Answer Garden 2: Merging Organizational Memory with
`Collaborative Help
`Mark S. Ackerman
`David W. McDonald
`of Information
`and Computer
`of California,
`CA 92717
`to a
`a collaborative
`that of providing
`help to distributed
`The Answer Garden 2 system provides
`a second-
`for organizational
`and community
`memory applications. After describing the need for Answer
`Garden 2’s functionality, we describe the architecture
`of the
`and Collaborative
`We also
`present detailed descriptions
`of the collaborative
`help and
`in the Answer Garden
`community memory,
`memory, group memory,
`systems, CMC,
`help, CSCW
`have a problem with delivering
`Many user communities
`help and general assistance. Unfortunately,
`the user is often
`to sift
`through reams of documentation,
`find his way
`through mail archives, or pursue answers
`through trial and
`or other help sources,
`and then wanders out
`into a hallway in search of friendly colleagues.
`in distributed
`The problem becomes
`the astrophysics
`communities. We take for our example
`although this problem exists in most scientific
`In the astrophysics
`the users
`may be spread
`the world,
`they may work
`and they may have need of relatively
`help. What we would like is a surrogate
`for this hallway
`talk. Such a solution must avoid the broadcast
`uroblem of
`flooding everyone’s
`electronic mail basket wit~ thousands
`Permission to make digital/hard copies of all or part of this material for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies
`are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copy-
`right notice, the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is
`given that copyright is by permission of the ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise,
`to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires specific
`permission and/or fee.
`Computer Supported Cooperative Work ’96, Cambridge MA USA
`@ 1996 ACM 0-89791-765-0/96/11
`this work reports
`of questions.
`to the appropriate
`a question
`those others are experts or colleagues.
`on a system to
`others, whether
`solution to a
`a collaborative
`then, examines
`This research,
`common problem.
`Earlier work, a system called Answer
`to develop
`asked questions
`that grow “organically”
`as new
`arise and are answered.
`The subsequent Answer
`Garden 2, the focus of this paper, continues
`this work.
`It is
`a second-generation
`some of the issues encountered
`field studies of the original
`The new architecture
`a customizable
`and adaptable
`set of software
`allow a variety
`of organizational
`it offers
`solution to the problem of finding help for any
`system. We report here on the new architecture
`and its responses
`to the context and authoring issues.
`to the help and
`The paper begins with a brief
`as a brief overview of
`as well
`original Answer Garden
`and its field study
`Answer Garden
`2 is then introduced.
`After an
`its architecture,
`the paper
`features of Ans wer Garden 2, These two features,
`help and collaborative
`are explained
`help mechanisms
`necessary context
`for information,
`and collaborative
`for authoring.
`The paper
`concludes with a survey
`of related CSCW systems
`some conclusions
`these design considerations.
`at the Harvard-
`is an astrophysicist
`Fred (not his real name)
`like many
`Smithsonian Astrophysical
`about software
`does not want
`to know anything
`He wants
`to do his scientific
`or his hardware.
`work, free of the multitude of computer problems
`that seem
`to get
`in the way,
`sat around in a common room,
`In the “old days,” everyone
`using their computer
`consoles with the mini-computer.
`Fred had a question, he could ask one of the half-dozen
`dozen colleagues
`and programmers
`in the room,
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`Exhibit 1022
`Page 001


`so the community
`the answer,
`Everyone had to hear
`from the problems of each individual.
`near his
`Now, Fred sits in his office with his workstation
`is quieter,
`but much more isolated.
`If he has a
`a question,
`or send electronic mail for help.
`If he sends
`he may
`not get
`an answer
`from the
`for some unknown period of time, or he may
`be given a response
`that makes him feel
`stupid for not
`knowing the answer. Often he resorts to wandering through
`the hallways,
`for people who might
`know the
`answer. He then tries various possibilities
`until he finds a
`solution or he gives up.
`or organization
`Any community,
`often has a problem with answering
`manner. Yet, solving problems
`and completing
`often dependent
`on obtaining
`timely answers
`of any size
`in a timely
`tasks are
`to specific
`Fred’s problem is the dual problem of help and of collective
`memory. We will use the term collective memory to
`and community memory.
`(The term has a
`and critical
`is no
`better term to denote memory in a range of collectivities.)
`an organization
`finding the right part of the
`seeking requires
`collective memories
`collective memory. Typically,
`cabinets, documents).
