
`by Apple Computer, Inc.
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`Exhibit 1043 - Cover


`Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines A VV Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, Massachusetts Menlo Park, California New York Don Mills, Ontario Wokingham, England Amsterdam Bonn Sydney Singapore Tokyo Madrid San Juan Paris Seoul Milan Mexico City Taipei
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`Exhibit 1043 - Page i


`Apple Computer, Inc. © 1992, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Apple Computer, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. No licenses, express or implied, are granted with respect to any of the technology described in this book. Apple retains all intellectual property rights associated with the technology described in this book. This book is intended to assist application developers to develop applications only for Apple Macintosh computers. Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-1010 Apple, the Apple logo, APDA, AppleLink, AppleShare, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, HyperTalk, ImageWriter, LaserWriter, Macintosh, MultiFinder, and StyleWriter are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. BalloonHelp, BalloonWriter, Finder, PowerBook, QuickDraw, ResEdit, System 7, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Adobe Illustrator and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. AGFA is a trademark of Agfa-Gevaert. FrameMaker is a registered trademark of Frame Technology Corporation. Helvetica and Palatino are registered trademarks of Linotype Company. HyperCard, MacDraw, MacPaint, and MacWrite are registered trademarks of Claris Corporation. ITC Zapf Dingbats is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation. Varityper is a registered trademark of Varityper, Inc. Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA AND REPLACEMENT ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES ON THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHASE OF THIS PRODUCT. Even though Apple has reviewed this manual, APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS MANUAL, ITS QUALITY, ACCURACY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THIS MANUAL IS SOLD "AS IS," AND YOU, THE PURCHASER, ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND ACCURACY. IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT OR INACCURACY IN THIS MANUAL, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. No Apple dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. ISBN 0-201-62216-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-BA-9695949392 First Printing, November 1992 The paper used in this book meets the EPA standards for recycled fiber.
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`Exhibit 1043 - Page ii


`Contents Preface Figures and Tables xiii About This Book xxi Who Should Read This Book xxi What's New in Macintosh Human Interface From Apple About Making It Macintosh xxii What's in This Book xxii The Basic Philosophy xxii The Interface Elements xxiii Appendixes xxiii Visual Cues Used in This Book xxiii xxii Part 1 Fundamentals Chapter 1 Human Interface Principles 3 The Human Interface Design Principles 4 Metaphors 4 Direct Manipulation 5 See-and-Point 7 Consistency 7 WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) User Control 9 Feedback and Dialog 9 Forgiveness 10 Perceived Stability 11 Aesthetic Integrity 11 Modelessness 12 Additional Issues to Consider 13 Knowledge of Your Audience 13 Accessibility 14 Chapter 2 General Design Considerations 15 Worldwide Compatibility Cultural Values 17 Resources 17 16 iii
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`Language Differences 18 Text Display and Text Editing 19 Default Alignment of Interface Elements Keyboards 22 Fonts 23 Universal Access 24 People With a Physical Disability 25 People With a Visual Disability 25 People With a Hearing Disability 26 People With a Speech or Language Disability People With a Seizure Disorder 27 Collaborative Computing 27 Concern for Other Users 28 User Identification 28 Access Privileges 28 Passwords 29 Data Encrypfion for Security 30 Clear Communications 30 Displaying the Current State of Data 30 Communicating With Other Environments Network Transparency 31 20 31 27 Chapter 3 Human Interface Design and the Development Process 33 Design Decisions 34 Features Inspired by Market Pressures 34 Feature Cascade 35 The 80 Percent Solution 35 Managing Complexity 35 Using Progressive Disclosure 35 Implementing Preferences 37 Extending the Interface 38 When to Go Beyond the Guidelines 38 ' Build on the Existing Interface 39 Don't Assign New Behaviors to Existing Objects Create a New Interface Element Cautiously Involving Users in the Design Process 41 Define Your Audience 41 Analyze Tasks 41 Build Prototypes 42 Observe Users 42 Ten Steps for Conducting a User Observation 40 39 43 iv
