`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 1151225418 B2
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Jeffrey D Mullen, New York, NY (US)
`) Notice
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of tlus
`pa(cut is cxtcndcd or adjusted under 35
`U S C. IS4(b) by 6 days.
`5,(/86.390 A
`5.097,416 A
`5, I 97,0932
`5,305,201 A
`5,327.(44 A
`5.337,334 A
`5.341,410 A
`5,384.824 A
`5.388,147 A
`2 I'/9/2 Vtstthews
`3((992 Ms((bess s
`3 (993 nambuiak
`4 1994 htatthews
`7 (99/4 Stilp ct si
`8'1994 Antero Aivesaio
`8i1994 Aron ei sl
`1 I'/9/5 Ahnsalo
`2((995 Ginnes
`(21) Appl. No: 11/485,161
`Jul. 12, 2006
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2006/0252431 Al
`Nov 9. 2006
`Related U.S. Application Data
`('ontinuation of application No 10/400,296. tiled on
`Mar 25, 2003, now Pat. No 9,635,540
`(60) Provisional apphcation No. 60/367.9(i7, filed on Mar.
`25. 2002.
`(200(i 01)
`(2009. 01)
`lnt. Cl.
`Hi)4i44 11!()8
`H84IV 8/14
`H84IV 64/88
`H04IV 8/16
`(52) U.S. «1.
`CPC ........... H84)V 8!14 (2013.01): H84IV 64/88
`(2013.01). 11041('!16 (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ............................................. H04W 64/006
`USPC .... 4S5/404.1, 404.2, 410, 4S6.1 —456.3, 457
`Scm applicauon lilc for complete search lnstory.
`References Cited
`4.654,879 A
`5.043, 36 A
`3 1987 Gotdmsa et si
`8i1991 Duneli ei sl
`(I(iN PAI'I!N1 iXJ('I/MI(NT)
`9'0 99 (l07(7(t
`WO 99i009775
`2 1999
`ETSI TS 101 513 "Digital Cellular Telecommunications Sys(em
`(Phase 2) Location Seivices (LCS).*'SM 1271, aversion 80 1
`Primiiri Exiiminer William J Dence. Jr.
`Systems and methods for locating a cellular phone are
`provided. More particularly. systems and methnds for pro-
`vidin the location of a requested user*a cellular phone from
`a rcqucstuig user's device (c.g., a second cellular phone)
`based on access nghts dclincd by thc requested user. Loca-
`tion descriptions may be pmvided at a multitude of levels
`Iior example, if a cellular phone, or an identity associated to
`(e g., logged into) a cellular phone, has been given access
`rights to a cell phone's exact
`location for an indefinite
`amount of time. that ceil phone can receive. on command,
`thc exact location ol'hc approved cell phone. Other lcvcls
`of location infiinnauon tha( can bc granted include,
`exaniple, proximities, states, and countries
`30 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 1 of 28


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`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 2 of 28


`US 11,122,41S B2
`Page 3
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`Vtr0 00t035228
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`WO 00t064075
`\V&) (IO&076194
`WO 00 076243
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`ETSI TS 101 527 "Dtgtral Cellular Teleconununtcattons System
`(Phase 2+) Locatton Set+tees (LCS) Mobtle Stetson (MS) Senung
`Mobtle Locatton Centre (SMLC),*'hadto Resource LCS Protocol
`(RRI P). (ISM 04 31, act ston 8 I (I 199')
`e ci&cd by examiner
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 3 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 1 of 17
`Sheet 1 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`FIG. 1
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 4 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 4 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 2 of 17
`Sheet 2 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
` Location Request
`No Access
`Access Allowed?
`Get Location
`According to
`Allowed Attributes
`Provide Location
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 2
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 5 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 5 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 3 of 17
`Sheet 3 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`FIG. 3
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 6 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 6 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 4 of 17
`Sheet 4 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Brenden Epps
`Eric Nicklaus
`Jef Leon
`Ken Gould
`Mike Gerome
`§ Susan Pracht
`FIG. 4
`FIG. 4 \ 400
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 7 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 7 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 5 of 17
`Sheet 5 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Locating Susan Pracht...