`It can also include people (e.g., other
`[25]. The collective memory to
`which Fred has access includes
`at least
`the documentation,
`the system programmers,
`and his colleagues. However, he
`may have great
`the right piece
`collective memory that has the answer he needs.
`In other
`his access
`to the collective memory
`and Fred’s
`Answer Garden
`one way
`Previous work,
`reported in [4] and [2], considered
`around a
`of doing this augmentation.
`This work revolved
`of its use
`system called Answer Garden.
`Field studies
`a number
`of important
`in providing
`collective memory and help to users such as Fred. Before
`it will be useful
`to briefly describe Answer
`This application
`still plays an important
`our current work.
`in two
`Answer Garden
`and by
`by making recorded
`In the
`with knowledge
`of Answer Garden,
`to commonly
`asked questions
`a set of
`1 and 2 show Answer Garden
`in the World Wide Web.
`and in Lotus Notes.)
`in the Web
`the user
`through Web pages.
`user may
`a number
`of other
`retrieval mechanisms
`to find the pages
`may contain the answer.
`an answer
`the user
`the user may ask the question
`is the result of the user pressing
`the “I’m
`link in Figure
`In the original Answer
`the system would then route
`the question
`to an
`(This has been changed
`Answer Garden 2 as will be discussed below.)
`the expert would
`In the original Answer Garden,
`the user
`electronic mail.
`If the question
`was a common one,
`the expert could insert
`the question and
`its answer back into the information
`Thus, users
`were not
`limited to the information
`in the system;
`if the
`experts. As a result,
`the organization would
`gain a corpus of information,
`an organizational memory.
`a high
`cost. Other
`system are discussed in [2].
`Field studies of Answer Garden’s use ([2], [3]) uncovered a
`of issues. While
`the system was held to have
`two issues were uncovered
`that are critical
`to the
`success of similar memory or help systems:
`into the system in a more
`Tying the social network
`natural manner. Answer Garden’s dichotomy
`and users was problematic. While there was
`in the underlying
`to force
`it was a simplifying
`in the
`field study to have separate
`user and expert groups.
`Real collectivities
`do not
`this way. Most
`people range in their expertise
`among many different
`and fields of knowledge.
`Fred knows
`and his tasks, even though he may not
`be able to answer specific questions. We would like to
`allow everyone
`to contribute
`as they can, promoting
`both individual and collective
`to allow each
`contribute must not overwhelm the other people who
`to every
`in an organization
`community will fail. AG2 offers
`several mechanisms
`to ameliorate
`the overload problem while allowing and
`providing for a range of expertise.
`of answers,
`the contextualization
`of an answer.
`providing for the user’s understanding
`the Answer Garden field study, most users either did
`not need contextualized
`or were able to
`it themselves.
`a significant
`portion of the participants
`did need more context.
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`Exhibit 1022
`Page 002


`W’ Do you have a problem with remote access?
`How can I make 10CSJpages public or private?
`1. Howdo I make someof my pages public?
`to to avoid problems with
`There are two answers to this. We have a firewall
`hackers and crackers, You can make any of your pages available on the internal
`server by putting the file in your public_html directory snd setting the
`permissions correctly (see below). If you want a page to be added on the external
`web server (e.g. to allow someone to grab your data) you need to submit
`the page
`to C. Stoll (x5-7135) and he will take it from there.
`2, Howdo 1 set permissions on my files?
`Assuming you want to make the pages accessible to others through the internal
`web server, First copy the pages into your public_html directory in your account
`using the ‘cp’ or’ mv’ command. Then use the ‘chmod’ command to chsnge the
`permissiorx. For example:
`cp nev~age.
`cd -{publ
`* . html
`2: An Answer Garden answer page
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`Exhibit 1022
`Page 003


`to a question may be present
`the answer
`In Fred’s case,
`he may lack the
`in the documentation.
`required expertise
`to infer an answer or to even use an
`We will
`below to one way
`this context
`low cost. Our
`mechanism also ameliorates
`the problem of providing
`answers at the right
`level and length of explanation.
`To obtain answers,
`Cl Easing the authoring
`cost of authoring must be minimized.
`the distinction
`The composing
`of answers
`takes as long as any writing takes, but we may be able
`to ease the mechanics of the process.
`to become
`One might
`as the information
`the users become
`in the domain.
`example, only astrophysicists
`can understand
`the scientific
`that create
`their questions
`will vary in their
`but few wish to spend time inferring the answer
`from substantial
`system documentation
`before continuing
`with their analysis
`tasks. And,
`the programmers who must
`currently compose the answers may not even understand the
`domain or its tasks.