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`Part 2 The Interface Elements 47 Chapter 4 Menus 49 The Menu Bar 52 Menu Behavior 55 Menu Elements 58 Menu Item Names 58 Grouping Items in Menus 60 Menu Dividers 62 Standard Characters and Text Style in Menus Checkmarks and Dashes in Menus 64 The Ellipsis Character in Menus 67 A Diamond Mark in the Application Menu Avoid Nonstandard Marks in Menus 72 Text Styles in Menus 73 Toggled Menu Items 75 Scrolling Menus 78 Hierarchical Menus 79 Pop-Up Menus 82 Standard Pop-Up Menus 87 Type-In Pop-Up Menus 91 Tear-Off Menus and Palettes 92 Tear-Off Menus 93 Palettes 96 Standard Macintosh Menus 98 The Apple Menu 98 About 98 File Menu 99 New 99 Open 101 Close 102 Save 104 Save As 106 Revert 107 Page Setup... 108 Print... 108 Quit 109 The Edit Menu 109 The Clipboard 111 Undo/Redo 113 Cut 114 Copy 115 Paste 115 Clear 117 64 71
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`Select All 117 Show Clipboard/Hide Clipboard Create Publisher... 117 Subscribe To... 118 Publisher/Subscriber Options... The Font Menu 120 The Size Menu 122 The Style Menu 124 The Help Menu 125 The Keyboard Menu 125 The Application Menu 127 Keyboard Equivalents 128 117 118 Chapter 5 Windows 131 Window Appearance 134 Document Window Controls 134 Use of Color in Windows 135 Utility Windows 137 Window Behaviors 139 The Active Window 139 Opening Windows 141 Window Display Order 143 Window Positions 146 The Default Position on a Single Screen The Default Position on Multiple Screens Dialog Box and Alert Box Positions Closing a Window 152 Moving a Window 154 Changing the Size of a Window 156 Scrolling a Window 158 Scroll Bars 158 Scrolling With the Scroll Arrows 163 Scrolling With the Gray Area 164 Scrolling by Dragging the Scroll Box Automatic Scrolling 166 The Zoom Box and Window Behavior Splitting a Window 170 Window Pane Behavior 172 One Split per Orientation 173 150 147 164 168 148 vi
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`Chapter 6 Dialog Boxes 175 Modeless Dialog Boxes 178 Modeless Dialog Box Appearance 179 Modeless Dialog Box Behaviors 181 Menu Bar Access 181 Accepting Changes in a Modeless Dialog Box Completing Commands 184 Movable Modal Dialog Boxes 185 Movable Modal Dialog Box Appearance Movable Modal Dialog Box Behaviors Menu Bar Access 187 Modal Dialog Boxes 188 Modal Dialog Box Appearance 190 Modal Dialog Box Behaviors 191 Menu Bar Access 191 Stacking Modal Dialog Boxes 192 Alert Boxes 193 Alert Box Appearance 194 Note Alert Boxes 194 Caution Alert Boxes 195 Stop Alert Boxes 196 Basic Dialog Box Layout 196 Keyboard Navigation in Dialog Boxes 198 Dialog Box Messages 199 Standard File Dialog Boxes 200 Save Changes Alert Box 201 186 187 182 Chapter 7 Controls 203 Standard Toolbox Controls 204 Buttons 204 Button Behavior 205 Button Names 206 Radio Buttons 210 Checkboxes 211 Controls Not Supported by the Macintosh Toolbox Sliders 214 Little Arrows 216 Outline Triangles 218 Other Elements for User Interaction 218 Text Entry Fields 219 Scrolling Lists 220 214 vii
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`Chapter 8 Icons 223 Why Icons Work 224 Limitations of Icons 227 Designing Effective Icons 229 Use Appropriate Metaphors 229 Think About Worldwide Compatibility 230 Avoid Text in Icons 230 Design for the Macintosh Display 231 Use a Consistent Light Source 232 Optimize for Your Target Display 232 Maintain a Consistent Visual Appearance in an Icon Family 233 Use Icon Elements Consistently 233 The Finder Icon Family 234 An Icon Design Process 236 Black-and-White Icons 238 Color Icons 238 Icon Colors 240 • The Apple Icon Color Set 240 Degradation of the Color Set Across Monitors Selection Mechanism for Color Icons 241 Color Labeling Mechanism for Color Icons Anti-Aliasing 243 Small Icons 244 Default and Custom Icons 245 Application Icons 246 Document Icons 247 Stationery Pad Icons 248 Query Document Icons 249 Edition Icons 250 Preferences Icons 250 Extension Icons 250 Control Panel Icons 251 Movable Resource Icons 252 Keyboard Icons 252 241 242 Chapter 9 Color 257 Color Design of Standard Interface Elements Windows and Dialog Boxes 258 Menus 260 Pointers 260 Highlighting and Selection 260 258 viii