`FIG. 5
`FIG. 5
`+ 5oo
`NN 900
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 8 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 8 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 6 of 17
`Sheet 6 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Susan Pracht Found At
`1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
`(49th-50th Street&6th Avenue)—640
`is 2.5 Miles Away
`Susan Pracht
`FIG. 6
`FIG. 6
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 9 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 9 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 7 of 17
`Sheet 7 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Mapof Susan Pracht's Location
`_ Directions
`Set Location Alerts
`Susan Pracht's Travel Time To You
`FlG. 7
`FIG. 7
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 10 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 10 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 8 of 17
`Sheet 8 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Locate Rights
`Susan Pracht Has Not Given You
`FIG. 8
`FIG. 8
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 11 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 11 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 9 of 17
`Sheet 9 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Brenden Epps
`Eric Nicklaus
`Jef Leon
`Ken Gould
`Mike Gerome
`FIG. 9
`FIG. 9
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 12 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 12 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 10 of 17
`Sheet 10 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Exact Location
`FlG. 10
`FIG. 10
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 13 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 13 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 11 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`FIG. 11
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 14 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 12 of 17
`Sheet 12 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`FIG. 12
`FIG. 12
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 15 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 15 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 13 of 17
`Sheet 13 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Please Enter Locate Login
`Please Enter Locate Password
`FIG. 13
`FIG. 13
`NN 1300
`FIG. 14
`FIG. 14
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 16 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 16 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 14 of 17
`Sheet 14 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`FIG. 15
`FIG. 15
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 17 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 17 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 15 of 17
`Sheet 15 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`~ 600
`Wireless Device
`(e.g., Watch, Cell Phone)
`10. a
`Cell Phone
`Database77L=— Network
`TE Base Station
`Ae 1640 Te
`Non-Wireless Facility (e.g.,
`Credit Card Authorization
`Non-Wireless Device
`(e.g., Computer)
`FIG. 16
`FIG. 16
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 18 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 18 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 16 of 17
`Sheet 16 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`Get Location
`According To
`Check Access
`QO Deliver "No-
`Report Location
`FIG. 17
`FIG. 17
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 19 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 19 of 28


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 14, 2021
`Sep. 14,2021
`Sheet 17 of 17
`Sheet 17 of 17
`US 11,122,418 B2
`US 11,122,418 B2
`FIG. 18
`FIG. 18
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 20 of 28
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 20 of 28


`US 11,1
`22,418 B2
`'Iliis application is a continuation of U S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 10/400,296, filed on Mar. 25, 2003. wluch
`clduns the bmielit of U.S. Provisional Applicanon No.
`filed on Mar. 25. 2002, both of which. are
`incorporatcxt by rcgcrencc hcrcui in their entirety.
`line uivention rclatcs to systems and methods for detcr-
`niinina a device's location More particularly. this invention
`relates to systems and methods for remotely determining a
`device's location
`The Cilobal Positioning System (CiPS) has been devel-
`oped ui which a ground-based system can rcccne GPS
`signals from satellites and determine its location based on
`the time that it takes the GPS signals 10 nuIcll tile gtoulld-
`based system. (Ienerally, three satellite signals are needed to
`detcrmuie where in thc world a rcceivcr is loca(cd (I.c.,
`position triangulation)
`(JPS systems have been integrated into cellular phones.
`However, these systems are deticient because the location of
`a device that is determined by these CiPS signals are only
`nnmmally utilizixl. 11 is therclorc desirable to provide sys-
`tems mid methods which better utilize Ihc ufibmiation about
`a device's location
`In accordance with thc prcscnt invennon, systems and
`niethods are pmvided for locating cellular phones More
`invention pn&vides systems and
`the present
`metlu&ds for allowing a user of a cellular phone (e.g. a
`requestin user or a requestor) to locate the position of a
`difli:rmit user's cellular phone (e... d requested user) based
`upoti rcxtucstol-assi gilcd ili cess nglts.
