DIRECT: A Query Facility for
`Multiple Databases
`of Colorado
`and design of a multldatabase
`is the architecture
`The subject of
`for business
`These databases
`are: presenting
`a uniform interface
`data from multiple
`the component
`and defining
`an architecture
`databases. The databases and their
`for heterogeneous
`is a query facility
`in their
`data models, names,
`types, and encoded values.
`of creating
`a global
`can differ
`of different
`are allowed
`to coexist. A multidatabase
`provides a uniform interface
`for retrieving
`data from different
`databases. DIRECT has
`been exercised with operational
`that are part of an automated
`for semantic
`H.2.3 [Database
`and Subject Descriptors:
`base Management]:
`General Terms: Languages, Management
`Languages; H.2.7 [Data-
`Key Words
`and Phrases: Data models,
`of a multidatabase
`and design
`an interactive
`system for
`has been
`for exploring
`a company maintains
`is not unusual
`on how
`in different
`and customer
`and on the
`and their
`ago these
`the choice
`of database management
`data may
`be stored
`in an IMS database
`and the customer
`in a DB2 database.
`a report
`on order,
`Research Grant.
`This work was funded by an IBM Shared University
`3035 Center Green Drive,
`addresses: U. Merz, Micro Decisionware,
`80301-5404; R. King, Department
`of Computer Science, University
`of Colorado, Campus Box 430,
`Boulder, CO 80309.
`the copies are
`is granted provided that
`fee all or part of this material
`to copy without
`the ACM copyright
`notice and the title
`not made or distributed
`for direct commercial
`of the publication
`and its date appear, and notice is given that
`copying is by permission
`for Computing Machinery.
`To copy otherwise,
`or to republish,
`a fee and/or
`specific permission.
`ACM 1046-8188/94/1000-0339
`on Information
`12, No.
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 001


`U Merz and R King
`the customer’s
`and the total
`from three
`and merging
`from heterogeneous
`A software
`databases. Many
`such as network
`and semantic
`are needed
`to automate
`of data
`in multiple
`to resolve
`of heterogeneity.
`is on the semantic
`The focus
`in spite
`whose objective
`is to provide
`a uniform
`and user
`of heterogeneous
`data manipulation
`the semantic
`services must
`the problem of
`the same meaning
`and distributed
`is possible
`to reconcile
`in data models
`and query
`a global
`a common
`data model.
`A second
`a uniform
`new data models will
`be introduced
`as software
`to changing
`needs. Therefore,
`is necessary
`for semantic
`and extensibility.
`the solution
`be identified
`and specified
`to make
`it possible
`to join
`and merge
`from different
`or more
`are semanti-
`to the same domain.
`in different
`are semantically
`(not necessarily
`for mapping
`or converting
`them from one domain
`the other.
`in the
`in the data
`and their
`and comments
`the data
`are important
`the considerations
`the following
`to identify
`is based
`the proposed
`(1) Allow the coexistence
`of different
`data models
`—to guarantee
`the individual
`(2) Unify
`—to retrieve
`as needed
`of existing
`1 This
`on Information
`12, No
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 002


`DIRECT: A Query Facillty
`(3) Define
`an architecture
`for semantic
`—to help
`a user
`to specify
`a multidatabase
`a cooperative
`and related
`Since coexistence
`for heterogeneous
`is a query
`and data
`for autonomy,
`is the basis
`to coexist
`is at
`the center
`also provides
`new data-modeling
`do not have to be mapped
`into the semantically
`of a global
`In contrast
`to previous
`does not
`a global
`but maintains
`of defining
`for mapping
`data elements,
`in identifying
`on the user, whose
`The proposed
`for semantic
`is to report
`in multiple
`and whose judgment
`is needed
`to identify
`data elements.
`The architecture
`is based
`on an architecture
`is to assist users
`in tasks
`are based on human
`on analytical
`an iterative
`have been developed,
`two of which were evaluated
`1988]. Three
`in informal
`was to understand
`the user’s
`of specifying
`a multidatabase
`tests played
`an invaluable
`role in defining
`the solution.
`ing the user’s
`of specifying
`a multidatabase
`led to identifying
`In turn,
`as the
`the proposed
`for semantic
`3 provides
`The following
`an overview
`the proposed
`for semantic
`and its partic-
`4 describes
`a sample
`and Section
`5 provides
`an assessment
`and summary
`the research
`systems. Differences
`to the proposed
`in database manage-
`by research
`are outlined.
`2.1 Schema
`and imposing
`of removing
`The principles
`for centralized
`of the individual
`et al.
`tion methodologies
`on a semantic
`data model.
`are mapped
`on Information
`12, No
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 003