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`Color Application Guidelines 261 Match Complexity to the Level of User Design for the Macintosh 262 Design for Black and White First 263 Limit the Number of Colors 264 Colors on Gray 265 Beware of Blue 265 Small Objects 265 Color for Categorizing Information 265 261 Chapter 10 Behaviors 267 The Pointing Device 268 Mouse Actions 271 Clicking 271 Double-Clicking 272 Pressing 273 Dragging 274 The Keyboard 275 Character Keys 275 Enter 275 Tab 276 Return 276 Delete (or Backspace) 277 Clear 277 Escape 277 Modifier Keys 278 Shift 278 Caps Lock 279 Option 279 Command 280 Control 280 Type-Ahead and Auto-Repeat 280 International Keyboards 281 Arrow Keys 281 Appropriate Uses for the Arrow Keys 281 Moving the Insertion Point 282 Moving the Insertion Point in Empty Documents Using Modifier Keys With Arrow Keys 282 Function Keys 284 Help 285 Forward Delete (Del) 285 Home 285 End 285 Page Up 286 Page Down 286 282 ix
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`Selecting 286 Selection Methods 288 Selection by Clicking 289 Selection by Dragging 289 Changing a Selection With Shift-Click 289 Changing a Selection With Command-Click Selections in Text 292 Selecting With the Mouse 293 Selecting Ranges 294 Selecting With the Arrow Keys 295 Selections in Graphics 297 Selections in Arrays and Tables 298 Editing Text 300 Inserting Text 300 Deleting Text 300 Replacing a Selection 301 Intelligent Cut and Paste 301 Editing Fields 302 291 Chapter 11 Language 305 Style 306 Terminology 307 Developer Terms and User Terms 307 . Terms That Are Often Misused 308 Click 308 Checkbox 308 Document 308 File 308 Utility Window 309 Labels for Interface Elements 309 Dialog Box Messages 310 User Documentation 313 Online Help Systems 314 Provide Concurrent Help 314 Provide Multiple Levels of Help 314 Assist Users by Answering Their Questions Keep the Help System Simple 316 Design Online Help as an Interactive Coach Balloon Help 316 When to Use a Help Balloon 317 How to Write a Balloon 318 Wording for Specific Balloon Types 319 Buttons With Words 319 Menu Titles 320 Menu Items 320 315 316
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`Radio Buttons 321 Checkboxes 321 Groups of Checkboxes or Radio Buttons Tools in Palettes 323 Window Parts 324 Modal Dialog Box on the Screen 324 Icons 324 Text Entry Boxes 325 322 Appendixes 327 Appendix A Resources 329 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Communications of the ACM 329 SIGCHI 329 SIGGRAPH 330 CSCW 330 Human Factors Society 331 Human Factors Society Annual Meeting Human Factors 331 Human Factors Society Bulletin 332 Apple Developer Information 332 APDA 332 Developer Support Center 333 In-House Development Support 333 develop 333 331 329 Appendix B Bibliography 335 Animation 336 Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors Color 337 Environmental Design 338 Graphic and Information Design 339 Graphic Design and Drawing 339 Icons and Symbols 339 Typography 340 History of Human Interface 340 Human-Computer Design 341 Consistency 341 Direct Manipulation 341 336 xi
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`Menus 342 Metaphors 342 Product Design 343 Usability Testing 343 User-Centered Design 344 Human-Computer Interaction 344 Language 346 Programming 346 Special Applications 347 Collaborative Computing 347 Hypertext 347 Multimedia 348 Online Documentation and Online Help Universal Access 349 Visual Thinking 349 Worldwide Software 350 348 AppendixC , Checklist 351 General Considerations 351 Graphic Design 353 Color 353 Icons 354 Windows 354 Dialog Boxes 355 Alert Boxes 357 Scrolling 357 Menus 358 Pop-Up Menus 359 Palettes and Tear-Off Menus Mouse Standards 360 Text 360 Balloon Help 360 Keyboard Equivalents 361 Edition Manager 361 Documentation 362 359 Glossary 363 Index 373 xii