`a number
`the field
`issues, such as the need to use varying “front-end”
`such as the Web or Notes,
`to consider
`and to find better ways of
`the information
`issues and the above social
`led us to reconsider
`architectural design.
`2 (AG2)
`of a second generation
`Answer Garden 2 (AG2)
`system architecture
`help support. There are several advantages
`this architecture.
`the design cleanly separates
`the front-end
`of Answer
`needs. More
`from back-end
`the user client)
`Garden (i.e.,
`it also
`the Answer Garden
`into a set of distributed
`a high level of organizational
`This provides
`can be mixed and matched
`in order
`to provide
`by attaching
`the system can send their
`By attaching
`an anonymity
`service at another point
`in the distributed
`the questions
`can also be anonymous.
`Or by not having an anonymity
`service at all, all users and
`experts can be known to one another.
`the change in architecture makes much of the help
`possible from any information system. This
`is generalizable
`to any information
`AG2 is built upon two underlying
`systems, both of which
`a set of
`help and collective memory
`The two underlying systems are:
`CafeCK is a
`The Cafe ConstructionKit
`sociality and information
`CSCW toolkit
`for supporting
`in collaborative
`a set of reusable objects
`include message
`a Zephyr-like
`and email),
`for a variety of semi-
`and public
`by a variety
`By selecting
`from the
`set of available
`(or by extending
`it) and by writing
`simple Tcl program,
`an application writer can create a
`set of distributed
`to handle
`CafeCK is implemented
`in C++,
`Tel, and Tk.
`provides mechanisms
`for handling individual
`and joint
`to Co-Refinery
`is the
`to individually
`and collaboratively
`view and
`Answer Gardens
`and other
`. .. ..................................................................................
`Web client
`and pages
`CafeCK collaborative
`help “back-end”
`client WIjy
`“raw” information
`Collaborative Refinery
`Figure 3: Answer Garden 2 (AG2) architecture
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`Exhibit 1022
`Page 004


`help, we believe we have found mechanisms
`for reducing the context problem.
`to get an answer goes to a
`(a) The user’s first attempt
`chat channel.
`Web AG2
`to get an answer gets
`(b) The user’s jth attempt
`escalated to a help desk.
`in situations where
`It is especially
`one wants to refine and distill collections
`of materials
`as shared artifacts.
`It will be described
`for managing
`include objects
`of materials,
`a collection
`a database
`and generating
`a suitable
`from Co-Refinery’s
`be HTML, Notes documents,
`files, or e-mail.
`Refinery is implemented
`in C++, and the Web portion
`and Netscape
`as in Figure 3.
`are used together
`These two components
`into the collection archive through
`Raw information
`CafeCK processes
`as News
`by being
`to the archive
`or through
`filtering agents.
`It may be partially processed,
`and then is
`moved into the information
`At snap-shots
`upon explicit
`on a site’s
`the materials
`are built
`into Web
`pages, Notes
`or flat
`In turn,
`the AG2 Web or Notes
`can send mail
`to CafeCK back-end
`then handle
`the details of obtaining
`help. These CafeCK
`help processes will be described next.
`The problem as a duality
`as a collective
`“back end” can be viewed
`help system.
`(We use
`memory system or as a collaborative
`collaborative help to denote
`those help systems
`that use
`Each of
`these views
`is the dual of the other. By duals, we invoke
`the language of linear programming, where two forms exist
`for each particular problem. Both forms are valid, and users
`are free to solve the form that provides
`them with the most
`problem in terms
`its dual,
`it was noted that an open research issue was how to
`the users’ need for contextualized
`solving their problems
`and finishing their tasks. This issue
`can be ameliorated
`by using
`in a
`controlled manner.
`help functionality
`help to users at
`their own explanation
`level and
`potentially with iterative diagnosis.
`-- such as colleagues
`help from other people
`the same hall or other group members
`-- allows people to
`seek help first
`from the people most
`likely to know the
`local context.
`can judge
`a person’s
`and situation,
`and can try to provide
`to solve
`are also more
`to information,
`are key motivators
`in providing
`[7, 19].
`is, however,
`asking one’s colleagues
`to ask
`of previously-asked
`and frequently-
`to reduce
`problem. More
`y, one’s
`colleagues may not
`know the answer. While staying local
`is important,
`it can
`also be organizationally
`[ 10] when there is no
`In these
`a means
`local expert
`escalating answers past the local group is required.
