
`Wireless handheld devices 104 opemte over user wireless
`network 102. Familiar examples include pa. ers and cellular
`telephones. As a minimum, v ireless handheld devices 104
`provide network users with wirclcss communication and
`coopcratc with user wireless network 102 to provide thc
`location of thc device. This coopcrauon may simply uivolvc
`wireless transntissions to user wireless network 102 that
`enable netivork-based location system 124 to ascertain the
`locations of devices 104. Or, in conjunction with network-
`based location system 124, v ireless handheld devices 104
`Ilttiy'llCIUdC lialldllcld IOCtltloll sv's(Cilia 122. silClt Bs GPSB
`integral to the devices To Ihciliuitc thc dltcnwtc preferred
`cmbodimcnt ut which a network user responds to ofitlist
`requests, v ireless handheld devices 104 include messagiag
`capabilities that can conimunicate a request fiir access. the
`identification of the unauthorized requestor. and a response
`by the nenvork user. For example. such messaging capabili-
`ucs cmi bc audio-based. text-based, or graplncal. Preferably,
`wireless handheld dcwccs 104 arc WAP-compatible tlun
`clients luivuig tlun browscrs adapted to access global com-
`puter netivork 114 and to comnnuiicate with location server
`Global computer network 114 provides conununication
`between TCP/IP requestor devices and