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`Figures and Tables Chapter 1 Human Interface Principles Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 1-3 Direct manipulation 6 An example of a bad message and an example of a helpful message 10 Don't use arbitrary graphic elements 12 Chapter 2 General Design. Considerations 15 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-8 Figure 2-9 Menu bars in different languages 18 .. English and Arabic dialog boxes 20 Dialog boxes with display rectangles that are different sizes and the same size 21 Right-to-left alignment of dialog box items 21 The Keyboard menu 23 The boundaries of a font 24 The Sound control panel 26 A shutdown message 28 The AppleShare connect dialog box 29 Chapter 3 Human Interface Design and the Development Process 33 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 An expanding dialog box 36 Directions a window can expand An incorrect subpalette indicator A better subpalette indicator 40 37 40 Chapter 4 Menus 49 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4..9 Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-12 Figure 4-13 Figure 4-14 Figure 4-15 The standard order of actions 51 A menu bar 53 Three menu bars 53 The Finder menu bar in six languages 54 An unavailable menu 55 Opening a menu 56 A feedback technique 57 A typical menu 58 A menu with adjectives 59 Command names properly capitalized 59 Unavailable items aren't highlighted 60 Menus with appropriate groups 61 Grouping items in menus 62 Standard menu dividers 63 An inappropriate menu divider 63 xiii
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`Figure 4-16 Figure 4-17 Figure 4-18 Figure 4-19 Figure 4-20 Figure 4-21 Figure 4-22 Figure 4-23 Figure 4-24 Figure 4-25 Figure 4-26 Figure 4-27 Figure 4-28 Figure 4-29 Figure 4-30 Figure 4-31 Figure 4-32 Figure 4-33 Figure 4-34 Figure 4-35 Figure 4-36 Figure 4-37 Figure 4-38 Figure 4-39 Figure 4-40 Figure 4-41 Figure 4-42 Figure 4-43 Figure 4-44 Figure 4-45 Figure 4-46 Figure 4-47 Figure 4-48 Figure 4-49 Figure 4-50 Figure 4-51 Figure 4-52 Figure 4-53 Figure 4-54 Figure 4-55 Figure 4-56 Figure 4-57 Figure 4-58 Figure 4-59 Figure 4-60 A menu with text styles and an indicator 64 A checkmark to indicate a choice in a mutually exclusive group 65 A checkmark to indicate a choice in an accumulating attribute group 65 Dashes to indicate partial attributes in an accumulating attribute group 66 Several attributes in effect 67 The ellipsis character means more information is required 68 Don't use the ellipsis character with a command that doesn't require more information 69 The absence of the ellipsis character means no more information is required 70 The ellipsis character doesn't mean an alert box appears 71 The Application menu with a notification symbol 72 Don't use arbitrary symbols in menus 72 A Style menu with text styles 73 The effects of the two states of a Style menu item 74 A menu. with nonstandard marks and extraneous text styles and a menu all in plain text style 75 A set of toggled menu items 76 A single toggled menu item whose name changes 76 An ambiguous toggled menu item 77 An incorrect use of a checkmark to indicate a state 78 A scrolling menu 78 The menu scrolling in the other direction 79 A hierarchical menu 79 Don't use submenus unnecessarily 80 A menu bar on a 9-inch screen with space for more menu titles 81 Examples of submenu titles 81 Avoid more than one level of submenus 82 A pop-up menu and its parts 83 Opening a pop-up menu 84 Pop-up menus versus radio buttons 85 Pop-up menus versus checkboxes 86 Don't use pop-up menus for commands 87 A standard pop-up menu 87 Using a pop-0p menu 88 Correct and incorrect use of fonts in pop-up menus 89 Pop-up menu behavior 90 A hidden pop-up menu 91 A type-in pop-up menu 92 A type-in pop-up menu with user's choice added 92 A tools palette and a color palette 93 Using a tear-off menu 94 A tear-off menu on top of a document window 95 Palettes and feedback 96 A tool palette with the corresponding pointers 97 A tool palette in a window 97 An Apple menu 98 An About dialog box for an application 99 xiv