`One object of the prcscnt invention is to provule a security
`feature which allows a user to limit and/or deny location
`access to a particular user. In preferred embodiments. Oifiy
`the users that have been granted access to the location of a
`user's cellular phone can actually locate that user*s celluLar
`phone. Furthermore, ihlfi:rent types uf access lcvcls may be
`provided that allow n user to filter location information to a
`illfiblclit IISCI. Ill tlllS lllaill&CO II CCII pili&1&C IISiz llldV glvC
`access, thmugh his or her cell phone. to a friend so that the
`friend can locate hint or her dependent on the level nf access
`that is gmsnted to that friend.
`For exaniple, suppose that Phil tells Bill that he will be
`shoppuig in Manhauau and that Bill should locate him when
`Bfil gcm io Manhattan through their cell phones. In such an
`example. Phil may grnnt Bill access thc exact locanon of lus
`cell phone for a specific period of time (e.g . the next tv o
`hours). As a result. when Ihll tries to access Phil'
`Bill will be told exactly v here in Manhntmn Phil*a cell
`phone is located. Thus. Bill does not have to contact Phil
`directly to see whcrc he is and. therefore, Pint docs not have
`to spend miy tune giving Bill verbal dirimtions, Bill can
`simply sce wlrdt store Phil is currently ui and go to it.
`As mentioned previously, levels in the scope of access
`niay be controlled by a user such that, for example: only a
`user's exact locauon, dpproxunate locauou. city, suite, or
`country can be accessed by a particular user
`I,ocation alerts and nionitoring features are also provided
`1 &or example. Phil nmy ive .Ien. a resident of Pittsbur h. city
`access so that &shen Phil travels into Pittsburgh. Jen will be
`alerted of Phil*a presence. Such an alert may take the fomi
`ot; for example. a display on Jcn's cell phone that commu-
`nicatcs to Jcn '*Plul is in Pittsburgh."
`I,nesting a cellular phone niay be accomplished in several
`in ways For example. satellite positioning systems such as the
`Cilobal Positional System and the soon to be deployed
`Cialileo system may be used to locate a user*a cell phone.
`User positions and security settings may be regularly or
`lo a remote system, such a remote
`manually tninsnuttcst
`database so that requestuig users can locate a rcqucstcxt
`user's position even if the requested user turns his/her cell
`phone Ol'F PL&cing the security measures on a remote
`system (e.g, remnte database, coniputer, or server) pmvides
`an infomiation brokering scheme such that the system is still
`zo operable even ivhen cell phones are added, removed. or
`IllodlllCd frolll tllC SVS(CIII.
`Additionally. thc present im mition may bc configured to
`pmvide additinnal information about the location of a user
`Such additional information may be. fi&r exaniple, a map. a
`location marker nn a niap. a map that changes as the user
`moves. a compass, coordinates of the located cell phone,
`directions to the h&cated cell phone. v here a user is in
`relation to another user. and infomintion about thc location
`thc loca(cd user is currently positioned in or nearby locations
`so such as landmarks. Such information may be provided by a
`remnte information provider(e .. a remote n&ap information
`pmvider) and accessed by an information broker through a
`conununications net&york.
`Many other features are also employed that realizes
`&I advantageous locatmg lunctionality. As per an example,
`suppose that a wifb vents to scc if her husband has lef1 w urk
`yct. She can locate her husbmid. without having to talk to
`him, and realize that he is driving honte on a highway. 'I'hus,
`a tm&vel time optinn may be provided to the user 'I'his option
`do would compute the distance between the ss ife*s location and
`husband's location by taking multiple location readings of
`thc husband's locanon to scm how fast
`thc husband is
`traveling. Altcrnauvely. bccnusc the husbmid's position will
`llliip lo II lllgllwaV, 111C SVS(ctli Illa&'SSUII&C that 111C USCI is
`driving and may pmvide the wife with an estimate on the
`husband's arrival time based on an assumed route. In this
`manner, the present invention may determine how much
`time it will take the husband to reach the wife and display
`tlus infi&nnalion to thc wile.