`U. Merz and R. King
`a global
`and are then merged
`data model
`in a uniform
`a single
`tion will meet
`all data
`the extensibility
`The capability
`to change
`is not easily
`add databases
`new data-modeling
`are static,
`do not
`to existing
`or the addition
`of new schemas. Also,
`is no guarantee
`can be mapped
`into the constructs
`a particular
`data model.
`to coexist
`data models
`is preserved
`the individual
`are more
`do not
`to be mapped
`of a particular
`data model.
`a single
`The result
`2.2 Multidatabase
`[ 1987]
`is important,
`a uniform
`of creating
`to dispense
`a multidatabase
`and merging
`data values
`a uniform
`to data
`in the individual
`the data
`of a global
`and Abdellatif
`et al. 1991; Litwin
`to specify
`new language
`query model
`to resolve
`the multidatabase
`to convert
`and Abdellatif
`uses multiple
`and semantic
`to define
`The design
`et al. 1991]
`These proposals
`do not address
`the problem users have identifying
`also do not discuss
`the issues
`in extending
`to data models
`the relational
`a multidatabase
`for specifying
`of providing
`help users
`to identify
`as join
`the research
`the design
`a prototype
`above. The prototype
`to validate
`on Information
`12, No
`4. October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 004


`DIRECT: A Query Facility
`to explore
`an architecture
`the following
`in query
`in data models,
`and commercial
`of research
`A number
`(see Fi~re
`of different
`to resolve
`by Batini
`et al.
`schema with
`a uniform
`data model
`a methodology
`for defining
`data elements. Multidatabase
`as MDSL
`and IDL,
`a common
`for specifying
`The commercial
`1991] provides
`a relational
`data dictionary
`a uniform
`space for all data
`A software
`called Carnot
`all database
`in a knowl-
`system that
`to match
`and map
`are mapped
`a canonical
`and by making
`ii, a joint
`the software
`system and
`the user
`to identify
`the semantically
`an architecture
`as implemented
`3.1 An Architecture
`for Semantic
`the semantic
`of an architecture
`The functional
`as described
`in Lemke
`2) are similar
`to those of Design Environments
`of Design
`to solve
`it allows
`to bring
`A Design
`The parser makes
`able by transforming
`them and importing
`The work
`area provides
`a visual
`The palette
`can be used to create
`a design
`The catalog
`a collection
`of design
`and modified.
`to invalid
`The critic
`tive solutions
`the construction
`be reused
`them into the Design Environment.
`a visual
`the design
`the parts
`and suggests
`on Information
`VO1. 1~. No. 4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 005


`U. Merz and R, King
`Match Compatbie
`Data Elements
`Data Description
`Single Cuery
`Global Language
`Single Query
`Local Language
`Separate Database Schemas
`Different Data Models
`Separate Database Schemas
`Single Data Model
`Global Schema
`Single Data Model
`of solutions
`The code generator
`Code Generator.
`ated within
`the Design
`the system.
`an external
`for use
`(see Figure
`2) as realized
`for semantic
`The architecture
`the following
`—a component
`for storing
`—a catalog
`—a component
`for defining
`—a component
`for processing
`—a component
`for exporting
`and descriptions.
`a Design Environment,
`As with
`It contains
`and data types.
`the architecture
`for semantic
`has a
`data models,
`m [nformatlon
`12, No
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 006