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`Figure 4-61 Figure 4-62 Figure 4-63 Figure 4-64 Figure 4-65 Figure 4-66 Figure 4-67 Figure 4-68 Figure 4-69 Figure 4-70 Figure 4-71 Figure 4-72 Figure 4-73 Figure 4-74 Figure 4-75 Figure 4-76 Figure 4-77 Figure 4-78 Figure 4-79 Figure 4-80 Figure 4-81 Figure 4-82 Figure 4-83 Figure 4-84 Figure 4-85 Figure 4-86 Figure 4-87 Figure 4-88 Figure 4-89 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 A File menu 99 The New command 100 The standard file dialog box for opening files 101 The save changes alert box 103 The correct location of the save changes alert box The Save command 105 A sample alert box to use when a disk is full 105 The Save As command and dialog box 106 The Revert command 107 A Page Setup dialog box 108 A Print dialog box 109 A standard Edit menu for an application 110 Adding commands to the Edit menu 110 A sample Edit menu with Edition Manager commands A sample hierarchical Edit menu with Edition Manager commands 111 The Clipboard 112 The Undo and Redo commands 114 The results of using the Paste command 116 The Create Publisher command and dialog box 118 The Subscribe To command and dialog box 118 The Publisher Options dialog box 119 The Subscriber Options dialog box 119 A Font menu 121 Don't combine the Font menu with other menus A Size menu 122 A sample pull-down Size menu and font size dialog box A Style menu 124 The Help menu 125 The Keyboard menu 126 122 104 111 Apple-reserved keyboard equivalents for all systems 128 Additional reserved keyboard equivalents for worldwide systems 128 Common keyboard equivalents that are not reserved 129 123 Chapter 5 Windows 131 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Figure 5-9 Figure 5-10 Figure 5-11 Examples of standard windows 133 Standard document window parts 134 Windows on a color screen 135 Standard window components in color 136 Colors that the user can choose for windows 137 A utility window 137 Make it clear where text will appear 138 The active window 139 Don't show a selection in an inactive window 141 Appropriate window titles for a series of unnamed windows Examples of correct and incorrect window titles 143 142 X3I'
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`Figure 5-12 Figure 5-13 Figure5-14 Figure 5-15 Figure 5-16 Figure 5-17 Figure 5-18 Figure 5-19 Figure 5-20 Figure 5-21 Figure 5-22 Figure 5-23 Figure 5-24 Figure 5-25 Figure 5-26 Figure 5-27 Figure 5-28 Figure 5-29 Figure 5-30 Figure 5-31 Figure 5-32 Figure 5-33 Figure 5-34 Figure 5-35 Figure 5-36 Figure 5-37 Figure 5-38 Figure 5-39 Figure 5-40 Figure 5-41 Figure 5-42 Display order of document windows and modeless dialog boxes 144 Adding floating windows to the desktop 145 Adding a movable modal dialog box to the desktop 146 • Window positions on .a single screen 147 The standard window position on two sizes of screens 148 The standard window position on multiple screens 149 A window displayed across two screens 150 Standard position of an alert box 151 Alert box position in relation to the active document window Standard alert box position with more than one screen 152 The close box 153 The save changes alert box 154 Moving a window 155 Multiple monitors and conceptual work space 156 A window growing larger 157 Relationship between a window and a document 158 The elements of a scroll bar 159 Using scroll arrows and the scroll box 159 Inactive scroll bars in active and inactive document windows 160 Background between the content and the window frame 161 Acceptable additions to the scroll bar region 162 Too many controls in the scroll bar 162 Scrolling by clicking a scroll arrow 163 Scrolling by clicking in the gray area 164 Scrolling by dragging the scroll box 165 Automatic scrolling 166 The zoom box 168 The standard state and the user state of a document 169 A split window 171 Split bar size 171 Independent and locked scrolling of window panes 172 151 Chapter 6 Dialog Boxes 175 Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 Figure 6-6 Figure 6-7 Figure 6-8 Figure 6-9 Figure.6-10 Figure 6-11 Figure 6-12 Figure 6-13 Examples of dialog box types 177 A typical modeless dialog box 178 Two open modeless dialog boxes 179 The essential elements of a modeless dialog box 180 Incorrect absence of a close box in a modeless dialog box Provide a place for the user to enter information in a modeless dialog box 184 A typical movable modal dialog box 185 The essential elements of a movable modal dialog box Close box used incorrectly in a movable modal dialog box A Finder movable modal dialog box 187 Menu. bar access while a movable modal dialog box is open 188 An example of a modal dialog box 189 A status dialog box 190 181 186 187 xvi