`As pcr other cximiples. a "sec my lbmnds" opnon may
`also bc provided (liat bnngs up a map of a dcsircd arcs. Duts
`or symbols inay be present on the map to signify the location
`of all user's from &vhich the requesting user has location
`information for. SimiL&rly. a "find closest friend** option may
`&1 be employed which finds the closest user v ith which the
`rcqilcsllllg riser llas locdtloi& Iicccss to
`A cell phone location may by accessed by a vanety of
`other devices. Altcrnativcly, a cell phone may be used to
`access the location of a variety of other devices
`the internet and access a remote database to either provide
`the most recent location information about the husband*s
`cell phone to hcr or rcqucst a location update Irom the
`husband's cell phone. The wifids location may bc already
`ss stored in such a datnbase by associaung thc location to the
`IP address of the computer or by a manual input of the wife'
`'Ihe &vife's identity may be determined by,
`Iul'oexaniple, if the &vife was at honte. that wife n&ay connect to
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 21 of 28


`US 11,122,418 B2
`example. a login and password on a websilc. Thus. Ihc
`above-identified security measures are not limited to device-
`to-dcvicc locating ruther user to user locdling, Ihc wife may
`only access the lnisband's location if the lnisband has
`granted access for the wife lo do so. If, by accident, thc
`wife's cell phone breaks, she may login on a friend's cell
`phone and determine the husband's location according to the
`device that the lnisband Is logged into
`Security is preferably taken into account in the present
`invention and, therefore, locauon rights fiir a spccilic user
`may be given to a different user only by that specific user.
`How cvcr, a user may rcqucsi localiun access rights from a
`ditferent user. Ilor exaniple, a user may be pnivided ivith a
`request location scrcmi on hm cell phime and tlxit user (c g.,
`user "X") may enter in the cell phone nmnber of the cell
`phone whose location Is desired. The user associated to the
`entered cell phone munber may then receive an alert that
`says "user X has requested access to your location." Loca-
`uon access may then bc given or denied on multiple levels
`and the requesting user notified of the decision.
`lhc location limturc of Ihc present
`invention may be
`tumed ON or Olili at any time Users may be added,
`IiliiivlilUdllv'f Iii groups,
`lo a IISI Of USCIS with 1OCdlioli
`deci:ss rights to a spccilic user by thai specilic user. A
`specific user may, at any tmie, modify. delete, or add users
`allowed to access his or her location. I,ogin and password
`information may be included to increase security or to create
`a user protile. allow in a specific user to log into any cell
`invention (and
`phone and be recognize by the present
`thcrcby bc located with that cell phone or locatable device).
`lhc principles und advantages of Ihe prcsmil invention
`cmi bc more clearly understood lbom Ihc follow m detailed
`descnption considcrcd in contuncuun with lhc followuig
`drawings. in which the sante reference mimensl ~ denote the
`same structural elements thmughout, and in which
`FIG, 1 is a network topology of a cell phone locating
`network in accordance with the principles of the present
`FIG. 2 ls II fiow cital I oi llii: loca iiiig fcalUIc Iii accolilaiicc
`with Ihc principles of Ihe present invemionl
`I 1Ci 3 is an illustration of a cell phone in accordance v ith
`the principles of the present invention;
`FIG. 4 is a dispLay screen for a locate ibanlre in accor-
`dance with with the principles of the present invention,
`FIG. 5 Is d dlsplllv scrci:Il iol a rclrii:viilg liicalioii sldnls
`li:alurc in accordance with ihc pruiciples of Ihc present
`FIG 6 is a display screen fora dispLsying location feature
`in accoriLsnce with the principles of the present invention;
`FIG, 7 is a display screen listing options iiir a locate
`feature in accordance with the principles of lhe present
`FIG. 8 Is a display scrccn ol'
`I'ailcd locate li:dlure due to
`insuihcicnt rights In accordance with Ihe pmnciples of thc
`present invention:
`lqCi 9 is a display screen of adding and modifying locate
`ri hts and options to a user in accordance with the principles
`of the present invention:
`FIG. 10 is a display scrccn of assigiung location nghls to
`a user in accordance with the principles of lhc present
`FIG 11 is a display screen of alert options in accordance
`with the principles of the present invention:
`FICi 12 is a display screen of an alert limturc ui accor-
`dance with the principles of the present invention;
`FICi 13 Is a display scrccn oi'a login feature In accordance
`with the principles of thc present uivcntion,
`lli(i 14 is a display screen of a login feature m accordance
`with the principles of the present mvention;
`15 is a wireless device in accordance with the
`principles of the present invention:
`FICi 16 is an embodiment of a network topology in
`UI accordance with Ihc principles of Ihc prcscnl ulvcnlion,
`FICi 17 is an cmboihmcnt of a locaung fi:dturc in accor-
`dance with the principles of the present invention; and
`lg is an embodiment of a conimunications signa) in
`accordance with the principles of the present invention.