`of CafeCK, we were able to simply
`Using the facilities
`an escalation
`for questions
`in AG2. This
`the user
`to decide what
`to do if the
`It allows
`the user
`to consider
`is not answered.
`to get answers
`from chat systems, bulletin boards,
`software agents, or other people.
`The typical way that we envision the system being used is
`to gracefully
`the help request
`it can be
`the escalation
`is a CafeCK
`the escalation
`can be quite flexible.
`The agent
`currently programmed
`to follow organizational
`rules on the
`order of escalation,
`this is under user control.
`would be a simple matter
`to change this to provide different
`or even
`(such as avoiding the chat facility when no other
`are logged
`into their machines).
`No doubt other
`could be found;
`is a potential
`a question
`the user poses
`In our prototype,
`is an
`In the example
`of Fred,
`the user client
`AG2 front-end,
`it can be any application
`that has
`or synchronous
`application merely
`to a CafeCK process
`for example,
`This CafeCK process,
`it can be
`triggered either by the user or automatically.
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`Exhibit 1022
`Page 005


`As an example,
`(Note that
`imagine the following scenario.
`for AG2 provide
`an enormous
`the underlying
`so users’ actual practices
`can vary widely from
`this.) The user, Fred again, has a question
`about his data
`and he would
`to know how to
`correctly massage
`his data.
`He first
`existing questions
`and answers, either in a stand-alone AG2
`or in an AG2 component
`of his data
`the answer
`is not
`there, or
`that he does not understand
`how to apply the
`is there, he composes
`a question and mails
`it off through his Web browser.
`Instead of the question going to an expert, as it would have
`in the original Answer Garden,
`the question
`to his
`agent. This is, of course,
`to Fred. The
`question is first sent
`to a synchronous
`chat system (Figure
`4a). We
`the chat
`system being
`set up with
`or subchannels
`for each work group, hallway, or
`other social grouping.
`If someone on the chat system can
`answer Fred’s question,
`and is inclined to do so, Fred gets
`his answer
`As mentioned
`(as measured
`by geographical,
`are most
`likely to answer his question
`with the correct and sufficient context.
`the system pops up a
`after 5 minutes,
`In our prototype,
`window on the screen.
`In our scenario,
`the dialog box asks
`Fred whether he got an answer
`to his question,
`and if not,
`whether he would like to continue
`(Figure 5).
`If Fred says
`to continue,
`the system routes
`the question
`to a NetNews
`bulletin board.
`(It is also conceivable
`it would route it
`to a chat channel with a wider distribution,
`but the point
`the same.) After another period of time, perhaps 24 hours,
`the agent again pops up a window on Fred’s
`screen, asking
`whether he has received an answer. The process continues,
`routing the question to an expertise engine to find a
`human expert,
`to a help desk (Figure 4b), or to
`on the Web
`(such as Dialog or Nexus).
`One can even imagine agents that hire outside consultants
`the need is great enough.
`is more assured of
`In this manner, Fred or any other user
`a usable
`Staying local
`the cost,
`be used
`the chance
`of getting
`an answer,
`since colleagues may be more motivated
`to answer; and is
`more likely to provide
`since colleagues
`know the
`local situation.
`To be sure,
`this approach is not a panacea.
`While it does help provide the proper amount of contextual
`[~ Escda~on agerit’’’###
`....... ...-—.
`. ...
`I At 10:37am on 3/19AJ6 (today) ymuaskd
`....... ..—.4
`>Xubjecti Can I add a Web page to someone else’s site?
`Figure 5: The escalation agent
`and while
`the answer meaningful,
`to make
`there is a greater
`the answer will be at the
`right explanation
`level and length,
`there are difficult
`the social organization
`of channel
`and the like. Colleagues’
`time is hardly free.
`thinking global) does allow
`staying local
`group members
`to help one another, while preserving
`to ask
`as well
`the dichotomy
`and users is
`largely broken down.
`AG2 requires
`of other CafeCK services.
`a number
`to the
`e-mail) and to the escalation agent, AG2 requires
`to find experts,
`to provide basic statistical
`to make users anonymous,
`and to track users’ questions.
`The capability to find a suitable expert
`is required, and AG2
`currently uses a rudimentary
`rule-based finding mechanism.
`is clearly
`a bottle-neck
`but other
`are developing
`better mechanisms
`for handling
`this problem (e.g.,
`The anonymity
`to ask questions
`communities might not want
`this service,
`in which case the
`is merely
`which communication mechanisms
`are used, and also tracks
`the use of pre-existing
`In a production
`users’ questions
`should be tracked; otherwise, questions can
`slip away.