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`Figure 6-14 Figure 6-15 Figure 6-16 Figure 6-17 Figure 6-18 Figure 6-19 Figure 6-20 Figure 6-21 Figure 6-22 Figure 6-23 Figure 6-24 Figure 6-25 The essential elements of a modal dialog box 190 Access to the Edit menu when displaying a modal dialog box 191 Second modal dialog box on top of first one 193 The essential elements of an alert box 194 An example of a note alert box 195 An example of a caution alert box 195 An example of a stop alert box 196 Recommended spacing of buttons and text in dialog and alert boxes 197 An active scrolling list 198 A well-written dialog box message 199 The standard file dialog box for opening files 200 The save changes alert box 201 Chapter 7 Controls Figure 7-1 Figure 7-2 Figure 7-3 Figure 7-4 Figure 7-5 Figure 7-6 Figure 7-7 Figure 7-8 Figure 7-9 Figure 7-10 Figure 7-11 Figure 7-12 Figure 7-13 Figure 7-14 Figure 7-15 Figure 7-16 Figure 7-17 Figure 7-18 Figure 7-19 Figure 7-20 203 Buttons in a dialog box 205 A highlighted button 205 A dialog box with OK and Cancel buttons 207 A dialog box with a Done button instead of an OK button 208 A progress indicator that uses a Stop button 209 A confirmation alert box with appropriately named button 209 Sets of radio buttons 210 Radio buttons for selecting the alignment of text 211 The General Controls panel 211 A set of checkboxes 212 A single checkbox in a dialog box 212 The Find dialog box 213 An example of a slider 214 A slider with direction information 215 Incorrect use of a scroll bar and correct use of a slider 215 Little arrows control 216 Content-dependent increment 217 Outline triangle control 218 A text entry field 219 A scrolling list 220 Chapter 8 Icons Figure 8-1 Figure 8-2 Figure 8-3 Figure 8-4 Figure 8-5 Figure 8-6 Figure 8-7 Figure 8-8 Figure 8-9 223 Common icons 224 Examples of common traffic symbols 225 Examples of commonly-used international symbols Symbols are easier to understand than keyboard commands 226 Grouping icons on the desktop 226 Aconfusing image 227 Context clarifies the image 227 Icons with label text 228 A logical and an illogical metaphor 229 225 xvii
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`Figure 8-10 Figure 8-11 Figure 8-12 Figure 8-13 Figure 8-14 Figure 8-15 Figure 8-16 Figure 8-17 Figure 8-18 Figure 8-19 Figure 8-20 Figure 8-21 Figure 8-22 Figure 8-23 Figure 8-24 Figure 8-25 Figure 8-26 Figure 8-27 Figure 8-28 Figure 8-29 Figure 8-30 Figure 8-31 Figure 8-32 Figure 8-33 Figure 8-34 Figure 8-35 Figure 8-36 Figure 8-37 Figure 8-38 Figure 8-39 Figure 8-40 Figure 8-41 Figure 8-42 Figure 8-43 Figure 8-44 Figure 8-45 Figure 8-46 Figure 8-47 Figure 8-48 Figure 8-49 Table 8-1 Table 8-2 Localized mailbox icons 230 Avoid text in icons 231 Certain shapes don't work well 231 A consistent light source 232 Inconsistent light sources 232 Design the large icon first and base the small icon design on it 233 Consistent use of icon elements 234 An icon family 234 Different sizes of icons 235 A well-designed icon and its selected version 238 A poorly designed icon and its selected version 238 Icons with a black outline 239 Icons without a black outline 239 Standard 256-color palette with icon colors marked An example of dithered color in an icon 241 Color icons and their selected states 242 Color icons and their color-labeled states 243 Correct anti-aliasing 243 Consistently designed small icons 244 Inconsistently designed small icons 245 Default application icons 246 Custom application icons 246 Examples of bad application icons 247 Default document icons 247 Application icon and document icon with the same graphic element 247 Acceptable and unacceptable custom document icons Document iCons.with standard symbols 248 Default stationery pad icons 249 Default query document icons 249 Default edition icons 250 Preferences file icons 250 Default extension icons 251 Examples of Chooser icons 251 Icons for the Color control panel 251 Font icons 252 A sound icon 252 The default keyboard layout and input method icons Examples of keyboard icons 253 Examples of modification indicators on keyboard icons Enlarged keyboard icons with correct color substitutions 240 248 253 Icon display on monitors of different bit depths Pattern substitutions for colors in keyboard icons 235 254 254 255 xviii