`Dli I'AII EI) I)l!S('RIP I1ON Oll 'll Ill
`I N ly I IN'I ION
`FICi. 1 depicts a network topology of device location
`io network 100 incorporating principles of the present inven-
`tion. Network 100 includes onc or more positioning satcl-
`litcs 110, 112. and 114 that can locate Ihc position ol'ne or
`nxire cell phones 120, 122, 126. and 124 (and other locatable
`devices) on liarth 101 Positionin satellites 110, 112, and
`114 niay be, for exaniple, the (ilobal Positioning System
`(CIPS) or the upcoming Galileo satellite network
`Preferabiy. any cell phone in net ork 100 may locate a
`dilfi:rent cell phone, as long as access to location informa-
`tion is allowed, throuJt Ihc ulilizauon of positioning sale)-
`so lites 110, 112, and 114 Persons skilled in the art will
`,'Ippi'cciatc that othef posftloillllg, s)'stellls alii mcthoiis lllav
`be used in locating the position of a user on a cell phone of
`network 100.
`To route infiirmation to and from a cell phone of netv'ork
`is 100 additional faciliucs and conununication paths may be
`included. For example, a maul facility (not shown ui FIG. 1)
`contauung user location access rights may bc includixl in
`network 100. Such a main facihty may retrieve location
`information directly fmm a positioning system or a cellular
`do phone and then route this information to a cellular phone or
`posftioliiilg svstciil.
`Pcrsoim skilled ui Ihe au will apprimiaic that Il'he Global
`Positioning System (GPS) is used as thc positioiung system
`then GPS rcccivers will be incorporutcxt uilo cellular phones
`of the present invention Persons skilled in the art will also
`appreciate that devices other than cellular phones inay
`include positionin features. For example„v atches, cloth-
`in, laptop computers. personal digital assistants (PDAs),
`may all contlun locauon systems (c.g., CiPS) and uulizc Ihe
`o security pnnciplcs ofthe presmu invmiuon to allow dilfcrcnl
`User s Io Iicccss Ilicsc iociuiiiils.
`2 shows flow chart 200 of a simphfied locating
`feature constructed in accordance with the principles of the
`present invention. Step 202 initiates when a user requests the
`location of another user's cell phone. Step 206 evaluates if
`thc user initialulg Ihc loca iion rcqucsl bus Ihc mghm to access
`thc location of the desired user. If no access mghis for thc
`rcqucsluig user lmvc been grmltcd then slap 204 will prcla
`erably inform the requestina user tlmt he/she has not been
`io given access to the requested location In this manner, every
`user may assign rights (e.g, govern the secunty) to whom
`may or may not locate him/her. In preferred embodiments,
`these nghts will be stored in, or funcuonahty cxcculcd I'rom,
`a remote facility and accessed and utilized by a user's cell
`Ss plloitc of oilier fcclUcstilig dcvicc (c.g.. d vvatcli or PDA).
`If access has been iven by a particular user that allows
`for the requesting user to locale that particular user, step 200
`Petitioner Apple, Inc.