`DIRECT A Query Facility
`DDL Paraer
`Data Oeclaratlon
`DB Catalog Procedures
`Date Model Oescrl
`Schema LXscrlpt
`Query Oescrlptlon
`Data Type t%crlptlon
`Result Format Dascrlptiom
`Create Fieport
`Data from
`Process Global Query
`for Sub-query
`Fig. 2. Architecture
`for semantic
`for parsing
`one data type to another.
`and converting
`the purpose
`In both
`the catalog
`is to guarantee
`the multitdatabase
`the validity
`on Information
`12, No.
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 007


`U, Merz and R. King
`for semantic
`the architecture
`for Design Environments,
`to a parser
`a component
`The import
`and database
`for acquiring
`the database
`of the different
`The objective
`the semantic
`and a design
`is to make
`in different
`and media
`for processing.
`the user of
`The functions
`the work
`area, palette
`and critic,
`are realized
`in the query
`The query
`the representation
`the multidatabase
`is to provide
`to users
`for specifying
`a multidatabase
`query. Design
`are used
`to create
`as the layout
`of a kitchen.
`the query
`the semantic
`is used to
`by selecting
`to the
`in a Design
`on the descriptions
`an export
`in the
`the data
`and query
`or a report
`the query
`a design
`a component
`for executing
`the query
`the multidatabase
`a global
`for merging
`of database
`and requests
`and merging
`are specified
`in a plan
`is used for coordinating
`the query
`uses a database manager
`for storing
`the results
`for processing
`and for
`It also calls
`on the services
`of database
`and com-
`on four
`for semantic
`In summary,
`the proposed
`(2) human-computer
`for assisting
`a multidatabase
`(3) database
`and (4)
`for managing
`the distributed
`of sub queries.
`3.2 The Data Catalog
`and the
`the different
`The data
`It also stores
`the defini-
`the different
`are encoded
`the different
`The data
`as a network
`of data
`data values
`the properties
`the different
`and data
`can ac-
`a variety
`of data models with
`data structures
`and types
`in general-purpose
`on Information
`12, No,
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 008


`DIRECT: A Query Facility
`of data
`to a large
`on properties
`The data
`and constructed
`data models
`models. Most
`be defined
`as an
`as relationships
`a distinct
`or a reference
`to a constructed
`data element.
`data elements
`have a name,
`a type,
`and a single
`value. Simple
`data elements
`the same
`of a particular
`data model. Depending
`the data model,
`can be tuples,
`or segments.
`have different
`data elements
`a name and consist
`of either
`or constructed
`data elements.
`They define
`differ with
`data models.
`can be parent/child,
`key references.
`These relationships
`are dynamic,
`are based
`on data values.
`as data
`are represented
`and constructed
`are used to reflect
`the structural
`are part
`of. Data
`such as the type
`of data
`a referential
`or a simple
`data element
`a primary
`the data
`The prototype
`and Yacc, which
`IMS and DB2.
`They were
`tools. The parsers
`the definition
`each data
`an internal
`of properties
`to different
`data models
`and data-model-specific
`such as
`keys or
`3.3 The Query
`of a query
`by two considerations:
`to share query
`a multi
`(1) to retrieve
`and distributed
`database management
`has the following
`data and
`and (2)
`and joining
`for merging
`by most
`of many
`a good
`can be used to retrieve
`and intersection,
`such as union,
`in several
`can be used to join
`data that
`are distributed
`on Information
`1’2, No.
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 009