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`Chapter 9 Color 257 Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3 Figure 9-4 Figure 9-5 Figure 9-6 A colorized window 259 A colorized movable modal dialog box 259 Color palette and custom color mixing tool 262 Design for black-and-white monitors first 263 Don't mimic color effects in black-and-white designs A limited palette of colors 264 263 Chapter 10 Behaviors Figure 10-1 Figure 10-2 Figure 10-3 Figure 10-4 Figure 10-5 Figure 10-6 Figure 10-7 Figure 10-8 Figure 10-9 Figure 10-10 Figure 10-11 Figure 10-12 Figure 10-13 Figure 10-14 Figure 10-15 Figure 10-16 Figure 10-17 Figure 10-18 Figure 10-19 Figure 10-20 Figure 10-21 Figure 10-22 Figure 10-23 Figure 10-24 Figure 10-25 Figure 10-26 Figure 10-27 Figure 10-28 Table 10-1 Table 10-2 267 Different pointing devices 268 The insertion point and the pointer 269 A status indicator 271 Clicking a button 272 Double-clicking to select a word 272 Pressing a scroll arrow 273 Dragging to move an object 274 Using the Tab key to cycle through fields 276 Using the Return key to move the insertion point 277 A sample confirmation dialog box for the Escape key Using Option-drag to make a copy of an object 279 Arrow keys 281 The function keys 284 Three ways of selecting information 287 Selection techniques 288 Expanding and shrinking a text selection 290 Extending text selections using the addition and fixed-point methods 290 Discontinuous selection within an array 292 Text selections 293 Selecting with Shift and arrow keys 296 Selecting with Option-Shift and arrow keys 296 Selection in an object-based graphics document 297 Selection in a bitmap-based graphics document • 297 Field selection in an array 298 Column selection in an array 298 Range selection in an array 299 Discontinuous selection in an array 299 Intelligent cut and paste 302 278 Pointers 270 How modifier keys change the movement of the insertion point with the arrow keys 283 xix
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`Chapter 11 Language Figure 11-1 Figure 11-2 Figure 11-3 Figure 11-4 Figure 11-5 Figure 11-6 Figure 11-7 Figure 11-8 Figure 11-9 Figure 11-10 Figure 11-11 Figure 11-12 Figure 11-13 Figure 11-14 Figure 11-15 Figure 11-16 Figure 11-17 Table 11-1 Table 11-2 305 Proper capitalization of screen elements. 309 Clear button names 310 A poorly written alert box message 311 An improved alert box message 311 A well-written alert box message 311 Correct absence of a coloh to introduce a list of options Correct use of a colon 312 A help balloon .. 316 Help balloon for a button 319 Help balloon for a menu title 320 Help balloon for a menu item 320 Help balloon for a selected radio button 321 Help balloon for a checkbox 322 Help balloon for a group of radio buttons 323 Help balloon for a tool palette 323 Help balloons for an application icon and a document icon Help balloon for a text entry box 325 Translation chart for user documentation Categories of questions for help systems 307 315 312 324 XX
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`PREFACE About This Book Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines describes the way to create products that optimize the interaction between people and Macintosh computers. It explains the whys and hows of the Macintosh interface in general terms and specific details. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines helps you link the philosophy behind the Macintosh interface to the actual implementation of interface elements. Examples from a wide range of Macintosh products show good human interface design, including individual and iterative examples. These examples are accompanied by descriptions and discussions of why to follow the guidelines. This book also contains examples of how not to do human interface design; they are marked as such and appear with a discussion that points out what's inappropriate and how to correct it. Who Should Read This Book This book is written for people who design and develop products for use with Macintosh computers. If you are a designer, a human interface professional, or an engineer, this book contains information you can use to design and create products that fit the Macintosh model. It provides background information that can help you plan and make decisions about your product design. Even if you don't design and develop products

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