`Exhibit 1008 - Page 22 of 28


`US 11,122,418 B2
`is uulialed and thc allowed location information is provided
`to the user in step 21U Step 208 Inay optionally tilter the
`location information such that only a portion infiinnatinn Is
`passed to the requesting user 'I'he requested user may have,
`for exanlple. defined that the requesting user only can obtain
`the city. state. or country of hts/her location. Persons skilled
`in the drt will apprcciatc that only lhe location of'he dcsircd
`user nccds lo have a cell phone or a posi(ioning system The
`requesting user may user other means (e.g „ the internet) to
`request the location of the desired user
`Persons skilled In the art will appreciate that the location
`of a user*a cell phone may be retrieved, in step 208, from a
`renlote database. facility. distribution center. or any orher
`sv'steat. More particularly, a rcmolc database may pcnodi-
`cally request Ihc location of a cell phone user with a
`positioniim system and store this inforination. 1'his database
`may also keep a record of those people allnwed to access
`that user's location, the extent to which access is allnwed,
`to winch a user has requesred a user*a
`and the extent
`location. A user may update. add, manipuLsre. or remove
`access at any umc by doing so al
`this database. Thus, a
`rcxfucsting user only has to contact lhe remote database, have
`his/her identity recognized, have his/her access rights tiir the
`requested user location determined, and, if the requesting
`user has the correct access rights, be pnivided with the
`requested user's location.
`Instead of a remote database periodically obminiilg loca-
`uon infiinnalion for a user, the database can obtain a user's
`locations wlu:n a rcqucst is made for that user's location,
`pmviding the requesting user has access tn the requested
`user's Incation 1lowever. persons skilled in the art will
`recognize that a remote database is utilized in the above
`examples that contains the locations. in most circumsmnces,
`of a nndtitude of users. Thus. to increase security even more,
`a rcqucsting user's cell phone may directly request a user's
`locaiion Ibom the rcqucslcd user*a ceil phone wilhoul the
`ncmd for a database
`In such an cximiple a user adds,
`nlanipulates, or removes access rights locally on his,'her cell
`phone and does not have to worry about security issues that
`surround pLscing his location on a remote database. Further-
`more. in such an embodunent a user* s location does not have
`lo bc unixi anywhere, a positioning system can lust bc
`"rend" by a requesting user with thc appropriate access
`I lowever. by recording a user's location nn a device. e g.,
`a ceil phone's memory or m a remote database. novel
`applications may be utihzed. For example. whenever a user
`makes a credit card purchase, a credit card authorization
`sv'stout ciiit Iccoi'0 llic locB(1011 of a cc'll photic iissoclBB:0 10
`thc purchasuig user.
`In tlus manner, a ncw system and
`method of fraud protection is introducix!. Thc credit card
`mithorization system nlay. fbr example, reject a purchase if
`the purchaser's cell phone (or watch, clothing. Pl )A, or other
`in the vicinity of the
`positioning enabled device) is not
`purchase. Alternatively, the credit card authorization system
`utdv rcqUcst a sccotid forlu of idcnlificdtit111 If lhc pUrchils-
`cr's cell phone location does nol corrclalc to lhc location of
`the credit card aulhomzation
`the purchase. Additiooally,
`the purchaser's cell phone and request
`systenl nlay call
`authorizatinn for the credit card purchase I lov ever, such
`features ivould preferably first involve the user/purchaser
`iving the credit card authorization system access ro the
`location of lus/hcr cell phone.
`As pcl 11110(hCI dpplii alioil, B UiuqUC iIBliilg/ina(Chlilg
`scrvicc could bc embodied For example. a user may store a
`munber nf preferences in a matching profile 'I hese prefer-
`ences nlay descnbe what type of person he is interested in
`Iuccliilg. Addi(totlallv, d Usct Iiulv slot'0, prcfcrablv locallv
`(for the dating,'matching feature) but alternatively at a
`remnte incation. his/her oivn profile that has data describing
`sinlilar att

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