`to be
`of CafeCK allows
`The design
`mixed and matched in a building block manner. Different
`can be created
`architecture of the software components.
`service can be tailored through its internal Tcl programs.
`and anonymity
`only a simple
`service have been implemented.
`The others are planned.
`viewing the problem as one of collaborative
`In summary,
`memory merely
`be a set of
`local, with
`for a range of help from the people
`as well. This support will be described next.
`On my
`shape it was of little use
`In the present
`Facts were too scattered;
`to me or to the world.
`indeed, mingled
`and hidden as they were in huge
`of debris,
`the more one had of them the
`a way
`to the gold
`amalgam... was the first
`thing to be done.
`[8], 1891, p. 135)
`is iteratively
`to the Answer Garden
`building a repository
`of commonly
`is to be accomplished,
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1022
`Page 006


`is required
`for organizational
`or community
`The original Answer Garden design assumed that building
`a memory
`of users asking questions
`and experts
`The effort of writing
`cannot be minimized,
`Answer Garden
`for refining answers
`from very raw information
`as well as removing
`context. We
`developed Co-Refinery
`to provide
`these mechanisms.
`is to enable groups of people to collaborate
`in jointly
`over time.
`through the underlying Co-Refinery
`an authoring
`four general
`culling, organizing,
`and distilling. We assume
`that any of these activities,
`as well as authoring, may be
`done iteratively
`or in any order.
`Each activity
`is clearly
`although the major
`research contribution
`here is
`the support
`for collaborative
`is the phase
`in which
`can be
`In Co-Refinery,
`set up for certain
`types of
`in AG2,
`such as NetNews,
`or distribution
`In addition, manual
`to be submitted
`through the system directly
`or by e-mail. Collecting
`places items into the archive.
`one must
`the material,
`and the
`Culling is a
`material must be discarded
`or ignored.
`selection mechanism,
`identifying themes or threads that
`occur within
`a collection.
`A sizable
`collection, making subsequent
`organizing and distilling
`easier. Culling reduces
`the apparent
`size of the archive,
`in our current
`unreferenced rather than deleted.
`Organizing allows one to group materials
`according to
`so to enhance
`on outlining,
`classification mechanisms
`are clearly possible.
`In Co-
`is enhanced
`by making
`a fully
`in the
`In this way,
`in an
`addition to the collection.
`is distilling --
`part of refining
`The most
`down the existing
`(and culled) materials
`to uncover
`the answers or knowledge.
`As with
`or liquor distilling,
`the results
`should be a
`the original
`form of
`or concise
`or editing
`a summary
`for example,
`removes much of the tedious
`of wading
`or erroneous
`is a distillate.
`of distilling
`The result
`for authoring a
`provided for generating the raw material
`it assumed
`that only users
`can fully
`distill and refine the material.
`supports a number of distillates.
`For example, a useful
`distillate consists of merely concatenating
`to further prune the selected information
`into one final distillate
`of an authoritative
`This behavior
`is very similar
`to what people
`do when they compile
`a FAQ.
`useful distillate
`is temporally
`items in it vanish
`after a short period of time. Technical
`hotlines often
`have runs of questions,
`and this distillate
`problem of communicating
`the temporarily
`that users move fluidly among
`As mentioned, we assume
`these activities. We also assume
`the refining is done
`and incrementally.
`In doing
`the system
`of users
`to interact
`in creating
`and a common
`system represents
`an alternative
`to many current
`to completely
`the refining process.
`the results of refining in AG2, and can be
`Figure 6 shows
`as a snapshot of an iterative process.
`In Figure
`6, the leaves are raw information,
`perhaps NetNews
`or e-
`mail messages. Authors and editors have created distillates
`for five of the threads, winnowing
`the material
`into answers
`for frequently-asked
`One of these answers was
`in Figure
`2 above.
`being finished,
`can then take the place of the raw material
`in the
`i.e., not shown to the public because they are
`all distillates
`can be
`iteratively revised.
`of distilling
`to authoring.
`is not a complete
`will always be effort
`to compose
`and tasks.
`information overload.
`It does
`We do not believe that all materials will be refined.
`not make
`in all
`to move
`to organizational
`For example,
`that has a short-shelf
`life will not be refined,
`if the information
`also has a high throughput
`The cost would be prohibitive.
`Therefore, we
`have attempted
`to define some distillates
`that are suitable
`for temporally limited information.
`These distillates do not
`boil down
`the material,
`they do make

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