`U Merz and R. King
`on relational
`are based
`by grouping
`can be decomposed
`can be submitted
`a separate
`for processing.
`The results
`ual database management
`are merged
`and combined
`the final
`set of query
`is relationally
`1977]. The following
`are supported
`a multidatabase
`to each database
`to the individ-
`on predefined
`of data values).
`are sets of
`are relations,
`The query
`to reference
`to traverse
`and merging
`by supporting
`the union,
`and gen-
`the services
`of a relational-database
`as a data
`a query
`by Trimble
`to a query
`is similar
`is more
`a keyword-based
`can be represented
`in a uniform
`are represented
`as boxes containing
`lists of simple
`data elements
`the constructed
`to the
`same database,
`are connected
`by lines
`as foreign
`a relational
`to different
`are connected
`by lines
`the data
`to its
`(See Figure
`6 for a query
`a complete
`a direct-manipulation
`A user
`by selecting
`the query
`such as selection
`or equi-join,
`The query
`in their
`the objective
`is to
`on [nformatlon
`12, No
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 010


`a connected
`as the graphical
`of a complete
`DIRECT: A Query Facillty
`of an entire
`the automation
`is not uncommon
`in multiple
`New databases
`are created
`ness process
`are stored
`of changes
`in the structure
`of an organization,
`in technology,
`and changes
`in the way a business
`4.1 A Sample Application
`of manu-
`and export
`the import
`system that
`An existing
`of view of customs,
`has evolved
`in this way. From the point
`and exports
`are governed
`by different
`This may
`the import
`and export
`The same products
`are manu-
`in several
`the components
`of a particular
`are manufactured
`in one country
`to another
`can be imported
`and exported
`and record manufacturing
`to customs
`and ship-
`To complicate
`a hierarchical
`database management
`and the newer
`As a result,
`the same and related
`are duplicated
`and distributed
`of data
`from several
`a uniform,
`to formulate
`the implementation
`The scenario
`from the existing
`The example
`uses definitions
`system consists
`of 20-25
`a hierarchical
`IMS database,
`A second
`is a relational
`the manufactured
`on an
`a report
`to generate
`is used
`is used for
`of parts
`as well
`as descriptions
`its destination.
`The data
`the invoice
`on arrival
`the correctness
`and the
`to generate
`are stored
`in the
`database maintained
`by different
`database management
`systems. Cur-
`the writing
`of application
`data from different
`The scenario
`in different
`It also illustrates
`and interaction
`and for
`a strategy
`on Information
`12, No
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 011


`U Merz and R King
`of a complete
`a connected
`as the
`4.2 Specifying
`a Multidatabase
`The following
`their matching
`a multidatabase
`and relate
`all part
`how a report
`is obtained
`using DIRECT.
`same meaning
`from the
`in order
`to specify
`a multi-
`the databases
`the needed
`the data
`be included
`in the result.
`how the selected
`to be reported
`and those restricting
`the values
`from the same or different
`the user
`the needed
`be stored
`The data
`The user will
`to them later while
`by importing
`in the data catalog
`the multidatabase
`A browser
`and identifying
`in locating
`a user
`the query. With
`the help
`the browser,
`the user
`can locate
`the case number,
`and part
`the invoice
`of each
`an overview
`a function
`a diagram
`its named
`the case
`as a child
`the item ( IVITEi!4
`) segment
`as parts
`on an invoice
`are grouped
`by the cases in
`are shipped
`in (see Figure
`an inclusion
`data elements
`are grouped
`by the constructed
`In turn,
`the constructed
`are grouped
`by the database
`to. Users
`can navigate
`by selecting
`is similar
`to browsing
`in a hypertext
`a user
`can inspect
`the detailed
`the case number
`in the
`a field
`in the case segment.
`the IVCACAS#,
`to locate
`The browser
`also contains
`a search
`on keyword
`A user
`can locate
`the data
`the part
`by searching
`the keywords
`and “description”
`in the dictionary
`the data
`on Information
`12, No
`4, October
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 012


`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026
`Page 013


`U. Merz and R. King
`an overview
`a path
`an alternative
`[ 1981]
`as requirements
`and Alternative
`the data
`and a detailed

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